8 OBJECTS THAT ATTRACT BAD LUCK TO YOUR HOME | Law of attraction | Deepak Chopra

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Remove these eight objects from your house, and you'll see how your entire reality transforms. I must stress that this advice stems from what I believe, drawing from the wisdom of an ancient practice. Embracing these principles will naturally unveil the profound spiritual truth embedded in the emerald tabbits.
Words As Above So Below, as within so without, this signifies that altering your surroundings can profoundly impact your inner state, illustrating the reciprocal relationship between your external environment and internal being. Now, you might have just felt off when you walked into a room, as if the energy was heavy or stagnant. Deepak Chopra has spoken extensively about how our living spaces impact us on subtle energetic levels.
In fact, he references ancient Eastern wisdom traditions like Feng Shui that have identified specific objects that can actually block the healthy flow of energy. These objects end up trapping dense, stale energy that makes you feel drained. The more of these energy-blocking items you have, the more your whole home begins to feel weighed down.
Soon, you may notice moodiness, lack of motivation, or even feel very uneasy for no clear reason. Now, these eight objects and removing them is like doing an energy cleanse of your home. Just picture heavy drapes being pulled back to let sunlight stream through—the shift can be that powerful.
So, I learned that having these eight types of objects in your home can actually block positive energy from flowing freely and attract negative energy or bad luck. Think of it like having clogged pipes; nothing can flow properly. The first offender is calendars.
Holistic living principles teach that calendars focus too much on the past, which energetically keeps pulling you backwards instead of living in the present moment. When you walk by a calendar, you habitually check days that have already gone, appointments that are over, the relentless ticking away of time. This grounds you deeply in what was, energetically anchoring you to old energy and timelines that have already expired.
Essentially, by prominently displaying calendars, you give too much precious mental focus and power to expired moments and events. According to holistic living principles, this can drain your energy that should be used to create what you want next, leaving you feeling demotivated or even vaguely anxious as you dwell on past days and moments now gone. Instead, that energy can be channeled into the now to manifest wonderful things in the days ahead.
So, removing calendars allows more of your energy to focus on the pure potentiality and creativity of the present. Just make sure you still keep appointments by checking your phone calendar app when needed, rather than having print calendars constantly visible. The next offender is paintings or images of disasters, storms, crying people, anything that depicts distressing scenes or evokes sadness.
Here is why this is problematic—whatever images you surround yourself with on a daily basis imprint subtly yet powerfully on your subconscious mind. Seeing depictions of pain, crisis, grief, or fear sends an energetic message that life is full of suffering and catastrophe. This slowly trains your mind to anticipate and brace for turmoil.
You get into a chronic state of distress where discomfort begins to feel normal. Over time, this winds up your nervous system, clouding your thinking and deteriorating your mood. You may notice more anxiety, headaches, overwhelm, and even depression creeping in for reasons you can't quite explain.
Essentially, taking in repeated imagery of disasters or distress wires your brain to expect and thus manifest more problems in your outer world. Even if it's artwork you admire for composition or color, the actual scene will still seep into your subconscious realm to cause strain. Remember, your home is your haven, so ensure the artwork you see every day evokes positive emotions like joy, serenity, inspiration, and comfort.
Surround yourself with beauty that uplifts rather than weighs down your spirit. The next problematic item is photos of deceased loved ones displayed prominently around your home. Now, there may be someone dear to your heart who has passed on that you wish to honor.
However, according to holistic principles, having their photos out can energetically anchor you in the past and stall forward movement in your life. When you pass by the photo, your mind naturally gets pulled backwards into nostalgia, reliving fond memories you share together. You may momentarily dwell on missing them and the feelings around losing them.
Anytime grief, longing, or loss gets activated, it clouds your energy in the present moment. Over time, this can turn into a pattern of getting sucked into the past, energetically making it hard to live fully in the vibrant now. This constant pull backwards stagnates the healthy forward flow that allows you to keep evolving happily.
Think of it like drizzling gloomy memories from yesterday over the bright possibilities of today. Before you know it, you feel stuck circulating in old energy instead of moving onward with clarity and purpose. The solution is not to completely forget loved ones who have passed; they will always hold a cherished place in your heart.
But do limit photos of them around your home if you notice it makes you sink into sadness and nostalgia for long periods. Visit the cemetery or look at a memory book when you feel called to connect with their spirit. For day-to-day life, though, ensure your environment uplifts you into positive emotional energy to manifest wonderful things ahead.
The next problematic item is having thorny plants like cactuses and rose bushes with thorns placed prominently inside your home. Now, you may be thinking, but I love how they look. I promise there's a logical energetic reason to consider removing them.
Here it is. On a subtle level, the thorns represent hostility, aggression, and attack. After all, thorns are literally the plant's defenses to harm anyone who gets too close.
This subconscious i 1 sends a message to your nervous system. To be on alert for pain and threat over weeks and months, this keeps your body locked in fight or flight mode. Even though there's no clear danger, being in chronic stress state clouds your thinking, kills creativity, and drains your motivation and mood.
