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Half Way Up
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all right homosexual don't pay my bills there are people that get hurt based on the words that you're saying I do think that this is a big problem what you doing right now God said it was wrong and where in the Bible or the Quran do you have proof of God of Jesus walking this Earth being hateful to somebody I'm so sick of spineless men and forget scripture God is one way I had homosexuals comeing me that's in the lifestyle that said yo because of that conversation bro you had me requestion my sexuality now I'm
dating women welcome back to the halfway up Podcast and if you're listening right now I done lost my [ __ ] voice and it is what it is and we about to have a very special episode so listen this episode came to my attention in a very interesting way I don't believe God makes mistakes and as my mom always told me there's no such thing as coincidence my good friend sir marvelous I'm going let you tell the story first yeah matter of fact tell me the story we're going to get into the introductions so I
think this is um a very spiritual alignment if I may say so myself um I had the pleasure of meeting smart who's about to intr introduce himself um while I was out playing chess one time and um I was in the middle of praying literally the whole week looking for answers for different things that I was going through you know going through a lot of reflection and whatnot and um Midway through me and smart having a conversation he sat down and he said God want me to tell you something he said God want me to
tell you you full of [ __ ] and we argued for about 30 to 45 minutes going back and forth randomly told you that no randomly told me that I mean you know we was we was already chatting about some stuff you know cuz we cuz he's always talking about building which like I said he going to talk about that in just a second he he was talking about building to some of the fellas in Harlem we sitting around chatting around and we all talking about and throwing out what we got going on I'm like
I'm so marvelous I got this I got that and out out of nowhere everybody kind of calmed down and he was like you full of [ __ ] and I'm like no no I'm really I'm thinking he talking about my accomplishments or what I said up this that and the third but after about 45 minutes of going back and forth he I said what's your definition are full of [ __ ] right and he said you're not giving it 100% And I was like brother you could said that an hour ago cuz I would agree
with that and then you know we really was able to build from there on and the conversation went you know a little bit more on and it was it was great um and then he hit me up and he was like we should definitely you know do a podcast to go and I was like the person I could think of right now is Wolf because I think this would be a great opportunity for you know three black men to speak about you know building up our minds talking about the things that we weren't taught and
uh you know just get an opportunity to really connect and and and and just have a conversation if that makes sense yeah if for the people that's listening that is so marvelous we have a great episode called I SP women for a living it's a classic and I'm allow this brother to introduce himself you You' definitely seen his face all over the place shout you see you see what's going on an anomaly just put this oh look at God damn an enigma uh the CPM people um no I mean I've negotiated a phenomenal CPM rate
for myself um I'm getting I'm getting I'm getting a little bit of uh getting to this chicken yeah with with with Uptown use the course that's how much my CPM is right now um once I like that like once I Dro this um this new website looks for me to be getting about a ban like that yeah tell the people who you are though like light light you know what I mean man they know they know who I am man it's just listen man Kanye West remember when Kanye West was like yo I want to
get to the point where I Dro just call me yay right I do remember him saying that I'm at the point out I just you just don't got a name like [ __ ] it he likeit right there he like Prince you a SYM now that's it nonverbal listen listen I'm a symbol for elevation I'm a symble for nation building what I am you know what I mean you know I'm I'm I'm a breathing statue right I'm a [ __ ] Phenom you know I'm a legend okay I'm a God I I'm not a goat
I like curry goat no dis like Harlem got the slickest communication no disrespect you know what I'm saying you know bro said I'm a breathing statue that's different I never heard that one slick talk yeah I mean I'm just the truth you know what I'm saying like you know because at the end of the day at the end of the day what it is is a lot of people you know I'm AI you see that's what I am you know what I mean but nothing is artificial I'm Amplified intelligence okay that's the difference between me
and these [ __ ] you heard so ai ai just studies patterns you understand I'm I'm a god I'm an innovator you know I use my neuromelanin right that's the difference and you know I came from a time where I had to be resourceful I had to be icono class right I had to I had to stand out right that was that's just who I've always been I never wanted to be anybody because I never had a I never had the luxury to see people that I wanted to be right right I had to actually
see you I couldn't hear about you [ __ ] a TV screen I wanted to I gotta your inner image had to be a large in order for you to visualize what you got to see you man I got to be able to give you a high five what's up man like you know mean no disrespect I like Michael Jordan's a piece of [ __ ] people people say that I've heard that often but what but what's so good about what we about to um embark on yeah is is understanding the opportunity so what I
told the brother was I said yo man you know I said yo you full of [ __ ] um y'all was at a park or no we we we was at the chess Park I play chess and Hollow play chess know what I'm saying I mean just want to set the people that's list you know I play chess and I eat checkers know what I'm saying word you know what I'm saying that's what I do you know what I'm saying I mean yes listen on the rise they want to problem with those guys man feel
me so no but so we was having a conversation but I was you know somebody that was playing chess they noticed me yo bro man I just wanted to have a conversation with you so you know I I gave him that that that um you know 15 minutes of fame that he what were you doing there you was just chilling just cat just just sometimes walking through yeah just walk my man stopped the my man we was playing for money too and that's how I knew it was something different cuz we playing for money he
stopped the game in the middle he said this is way more important than this game he got up and he walked away I kept playing cuz I didn't know who smart was at the moment you know what I'm saying and then I seen a a crowd start to gather around and he's he's he's breaking bread knowledge and [ __ ] and I I eventually trickled over there and I I kind of waited in the background and then the crowd kind of dispersed and then it was just him and uh two other guys with us just
chatting for a while we was there for about three four hours F like yeah the the dopest part about that is is that I already have a connection with him and you guys just connected oh yeah so it's just funny how the energy just absolutely it it was meant to be it was that it was pre-written I'm saying we just we just in on a page in a book that God already wrote for us you know what I'm saying yeah I mean you know I'm not going to lie to you when I was talking to
him at first when I was talking to you at first excuse me it was it was a lot to take in because your delivery is a lot roarer than most people are a lot to take in our first encounter but one thing he said that was crazy super that threw me for a loop is that I've been praying about going to Atlanta moving to Atlanta I shared this with you that I wanted to go out there whatnot and I ain't tell smart that out of nowhere he said you need to go to Atlanta and put
your head down for three months and come back with a million dollar yeah no doubt I didn't I didn't tell him I wanted to move to Atlanta but that's what I mean that's what I mean about you know being full of [ __ ] right like you know if you knew better you do better you know what I'm saying but sometimes even when you know better you can't do better because you don't have the discipline to apply what you already know to your life in real time right because then now when you really start to
understand okay look all right we in information error we just not in an application error right that's a fact right that's a fact we we it's a lot of applications yeah but it's no application right right you know um of the information that we have because you know once there's application of the information that's in abundance then it's tangible things that are produced based upon the appli the applied knowledge yeah right to to our lives and Endeavors so full of [ __ ] means I can look at you and go well hey man $100 million
brand right right and if you don't have anything less than that then you're full of [ __ ] we got to raise our level right got so what happens is you're gifted right you're gifted right and a lot of times when you're gifted your 20% seems like 100% because everybody else 100% is maybe you're 5% that is a bar yeah so that's a bar right you get carried away with that cuz you going through with your 20% because your 20% is competitive right competitive right absolutely this is so right so that's why they say still
sharp and still you can only you can only see that there's no competition when you're when you're in the presence of another person right who has the same potential but may use a little bit more of the potential than you do so I may not be at 20% I may be at 75% I'm looking at you like you're a joke but then you're like the man in your town the man yeah that's why some people like to be do L right right now if if Smur came in his room all Giants right and then and
then let let let let uh letting be come in here we look like Smurfs to him yeah right yeah so so you know um you got to move around your growth plates a little bit and that speaks a lot about perspective too you know what I'm saying if your perspective isn't corrected or if you're not constantly like check in on how big you're thinking because what your goals were last year are going to be different than what your goals are going to be next year and you know I learned that a lot in my relationship
you know I remember when we first started our DS contract um I put a lot of stuff in there and after a year of being together um what is a DS contract so a dominant submissive contract yeah and I killed it but she had challenged me she was like yeah we got to we got to redo that contract and and add more new things to it so that we can know what we want to accomplish this year round so like it's the same thing like every part of your life you got to kind of like
level up and change what your goals are the way you're looking at things because what got you here is ain't gonna get you there you know right so you you bringing up leveling up is a great segue into um when you brought this to my attention that you guys want to have this conversation I asked you what direction did you want to go into conversationally right and you mentioned I want to speak about mindset shift ABS want to speak about you said I want to have a high level conversation absolutely so what I did is
um I went in collected I curated a bunch of questions that in my opinion a high level things that I think could speak to a lot of people in a positive way and I would love to get into some of those questions for sure if y'all cool with that so the first question I want to ask y'all um is how much of a distraction does social media play in keeping people from evolving I like that one um I feel like what what's what what's happening now is that people are falling for the illusion of the
highlights that they see you know with social media so many people tend to post only their They Don't Really strugle exactly my wor but the reality is is that it's making people think that that's what life is about when the reality is like he mentioned it's like the struggle is like what got you here what made you who you are the reality is is that we are overthinking what our biggest asset is which is our human side you know the fact that we can relate to people or that people can relate to us you know
that's part of the reason why I want to have this conversation because I really feel like especially in a black community amongst men you know there's so much mindset conversations so many mindset conversations that aren't had you know what I mean like we we're told to be a man go out there and make money this that and the third but like who tells you what to do when you're going through a depression or when you're feeling sad or you're not feeling loved or you you need love you know what I'm saying things like that now
I know that the most common like type of advice is just man up and do that [ __ ] you know what I mean and that's part of it obviously you got you got to get to the action part eventually you know what I'm saying but at the end of the day there has to be some spiritual work that you got to do to make sure that you keep your eye you know your head above water because you know we could the tangible things aren't going to make you happy man see see see but see
