The Night Before Christmas: A Mouse Tale (2002)

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Nobie Ham's Archive
From IMDB: "Loosely based on the poem "The Night Before Christmas," this animated story explores the...
Video Transcript:
Skip? <i> Skip, we need</i> <i> your help. </i> Come on.
There's work to be done. Yeah, Skip. I'm doing my work and yours, too.
Knock it off, Squeaky. Don't call me Squeaky. That's enough, both of you.
You missed a piece there, Skip. It's just a little piece, Papa. Every little piece counts, son.
It's going to be a cold night. We might even get some snow. Now<i> you're</i> taking a break?
No, Papa. I thought I heard something. Probably the storm.
There's a big one brewing. It's going to be cold, too. (<i> rumbling</i> ) (<i> all gasping</i> ) Papa, what is that?
It's a bulldozer and. . .
and it's headed this way! What are we going to do, Papa? We got to run for our lives!
Come. We've got to go find Mother! ♪ Oh, there's nothing like soup on a cold winter's day ♪ ♪ For a husband who's working or children at play ♪ ♪ Soup to keep you safe from a man or a cat ♪ ♪ A pinch of this, a dash of that.
♪ Hurry! We have to run! Henry, what on Earth is going on?
They're bulldozing everything. Who? People.
Come on, now! Surely, they wouldn't destroy our home. They don't care about us.
I've told you that. No! (<i> gasping</i> ) Let's save what we can.
Come on! Let's get out of here now! Hurry!
Huh? Run, everyone! Run for your lives!
Faster! Faster! Yow!
Help! Help! No!
Whew! Now what? Come on.
He'll be back. Everyone jump. Follow me.
Jump! You can do it. One, two, three, jump!
Henry! (<i> laughs</i> ) That was fun! Yeah!
Everybody all right? I'm okay, but Henry, what are we going to do? We'll try to get to Cousin Jasper's place.
He'll surely take us in until we find something permanent. Come on. Curtiss.
Step right in, Charles. Christmas Eve, the best night of the year. Merry Christmas, Curtiss.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Anybody home? Nope, there's nobody home here.
Did you find a nice one, Charles? What do you think? Charles, she's just beautiful.
Can we put her on the top of the tree now? No problem. Whoa!
Whoa! Charles! There.
See? No problem. She looks great.
Wow, she's beautiful! Dad? Yes, Michael?
Is the North Pole in Alaska or Canada? Well, neither. It's in the Arctic.
Why? I'm writing a letter to Santa Claus. Awfully late, isn't it?
How are you going to get it to him in time? E-mail. I wonder what his address is.
WWW. There it is! Way to go, Michael.
And you just might make it before Santa leaves. Hey, I want to send Santa a letter, too. It was my idea.
What about me? Me first. Stop, both of you.
Keep this up and Santa will fly right past this house. Michael, you write your note then I'll help Hallie write hers. BOTH: Okay, Mom.
I'm freezing, Papa. Me, too, Papa. Maybe we could find somewhere to get out of this storm.
We've got to keep going till we get to Cousin Jasper's place. I don't know where else to go. Warm in there, I expect.
We will stop at no house with people in it. We are field mice. Remember that.
What's wrong with people? People are frivolous, heartless, and they don't like mice. Why not?
I can't imagine. I don't expect that all people are so bad. It doesn't matter.
We're not going to get mixed up with any of them. Let's keep going. (<i> gasps</i> ) Henry, help me!
Whoa! Huh? Mother, where are you?
Help! (<i> weakly</i> ): Help. Oh, no!
Mama? Mama, are you okay? Don't panic, dear.
Help. . .
Here, reach up. That's it. I got you.
(<i> grunts</i> ) Hold on. (<i> grunts</i> ) Are you all right, dear? Oh, it's my ankle.
I-I twisted it and it's hard to walk. We're going to get you out of this storm even it means going into a people house. (<i> groans</i> ) (<i> purring</i> ) I think it's bedtime for both of you.
Oh, Mom, not yet. I'm not sleepy. MICHAEL: Can't we stay up just a little while longer?
No argument. Mom. .
. Oh, can't we. .
. ? Go!
Go ahead, Skip. Grab hold. Okay.