It also plugs healthy energy from flowing to attract good fortune. You may notice relationships begin deteriorating as partners adopt unconscious attack postures. Projects that should thrive end up stalling as your vision and drive get mumbled in distress.
Essentially, those prickly objects program your brain to expect harm and irritation. So replace thorny plants with lush green foliage, flowering bushes, or dramatic palms. Notice how much lighter and more expansive your energy feels.
The vibe shifts from fear of pain to excitement for blossoming. Abundance, thriving relationships, success, and vitality will naturally follow suit. Next, avoid painting your front door black.
Now, you may be thinking, "But black is classic and elegant. " The front entrance and door to your home represent the portal through which all opportunities and blessings enter. Think of it as the gateway to receive the best life has to offer.
Well, painting that crucial entry point black unconsciously gives it a funeral-like vibe. After all, the color black evokes darkness, death, and finality. It's what people wear when grieving loss.
Understandably, you'd never find the front door to a church, temple, or place of hope painted this ominous shade. So by having a black front door, it's almost like pronouncing grieving and closure over your home without realizing it. This unconsciously blocks vital energy and engagement from flowing inward.
You may notice career opportunities, loving relationships, health, and prosperity struggling despite your efforts. That's because the black door has defined your sacred space as a place where abundance and inspiration come to die. The fix is simple: repaint your front door a more uplifting color.
Warm shades like red, orange, and yellow welcome in fiery solar energy. Cool tones like green and blue soothe and open creative flow. Greet each sunrise as a chance for renewed blessings by walking through a vibrant doorway instead of one draped in black like a headstone.
The next items to avoid are clocks around your home that are broken and don't work, or clocks that are set to different times. At first glance, this may not seem like a big deal. They're just inactive clocks, after all.
But here's the energetic impact: clocks are powerful symbols representing the passage of time in our lives. Having visible clocks frozen at certain times symbolically indicates your own energy and progression are stuck or halted. Seeing different times scattered around your space gives a feeling of chaos instead of coherent flow.
When surrounded by this disjointed time energy daily, you internalize feelings of stagnancy and confusion. Opportunities linked to perfect timing pass you by. The halted energy accumulates like a dense fog that hides clarity, dulls your edge, and kills motivation.
Before you know it, days have slipped by without making progress or having direction. This builds an unconscious yet destructive pattern fueled by trapped potential and missed chances. The solution is to either fix clocks to show the accurate current time, remove them altogether, or simply use your phone, computer, and watch to reference time.
This cleans up the dense, stale energies of expiration, failure to launch, and missed opportunities, clouding your home. Immediately, it's like a breeze of movement and aligned focus flows through you. Gain momentum towards goals, have better time management, and make the most of every moment.
Synchronized energy creates synchronicity. Now, having piles of neglected, unused items stashed around your home may not seem like a big deal. But according to holistic principles, clutter of any kind blocks the healthy flow of energy, which can unknowingly stall the flow of abundance too.
Here's why: on both a practical and energetic level, seeing wasted items sends the subconscious message that you don't have enough, that you must hold extra resources close just in case you need them later. Essentially, surrounding yourself with depletion externally reinforces a scarcity mindset. Internally, this scarcity programming is the polar opposite of the universe's true bountiful and unlimited nature.
Remember, as within, so without. So when clutter and shortage permeate your space externally, you begin to attract lack rather than true prosperity. Soon, you may notice vital areas of life effortlessly overflowing for others while remaining dried up for you in terms of supportive relationships, dream job offers, vibrant health, or monetary gains.
That's because piled-up clutter energetically blocks this vital circulation of inbound blessings and success. The solution is simple: regularly clear out unused clutter so universal bounty can freely flow in through newly open channels. This frees up cramped, chaotic energy to realign with principles of order and abundance.
Watch how fast prosperity gathers momentum when it's no longer hindered. The final offender is having piles of unused, neglected items accumulated in corners, closets, the basement, or garage. Now, you may rationally know you don't need these extra things, but letting them build up can block healthy energy flow.
Here's why: on an energetic level, disorganization and clutter represent stuck static energy that cannot circulate. The more cluttered your environment, the more chaos reigns internally too. Mental clarity gets muddied trying to sort through the disorder around you.
Seeing wasted items also reinforces a scarcity or poverty mindset that you better hoard extra stuff because you'll need it later. This is the opposite of the universe's true plentiful nature. As within, so without.
So by being surrounded by depletion externally, you manifest lack rather than true abundance. The solution is to regularly clear out anything you realistically know you're not using. Donate, give to friends, neighbors, sell items, or properly recycle them.
This circulates their purpose to somewhere needed instead of wastefully clogging your sacred space. This act alone can unlock massive changes as fresh energy flows freely throughout your home. Inspiration and opportunities now swirl into newly freed corners and crannies of your home.
Optimism and motivation surge in on winds of renewal. When clutter no longer blocks your flow.
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