The Most Mysterious Angels in the Bible

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Bible Blazing
Explore the enigmatic figures of the Bible in this video, where we delve into the roles and purposes...
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Angels seraphim cherubim archangels and creatures have been seen throughout the Bible but who are these creatures and what is their purpose how does God use angels in our lives and why do we need them in today's Bible study we will be exploring the most mysterious angels seen in scripture and what their function is in your life angels are supernatural beings who take on different forms and are seen all throughout the Bible a popular depiction of an Angel would be a human winged figure bathed in light however this is just one appearance of the angels of
God angels are God's Messengers to humanity there are different types of angels and they each have a different role but they always show up with a dedicated task from God the word angel in the New Testament comes from a Greek word meaning a supernatural messenger from God an angel someone conveying news from God to men almost an intermediary the Old Testament originally written in the Hebrew language uses the word malok which also means messenger or a sent one angels are not humans who have gone to heaven angels are Divine beings created by God to function
as his Messengers to humanity according to biblical interpretation the seraphim and the cherubim are often mistaken for one another although they are completely different in Form and Function firstly we must make a distinction between the two seraphim have six wings whereas cherubim have four wings seraphim have as their main purpose the worship of God Almighty they exist to praise God for all all eternity whereas cherubim are the guardians of sacred spaces the seraphim are found in one passage in the book of Isaiah 6:1 where Isaiah is experiencing a vision of God sitting on the throne
of heaven with seraphim flying around him these Celestial beings have six wings in total two Wings cover their faces in reverence to God's holiness refusing to look directly at him two wings are used for covering their feet and two wings are used for flying around him seraphim are also closely connected with fire they are described in the Bible as being creatures of fire this might be symbolism for the Deep passion wherewith they worship God it might also be symbolic of their purifying role these are the beings that purify Isaiah when he realizes that he is
in the presence of God as a sinful man a sah flies over to Isaiah and and touches his unclean lips with a burning coal stating that he is now purified and able to stand before a holy God some of the more mysterious supernatural beings are the cherubim they are primarily found in the Old Testament the cherubim are seen in the Bible as being the Guardians of sacred places on Earth they are sent out by God to protect certain holy geographical spaces the first time we see a cherub in the Bible is right after the fall
of humanity in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve rebel against God and sins for the first time after which God places two cherubim armed with flaming swords at the entrance of the garden to keep Adam and Eve out their task is to enforce the expelling of humanity from the Garden of Eden in the story of Moses as found in Exodus 25: 1822 God instructs Moses to place two images of the cherubim on The Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant the Ark of the Covenant was God's manifest presence on Earth there where the
ark was God's presence was manifest the placing of the cherubim Above The Mercy Seat was to symbolize that God's angels are protecting the holy place of God in Ezekiel the creatures are depicted as beings with not one but four different faces one face like a human another like a lion another like an ox and another like an eagle these four-f faced creatures have around them multiple Wings each face has been interpreted by theologians as representing a part of God's character the face of a man is said to represent the intimate nature of God his willingness
to be in close proximity to humanity the face of an ox speaks of the strength of God the the lion speaks of authority and kingship whilst the eagle speaks of wisdom and prophetic Insight all four facets of the nature of God are Kings the eagle is the king of the air the lion is the king of the jungle the ox is the king of the field and man is the king of the world the final place where the living creatures make their appearance is in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament in the Book
of Revelation 4: 68 here John sees a vision of the throne room of heaven and around the throne he sees four living creatures worshiping the Risen Jesus the four living creatures as mentioned above are shrouded in mystery the Bible is not very clear on their purpose other than to worship at the throne room of God their description in the Bible is hard to Fathom their appearance sounds completely foreign and out of this world they are truly mysterious beings the name Gabriel means God is my strength or hero of God the angel Gabriel appears for the
first time in the e8th and nth chapters to the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament in these passages Gabriel is sent from God in heaven to assist Daniel in interpreting a vision that he received from God the words God uses when he commands Gabriel to assist Daniel was Gabriel make this man understand the vision Daniel 8:16 the angel Gabriel's bigger role was however to announce to Mary the mother of Jesus that she was the chosen one to Bear the Son of God in Luke for 1: 2638 Gabriel appears to Mary announcing to her that
she will miraculously conceive and give birth to a son the technical theological term for this announcement is the Annunciation to Mary God will sometimes send these messenger angels to you in your dreams and Visions to give you instructions and messages from God Gabriel is clearly a messenger Angel who is also an archangel this means that he is a high ranking angel with messenger Angels under his authority Gabriel is to this day considered as a symbol of divine communication of God's plans on Earth Michael is a well-known Angelic figure Michael is a strong warrior angel acting
as a protector over God's people Michael is first seen also in the Book of Daniel in chap 10 where he is described as one of the chief princes of God In this passage Michael is portrayed as being Gabriel's Helper and bodyguard as he conveys God's message to Daniel in the New Testament in the Book of Revelation 12:7 to N9 the Angel Michael again makes his appearance in an epic battle against Satan the evil force who stands in opposition to God and his people in this battle there are two forces waging epic war against each other
one the one side you see Michael and his Legions of angels and on the other the dragon often interpreted to be Satan himself and his Legions of angels called Fallen Angels at the end of this battle Michael and his angels conquer the dragon and his angels and cast C them out of Heaven Michael in the same league as the angel Gabriel is an archangel and has Warrior Angels under his authority so if you are a prayer Warrior you most likely have worked with his kind of angels because as you pray they respond to your prayers
