most people struggle with making decisions when it comes to how to be more productive and make sense of their lives this one's for you okay for years we've used these rules to get out of weird situations to make the most of our time and to get an edge over others we recommend you go through this list with us and write down some notes so you can apply it to your life starting today once you've got the tools you need you're ready to begin welcome to alux the place where future billionaires come to get inspired number
one the 11031 investing Rule now this first one is a real estate investment rule but you know the concept can be applied to other similar situations this is probably the most well-known rule between professional property investors if you're going to buy any property you need to know this in order to make a smart investment an investor must look at at least 100 properties to find 10 potential deals that can be profitable from those 10 potential deals an investor will submit aggressive but fair offers on three of them of these three offers submitted one will be
accepted but that one property is going to make you a lot of money and then repeat this is the foundation you want to build on if you rush things you're going to lose money number two you cut I pick so let's say your kids are fighting over the last piece of cake in the fridge and both of them claim it to be right rightfully theirs here's how this rule works one person cuts and the other person gets to pick which half they want to keep this amazing rule gives the power to both sides it's one
of those smart tricks that maximizes the return and also minimizes the risk at the same time because of this both parties win and the result is usually the perfect Fair cut this works great in business and in life number three the 100 hour Rule now this is one of those rules that should put Clarity on what you should prioritize in life it all boils down to a big and simple question imagine you have three buckets what's you're good at what's your average at and what's you're bad at if you had 100 hours to invest in
these buckets how would you split the hours take a moment to make this decision would you split it evenly 33 33 33 maybe a little bit more in other buckets well here's how some of the most successful and smart people answered this they would either put 80 hours into what they were really good at with the rest split equally or 100 hours into what they're good at and zero for the rest you see spending time on something you're bad at has zero benefits and it's usually a great waste of time the only exception is if
you're really passionate about that thing and you're doing it just because it makes you happy number four the 10 101 Rule now this is another decision-making rule that works great it's frequently used by people like Warren Buffett and other billionaire investors to figure out what to do it's a rule that forces perspective so when stressing over something just think about it like this how will I feel about this in 10 minutes 10 months what about 10 years after getting some perspective you'll notice how there are very few things actually worth stressing over a choice might
feel good in the moment but have negative effects over the medium or long term and the reverse is also possible maybe something will suck in the next 10 minutes and even a little bit afterward but it will pay off in the long run any important decision you have to make run it by the rule of 10 and you'll start making better calls pretty much immediately number five the one thing that wins the day okay so picture this it's a random Tuesday afternoon and you haven't done anything productive yet the clock is ticking you're hungry you
start making some plans in your head on how to justify this already lost day maybe you wake up tomorrow morning really early to catch up yeah sounds like it could work but we all know you won't now this rule is for saving days that seem to be lost just do one thing that will win the day just one thing maybe it's a quick meeting to set something into place maybe it's an important email you still haven't sent maybe it's a decision you have to make so other things can start moving there's always something that has
a decent impact better yet figure this out in the morning when you wake up just ask yourself what's the one thing that if I do it today I can call it a win and then just do that everything else is a bonus it's the kind of action that has a Snowball Effect you make yourself get up in the morning and do the thing you have to do so treat yourself with respect and if this is something that you really find yourself struggling with the AO app is a great resource for you and for so many
other issues that you're tackling in life we have several collections of lessons dedicated solely on Guiding you through strengthening your self-image and redefining how you see and feel about yourself you owe it to Future you to put in the work right now and this is one investment that will pay off more than you could ever imagine because self-esteem affects everything you do and as a gift from us to you download the app and scan the QR code on screen to get 25% off the yearly membership it's not a cheap subscription but that's because there's over
a million dollars worth of valuable content within the app it pays for itself within the first month Alone number six the two-minute Rule now this is the most straightforward rule on this list okay the two-minute rule goes like this if it only takes 2 minutes to do it just do it okay never postpone or neglect activities that can be solved immediately there's something about our levels of stress that affect our productivity when we know we've still got more things to do also getting small winds like this gives us a feeling of productivity and momentum that
only builds up throughout the day that two-minute rule is the perfect cure for procrastination if you don't feel like doing a task just force yourself to do it for 2 minutes then you can give yourself a break if you really need to but for 2 minutes really give your full attention it can't be that hard to focus for 2 minutes right studies show us that getting started is actually the hardest part of a task and if you can get over that slump you're a lot more likely to finalize what you've started number seven the 8020