okay so let's unpack this right A Lot Like A lot of times we don't man up right what does what does man up entail right when when we have the the adequate uh uh definition of what man that means well what is a man right you know um what is a black man right a God and when we start to train ourselves to have um emotional intelligence and to always have a rational thinking supersede an emotional thinking right to where we can mentally respond and not emotionally respond and our relationship with God is intact then
there's an internal healing that takes place because as men were the protectors right right and we've been conditioned to not protect anybody or anything and when we start to live in that masculine vibration and when we when we actually start to man up right and strengthen our relationship with God and go to God instead of going to man go to God instead of going to the woman it's beautiful look in the look in the mirror um before looking out the window M now we can start to develop ourselves right like you know my mother was
a drug addict didn't have my father no support for my family right like I literally revitalized rehabilitated cured healed myself you was a lot that you had to go to I'm you shared some of your story was talking there was a lot that you had to go through and some some people and might you might even agree that it was necessary but then there's another perspective that might say there was a lot of unnecessary things that you went through because like you said if you had that spiritual knowledge if you had that if you had
that connection with God a little early on maybe you know certain parts of your life that you experienced wouldn't have happened no I would have I would have I would have accepted it differently because everybody's pain threshold is different right right everybody's pain threshold is different yeah and God doesn't put a burden on a man's shoulder that he didn't give you the strength through birth to carry and deal with right so again like that level of understanding of how God works mhm understanding um delayed gratification right understanding that well okay this is this is a
marathon right and God teaches his best lessons through pain right and God gives his most prominent powerful prophets messiah's leaders the highest tolerance for pain I want to interrupt your wisdom for one second okay go ahead one second so I remember when I used to teach chess and one thing I used to make the mistake of always doing is telling especially when I was when I early on I used to teach like second graders oh the bishop moved diagonal the bishop move diagonal bishop move diagonal where I was going wrong was my language was wrong
because they were two second graders they don't know what a diagonal is a lot of them did what you're doing right now is perfect example of that because you're talking about stories in the Bible that most people haven't read about you understand what I'm saying we living in an age where like the grandparents aren't taking the kids to church anymore so like the exposure of like that knowledge of what the Bible speaks about or what the Quran speaks about or whatever you know religious Doctrine because a lot of the stories are the same and the
reality is is that people I I've met people that have no knowledge of it and now I'm on a spiritual journey of reading it more like I was raised in church and the the great thing about the Bible is that it's story based so even though I was too young to understand a lesson I still remember the story you know what I'm saying so so kind of like you're absolutely your your your learning curve um shortens as you get older right but you still remember the the principalities of it right and now as a man
I'm like oh that's why that makes sense that's why that's hard but it's something that so the thing about it is this is why scripture says my people will perish due to lack of knowledge right so the level of ignorance that I had my level of unawareness made the struggle seem more difficult right and we talk about the internet or social media in terms of like there something called Mirror echoing oh right it's called Mirror echoing it's a actual term right so meaning like whatever you watch Mirror echoing is basically whatever you watch the the
the the internet is going to produce more of that for you to watch because it studies your so yeah so it's called Mirror echoing right that could be a trap so yeah yeah million per right so we if if we change our approach to um content consumption then we can create a mirror Echo that is conducive to us um elevating reaching Enlightenment having a highest vibration remember technology is our slave not the other way around right um but in terms of um you know this thing of like you know you know being a man right
and and understanding the go to God right and understanding our understanding our power understanding how God's works and I always use this analogy right um if God told you to jump out a window right you well let's say we're on a whatever floor anything above five right God like yo got to have faith do you believe in me my son right do you believe in me my son right he goes look jump out the window what are you going to do I'm doing it what are you going to do I'm doing it so what do
you think is going to happen when you jump out the wdom whatever he wants to happen God if God told me to do it I'm going to be all right regardless of the outcome right so what do you think is going to happen is God going to catch you because you right M no he's [ __ ] not I said maybe not right listen so this how God works right God's not going to catch you you're going to fall right you're going to fall out the window right you're going to fall you're going to break
every [ __ ] bone in your body you're going to shatter your hip you're going to break your nose you're going to get a [ __ ] condensed [ __ ] skull you you going to be sitting there looking like a [ __ ] a [ __ ] throwing up gang signs and got autism and got hit with a taser so you throwing up gang signs you got a little bit of autism no disrespect and you got hit with a [ __ ] taser this is what you look like on the floor when an ambulance
come right but you didn't die and you sitting in the hospital right and you're in the hospital and you on the hospital bed like you [ __ ] up you got the whole body cast the cast going from the under your eye to the to your big toe full body cast okay Jesus so you you a you you like a ninja made out of toilet tissue you're like a paraplegic yeah so you sitting there you mad as a [ __ ] you looking at you you you denouncing God [ __ ] you you told me
to jump I heard the stories you said take the leap of faith and you will catch me two sets of footprints in the sand you said right but you didn't well that was me carrying you my son oh so you carry me through the stand but won't carry me out the [ __ ] window right and you mad and you sitting there you piss the [ __ ] off right and you in the hospital you're healing they feeding you through all types of tubes right you got to have a [ __ ] bag because your
anus is in the casket so you can't even [ __ ] properly uh right you [ __ ] up you pissed off right and you looking at God like I'm quit [ __ ] it I'm an atheist I'm an atheist [ __ ] you I'm that's [ __ ] right Illuminati sign me up Yep this happens now you about to get out the hospital the doctor comes and the doctor says and you feel you feel stronger right you about to get you feel like yo you feel like yo what the [ __ ] going on
right and the doctor says listen man I don't know the way your bone strategically broke and made your body activate a different type of te testosterone and the way it healed the we've never seen this before we would like for you to we would yeah we would this never happened before we would like you damn near became Wolverine right and like we we would like to bring you in for St a study in like man get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of there you hit the bed and the bed flies
out the you like what the [ __ ] you got some type of superhero Powers right yeah and you leave the hospital you still don't know what's going on yeah right and you put your little outfit on and you're going to work right and you know a lady is about to get hit by a bus right the old lady she's crossing the street the the the the bus driver is is pissed off he got roll ra he's running he's about to run the red light and you see the old lady you like Grandma wait you
jump and you jump 50 feet in the air and you what the [ __ ] you like what the hell and you grab grandma and you save her life right and then when you jump M you get a flashback and when you jump and you you you go to use your legs M God shows you in your mind a flashback of you breaking your leg and then now you know that you wouldn't have had this ability to to LEAP any tall bound without breaking your leg right when you when you when you going back to
work cuz you work construction and a beam is going to fall on your best friend and you jump and you catch the beam you never you like you catch a beam with your bare hands God CHS the moment when you jumped out the window and you fell arms first and broke your arms and he shows you that your arms grew back and it grew back stronger and gave you the ability to carry this beam you wouldn't have had the power unless you went through the pain you see so you know that's the thing that for
me would be the difference right and for somebody watching this understand that you're just having your moment of being in the cast M right you know you know the the the the caterpillar for for Allah's butterfly is broken bones it's a cast yeah there's a you know a caterpillar got to go through that ugly [ __ ] and then comes out as a butterfly right so that's a powerful thing that people don't understand how God works and you see man May plot but God is the best planner right the best plan and he plans in
a way that you you play chess right sir God chess rating it can't even be scalable right yes so when we understand that then we change M our expectations of God of God that reminds me I was watching I was listening to TD Jak earlier this week and I was um and he was mentioning that like a lot of us are praying for God to do things the way we want to do things you know what I'm saying and was a great example of like what your expectations we all say he's going to catch us
we going to be all right he's like nah he might have a whole another plan for how you going to get delivered from the situation but the reality is is that you just got to have that that trust you know what I'm saying and understand that everything that you need has already been given to you one thing that he mentioned he was like a lot of people you know God never made a chair that's what he said God has never made a chair he's never made a couch he's never made a table you know what
I'm saying but what he did make was trees you understand a lot of people are praying for chairs and and and and and couches and tables when the reality is is that he's not in the business of making those things and see and and and and and not not but to add on to what you're saying cuz I had a conversation about this earlier where I said God didn't give me what I want gave me an opportunity to get it that's exactly what I mean absolutely didn't give me what I want just gave me an
opportunity to get it cuz you got free will right and the the you know sh look how much we've created with what we have like to the idea that when you think on a spiritual level of complaining like you realize that like everything that was brought into life and I like what you always say thought leads to to to feelings and things like that how think creates how you feel how you feel becomes an emotion that emotion becomes a vibration that vibration becomes a magnet that attracts things to you and when I that reminded me
of tar from um the secret to a Millionaire's mind they just said you know think thoughts lead to feelings feelings leads to actions and actions lead to results you know what I'm saying but the bottom line is is that we have everything that we need like literally planes was built we got different forms of medicine we got like you mentioned iPhones and computers and cameras and all of this stuff but it but it was made from things that have always been here right we didn't create any new element you understand what I'm saying everything that
we have that's amazing to us and the things that are going to come has been here for thousands and thousands of years you know what I mean so like like you mentioned God is the expert planner he knew that like everything could be molded into these different things so like God had the iPad when the tape deck came out exactly that's a perfect analogy that's the bar right there you know what I mean so but it's it's just about opening our minds and and understanding that and again creating that connection so going back to what
you said about like social media I think the transparency of like showing the like the the growth part of your your experience you know what I'm saying is much more powerful than showing just the highlights the cars the houses the jeury this but most people can't show the growth part because they're not doing [ __ ] any yeah and they don't think it's as important no they're frontting no no no we G let's blow it let's open up this they're full of [ __ ] mhm she full of [ __ ] right like this is
people is full of [ __ ] right everybody it's a natural thing to show listen the wins the losses so that's a natural thing to do you know why because once you accumulate success you're proud of what you overcame when you feel overwhelmed think about what you overcame it's a mantra I got right when you feel overwhelmed think about what you overcame absolutely right that gives you inspiration and gives you some type of motivation right how can I appreciate how can appreciate what I've acquired if I didn't go through anything to acquire it right you
