PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order | Dr. Robert Malone

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“Malinformation is information which may be true, but causes the receiver, the recipient of that mal...
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I was asked uh and I'm very grateful for the invitation to come here I've been aware of the misus Institute kind of at the periphery of my uh Consciousness uh never imagined that I would be asked to interact with you folks or have the privilege uh of being here um for which I'm grateful in in trying to and I I travel all the time I talk all the time most of those talks are easy to to give uh but this was different this is uh talking to an audience a younger audience that's becoming expert in
a domain that I am absolutely a neoy in I'm just starting to learn about the underpinnings of the logic of rothbart mises and economics in general I never took an economics course during my undergraduate or graduate training uh I was too busy in the world of molecular this and that uh and now I find that in my journey to try to comprehend what transpired during the covid crisis that economics is the center of it all now I find that economics is what's driving politics now I find that it's the markets it's Mr Market that is
defining the New World Order it's defining what political reality it is it's defining what is acceptable the acceptable range of politics essentially the Overton window if you're familiar with that uh politics is being defined economically uh and clearly I need to come up to speed so this lecture gave me an opportunity to try to start to Think Through the uh kind of simplistic understanding that I had about libertarianism coming from my experience when I was about your age of burning through all the aan Rand books uh and by the way hence the origin of the
name of our substack who is Robert Malone is a nod to uh who's John G in case you didn't figure that out um so as I started to try to process what we discuss in the book uh and the experiences and journey that uh Dr Joel glasp Malone and myself have had in through the covid crisis and all of my colleagues so many people that have contributed to uh the we could call it the resistance it seems a little grandiose uh um this kind of burgeoning movement of uh advocates for uh personal rights medical freedom
and freedom in general uh i a tried to think hard about um libertarianism uh rothbard's wisdom and uh what I'm observing in the real world uh Marketplace that I live in one that is very much influenced by psychological warfare uh and I'm deeply troubled by what I'm encountering uh and and I hope to learn and explore and maybe we'll get a chance to talk about that a little bit uh before the hours out uh the kind of the limits of a pure libertarian thought as they interface with this new world of fifth generation Warfare and
psychological warfare um I I find that domain extremely troubling because the underpinning logic in uh in rothbart's analysis in libertarian libertarianism in general has to do with the Free Will sovereignty and autonomy of the individual and with this technology those Concepts become obsolete to a significant extent now I I'm a little fearful because I've been living in this world for four years now and you haven't uh and so uh maybe you have but maybe not obsessing about it the way that I have and so I don't want to leave you behind so when I say
things if they don't make sense please ask okay it's okay I love questions it's okay to interrupt me Robert I don't understand that can you elaborate can you clarify Define that term doesn't make sense to me I used to be an academic I can handle it okay so when I say things and perhaps I might be assuming that I'm being clear to you and you're not following it I want to know that I want that feedback because it's super important to me that I communicate effectively with you that's the whole reason why I'm here now
I'm going to start with a quote from George Bernard Shaw famous playwright all censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions all progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions and executed by supplanting existing instit tions consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship simple stuff I could imagine rothbart writing that the title of the book the title of the topic SAR enforcing the New World Order involves the interface between this modern technology of advanced psychological manipulation technology test capabilities um science and this push towards globalism or I like
to point out its functionally globalized corporatism and I repeatedly make the point that Bonito musolini defined fascism as corporatism okay we the term fascism has been twisted and bastardized by modern media to mean something which is different from its original intent for me I believe that with all of these political terms and sociologic terms we have to go back to ground and make sure we have common language and communication and as far as I'm concerned Fascism and corporatism are one and the same and we now are moving into a space in which globalized corporatism is
becoming the norm it is the accepted V vision for a large fraction of Global Leadership including the United Nations World economic Forum World Health Organization etc for the new model for the world order so when I say SAR enforcing the New World Order what I'm talking about is the interface between this technology of psychological manipulation of populations at Mass scale and the politics and economics of this globalist push that we're in the middle of right now that CLA Schwab refers to as the great reset was actually first referred to as a great reset by the
current King of England okay this is this is a trend which as I look out on the sea of young faces I'm sorry to say it's going to dominate a lot of your reality as you get to be an old fart like me um my expertise in this topic derives from four years of exposure to the technology and daily efforts over that period to try to understand what I was experiencing and frame those experiences within a broader context I'm a physician and a scientist I was trained as a scientist I was trained to think as
a scientist along the lines of methods of multiple working hypotheses I don't have a hypothesis I try to generate a swarm of explanations and then discern which of those are true that's how I approach the world and I've brought those skills and experience and training into this domain of trying to comprehend what was deployed against me deployed Against Me by media I could cite multiple examples they're in the book by the government by a variety of different forces it's not personal it's not that I'm so important just happened that the collusion of experience time my