rule 20% of your actions account for 80% of the results this has been one of the most valuable things that we've learned in business and in life 20% of the workers produce 80% of the results 20% of customers create 80% of Revenue 20% of the bugs cause 80% of the crashes 20% of the features cause 80% of the usage 20% of the words in a language make up 80% of conversations and so on my friends so find what is your 20% and focus heavily on that number eight the leftand rule now this one's more of
a social life hack than a business rule but if you're at any kind of event where you're drinking always hold a glass or Cup in your left hand let's say you're grabbing a beer and suddenly you're introduced to someone new what do you do you go in to shake their hand right but if your hand has been on that cold wet glass it's going to feel kind of weird and slimy people will not remember your name but they will remember how you made them feel and clammy hands are a no no in any setting number
nine the apology rule look okay you're going to make mistakes in life everybody does and there's a way for you to move forward right away a real effective apology has three parts one you acknowledge you were wrong and how it affected the person or outcome two you say you're sorry three you describe what you're to do to make it right or make sure it never happens again don't excuse or explain if you've made a mistake just own up to it there's no negotiating yourself from the truth and there's more to gain by following this rule
than by getting away with a mistake your entire life will change once you start using it it's also valuable with employees instead of a simple sory this helps both parties to improve their relationship by building trust and solving the situation number 10 the Golden Rule now this has been the most valuable piece of advice the world has ever come up with it's the foundation of being a decent human being do unto others as you would have them do unto you treat other people the way that you would want to be treated love your neighbor as
you love yourself treat others nicely and don't just be an the golden rule is also a great resource to build up Good Karma help others and people will help you back if you're feeling stuck in life maybe you start by helping others and who knows where this will lead you rule number 11 the money equals time Rule now you've probably heard the saying that time is money more times than you can count right but here's a little trick think of money in terms of hours let's say you make $10 an hour and you want to
buy a coat that's $ 150 bucks is that coat really worth 15 hours of work by breaking down the price of something you want into working hours you value things differently you know how hard you work for your money and this is why you can better understand the expense you're making is it worth spending a week of your life to get a new outfit is that holiday really worth 3 months of working that it took to get that money you'll find that some things no longer make sense While others become an obvious yes it's up
to you to figure out how much you earn per hour or per day then factor that into every time you make a purchase number 12 the odd time Rule now if you've got friends who are never on time this Ru is for you if you schedule a meeting for 3:47 instead of 4:00 the likelihood of people being late to that reference hour dropped significantly and to make sure everybody knows that meeting will start at 3:47 and if you do begin to start your meetings at these odd times people pay more attention to the exact time
they have to be there just give this a try and see what happens number 13 the 10,000 hour rule now this rule is considered the key to success in any field it's simply a matter of practicing a specific task that can usually be accomplished within 20 hours of work per week for 10 years it doesn't matter when you start or how old you are put 10,000 hours into something and you'll be an expert in that field some of the best performers in the world base their results on this Rule now just think about what your
thing is what you consider yourself good at how much time have you put toward that craf or skill do the math and then figure out how much more you have to invest in order to master it number 14 the stay poor be rich rule the more time a person is willing to live like they're poor despite not having to the Richer they become the main difference between those who will keep on being rich and those who lose wealth is their ability to control their lifestyle spending we've seen people make a lot of money blow through
most of it and end up back where they started now we know it's been hard and you've only just started seeing progress with your business or Venture but don't go ahead and blow through all your money okay don't buy an expensive car don't buy the expensive home instead keep your head down pretend that money isn't there and invest it putting this money to work for you will be a lot more valuable to your lifestyle than spending it right now ever could be number 15 the coin rule if you're a massive overthinker and have trouble picking
an option this one's for you okay simply put assign each option to each side of a coin and flip it but here's the real magic pay attention to what happens while that coin is in the air in that fleeting moment you'll notice yourself hoping the coin will land on a particular side and that's your answer the coin rule works because it bypasses overthinking and forces you to tap directly into your intuition try it out right now and notice how your mood suddenly changes while that coin is in the air and lastly for those of you
who always stick with us until the end we've got a Bonus number 16 always do the right thing now that's probably the most important rule right every day every month and every year you've got choices to make you choose what to focus on how to spend your time how to treat other people how to treat yourself in all of these there's always a right thing to do it might not be the easiest the quickest or the most convenient option all the time but deep down you know it's the correct choice this could mean choosing honesty
when lying would be easier being kind when anger is tempting or disciplined when all you want to do is lay in bed these decisions feel small in the moment but in the long run they ultimately Define who you are as a person we hope you learned something valuable here today alexer we'll see you back here next time until then take care my friend