(<i> grunts</i> ) (<i> all grunting</i> ) Okay, everyone, careful now. We mustn't be seen. (<i> grunting</i> ) (<i> yowling</i> ) FATHER: It's just the wind, Lucky.
(<i> yowls</i> ) Unless I miss my guess, there's mice living here. Maybe they're not home. Hard to know with these city mice.
Probably out gallivanting somewhere. Hello. Anybody home?
You'd think these city mice could afford a stairway. Better than a stairway, it's a slide. I'll go first.
I'll go first. Squeak, you go first, but be careful. Yippee!
Here goes. (<i> both grunt</i> ) Wow, that was fun. Yeah.
(<i> yelling</i> ) Wow, these city mice sure know how to live. Huh, they wouldn't last a night if they had to live like we do. I just hope they let us stay the night.
Hello! Is anybody home? I'm not sure anybody still lives here.
You know city mice-- never long in one place. Just as foolish as city people. Now we'll just make it ours for the moment.
Mother, how about you sit down over there and get some rest? Children, see if you can find some firewood. Here you go, dear.
There. Wow! Shh!
I think this is the prettiest Christmas tree we've ever had. That's what you say every year, sweetheart. I love Christmas.
There's something so magical about it. Do you feel it, too? Like what?
Like magic. Strange and wonderful things happening without a reason. Like miracles?
I believe in them. I really do. Merry Christmas, Julie.
Merry Christmas, Charles. (<i> "O Tannenbaum" playing</i> ) (<i> "O Tannenbaum"</i> <i> continues playing</i> ) Papa, what's Christmas? Oh, some fool thing people celebrate.
They get all carried away with it once a year. Do we celebrate it, too? I'm sure some mice do, but we don't.
Why not, Papa? Because we're field mice. Our lives are hard and we don't have the time or money for such foolishness.
Now you children go off to bed. I'll go looking for food as soon as we get settled. But I saw cookies out there.
There's also a cat out there who would like a late-night snack. Now, go to sleep and maybe when you wake I'll have found some food. I've never lived in a house with a cat in it before.
FATHER MOUSE: There's nothing to fear, Mother. Cats are very stupid animals. MOTHER MOUSE: I don't know.
This one looks smart. A mouse is smarter than a cat any time. (<i> yowls</i> ) How long before Santa gets here, Dad?
Two hours, 14 minutes and ten seconds. Ah, come on, Dad. Why are you so interested?
You know, presents. Think I'll get that scooter I asked for? Well, that all depends.
Have you been a good boy? Well. .
. ? I've been mostly good.
Nuh-uh. Sometimes he teases me and calls me names. Santa Claus wouldn't leave stuff for Hallie and not for me would he, Dad?
But don't worry, I doubt if he'll overlook you just because you teased your sister a little. A lot. Let's go to sleep now.
I'm not going to sleep. I'm going to close my eyes and pretend. He won't come unless you're asleep.
And he's a smart old man. You can't fool Santa. Are you going to read the poem?
Do you want me to? We already set out the book. HALLIE: And tell us the story, too.
Let's see. . .
In New York City a heavy snow had fallen on Christmas Eve <i>a night much like tonight. </i> <i> a man named</i> <i> Reverend Clement Moore</i> <i> was in a hurry to get home</i> <i> to his family. </i> <i> His driver</i> <i> was a roley-poley little man</i> <i> that Reverend Moore began</i> <i> writing a poem about him.
</i> By the time he got home the poem was finished. Reverend Moore called it "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and he recited it that very night to his wife and six children.
Six children? Wow. "'Twas the night before Christmas "And all through the house <i> "Not a creature was stirring,</i> <i> not even a mouse.
</i> <i> "The stockings were hung</i> <i> by the chimney with care</i> <i> "In hopes that St. Nicholas</i> <i> soon would be there. </i> "The children were nestled all snug in their beds While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.
" Where are you going? I'm hungry. I'm going to see if I can find something to eat.
Where do you think you're going? I'm going to celebrate Christmas. You don't even know what Christmas is.
I know, but if I can find out what it is then I can celebrate it. Papa said it was something foolish. It doesn't look foolish to me.
It looks like fun. What do you think Christmas is, Skip? Must have something to do with that tree out there.
They called it a Christmas tree. Then let's see what's in that tree. Forget it, Squeak.