background Etc put me in the crosshairs of this Juggernaut technology that's now being deployed globally against many many people not just myself in terms of the broad outline of this discussion I want to start by exploring the use of psychological warfare and fifth generation Warfare Technologies during the covid crisis so I'm talking about the last four years we could say since the fall of 2019 then I'll proceed to psychological biot terrorism emphasizing the covid-19 crisis and Aven influenza we are currently living in yet another round of psychological biot terrorism that's being deployed on us in
case you didn't figure that out then I'll discuss this term that really troubles me surveillance capitalism it's surveillance capitalism the interface of surveillance capitalism and the theories that underpin the misus rothbart logic that is really troubling me and conclude with some personal comments regarding globalism in my opinion about globalism that I hope might help you let's start with first principles in the anatomy of the state rothbart argues there are two means for producing wealth you guys all know this you've been taking this course economic means refers to producing and exchanging goods and services through voluntary
human effort creativity and Entrepreneurship economic means are additive generating wealth for all parties involved it is a voluntary transaction that rothbart builds his you know step by step Brick by Brick logic that underpins everything that we're talking about here the whole frame of reference for the world it's what I love about Roth B he goes back to ground zero and builds the house you know from the foundation up but it all presumes free will it presumes a system in which both parties engaging in an economic transaction are doing so through exercise of their own free
will political means the other means of acquiring wealth um and I I really appreciated this little bumper sticker inflation is theft right um political means refers to using force of coercion to seize wealth from others political means are reductive distorting incentives and undermining long-term prosperity for example taxation is a form of theft in which political means are used to seize wealth from others I assert that surveillance capitalism meets the criteria of a political means of theft in which accumulated personal wealth in the form of fundamental personal and proprietary aspects of your soul are forcefully extracted
without your permission and commodified without your permission surveillance capitalism is the business model that drives revenue for Amazon Google and Facebook and so many other of the new tech industry okay and it's based on extraction of value without your permission from you you follow what I'm saying this has also pursued this business model which I don't think rothbart has would could it's not covered um I hope that some of you someday might illuminate this space and give us the intellectual underpinnings to understand and bring the logic to the extent it exists of surveillance capitalism into
the frame of reference of libertarianism right now it doesn't exist um this is also the business model pursued by the entire mercenary censorship industrial complex the fact Checker industry and a wide range of non-governmental cut cutout organizations which act on behalf of a variety of governmental NGO and corporate organizations okay these all function they generate profit by extracting value without your permission from the very essence of who you are what you say what you think what you feel that is what's extracted from you reformulated packaged as a product and then typically repeatedly sold as basically
futures a commodified future based on essential characteristics of who you are and what you think and believe and feel what your motivations are okay that's that is the essence of the modern uh social media internet industry in a sense corporate media also practice a form of surveillance capitalism in which they engage in slander and defamation to advance political objectives and perspectives by intentionally and maliciously damaging reputations think about it okay corporate media generates profit by basically taking from you if you become their target and it you can watch it playing out right now in real
time in the presidential election look at the what's being deployed against the new vice president candidate okay um what was uh deployed against Nicole Shanahan when it was announced that she was going to run as Bobby Kennedy's VP okay they they extract aspects of your soul reformulate them and weaponize them as slander and defamation and generate profit in doing so it is their core business model okay they they train journalists modern they call it advocacy journalism which is really training them to be propagandists in how to do this process while avoiding the risks of lawsuits
they're actively trained to do this at CNN Washington Post New York Times etc etc this business model extends all the way down to social media trolls who build audiences clicks and followers by publishing salacious and unfounded rumors speculation and accusations followers clicks likes and trollery can be directly converted into Revenue but they are doing so by extracting value without your permission your reputational value is being pulled out weapon ized reformulated and used for purposes of advancing economic interests of third parties without your permission okay again this I believe fits rothbart's second criteria the criteria of
generating wealth through theft I think they're thieving they're stealing parts of the essence of you there's a quote from 1962 character that you any of you that have read uh Brave New World know Aldis Huxley 1962 there's a fantastic interview in 1962 black and white where he talks about this kind of stuff he talks about propaganda censorship and uh the ability to uh manipulate populations he asserts by means of ever more effective methods of Mind manipulation the democracy acies will change their nature the quaint old forms elections parliaments Supreme Courts and all the rest will
remain this is 1962 the underlying substance will be a new kind of totalitarianism all the traditional names all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial meanwhile the ruling oligarchy with its highly trained Elite will quietly run the show as they see fit now I don't want to get to partisan here but does this sound familiar psychological warfare is when psychological operations methods are used by governments against a foreign population classically or even against the citizens of a
