🔶️A Programmer is Reincarnated as a Prodigy in a World of Robot War | Anime Recap

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Name: Knights and Magic Anime , Anime Recap , Anicap
Video Transcript:
as an ataku geek with pure genius programming skills subasa cirata has always been fascinated with the world of robots and AI the young Prodigy grew up to be one of Tokyo's best action figure programmers one night as he's about to leave work kirata finds his employees complaining about a particular project they had no time to finish according to the typical human calculations the project would take an average programmer lots of hours to do when they're already closed kirata keeps up his signature smile and urges his people to leave things in his hands at that instant
kirata gets back to his desk and codes the entire thing he manages to finish the job on time and save his colleagues their Leisure his colleagues are nothing but grateful for his help on his way back home kirata branches at his local convenience store to get some brand new action figures in anime sadly on his way back home he gets into a road accident that takes his life it doesn't take long for people to gather and mourn the passing of the greatest programmers Tokyo has ever seen a few months after his his death kirata is
reborn into another world as ernesty echalier where magic and Supernatural things like demons exist now ernesty is a bright young boy with similar qualities and knowledge as kirata one evening on their way back to their Kingdom ernesty his mother celestina and his Grandpa are attacked by a group of venomous giant mosquitoes while discussing things with his mother ernest's Grandpa steps out of the carriage to see what's up he finds the bugs feeding on their horses and pounces on them the bugs try to escape but ernest's Grandpa catches up to them and slashes them open ernest's
mom celestina also leaves ernesty in the carriage when they're not looking a giant bug lifts the heavy Carriage with ernesty still inside it Grandpa and celestina are helpless as they pray for their kids safety just when they're about to give up hope a silhouette Knight arrives at the scene and takes out the bug saving ernesty in the process ernesty stares at the robot that came to help him and is shocked at how similar it is to the ones in his former world the silhouette at night which is a man- driven robot with size and strength
matching that of the buck fights fair and square with the robot and puts it down with a few tactical moves all Ernest he could do at the time was watch the incredible robot take down the bug right before his eyes moments after taking down the bug the pilot of the robot matus steps down from the cockpit to say hi ernesty rushes over to the giant machine and hugs it matthus explains his job to him matus and a few other select Knights AC of the night Runners are known for taking on arduous missions like that to
save the kingdom of filla it's the year 1268 and ernesty made it his life's mission to become a silhouette night one way or the other born with Superior intellect Ernest he took it upon himself to study and hone his magic abilities in the academy city of leala near the capital of Kenan for 3 years ernesty studied the entire basics of magic and Mana from start to finish during his leisure time he'd watch silhouette nights and learn their encoding 3 years pass in Earnest he becomes old enough to own a woman wand and cast spells one
night ernesty or Ernie saves a young girl from falling off a roof the girl who's named Addie is so impressed at how cute and cuddly her savior Ernie is her friend arched AKA Archie stops by to check up on her and thank Ernie for saving him after seeing what Ernie could do both friends ask Ernie to teach them the tricks around magic Ernie initially refuses to do so but then agrees to help them after much persuasion later on Ernie and his people joined the Academy of Nightrunner to learn the ropes suround being a silhouette Knight
in his first class Ernie gets cocky and asks his teacher to let him attend Middle School classes the teacher of course refuses to let him do such a thing according to him Ernie didn't have a broad understanding of the basics and also lacked the height needed to be a silhouette night after class that day while hanging out with his friends Ernie gets the bright idea to learn all the fundamentals as soon as possible so he can become a silhouette night quickly as he mouss his plans to his people three bullies pass by with a little
dude's hand Hammer the dude chases after but is too slow to catch up to them Ernie stops and asks him why he needs the hammer so much the dude tells him he uses the hammer to make metal parts for the robot's body Ernie appreciates his work and uses his magic to retrieve the hammer to return the favor the hammer dude takes Ernie and his friends to his father's workshop for a tour around the place there Ernie gets the idea to modify his magic one to resemble a gun naturally Addie and Archie protest this but Ernie
already has his mind set on modifying his gun done he asks the hammer dude about it and he agrees to help him a few days later the teachers of Ernie's class organize a small demonstration where the students come and try out spells they've learned so far at the test venue Ernie begs the teacher to let him attend Middle School class tired of his yapping the teacher promises to pass him on the condition that he makes a high-profile magic spell to destroy the targets Ernie Smiles takes out his gun modified wand and breaks all five of
the targets everyone is shocked at the awesome display of skill eventually Ernie is promoted to middle school and starts attending classes with them 3 years later Ernie turns 12 on a fateful day he sneaks up to a large building to check out some fresh batch of silhouette kns produced there Ernie complains to his friend about how old the night designs are just then Ernie's friends stop by and call him to join them at that point the night Runners hop into a few silhouette nights and escort the students to a dangerous forest for their field trip
