This video will change your life | @Thewizardliz

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Sheen Gurrib
In this wonderful first episode I chat to Liz or as you might know her @Thewizardliz We talked about...
Video Transcript:
hello and welcome back to dream girl if you're new here I'm Sheen I'm your host and today we have a very special guest I'm sure you've seen her unless you live under a rock please join me in welcoming Liz hello Liz Hi how are you I'm good how are you good you know every time I want to say wizard Liz because just that's just how I know you I feel like people they also say like lizard Liz oh lizard the Wizards that's very cool is that where the name came from how did you come up
with that no the wizard Liz was actually like I used to work in a restaurant as a student and I remember like I was put behind the bar cuz my boss was like let's put the pretty girl behind it at first I was really not good at my job but um so I was like I was working there and then we had a client that came and he he asked like for a drink and I said oh you should try this one and he said like well I would get anything that you sell me cuz
you're so magical like your R magical and then I told him like well then I must be a wizard you know and I was like joking about that and that never left my mind so I was like you know when I was doing social media the wizard Li okay well I'm glad we found out this story behind the name but okay listen for me I've been following you since you started I remember the first time I watched your video and it went viral and as I was tell telling you beforehand because I have so many
friends who are in the YouTube world and I remember them saying you know we spend so much time making sure the audio quality is great the visuals are great the thumbnail is great and this girl came in and blew everyone out with the algorithm and everybody just loved you and I think it's also because of how um raw it is it almost feels like you're telling me off when I'm watching the video I think everyone needs therapy but I think they need therapy after my videos no no no no no no you're helping but but
I put up on my story asking people what would they want to hear from you right and today we're going to cover a few things from you know the relationship with yourself your relationship with your friends um with men or women in in a romantic way but to start with tell me what was for you a pivotal moment in your life that pushed you to start this whole career so a pivotal moment so basically my childhood was very bad okay like I I think everyone already knows this that I was uh physically abused by my
father um and I saw my mother get abused so it was like a very very traumatic childhood and it's funny like when my father decided to cheat on my mother that was like the happiest day of me and my siblings we were like that monster is leaving our house we were so happy but it's ironic that when your abuser leaves the house and you finally have that freedom that you always craved that you start abusing yourself cuz that's when I developed uh bulimia anorexia and these these are all like forms of self abuse you know
and when I looked at my siblings and at myself I saw how we all handled everything differently cu the issue is not the abuse it's the aftermath right it's how we feel afterwards because now we have to realize that we allowed ourselves to get treated like that and that this went on for so many years and it's very uh hurtful to realize that and then you go from all of that which you've ever known the abuse to okay what do we do now so who are we now actually cuz we don't know who we are
without it you know we weren't allowed to explore ourselves so I feel like my life started when my father cheated on my mother it finally started and then that was the first moment in my life that I could look at myself and be like okay Liz what do we do now and for me my biggest thing in life was always let me just make money let me get rich because I can like at least I cannot heal my family but I would be able to like afford a Band-Aid to put on top of like the
wounds that my father created and I kind of felt responsible for the hurt that my family had been through I don't know why but I felt responsible so my whole life I was like okay how do I make money how do I make money and the more like I was struggling also with my Ed ulmia and when you're struggling with all these things all your energy is going towards that and that's why I tell people that are for example trying to lose weight let's say yeah I had this conversation today actually with like a woman
in a store it was like she's like uh I love your body like are you on a diet like what's happening and I was like you know the moment that I stopped wanting to lose weight is when I lost it and I couldn't I like now whatever I eat I cannot gain it anymore which is actually an opposite issue that's great yeah but she I told her like because I was in the same mindset of like putting all my energy I couldn't even create anything right so I couldn't create business or anything because all my
energy was going towards food I wake up I think about food I go to bed I think about food because you know why why I even feel like I got to eating disorder because when you have a whole childhood where you never felt in control that eating disorder made me feel in control of something I can control what I eat or what I don't eat and somehow I felt proud of myself right but it was never about like the way I looked cuz it was never skinny enough honestly I think it's a form of like
slowly taking your own life I call it you know so when I when I removed the energy from the eating disorders and I was like you know what cuz this went on for two years like severe depression after my father father left then I was like okay let's change things how can I actually change because I was so tired of blaming everyone or my circumstances and I was like Liz you need to start looking at yourself because the reason why my life was like that was because of me and no one else I was abusing