government in a coordinated fashion okay psychological warfare is the new Battlefront NATO calls it hybrid Warfare it it the goal here and the reality the realization is that governments can be more effectively managed and overthrown instead of relying on kinetic Warfare through the use of propaganda media and psychological uh manipulation techniques and once that was appreciated then the particularly the Western Alliance the five eyes intelligence Alliance which many assert is the most powerful intelligence organization in modern history for those who are not familiar with five eyes this is the intelligence Alliance that exists between the
United States the UK government the Canadian government the government of New Zealand and the government of Australia now for those of you that were kind of alert and awake and watching what happened during the covid crisis you know we could say Austria perhaps but those have been the harshest most totalitarian nation states in terms of their responses they have all acted in harmony they have acted based on coordinated information and strategies five eyes Alliance and they together with NATO have built a suite of technologies that are extremely powerful for manipulating information not just manipulating information
the tech is so powerful now that everything that you think feel believe the information that you ENC counter that's available to you can be managed and manipulated and you think that you're immune to it because you're so highly educated and and intelligent okay it turns out that the more Highly Educated people are the most susceptible to these Technologies folks like me that have been through a stupid amount of post-graduate training are all basically trained to accept authority to accept and assimilate the the information that is put to us people ask me all the time what
happened to the medical profession the medical profession is all trained to basically regurgitate whatever they're told and to follow along with the guidance that are provided by people that are further up in the food chain okay the ones by the way that have been most resistant in general to the propaganda and manipulation during the co crisis are often the ones that are out on the street the common workers the Carpenters uh the HVAC folks the people that just work for a living that aren't caught up in this world of the mind that you all are
otherwise you wouldn't be here so don't tell yourself that it's not going to happen to you probability is that you are extremely susceptible to this type of manipulation now some of you may remember my speaking about Mass formation psychosis on Rogan literally broke the internet Google had to manually manipulate search results because they didn't like people finding out about those Concepts because they were fundamentally threatening to Google's business model okay but Mass information psychosis is in Mass formation the process of the formation of crowds the basis for totalitarianism is only one aspect of this that's
that has to with the fundamental problems associated with social dis association with all of you folks sitting here on your cell phones not being well connected to other members of your community bless your hearts for What's Happening Here I love it where you're all talking to each other that's how we avoid those kinds of things but you are all being subjected on a daily basis you're being bombarded by Propaganda by psychological warfare by psychological manipulation psychological biot terrorism is the use of fear about a disease to manipulate individuals or populations by governments and other organizations
such as big Pharma although the fear of infectious disease is an often is an obvious example it's not the only way that psychological biot terrorism is used other examples include propaganda regarding environmental toxins unsafe drinking water soil contamination climate change risk another name for psychological biot terrorism is information bioterrorism and by the way that process is well defined there are well-defined steps if I get time I'll go through them that have been developed and deployed by intelligence communities on all sides okay what you have just been subjected to over the last four years it absolutely
aligns with well-known processes for manipulating your existential fear of death it is the most powerful emotion you have your fear of death remember who read Doom fear is the mind killer right fear is extremely powerful existential fear can be easily manipulated to get you to do almost anything and the intelligence Community knows this they built these capabilities over decades and they've refined it to a fine art as I said there's a series of well-defined steps that are used in deploying this and I'm just going to tell you a little anecdote the other day I was
on uh um X spaces Twitter spaces um with a bunch of folks that have come through the covid crisis come through the events associated with the international Health regulations and The Who and all that kind of stuff and they wanted to talk about birt flu and what blew my mind is they were completely unaware that they had assimilated all the fear narrative that is being so actively promoted in the media right now about bird flu and they were regurgitating it to me oh my God this is going to happen again they're going to use this
to manipulate the elections we're going to have lockdowns we're going to have masking they're going to deploy these vaccines etc etc all this fear narrative all based around the thesis and people were regurgitating it to me that this is a highly lethal pathogen and yet there is no evidence of sustained human-to-human uh transmission there are no cases of hospitalization or death being reported in the United States from bird flu this is all a manufactured crisis and it's following exactly think about it just step back for a minute it is following book chapter in verse what
got deployed during the co crisis okay and yet still these people that should have been the most sensitized to it the most aware were falling right in it that's how powerful this Tech is you think you can resist it you can't my only hope is by getting folks to understand understand these things it's why I lecture on it that you you can build some resistance in yourself intellectually knowing that these things are out there that they are being deployed on you you can cognitively process and be aware that you are being manipulated and hopefully just