You get one step out of Mama's sight and you'll get scared and start crying and you'll spoil everything. Well, I'll be brave. I promise.
Well. . .
okay. But not one whimper. Hey, maybe we'll find something to eat while we're at it.
SQUEAK: All clear? All clear. Jump.
Whoa. The cat. It's okay.
He's asleep. (<i> meows</i> ) SQUEAK: No! Skip, help!
(<i> meows</i> ) Skip! Help! (<i> yowls</i> ) (<i> meows slowly</i> ) We made it.
Now let's find some food. Come on. (<i> grunts</i> ) (<i> groans</i> ) (<i> meows</i> ) (<i> snarling</i> ) (<i> meowing continues</i> ) I don't know why they call this It's just a regular tree all dressed up with lights and ornaments.
BIRD: ♪ Me-me-me-me ♪ SKIP: Hey, did you ever hear a sound like that come from just any old tree? ♪ Me-me-me-me ♪ Whew! I've got a great idea.
What? Let's go home. You said you were going to be brave.
I wish I hadn't said that. Maybe someone's hurt. We better see if they need help.
♪ Me-me-me-me ♪ (<i> squawk</i> ) ♪ Me-me-me-mee. . .
♪ (<i> squawk</i> ) You over there, what are you staring at? I guess at you, ma'am. Are you all right?
Of course I'm all right. What makes you think otherwise? And what are you mice doing here?
If it pleases your majesty we're trying to find out what Christmas is. I am not your majesty. Although I can see why you assumed that.
As for what Christmas is Christmas is a time for ♪ singing ♪ ♪ Me-me-me-mee. . .
♪ You call that singing? Here's one you'll like. ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ Don we now our gay apparel ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la ♪ ♪ Join the ancient yuletide carol ♪ ♪ Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la!
♪ Does that answer your question? Now do you know what Christmas is? I guess.
Then run along. Thank you, ma'am. I was hoping Christmas I was hoping we'd find something to eat by now.
Up or down? Up. I want to see more of this tree.
(<i> grunts</i> ) Give me a hand up. Here. Whee!
(<i> grunts</i> ) "Danger. Falling icicles" Watch out! Whoa.
Let's get out of here. Whoa! Whoa!
CHARLES: "And Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap <i> "Had just settled down</i> <i> for a long winter's nap. </i> Look out. Whoa!
Squeak! (<i> grunts</i> ) (<i> meows</i> ) Uh, hello, there. (<i> gasps</i> ) Go away.
What's the matter with you? You're a mouse, aren't you? What have you got against mice?
Nothing. I just don't like them. Come on.
Let's get out of here. She has nothing to do with Christmas. Sorry we bothered you.
Are you a dancer? Yes, I am. Wow.
I've always wondered if I could. . .
Dance a ballet? Sure you could. Christmas is all about dancing.
I don't know. I do a pretty good hoe-down. What's a hoe-down?
It's the way we country mice dance. Watch. (<i> square dance music playing</i> ) Anybody want to join in?
(<i> "Turkey in the Straw"</i> <i> playing</i> ) Do you call that dancing? Yeah. What do you call dancing?
This is dancing. Julio, please. (<i> "Anitra's Dance"</i> <i> begins playing</i> ) Ah.
Ooh. Ow. Once more, Julio.
(<i> ballet music continues</i> ) (<i> groans</i> ) (<i> both groan</i> ) If that's ballet dancing I'll stick to the hoe-down. Good-bye. And thank you.
<i>Au revoir, mes petites. </i> Bye. So long.
Now we know that Christmas is singing and dancing. And starving to death. I'm hungry, Squeak.
Maybe if we go a little higher we'll find something to eat. If we can get up there. It's a long way to the next limb.
Wow. Okay, Squeak. Come on up.
Look at me, Skip. Watch what I can do. Let's go, Squeak.
I'm hungry. Skip! What?
I didn't say anything. Squeak! What?
I didn't say anything. Over here. Follow my voice.
How y'all doing? Junior, what are you doing here? I'll bet you never expected to run into an old chipmunk from back in the field did you?
You probably never expected to run into us either. Wonders never cease. Ain't this the doggonedest place?
Is that good to eat? The whole house is. It's gingerbread.
Try a hunk. Mm. Now tell us what you're doing here.
I moved. I'm a city slicker now. Back home I was having myself a little snooze right here on this very limb.