myself and it's like I don't h i don't have anyone to blame look the thing is like yeah I had an abusive childhood but what do I do next do I continue being a victim or take do I take my power back because the more energy I put into hating my father means the more powerful he becomes and I want that power I want to create you know what I mean so I was like it's time for me to pull all the energy back to myself and the only way you do that is by taking
responsibility for your life blame gives your power away and responsibility gives it to yourself oh my goodness that was so powerful again I felt like I was just watching your YouTube video I was I forgot I forgot I had to ask you questions I was like what I get so passion when I love it okay one thing I want to tell you is your energy is infectious right and I think you know that but I get to experience it in person and it's beautiful as you said that you know despite all the terrible things that
happened to you which you didn't have a hand to play in but you've turned that into something beautiful and now you're helping everyone else around you and that's incredible and you've built such a beautiful life for yourself so you should be very proud of yourself you know what I'm trying to say I really appreciate that but also now what would you say say is any Mis misconception that people still hold about you given what they see online I think they see a woman and um they think like oh she's a narcissist that's what I hear
often or she's very toxic her mindset is very toxic and it's like I think people they don't know they don't understand what narcissism actually is and an actual narcissist wouldn't act like a narcissist they act like the nicest person that's why women stay in relationships with narcissist for so long cuz they don't understand what's going on a narcissist is not someone that comes on here and says I am amazing I am mizing no that's just all like that's too outward the narcissists are more closeted and very manipulative in the way they act you know and
I feel like once people see me for example and I post let's say a Tik Tok yesterday I post I always get what I want the reason why I post this is because I want people to look at the Tik Tok and read it in their head for themselves but I know what it looks like to others but at the same time I think it's a good thing that people even blame me or be be like she's a narcissist she's too full of herself I think it was a good impact because I think there's people
watching me and thinking you know what she's so full of herself and the way she talks if she can talk like that about herself maybe I can love myself a little they they become so comfortable because I make them uncomfortable in the way that I speak you know what I mean yeah because they see this as the extreme extreme but somehow it make it can make them confident because like she can be that extreme maybe I can be like a little bit of that like a 10% of what she's saying you know what I mean
no but I love what you said about narcissistic people right and I think that's again something that a lot of people always ask me about I have also experienced it but it's crazy how however smart you are however emotionally intelligent you are as a woman especially how you get stuck in that situation and what advice do you have for people to even start to recognize that this is a toxic situation and this person might be narcissistic so I've dealt with narcissist in my life fair share um first thing is a woman especially or whoever needs
to listen to their intuition I feel like women have such strong intuition it's almost like our body and our soul knows that something is wrong before it actually happens for example me I see dreams about a person that I'm not meant to be with I see dreams about like leave or I see Visions like leave and I don't listen because I I think like I'm crazy I'm crazy but then until something happens where I'm like ooh but I knew that but I literally knew that years ago I could have prevented this but I didn't listen
to myself right so intuition is very very important you're not supposed to feel drained around a person you're not even a friend you're not supposed to sit with a friend and then come home and be like oh my God like I feel so bad because a negative energy exchange has just happened right second thing is look at their actions and not at their words and I keep telling people this so I actually had this thing with like uh a place that I always go to for lunch okay and there's like two waitresses that work there
and I absolutely love them okay so they were telling me that the place is closing down and a new owner is now taking over and their previous owner hasn't like uh given them a new contract nothing so they are losing out on two months of uh money like salary salary so then what I did was I gave them that two months of salary wow and then they were like um and then they told me like I was asking them because I want to help them with their job and then they were telling me like no
but you know he's not a bad guy Liz like our boss is not a bad guy like he he's really like he says it in such a way and I said uh-uh m- what did he do he doesn't care about you guys I care about them y yeah I care about them and they're not they're not working for me so it's like he should care about you guys you take care of the people that you work for or that are in your life this is not normal so I'm like don't listen to what he's saying
look at what he's doing and so many women because we get so sensitive and we love to hear things no look at the way he's treat treating you if he's abusive but tomorrow he tells you he loves you he's abusive he doesn't love you someone that loves you wouldn't abuse you you know and I I think like once you start to just look at people for who they are you know when people become mesmerizing when you put your energy into them so right now if I look at you I find you amazing okay I find