like your awareness of how they sell you soap okay propaganda and marketing are kissing cousins and As Americans largely that have grown up under modern marketing techniques you're fairly resistant to all the methods they have to sell you soap and hamburgers and everything else still works obviously we got a population that's getting fat and eating McDonald's all the time but uh compared to what happens in the Emerging Markets um Latin America and Africa those people are sitting ducks for modern marketing Tech technology the same holds for psychological warfare propaganda now I've introduced psychological biot terrorism
SAR now I'm going to talk a little bit about what is fifth generation Warfare fifth generation Warfare has become a Mainstay as I mentioned of NATO strategy Russian strategy Battlefield strategy across the world what does this mean this term fifth generation Warfare sounds very scary and it makes it sound as if Warfare has discret stages okay first generation Warfare Sticks and Stones we're throwing them at each other second generation Warfare um we have uh more of a kinetic component but it's still typically under centralized control third generation Warfare third generation Warfare is uh you have
um increasing decentralization of command chain think about uh the blitz c um the Germans during World War II were masters of third generation Warfare they gave Battlefield commanders freedom to operate um and uh they deployed non-traditional means and strategies um to overcome their opponent fourth gen War fair in a in a nutshell is uh what we have seen deployed by Al-Qaeda the Taliban and the Viet Kong okay it's it's these resistance movements that have a uh typically a religious component um in addition to a kinetic component kinetic Warfare component guns and tanks and whatnot um
fourth generation Warfare I assert and many others United States military has not won a single Fourth Generation War okay and and with the emergence of Fourth Generation War the US military has become aware NATO's become aware five eyes Alliance has become aware of the crucial importance that um is is mentioned in extensively in The Art of War I mean this has been around for millennial these ideas that the ability to manipulate uh one's opponent in the population within one's opponent uh is is the best way to win it Warfare to overcome your opponent and these
Guerilla movements have used it extremely effectively they don't have to have centralized control remember that's another key thing Osama got killed what happened boom total decentralization it became even harder all they did was propagate the logic that well you got to go out and kill Americans we really don't care how you do it and we don't care who's leading your particular cell that becomes extremely effective you're faced with whack-a-mole if you're an organized military what are you going to do oh you're going to try to get more expert at using propaganda and information Warfare in
order to counter the messaging that's coming from your opponent that's fifth gen okay that is SAR that is a technology Suite that was built for offshore combat by our military and the UK in particular working closely with their intelligence communities uh to give us new capabilities to counter these Insurgency movements and what's happened is O as often happens with governments and technology in general once the tech exists it gets deployed for other purposes purposes that happen to be politically convenient at that time and I've spoken to many people that have been part of these C
War units uh in Europe and in the United States and a lot of these retired Colonels are pretty pissed off because the tech and capabilities that they help develop for offshore combat they know are now being deployed against civilian populations not just civilian populations they're being deployed against the populations of their own citizenry yes sir what are the yeah there's a a so in the book we go into it at length uh listing them out you know we'll kill the rest of the half an hour that I've got left um uh the uh uh weaponization
of propaganda the use of uh for instance uh just give you one specific example there's a military battle unit in the UK called the 77th Brigade and the 77th Brigade also has an informal component that's referred to in the in social media as the mut crew okay and there's something analogous that the CDC is fund funded um uh through uh the public good projects and the shots heard around the world program basically these groups engage in cyber stalking uh against individuals is one example so if you're identified I I'll give you a very discreet example
um you ever are you a software person at all okay there's a a a program that's used in software development and uh deployment uh that generates a tracking feature called a juror ticket um it's one of their outputs it's when you call in and you complain about some software bug that you've encountered and they say oh we've created a ticket for that okay and we'll get back to you after we solve this ticket and they become very obsessed about fixing that's a juror ticket okay it was recently revealed in Congressional uh testimony and reports that
I have juror tickets that have been developed by the US government that identify me as having certain characteristics I'm an antivaxer and I'm a conservative those were sufficient to Merit the deployment of uh weaponized propaganda against me in social media targeting through these very ious uh groups like The the groups the crowd stalking activities in which uh the CDC and in the UK uh the 77th Brigade for instance targeted Andrew bridgen uh they target me every time I go over there um and you'll see just a slew of concerted trollery attacks and other misinformation and
disinformation being promoted against those who have said things which are contrary to the accepted narrative just one example okay it's it's full front media Warfare coordinated and facilitated in this case by the federal government um there's there's another example that's in the book uh that's come out from congressional testimony about uh weaponization of other strategies the government deploys in psychological warfare against me personally but it's been deployed against anybody Journal anybody that uh speaks out in in in ways that have are contrary to the government's approved narrative that these products are safe and effective okay
safe and effective itself is a psychological warfare tool this is called neurolinguistic programming you're seeing it all the time right now in the election I mean the election is a amazing little microcosm of of this Tech um neural linguistic programming has to do with messaging subtle messaging to you that causes you to make assum assumptions and to embed uh thoughts you could think of it as subliminal programming okay safe and effective safe and effective safe and effective how many times have you heard that okay they never qualify what constitutes safe nor what Quant Quant what