become proud with do you know why this this what the white man came with the term yeah humble beginnings you know I I wasn't born with a silver spoon right like what it gives validity right so most people when they when they only showing you know news flash to you [ __ ] right even Floyd Mayweather people don't know how to they look at the video instead of looking in the video don't look at the video look in the video right Mayweather's always saying hard work dedication yeah he on a plane yeah but he what's
his battlecry hard work dedication every time you think this right like when you when you when you accumulate [ __ ] right you're [ __ ] showing the process it's a natural thing so when you see people on the show The the Highlight they're lying you you you won't even how many fat [ __ ] that became skinny won't show you the fatty Patty chatty pictures right the [ __ ] was playing soccer with a titties okay she was playing soccer with a titties okay a minute she was playing soccer with a titties all right
okay trying to and and and yeah titties you know what it is gravity and now she a video vix overnight right so you think when she becomes transformed you think the lard ass [ __ ] Billy Billy from [ __ ] Mississippi if you really work for it you want to show that pain you're going to it's natural you want to show that pain let's so let's let's let's cancel that we're going to we're going to we're going to use some of our cancel culture Powers if you only show the highlights you're lying this videos
of me on my Instagram right now right and I'm I'm you know we we living in Vegas I see you working out jumping rope running this is this is old yeah like old stuff I'm I got my vision board behind me there videos of Me on YouTube years ago talking about yo you got to you got to be focused you got to and I'm [ __ ] up at the time I'm I'm home Hess I'm not hiding none of that [ __ ] this this is what I go back to remind me to keep going
MH also to be grateful to have gratitude so if you only show a highlight you're lying it is a natural thing to show the complete process now when people don't show the complete process they're either lying or got it in such a Despicable dishonorable way that they're ashamed to show their process but it's always a process it's either an honorable process or a dishonorable process but show the process but you're going to show it regardless you got to show the price yeah yeah for sure something that um I want to speak on a scripture that
I I I lean back to a lot and it's I think it's like Proverbs 35-6 or something like that and it's like lean not to your own understanding right and Trust in all the ways that I do right so when we talk about God asking you to jump out the window which sounds Preposterous right because there's like no way for me to survive that but like like you said leaning it on story like the Bible I don't care if you believe in the Bible I don't care if believe in God I think the stories in
the Bible it's all about interpretation and what you can pull from them is magnificent like you think about God asking Peter to walk on water and everybody in the boat like [ __ ] you're bugging excuse me bug no no transl yeah you know what I mean and Jesus like come through yeah no no but what he did but what he did was this is important because if we can if we can make see I set Trends right yeah so if I can make it a trend to I always remind Brothers to to to how
you think creates how you feel right life and death is of the tongue so what happens is we Embrace attributes that create pain and poison in our life that's outside of the pain that God wants us to go through we're we're we're participating in our own self demise I can't say the word [ __ ] I'm not a [ __ ] I can't even you can't sit there and get a so-called Jew to to stay on an episode and you saying Kik k k say hell Hitler hell Hitler hell Hitler the Jew might swing on
you or walk out if he has the capability to swing on you you going to be in the fist fight if not he's walk out so I'm not going to sit there and I'm a very I'm a very aware God right so I have to understand that about myself right and then I know that my voice has power so I'm going to make this I don't give a [ __ ] how long it takes I'm going to make it uncool to say [ __ ] uhhuh they they they they made you feel you say [
__ ] you feel you feel something immediate wait no no no no F cancel when you say [ __ ] you feel something I feel nothing when you hear you [ __ ] get out of here right because you've been conditioned subconsciously to be ultra sensitive to that word but we can say [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and you don't feel nothing what's up my [ __ ] I remember watching this video and and it was it
was it you can't talk about harming animals but you could talk about killing men and other and other black people in your music you can't you you you literally you can't you can't be like I'm going go and I'mma kill this rabbit like I'mma shoot it I'mma stab it that's the white man that's the white man placing more value media that they control on on animal life ours but in terms of scripture cuz I don't want to get too far that terms of scripture we got to have new Messiahs we need new Peters and Pauls
we need new [ __ ] jesuses we need because we we're the Living Translation of the testimony with a Living Translation of the testimony we are a Living Translation so when you go through trial and tribulation then you're chosen to be the Living Translation of that so now I can connect this point of reference because I was I was [ __ ] up I did go through that process of being broken to like I know I S drugs I know I could scam I know I could do these different things but I'm like I'm not
I'm going to give all this up because I hear voice in my head telling me to give it up it's like running a marathon think of it you run a marathon right you run a marathon run a marathon a competitive one too it's other race it's other Runners right and you're running you're running it's a 26 mile ultra it's a 57 mile ultra marathon right and you win you you know you you smoking you out you win the race right and you run it so fast you sitting there two hours waiting for people to catch
up right and funny thing in the world none of the camera people say nothing to you you like huh and then somebody that's supposed to be in 30,000th place comes in and they give him first place prize you raging like what the [ __ ] are you talking about that's a real life scenario what the [ __ ] of you and then guess what you say okay [ __ ] it you know all right you [ __ ] want to rob me you've been robbing black you know know they rob Floyd Mayweather in the Olympics
uhhuh all right you R you run another what's another race you run another race you run you run you run you run this time you've been training you you like I'm I'm on it right you buy new running shoes you man listen man you taking some legalized steroids you like I'm going to get this Victory not again I'm not going to be wrong they're not going to deny me this time not not going to deny me I got the GoPro camera yeah I got pictures I got Yo listen man this is it I didn't con
hooked up with Elon mus he got me on the satellite on on the we doing this baby and you kill it right GoPro evidence right these satellite shots you boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom you win you like yo I got this yeah yeah yeah same [ __ ] come in 30,000 place and they give him first place prize yeah you [ __ ] snap listen you snap you go crazy you go cuckoo for Coco [ __ ] Puffs and you you you you you take your second place prize and a person that
got first place thank you thank you thank you you jump behind him and you put the and and you strangle chle with the metal you strangle him to death yeah on national TV uhhuh and now you're the crazy one right listen you go and you strangle him and he's looking at you smiling as you strangle him right you just straight you like yo he's not even he's smiling and he closed his eyes with a smile on his face right and you go to now you sitting in court you're sitting in trial you're sitting in the
court right and you're sitting in court and you're looking at the judge like okay for first-degree murder we we we we sentence you to 35 years to life right so now you just you like man [ __ ] you [ __ ] right and you and and you're in jail right you in jail and you you know you training you trying to stay in shape you trying to you're trying to stay productive right then guess what you get a visit from a person you never seen before you get the creepiest feeling from this person right
creepiest feeling you see him hey man it wasn't your fault man you leave the visiting floor right another guy comes to visit you and he goes listen man I want you to run this race I want you to run this race what's another race right and he's like but you feel this voice this voice like feels different right like it feels like very calming and peaceful right like what's another race my son you're going to run this race right and then the other guy that came to visit you before goes how many races did you
did you run I ran two M you won both of those races man you don't got to run another race [ __ ] the race man I give you a medal here here's the here's the real medal you deserve the medal man you ran you sit in jail man [ __ ] them guess what I got some friends at parole I'll get you listen you got 35 to life but you have a possibility for parole I'll pull some strings we get you out of here you work at Amazon take this [ __ ] metal just
take this metal I'll get you out of here in two weeks you get a job at Amazon right then the other person says I need you to run one more race you like I get the medal I come home you talking about running a race and where am I running this race at in the prison yard I'm not even getting [ __ ] free you talking about running [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you mean right but you can't get over this the way the voice sounds right what do you do man that
one's a little tough for me that one's a little tough because I don't have no Divine reason to believe that this is God speaking to me in that moment but uh what what would you say I mean I'm assuming that he's saying that the voice feels different feels the vo is resonating with you gotta it's a tough decision to make to be honest with you so I let the C back the person asking you to run another race is God okay right it's God right but it's at that point God see God have you hanging
from a ledge right and you hanging from two hands from the ledge right this what it is you're hanging from the ledge right and you so tired this on for and you barely holding on to a [ __ ] Pinky and God don't grab you into that [ __ ] you let go right so you at that point where you the the voice sounds it sounds different like you've heard this voice before but not in that way it didn't it it just it felt like you knew and and you wanted to fight it because instinctively
right no matter all the losses you went through instinctively you felt that feeling of yo this is oh my God you you kind of knew it was God but you was like [ __ ] you God and then and then you kind of knew it was the devil because the devil is like I'm going to give you this but don't run this another race I'm going to give you what you want but don't run this race right that that's how scripture works right and if I can I just want to tie that right back into
it lean not to your own understanding so if God asking you to do something you don't got to understand that you got to follow the command you have to it's in your best interest if it doesn't make sense and God is going to send you a sign that's why I said you felt you felt something right but a lot of times we ignore that feeling that God makes us feel because we feel entitled because of the pain that we went through I just said we ran two races right I just said You Killed the guy
you strangled him to death and you sit right like [ __ ] you you like God what you you you acting like you know it ain't God but you really know it's God but you feel entitled because you like why God why God why God you keep questioning God but you know so that it goes back to that point if we don't understand how God works and that's why that's why it's like he mentioned with the scripture is so important to read because the reality is wait wait wait so listen you don't even want the
medal no more holds no value to you yeah see so God was trying to show you something right like this this doesn't hold no value but the devil like here defin like here you like it's true though you like I don't want them like yeah the [ __ ] is this I don't want the medal the real the real war you got through experience yes right so this these things are so powerful right but this is like this is what God is trying to show you but he has to show you in a way that
is whatever he deems to be the way that he shows you right but he create now you don't even you have a disdain for the metal you like right the metal like what is really Valu at the end of the day but the devil like yo yeah de material I give that to you what you want that listen take the medal [ __ ] him don't run the next race right don't run the next race but when you but see that when you go with God and you run that last race you run that third
