Girl was single for 25 years no man looked at her, slept with CEO once immediately became CEO's wife

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Bliss Drama
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Come on babes Move it! Get in on! That's right! Perfect! More action there! More action! Move your body! Left, right left, right Move it! Great moves! Very good Remember babes, Move it like you did when Mr Lowe arrives got it? Okay, great work! Mr. Lowe Mr. Lowe under your guidance Lowe Group has always been in the top fifty global businesses You're a living legend! I'm so honored you agreed to this meeting Mr. Lowe let's toast Cheers Mr. Lowe you're a great drinker Let's have another one Mr. Lowe Mr. Sowell I think one's enough That's all
for today We'll talk business later I have something to attend to Excuse me Mr. Lowe Mr. Lowe! Get lost! Giving me all kinds of trouble for just one project You puffed-up little shit! With what happens after the wine You'll be under my thumb Let's see how high and mighty you'll act then! Hey Matt Lowe took the drink i prepared for him Get the woman Mr. Lowe Are you okay? Must be the wine! Get a doc for a gastric suction Yes, sir! Hello, Mr Sowell Get a signature your last chance! I'll try my best! Last one
on the right Should be this one But if I stand this way it should be this one Which one is it? Door's open here Should be this one Hello, Are you Mr Johnson? Sorry I'm late Please read through the contract and sign here Charles Sowell sent you didn't he? What? You sneaked in my room what's the struggle for? Let go of me! Help! Sorry, Mr Lowe. It was my fault that woman got in here I'm ready for punishment Get me her detailed background Charles executed, a scheme to get that woman in here He must be
on to something Yes, sir Tina! Tina! Tina Tate! You lost me a client two months ago and messed up again this time! Don't even wanna be a salesperson now Do you? It's not like that Mr. Sowell You're trying to throw up in front of me? You've no respect for your boss at all do you? It's not like that! Quit denying! Tina, Showing attitude here aren't you? Don't tell me you're pregnant My period didn't come last month.. Hey, where are you going? What is this? Hello, doctor Hi I want to know if this test is accurate
Accuracy's very high How should I use it then? Never used one huh? This is the test strip Go to the restroom place a few drops of your pee on this strip And wait for the result One line means you're not pregnant Two lines mean you are pregnant Thank you How could this be? I took the pill How can I be pregnant? Tina what are you doing in there? Mr. Sowell's asking for you! Tina! I'll be out now Idling away, during work hours You wanna get fired? I wasn't idling I don't care Water delivery guy's off
today You bring these up to the fourth floor The lift is off Carry all of.. Can't even carry some water What are you doing here? You're the worst employee in contract count Mr. Sowell said you'd be doing some menial jobs around, asked me to supervise you Don't wanna do it? Fine, get your stuff and get lost! Please don't blame Mommy Perhaps it's irresponsible of me to bring you into the world I'll do it Hurry up a bit Stop wasting time Hello, check out our coming event! Leave me alone! Hello, check out our discount! Hello, Please
take a look We're having a big discount This is the woman that night? Yes, sir Her name's Tina Tate She was there to meet a client and got into your room by mistake She lost the client got demoted She won no big client this month and ended up distributing flyers Since she's not in on it only teach Charles a lesson Yes, sir I was under the influence of drug that night.. Let go of me! Help! I'm fine. I just had a heatstroke Wasted my time Let's go back now Oh, pay me back the cab fee
Thank you Enough with that You're really bad luck Hey, watch where you're going! Don't try asking for money I know this trick damn well! Are you okay? My back hurts so bad! I'll get you to the doctor Okay, Thank you Let's go Easy Okay. Ah Don't worry. I already paid for your expenses It's so kind of you Thank you for taking care of me No problem at all I called my family Thank you so much No problem, I'll wait with you Hello. Mom Mom are you okay? I'm fine Someone bumped, into me earlier Lucky a
girl helped me out Focus on your date Send your secretary over I had an urgent meeting and didn't go to the date I'm coming to see you now Avoid overworking for the baby's sake Hello? Hello? This brat still buried in work at thirty-five! The family tree is done soon with you keep being single What a son! Don't be mad It's bad for your health Girl, how old are you? I just turned twenty-two Younger than my son Then, are you married? Not yet My son's a tall and handsome man Excellent education great career great personality too!
He has no love life to speak of Checks all the boxes for a husband! He sounds great Be my daughter-in-law then! Marry my son That's ours is yours! He called me saying he's coming over You two can meet later Sorry but I'm pregnant You're not lying are you? Look, It's over a month in Didn't expect a young girl like you to have a baby I'm not prepared to be a mom It's like that for us all Take it slow Hello, Mr Sowell If you don't come back now Then don't come in from now! Okay okay,
I'm coming back now I'll be right back Sorry, I gotta go now I've got work to do Hey girl, what's your name? Tina, Tina Tate Take care I'll visit when I have time Wait.. Watch where you're going Sorry Thank you She came out of Madam Lowe's room and seemed to not recognize you Might be an act I've seen so many acts of the same kind Mom, you just hurt your back Be careful I was bumped into But you? You hurt me on purpose! I got you so many matches All ladies of great backgrounds And you
missed them all Mom a marriage can't be rushed Why get anxious over it? My friend already has a grandson And I have no a daughter-in-law! Can I not be anxious? Fine, Mom we'll visit the orphanage when I have time Many children there You can adopt as many as you want Hey, Mom you know the girl just now? She's Tina. You can forget it She's pregnant She told you that? How long has she been pregnant? She said over a month Mom, I've got work to do Getting back to the company Marry that company of yours! Mr.
Lowe Madam Lowe seems to like Ms Tate a lot Did she find out who you are and was testing the waters with the news of pregnancy? She can dream on Take back, the big clients we gave her Yes, Mr Lowe Come, sit Tina you're really a hard worker Making deals even while sick Great work! What's going on? Stop it I thought you lost the clients Imagine my surprise! Three hundred thousand dollars at once! Great work! Did we get the deal? Look, everyone Over here! Look at our example of a great employee Our one and only
Tina! Look and follow! Then I'm not the worst this month? Of course not You're the top employee of the month! And, Same old rule Five percent commission for you! Thank you No problem. Work hard get client I'll give you more commission! I was wondering how you got from the bottom in three months to earning us such a big deal You sold yourself that's how Nonsense, I didn't You're a month pregnant! Since you got the client move along with the DNA test You've been throwing up and took a liking to tangy stuff Turns out you're pregnant
Didn't see it coming A clueless-looking girl stopped at nothing to get a client It's not like that I didn't.. Alright settle down! Whatever the trick As long as it brings in the cash It's a great trick Hello What? We signed the contract how.. Tina, The client canceled the deal! What? You climbed into his bed And still let him slip away? You useless thing! Tina, does this mean you slept with him for free? Listen here, Tina If you can't get this deal back by tomorrow Don't bother coming in for work! I cancelled the deal Why are
you showing up here? Mr. Johnson sorry for disturbing But please Give us another chance! I'm an investor Not a philanthropist okay? I'll do anything as long as it pleases you Sit Mr. Lowe Isn't that Tina? She's pregnant and still drinking with a guy in a pub Just a Delilah showing her true nature Call back our watch guys Don't need to help her out now You said you'd do anything but refuse to drink now? What's this? Mr. Johnson I haven't been feeling well of late so I can't drink What can you do then? Mr. Johnson what
are you doing? Watch your manners! Who's all this acting for? Either you drink Or we have fun the other way Or you knee down and beg Mr. Johnson I'm here for our deal Please reconsider You can't do any of those three then get lost! Mr. Johnson Let me tell you about our project! Mr Johnson, you can't.. I can't stand a woman's tears! Get lost! Mr. Lowe where are you going? What about our client? Sorry, baby I'm about to be out of a job now I can't take care of you Find yourself a better home Number
five, Tina Tate Mr. Lowe why are we following her? You're so worried do you have feelings for her? What do you know? I just wanna find out what she's up to Now, I have a deal to discuss You keep an eye on her Send her report to me later Yes, sir Your health's not at its best If you have a surgery now it'll, be hard to get pregnant again Are you sure? Doctor, Please make an appointment Fine. Settle the expenses then Tomorrow eleven o'clock Thank you Tina don't you wanna use the baby to your advantage?