by Nightfall Ernie and his friends eat a nice dinner in their camp Addie's elder sister shows up to check up on her little sister when she finds out Ernie's her sister's friend she commends him and thanks him for being such a good friend to her sister later on she leaves the little kids to continue their discussion after a few small talks Ernie sneaks out of Camp to check out the silhouette Knights one of the senior night Runners Edgar walks towards Ernie and explains a few things about the silhouette KN in front of him shortly afterwards
he allows Ernie to take a look at the machine Ernie happily does so and gets handson experience with the robot moments later a few demon beasts approach their Camp thankfully the scouts get wind of them quickly so they have enough time to get into their nights and prepare the students for the evacuation after getting all the students into the carriage Edgar hel diet and a few other select Knights take the fight to the beasts Addie and Archie help their elder sister take down a few beasts not so far away a behemoth arrives and threatens the
Capital One of the night Runners from the kingdom identifies the behem off and relays the information to his superiors however the superiors who seemed to have something sinister planned urged him to run off into the capital to inform the others after he's gone the superiors prepare themselves to fight the Behemoth they all suit up in their silhouette nights and fire at the Behemoth the Behemoth whose entire body is made up of very hard armor blocks their attacks and races towards the city it doesn't take long before it moves past the night Runners and blows a
hole in the city wall in the meantime the students sto for a while to assess the the Damage Done to their camp and possibly anybody they identify a few wounded people and carry them to safety with stretchers Addie's elder sister hugs Ernie for helping her take out the demon beasts Ernie on the other hand keeps wondering about the elephant in the room he thinks the horde is just too many for them to attack in One Direction that's not their usual pattern he suspects they may be running from something or someone he just doesn't know what
yet at that moment arrives at the capital and informs the generals of the Behemoth as they try formulating a plan to take out the Behemoth one of them mentions the students in clock Forest taking a test this puts the generals on their toes as they hasten up to protect the students in a matter of minutes the Behemoth finds the students Hideout and attacks it key Edgar and the other night Runners suit up and buy the students time to escape the Behemoth while the others run for dear life Ernie stands back to learn some things about
the enemy diet who's one of the night Runners and his friend get forward and rush into the behemoth's mouth despite being warned by their leader Edgar sadly for them the Behemoth destroys diet's friend seeing this diet makes a run for it he races for the dense vegetation crying for his life Ernie spots him and chases after him he then finds diet silhouette night down and out with diet crying inside it without thinking Ernie opens the hatch and hijacks the silhouette knight from the coward then he sits in the cockpit and tries to Pilot it again
he was too short to reach the controls this pisses Ernie off a little so he decides to try something he uses his Mana to control the silhouette Knight and bring it back to life surprisingly this works and soon enough the silhouette Knight is back on its feet Ernie amps up the power reaching the Knight and races towards the behemoth at amazing speeds back on the battlefield Edgar and his team take very heavy fire from the Behemoth as it isn't letting down anytime soon luckily for them diet's robot shows up and joins the fight the Behemoth
defends itself but Ernie keeps on attacking and testing the various attack patterns the silhouette Knight has to offer after a short practice Ernie figures it out apparently the monster was using a magic enhancement to support its huge frame now all he needs to do is to hit the Behemoth where it hurts the most and hopefully bring it down he tries going for the eyes but the Behemoth closes it before Ernie can get there this doesn't stop Ernie as he continues searching for a way to take down the Behemoth soon the other Knights join them on
the battlefield with their Infamous cluster bunkers they use the cluster bunkers to punch a hole in all four limbs of the behem still it refuses to go down the Behemoth Returns the attacks and even destroys a few of the robots in the process Ernie gets pissed and charges at the Behemoth with murderous intent on the way his silhouette Guardian starts to break down from the fatigue Ernie pauses a little and urges diet to take the wheel while he tries something else this time he steps out of the night and uses the air bullet magic attack
to create Sonic Booms that stop the Behemoth in his tracks when the Behemoth gets close enough Ernie gives diet to goad head to jump back and releasee the electric fields of the Night by it follows Ernie's lead and shocks the Behemoth to Oblivion since its eyes were open the electricity got to its brain and short circuited it the Behemoth dies shortly and Edgar gets close to diet silhouette night thinking diet is dead Edgar and his people pay their respects however they get the shock of their life when Ernie arrives with diet Ernie says hi and
gets back to his other friends who are more than happy to get him back soon word of Ernie's bravado gets to the king this this impresses him so much that he requests to have a meeting with the 12-year-old boy who took down a division level demon Beast like a behemoth later that same day Ernie and his grandpa meet with his Royal Highness the king expresses his happiness over housing a real life Prodigy firstly he thanks Ernie for his contribution to taking down the division class Beast then to repay him for his hard work the King