see everything is numbers right I said two races right you ran two races you you know father son Holy Ghost as soon as so these things is like right and you like wait a minute but what's another race but what is another race you got life in jail anyway right what does it matter right it matters everything to God though but does it matter that you held on to the robe of Allah that you that that you had faith and went without fear walk right so that's the thing right so that's what God it's the
faith yeah that's what God wants your F he wants your faith wants your belief he want can you can you hold no no matter what are you unmovable yeah are you unmovable hungry cold hot horny High sober Rich broke happy sad mad video game lights on lights off dreadlocks bhead wave spinning from Harlem whatever M are you going to hold on to me or you going to let man make you let go yeah for sure and when you can show me that you're unmovable whatever you want I'mma give it to you anyway let's speak on
to that right so in the Bible what I love about you know just just taking on spirituality as a whole is that there are a lot of rules right or a lot of pointers or things or that that that he recommends that principles I love that word in chess we love that word as well there's a lot of principles in the Bible I teach us that like if we just follow these things and principles are things like that are going to be true no matter what and in what whatever situation no matter how many times
I throw this phone on the floor like gravity is going to keep pulling it down right the reality is is that we have to learn to lean into those principles so like what you said with like leaning into the to to not our own understanding but like following it so being but we have to be made of made familiar with those principles and the reality is is that so many people are drifting away from learning about those things and that's why you said it is going to be the minds of us is that lack of
knowledge like I even the reason I'm wearing this shirt like I've always War suit whenever I done an interview I surprised not see and like this my spiritual journey brought me to to to to to come with this quote you know what I'm saying get the milk means a lot to me and it's for me what it represents is being a man of my word it's about being reliable and doing what I say I want to do and I'll give you a quick story like like you you know I'm saying my mother was on drugs
as well but I shout to crack babies may turn out High you know what I'm saying listen you get high I'm but real talk you know my my older sister she was about 8 years old my mother started to use drugs and she went from having a mother to having to take care of my mother you understand and not short not not shortly long after that um she had to end up taking care of the you know the other siblings and my two youngest Brothers as well so for a long time she was the one
that always had to take care of other people you understand and there were come there would Comes A Time in most people's lives let's use single mothers for example especially black women you know what I'm saying single mothers um I said that kind of wrong but you know what I mean you know what I meant let's use an example of like a uh a single mother they don't have the option of not going to get the milk they don't have the option of not doing what needs to be done when their child is in need
of something and then you come you you have a lot of men out here that are just like doing things based on their feelings that's why you said being unmovable is so important you know what I mean we can't we have to be emotional intelligence means that regardless of how I'm feeling I'm going to do what I need to do regardless having that that discipline that I'm going to be a man of my word that I'm going to follow my my my my my plan or my vision board or I'm going to execute things in
spite of what the weather is looking like in spite of what my feelings are feeling like in spite of what my money is looking like me you know what I mean that and that is so powerful but it takes it takes certain experiences to really like like take in that that that understanding or get come to that understanding of how important your word is like even in the Bible says my word becomes flesh you are what you speak you said you could create worlds with your words like it's it's every self-help book that I've been
reading or I've read over the years they say the same [ __ ] and and a lot of the stuff come from the from the book of Proverbs anyway you know what I'm saying but the reality is is that we still make life so complicated by making or trying to do our own rules you you are a boxer you know what I'm saying so you very familiar with how important it is to stick to a stick to an exercise routine have a good you know nutrition habit and all of that but when people want to
get in shape they always looking for a way to have a cheat meal they always looking for a way to have a a day off they always looking to extend their rest a little bit longer they're always looking for a way to cheat the system because because you can't cheat principles BR principles are there because we don't have see and again this is what this is what the this is what the church is supposed to do this is what the synagogue does for the soall Jews so this is why they're able to um monopolize in
a area that is predominately black right over 300,000 African-Americans in this area but 20,000 Jews control and operate everything in that area SL because what happens is the religious Center gives those um repetitious conversations about the application of the Gospel to life right like they make it practical so this is why these conversations are so important for us to have because the the modern day mosque sold this out the the the black churches sold this out I mean black churches you know generate over $30 million $30 billion um every six months right six that's doubt
because but you got understand we the highest we have the most dispos right so when you understand that Del make over $300,000 a month in the ghetto there's more money in Brownsville than Dubai there's more money in Zombie Land which is from Harlem you know you know there's more money in zomie there's more money in Zombie Land than Dubai there's more money in in in in Southside Jamaica Queens than Dubai right but our dollars are not mobilized and organized so it's important for us to have consistent content to teach us about scripture and the application
to scripture in the present moment I don't give a [ __ ] about what Peter did a [ __ ] about what the mother I don't care right like I'm what what about right now like what's going on right now right this is this is why and you know that's why I said we're the new Messiahs we're the new prophets with the new chosen ones right so you know a lot of times when I speak it be God I be feeling it right like yo damn but we told that ain't no more Messiahs we told
that all these [ __ ] that have conversations with God or God gives them type of a premonition or visions doesn't even happen anymore it's [ __ ] I see it all the time I'll be trying to fight it that's why I told you you doing this you do that that don't be me that be God using me bro and I ain't saying that in a in in a TD fakes kind of way yeah you know what I'm saying yeah CU TD TD fakes was that did he you know he caught up in that didy
didy silly willy [ __ ] know what I'm saying so [ __ ] a no allegedly nothing man D weirdos man I'm saying I want before before we pivot TD cakes man that's his name no that's what listen TD J I met TD J roughest hands I ever felt in my life that's how I knew he he worked his way up here he worked his my dad is a mechanic I know rough hands TJ's got the roughest hands U my my I remember TD Jake on the clim my uh my aunt and my mom used
to take me to uh to to the tents to his of revivals and stuff yeah you know what I mean like the that's the thing you know we we we are multiple people what I'm saying and I understand that there might be things we're always looking for ways to take down our Mogul especially our black people hold on but we're always looking for ways to take down Diddy is a piece of [ __ ] well talk about Diddy I'm not you around listen TD cakes Listen Hold on let him let him finish let him finish
we got to Pivot out this question the reality is let's get out of T cakes man the reality is is that you can't undo the work that TD Jak has put in as it relates to Healing people helping people promoting promoting positivity you know building businesses like helping women that were unheard of you know like there's so much you're going to so like and that's the reality like the Bible teaches us that we're all humans maybe he did make some mistakes maybe he did do some I'm not even denying that for I'm not telling you
he's imperfect I mean he's perfect I'm telling you the reality is is that you can't undo the work that let me just say this right it's not about undoing quick quickly yeah very even for myself right you know I'm getting pushed into this position of leadership right right so there's things that I have to develop in terms of discipline right core set of discipline um you know standards that I have for myself so the issue I have and I don't I would never tear black man down right even though I've said Dr Umar Johnson is
full of [ __ ] I don't like 19 keys right these guys is funny right that's interesting because I actually I I really do like 19 19 Keys his views are his own I'm just saying I'm just saying listen whatever I'm just keeping it a stack right like I feel like I feel like we have to have some type of a coalition of of of conscious guidance right so there shouldn't be if we're if if you're saying that you want to fight this war but when another soldier that you should be in the same Army
reaches out to you you treat me worse than the opposition how can I even respect you and secondly if you're saying that if we're saying that with leaders Dr um Johnson told me $5,000 for an Instagram live why would I pay you five what you are you [ __ ] insane and I like bro like yo if he said it to me in person I probably would slap [ __ ] out of him like and let me just say let me get on my chest right because this is the problem with us is suckers bro
we at War right so there's no if you listen I'm viral right I'm popping right I do any podcast I get paid to do podcast bro I get paid real money if somebody ask me a brother reach out to me I'm not charging them I'm yo let's work and when I when I talk on the podcast I'm really about this off camera though you can call me like you said we had a conversation in the park right because your peoples was like yo bro I want to ask you some questions I a yeah I ain't
give him the fake PD handshake I sat and spoke to that man for hours yeah I get paid for that you heard so these dudes be suckers I met 19 keys he was a sucker you had suck of energy and I told him that listen I said yo bro you in you you in Harlem no he was in Harlem he at he was at some fashion show [ __ ] right I'm calling the manager like yo bro my manager is calling his manager yo let's work together let's you making it seem like you who the
[ __ ] [ __ ] is you who the [ __ ] is you and then when I met you I felt some type of way and I told his manager thank God for his manager cuz I don't know how I would have took that with you being in New York and I know my manager reaching out to you for months then you curving me but I'm trying to have a conversation with you not cuz I need any of your [ __ ] clout I don't care about your clout you know I don't care about
the fake gold water I don't care about the money that you just stole that that you allegedly stole from Brothers already right you hold on you was a fraud so the thing about it is when I met you you had fraud energy and I I'm a very adamant intrusive person when I want to build with somebody who I feel is a soldier in this Army that we got to fight against this white [ __ ] devil so when I met these when I even brother polite these dudes be full of [ __ ] I've been
if you Google search my name right and and and and I'm gonna get this off my chest because it's very important I'm not I don't care about the podcast this is important when you when you consider yourself bro listen man when you decide to go into that church and put that [ __ ] on your [ __ ] neck when you decide to go be a im and put that that [ __ ] over your shoulders bro that [ __ ] come with [ __ ] bro [ __ ] come with discipline bro so I'm
not sitting here like listen man I like [ __ ] like any other dude but I'm trying to focus myself I'm trying to focus and like okay I want to get married let me start a family I want to be the message Superman is not at the ball with Lex Luger after he saves Lois Lane bro yes you got to have like you you talking this listen and this is the this why we can't move forward it doesn't work you have to be pious you have to have probity right so and I'm G say this
last thing andan I be longwinded but it's important that the people watching this understand do not put the [ __ ] quarterback helmet on right if you don't know how to pass the ball do not be a point guard if you cannot run the offense that positions with great power comes responsibility and what happens is because we in this era and the devil is trying to make it seem like it's okay like it's okay to be gay no it's not it's it's okay to drink liquor and and do that no it's not it's okay to
sell drugs to your people and do no it's not it's okay to be like yo I'm a [ __ ] no it's not I'mma tell you and I'mma know it's not your ass to death because your actions you talking about scripture I'mma tell you and God I a coming with none of this [ __ ] man God be I got a Bluetooth with God and my subconscious mind and I be getting hit with this [ __ ] I mean the actions are the loyers for your soul and God's Court when you die so every deed