Why get a surgery? Matt, have you eaten? I've got.. Where's he? I should leave this sort of thing a daughter-in-law What's this? Surgery Appointment? Tina Tate? The two of them.. No wonder they acted so weird So he was seeing someone Ah, this is great! I've a daughter-in-law now I'm getting her tomorrow Tina so you're leaving for real huh? Mr. Johnson's heartless really Doesn't even care about his baby! I had nothing to do with him Stop talking nonsense Shouldn't a guy getting on in years like him be over the moon with a mistress' baby? How come
it didn't work for you? Or are you carrying another man's child? A fatherless child need not be born I think Shut your mouth! What's going on? Tina, I was just comforting you why hit me? I didn't Summer was just asking us to throw you a farewell party And you treat her like this? Angered the client with your dirty tricks and took it out on Summer? You messed up our deal and bullied a colleague We can't have someone like you here! Get lost! Get lost! You're not welcomed here! Who's bullying my daughter-in-law? What are you doing
here? Who's this? Some rich lady? Called Tina her daughter-in-law Must be because of the baby Tina, You gotta have the baby born Can't get rid of my baby grandson! How can I be your daughter-in-law? Wait, I'll call the baby's dad here now Brat, I'm at Tina's office Get over here now! You people all bullied my Tina Wait till my son get here! I wonder, who your son is You'll know when he arrives Don't get fooled my her I saw her at the hospital i took Tina to Just an average old lady Really? It's you who
bumped into me and ran While Tina stayed to take care of me And you're bullying her now? You think you're untouchable? What a performance! If you're some lady of background Why were you all alone in that hospital? Got knocked over too! You'll know my background when my son arrives Who has time for that? Look at your clothes Here playing the rich please! Tina, your bar is too low hiring this kind of lousy extra! She's trying to help me Stop insulting her! I think they're trying to squeeze some more salary out of you! Tina, you've got
so many great opportunities here Get lost now! You know how much money you're losing us by wasting time here? Why don't we just chase them out? You dare? CEO of the Lowe Group is here Who dare step out of line? It's Lowe Group's CEO Mr Lowe! Even international media can't get a hold of him And he's here in person? Mom Tina's pregnant with your baby You two should get married now Matt Lowe? You are the man that night? It was me You believe me now? Tina's pregnant with mr. Lowe's baby! That makes her Mrs Lowe
then And his mother seems to love her Mr. Lowe Tina here loves to surround herself with men She's messy with clients too God knows whose baby she's carrying right now Please don't get fooled Who are you to tell me what to do? Mr. Lowe I'm telling the truth Everyone here saw it too She was with a client last night Right, Mr Lowe. Don't get fooled by her Imagine Lowe Group CEO raising another man's child I know what happened that night You bullied my baby's mother Talked ill of my unborn baby You've got some guts there
Who had the idea of chasing them out just now? Mr. Lowe it's not like that Tina's been, underperforming I scolded her a little We had a big client with a deal worth three hundred thousand dollars And we lost it due to Tina's messy conduct It's not like that I've no idea why it went that way I gave her that deal And I took it back What? This.. Victor, buy out this company Yes, Mr Lowe Mr. Lowe! Please, spare our tiny company! We were wrong We didn't know tina's your woman Mr. Lowe! It was our fault
We.. Tina, Ignore them Give them what they deserve Maybe there's a misunderstanding Now that it's cleared up Can we let them off this time? I asked to buy out this company Why are you asking my mom? Mr. Lowe please let them off this time Fine, I'll listen to you Thank you, Mr Lowe Thank you, Tina I mean thank you Mrs. Lowe Thank you, Mrs Lowe Stop wasting time with them Let's get you married Let's go Tina, You stole my limelight at work And are getting married to a CEO Lucky you! Tina, why are you planning
to abandon your baby? Is it because this brat won't marry you that's why you.. It's not that Mom, you get in the car We need to talk I like her a lot Talk it out nicely Then get the certificate got it? You two talk Don't worry about the baby I'll take care of it You don't want my baby? I.. It's not like that It's just.. I can't provide You can't, but can't I? You're expecting my baby I'll take care of you Got your ID? No, I left it at home Mr. Lowe You really wanna get
married? Why, you don't wanna? No, I don't mean that Then what are you waiting for? Let's get your ID Baby Daddy's a responsible man Granny loves you too You'll be safe now Got the certificates? I'm relieved Here, let me keep them Come, Tina Let's talk details of the wedding Mr. Lowe you got married just like that? What if she's up to something? I'm not a fool My mom wouldn't stop bothering me about it better get it over with If she's really up to something I can deal with it We can do without the wedding like
you want But wedding gifts will be delivered in full Madam Lowe, it's really not needed Madam Lowe? You got married remember? Call me mom from now Mom I've waited so long for this So much that it's bringing me to tears! Mom, I've called you Mom for years You were never this touched It's not the same Fine, as long as it pleases you I'm back to work now Let's go home Mom Matt just in time This is for you What's this? You're a father soon and you have no idea how to care for a baby Practice
more from now I'm getting some clothes for Tina What are you doing? Nothing Why's he acting so weird? Tina it's late, get ready for bed Thanks, mom Where's my room? You two stay in that room Go I.. Go Look how they act around each other even now as husband and wife! You two, enjoy your time together in there You.. Mom told me to get in here I'll go out now Don't bother, she's at the door She won't allow separate rooms I'm really sorry to be of trouble Go ahead Toiletries are in the cupboard Thank you
Know where the light switch is? Don't take to long and get a cold I know getting married without knowing each other might be a nuisance to you I know you did it for the baby I won't interfere with your life Once you find someone you love I'll leave Her words and actions are both of a well-mannered girl Yet she followed a client into a pub to win a deal didn't take the pill and let herself get pregnant Tina what kinda person are you really? Did you sleep well last night Tina? Yes, thanks Irena Didn't consider
how well we'd sleep when you locked that door did you? Eat your breakfast! Remember to be a loving husband from now on! Tina, from now you'll be in charge of business in North District I got that settled No need, Irena I came here empty-handed I can't take this We're the wealthiest household here so you need bring nothing You're Mrs. Lowe now you should be in charge of our business I'll get upset if you say no Thank you, mom But can you promise to keep my identity under wraps from other colleagues? I don't want special treatment
Of course, I can do that Okay, enjoy your breakfast I'm off to the airport your sister's back You have a sister? Keira studied overseas and just graduated I see I'm going to work now Need me to get you somewhere? To the North District shop then Okay, let's go Mom I miss you so much! Enough of that You're a twenty-year-old adult! Stop acting like a child I'm just being a child in front of you! Where's Matt? Why's he not here? I haven't seen I'm in five years I must be nothing to him! Your sister-in-law is pregnant
Matt needs to take his wife to her work at North District Sister-in-law? Weren't you worried about him being single last time we talked? And he has a baby now? Life, who knows? I'm having grandchild soon A shotgun wedding How can Matt be interested in that kind of easy woman? What about Cindy? Nonsense Cindy's like a sister to him You're mad with me over that woman Let's see what she's got! Hey! Hurry Follow her! Manager! What brings you here? Something important? Instruction from Madam Lowe Ms. Tate will come here to oversee the store Get ready to
welcome her Madam Lowe, sent someone here to replace me? Was I not good enough? You're not new here Haven't you seen enough of this kinda thing? But if I get replaced by some girl with a connection How will people treat me from now on? Please, help me out How can I go against Madam Lowe? Just a girl with connection She'll leave when things get tough Thank you for the suggestion Okay, I don't have time The ever occupied Mr Lowe is coming for inspection later gotta get ready Be at your best Okay, sure Wanting to take
over my place See how I'll handle you Hello, I'm Tina Tate Madam Lowe asked me to oversee this store's business Hi, I'm the store manager Lucy. I got noticed earlier about your arrival Take a look around pick whatever you like I'll pack them up Thank you, But I'm not here to shop I'm here to try out managing You're a new comer I can't be responsible if you mess up business Don't worry I'm here according to madam Lowe's instruction So you'll be fine Okay then. We're having an unsolved trouble If you can take care of it
I'll leave the management of this store to you Please elaborate Come with me These past items are unsalable We have a large number of them in the storehouse ready for disposal Even our senior consultant can't put forward any solution I think you'd better leave it Lucy, Can these ornaments be taken off? Sure, why? Please inform the staff to take them apart to be sold separately How? As accessories What are you trying to do? It'll create a mess and more trouble for us We need to address their salability now Any sold item means less waste That's
just your talking who knows what will happen in reality? And what about the pricing? We'll split up the price So lighter price tag from the buyer's point of view Combined with promotion I believe that will push a lot of sales But.. If you're still concerned Let's try it out with these first If things go well Then we can upscale Fine, I'll have the staff put out the promotion sign Thank you Welcome The clothes sold here are of great quality And usually quite expensive It's not any special occasion and they're having a sale? I've fancied this
for a while They only sold it in a set And it was pretty expensive This is great We sold all items in stock and got a lot a restocking reminders It really worked! Thank you for your support This means we can upscale things now right? Okay, I'll tell the staff I'll be, off then I'll check on the sales tomorrow This woman is full of tricks I'm gonna show everyone who she really is Cheers! Keira, these dishes were all prepared by a famous chef your brother invited over Stop saying he doesn't care okay? Since that's the