you mesmerizing but it's because we are exchanging our energy right now but what if like for example I had this actually with a previous relationship of mine tell me so I would think like look I've never been the person to go for looks so I don't I don't care okay the way you look I I never really cared I care more about intelligence and the way you are okay but the more the relationship developed I almost had like rosecolor glasses on and I found that W this person can manifest so well whoa this person is
becom so successful all these things and I was like oh this this person is amazing and even I thought like oh because of him I must be amazing I started giving him all the credit right the minute I broke up with him and I was like you know I'm done and I called all my energy back to me and I was like this is going to end I saw him again and I was shocked I was like there is no way I was with this person no I literally saw him for the way he actually
looked and it's like my friends had been telling me Liz there's no way cuz he was not a good person either you know that's the main problem but I was like I'm my energy made him so magical to me and the same way like all the things that I thought like he's so successful he's so good at manifesting it stopped when I removed my energy so a lot of people are dating people and they put them on a pedestal but it's all because of your energy there like a lot of women for example men become
more good-looking more successful because they're with that woman and then the woman starts to think like oh he's too good for me oh he's the uh-uh honey that's your energy I it you know no you know I actually had the exact same conversation with a friend of mine where I was telling her that I'm missing this guy who used to be in my life and she was like but think about it when you say he was funny it was you who was actually funny all the things that you think you miss about him was just
you being part of his life that made him funny like that or make him interesting make him U as you said dress better or have more intellectual interest and you're like that's so true like it it is because of us together but without me he doesn't doesn't have all the things that I think he does yeah so it's crazy that a lot of us you know this is what I love about women talking to each other as well right because I feel like we're all so different and so unique but the same time we have
such similar life experiences we do which is crazy I I can't like the way you were describing this whole scenario especially that Moment of clarity when you immed it switches once that Clarity hits There's No Going Back the ick will remain you're like there's no way like seeing your ex partner the way your friends saw him I never want to see that again in my life the disappointment you feel I was like there's no way you're like wait who was it who liked this guy I was like there must have been Magic on me there's
no way it wasn't me it wasn't me that was that was not me it wasn't me I was under a spell it's okay but okay now going back to a little bit around the same topic so another question we got a lot of is now that we're on the topic of of men and dating is you know nowadays I don't know if it's the way Society is evolving or the changes in gender roles and traditional roles but now you see a lot of women are very successful right women are becoming more and more independent and
very financially independent and therefore successful and you get these women these what you would term like high value which I don't really like high value women are the ones struggling to find a partner why do you think that is I think because um a lot of men are insec and a lot of men take their value from being successful so when you take that away and you have a woman that is more successful for than you that becomes a competition for them you know and I think that's actually sad because I think people don't teach
men to like for example be more in touch with their emotions develop other skills than just making money because then they can also get their value from those things but right now because they put men on such a pedestal for so long and they just poured into young men and whatever and women were just the house makers right because they made that such a big thing now you're sitting with all these men yeah they they just know okay I'll get my value if I'm successful if I'm successful I'm a good man no like look at
your morals who like who are you as a person get to know yourself better and that's how you build that confidence a confident men will not get intimidated by successful women never ever ever but there's just not enough confident men no and even you know when you look at masculinity so that's one question we got for you actually from my audience which was you know there's kind of like a rise in like soft masculinity now you know where I don't know you must have seen all of these funny reals where you know it's like men
want the princess treatment now they they don't want to be the first one to tax they don't want to be the one to pay the whole 5050 situation that is coming up but do you think that is also causing an issue with men like understanding their role and their position in society now I think men have always gotten the princess treatments always I think there has never been another another time the amount of Standards men have for women is insane okay but the minute you have a woman that says like hey provide you know like
take care of me it's like no you're a goldigger how how dare you say that but how many men would date an unattractive woman exactly they wouldn't they just simply wouldn't okay because they have that standard if you're unattractive I don't want to date you but once a woman has a standard and it's like if you're a broke guy and with broke guys I don't mean men that are poor no I mean men that don't know how to create abundance and that the that's a big big issue see for example for me a broke man