is testimony bro build your defense while you breathing let me say this real quick though let me say this build your defense while you breathing homie let me say this yeah uhhuh and I respect everything you said I don't These are My Views if you feel like you know say I got I let me we got a lot of Brands to protect yeah yeah I need to I need to Pivot into the next question but I want to say this I do think that this is a big problem with our community as men and as
black people what you're doing right now I do I don't this is not like op yeah I'm not attacking your views cuz like how you internalize things how you internalize it but like the way I see it is I want to make space for men to be imperfect to half step and then not be a whole like a diminishment of their brand you know I I want them to have that space like for example this is what I mean right everything you represent everything you represent everything that you've been out here preaching consistently with a
with a Flawless track record yeah if somebody some enemy some white man with power right Tred to come through and try to just put all the smut in your name try to put the listen what I'm saying try follow what I'm saying though all right so listen got if he tried to come through that's the difference let me talk if he tried to come through and he tried to put the whole power of the news we talking about SCP about listen K this is why I'm anointed listen let me just say this you you want
to talk scripture you can't cook on it the stove ain't got no gas homie listen I'm I'm listen I'm protected by God I'm protected by hold on let me say this so no Ain about being perfect bro protected by the most high so the enemy has tried several times several times look several times with my brand listen let me tell you something hold on let me tell you something several times a girl gave me $300 right look look let me tell you some real [ __ ] a girl gave me $300 right no $400 she
gave me $400 like a year ago right I'm trying to get some money for t-shirts right I'm like look yo you give me this I'm G flip it back right this what I told her right it's real [ __ ] right right so the second I stopped calling her phone right she like yo give me my money back yo I'm I'm I'mma tell the world you're a thief I said you going tell the world what tell them I'm I'm not giving you nothing right she made a fake page right right about me hitting all my
followers up okay somebody that I dealt with no somebody that somebody I new dealt with this girl she telling other girls that I'm crazy right listen what I'm saying hold on people have already tried to tear me down you don't think listen I can't be tored down because what built me up is not Tearing Me Down finish let me finish all right what built me up is not tearing me down and what's trying to tear me down is not more powerful than what building me up but smart if you know hold on I'mma say this
bro and I won't say nothing else I'mma say this this is important cuz I CU I my message one thing about smarts my message don't change you the energy I I'm giving when you first met me is the same [ __ ] what built me up is not tearing me down and what's trying to tear me down is not more powerful was building me up and God is building me up God is building me up so I'm not sitting here to think of difference between me homie and a I'm not I'm not hold on I'm
G say this last thing and then I don't want to let me just get this off right because I don't want to walk out because there certain things that I don't bend oning yeah I'm so sick of spineless men I'm so sick of people quoting scripture but then turn around and forget scripture God is one way I hear you hold on God is one way the devil is like this right the devil is yeah we could no God is don't do this I a make the rules right I follow the rules but somebody might say
something like so hold on you got a lot you got a Louis you got a lot of Louis Vuitton on did did you study every way did you study the the way of the company I'm giveing you an example let me talk let me give you an example somebody might somebody might say that the some of the Louis Vuitton practices are ungodly based on the way that they procure some of their their their Fabrics maybe they're killing animals I'm just giving a hypothetical stample because somebody can literally say that's ungodly because you're wearing leather are
you wearing Lea say listen ask a question I got you I'm I'm going to I'm goingon to entertain this stupid [ __ ] you trying to do get back to after this I will but watch this stupid [ __ ] you doing right check it out right watch this cuz I want you to answer this question please do right and you feel free to answer it if you want to answer to help my lady you answer it off camera right Jeter feel free to answer this [ __ ] question did God say don't wear Louis
Vuitton or should a man not beat with a man okay did God say did God say right Thou shalt not kill or Thou shalt not rock Louis V so my point is this get your ass out of that [ __ ] my point ahead man my point is I'm telling you I'm not talking all right so you asking you cuz you want to put it that way I'm get out and let me wrap this up please please ahead my point is this questions but ahead man they cut you short here today you work here man
it is what it is you know what I mean I'm saying what's going on you we we get questions I mean if you got time we got time you know I want because because I'm showing people listen we good I [ __ ] with you wolf I didn't charge you to come here you my man right thank you so what I'm saying this is this what I'm doing bro is what needs to be done for us we we got to have God Representatives everybody be representing the devil to the death yo everybody want to be
blood [ __ ] you rep everything so you talking about God like it's a problem no God said this yeah yeah yeah yeah do what you want though you want to be like this hand your business you want to be all licky licky licky licky hand in your business I'm not here only God could judge you but but but understand what God Said though see when we start forgetting what God Said then that's the problem when we start when we start making it popular to say [ __ ] God then there's a problem when we
start making it popular to quote scripture but don't live what we quote then it's a problem if if if we start saying that yeah you can preach this [ __ ] but you can't practice it and because what you preaching helps people but you don't practice it yo my man shut the [ __ ] up you shouldn't be preaching do you know why you know why you don't have to I don't agree I don't agree with that because God because God literally God talked about false Propet all right but I'm telling you that devil man
that's the devil man I got watch God the God has went milk huh I'm talking about you talking about I'm talking about Jesus has went to places where where there was thieves where there was [ __ ] he he went to speak to wa wait wait I let you talking he went amongst the people that people will consider Sinners and he helped those people and he reached out to those people and he never forgot or for those people yes it is yes it is you're talking about saying can still tell you what you're saying is
a can tell you don't steal but still be a thief and it's okay because he helped people not steal saying I feel like what he's doing he's building to the point I'm not saying that get get to your ahead I'm listening go ahead I'm not saying that [ __ ] he talking about the reality is is that there are areas in this world that we still have to reach and you can't just neglect people because of spinning it the devil's a liar listen I can I what I said was this I can't say it let
you misquote me what I said was this we want to talk about scripture God has [ __ ] fine print bro and and and and it's simple God says don't do this and just because you can tell somebody let me let me tell you some real [ __ ] right listen I box right I'm in a gym killing myself this is this is boxing is a dangerous sport hurt business right so you can't get a coach listen I can show you yo yo yo listen I can show you right now right well from your seat
I want you to do right when I throw the jab go like this right I throw the jab you parry if I never been in a fight right if I never fought right and I can't fight to save my [ __ ] life but I'm teaching this man how to protect himself in his life or death there's a level of teaching that's a great area for me no that's that's not the same I'm saying you're basically saying that a coach you're basically saying that a coach but I let you finish a lot I can't just
sit here and let you say you but you're R you're ranting without giving other other people respect M so what the reality is is that you're arguing that a coach can't be a coach if he never lost a fight can't be a coach if he never fought tell you that but all right but T J did fight I'm telling you that I've seen him fight but building himself up and that example to bring it back to that example I've seen him bring back SE seen him I've seen him in the in in in the world
doing the work I'm talking about TD Jak that's a great example about man what I'm saying is what's about all the people that you have it's about it's about this if you if you a preacher right if you're a preacher right right you have to practice what you preach yes and he you have to practice what you preach what evid what evidence do you have that he doesn't I'm not no but I'm asking but I'm but you calling them TD cakes but it's T J the reality but what evidence do you have not I'm ask
you evence cuz you speak on you speak on truth please pleas please let me let me let me just say this if you know you know let me just say this TD if you know not enough because somebody can say if you know you know about smart that's [ __ ] that would be [ __ ] up you would call them out you go tell me what I want I rock with tdjs but this is the thing so I come from a long line of pastors I grew up in the church so I seen a
lot of stuff a lot of [ __ ] up Church stuff I seen a lot of all y said y just cosign n you ain't even let me finish gang let me finish gang his let me finish I'm going say his last thing and then and then because I'm starting to right I'm say this last thing right listen there's a whole video on me on YouTube says smart speaks out against LBGTQ okay right I don't support that it's not it's not my brand I don't care about it right my soul is not for sale Jesus
said to the devil yo what benefit to gain the world but lose your soul bring them to the mountain top I don't care about those Brands I'm not that's not I move with God and I'm trying my best more and more to discipline myself am I perfect no so I'm preparing myself God is calling me to do something God calling me to do something something listen perfect I'm not I'm not I'm not at the P pit neither yet understand that I don't got to pass the robor yet I don't got to eem um [ __
] on yet right people ask me to do a podcast they ask me to do certain things that I've turned down because I know I got more internal work to do I'm not sitting here talking about yo n I'm not going to do that I'm gonna prepare myself to the leader that God has moving me to be and I'm going start by having a firm line in a saying drawing and one thing I'm doing that a lot of black men are too scared to do I call them males they afraid to draw a line in
the sand I don't I'm not afraid of that bro and I never was I never had to fit in I never wanted to fit in and when I told wolf when he first met me he the same [ __ ] I'm kicking now you go look at my page and scroll your little [ __ ] Nutty Professor finger ass down to the beginning first post you gonna see me talking the same [ __ ] the same way I'm not with none of that cuz God said it was wrong let me tell you something you want
to rewrite what God Said may God have mercy on your soul please please please real quick please this is all this is all that I'm trying to sayora man get the [ __ ] out this is all I'm trying to say and please let me move on after this this is what I'm trying to say um the the the reason why I had a problem for lack of a better word with what you said it's because I believe we got to make space for our brothers to get [ __ ] wrong even the preachers even
the people with the titles hity wrong that ain't what I'm addressing listen when you when all the people that you mentioned 19 Keys brother polite T J you scared Miss n this is what I'm saying you you got to respect the mic you got to respect the mic exactly thank you so my point is is that I'm when what I was saying I agree with you if anybody tried to devise a plan to bring you down it's not going to work because you guys chosen I'm with you bro but what I'm saying is is that
what if anybody tried to say anything crazy you know what I mean or about you or about 19 keys or about tdjs what I'm saying is black people Kanye West Dr Dr Umar I Gotta Give Them listen I Gotta Give them benefit of the doubt it's certain things I can't excuse women children can't excuse that that's I can't you can't go back from that but certain things I got to give you rope because at the end of the day I need I we need as many strong black men as we can and and and [