case I'll forgive you for not coming to the airport But now that you're married I'll be the third wheel I get sad just thinking about it Stop talking, start eating Sorry, Keira He had to drive me to the store It's okay. We bicker in front of outsiders all the time! What nonsense is that? She's your sister-in-law Mom, I've been away for a while Forgive my table manners Would be great if Cindy were here though, I'd be able to talk freely Shut up! It's okay, mom I was wondering what my brother saw in you Must be
how you play generosity Oops, I mean display generosity! Keira have you been away too long you forgot all your manners? Apologize to Tina now It's our first meeting so, i.. didn't know what to say Don't be mad Tina, you're not mad at me right? Not at all Come Keira eat Thanks, Tina Tina, What's that for? The fish? Matt drove me to work this morning So I made him some coffee as a thank-you You are Mrs Lowe after all Stop doing this kinda thing It's embarrassing He doesn't drink this cheap stuff Really? Of course Matt only
drinks coffee bought abroad by Cindy You know Cindy? They are childhood sweethearts About to get married too Who knew you got to him first I didn't know he has someone You're really an outsider to him I'll cut to the chase then Only Cindy is fit to be his wife She'll be back here soon You should leave before then Or you'll just humiliate yourself You misunderstood. I married him for the baby I'm not trying to snatch anything from Cindy or anyone I'll go back to my room now Chicken What are you doing? Stop hanging around matt's
study from now Tina can take care of him Mom, I said nothing wrong Have you had enough? You wanna drive me mad? Fine, Mom I was wrong okay? Don't be mad I guarantee i'll coexist in harmony with Tina from now Okay, back to your room now Be good to Tina from now Stop causing her trouble Is this your thank-you gift? Look, Mom this one's so pretty Ask Matt to get you one Yeah? I was disrespectful last night After getting a lesson from Mom I've been deeply aware of my own fault Forgive me will ya? I
was never mad with you really That's great. Let's go shopping now Get to know each other I'll come with you Matt, It's ladies' business stay out Go to work Fine, I'll get you when I'm done Mom, I'll be off now Go Mom, we're leaving too Okay Tina, Didn't you say you wanted to thank Matt? Empty words won't do Better buy him a gift How about a tie? Okay How about this one? Tina, Difference in backgrounds thing But don't you know how to pick gifts? Matt studied in Sapphire since he was a kid No gentleman in
Sapphire loves a striped tie This is a joke Sorry, I'm not acquainted with Sapphire customs I'll need more advice from you Just because you got married into our family doesn't mean you can slack off Educate yourself Find out and meet his likings Else, he might chase you out the door one of these days What are you to do then? Keira, I just recalled I gotta take care of something at the store Hey, don't run off! That store is ours Not yours We have staff there You don't have to go yourself Irena asked me to oversee
it Of course I must do my share Bad business there might look bad for us We don't care that much of those trivial sales You getting knocked up by Matt made my mom happy enough By the way You haven't got Mom any gift right? I don't mean to lecture But you gotta pay attention to Mom too If you can win her favor She'll give you more of our assets Mom loves leather bags How about you pick one here for her? Hey your most expensive bag only costs over twenty thousand dollars? Is the quality good enough?
Of course. Our bags are all sourced directly from top designers in the country You don't have to worry about the quality Tina, Pick one for Mom This one, is not even worth ten thousand dollars Cheap stuff How about that one The two-thousand-dollar one? Don't tell me you can't afford it Spending nothing and only expecting to gain from us aren't you? It's not I can't afford it I just usually buy what I like Not the most expensive Enough, with the excuses This lady's been following us around all day least you could do is pay for the
bag Don't embarrass the Lowe family Are you paying with your card or.. Yes.. Hey! You're not using Matt's card Are you? Look closely. This is my card Fine then There you go Your balance, is not enough What? How could it be? So you've got no money Just excuses You should, start earning your own money and stop thinking of using for support You should've just said you couldn't afford it Why waste our time like that? My sister-in-law, is a calculating woman She might be trying to bargain with you here My bad for ruining your plan But
I'm used to shopping with Cindy Who never looks at the price tag I'm not accustomed to your company Didn't get the hint Sorry We sell luxury goods here Not groceries what bargain? Cheapskate Keira you did all that on purpose I see you as my sister Why are you doing this to me? In high society We're blunt You'll attend banquets where people will call you unchaste and accuse you of premarital pregnancy Silencing me alone won't help Mr. Lowe Ms. Keira and Mrs Lowe are here Ms. Keira's still sharp-tongued Mrs. Lowe's too sensitive for this Let's end
it here Why are you crying? It's nothing Matt, you're here! I was helping Tina choose handbags You seem to be bullying her You're wrong, Matt The shop assistant doubted Tina's worth because she's broke I was defending her Sir, you misunderstand This young lady has been browsing without buying Her card's empty I was just concerned Since when, does Lowe Group hire such judgmental snobs? Victor, fire her Yes, Mr Lowe You're Mr. Lowe? I'm innocent! Your sister was the one humiliating this lady Not me! Shut up! Who are you to accuse me? Throw her out and blacklist
her! Get out! No worries. If you like these I'll have them delivered Thanks, But I'm just browsing Thinking of a bag for Mom Listen, Matt Stop assuming tina's unhappy with me If anything, I should scold you for your disrespect Your allowance, is cut until you learn to respect tina You! You're siding with her! You're betraying me and Cindy! Move! I'm sorry. Keira's been spoiled I apologize for her It won't, happen again It's fine, I get it Don't be upset Let's head home Mm Mom You're back Why are you in our room? Checking, on your practice
So you've been learning childcare? I can learn this in one go No practice needed Really? Show me then Come on Here's the bottle Tina Yes Let's watch together Okay Why do I have to do the bottle-feeding? Tina will be recovering post-birth. This is your child too You need to help Keep at it Dad-in-training! Stop teasing me! That damn Tina is infuriating! Always, just as I'm about to My mom or brother shows up This time, I'll show you what killing with a borrowed knife really means Are you two going to work together? Yes. Yes I'll drop
her off on my way Good. Keira Go help Tina manage the store We didn't pay for your MBA for you to slack off No! I don't want to go anywhere today I just want to stay home Mom, Keira just got back Let her rest for a few days Who asked for your fake concern? Throwing a tantrum again I see Fine. If you don't want me at home I'll go out I'm off to the beauty salon This child, I swear.. Thanks for the ride Bye Let's go Mr. Lowe is it wise to let a pregnant woman
go to the store alone? Notify the commercial street chairman I'll be inspecting after I finish company business Tell them to prepare Yes, Mr Lowe How strange Why are there so few people today? The neighboring store has a new shrewd owner Their promotional activities have stolen all the customers Naturally, we have no business Are you saying that woman is the new store's owner? That's right. Tina is the manager of that brand store I'm Keira Lowe Matt Lowe's sister You must be Summer Tina's former colleague right? Yes, I am May I ask what this is about? Tina
married up through pregnancy Once she got close to us She revealed her true nature She deceived my mother and stole our family's assets I want to collaborate with you to get her fired as manager This way I can push her out of the Lowe family for good Are you really Matt's sister? You're not tricking us are you? Here's, a family photo from when our overseas company went public The news doesn't lie Surely you believe me now? Well, today I've seen the infighting of a wealthy family To think siblings so cruel! She's a smooth talker A
troublemaker for our family I can't stand by and do nothing Besides, helping me will benefit you too Summer can get her revenge And you as the store manager Can eliminate your competition It's a win-win-win situation Why not take advantage of it? Tina's, so fake and showy at work I thought she'd land a rich husband But she schemed, her way in Fine I'm in Business is tough these days If she monopolizes We're done for Let's divide and conquer I'll distract my brother and anyone else in our way The rest is on you guys We've got this
How do we handle her? Let's say first spread rumors Then, When the crowd's at its peak Confront her She'll be a total outcast And her shop will go under Great I'll go shopping Need to prep well Can't let her bounce back Tina you brought this on yourself Always showing off Everyone wants you gone If Mr. Lowe knows how annoying you are he'll ditch you for sure Next time, Bring your child along We're launching summer parent-child outfits soon Great! I can wear matching outfits to parent-teacher meetings How impressive! Indeed What are you doing? Everyone, Look! This
woman Tina Tate Is a homewrecker who seduces rich married men Now, she's using her pregnancy to bully others and steal business! Don't shop here anymore! The store owner is like that? Absolutely! Who are you? Why are you slandering me? Nervous because, i'm right? Why else would the competent old manager step aside for you? You clearly used your charms! Everyone, Avoid this store or you'll regret it! Where's your manager? Get out here! How can I help you? The clothes I bought here are terrible quality And there was a needle in them! Are you trying to kill
someone? Don't make such accusations! Our store would never make such a basic mistake Look for yourselves! I'm not making false accusations Don't think you can bully customers just because you own a big store! Sir, Please be patient We'll investigate and compensate you if your claim is valid If you deny this I'll run your store into the ground! Perfect chance, to get rid of her isn't it? We value our reputation and always keep our word Well, what did you find? The customer's right There's a needle in the collar Ms. Tate I warned you about these harmful
sales tactics Look at the mess we're in now! Speechless, aren't you? A prestigious brand sold knock-offs Who'll shop here now? Ms. Tate What's really going on? Congratulations, Sir! You've won a prize! What do you mean? Anyone buying, a defective item today will get a two thousand gift card and a lifetime discount Huh? What? You're just bribing to keep quiet! You've misunderstood. Every industry has flaws We're just asking customers to help us improve There's no malice here A rookie like you thinks you're in charge? Your words mean nothing I doubt your manager agrees with you Ms.