how I uh classifi it is like my dad my dad refused to work he doesn't want to work he doesn't want to figure out how to work he made my mom work her whole life and she was taking care of him okay he didn't respect himself and he didn't respect my mother it was just not IM balance at all and my mom had to be hyper masculine to make up for the lack of masculine energy in the house right now when you have that a person that doesn't know how to be abundant that's a broke
guy okay it doesn't matter how much money he makes as long as he's trying that's an abundant man because a lot of people they especially women they think like oh I just need a rich man I've dated a very guy probably the wealthiest guy I've ever dated he was not generous at all broke yeah so that's a broke man cuz what what do I have with you you're showing me every day how much money you're making but what do I have with it is it what what do I care how much money you make you
know so it's like um that's like just the difference like when a man doesn't know how to be abundant that's the big issue so men wanting the princess reement I think they always had that right so it's like they always had a standard for women they always had like you have to behave like this and blah blah and even like before when women were supposed to be hous makers there were so many standards you're supposed to cook you're supposed to clean you're supposed to take care of the kids and look good on top of that
and if you don't I'm going to cheat on you and if you do I'm going to cheat on you so it's like women had to accept that but then you had women for example that have a platform like me that came on and we're like stop accepting it like let's have standards you know let's have standards as a Col and because of that yeah you have what you have right now which is very successful woman because they started believing in themselves instead of a man and chasing what they want and being who they want to
be instead of chasing a man and like taking their value from being with a man because that's also a huge issue that women are facing you know they think like oh my God if I'm not married by this age or if I don't have children then I failed as a woman but who said that Society your parents your culture who said that who set that standard for women who said that if a woman has her period she's dirty she that like that's dirty who said all these things if men could get their period and could
get pregnant we would not be able to meet their standards the they would have standards through the roof the like anything that even is like um like tampons all these things it would be free it would be free yeah free and they would have made like U medic medicine or something to Sol like crams and to help them massage toools at work yeah days off days off paid yes no for sure women would not be able to meet their standards no no and that's the thing I I'm so glad you touched on this because this
this has come up many times in conversations with my guests on the podcast and even with my friends I keep seeing this because now that uh women are getting in their mid-30s and late 30s they're starting to worry and all of these friends that I have or even guests that I've met one of them even said on the podcast that you know I feel like I have the Villa that I always wanted I have my cars I have my six figure business and I sit in my house alone and now I'm thinking did I go
wrong should I have focused on finding a husband should I have focused on find having kids younger because that's when you are at your Peak on the sexual market value if you want to call it that and now she's like now what do I do and now I see this kind of like I don't know how to explain it other than passive depression that is rampant around where you see all these successful women who at the end of the day come home to a to like a quiet apartment and they're sad and they feel like
they went wrong somewhere what would you say to these people I think that the grass is always greener on the other side I know that there's a lot of married women that wish they could come home to an empty house I swear like they have glamorized having children and married so much and people don't see the behind the scenes they always like show you the pretty picture but all the work that is behind the scenes all the arguments all the compromises all the things that cheating that happens and then you have to think oh my
god do I want to stay married because I don't want to lose face in other know in front of other people so I just stay married with a cheating husband and I just look nice in front of everyone and then someone looks at them and think oh I wish I had that no you don't you don't know what's going on in someone's house behind closed doors you know my parents like everyone that knew them they would thought like oh father's a great guy such an amazing man such a religious man they would say you know
behind closed doors that was literally the Devil Himself you know you never know what is going on so I would say never glamorize something if I think right now right now about having children and a husband that's a huge responsibility huge I I rather right now in this position of my life have my business make my own money and be independent and whoever comes into my life they can add to it but I'm not thinking like let me right now start a family because I know that will take so much of my time and energy
into the family you know if I want to raise it in a way that I would want which is with full attention and everything so it all depends on like do you really want that or do you want to create a perfect picture for society mhm cuz we have to really go back to the belief that we have cuz why do we have that cuz it's also it's not only women it's same with men right if you don't get married as a man oh you're not a man you're not you have do you're not a
