These are the three hooks we use to guarantee responses in our cold email campaigns. After generating millions of dollars from our cold email campaigns, I can tell you the number one lesson that I've learned is that 99% of people don't read past the first line of text. So you should be spending the majority of your efforts in crafting your outbound messaging campaign.
On this first hook, the first type of work that we use is what I call the we saw you there Hook. This hook works incredibly well if you're scraping leads online. So most of the time when we're trying to find an email to scrape online, we'll go to a certain website such as Google or Zillow or Facebook Ads Library, and we'll be able to find the email address from that original source.
But then we use that source in our email campaign. So in the first line of text, we might say something like, Hey, I saw you on Zillow that you were the top reels ad agent Atlanta, and this is why I am reaching out now. Or another example is I saw you on the first page of Google for plumbers in Atlanta, and I needed to tell you this.
Both of these examples have a much higher response rate because the person reading the email thinks that you've actually spent much more time sending them that personal email, and they don't think that you sent out thousands of the exact same email to people just like that. The second type of hook that we use is what I call the You're spending too much hope. This works really well.
If you're able to identify that your leads are using your competitors, products or services that are probably inferior to yours. For example, back when I had an advertising agency, I used to specifically email real estate agents to you, Zillow, because I knew what Zillow's pricing was and I knew their long term contracts. So I'd send them an email and say, Hey, Bob, I'm sending this message because I know that you're currently paying 30 $500 a month in Zillow, locked in a 12 month contract and not getting any results.
And I have an option that's better, faster and cheaper. So what this does is it shows, Bob, that I know exactly what he's going through and that I have a problem that's better, faster and cheaper. And it resonates with Bob and leads to a higher response rate because he thinks I sent that message specifically only to him.
And the third time the hook we use is the I notice you didn't have hook. This type of hook requires a little more upfront work, but in my experience it has the highest response rate of all three. When you're finding your leads online, typically what you should be looking for is what they are lacking because you're going to provide what they're lacking in your product or service.
So if I was offering, let's say, sales funnel creation or website creation for different brands or different online companies, I may go to their website and see what the website looks like or see if they even have a sales funnel to begin with. And then I might send them an email that says, Hey, I noticed you didn't have a sales funnel attached to your ads, or I noticed that you were sending people from your ads directly to your home page, which has been shown to convert a lot lower. So I'm identifying to them that they have a problem that I'm able to solve, and I might even say how much money they're actually leaving on the table.
For example, in the same one that I just gave a moment ago, I might say, Hey, I saw your ad online and I clicked on it and I went to your home page. Did you know that the average conversion rate on a home page is 1% and the average conversion rate on a sales page is 5%? So you're leaving up to five times the amount of money that you're making every single month on the table by not having a sales funnel.
And if you notice there, I actually use two hooks in one the I found you here Hook, which is the first one we were talking about. And then you didn't have Hook, which is the third one that we talked about there. If you got value out of video, be sure to smash the subscribe button and let me know down below if you have any more cold messaging questions.
What may come as a shock to most people is that nobody wants to read a cold email. So one of the only ways that you can hook somebody in to reading the rest of your email is if you leverage the first one or two sentences to make it as personalized as possible. Having a hyper personalized first 1 to 2 lines has been shown to 3 to 5 times are open rate and are a.