Tate you've made a huge mistake on your first day I won't cover for you You're clearly, trying to fool us! I'll wreck this place today! Stop! It's absurd, to destroy our store without knowing the facts! Not as absurd as your customer bullying! Think you can buy me off? I want nothing, but revenge! Are you okay? I'm fine Who's this gigolo? Stay out of it! I should ask you Got a death wish Causing trouble here? I'm a paying customer Is this how you treat people? Ms. Tate You didn't earn this position Stop playing boss Take your
staff and apologize to the customer Enough of this nonsense! Can't I play the big shot here? As the boss Don't I get a say? What do you mean? You're claiming to be Mr Lowe, the president of Lowe Group? The chairman did mention the president was coming Some entrance, for a president Defending a shop clerk? That's ridiculous Look at, this photo It is him.. He really is Matt Lowe Lowe Group's president What? Sorry for, the trouble today You're mine and I won't let anyone bully you The guy in the photo looks younger with a different hairstyle
You're bold, Impersonating Mr Lowe, over a slight resemblance! This photo's old Changes are normal Who are you to question us? Still lying? Manager believe, this fraud and you'll lose your job when the real Mr Lowe, shows up Get out, You're disrupting our business How dare you disrespect Mr. Lowe! Chairman, what? He's really Mr Lowe? Obviously! Do you know what you've done? Stop! Did Mr. Lowe say you could leave? Mr. Lowe we've investigated He's the neighboring store owner provoked by Summer Mrs. Lowe's ex-colleague What? You're saying Ms Tate, is Mrs Lowe? Mr. Lowe Mrs. Lowe I'm
innocent! They used me! Mr. Lowe I panicked I didn't mean to target Mrs Lowe Come here! Mr. Lowe Mr. Lowe please.. I just bought clothes from her store This isn't my fault! Tina, help me! Summer, You've targeted me repeatedly and still expect forgiveness? I'm reasonable, Not stupid Shut down that store next door Fire the manager immediately And Summer, You're fired too You'll never work in this industry again Mr. Lowe There's a misunderstanding Let me explain Go! I thought you were soft But not that soft It seems I'm gentle but I'm no pushover Really? Am I,
that scary? You just got too close suddenly I left you for a moment And you caused all this trouble You'd better go home Hurry up and follow me These two idiots couldn't handle a woman and now my brother's backing her Keira I need to ask you something Matt, I'm tired Can we talk tomorrow? Sleep? At this hour? I know you Were those, two today acting on your orders? What are you talking about? Do you want me to send you away again? Matt why blame me every time something happens to Tina? I was at the salon
Mom can confirm Check the records if you don't believe me How can you threaten me without knowing the facts? I'm not trying to send you away Fine I'm clearly, unwanted here I'll leave Matt, Stop bullying your sister Keira.. Stay out of this Alright, Both of you go to your rooms I'll handle Keira Just go Keira Alright, come here Don't mind your brother I bought you some jewelry Let me get it Okay Hello? Cindy When are you coming back? That woman's got my brother wrapped around her finger I'm being bullied here My brother went ahead I'll
be there in two days after finishing graduation stuff Henry's coming, too? You're so disloyal Not telling me I've been watching my brother for you daily You've liked him forever You've waited all these years Why the rush now? Don't worry I've got your back His first love must be you Cindy's still the best Don't worry I'll kick that woman out What are you talking about? Mom you scared me! It seems your brother was right You're bullying Tina again Why are you so inconsiderate lately? Mom.. I'm going out tomorrow You're coming with me No, Henry's back tomorrow
I'm picking him up Don't be stupid He only sees you as a sister You're coming, with me tomorrow Or don't call me mom! Oh no! Henry, Let me go back with you I can help out No, Focus on graduating I'm the new COO in Port City I won't be too busy Don't worry Who's worried? I just don't want Matt stolen away Matt, Did you bring the whole store home? Like it? I'll have Victor deliver things home from now on Take your pick Mr. Lowe You really don't get women Shopping's about the experience not staying home
Oh? If you don't like it It's okay Do what you want with these I'll buy new ones later Mom said you were clueless about romance, but you're a natural at wooing women Tina, Although I am older than you I am not hard of hearing You're criticizing me in front of my face Bath's ready Are you feeling okay? I.. I'm fine Thank you for your help today Take a bath and rest This woman.. Her gifts, are always surprising Quite a talent Listen, I'll be out with Keira for days You and Matt watch the house Don't worry,
Mom You're such a clam Take care of your wife Let's go. Alright come on I have to get to the office I am heading out I should get to work too -I'll drop you off -Okay -Let's go You know.. You can come by at any time Hm? Oh Stop staring, and drive! Mr. Lowe your wife's shy She's not very outgoing You need to take the lead Sweet talk isn't enough Any ideas? You need to have lunch with her every day It shows care and builds your bond Add flowers to earn extra points Please set it
up for me Yes, Mr Lowe Mr. Jones's business is thriving It's an honor to have you as port City's COO! You're too kind Chairman. I've just returned and I'm still getting my bearings Could you show me around a little more? Nonsense, Mr Jones! We are relying on your guidance for the commercial district in the North District This shop looks nice That's.. That's Mrs Lowe's store Hi, I'm Henry Jones Mind if I introduce myself? Mrs. Lowe Meet our new executive for Port City He oversees business in our North and South Districts Hello, I'm Tina Tate Mrs..
Oh, Mrs Lowe! Yes, The Lowe Group president's wife She's great at running her shops and, often donates to the local elderly and children The neighbors adore her Mrs. Lowe is so generous! You're too kind I just do what I can Chairman, I'd like to organize a charity fundraiser with local businesses Would that be okay? Umā€¦ Of course! Ms. Tate shall we discuss this over dinner? Sounds good I will come after you Please Thank you I'm not sure about your taste Why don't you check the menu and see what you'd like Ms. Tate? Alright Cancel these
pointless dinner meetings for me in the future They're giving me a headache Yes, Mr Lowe Didn't you say we should try this restaurant to see if it's good enough to bring Mrs Lowe here? What is this woman so busy with? She's not even replying to me Mr. Lowe! Isn't that Mrs Lowe over there? Why is she dining with Mr Jones? They look happy together She's not even answering her phone Mr. Jones's sister fancies you Could Mr. Jones be wrecking a marriage for his sister? Protect Mrs. Lowe now! Look at me I'm actually quite amused by
this Wouldn't I be interrupting if I go? Listen call the waiter over Henry just got back And I should treat him to a proper welcome-home dinner What's wrong? Since taking over the shop Everyone has called me Mrs Lowe. Hardly anyone uses Ms Tate. It made me happy when you did If you prefer it I'll keep calling you that I'd like that Sorry, We didn't order these dishes Someone's treating you Why is everything so green? The owner's a friend Probably thinks i need more veggies after years of burgers abroad That's nice of him Why's it so
cold in here? Take me home Mr. Lowe Aren't you waiting for your wife? The meal's not finished She won't leave yet The lifelong single guy weds And his wife's already straying Talk about a green newlywed Why are you watching TV today? Just wait for some news Are you waiting for Tina right? Why not pick her up then? Who's waiting for her? It's just the news Stop pretending Matt, Cindy's back tomorrow Come to the airport with me? Can't What are you looking at? She's with Henry? Do something! Not my problem Keira, where to at this hour?