constitutes effective they use those terms they embed into your lizard brain and you can't resist them you you assume that they are safe and effective this these have emotional content that comes straight into you so you ask for some examples there's a couple there's a wealth of these Technologies um and they go way down into the weeds in terms of uh ability to manipulate all kinds of information this this is now um core capabilities of uh the extended uh cwar units in the United States military which are extensive um and by the way that is
authorized to be deployed against American civilians by the US Army in the event of a crisis another thing we've documented we've gone right straight down to the BS there's all this talk about how the CIA can't deploy psychological warfare and information Warfare against American citizens that's wrong okay that's untrue operation Mockingbirds is still ongoing if you're familiar with what I'm talking about the manipulation of the press by the intelligence community and by this now what we mean is the extended uh intelligence community that largely is centered around Department of Homeland Security okay that that is
now routinely deployed now I'm never going to get through this talk um another definition Mis dis and Mal information I am guilty I mean I had I had a a uh expert witness report um in in San Diego thrown out by a judge because I am judged guilty of spreading misinformation on the basis of an article published in in the New York Times And The Washington Post that's called hearsay evidence but they both asserted that I'm a spreader of misinformation why did they say that well it turns out the government asserted that I was spreading
misinformation for among other things saying that these vaccines were not safe and effective and the reasons why and you've seen those podcasts Etc okay but that was sufficient to cause me to be labeled why were those of us that were saying these things that were just based on scientif data medical truths labeled in this way because of the logic that the virus was so pathogenic which turns out it's not um and the vaccines are so safe and effective that anyone that would cause people to become vaccine hesitant would be guilty of causing unnecessary death I
mean I've there's five or six different ways I've been accused of being a mass murderer and that's one of them um uh and in the face of the risk of someone sharing information which may be true which would cause someone to become vaccine hesitant that was sufficient to justify virtually anything short of of assassination um to cause that person to no longer be able to share that information that's that's the underpinning logic that we saw in the co crisis and that's now been broadened to questioning climate change uh questioning uh whether or not camel not
to get too political whether or not camel Harris was uh uh borders are I mean it we've now kind of normalize this process uh to control information that's inconsistent with what the state wants to be the approved narrative and they have a language around it it's Mis dis and Malin I'm accused of spreading misinformation so what is misinformation this great sin that I and others are accused of misinformation is information which you share which differs from the approved narrative as promoted by in this case because we're talking about public health NIH CDC or the World
Health Organization if I say something that's different from what the approved narrative is coming from wh CDC or NIH which have been repeatedly proved proven to be false I am guilty of spreading misinformation now what's disinformation if that's misinformation disinformation is if I'm doing it for political purposes let's imagine and I I'm not uh I have not endorsed Bobby Kennedy but let's imagine that I've endorsed Bobby Kennedy and I'm spreading in his his messaging regarding vaccines and vaccine safety because I want to help get him elected okay that would be disinformation because it would be
different from the approved narrative but it would be being spread for political purposes now here's the kicker what is Mal information as defined by the Department of Homeland Security secretary meus and by the way all three of these are defined in a DHS memorandum as being domestic terrorism when you say that Robert Malone or you or you are spreading misinformation that is now equated to saying that you are a domestic terrorist um Mal information is information which may be true but causes the receiver the recipient of that Mal information to become more distrustful of the
government okay I guarantee that you all have heard a bucket load of Mal information over the last couple of days okay you've been subjected to by secretary Marcus's definition a fire hose of of um of terrorism of domestic terrorism okay that's how Insidious this is now I'm going to introduce another thing the concept of the banality of evil as I've tried to think about all this and talking to other people people again and again and again talk about what has been happening has been evil it it for some of us we don't have language I
could never imagine that I would be talking about things like good and evil as a scientist it's just kind of foreign it's not part of my language and yet over the last four years it's become commonplace I I don't have any other language than the Rel the language of Faith to express a lot of the phenomena that I'm observing and evil is one of them and I and I started using this term evil to describe what I was seeing in these processes that are occurring by our government by corporations by mass media Etc I I
truly believe that the deployment of psychological warfare against civilian populations is fundamentally evil that for me is really problematic when I start a ring evil intent to third persons because I don't really know what's in their heart I don't really know what they're thinking and in trying to process my own model for what's transpired um I found that the the book the concepts of Hana art in her 1963 book amikan in Jerusalem a report of the vanality of evil to be really helpful okay the concept of the banality of evil is often misunderstood as suggesting
that evil is ordinary or common not true Hana 's intention was to highlight the fact that evil is not necessarily driven by a desire for destruction or chaos but rather by a lack of thought and consideration for the consequences of one's actions the banality of evil often arises from bureaucracies they have their own intrinsic logic and structure people that exist within those bureaucracies and including ikan one of the key organizers of the Holocaust essentially takes the position as do the people that were driving the trains and so many other activities that contributed to the Holocaust