__ ] I excuse me and and brother please please we done we done that's done you know what I mean but I we need listen we need as many strong black men as we can and some of them not going to get it right based upon their condition and the way they came up listen [ __ ] got to be criticized just problem with this feminine Malcolm X Martin Luther King Dr Omar listen the problem give space who do you consider a good leader I give me three good leaders in your in your eyes the
problem with black men in this era is they feminize and they emasculated so but not everybody so I never said that I said the problem with black men in this generation is that they're feminized they're mascul don't stand for nothing they blow with a wind blow and you look at every other culture that is in power they have a core principles that they always stand on an En Force the problem with us is we are not independent as a collective we don't have a nation this is true you afraid you mention God in one breath
but then mention the devil in the second breath you mention scripture Like You on scripture but then it's like no playing silver tongue used CA salesman [ __ ] you talking about those guys say this what I'm saying in general only hit dogs holler if the shoe fit then wear it if not then step aside send your shoe size homie I'm saying this is this we in order for us to move forward as a culture we have to be clear on what is moving forward as a culture and the things that contribute to progress it's
going to take though bro I'm talking about over 400 years of the same rhetoric the same so-called leaders you you when you try to get the vote of the black man you're a black leader when you get elected you're a politician you talk about your pastor but you caught with boys he was not caught with boys he was not caught with boys LeBron talking in general is this supp to be supposed to be a allegedly nothing that mean pastors are [ __ ] pedophiles there are a lot there are a lot of pastors we're not
talking about you talking about you talking about talking about all the Catholic Church like Jesus bro it's a joke so what I'm saying is this I don't represent you know who I who I admire Khaled Muhammad you know how you know I admire Malcolm X Marcus Garvey right Marcus Garvey right my favor people were these of in their right I'm saying is this you're failing to realize because you're CH fail to realize okay is God you quote scripture a lot right you want to S so go to scripture do you believe in God do you
believe in scripture is is scripture relevant in your [ __ ] life because that's why I said you full of [ __ ] talking to mic bro listen about it my voice carries man I here for the mic this why I said you full of [ __ ] okay and for me I'm not I know my flaws I know my shortcoming so I rep I ask for forgiveness so why can't so why can't why can't why can't TD J or 19 keys do do the same thing I'm not going keep I'm not I'm not here
to tongue wrestle with nobody that's a great question though I'm saying is this when you act like you're without sin but you're sinning then there's a problem neither none of them none of them have ever quoted that you can't I can't I I'm not talking about n I'm talking about anybody that we're talking about that we're def I'm talking about a leader you have to be the message but you you the first thing about being a leader is is admitting that you are a person that's not perfect yes that's the first part of it you
can't you you you you're saying that like like like they can't make any mistakes that doesn't make any sense all our leaders was all of our leaders a lot of them were built up from some of the craziest situations like even look at the discip if you're driving a bus with children I don't know how many listen let me tell you something bro you can hold on to this way of thinking if you want if you're driving I'm going say this last most simplistic way I can say to you brother if you're driving a bus
with children it's not okay for you to be a [ __ ] alcoholic it's not okay for you to be drunk behind the wheel got people lives in your [ __ ] hand I would agree with that who wouldn't agree with that I care what you agree with I'm telling is this in order for us and my thing is I'm Unapologetic in my message will live the test of time okay that way of thinking will keep us in prison we have to understand there's core principles that we have to follow and when you follow the
core principles of God you're always going to be all right the problem is this man the devil made it tempting and what happens is because you feel your power lless and what the devil has accumulated is more powerful than God and you sit there and you afraid to say what God Said God spoke out God then it's an Abomination homosexuality is abomination so you want to quote scripture but you marry but we never spoke I'm not saying you keep person I'm just saying because listen you you're introducing no not sced about nothing listen you introduced
you want to we talk about God but but be for the devil man no listen you crazy me real quick you introduced homosexuality into the conversation no I didn't yes you did I said I said none of us brought up homosexual I said homosexual I said I said I don't support homosexual right and that's what I mean that's simply what I mean about introduction but what nobody talk nobody's talking about man supposed a man a woman is supposed to be a woman gang period nobody talking about that listen I I don't support lbdq I don't
care about the rainbow okay um yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever whatever [ __ ] put that on me no I mean you can cuz you support yourself you can't be cancelled you know no no no no God supports me that's why I can't be can man can't cancel what God supports brother man can't hit the switch what God turn the light on for brother so so what I'm doing is this I'm showing cuz people when I spoke out against lbtq that [ __ ] got 10 million views on YouTube when I put it out the
person that is on a platform he's a sucker South well Korea Korea Soul you a sucker cuz you ain't even want to put it up you was so afraid to be make sure be mindful yo this is smart I said I don't care run it put it up you took it down put it up that [ __ ] went who viral where I'm at I'm still here here damn sure makes it right CZ God said it was wrong Len said can I just I'm just let me just close this real quicking man never man ain't
GNA get me man you hear me you want the question that I asked was how much of a distraction the social media play and keeping people from evolving that's what I said I know you can hear me better hear him because he's not on the mic right now got try to get with social media what I want you to do is understand that social media what I want you to do is understand that social media can stop you from evolving and I want you to understand that social media Works in such a powerful way my
saying social media Works in such a powerful way that even for my brothers you know what I mean it's like you could be on social media you could look at a woman shorty with the fat ass look good the fact that you stay on that for just to half for a couple seconds the algorithm algorithm now confirms that this is what you like and it's going to start curating stuff like this for you and he he called it Mirror Mirror echoing mirror echoing that [ __ ] is the [ __ ] truth when I was
trying to clear my algorithm out it was big booty hoes it was you know world star all that you know what I mean allti this ignorant I not saying ignorant because you know a woman with a beautiful body is a woman with a beautiful body but over consumption of it it can distract you and derail you like my algorithm should be filled with things that are going to inspire me to make correct steps to where it is that I'm supposed to be going and so that was I meant to get in and out of that
pocket with that question I'm immediately moving on to the next question and the next question is do you think men should focus on their own success before they start a family G what time we at right now what's the time5 oh my God oh my God we ask one question ask huh that's how it go listen see thing about it is this we need listen need in terms of us in terms of nation building we need brothers who who who who really rock with God see everybody and see the thing about it is the reason
why when you look at the Jewish culture right you look at the Asian culture how they build they stand on their principles push your m in the black n they stand on their principes smart I did you to do this game no they stand on their principles and what happens is is this black men are [ __ ] cowards a lot of us so we sit here we sit here and we let I'm studying bro I'm not just sitting here talking I'm no cuz if it catch it it catch it if it don't it don't
I'm speaking from my heart bro I'm tired I don't give a [ __ ] about this media [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] about this content I do real work on the pavement bro I do this [ __ ] on a pavement bro I on a p when you see me in the park I do that [ __ ] for real I met Homie we spoke for hours it was no Hollywood [ __ ] was no funny none of that I'm running to the bathroom and he rocked with my VI say
I'm on the pavement for real I care about our people for real and there's too many Traders and I culture too many cowards that want to call themselves men because you got dick and balls you a coward and I can't [ __ ] with that not saying you talking a lot of black men are [ __ ] cowards so they don't want a man they don't want to protect the black woman they sit there and watch the woman be confused used and abused and it's all good you make babies don't take care of the babies
you want to get on weal instead of getting a [ __ ] job you want to live with your woman get keys to the crib put your feet up on the couch eat all the [ __ ] C and don't do a [ __ ] thing and then the problem is with this bro mother how the [ __ ] we going to get out [ __ ] bondage when [ __ ] keep trying to rock with the oppressor we the only group of motherfu but there's a lot of systematic [ __ ] that's going against
people the but you got to understand that people need the knowledge you can't just tell a person what to do without telling them how to get there what I just say everything I do stop it but what I'm saying when did you find God when did you find God I'm assuming it was in jail I found God before jail so if you so how did you end up in jail if you was working with God what are you talking about because at the end of the day I was trying to survive I was that's not
but you just said you just said you just said being unmovable is no excuse there's no excuse for your situation to be a to do ungodly you just finished saying it you just you just finished saying to be no I'm but that's what you said that's what you said I'm 14 years old bro all right and to get to this point and that's what I'm saying everybody has a story everybody has a story listen in my words bro listen we get agreed or disagreed twist my words I won't twist yours don't twist mine what I
said was this you cannot be a preacher and don't practice what you preach that's not what I'm talking about this is what I'm talking about I'm asking you when did you find God when did you when did you when did you develop a relationship with God don't twist what I'm saying I found god um before prison okay there was things I was going through I always knew God okay right but I had to fall out the window I had to go through I was going through my pain threshold so let me rephrase my question hold
on bro one thing about me my brain is transparency my mother was a drug addict I was in the system my whole life I was molested by my mother uhuh went through so [ __ ] God what God godom why my mother doing this to me the questions I'm having with God I'm struggling trying to I'm believing in God but I'm like yo you ain't believing in me hold on so I'm going through these things I'm learning I'm learning so I learned right and then now I'm learning now I'm applying what I've learned and my
life got better I became more successful piece by piece I don't have my process had to stop selling drugs had to stop smoking had to stopol had to stop dring process when did you start studing the Bible the Quran excuse me when did you start when did you start studying the Quran I've been I've been reading I've been reading the I've been reading my whole life so wasn't prison didn't prison I didn't meet God in prison God met me in prison God came to me in prison that's what that's when the pr came so so
what I'm saying is just you can't misquote what I'm saying and what I'm saying is this since you don't understand if you are choosing to be in a position of leadership there's responsibility associated with leadership if you're preaching a message you need to be a practitioner of the message that you preach that's what I'm saying that's what I stand and we don't have enough Brothers preaching the right [ __ ] and practicing what they preaching so part of being a man is being honorable keeping your word you want to talk about getting the milk part
of that [ __ ] is keeping your [ __ ] word what you do in the light is the same [ __ ] you do in the dark what you do when you rich you do when you poor that's what's being a man and the problem with our men and our nation nobody's teaching them really how to be men nobody teaching them how to mean what you say say what you mean and do what the [ __ ] it is whether you agree with it or not that's some [ __ ] that every black woman
want to see and we don't be we be too swaying with that [ __ ] let me tell you hold on bro let me say this [ __ ] bro we got a little bit of time and enough me to get this point across okay I'm learning how to be a man I didn't have a father in my life even if you did I'm still learning I'm learning no I I I this is a real thing right A man is supposed to be a provider man got to get provision from God man got to say