father oh my God you're already late 30s you're not a father it's like why push things upon people some people don't want that that's okay some people do then yeah you find a way you date around you see does this match with me but don't do it because you feel like you're losing time cuz I feel like everything in life comes at the right time at Divine timing when it's when it's meant for you when something is not meant for you it will not happen no matter what you do when something is meant for you
no one can take that from you ever it will come in like in the most miraculous ways it will come so just let it go women need to start letting stuff go that is the how it no that is the biggest thing look right before this is l a month ago like one and one and a half month ago I was so obsessed with the outcome I became very masculine because I like I didn't have like anyone supporting me so I was like I felt like I was completely alone okay so I was like oh
my God I I need to have this I need to have this like I need to figure something out and I was going crazy so I was like focused so much on my career and I was just I was literally losing it okay and then I went back home CU mentally I was not doing well so I went back home to my mom and uh I went home and then the second day I arrived I went to walk in nature and I always tell people go walk in nature cuz nature is healing right um the
trees the plants all these things these are living beings I even tell people like put your back or your hands against a tree it will remove any energy that's not serving you because that's how how we work with each other but people don't know these things or they don't want to try these things so they don't get like really further in life anyway so I went and I walked in nature and I started talking to God and I always used to do this thing a lot like especially in the beginning of my career like talking
to God and having conversations like he's my best friend oh my God I say the same thing you know we're going to talk about yeah keep going sorry so then I was like I was walking in nature and I started talking to him and I said um God like uh I can't take this anymore like not like this I I'm like I want to do what I have to do on this Earth and complete my mission but not like this not on my own and I feel very bad and I I said like I don't
want to live anymore and that was really my mental state like I don't want to be here anymore but I'm not gonna do it myself so you do it okay you handle it you please take my life so I was like um I said that and then all of a sudden while I was walking I heard like wanting nothing gives you everything I heard that sentence in my head and then I kept walking and I started repeating it out loud I was like onean thing nothing gives you everything and then I understood one thing nothing
gives you everything I I was too focused on I need to have this I need to have F I need to have work I need to have this I need to be bigger and bigger and I was too focused on them so what I realized was if I just let go of I don't want anything anymore like you handle it here give it to God you handle it you know when I did that everything I've ever wanted came and it came so fast like these past one and a half months my life has changed 360
I've probably never been happier than I am right now yeah which is crazy but it was the minute I just let it go I was like I don't care anymore and you know this is you can see it for example and you know why this is also the thing when you let something go you take your power back you take your energy from that thing back now when you are too focused on things for example let's say you're obsessing over an ex okay the minute you stop wanting that ex all of a sudden he texts
you all of a sudden he calls you he's now obsessed with you why you took your energy back MH the minute you take back your energy from all these things and you are now whole by yourself those things become attracted to you and they want to be with you instead of you wanting to be with them cuz nothing likes desperation desperation is a repulsive energy when you are desperate you have a lack mindset you don't believe that this Earth is abundant and this Earth is very abundant God gave us everything this is another thing that
people always tell me like oh how dare you you're asking for for too much oh why do you want these things blah but there's billionaires on this earth like multiple multiple billionaires why can I not have even 10% of what they have what does it matter money is is a is an abundant source as well you know money gives you Freedom that's the only reason why every want a money for Freedom CU I can go where I want I can do what I want I can help people in a way that I want right so
if that is on Earth why can I not have it if Earth God made this Earth so abundant anything that is on this Earth I can have and I will get whenever I think to myself okay I want that but I just want it and I don't focus on it like in a desperate way but I know I have a goal in the back of my mind but I'm not desperate for it right that's when it comes oh wow okay I love that also you know what you said about um what is meant for you
cannot miss you and what if it's not meant for you however hard you try you can't get it I remember um I go by this thing that I saw some some time ago and it's really hard to remind myself of it but I try you know when they tell you that um God will never say no to you God only has three answers either it's yes not now or I have something better so it it's kind of like remembering that whatever you're not getting in life is because that's not the right thing and again it's
a very freeing thought right it's like there's a bigger picture there's divine intervention there's no need to worry whatever is meant for you will find you um but I like what you talked about in terms of Letting Go and I think overthinking is a huge thing that our generation does we carry it with us everywhere we keep trying to plan everything and I think we didn't even learn from Co how overnight we were all in our houses nobody planned that everyone's life turned upside down and I think we still try to overthink and that overthinking