during World War II they were just doing their job they were just following orders they were just fitting in the vanality of evil refers to the fact that evil be can be committed by ordinary unremarkable people including bureaucrats who are not driven by a desire for evil they're not Mr evil scheming but rather by a lack of moral imagination a failure to think critically about the consequences of their interaction of their actions vanality of evil arises from individuals that are just going along to get along they're not think thinking about the consequences of what they're
doing they're not thinking about the bigger picture a lot of this stuff all originates in a a failure of people to think and take ownership and responsibility for their actions which of course trying to bring it back is at the core of libertarian thought that you take responsibility for your actions and based on this I came up with a model it's a VIN diagram sorry I don't have it as a slide what has really occurred over the last four years what is occurring now I think we have the interaction of three major forces one is
just gross incompetence one is nefarious scheming there absolutely have people been people that have taken advantage of uh the co crisis for economic and other benefits political benefits nefarious scheming can't be denied the other is the the complexity of the systems that we've developed complex systems and at this intersection of incompetence nefarious scheming and complex systems we have a number of other phenomena that emerge at the interface between incompetence and complex systems we have arbitrary bureaucracy at the interface of incompetence and nefarious scheming we have unanticipated consequences at the interface of Nefarious scheming inom complex
systems we have corruption and right in the center of all all of these forces we have the finality of evil that is my model for what's gone on it's not just CLA Schwab is the evil puppet master that kind of narrative that we've heard promoted again and again a lot of this has to do with the complex systems in which we are living right now and this is a diversion but I want to touch on it um and we saw it emerge really graphically with the crowd strike event one of the problems we we in
an earlier lecture we heard somebody just touching gently not even using the terms on Dei on the substitution of these social agendas for a commitment that was normative previously for um Excellence uh that we have culturally increasingly come to Value these social agenda issues like diversity Equity inclusion instead of other core issues that in my age were the center of uh everything if you know in seeking an education building a career seeking advancement Etc which was Merit education and intelligence the problem with substituting Dei kind of Concepts which is a core of the New World
Order of this uh great reset of uh stakeholder capitalism okay that corporations should not be so focused on profit they should be focused on the social good that they generate okay it's it's fundamentally repugnant to the logic of rothbard and mises and and the whole libertarian concept as far as I'm concerned but the underlying that is that if we choose to build our society in our systems around these social agendas like diversity equity and inclusion what we will do is gradually degrade the capability of the complex systems which we rely on to function and this
kind of cascading failure that we've seen with the covid crisis in so many ways the corruption the misrepresentation the uh failure to think the you know rampant failure of the medical system it's just undeniable that kind of complex system failure um will become more and more and more common because we've built a a edifice in the Western World of interacting highly complex systems that require deep technical expertise in order to maintain we're talking about air traffic control computer computational systems like crowd strike um and and you know that was a that was for those of
you that aren't coders and wonks that was a simple coding error in a pointer in C++ took out the biggest systemwide computer failure in the history of the world because somebody didn't do their job right in coding and somebody else didn't do their job right in terms of quality control and the whole system all over the world failed okay we're going to see more and more and more of that if we fail to focus on Merit education and intelligence and instead substitute these various social agendas in in maintaining our infrastructure our human capital enough on
that regarding covid crisis medical freedom and freedom in general the government's willing to De willingness to deploy modern cognitive and psychological warfare tools by the way those are two different things cognitive Warfare tools go into your subconsciousness psychological warfare tools approach your conscious mind government's willing to deploy modern cognitive and psychological warfare tools and Technologies against their own citizenry in combination with collusion and coercion using the power of modern big information Technologies and evil the world is never known before we give rights to our government you guys this this is for you we give rights
to our government in exchange for our government's commitment to providing security furthering prosperity and rep respecting people's auton sovereignty and will over the last four years many have come to learn that there is a suite of Technologies and capabilities that have been developed over decades which can influence everything that we think feel he and believe that's what I'm talking about your mind is not your own these technologies have been developed and deployed for offshore use as I mentioned specifically to advance American interest through the US state department the intelligence Community CIA and Department of Defense
I mentioned about five eyes this has also been bundled with the initiative that the United States has felt consequent to World War II and the collapse of the um imperialist government organizations throughout Europe that we're the good guys you United States the good guys we have this constitution we believe in the rule of law um we have a moral Fabric and if we didn't step into the power vacuum left after World War II then the USSR would China would Etc we must act as an imperialist power to fill that power void and use every skill