yo bro if you say something as a man do that [ __ ] bro don't be making all these fake ass promises or other [ __ ] you die you say you GNA do something do it keep your [ __ ] word that's being a man bro milk nobody nobody disagrees the second what you say the second what you say and what you do don't add up you ain't a man bro period the second you're not a man no more bro off top off the rip off rip bro the second you say we got to
go back to that this is old school [ __ ] my world is my bond I go like this I look you in yeah word is my B I got it bro true I got you right it ain't yeah true understood but I disagree with that part though nah it it's okay but listen you talking about getting the milk that's what that really mean got a woman look you got a woman in your life and you say yo babee I got this this is getting done we talking about black men now we talking about I'm
going pull this cuz this is this important for [ __ ] exes the first time is the only time I agree huh yo babe this is what I'm going to do that's it 10 years from now you still doing what you said you only say what you going to do one time ain't no excuses Ain no justifications ain't no hey baby you know keep your [ __ ] word say something keep your word and and and listen hold on man we making we making this [ __ ] too we be making this [ __ ]
true fluff fluff if we we I want us to be men I want black men to be in the power and one of the things I had to learn this was accountability for myself I was making excuses right yo you know man you know I'm independent you know I'm doing this in my own why you saying you gonna do it then if you ain't gonna do it right that was the voice that God started oh [ __ ] damn the little boy in me didn't want that man up God telling me you know you know
you know man I ain't sell my soul like these other guys so what you going to have to work harder that's what I said D you a man right true indeed you're a man right you getting the milk right your babies ain't gonna eat tonight cuz you you too bunch of a [ __ ] huh your babies ain't eat tonight you a coward you your woman can't be protected she can't trust that you going to say what you mean and mean what you say you [ __ ] liar you can't [ __ ] is you
talking about bro why is we sitting there trying to act this [ __ ] is easy be a [ __ ] man right have honor stop being a [ __ ] liar [ __ ] truth but check this out though [ __ ] out here check this out um sick of black this [ __ ] we blame hold on we blame everybody and I've been guilty of it too and you know when I start to have success this is my manager he tell you yo G how I get my money bro music I sell my
CD you heard so I was making excuses yo I got dropped from the label oh my God I'm going through the I'm going I'm going through it right right but I'm like yo why you get play yo what the [ __ ] is you doing right but I'm reading scripture I'm reading I'm reading Bible I'm reading the Quran I'm asking questions I'm trying to reach out for T from men who I feel I could respect right right and they telling me y dude like stop coming to me boy and they send me on my way
right I'm I'm like what you what like stop coming to me boy oh [ __ ] I went to God God said no I got you and then God said oh now you show be firm be firm then then these things I'm talking about I'm learning right how to be unmovable and I and I I am that now but it was a process I understand that yes it's a process but don't act like you unmovable but you movable don't act like you fear God but you really fear man don't act like you you I'm I'm
I'm going just stop it cuz I'm not going to sign off on this interview I'm going be honest with you I'm G I'm not going to sign off on that because the energy of the of the whole entire conversation you every a lot of what you're saying is very valid but I can't I can't say that I agree with the my listen bro that's the point I'm not afraid of that I don't it's it's not about that but it's still my likeness and I can't allow that edit them out you're have you're gonna have to
edit it out then let me let me say this um hold on real quick let me say this um 100% respect yeah if that's the case send me my Clips no hold on let me if that's the case let me just uh reframe cameras real quick to just me and him yeah and we'll just finish it out real quick yeah that's that's totally fine yeah if that's what you want I can I can respect that but I got of be move from the interview though I respect it yeah it is what it is this happens
all the time man all right so look let's get to it baby um if some part of this don't make sense edit it out because your man a want to be in a joint I'm saying the other guess will be the joint I'm going my P listen listen if any part of this don't make sense at some point it don't matter this is the beginning keep my ain't the beginning keep my Clips in it and make sure it's not the beginning for you it's not the beginning for you it's the beginning for me but it's
not got you I'm going to take care of you yeah you know the message going to change know what I'm saying if you if you if you don't want to be in the joint why you even sitting here to be in the joint people get the change people get to change their mind pH bot the video like I don't know what going no it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm editing everything it's all going to be fine it's perfect it's perfect that [ __ ] A whenever you ready yeah yeah it's all good it's all
good listen hold on wait wait wait let me uh yeah yeah for sure not shaking your head man we like what we like I ain't faking phony bro we don't do that I listen man thank you I ain't faking phony man you sh this is [ __ ] we talking about we I'm to handshake you you talking about cut the editor I'm not hand you I ain't going to speak to you avoid me to say you see me Harlem don't speak to me I speak to you I'm not fake why to respect why you agree
to disagree the reason I said that you got listen I don't even agree with you being a whole male whatever you is bro listen I don't agree with your Listen Hold on listen I don't give a [ __ ] about homie choice of work check it out we sat down we build I don't give a [ __ ] about your choice of work bro so I don't I don't Jack none of that I didn't say yo bro this ain't my brand I don't care what you you don't know exactly that's ignorance that's be smart talking
about you a dominatrix whatever the [ __ ] know what that is hold hold on real quick real quick who teach people about pleasure I don't jack that who teaches people about pleasure I'm not jacking you talk let me do it your way let me do it your way let me do it your way you say don't listen let's not do an interview because yo you you you you you you whing chain in it but I can't I can't I can't be in an interview where people are talking where you're doing hate speech you're literally
saying hate yo bro listen bro listen I understand that then that [ __ ] then it is what it is you stand where you stand I stand where I stand that don't change with me that don't change with me bro I'm not going that don't change with me bro you stand where you stand I stand where I stand I don't change I don't listen I told Executives and in scope the same [ __ ] I got offered a deal recently okay right I said yo bro I'm not yo do not put there will be no
[ __ ] in my music there will be no bo sh hoes in my videos that's what I said and they said yo oh my God how we going to Market you're a Christian rapper now I said no I'm a I rap for God [ __ ] y'all that's what I said my manager said hey what do you want to do we out I'm I'm not I don't bro I don't B boy I don't I'm cool on that I Ain I don't support what you do I never said yo I can't sit next to you
I've seen but you don't know what I do but why does it matter why does it matter listen brother delusional or underwear bro either way no listen let's just let's just I mean if you got something less you want to say but I'm like you're delusional it's okay man listen I forgive you for not understanding man I don't need your forgiveness I'm just saying you don't know what I do but you're quoting on it based on what you think think you know exactly way B I tell you a thing about boxing I don't know maybe
maybe not I can't tell you reality is based on my knowledge and based on my expertise I can't tell you [ __ ] about boxing and you can't tell me [ __ ] about what it is that I doed I just don't support it yeah I don't need you I never said listen I never said yo bro you want to Dr like this yo bro let's not do interview yo bro we not yo bro listen the way the way the way you whiping the I just said I just said that I can't be on an
interview with it's hate speech and it's going to mess up the collaborations that I have that's the reality is that's understandable the same way you said got to feed their kids and this I feed my kids like that it's not about see all right so listen that's that that's the proof that's me listen let's just let's separate right quick like listen bro I'm Muslim I believe in God y this not going to be in the episode so good we having a conversation I'm not I'm not no slave to nobody bro I I work with God
I'm saying I don't B I never and I never will homosexuals don't pay my money white people don't pay my money why people don't P my bills listen person like yo I don't support that and I don't need your support if you if you feel that's what you feel cool listen when l2q attached with black lives matter and executive orders I don't care about the groups I don't care about the groups of you should next to me to begin because you know this is my this I'm always speak how I speak bro what I'm saying
this is this is a difference between being strong and being hateful scripture whatever my thing is don't quote scripture and then want a backpedal I don't remember him ever backp it's not about back listen that's my listen Maybe maybe you don't understand me I understand you I'm not going to quote scripture and then I'm Not Gon to do that like this just me say and you don't care I'm say no that reality that the reality is because there are people are here persecuting and killing and hanging and stabbing and because you're because people like because
people like you are saying that true it is true it is true what you talking about homosexual deal with you to tell me that deal with is worse than a black man he never said that bro nower now you go tender now that's that's not it's it's a phrase it's it's some black [ __ ] you know what I mean but like this listen Google it go it's like um I understand it more than I can explain it forgive me for that but like no no no no no no no but you got to Google
it but what listen way you trying to say that just because black people went through more that you're moving to gost what I meant to say you're moving to go post thank you thank the reality is that anybody being being persecuted and killed and and and [ __ ] attacked and all of that he's not spinning it the reality is is that there's a better there there's a better choice of words that's a better choice of words hold on can I please let me mediate real quick yeah and then let's dispers so we can just
keep what's gonna be kept but like what he's saying is is that he doesn't want to be present in this anymore because he says like you sharing your opinion how you feel how you live your life he feels like is hate speech toward uh hate speech and that in the way of his business something that he just said a moment ago right is he's saying you speak you speaking down on people who actually get um who actually get um give me the word people who get hurt for their way of life down even if down
no exactly come on come don't recognize listen and he said the no but listen even though listen somebody's going to take that exact hold on hold on let me let me you're still responsible for words you said words let me mediate let me mediate and you mean to tell me that nobody i' been what I'm telling you that people get hurt based on your language and they do I'm saying just consider see what I'm saying listen I'm not here I'm not here it's done once he say that it's done I'm Muslim you do what you
want to do let me tell you something when I read the Bible I read the Quran I'm trying to follow this [ __ ] to the T I'm not God said it was wrong God said it was Abomination if I what go ahead so you mean to tell me that you're that you you just without sin you just without sin twist I'm not I'm asking you because because no because the reality is the Bible does say that there's no one sin that's more than the other there's no one sin that's more than the other that's
what you what boy you got some more reading to do you unaware so teach me you got some more reading to do I'm you it's called like this brother draw a line in the Sin check it out I'm not with man I'm with God when I was left for dead you know who left me for dead who left me for dead man you know who resurrected me God you know all my money come from God all my blessings come from God so I don't so for me it doesn't matter you deny it's the reality of
it and I'm transparent you know why I'm transparent I'm showing I'm showing somebody who going to see this who may be on the fence about shall I go with God or do the devil because guess what never let desperation change your destination never let frustration change your destination never let Temptation change your destination see this is this is how I'm moving so I understand that guess what God langes a difference language makes a difference it does I said it right listen I said it right if we're going to build this is my stance I'm on