Here comes this man and saws down the tree. You never know what crazy thing people will do next. That's what our father keeps saying.
I decided to go along for the ride. Next thing I know, here I am in the big city. And they've set my tree up and decorated it with all these goodies.
Eat hearty. 'Bout time. What are you folks doing so far from home?
Mm. They bulldozed our place back in the field. So we moved into town.
We're city mice now. What brings you up to my place? We're trying to find out what Christmas is.
We never had it at our house. I'm no expert, but from what I've gathered Christmas is a time to get together with old friends. Like us.
Like now. Somebody tells us something different every time we ask. Well, take my word for it, Christmas is a party.
Thanks for feeding us. You've been a big help, Junior. Drp in any time.
And if you see any of my folks tell them I made it good in the big city. Nice place to live, plenty to eat. .
. Uh-oh! Whoa!
See what I mean? We'd better be getting on our way. Bye-bye, Junior.
Bye, y'all. Thanks for coming. (<i> snoring</i> ) Charles.
What's the matter? You were snoring. Shaking the whole house.
I'm sorry. I guess I was dreaming about. .
. (<i> clattering</i> <i> and bells ringing</i> ) What was that? We'd better find out.
<i> When out on the lawn</i> <i> there arose such a clatter</i> <i> I sprang from my bed</i> <i> to see what was the matter. </i> <i> Away to the window</i> <i> I flew like a flash</i> <i> tore open the shutters</i> <i> and threw up the sash</i> <i> when what to my wondering eyes</i> <i> should appear</i> <i> but a miniature sleigh</i> <i> and eight tiny reindeer. </i> Ho, ho, ho!
<i> With a little old driver</i> <i> so lively and quick</i> <i> I knew in a moment</i> <i> it must be Saint Nick. </i> Look out! Huh?
Where there's bones, there's got to be meat. You're still hungry? That gingerbread was just dessert.
I want some real food. I don't believe it. A bear.
(<i> smacking</i> ) Hello there. I didn't know I had visitors. Come out.
Have a seat. Excuse me, sir. There's no place to sit.
Just pull up a chunk of cheese. You do like cheese, don't you? (<i> laughs</i> ) Whew.
A cheese chair. (<i> laughs</i> ) Oh, that's a joke. It's all right to laugh.
(<i> slurps</i> ) (<i> chuckles nervously</i> ) Yeah, right. A cheese chair. Hmm, what are you rats doing here anyway?
We're trying to find out what Christmas is so we can celebrate it. Why didn't you say so? Christmas is for eating.
(<i> chuckles</i> ) It's my favorite time of year. But a bear needs more. ♪ I'm a bear on the loose ♪ ♪ And I see the Christmas goose ♪ ♪ When I think about the yams ♪ ♪ Then I grab myself some ham ♪ ♪ There's a good hunk of cheese ♪ ♪ I don't have to say please ♪ ♪ There's always room for more ♪ ♪ I say ♪ ♪ There's always room for more ♪ ♪ When you really get hungry ♪ ♪ In your tummy, tummy, tummy ♪ ♪ Then grab some more meat ♪ ♪ And maybe something sweet ♪ ♪ I can find a place to stash it ♪ ♪ If it's dough, maybe I'll cash it ♪ ♪ There's always room for more ♪ ♪ More food!
♪ ♪ There's always room for more ♪ ♪ If the table looks empty ♪ ♪ Better find a horn of plenty ♪ ♪ Ah, here's a mound of squash ♪ ♪ It's better than a knosh ♪ ♪ Sometimes I like it cold ♪ ♪ Doesn't matter if it's old ♪ ♪ There's always room for more. ♪ (<i> laughs</i> ) You rats aren't carrying any food, are you? Like, in your pockets?
No, sir. And we're not rats. We're field mice.
Hmm. I wonder what a field mouse would taste like. W-We'd taste terrible.
Yeah, w-we'd taste terrible. Well, I'll try anything once. (<i> growls</i> ) Yeow!
Watch out! Grab the umbrella. Hang on!
We're out of here. It's not opening. (<i> screaming</i> ) Whoa!
We're saved! (<i> meows</i> ) We're doomed! Help!
(<i> yowls</i> ) Help! Hop on. (<i> yowls</i> ) Thank you, sir.