and capability that we can to do so that has led us into the modern position do you know that there's been over 70 regime changes managed by the CIA since the end of World War II we believe that this is okay not only that we believe that assassination is okay as a way to manage uh these political structures and I assert that what we've done is we've normalized these methods including assassination to the point where we had an American president that was perceived as a risk to American foreign policy and he was assassinated there was
a coup against JFK we've been living with that ever since and the technology has just gotten more and more and more powerful now I'm running out of time I'm going to just kind of help you try to help you to comprehend the world that you are living in now and you're going to live in the rest of your lives Twitter was developed as a weapon Facebook was developed as a weapon they were developed As Weapons by the CIA Google was is powered by the CIA Google was created at Stanford using CIA funding CIA transferred the
technology for Google Maps that's where it comes from okay so what what am I talking about here's an example the example that uh demonstrates how powerful this Tech is is what transpired with Arab Spring Arab Spring was the first clear unequivocal fifth generation Warfare battle that that was one repeated regime change starting with Tunisia the thing is that with these social media platforms the tech exists I know this because I used to support a client that built some of this Tech called behavioral Matrix with the words that you post on social media or any media
platform they can extract your emotional state it's all validated using statistics the words that you use can be used to basically peer into your mind to extract your emotional state and then map it in a cloud of influence with the other people that you're interacting with on social media and that cloud statistically validated cloud of interfer of of interactions um can be used to pull out those within that sphere that are expressing emotions and thoughts that those that are managing it wish to elevate or suppress you ever heard of Shadow Banning Shadow Banning is just
part of the toolkit okay those influencers can be um manipulated so that they are more widely circulated and influencing cloud or less so it can be manipulated so that you can pick out voices that are saying we need to go attack the palace or we need to all meet here or whatever the thing is and then propagated through that entire Matrix you ask for examples okay this is how this Tech was built as a weapon um it can move populations and did so um clearly documented during Arab Spring to result in multiple examples of regime
change extremely powerful grease lightning what's not to like if you're the CIA um and and we didn't have to go shoot missiles we didn't have to shoot guns but this Tech remember if you're interacting on your little social media platform that you call your cell phone and there's two or even better three cell towers within range you can be precisely triangulated in three-dimensional space you can be kinetically targeted with extreme precision and that database all gets linked to Gorgon stair these are the high resolution satellite imagery technology that exists so who you are what you
look like what your vehicle is who you're associated with what you're saying on social media all that stuff is captured and tracked and weaponized all great you know if this is your business and then Along Comes ukip Nigel farage and brexit okay and oops it got turned on its head Cambridge analytica and the Trump election oops got turned on its head and suddenly the intelligence Community realized they had a problem and that was embodied in for instance in one example in the Obama lectures that were given at the Hoover Institute in which he justified the
need for censorship and propaganda okay they believe they that because of these capabilities and the risks because underneath the risk of brexit the realization of brexit was brexit and grexit and the destruction of the European Union that we've so carefully created and if the EU Falls NATO Falls and American foreign policy is a destroyed and that's why they feel that it's absolutely necessary and Justified to do this um but the problem is as I said is a slippery slope once they're doing it for that reason then they're doing it for this reason then they're doing
it because of vaccine hesitancy and antivaxers then they're doing it for climate change deniers then they're doing it for people that are in the opposite political party Dr Malone a conservative okay now I've run out of time um uh so much more I can cover uh the book is I think 130,000 words uh extensive documentation of the the technology and the means and the logic and what this is being used to drive the interface with the World Health Organization with the United Nations if you haven't heard what agenda 2030 is you better figure it out
it's considered an international treaty by the way among other things in agenda 2030 is the assertion is that it's a fundamental human right to migrate in live wherever in the world you want okay a lot of these things that you encounter open borders it just doesn't makees sense right no it's codified specifically in agenda 2030 this is the new world order that you have to deal with I'm going to be dead okay all I can do is what I'm trying to do right now is to help teach reach you you know and this is a
powerful group what misus has assembled here I'm really impressed with I'm impressed with seeing all of you having these deep intellectual conversations over Burrs um uh about all kinds of things just fantastic um and I can tell you that this kind of thing is starting to happen all across the Western world it's happening that the people that are driving the populace movement in Europe are the people that are your age the people that are voting for the Lions for deuts land a a party that has been made illegal in the state of Germany here's a
fun fact if you fly the German flag in Germany you're considered a Neo-Nazi if you support nationalism you're considered a Neo-Nazi that's where this is gone in Europe and it's folks your age that are starting to stand up and say no this is not the world we want to live in we don't want to live in a world dominated by surveillance capitalism and that logic and I hope that this little time that I've spent with you um I've I've helped to at least peque your curiosity what the heck is this guy talking about he sounds