So you do know the time Ignore him. You must be tired Sit down Take care of yourself Tina, Why are you with Henry? He left earlier Did he drive you back? Didn't you even stop by? I didn't know you were friends You're married now Think of my brother's reputation Stop hanging out with other men Keira, What are you saying? Tina's not like that We have a long history together We just ran into each other and chatted We are not together at all Keira, aren't you picking up Cindy tomorrow? Get some sleep You brat! What's gotten
into you? Right. Cindy's back tomorrow morning Once she's here You're out But, while you're still here Do your job Stop fooling around and shaming the Lowe family! Is he changing his tune because Cindy's coming back? Matt, You're picking up Ms Jones. Still on for lunch tomorrow? Whatever Oh Geez, would it kill her to sweet-talk me a bit? When's Cindy's flight? She should be here by now Oh, There's Cindy! Matt, Keira Sorry for the wait No need for formalities I've booked a place Let's revisit Port City's flavors When I mentioned picking you up Matt jumped at
the chance He really cares about you Really? Trust me, I've got this Matt, Since Cindy just got back Why not show her around? Now that she's here I've got to run See you Matt, How could you abandon us here? Mrs. Lowe I'm here to take you Go ahead. I've lost my phone so I'll skip Mr. Lowe mrs. Lowe won't be joining Noted Matt, Cindy's back for the reunion ball Can you be her dance partner? Sure. Let's go See? My brother cares about you He's just being responsible for that woman Let's use this ball to oust
her from the Lowe family Keira, I need your full support Count me in Mom, What's going on? How dare you ask! What kind of husband leaves his pregnant wife to pick up another woman? Can't you, prioritize? Sorry It's fine, Mom My pregnancy nausea is bad anyway And he wouldn't be much help Still better than suffering alone Here, Take care of Tina Oh! Are you okay? Patient Seven, Tina Your prenatal results are ready I'll go Don't worry. Iā€™ll go Let me go Doctor, Is there a way to make her feel better? There's no good way Considering
her physique It can be very rough for her But don't worry In this period She can do more exercise and wear flat shoes Which can help her give birth Okay. Thanks doctor I was unaware it's useless for you and misunderstood you I'm sorry It's okay. I only know it after pregnancy Baby, I wonder if I can be with you after you're born After all, The actual Mrs Lowe is back Give me your feet It feels good thanks You're welcome. You're my wife and pregnant with my kid It's my duty to look after you I lost
my phone Please take me to the shop Did you lose your phone? I don't know where I left it I can't find it anywhere No wonder What? It's nothing. I'll send you to work every day You're my wife It's what I should do Let's go Tina, Are you free tonight? Mr. Jones I'll be off work What's wrong? My sister is holding a ball tonight I wonder if you can be my date Sorry, Mr Jones, I.. Well, here's the thing Cindy told me matt asked her to be his date I guess you should have time So
I came to you Sorry, Mr Jones. I can't dance You may ask others It's fine. You can be my date without dancing I I don't feel well today I can't dance Have you gone to the hospital? How do you feel now? Well, I'm okay I'll be fine after a rest at home Alright. Then I'll send you home Matt must be dancing with Cindy He can't come Thanks for the trouble Don't say it We're friends Thanks for driving me back You may go Okay Damned Tina! She not only took away Matt but also clings to Henry
Hey, Come here What's the matter? Cindy hurt her feet while dancing She can't go to the ball Now the ball is about to begin but I can't find anyone who is proper You may go with Matt You should be happy Do you want me to be Matt's date? Right. Go and get ready This one is nice It covers my belly This is it You seem to look forward to being Matt's date When will Matt come back? Don't worry. He'll come to pick us up Cindy Isn't Matt back yet? He'll soon arrive You may have a
seat Ms. Jones You're not hurt? Ms. Tate I know you're jealous of me for being Matt's date But you can't curse me I didn't Tina, When I said Matt would come to us I meant Cindy and me Did you misunderstand me? Of course not Good. But where are you going dressed up like this? I'll go.. Today I invited Tina to be my date Therefore, You're going to the ball Right? Henry, Who would go with me if she is your date? Matt, Ms Tate and Henry are so close They'll be dancing partners Well, Is that so?
Matt, Tina is pregnant How can she go to the ball? You have to stop her That's her thing It's not my business Just wait a second I'll get my car Alright, I'll be waiting Tina, I'll get my car Wait for me Do you have no good manners? Your dancing with another man will be like cheating on Matt But Matt will take Cindy to the ball Why do you only target me? How dare you talk back? Keira, after all you're a lady in Lowe family You don't need to degrade yourself Henry is a gentleman He only
did it to relieve her embarrassment He may not ask her to dance Let's go Just wait If you don't want to go We won't go I can't do that to you Let's go Ms. Jones You're so stunning No wonder Mr Lowe chose you over his wife to be a date Do you mean Tina? She looks plain No man will be interested in her She is Mrs Lowe now You can't say that Ms. Lowe You'll soon marry Mr Jones, right? Stop the nonsense I come to dance today I'm not here for any men We're all looking
forward to your dance with Mr Jones. Once the four of you get on stage You'll be everyone's focus Mr. Lowe and Mr Jones are here They're truly charming talents They look equally attractive Such charming men are captured by Cindy and Keira Matt, Let's go and greet everyone Okay Henry, Let's dance together Keira, My dancing partner is Tina Henry, Are you going to embarrass me? I'm sorry, You should ask others Are you alright? I'm fine. It's my first time attending a non-commercial ball It's pretty fun Tina, you're a bitch! Why are you clinging to Henry? It
seems Mrs Lowe will be replaced How dare Tina dance with another man? She's so lucky Her husband and backup are both big figures in Port City It's so enviable Let me know if you feel uncomfortable later I'll drive you home Thank you You! Keira What are you doing? She's your sister-in-law You know that? Why did you make her your date? That's up to me You can't interfere with it Are you okay? I'm okay Henry, You don't know how much trouble she brought you I can't stand idly by And you! Put away that innocent face! You're
sinister inside! You're the reason why Henry disdained me! You're a lewd woman Get the hell of the Lowe family! Enough! What're you looking at? Tina, You're the trouble I hate you so much! Henry. Matt How can you say that about Keira for an outsider? Keira! I'm here. Go and console Keira Mr. Jones Don't forget that Tina's my wife now I can look after her I saw Mr Lowe is close with Cindy I don't think you care much about the marriage That's a thing between us You don't have to worry Mr. Jones You may go to
Keira I'll tell him about the rest I think, nobody can accept that her sister-in-law is her rival in love What are you saying? Did I say wrong? Didn't you come with Henry to provoke Keira and vent your anger? Matt, You're unbelievable You went to ball with another woman but accused me of doing the same You're so disgusting I did underestimate you It seems Keira is right You aren't as simple as you look Matt, You've gone too far I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood for dancing It's okay. I don't like to dance either Then why
were you anxious to invite me to the ball? I like you What? I'll wait for you to leave Matt if you give me a chance Sorry, I have to go I'm serious I'm not kidding either Though Matt is terrible I married him already Therefore, I can't accept you You're right What's so good in that bitch? Don't worry. We've got prepared You dissolute woman Why are you coming back? Do you come to steal? I come back for my things I left something here Stop. Who know if you stole or not? I'll search you Don't touch me!
Only I can bully her Who the hell are you? Fuck off! Why did you help me? I didn't help you I helped the Lowe family Forget it. You're a family after all Let's go dancing Then go to the bathroom with me Please take the glass for me and rim it with salt Thanks She's so gullible With the surveillance video She has to leave the Lowe family But you have to pretend to be sick It's no problem as long as she can leave Someone! Help us! Cindy was poisoned! Cindy, are you alright? Henry, She did it!
Tina poisoned Cindy I, I didn't I know you're angry because I danced with Matt But you can't poison me I.. Don't try to explain When we watched the video We saw you sneak around When we wanted to observe it Cindy felt uncomfortable The video provides proof Dear lord, Tina is so horrible She poisoned Ms Jones in public Cindy asked me to rim her glass We let you help for we trust you You used poison instead of salt You, you're disgusting We can't let the vicious woman stay We must send her to the police Stop it!
