What Does The Bible Say About ABORTION?

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Impact Video Ministries
In this video, we dive into the biblical perspective on abortion, addressing one of today's most deb...
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Abortion is a controversial topic these days. Many people use the argument "my body and my choice" when it comes to this issue, and others can turn off their minds and flat out say that abortion is wrong no matter what, even if someone was raped. So when it comes to abortion, my personal view is that it's wrong.
But my major concern is that many Christians have no idea why it's wrong. So if the time comes and there's an unexpected pregnancy, because some believers didn't really think through why abortion is wrong, they'll be more likely to consider an abortion as they face the reality of parenting. So as we begin this video, don't think of it as me telling you that abortion is wrong and you better believe me.
Rather, my goal for this video is to really get Christians to think biblically about this issue. So if the time ever comes and they or someone they know considers having an abortion, they'll pause and think about what it actually means to get one. So what does the Bible say about the topic of abortion?
Let's look at seven facts. Fact number one, God is involved in the creation of a baby. Psalm chapter 139 verses 13 to 14.
For you formed my inward parts. You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well. In this passage, David praises God and he speaks about the very important truth that God formed him while he was in his mother's womb. And what I find interesting in the Bible is that out of all the attributes that God has, the first book of the Bible in the first chapter and verse, it speaks of God as being the creator of all that we see.
The Bible didn't begin with in the beginning, God loved or in the beginning, God judged. It started with in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And King David goes into greater detail about creation.
And he says that as he was in his mother's womb, developing as a fetus, it was God that put him and all his organs together. So this passage explains that it was God that was responsible for David coming into being because David here says that he was fearfully and wonderfully made. I've heard it said from parents that their baby being born was a miracle.
And I think it's true because despite the fact that humans are incredibly complex, it doesn't take too much to produce one. I mean, after a woman gets pregnant, all she really needs to do is eat and stay healthy. And then out comes a baby that is fully capable of growing, seeing, hearing that has all the hopes of one day developing into a place of complete independence.
So from what we see in the Bible, what I want everyone to understand as they look at abortion is the fact that all developing babies in the stomachs of their mothers are creations of God that are in the process of being made by him. Because in the same way that David was formed and knit together with the soul, a personality, body, heart, and mind, so too are all babies that are currently growing regardless of how long the mother is pregnant. Fact number two, before people are born, God knows them.
Jeremiah chapter one, verses four to five. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you.
I ordained you a prophet to the nations. " In this passage, God came to Jeremiah and told him that before Jeremiah was in the womb and before he was born, God knew him and gave him the task of being a prophet. So one attribute of God that's important to know is that God is omniscient, which means that God knows everything that there is to know, which implies that God cannot learn anything new, nor does he forget anything.
So in regards to knowledge, God is completely perfect. So before Jeremiah was born, God knew the decisions Jeremiah would make and that he would be used by him to be a servant to the Jewish people. So back in the first fact covered in this video, we know that God is actively involved in the creation of a person with their body, soul, heart, and mind.
And now through this verse, we know that before someone is born, God with his perfect knowledge knows who this person is and who will become. So consider this, while we were still developing babies in our mother's womb, God looked at us and knew the person we would grow up to be. So for me, God knew that I would choose to follow him at age 16, that I would become a teacher at age 26 and move to Japan and struggle as a YouTuber at age 30, all while I was no bigger than a grain of rice.
And more than that, God knew my heart, my ambitions, my stresses in life, and areas of weakness. So God didn't just make me before I was born, he already knew me before anyone else did. Now if someone were to have an abortion, that act of ending a baby's life did not erase God's knowledge of that person.
That person still had a soul, a heart, and a future that God intended to give them. So when an abortion happens, those things that were meant to be given are forcefully taken. And honestly, abortion is technically murder, where life is taken because of the premeditation of another individual.
So for people who use the argument, my body, my choice to defend someone's right to have an abortion, look at fact number three. People belong to God, not people. Ezekiel 16, verses 20 to 21.
"And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your whoring so small a matter that you slaughtered my children and delivered them up as an offering by fire to them. " In this passage, God spoke to Jerusalem through the prophet Ezekiel.
And God tells them of how his relationship started with the people of Israel, and how he took care of them and blessed them beyond measure. But after a while, Israel left God and they started worshiping false idols. And in this passage, we see that Israel worshiped these false gods by sacrificing their children.