You saved our lives. Now tell me, what are you doing out so late on Christmas Eve? We were running away from a hungry bear.
It looked like a cat to me. That, too. Were you running because you've been naughty?
No, sir. We were running to save our lives. And we haven't been naughty.
You aren't telling a lie, are you? Lies are naughty. Who are you?
I'm Santa's Advance Elf. I let Santa know when the coast is clear. And I keep track of who's been naughty and who's been nice.
Which is it? We're nice. Yeah, we are nice mice.
I'm not sure. What brought you up here anyway? We're trying to find out what Christmas is.
That's easy. Christmas is a time for gifts. Giving gifts, getting gifts, buying gifts, wrapping gifts.
. . it's all just one big gift thing.
Is that all there is to it? That's all I know about it. But you could talk to those folks up at the top of the tree.
I don't think we can climb that high. Don't you know anything? Like what?
Christmas is also a time when wishes come true. Wish yourself up there. I wish to get to the top of the tree.
I think your wish is coming true. It works. Thanks again for saving our lives, Mr Elf.
You be more careful. Next time I might not be there to rescue you. <i> More rapid than eagles</i> <i> his coursers they came.
</i> <i> And he whistled. . .
</i> (<i> whistles</i> ) <i> and shouted</i> <i> and called them by name. </i> Now, Dasher, now, Dancer. Now, Prancer and Vixen.
On, Comet, on, Cupid. On, Donder and Blitzen. To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall now dash away, dash away, dash away all!
CHARLES: <i> So up to the housetop,</i> <i> the coursers they flew</i> <i> with a sleigh full of toys</i> <i> and Saint Nicholas, too. </i> <i> As I drew in my head</i> <i> and was turning around. .
. </i> <i>All clear, Santa! </i> <i>down the chimney Saint Nicholas</i> <i> came with a bound.
</i> <i> Oh! </i> <i> (</i> clears throat<i> )</i> <i> And what's the</i> <i> situation here? </i> <i> There's been</i> <i> a little name-calling</i> <i> but on the whole,</i> <i> everybody's been nice.
</i> <i> Good. </i> <i> CHARLES:</i> He was dressed all in fur <i> from his head to his foot</i> <i> and his clothes were all</i> <i> tarnished with ashes and soot. </i> <i> A bundle of toys</i> <i> he had flung on his back</i> <i> And he looked like a peddler</i> <i> just opening his pack.
</i> <i>His eyes-- how they twinkled! </i> <i> His dimples how merry! </i> <i> His cheeks were like roses,</i> <i> his nose like a cherry.
</i> (<i> beat playing</i> ) Ho! Santa! BOTH: Chicka-ow.
Santa. ♪ Now if you want to get a present ♪ ♪ Everybody wants a present ♪ ♪ If you want a new toy ♪ ♪<i> They always want a toy</i> ♪ ♪ If you want to get a present ♪ ♪ Everybody wants a present ♪ ♪ Gotta call me, gotta write me ♪ ♪ Gotta stand up and say you believe in me ♪ Ho-ho-ho-ho! ♪ If you want to get a present ♪ ♪<i> Everybody wants a present</i> ♪ ♪ If you need a new doll ♪ ♪ Got to give the man a call ♪ ♪ If you want to get a present ♪ ♪<i> I want to get a present</i> ♪ ♪<i> Better call you</i> ♪ ♪<i> Better write you</i> ♪ ♪<i> Better stand up and say,</i> <i> "I believe in you"</i> ♪ Ho-ho-ho.
♪ If you want to get a present ♪ ♪ Everybody wants a present ♪ ♪ Gotta call me. . .
♪ ♪<i> Santa Claus! </i> ♪ ♪ Gotta write me. .
. ♪ ♪<i> Santa Claus! </i> ♪ ♪ Got to shout it from the tree ♪ ♪ You believe in me ♪ ♪ Gotta call me ♪ ♪<i> Santa Claus!
</i> ♪ ♪ Gotta say it if you do. . .
♪ ♪<i> I believe in you! </i> ♪ ♪ I do! ♪ ♪ You got to call me ♪ ♪ Santa Claus ♪ ♪ Just call me, call me ♪ ♪ Santa Claus ♪ ♪ Huh!
♪ ♪ Yeah, Santa Claus ♪ ♪ That's right, call me ♪ ♪ Santa. . .