and perform that which you have prayed apart from being a general in God's Army of angels Michael stands over the nation of Israel as God's protector to them this theme is picked up in the Book of Daniel as well as in judeo-christian literature the Angel Michael is to be seen as a symbol of strength and courage his representation as warrior in general accentuates the theme of battle between good and evil the name Lucifer means bearer of light and was originally an angel in heaven but rebelled against God and attempted to Stage a coup against him
in the book of Isaiah in the 14th chapter it reads in the King James version how you have fallen from Heaven oh Lucifer son of the morning how you have been cut down to the ground then Jesus states in the Gospel of Luke 10:8 that he saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven this passage is interpreted to be speaking about the fall of Lucifer where his name was changed to Satan which means adversary Satan is no longer a bearer of the light of God but a bearer of dark light Satan is in fact an angel
who rebelled against against God he is a tempter and adversary of God's people he is the Seducer of humanity and his desire is to lead us astray to lead us away from God and his plan for our lives he first acts in this capacity right at the beginning of the Bible in Chapter 3 of The Book of Genesis where he is depicted as a talking serpant here is a little secret that you probably won't believe Lucifer was actually in the image of God how do we know this well let's first look at how God the
Father looks like in the Bible Revelation 4: 2:5 says there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it and the one who sat there had the appearance of Jasper and Ruby a rainbow that Shone like an emerald encircled the throne surrounding the throne were 24 other Thrones and seated on them were 24 Elders they were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads from the throne came flashes of lightning Rumblings and peels of thunder so God seems to have an appearance of Jasper and Ruby this must mean that
they are somewhat engraved into his body and shine to give a ruby appearance this is why it says in the passage that we previously read that every precious stone was Lucifer's covering so just as every precious stone was engrafted into God the father so every precious stone was engrafted into Lucifer let's take a step further and look at the breastplate of the old Covenant High priests which is found in Exodus 28:6 to 12 make the ephod of gold and of blue purple and Scarlet yarn and of finely Twisted linen the work of skilled hands it
is to have two shoulder pieces attached to two of its corners so it can be fastened its skillfully woven waistband is to be like it of one piece with the ephod and made with gold and with blue purple and Scarlet yarn and with finely Twisted linen take two onx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel in the order of their birth six names on one stone and the remaining six on the other engrave the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the way a gem cutter engraves a
seal then Mount the stones in Gold filigree settings and fasten them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel the breastplate was one of the eight Priestly garments worn by the high priest when serving in the Holy Temple it featured 12 precious stones corresponding to the 12 tribes of Israel and served as a medium through which the Lord provided direction to the Jewish people why did God instruct the high priest to wear a breastplate of 12 precious stones it is because God was revealing his image through the priesthood
there are numerous places in the Bible where a name is not mentioned but the phrase Angel of the Lord is used to describe a messenger of God to humanity it is understood that this is a Divine being who represents the presence and authority of God himself in a physical space on Earth this being speaks on behalf of God and carries out his Divine missions as stated above there are numerous instances where the angel of the Lord shows up in scripture for example in Genesis 16: 7-13 the angel of the Lord appears to Hagar with a
promise of a rich family tree in the future once again in Genesis 22: 11:18 the angel of the Lord stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son and reinstates the Divine Covenant with Abraham the angel of the Lord appears to various characters in scripture among which are Gideon monoa and his wife the parents of Samson and Zariah His function is that of messenger he is a deliverer of Good Tidings to God's people he bestows Revelation and new insight to Those whom he visits he also functions as protector and guide in some instances the angel of the Lord
sounds like God himself speaking on behalf of God with absolute Authority he even identifies himself as God in certain passages Exodus 3:6 judges 612 judges 1322 this has led many Believers to believe that this is another instance of christophany that is a manifestation of Jesus Christ before his incarnation in Mary's womb God can use this Angel to speak to you in dreams and Visions melchisedec is an extremely perplexing figure found in the Old Testament book of Genesis and again in the New Testament book of Hebrews it is very possible that melkisedek is an angel of
God but melchisedec is also interpreted by many theological students to be a manifestation of Jesus in the Old Testament this claim is made due to the various parallels between the character traits mentioned by melkisedek and Jesus these parallels include the kingship and priesthood of both as well as their association with bread and wine in the ordeal between melkisedek and Abraham melkisedek offers Bread and Wine to Abraham which symbolizes the communion of Christ where he offered Bread and Wine at the Last Supper in addition to this there is the priesthood of both Jesus and melkisedek it
is mentioned of melchisedec to have a priesthood which is not based on lineage or descent in other words his priesthood transcends the Mosaic law and rather point points to the Eternal and Transcendent priesthood of Jesus melchisedec is a truly mysterious character angel or not he deserves to be studied and understood with that we conclude our study of some of the most mysterious angels in the Bible in closing this video let us remember the words written about the role of Angels in Hebrews 1:14 are they not all ministering Spirits sent out to serve for the sake
of those who are to inherit salvation angels are not to be worshiped they are not to receive more attention and praise than the Lord Jesus Christ he is above all the Angels his name is far superior to theirs and he alone is worthy of all the praise His angels are ministering spirits who are sent by him to serve us angels are crucial to help us fulfill our kingdom assignment here on Earth but our focus should ultimately be on God himself would you want us to do angels as a sermon series let us know below if
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