So Israel, in their time of active disobedience to God, killed their children to worship a fake God. And what I want you to see here is that God called the sons and daughters that were killed his. And God says, "Were your whoring so small a matter that you slaughtered my children and delivered them up as an offering?
" Oftentimes, I hear the argument, "My body, my choice. " And what they're essentially saying is that a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her baby because it's in her body. So because it's her body, it's her right to decide whatever she does with the baby that's inside her.
However, from a biblical perspective, people belong to God. And back during the time of Ezekiel, just because these people killed their own sons and daughters, God still looked at these innocent children and called them his. Because as seen in the previous points of this video, children are God's creation and they're the works of his hands.
And God gave them a developing body, imparted to them a soul, and desires to offer them the potential for life and love. And for people who would argue and say, "Well, these people were sacrificing their kids to false gods. It's not like I'm sacrificing my baby to anything.
" To them, I'd argue that the God that people sacrifice to when they have an abortion is the idol of self. And many people will make the decision to have an abortion because they aren't financially or emotionally ready, or because they have relationship issues with their partner, or because it may affect their future. And I get that having a baby is difficult, but know that if these are the reasons why someone decides to get an abortion, at the heart of it, the abortion is really done for the preservation of their own self through the sacrificing of another life.
So going back to the argument, yes, people can make an argument that the baby is in their body, so they decide what they do. But the reality is that that baby is a creation of God who is given a unique soul and specific calling in life. So the life that is taken through an abortion isn't someone's to take.
Another sobering thought that I'd like for us to consider is found in Luke chapter 12, where Jesus taught a parable of a rich man. And as this rich man was in the process of building greater barns for all this stuff, the rich man lays back and says to himself, "I have all these years to relax and take it easy. " But then God said to him, "Fool, tonight your soul will be required of you.
" So as believers, we must be careful and remember that our souls belong to God. And one day, God will take it back. Because our life, our soul, and our breath originated with him, and he will hold us accountable to how he lived.
So if we as people can hardly take ownership of our own bodies and souls, how can we take ownership of another life? The answer is, we can't. Because all people belong to God, the originator of all life.
And that leads us to fact number four. God is the God of life. John chapter 14 verse 6, Jesus said to him, "I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me. " In this passage, Jesus speaks to Thomas and tells him that he is the way, the truth, and the life. And in John chapter 10, Jesus teaches people that he's the good shepherd and the protector of life, and that there's a thief whose goal is to steal, kill, and destroy.
So understand that one major theme that repeats itself throughout the Bible is one of life and death. In the beginning in the book of Genesis, God created life, and through Jesus eternal life was promised to those who have faith in him. And in the end of the book of Revelation, God will restore life to its original perfect state.
And one reason why we see this pattern is because all life originated and began with God. To this day, people with all their technological advances still cannot create life. And yeah, you can argue that we can clone things, but we couldn't do that unless we used God's own designs for the foundation of that technology.
Because the truth is that God is the God of life, and Jesus even says that he is the way, the truth, and he finishes this thought by saying that he is the life. So note, when it comes to abortion, when you break it down simply, it's all about death. And for people who say, well, a lot of people get abortions to preserve the life of the mother, so it can be about life.
And yeah, I get that. But most people who get abortions today get one because they feel like they aren't ready, or they feel like they don't have enough money, or because it would drastically affect their future. The argument I'm making with this point is that all throughout the Bible, God being the God of life seeks to protect and give life.
So when people have abortions, the reality is that they are taking part in an act of death, which is the opposite of what God stands for. And that leads us to God's attitude towards abortion. So fact number five, God hates it when children are sacrificed.
Deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 31, "You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way, for every abomination to the Lord which he hates they have done to their gods, for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. " In this passage, Moses speaks to the children of Israel, and he commands them to not worship God in the same way that surrounding nations worship to their gods. And the way they worshiped their gods was through child sacrifice.
And God makes it very clear here that he hates what these people have done. And here we see that they've burned and killed their sons and daughters. I feel like today we try and sound politically correct.
And we use the terms abortion and pro-choice and fetus because they sound better than murdering a baby that God created. So if I wasn't clear enough already, I need listeners to understand that God is not indifferent, nor does he stand in the middle when it comes to the topic of abortion. His stance when it comes to the murder of children is absolute hatred.