♪ ♪ Santa Claus. ♪ CHARLES: <i> A wink of his eye</i> <i> and a twist of his head</i> <i> soon gave me to know</i> <i> I had nothing to dread. </i> <i> He spoke not a word</i> <i> but went straight to his work</i> <i>and filled all the stockings</i> <i> then turned with a jerk</i> <i> and laying a finger</i> <i> aside his nose</i> <i> and giving a nod,</i> <i> up the chimney he rose.
</i> <i> Charles. . .
</i> <i>Michael! </i> <i> Huh? </i> <i>I had a dream!
</i> <i>Big deal. </i> <i>Leave me alone</i> <i>so I can get some sleep. </i> <i> No!
I dreamed</i> <i> Santa Claus was here! </i> <i> Too bad</i> <i> you're going to miss him. </i> <i> CHARLES:</i> He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle.
. . (<i> whistles</i> ) <i> .
. . and away they all flew</i> <i> like the down of a thistle.
</i> <i> And I heard him exclaim</i> <i> as he drove out of sight. . .
</i> Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! Mom, Hallie said Santa was here! Well, it's Christmas Eve.
MICHAEL: Wow! HALLIE: See, what did I tell you? (<i> snoring</i> ) Henry, wake up.
What? The children-- they're missing. How could they be missing?
They're in their beds asleep. They are not in their beds. Where could they have gone?
Poor things. They went to bed hungry. Maybe they've gone looking for food.
Those cookies on the mantel-- maybe they went there. How nice to have visitors. I seldom get them.
It's difficult to get all the way up, I suppose. You can say that again. And what brings you to the top of the tree?
We're trying to find out what Christmas is. Yeah, everybody tells us something different. I guess Christmas is just too complicated to understand.
Why, it isn't complicated at all. Christmas is love-- a love that began over 2,000 years ago. <i>Don't you know the story?
</i> SQUEAK: No, ma'am. ♪ Silent night, holy night ♪ ♪ All is calm, all is bright ♪ ♪ 'Round yon virgin mother and child ♪ ♪ Holy infant so tender and mild ♪ ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace. .
. ♪ ♪ Silent night, holy night ♪ ♪ Son of God, love's pure light ♪ ♪ Radiant beams from Thy holy face ♪ ♪ With the dawn of redeeming grace ♪ ♪ Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth ♪ ♪ Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth ♪ ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace. ♪ The miracle that began that night in Bethlehem is what Christmas is.
That is what we celebrate. Nobody said anything about mice. You sure Christmas is for mice, too?
It's for every living soul everywhere in the world. Wow! (<i> yawning</i> ) I guess I'd better take you home, Squeak.
Yeah. I'm sleepy. Thank you for explaining Christmas for us.
Thank you for the visit. Let's go, Squeak. Don't leave me.
Make it come back! I don't know how. You can wish it back, Squeaky!
I wish to go back and get my brother. Hop on! Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas! Oh, we've looked everywhere except in that tree. Surely they wouldn't have gone so far from home?
We'll have to search it to be sure. Happy Christmas, nice mice! Same to you, Mr Elf!
Merry Christmas. Y'all come back to see me. Bye-bye, Junior!
<i> Au revoir, mes petites! </i> You children go home! (<i> squawks</i> ) It's way past your bedtime!
We're going! We're going! Bye.
So long. Be careful of the cat. He's asleep.
Something's falling from the tree. Looks more like it's floating. You're right!
It's a hot air balloon. Mother! Papa!
We're up here! It's the children! What on earth are they doing up there?
Skip! Squeak! You children come down from there this instant!
(<i> yowls</i> ) Run, Mother! Run! Henry!
Whew! (<i> yowling</i> ) No! (<i> screaming</i> ): Dad!
Mother! Look out! What are we going to do?
Try to save our children. (<i> yowls</i> ) (<i> screaming</i> ) Lucky, is that any way to treat our guests? Papa!
Papa! Come on, kids. Thank you.
Merry Christmas. I think we've found ourselves a new home. What is it?
What is it? A new hat! Oh!
Looks great! It's time for this family to go to bed. Not quite.
Have a seat, Mother. Children, come here. "'Twas the night before Christmas "and all through the house "not a creature was stirring "not even a mouse.
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