building a nation for my people and I know the things that how many people you have following you as far as like people that you changed their life I got a lot cuz you you brought that I got a lot I have homosexuals coming me yo this is y you want to talk my homosexual I homosexual coming me I did a debate right that table right there I did a debate right and we talking about homosexuality and I was talking about that it's learn Behavior right and I went I'm going in yo I had two
brothers I ain't going to put y' on blast come to me that's in the lifestyle that said yo because of that conversation bro you had me request my sexuality now I'm dating women bro that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up I said yo listen these is dudes that straight up with the with the weirdo [ __ ] right and they go they come to me so yo bro what you said I didn't yo real [ __ ] brother we in the juice barall yo yo bro he going to see this he going to
know I going to put you on blast Homie we in the juice bar he pull me to the side yo brother talk to you bro I what's up man yo you know I'm I'm in the Life what you mean you in the life you know you know I'm in the life I watched the debate you did I'm like word like you made me made me question myself I was you know I went through certain things as a child I thought it was right just I'm dating women now and he said he said because he said
what you said he said he said what you said look he said what you said how you said it I Ain want to but bro thank you for saying it how you said it now check it what I do is but I I watch my interviews and and I understand tonality is everything right I understand it's not what you say you say let's unpack this first thing I said was look we as men right if you're in a position of leadership you have to be practicing what you're preaching right that's what I said secondly I
said yo if you're teaching something that has extreme repercussions if it's taught incorrectly then be what you're teaching so if you're teaching boxing right I'm going give you example but Jesus didn't go around doing hate speech you just finished talking about 19 Keys TD J and literally everybody else but the reality is but that wasn't that's why I'm so glad we recorded cuz when you play most people when they defensive and this happens to me a lot right and they play it back they apologize to me okay listen check it out I said listen I
box right so if you get hit with a body shot right you get H with a body shot boom right a good body shot your whole body shut down you can't move right there's kids that you will see if you see the video somebody spawn right it looked like a [ __ ] just didn't even hit him hard that [ __ ] felt like a bullet hit you in the head right and and the person on the floor in pain and I've seen coaches go come on man get up get up they don't understand you
ain't never been hit with that shot you never F you just you you a girl so yeah what you teaching is in is correct form but you can't teach the the from experience that you got to take a moment when you get hit with you got to bro this [ __ ] I'm telling you your [ __ ] shut down look you got look hold on look you got to take it you got look you got to take a knee like this you got to take a moment coach is like this come on man you
you scared get up he ain't never he never right so how was that relevant to calling TJ face I don't I don't get the relev listen what I'm saying is bro you don't understanding I'm trying to tell you this brother I'm trying to tell you his brother we got people who say one thing when the camera's on but do other things when the camera's off and you've seen this with your own eyes you've seen TD J do something with your own eyes my brain is not about listen if I say something if I if smart
say if smart get on this camera I'm also not going to get on the camera and say smart is gay cuz I don't have no proof for that I don't have no proof for that I can't say smart is a scam or a scam artist I can't can't say that saying but but to his point but to his point like on that's literally defamation if I go if I go right now you can sue me for everything I got you saying TD cakes but you don't have to proof and that's his Pointes can't sue me
how was he TD you want to listen if you decide if you decide to do your due diligence if you decide to do your due diligence or not that's on you if you about you about sharing knowledge I'm asking you what evidence what proof what reason do you have I'm just trying to show you go to church or something I I God what I'm saying listen you me to do smart all I'm saying is listen it's just language it's language there's a better way to correctly there's a better he not going to hear you listen
I you can say something I can say something well look if you quoted TD Jake and I'm him I'm from his position I might say something on L I understand why you might respect that but I know XYZ and that's the reason why I can't respect what he says that would be way more credible way more credible way more credible but to just people out of their Nam NOA off camera because I'm not here to sensationalize things listen sometimes listen let me tell something right and that's what I'm saying I went viral listen I went
viral first viral you so focused on going viral like that's going to be your demise as well like everything is about going viral you talking and not listening viral on M show listen I was viral years ago on Ma show right because they said something and I just said I called it out for it was and I didn't go into detail because I'm not here to and I said that I'm not here to socialize it if you want to do your research I I gave you the context I'm not here to do your job listen
what I said and I had the te I got receipts I got all types of [ __ ] right I'm not here for that bro I got pictures of videos with 69ine shooting my videos when 69ine got when 69ine was going through the [ __ ] they reached out to me I got off $75,000 to give the footage to 69ine all before the fame because they was doing a documentary 69ine knows me personally they went and was like yo he reached out to me do DM I blocked him right I could have sold the I
could have made 70,000 I could have made $75,000 I had what was you working with 69ine this was this was before he even had tattoos on his face but that's what I'm that's what I'm saying you was working with him around the same time was making that music before he R it but he was still making the same mus he wasn't even making music at the time he was he was he was he was a videographer okay was even rapping so what I'm saying this is this right let me be clear I'm not perfect right
however I'm getting better every day and I don't take on attributes that I don't have the discipline behind closed doors to live up to and live by so for me for me right this is this is my compass I have a moral compass right and I go first what ever God says I don't care what man says I don't care my M I don't care listen I I don't care my grandmother I love my grandmother to death my grandfather made rest in peace he passed away my grandfather come out of the grave and be like
yo man if go if you say anything against God I'm not jacking it so that's my moral comp and I understand that and I resp God but I also want to ask you one question what and where in the Bible or the Quran do you have proof of God of Jesus walking this Earth being hateful to somebody bro I'm asking you just that's that's a real question hypothetical got more reading to do please educate one scripture one area in the Bible he act like he want be on episode man I'm asking you no I'm talking
to you I'm talking to you because I'm trying to learn you stay this long we put him on episode man want be episode man you if you going you going to stick around we we we going listen man then don't stick around you want to stick around to be on the episode if not then SC Ain't Gonna Change you got more reading to do homie I cat you yeah yeah catch your ass up man it all go read your Bible man the [ __ ] you talk about Jesus Jesus didn't knocked down s Jesus didn't
went in the [ __ ] whole Idol [ __ ] and kick down statues and knock [ __ ] off the wall bro go read the Bible you be all right than me listen I I said you welcome later yo G don't do that man yo G he can't shake his hand nah [ __ ] see that's [ __ ] [ __ ] we don't jack that if I Ain shake his how you gonna shake his hand bro do no [ __ ] like that dog you're not the enemy nah Ain about that bro I'm
moving Unison bro G yo G listen you said you moving Unison Unison I type way this our brother listen I never said wasn't my brother but you say you said you can't shake his hand you said you don't respect him you said you see him in Harlem you're not going to speak to him that's not Unison I'm not going fake that's not Unison though brother man that's not Unison gang brother listen hey whatever man I'm not g another day we'll have another what talk yeah another day set up another day I me you know you
do you do your co sign episode you know what I'm saying co sign what is that your Co I'm just say you go setting man you goal setting man I'm go set I'm go setting right yeah have a great night I'm sure you have an interesting conversation home he some good food he he do some reading he do some reading he reads he reads you thought it was good all right listen y'all this is the beginning of the episode somehow some way not for him but for me it is I just want to ask him
a couple questions I don't want to take too much more of his time yeah all you gotta do is all you gotta do is use use use my parts you know what I'm saying I got listen I got you hold on listen bro we we doing that bro sh do that bro know what I'm saying like if you I could be whole heartly if you got I'm not doing that bro do that [ __ ] again man I'm cutting you off bro I'm Jack that I listen I don't move like that he got a problem
with somebody I got problem with I got got but you got you got static with bro n I'm not stat bro like I'm not I don't move like that bro I don't move like that he's still a black man though bro be or whatever be be all you could be man but let me ask you go ahead because you for your people m% but I know my people some my people ain't right so at the end day I can't I can't I'm not here to be listen Malcolm get your hand out my pocket ain't going
to happen to me I'mma shoot your hand I'mma shoot the pocket I'm I'm blowing I'm blow I'm up in it I'm not I'm not Malcolm so disrespect I'm not King disrespect saying I love them brothers I'm not none of them though I'm me for sure I'm saying so we we got brothers that are so we got we got just in general right we got our culture like I got Brothers in Brothers in the hood that they so they so caught up on they so caught up on gang culture that you they so immersed in it
you can't even get them to move out of it right right they so you know it's like so it's tough right like we we've been force fed this [ __ ] you got some sisters who BBL Drizzy they so they so caught on plastic surgery that they don't want to look like a black woman at this point for sure so we got to have some type of balance I'm bringing a balance when you come to Smart you know what you getting from me that's true I got to be B that's just what for me and
it's okay but I got to I got to create some type of a balance just just what I feel for ourselves and our coach homex you can be Fruity Pebbles all you want but but where's the where's the motivation for the heterosexual black man where's the motivation for the where's the unwaver let me tell you something I've you know when I knew that that that that that that gay [ __ ] was was kind of weird it's because I've spoken homosexuals about us moving forward and it's always been some weird [ __ ] and when
I take a unbiased even though I'm biased I try to take a unbi position yeah he yo bro y'all trying to pass gay rights but where's the black rights y'all getting y y'all getting executive orders passed to protect homosexuals when no homosexual ever been lynched for being gay we've been killed for being how we look there's a difference between racism and Prejudice course right homosexuals deal with prejudice we deal with racism racism yeah it's different so racism has to be the primary focus if you want to talk about if you want to talk about we
we uniting we uniting cool listen what you do I disagree with right but what I can agree is you're a homosexual not you you're a homosexual I'm straight but we both black right this white man trying to kill me and you he ain't saying that's a gay [ __ ] that's a straight [ __ ] we both [ __ ] but why aren't you having that en because you and bro both black you can't end of the day listen every it ain't for everybody I didn't I didn't say yo bro let's yo let's not put
the episode out right you right you right right I never one thing about me is I never do that I'm never but hurt about anything people y bro I've done I've been in I've been in so many heated podcasts yeah you've never seen smart like yo don't put that out right I've been in podcast look eight at the table the whole room seen that if you would bro if you have been in that room could cut the tens girl old girl looked like she was about to throw the wine in my face yeah dead ass
yeah and and I gave her that Vibe like shorty it ain't going to go how you think it's going to go right and off camera I'm telling like yo look man like yo bro like it ain't going to go how you going to go like I'm telling you like I'm not I'm not and it was just she was like very disrespectful it was a whole another part of that she was threatening me she was doing all was going crazy I said all right right okay it's not going to go how you think it's going to
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