asks him to name anything he wishes to have so he'll get it done for him Ernie thinks a little bit about this and tells the king that he wants to know how to make make an ether reactor which is the heart of every silhouette Knight and also a trade secret of the kingdom of fenville naturally the king's subordinates protest against this but then again the King asks Ernie what he wishes to do with such important knowledge Ernie impresses the king further when he tells the whole court that he wishes to modify the silhouette Knights and
make them better the king decides to give Ernie a shot he agrees to Ernie's wish and grants him access to the secret knowledge on the condition that Ernie recreates the body of any silhouette Knight piece of cake for Ernie is he thanks the king for the opportunity and leaves the next day Addie's father AK of the Marquee of salot summons his daughters back to his house to see them there he indirectly asks them to be spies for him and Report Ernie's progress to him first Addie and her elder sister have no objections to that as
they smell nothing Sinister going on at that instant Ernie and David the lead mechanical engineer assess the wreckage of diet Silhouettes night while he complains about the horrible shape the night is in Ernie stops by to admire the beauty of the wreckage Hammer dude from earlier quickly rushes to take him away so he doesn't annoy David however David who seems to have taken an interest in what Ernie has to say calls him back to listen to all he has to say David spends the next hour or so listening to the Absurd ideas Ernie had in
his head according to Ernie's theory he can help David create a knight that would supersede the other existing Knights David decides to try him out soon Ernie introduces David in the entire Workshop to Crystal fiber after explaining all there is to know about the fiber Ernie demonstrates it to them David's impressed at this so he allows Ernie to work with them soon Edgar and Hy show up to check up on their nights they find Ernie there talking and explaining his crazy interesting ideas to the group after getting past the crystal fiber Ernie moves to the
next level and pitches the idea of making two more arms on each silhouette night David and the others complain about it being too much for the pilot but Ernie explains the Simplicity of the arms the arms won't be a stress to the pilot if all it does is hold the wand and and shoot magic beams from it David is pissed at first but then again he's super interested in this strange new boy after work that day Addie and Archie meet up with Ernie and beg him to carry them along next time he's on an important
Mission naturally Ernie agrees to that the following day Ernie takes permission from the principal to give him a little more time and manpower to complete his silhouette night the principal grants him both and Ernie gets back to work this time he relays all his ideas to the lot and gets down to work on the mechanics Ernie and his employees work throughout that day and create prototypes to fit even the smallest Night Runner there is later that day Edgar diet and a few others test out the prototypes and even play tag with them when they're done
with the main models David and Ernie ask heli to test them out heli moves a little with the robot and then gets down to report the drawbacks and improvements to the engineers Bernie urges her to get back into the night and test out the new targeting system they installed there although the accuracy still needs a lot of work the targeting system works works just fine diet who seems to have snapped out of his fear is happier than ever to finally see some improvements in the silhouette nights to test the new nights further David and Ernie
organize a simple Spar between Edgar who's in the old night against Healy who's in the new and improved silhouette night The Spar begins with both sides throwing punches and laser beams at each other after receiving enough hits Edgar charges towards heli and pins her down heli uses some sort of martial arts technique to pull Edgar to the ground as she's is about to slash the robot open she runs out of mana and loses the whole fight that night everyone drank to celebrate the success of the project so far while everyone thinks they're finally at the
end of the project Ernie tells them that he's just getting started during the celebration a suspicious person exits the room and reports his findings to a weird woman drinking in a separate room with a bunch of men turns out not everybody's happy with Ernie's success the next day Ernie and his band of Merry Engineers returned to the drawing board to tackle their most pertinent problem it turns out their new silhouette night drains we too much Mana in a short time so to fix this they decided to change the form to accommodate a little Mona discharge
at a time while they're at it Ernie and his friends test out the smaller mansiz prototypes they manufactured on the side they test out the chain feature the arrow features and a few more special features Ernie added to the Prototype then they return to the main building to check on the new design for the silhouette night Ernie and his dudes are a bit disappointed about the night runner's size there are still some things that need fixing Ernie gets back to class and rethinks his design on the other nights while trying to figure out the best
way to modify his own eventually he considers the telesale night complete as for the others he just has to be serious about them after school he returns to the engineer with his grandpa there they discuss a few more things they should worry about like how the lab would react if they found out the new and improved design was built by a boy with extensive knowledge not too far away Addie and Archie contemplated telling their father about the progress Ernie's made on the knights they decide to tell him first before the lab takes credit for all