kind of like takes away the joy of the present takes away the joy of you being grateful and I think gratitude is also something we don't practice ice a lot of but now that we're on this topic I want to ask you I feel like all of this the overthinking the overanalyzing holding on to things comes a lot of times from a place of lack of confidence of self-love because people don't really understand the difference between self-love and being selfish they we always assume that we should not take up space we should not talk about
ourselves about our successes so what like magical tip do you have for people in terms of how to build that confidence muscle so basically I like I wanted to touch on the thing where you said like uh they call self love selfish yeah exactly so in terms of that if you look at the way children have been raised it's always care for others do things for others then you're a good person no one ever tells you to take care of yourself look after yourself oh you can tell yourself you're beautiful who tells you that no
one tells you that because then you're vain then you're then you're selfish right now now if you look at it in a in a broader picture who does this benefit the people in power it benefits them that you don't believe in yourself right because if we have all these people that believe in themselves how can you control them you cannot control people if I was let's say a person in power and I was like a bad person or I thought like I just want to control people I would make them fear everything I would tell
them like if you do anything you'll go straight to hell I would tell that I would tell them like um care for others if you care about yourself oh you're a bad person I would tell these things these are very smart and manipulative things but you also have to realize it's manipulative you know you a lot of people also raise their children to not believe in themselves they don't even realize they do it but they do it because they thought like oh if you did something for your sister oh then you're a good boy good
girl you did a good job if you did something for your classmate or friend then you're a good person if you did something for yourself no one no one applauds you for that no one says like oh wow so that's the confidence you build it by applauding yourself for yourself looking yourself in the mirror and say wow oh my God you got that new job oh you're amazing oh my God you're such a goddess talk to yourself that way because it's so easy for everyone to talk about their friends like that to talk about the
people that we love but then we neglect ourselves the most which you are supposed to love yourself the most cuz when you love yourself you are love and you create love around around you a person that doesn't love themselves doesn't go out and is is happy with everyone else that just not doesn't happen you know so misery creates more misery so you have to take care first of like okay how do I feel how do I want to feel how can I do that and I think a big thing with confidence is as well like
create skills become good at something because a lot of people they don't know how to do anything they don't want to learn anything and they're just blaming like oh I'm just insecure if you're just insecure create something then you can be confident about something and then that translates to your inner confidence and the same way people say like oh yeah but I'm just ugly look at ways to become more beautiful no but you can change yourself no like and but a lot of times they say like oh you should also just accept yourself I don't
feel like that's that's most the case if I just accepted myself I would still be in my bedroom with my mom sitting there crying if I just accept myself no I had to change things and you have to be honest with yourself sometimes you are the devil that you're trying to blame cuz everyone wants to say oh my life is bad because of this I there must have been some magic in my life that someone did no honey how are you acting how who are you allowing around you cuz that is also a big thing
for confidence CU it's like you have bad friends you have like a bad partner that you're constantly allowing to abuse you to talk down on you you're abusing yourself and you have to be honest with yourself once you set that boundary of like you're not going to treat me like that and you actually walk away watch how your confidence will Skyrocket cuz you made that decision to walk away when someone tells you like no you shouldn't be saying anything like for example I grew up with like my father saying um a woman should never speak
a woman should never have a voice I feel my most confident now when I speak I love them because I made that decision that my voice needs to be heard right and that's a thing to be proud of so create things for yourself that you can be proud of even helping someone out like giving them something that's something to be proud of you did something good and then applaud yourself for it you studied you had a great you had a great test or whatever result that you had amazing be proud of yourself you know don't
wait for other people to to sit there and clap for you clap for yourself first I love that and you know um I agree with you I think is the worst advice we can give to people is just be who you are because I think we can be a better version of who we are and that's just the starting point and who we are is as you said beautifully is a result of what we grew up with what we absorbed growing up the society everything and we need to shed these weights they're dead weight we
need to shed them so we can become truly who we are meant to be and also I just want to touch on you talked about self-love and how if we don't love ourselves we can't love people around us which is so true because you know even in the ads in the airplane PLS where they show you that you need to put your mask first and then help people around because what's the point if you just help everyone around and then that's it you're gone that's not how it works and again you've touched on that super