And the reason why God hasn't done anything yet, despite there being millions of abortions, isn't because he's okay with it, rather it's him trying to be patient. And he's trying to reach people who are alive today so that they can repent and turn to him while they're still alive. So don't confuse God's lack of judgment with tolerance, because God is only allowing this absolute evil for a time because he will return soon and right every wrong.
And Jesus right now is giving everyone time to turn to him before it's too late. Back number six, God is the judge of all life. Romans chapter 2 verses 5 to 6.
"But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, you are treasuring up for yourself wrath and the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to each one according to his deeds. " In this passage Paul is talking to the Roman church and he talks to religious people who judge others on how they live. And Paul tells them that as they stand there judging other people, what they're really doing is storing up for themselves greater wrath from the one true judge, God.
And the reason why Paul says this is because another important attribute of God is one of judge. And what this means is that God alone decides the eternal destination of a man and is the only one that is fully capable of rightly deciding what happens to an individual because he alone possesses perfect knowledge and flawless wisdom. So because of these attributes and his eternal power that can do whatever he wants, God alone can be the perfect judge of people.
And I bring this up because when people have abortions, they are acting as a judge and they're deciding that that baby is not worthy of life. So biblically speaking, no person can make that decision because only God is worthy enough to be judge. And now to our final fact.
Fact number seven, children should not be punished for the crimes of their father. Deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 16, "Father shall not be put to death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their fathers. A person shall be put to death for his own sin.
" In this passage, Moses continues to teach the children of Israel how to follow God and he tells them that fathers should not be put to death for the sinful acts of their children, nor should children be put to death for the sins of their fathers. And the reason why God tells Moses to bring this up is because many times people can get caught up in their anger and retaliate more than they should due to their wrath. So if a man kills someone, the family of the one that's murdered may want to get even and kill the murderer.
But when they find that their death wasn't enough, they may want to go further and kill the murderer's family in addition to that. So God makes it clear that every person is responsible for their own sin. So when it comes to the rare occurrence of rape, the Bible would say not to murder the child for the sins of the father.
And the reason why I say "rare occurrence" isn't to minimize the reality of rape, but to take note that the main reason why abortions happen is because people just want to have sex, but don't want to take responsibility for their actions. And many times people who want to have an abortion will use rape occurrences as justification for their own abortion. Recently I was listening to a conversation between Seth Gruber and Charlie Kirk, and Seth, who is a huge advocate for pro-life, made what I found to be an incredibly deep comparison between King David and people who have abortions.
And he said that many Christians today fault King David for his sin with Bathsheba, and rightfully so, because David killed Uriah, the husband of Bathsheba, right after he slept with Uriah's wife. And Seth said in the same way that David took the life of an innocent person to hide his sexual sin, people who have an abortion also take the life of an innocent person to hide their sexual sin. So, going back to the topic of rape, should it happen and someone gets pregnant, I would say that the Bible would call for people to separate the baby from the father.
And what I mean by that is to see this baby as not the child of a rapist, but to see and treat this baby as the completely different individual that is separate from the father and is created by God. Okay, so heavy topic. But to review when it comes to the topic of abortion, I would encourage Christians everywhere to consider these seven facts.
Fact number one, God is involved in the creation of a baby. Fact number two, before people are born, God knows them. Fact number three, people belong to God, not people.
Fact number four, God is the God of life. Fact number five, God hates it when children are sacrificed. Fact number six, God is the judge of all life.
And fact number seven, children should not be punished for the crimes of their father. To close, one of the things that my dad has instilled into me from a young age is that life should be protected. And he told me that if a time ever came and I'm presented with the option of fleeing danger or laying my life down to protect someone else, to use my life to fight for theirs.
And I hope that if the day ever did come and a situation called for me to be brave, that I would do what's right and protect life. But until that time, this YouTube video is my way to fight for life and hopefully to get more people to think biblically on abortion so that potentially more people can go through with their pregnancies so that we can become a society that honors God and defends and preserves life. And if you're someone who's currently considering getting an abortion, I would encourage you to look at Deuteronomy chapter 30 verses 19 to 20.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him. For he is your life and length of days that you may dwell in the land that your Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob to give them.
In this passage, Moses tells the people of Israel to make a choice to either follow God that leads to life or to disobey God, which will ultimately lead to death. And he closes by encouraging them to choose life. So for you, if you have this choice to make, I hope that today you choose life.
And I hope you also remember that Jesus loves you.
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