Don't you dare wrong her Victor, Let the guests leave Matt, You just quarreled with her Why are you defending her? Because she's my wife Then.. should I be poisoned? Cindy, There must be a mistake With the proof and witnesses here There can be no mistake You two can't be witnesses Mom, you're here She poisoned Cindy You have to make her divorce Matt I'll ask you again Are you sure Tina did it? I'm sure Alright. Since so I won't tolerate your scheme to hurt Tina Mom! I saw the whole process You tricked Tina to rim the
glass And you edited video to frame her! Cindy, You aren't poisoned at all! Madam you misunderstood me Enough! When will you stop the act? Tina never fights against you How can you bully her? Did we bully her? She not only took you away but also seduced Henry She should leave the Lowe family! Keira, I'll make it clear to you today I see you as a sister There is nothing between us Henry, I.. I didn't make Keira behave so she caused you trouble I'll apologize to you for her I'm sorry Henry, what are you doing? Come
home with me! Let me go! Our home is a mess Go home and reflect on yourself I.. Tina, I'm sorry for that With Matt supporting me I don't feel wronged Then you may hurry and give me more grandkids I.. Relax, relax No way Push No, I'm out of strength! I saw the baby's head Push harder Come on, I can do it Ah! Ah! Congratulations, Mrs Lowe. It's a daughter Thanks, Tina Thank you for this Don't say that From that moment on You'll do most of the work Drink milk before going to bed Alright, I'll drink
it Um, okay I can sleep alone now You see, I've drunk it up Um. Good night Why did she lock the door? What're you doing? I feel hot I know you're hot Something is wrong with the milk I feel so hot When we got officially married Tonya went to see my mom My mom must have given Tonya the thing in the milk It's so noisy Be quiet You.. Why are we in the same bed? Alas, It's not the first time What? Are you shy? I'm not shy Alright, get up Dad, Mom I didn't lock the
door on purpose last night I know I was wrong I won't do it again You're so naughty I forgive you Go to your class I'll pick you up later I have something to do Bye She does have a temper Master Lowe, Mr and Ms Lowe, have left Should we get Miss Tonya home? Hum, Mrs Lowe? She's an ordinary woman from a poor background How can she be the Lowe family's wife? Go and get the child back I won't let such a woman raise the Lowe family's kid Got it Chandler, You took away my assets and
my company I've consulted a lawyer You can never take my money or my company Miss, where is Tonya? Mrs. Lowe We did nothing wrong The man said he was your father and said something to Tonya Who happily followed him to leave My father? Haha, to be frank the kid looks quite like Matt It's said a girl looks like her dad Tonya is a living example of that sentence Haha, right Grandpa, you said dad and mom will come back together Where are they? Well, your dad will be back soon Be good Tonya Have some food Grandpa,
why do you have hair on your mouth? I'll braid your hair Haha! Alright Tonya. Braid my hair Master, Will the woman make a scene when she finds Miss is missing? With her background She isn't qualified to be my daughter-in-law Hum, if she dares to come she'll only get kicked out Grandpa, are you talking about mom? No, Tonya I meant someone else Haha! I want mom I want mom I want mom Well, Tonya My sweet girl Don't cry Have some snacks I won't eat anything from you Grandpa is bad I want mom Hey you rarely come
When you left home Didn't you say you'd never come back? Hey, she finally comes back Don't be harsh on her Stop the act here! Where is Tonya? Tina how are you talking to your mom? She's not my mom My mom is long dead Bastard! Tina told the truth She seldom comes back Don't argue for me She is kind to speak for you But you're impolite to her I raised you up How dare you be rude to a senior? When I was pregnant You drove me out Did you consider my feelings? I never troubled you Why
did you take Tonya away? Is Tonya missing? Huh that's a big deal Did you call the police? Stop it! Stop the act! I've behaved myself these years and never asked about you You can't wrong me I didn't push you Why the pitiful face? If you hadn't cheated my dad and pressured him I wouldn't have been kicked out! In these years For your sake your mom pampers you. Even you got pregnant without getting married She speaks for you You can't be heartless That she can't bear kids is unrelated to me You have been fooled by her
and deceive yourself! I'm not a fool Give Tonya back to me! Are you crazy? It's better that the kid is gone The Tate family is a mess because of her! Tonya has a father Do you mean Chandler Who has been pursuing you? The toy boy is unreliable You paid for his life and opened a company for him Tina, You can't do that even if no one will marry you Alas, The toy boy is not bad He pursued Tina seriously He's unlike the jerk who is all about getting her into bed You'd better marry Chandler now
Don't mess around and end up losing everything Right, it's good that Tonya's gone Without her Tina can get married You finally expose how vicious you're You can't say that about Tonya! How bold! You're nobody to talk in the Tate family Fuck off! Tina, you clearly know you dad doesn't like Tonya Why would I take her away? Are you saying this to hurt me? You really didn't take Tonya away? Why would we take the bastard? Get out! Get the hell out! You're no longer my daughter What should I do? Tonya isn't at the Tate's place Who
took her away? Matt.. Did Matt take her away But the teacher didn't tell me? Why isn't he answering? You can't go in without permission I, I'm begging you My child is inside Please let me in okay? You can't, no matter what You can't enter without permission! Tina, why are you here? Sandra do you work here? Yes, I'm now a superior in the company Then, can you get me in? My child is inside Do you have a child? I just wondered why you never come to the class gatherings It turns out you're a housewife now I'll
chat with you later Please take me in first I'm in a hurry to find my kid Her father took her in Why are you unable to get in? Is your husband a guard here? Well, no The security guards are standing outside Is your husband a cleaner here? No wonder you never come to the gatherings Turns out you feel ashamed Hey what's wrong with you? Why are you breaking in? The Tate family is rich Why are you so uncultivated? She did it the last time Barging in with no reason She's getting us in trouble Forget it,
let her in I don't think she can get a rich husband Inside the building are big figures with good tastes Your high heels are worn Hey! You can't go in without an appointment! My shoes cost two thousand dollars They can't be worn Mr. Lowe Chandler came with a reason I think Master found him back to get benefits from the company You can't let Chandler achieve it A toy boy relying on women can't make me fear Matt! Where are you Matt? Matt! Damn, Are you insane? If you annoy Mr Lowe, You can't bear the consequences Don't
worry about being blamed Mr. Lowe is my husband I have an emergency! Mrs. Lowe? Forget it You must be crazy Are you so eager to get a rich man? Why would Mr Lowe, fall for an ordinary woman like you? I'll go to the surveillance room to take a photo of you so that everyone will know you're crazy Let me go! Do you want to run? I'll make you sober up What are you doing? What's the noise? Mr. Lowe Mrs. Lowe seems to come Stop it! What are you doing? How bold! How dare you make a
scene here? Mr. Lowe the crazy woman has been asking to see you I've been many of her kind who are scheming to marry the rich I have to teach her a lesson so that she won't do it again Shut up! It's Mr. Lowe's wife What? I beg of you Please let me see Tonya I can't live without her Is Tonya missing? Mr. Lowe married her and they have a kid? What have I done? Victor, get her fired right away Be quick! Okay. No no! Mr Lowe, I did it because I'm loyal to you Cut the
crap just go! I beg of you Please let me see Tonya Tonya is everything to me I can't live without her I know, how much you and Tonya mean to each other I will never take her away from you But you must tell me the whole story first What? Even you don't know where Tonya is? What should I do? Where is Tonya? How should I live without Tonya? Don't worry. I'll look for her Hello, Dad Tonya? Where is Tonya? I'll go and find Tonya Do you know where my dad is? Please take me to him
Alright, I'll take you to wipe away your tears first Otherwise, when you see Tonya She'll be worried about you Mom Hey, Tonya Your dad is changing into slippers Let's go to the sofa Tonya! You can wear mine You care so much for the woman you haven't married Mom, I miss you much I miss you too Dad, no matter what She's Tonya's mother Show her some respect before Tonya Tonya I need to talk to your parents Go out and play with Carl Okay? Let's go, Tonya Though you're Tonya's mom I'm very unsatisfied with your background especially
the fact that you married my son for Tonya I hope you're sensible Then you mean.. I mean, I don't want you to see Tonya again But Tonya relies on you badly So I'm considering buying you a house nearby so that you can look after her But you have to go after Tonya turns ten years old Dad, that's improper I know you don't like me But I'm Tonya's mother It's a fact that can't be changed I can't leave the kid So I'm sorry that I can't agree Hum, It seems you're sure that I'll compromise for Tonya
So you wouldn't agree to that Tell me Give me a number How much do you want to leave Tonya here? Hey, Tonya you can't go there! I won't live with a bad grandpa Dad and mom are married We can't be separated Tonya, You can't be impolite to grandpa Matt, come here I was wrong that I let you get married But I hope you can act as the head of the Lowe family And replace the woman with a miss from a good family And make her Tonya's mother I didn't say any harsh things But now I
have to make it clear Tina and I are married so I'll be responsible for her and our baby I will never abandon her! How dare you! If you want to be with her Listen I won't allow you to be in charge of Lowe Group! Chandler'll be my second option! If you want Chandler Your love son To be in charge of Lowe Group Who was away from home for years You wouldn't have let me investigate him in secret! Since you're not sure about it What's the point of threatening me? How dare you! You're now capable enough
huh? How dare you to have an attitude! After handling the Lowe Group I have never failed anything I've got my plan You just need to wait for the investigation at home And then enjoy your rest life! How dare you to be against my will! Do not expect me to be your puppet! You may arrange a marriage for Chandler I'm sure he'll be happy about it! Master, are you okay? Humph. He hasn't talked to me like that all these years! He did so all because of a woman! Geez! What a mess here! Master, I feel mr.