super nicely but um another thing I want to ask you you know so this is a term I don't like as well which is called imposter syndrome you know a lot of people blame whatever they feel or the fact that they're not trying new things not stepping out of their comfort zone on feeling like an impostor and that they don't belong and they can't do it what do you think about that you know I think in life you just have to do things and then it becomes so it's like this glass right here someone imagined
it and then they created it right so if you imagine yourself as a version that you want to be and you start acting like it that's when it comes into the Physical Realm but it all starts here so no matter who you are right now is who you are telling yourself that you are are yeah is who your parents told you that you are is who Society told you how you have to act and how you have to be so who you are or like just be who you are doesn't make sense cuz who are
we at the end of the day I think we are just All Souls on Earth and we don't know how to behave as humans we're just waiting till return back home but we're here like okay what is this guys you know but it's nice then I see Life as a video game I see Life as like okay I can be whoever I want to be because it doesn't matter at the end of the day I will never be who I fully am because it will always be constructed by things around me or people around me
because that's how we just are we're a soul not a human okay we're just here experiencing life on Earth so once you accept that and you think like what does feel most comfortable for me who would I like to be who would I be happy if I was this person then you start acting like it you start acting like that person how would they act how would they dress what would they accept what would they not accept what are their daily habits bits and once you do something long enough it becomes your life right you
do it something over if you're used to like going to the gym every morning you wake up you'll have a Fed body because you're just always at the gym and it's not like a practice that you always do right so you just start to you cannot be an impostor when you understand that everything starts in your mind first that's just how life is even diseases that we have physical diseases that we create start first in the mind a lot of people they get like crazy illnesses because trauma is stuck a lot of stress and all
these things but these are emotions it's all emotions before it comes into the physical so once you understand that how can you be an impostor cuz it just it starts here you know it everything you know they they say the same thing about being delusional they say oh no you should not be delusional we're delusional every single day every day we're delusional we wake up thinking we will not die no one is waking up to today I'm going to die today I will die no no one everyone believes that they will live on until it's
your time of course you know what I mean so you can so you can be delusional every day in life but not about the thing that you want that's like too far right no like once you understand this mind creates your whole whole life whole life once you change the mind and once you change the things that you think or or you set a goal for yourself in like this is the person that I want to be this is who I want to show up as in this human body yeah cuz it's like a game
then that's who you become that's who you become that's how people will treat you that's how your surroundings will change that's how you will enter rooms that before you couldn't enter because now you're just unlocking a new character of yourself it's fun oh my God yeah it's like a new level yeah it's like a new level oh I like that analogy but okay you also touched on this and before I forget because your brain is moving so fast and I'm trying to keep up I was like it's too fast every time you say something I
make a mental note I want to ask her this and then we we reach 10 later but you know you talked about how even your surroundings right and the people around you make a big difference um there's this whole saying that you are the average of The Five People You spend most time with but one thing I have experienced and I'm sure you have given how how quickly your life changed as well is that a lot of people you outgrew friends especially who were there in very good times and I've been very surprised to see
the how some friendships evolved and some of them stayed very true with me throughout but some people who were there in the trenches kind of like rooting for me hoping it will happen but then when it happens they're not that happy about it and they don't celebrate your wins how do you deal with that well you know it's very logical that that happens because you're uncomfortable now yeah they don't want to be around you it becomes uncomfortable because now it's like you were in the same position as them once right and you made it out
so now that means these people have to look at themselves and only can blame themselves now they cannot blame society they cannot blame the per the place they grew up in or whatever they cannot blame outside forces because you did it so it's like oh so I could do it too but I didn't and that eats away at them and then jealousy gots created you know I think jealousy is a good emotion why because it shows you what you want if someone is jealous of me they just want what I have or they what they
think I have right what the glamorized version of that is but that's good so now you have a goal take that jealousy transmute that jealous energy into creating that because I'm not sitting here telling I'm better than you I'm sitting here you can do the same thing you know I posted something yesterday on my Tik Tok and um it said like uh it was like I I get anything I want you know like an affirmation and someone commented like yeah because you're millionaire and I'm like but I came from nothing though a few years a