like a crazy wild-eyed conspiracy theorist okay and a it does sound that way but it's all real it's all documented this is what's going on underneath this is the world that you're inheriting and my challenge in question to you is what are you going to do about it thanks a lot for listening I'm glad to take t please oh let's go uh my question is related to uh social media so like alphabet and meta and Amazon exists for profit what would you say to someone who doesn't mind giving up um their uh knowledge of their
consumer and religious um preferences in return for having free use of those Services they want to do it voluntarily right okay and I and I really am convinced compelled and committed to this underpinning logic that we're for one of another word we're calling libertarianism or we're calling anarco capitalism I I think this is the most powerful intriguing domain intellectually in the world right now and and just like I'm committed to free speech even when it's free speech that hurts me um from the trolls and the haters and everything else um I can't say no you
can't say those things uh and still be committed to free speech and I can't be committed to free markets and say no we have to constrain these people they shouldn't be allowed to give up their information but I think the getting back and this is what's troubling me and and I would really love to learn from work product of the Misa Institute about how I can better think about this but I assert that this is an unwilling extraction and it's not my conceptualization we are being treated as a natural resource that's being mined to extract
information the best metaphor is the Matrix okay to extract value from us without our permission then reformulate that and repeatedly resell it okay and that's theft that's why I use these terms like Soul okay now if if meta and you know Amazon bless their hearts it's the same business model they're just more vertically integrated than the other two right Facebook and meta resell the information to third party marketers but Amazon has just built the whole stack right but it's the same business model but they they're doing it surreptitiously and they are working extremely hard to
avoid any kind of constraints they don't recognize think about it fundamentally they refuse to recognize morality as a constraint on their business model they they have no respect for the these essential characteristics that make you as a human you they just feel that it's acceptable to reach right in without your permission grab them out reformulate them and sell them off that's theft I think as I'm trying to fit that business model into the logic of uh rothbart that's why I started with that and if somebody if if if Facebook or or whomever is open and
transparent that this is what they're doing and you are rather than these sneaky little you know the they pop up all the time um terms and conditions all written in tiny little language intentionally Byzantine okay see nobody reads them nobody really processes what it is they're saying they're going to take from you okay that's that's not I don't think that's acceptable um and it that's why I started by saying I find this really troubling because here we we're all committed I think to um free markets and here we have a market concept that's commodified and
by the way it's part of a broader Trend they want there's you know this this is an unregulated space economically that they figured out a business model to come in and commodify and capitalize and extract value out of but there the difference is that you know in me in in rothbart's analysis uh wealth is generated by humans extracting and building value um from the surrounding world the Earth here it's a extracting value from you from humans and personally I think that's fundamentally different and I think that to do that without being open and transparent is
is a a fundamental violation of ethics and I don't know how to fit that into the the intellectual space of libertarianism does that help have I answered your question yeah thank you my name is Elizabeth stump my question is how do we practically fight against psychological warfare right so um uh I put a bunch of chapters in the end Jill and I have um and we put in chapters that our prior book is not to pump but you know hey it's economics um uh uh lies my government told me in the better future coming I
always try to include suggestions for what we can do I think we're facing an environment in which uh you individually have to make some choices about the extent to which you allow yourself to be integrated into this new system this new world this information Matrix um one of the fundamental truths of psychological warfare is the the only way you know this is a real surreal landscape it people refer to it as the post-truth environment truth is entirely subjective now um and the only way to win at psychological warfare is not the play um uh I
think personally that um as this tech and as the culture is passing through this period where this has become normalized the only uh form of resistance and um protection is a a commitment to a decentralized lifestyle to kind of moving off of of a lot of these systems um and and I personally think that's hence it comes back to G Gulch um if you're an an En Rand fan um I kind of think we're going to have to build uh systems and capabilities that exist in parallel outside of that um and that means we have
to go back and rethink all of these assumptions like the nature of money and the barter system and whether or not we really want to invest in Bitcoin or we're going to have to go back to um that's why I you know I so much enjoyed the book on what has the government done with our money um you know what B there the these fundamental characteristics that rothbart teaches that money has to have divisibility ready exchange and portability um things that can't be solved with a barter system I again and again I hear people saying
oh we just got to go back to barter no I'm sorry read the damn book right um uh so I I I really think that the the our only option to protect ourselves is to force ourselves into a new way of being um and I think that if you think of it you know you can think of it as oh no as if I didn't have enough complexity in my life or you can say oh we finally have a real strong justification for building our own New World Order instead of reacting to the globalist version
that CLA Schwab wants to promote to us that is going to lead us into this transhuman reality where uh Humanity becomes an obsolete uh entity uh pet of uh of human machine fusions that's where they're going um I don't want to live there I bet you don't either and so somehow we're going to have to force ourselves to think this through and come up with new systems that's the best I can do basically thank you very much
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