Matt has a point there We can wait for the results first And then decide what to do I guess that's all we can do Keep a close eye on Chandler or Matt won't try his best to work for me Yes, Sir! Daddy, Will grandpa be mad at us If we come home? Don't worry, Tonya He has cursed me already! I'm so sorry about that My dad did the wrong thing to you You have nothing to be sorry for As for Tonya You can raise her on your own My dad won't take her away! Excellent! But,
have you promised him anything? Yes, Or we can't take Tonya home Daddy is always protecting us Mommy, we gotta protect him too Okay Thank you for sending us home Do you wanna come in? We are an official couple Of course I can stay here Excuse me for getting inside first I gotta say something to Tina Chandler, How can you intrude on my house? I have nothing to do with you Either intruding on our house or harassing my wife Will ruin your reputation Get out of here! Who the hell do you think you are? This is
between Tina and me Mind your own business! We're married, And he's my husband! Get out of here now! Are you married? No way, Tina! You're mad at me right? Really The woman and I are just coworkers nothing else! You've taken all the assets back You know I'm innocent right? You just lost your chance to do so! He's still lying at this time! What a sore loser! If you don't leave now I'll ask the guards Tina, You were tricked by him! He's just a lackey of our family Trying to steal away your money! But I am
different I'm the second son of Master Lowe I'll inherit the Lowe family later! If you're together with me you'll live a rich and happy life! Hello, I need some help here Fine Tina, I know you're mad at me I won't stay here any longer But you'll surely forgive me! Listen No one wants to listen to a jerk! Tonya I seem to forget something I remember mommy wanted to marry him before right? Daddy, mommy is just too simple And she was tricked by him We can't make fun of her! Look at you two! Making fun of
me huh? Aren't you laughing at your mommy? Geez! When did Tina become so stubborn? Without her help those shareholders will never believe me! Tina is not strong-minded She must listen to her father If I can win her father's support I'll indeed marry her and steal away their properties! Hi, Mr Tate and Mrs Tate, This is a bottle of Dom Perignon Which I asked someone else to get for you from France especially! Wow, Champagne produced in twenty twelve! One sip costs hundreds of dollars! Chandler, Thank you so much! Pleasure on me! Chandler, What're you doing here
today? Where's Tina? Two days ago Tina made a scene at home Because Tonya was lost Have you found her? Ah, yes yes. Actually I need you to convince Tina for me She has known a man somewhere I'm worried she may be tricked We broke up before Cause there was a misunderstanding between us! So she won't listen to me! She's so ungrateful! You treated her so nicely before But she left you for someone else! We spoiled her so much when she was young It's so easy to fool her! Do not curse her! Mrs. Tate We can't
sit here and do nothing! Tina never care about how to run the company She took over the company and transferred the assets suddenly She wants to give all to the jerk! What a troublemaker! Chandler Call her now! If she doesn't come back I'll move her mother's grave out! Mr. Tate Calm down I'll call her now And I believe after she comes back You'll convince her for sure! Geez! Why are you being so angry? When Tina comes back We can try to convince her! She'll listen to us for sure! I'm her father! She has to listen
to me! She transferred her assets to chandler before they were engaged! Now she has found another guy! So stupid! Make up an excuse to leave later or we'll share the same bed What? Is it too small? How about I ask my assistant to buy us a bigger one? You're so shameless! You claimed I have an evil thought But now what're you doing? We're husband and wife It's not taking advantage of you Besides Tonya won't want me to leave Daddy, are you talking to me? Oh, Tonya Not really Well Chandler, what else do you want? What?
My dad'll move my mom's grave out? Stop him, and I'll be right back! I'll come back with you! No need. You stay here to look after Tonya I don't want her to meet them Mommy, Come back quickly If you don't go home early Daddy and I will come to you Okay. And thank you sweetie. I'll go now Okay Tonya, why you're not playing? Every time mommy talks about grandpa, she's unhappy! Can you go and protect her? But I promised your mommy to take good care of you How about this? We can follow her secretly So
if anything happens We can be there for her instantly! What do you think? Great! Take your anger out on me! Don't mess with my mom! She's dead! Your mother is buried in our graveyard If you keep fooling around I'll throw her ashes somewhere! What did you say dad? Mr. Tate calm down please. Tina don't be mad at your father We all think your new boyfriend is a liar If you stop seeing him Your father will forgive you Right, Tina You and Chandler are engaged You can't cancel it If the others know about it How will
they see our Tate family? Register for, marriage with Chandler now! Then I'll keep the certificates Or I won't be your father! Not like that! You have no idea about what happened before Why do you listen to him but me? Chandler is not an outsider He's your fiance! And she's your stepmother! We have the right to correct you! He cheated me with another woman! And I saw that with my own eyes! How can I marry him? You're not that pure are you? It's your great luck to marry Chandler! And you care about that? Yeah, about that
Chandler has apologized to us No one is perfect Cheating is not a rare thing either Forgive him this time Tina, The moment I left you I realised how much I loved you! Up to now I've realized only you are my true love! I swear to God I'll be loyal to you ever after And never make you sad! Chandler, If I hadn't taken my company and money back Will you beg me in this way? Please save some face for yourself! Why does he have to beg you? Look, how sincere he is! You'll never find a better
man! Don't be so selfish! You're a mother now Set an example for Tonya Don't use Tonya as an excuse! I'm sure even if Tonya is here she'll never see him as her dad! Shut up! Don't seek trouble for yourself! I'm your father! You have to listen to me! You can marry someone else But I can't! Tonya has her own father! Even though she doesn't have Chandler will never be her dad! He's nothing but a cheater! Honey, don't be too angry! Tina, You have been fooled by the jerk! Actually, he arranged for the woman to seduce
me! Why do you never listen to me? Is he threatening you with something? Geez! I've heard some little girls were tricked by men to take shamless pictures of themselves! Tina, You can't leave him because of that or not? If you're worried about that I don't mind it! But if you refuse me no one will accept you! Enough, stop talking nonsense! I'll never do that! My husband is not that bad as you think! What? You're so shameless! I'll hit you today! Stop it! Don't hit my mommy You bad people! Who are you? How did you get
in? We were outside waiting for mommy! You all hit her! Shame on you! Tina, Why did you bring this man back home? And look ill-educated tonya is! Mr. Tate and Mrs Tate, You both see Tina and Tonya are tricked by the man! What should I do now? Don't act affectionate here! I have nothing to do with you! No need to care about him He got fake champagne as a gift What can you expect from him? What did you say? Bullshit! Why do I have to do that? Plus, You're just a lackey of our family! You
have been nowhere! You might have bought the wine from a pub If you claim it's true Take it out and let's see if it's true or not Chandler open the champagne for us If he's lying I can't let him stay here! Right, Tina Open your eyes wide If he's a liar Talking nothing but shit You can change your mind I believe him Chandler, open it The bottle doesn't shine or has nothing shining Chandler you sent me fake champagne! It must be a mistake Mr. Tate I'll go back to teach them lesson I'll send you a
real one later It takes at least years to produce the best Dom Perignon There was an insect attack So the champagne that year were reproduced You'll never buy champagne produced in two thousand-two! You know nothing! I have my way to get it! You call yourself tina's husband But showed up here with bare hands! Don't act smart here now! You sent my dad fake alcohol! What if something goes wrong? Enough! Cut the crap! Look at the men you've brought home One came here with fake alcohol The other showed up with nothing Get out of here! I
do take something with me! And It's already sent here! Come in My boss bought this vase from an auction at a price of four million dollars this year Honey, Is that the vase you like? I've heard it's priceless! Yeah look, how amazing it is! Mr. Tate and Mrs Tate, He's not rich at all! How could he spend four million on something valuable like that? Oh, right How can we know it's real? Here's the certificate And there's a code on the vase If you don't believe me You can search for it Wow! It's real! I didn't
expect myself to see such a treasure my whole life! You must have stolen the money Or you'll never afford it! You're shallow, and dishonest I must tell the Lowe family what you've done! So you'll never get back! You abused your power! If you don't wanna suffer Get out of here now! Or I'll show no mercy to you! You'll pay for that! Get out of here! I didn't expect you to be this rich! Tina, treat him nicely ever after! You never care about me! You are nice to whoever is rich! I won't listen to you anymore!