few years ago I came from nothing and I I took care of my family's financial situation I built everyone and I made even because I like uh became successful my family believes in themselves now and they think like oh we can do whatever we want cuz Liz did it right so it's like don't look at my success and be like Oh but you're here now three years ago I was just like you girl just like you literally yeah so it's like yeah it's the same thing like take that jealousy and start to look at okay
how can I actually get what they want if you're jealous of beauty if you're jealous of whatever that's just what you want it's an indicator of what you want cuz it's not about that person it's every everything in life what we experience is about ourselves we're thinking from our perspective always so anything even someone says to you it's like a projection of how they feel right it's not about you so when you realize like you know what it's not really about me but I hope you get what you want if someone is jealous of me
I I I send them like love and I say I hope you get there cuz that's what you want right otherwise why are you jealous I'm not jealous of um what's it called the people that climb the mountains cuz I don't want to climb that mountain but I bet there's some people jealous that someone climbed that mountain that's what they want it's good once you take that energy instead of making it something negative transmute it people create the biggest art when they're sad when they're angry when they're jealous they create crazy art music everything like
uh art pieces they create everything out of it do it do the same thing oh uh yeah definitely I think the main message is being inspired instead of like being jealous right see it as a don't demonize the emotion cuz everyone this is the issue with jealousy people think I'm jealous I'm a bad person now you're not you just want what they want then okay figure out how can I get there if your friends were in the same situation and you could get there they can get there too 100% they can get there too but
just have to think okay how can I do what she did you know mhm no absolutely but you know what I like about you Liz is how you are so disconnected from whatever is petty you know you're you're just you you've risen above and you're just like H this is I I get the human nature behind it I see where it comes from you are very good at recognizing what matters and what doesn't and you you're good at choosing your battles how did you get to that level of being like you know what I'm not
going to sweat the small stuff you know uh thank you by the way and then also I feel like ever since I was young I had that quality so I didn't have time to be a child I had to grow up very fast so I was like an adult since I was young I was like a mother to my mother okay so because of that whenever I would like speak or anything my mom used to call me like a lawyer she's like you defend anyone you see their perspective from any person you see a perspective
okay which is not always a good thing but I do I understand why someone did what they did I can get into their shoes and I can almost feel what they felt when they did that do I accept certain behaviors even though I understand no I can understand that what you did was wrong but you also have to understand that I will put my boundary here and be like you won't do that to me ever again right so that's how I operate I'm like I can understand I can have empathy with you I can feel
bad for you and think like I'm I'm happy I'm not in your position I'm happy I don't wake up a hater I'm happy that I think God the biggest curse he gave was that making someone a hater like imagine waking up thinking about how many people you hate or thinking about let's make him miserable her miserable that's sad so I'm like thank God that I'm not that person but I can have empathy for you but doesn't mean that you have to be in my life though doesn't mean that I to and I feel like giving
them attention or feeding into it or let's say reacting to these things puts them in my life in my reality but it's like you don't exist in my world if I don't let you exist in it and that's it I have that power so I don't let you exist if I don't like you you know what I mean absolutely boundaries right yeah very important very important but I mean I could speak to you for hours but we're running out of time I speak to you for hours thank you so what would you say is a
parting message or any advice that you would want to give to anyone listening to you today I would say like really start believing in yourself and start believing in God I think to believe in God is to believe in yourself I think we don't ask God for enough things and we don't ask for big enough things you have to ask for the small stuff and the big stuff and I feel like once you have like lately I've been even closer to God and I feel like the closer you are to God the higher your vibration
raises and that's how also the negative things and the lower vibrational things cannot affect you CU you're not on that Vibe you know what I mean so I think believe in yourself believe that anything you want can happen and will happen no matter how long it takes it will happen it just will and you have to have that belief but don't become obsessed with it don't become obsessed when you know when people become obsessed with certain things that's when they start to lose the connection to themselves when you become obsessed with money you become obsessed
with Fame you become obsessed with relationships you start to lose yourself always keep that connection with yourself and I think one of the truest way of keeping that connection with yourself is keeping a connection with God I love that thank you so much Liz for being here today so much for having me no this was incredible and I wish you only the best and I can't wait to see how many more Leaps and Bounds you take online and with everything you do thank you for helping all of us and thank you for this therapy session
thank you so much for having me I really appreciate you of course of course
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