Tina, how can you say that before your husband? Tina is my wife I'm here with Tonya to stand by her! From now on whoever dares to mess with her He'll suffer from it for sure! What do you mean? You don't want Tina to admit her father? If so she has no right to inherit the properties of the Tate family! Tina is now my wife She won't care about what you have! What? Are you here to show off your wealth? You threatened me with my mom! That's why! From now on I'll bring her ashes back! I
will never listen to you! Babe, let's go! Fine! The moment you step out the door I'll no longer be your father! If someone messes with you Don't come back to cry! Don't worry No one can mess with my wife ever! My boss send you this as a betrothal gift! Take it and excuse us for leaving What did he call Tina's husband? Boss? Is he the CEO of Lowe Group? Honey, is Tina that good? Maybe, He's just the boss of a small company Cool No one bothers us now What's up? I'm upset every time I go
home This time I have no home anymore Mommy, you have a home Daddy and I are your families! Don't worry. We're a family now! Don't feel sad Tina you betrayed me to choose him! When I get back to the Lowe family I'll definitely make you suffer! Thank you No one has supported or protected me like that! You're my wife! It's my duty to love you! Mommy, daddy I'm sleepy OK, I'll take you to sleep now Let's go Tonya is now in sleep Aren't we supposed to sleep? I'll sleep with Tonya! You can't avoid me forever!
I didn't avoid you! I'm thinking how to clean the room This is cleaning the room? Yeah, so we won't touch each other Are you still mad at me? Not really Then what's the point? We're a couple You make me feel distant from you What're you gonna do? You look terrible in sleep And you take up most of the bed No room for me How come? You see so big room No worry I'll stay still Silly, You wanna play hard to get huh? Tonya, what's so funny? Mommy, you're in daddy's arms Haha Hmmm You're a mother
now Can you behave yourself? You crossed the line first Look, I'm even on the bedside Who crossed the line on earth? Mommy, daddy stop. My birthday is coming soon You promised to celebrate with me I wanna go to the amusement park Tonya, your daddy is busy with work He has no time to take you there I'll make some time for my sweetie Yeah! So he's doing all of the things for Tonya You did a good job to persuade the shareholders to go back home! If I can't do that You'll be ashamed of me won't you?
No worries. I'll arrange you a job after the investigation Dad, the man you asked to investigate me neglected his duty He even fooled around with my ex He's not reliable at all! What? Your ex? What's her name? Tina, from the Tate family Her parents expelled her cause she got pregnant before marriage Due to that I helped her a lot! But she is so ungrateful Damn! Dad, I'll be willing to marry the girl you pick for me Since Tina and the man fooled around I have had nothing to do with her! Carl and I need a
private talk Okay Master, do you believe him? You've known how much matt loves that woman! Send someone to keep an eye on him Let's see if he neglects his duty Just like Chandler said Okay Carl, you gotta urge my dad to punish the man! Master knows what he should do Chandler, mind your own business When I take in charge of the firm You'll kiss my ass! Daddy, mommy hurry! The train is going to start! Tonya, I feel tired Can we rest for a while? Okay We can have a rest over there And eat something Let's
go I wanna eat ice cream! Here you are Tonya Thank you. Don't eat too fast Or you'll have a stomachache later Okay Eat yours quickly Or it'll melt soon You don't eat one? No Sweet Who are you? Mr. Lowe he followed you for long and took pictures of you! Who are you? Make him talk I wanna know if he's tough enough Got it! Master Lowe sent me here! Take him away Your dad sent him here? What happened? Nothing serious. He asked me to investigate Chandler Maybe he wanna know the results I ignored Chandler recently indeed
Don't worry I'll ask someone to spy on him! Mr. Lowe asked his man broke my camera There're only a few pictures left He lives together with the woman Obviously, he's into her She has got nothing but beauty And she has made Matt a fool! So ridiculous! Master Lowe, calm down Mr. Lowe is treating Tina nicely For the good of Tonya But I feel he's against my will! He wants to take the woman home And forces me to accept her! Not a chance! Tell everyone Chandler will be the new CEO Matts has to know he's not
my only successor! And he has to earn it! Chandler has acted in collusion with the shareholders And with your father's help he's taken over most of the power You'd better go back to the firm to deal with this situation! My dad can't do anything with me So he wants to threaten me with Chandler Chandler wants nothing but money! He's incompetent And he's never my match! But.. You're away from home It's never too much to be careful! Keep a close eye on Chandler! If Chandler makes move Let me know it instantly Got it Chandler, let me
take it My dad is sick now as his son I'm supposed to take care of him! Out of my way! Dad, Let me help you with the medicine! Geez! Dad the ambulence will be here soon! But before that You gotta do me a favor Hold the shareholders' meeting and transfer your shares to me So I'll be the owner of the Lowe family and Lowe Group! How dare you! Mr. Lowe Carl called to say your father is in poor health now! Chandler forced him to hold the shareholders'meeting! I've told you to report it to me If
Chandler does anything strange! Why didn't you tell me earlier? My father fell sick suddenly And Chandler blocked the news So I have no time.. I'll go back to see the situation Mr. Lowe what about Mrs Lowe and Tonya? Chandler dared to hurt my father He'll surely take revenge on Tina Send guards to protect them Until I come back Got you Mommy, why daddy hasn't come back? There're some weird people outside Tonya, your daddy has some work to do So he sent gurads to protect us! I miss daddy Do you miss him? Don't cry, sweetie Mommy
I miss him too When will daddy come back home? Mrs. Lowe you can't leave home until Mr Lowe comes back If anything needed let me know Can you tell me what's going on? Mr. Lowe'll tell you later If you don't tell me I'll make my way out Master Lowe is in danger And there's a mess in the company Mr. Lowe came back for that No He must be in danger Or you won't be here to protect us! Hmm.. Let us out okay? Or you can go with us With you guys around We'll be safe! Have
a look at it My father signed the share transfer agreement himself He decided to give me his shares You should know what to do now Haha You are threatening us Let me tell you It doesn't count Since your father is poor health What're you doing? I'm a Lowe I don't have to threaten him You've known the consequence So raise your hand if you support me Since our father is in poor health as the current CEO I should take the responsibility You're just a love son You have no right to stand here! Oh my. Mr Lowe,
you're finally back! You're the CEO? I thought you were an employee! You're stupid and shallow And you want to take my place? Not a chance! You neglected your duty and had fun with a bitch somewhere! You'll never be qualified to be in charge of the company! Tina is my wife And Tonya is my daughter You're a nobody! You don't even have the right to call their names! You! Father asked me to do so! I do have the right to stand here! And, you'd better give your position to me Or I'll make you suffer! Fine. Let's
invite Father to come over And ask him what's going on Go ahead! I'm sorry, Tonya I'm in a hurry to meet your daddy So that you catch a cold Mommy, I'm all right We've promised daddy we'll protect him You're right Never break your words Good girl. I'll buy something for you to eat You can take a nap frist Sir, are you okay? I'll help you up I'm fine Dad, Why are you doing here? Let's get out of here quickly! You wanna leave? Not a chance! What're you doing? Let go of him! He's sick! Stop! Protect
Mrs Lowe and Master Lowe Are you okay? Mr. Lowe and Chandler are confronting each other now! He needs you now! What? Take you there quickly! Give up! Father won't be able support you! Oh, really? Dad! You... I knew you were black-hearted But I didn't expect you to kill me! You can't stay in the Lowe family Confess your crimes in the jail for your rest life! Dad, please listen to me! Please, dad!
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