of Ernie's work that night Marquee dickard sends a missive to Ernie's Grandpa requesting an audience with the students who created the new batch of silhouette nights as soon as he receives the missive Ernie's Grandpa allows dickg guard's Knights to select all the students involved in the creation of the silhouette Knights after hearing all the guards have to say David Ernie and all the others involved in the creation of the silhouette Knights immediately begin marching towards dickg guard's Fortress unknown to them one of the Sinister people working against them had already planted a trap for them
along the way to the Fortress he draws a purple line to Signal an earth Shaker worm to the surface anytime it senses a huge shift in weight on the earth since the silhouette Knights are heavy enough this shouldn't be a problem for them moments later the knights run into the largest Shaker worm they've ever seen Bernie keeps calm and even gets down from his night to study the Shaker worm's pattern after getting his information he leaves the worm in the hands of Edgar and the more experienced night Runners Edgar and his people form a quad
link formation and use it to destroy the Shaker worm after a few moves the evil ones back at the capital hear the news about the Shaker worm's terrible defeat rather than wallow and sorrow and regret they're actually happy and glad that the silhouette Knights are strong enough to resist their attacks elsewhere Addie throws a fit as she misses Ernie seconds later the hammer dude announces the arrival of Edgar and the others Archie and Addie rush outside to see Ernie and his silhouette night tale sadly for them they're informed that Ernie stayed behind with the Marquee
to get some things done in the meantime Marquee dickard is concerned about ernest's success he knows something is wrong with this success as there are sure to be jealous eyes watching over him there's something he doesn't know and wishes to find out for himself meanwhile Stefania Addy's elder sister arrives at her father's office to talk to him after clearing the room she confronts her father asking him why he told Marquee dickard about Ernie's project before before she gets her answer the scene shifts to the next one in this scene Marquee dickard summons Ernie to teach
him the entire mechanical and electrical part of his silhouette night tale Ernie happily does this but then again he complains about The Ether reactor being too old for some of his better designs to work with after hearing all that the young boy has to say dickg guard tells Ernie Point Blank that he would be the one taking credit for all of Ernie's work he asks Ernie to make sure he's okay with that to his surprise Ernie has no problem with that this pisses dickg guard off as he doesn't understand why Ernie wouldn't want recognition Ernie
tries to explain himself but dickg guard Cuts him off and lets him know just how important his work is he feels Ernie is underestimating 300 years of hard work as his new design surpasses all of the former designs they've ever built Ernie Cuts him short and tells him there's still more to come at this point dickard calms himself and scums to change Marquee dickard sits down and recalls his younger days he seemed to be just like Ernie back back then young and full of life and Innovations he then asks Ernie for his motivation behind doing
all this Ernie tells him it's his hobby nothing more nothing less dickard calms down fully and lets the 12-year-old be elsewhere Addie's dad arranges a meeting with his kids to discuss the reason why he made Ernie meet the Marquee thankfully there's nothing Sinister about the meeting as dickard takes his morning cup of coffee Ernie takes out his journal and explains just how wide his knowledge of the silhouette night is marquee is shocked at this and allows Ernie to stay over at his place for a few more days at this point Addie was already throwing Tantrums
as she missed Ernie everyone in the workshop tries to calm her down but Addie begins thinking of something weird she asks her people to break into the Marquee Fortress and reclaim Ernie for themselves however they advise that'll be bad for business David gets an idea and pitches a peaceful way to reclaim Ernie from the Marquee a few days later demon beasts attack Dairy Village being a part of fille Kingdom Dairy Village sends a distress signal to the capital and they send silhouette Knights to help them out the weird lady from earlier and her minions step
out of the Shadows to cause more Havoc to the capital and force a war with Ernie so far away there was no way for him to know about the pivotal event that was about to happen in the meantime diet Pilots his new and improved gu Knight he flexes the new mechanics and tests out some of the latest upgrades to its armor and all when asked about his experience diet tells David that it's so good that he feels bad to give up gu to dickard nonetheless he gets down from his night and continues his day's work
just then Addie and Archie arrive in carriages filled with small man driven prototype Knights the ones that Ernie made for the three of them before leaving for the Fortress David checks to make sure they have permission to take such high-profile Machinery alone thankfully they do Edgar and Dietrich aad diet set off with David Addie and Archie and escort them to the Marquee Fortress moments after defeating the demon beasts at Dairy Village the night Runners send an emissary to the capital to relay the the situation to the king and the others on his way to the
capital the Emissary is attacked by the weird woman and her people they kill the Nightrunner and hijack his silhouette Knight then they all conceal themselves in carriages and continue their journey to dickg guard's Fortress by Nightfall the order of the bronze Fang which is the weird Woman's Group arrives at The Fortress and is welcomed into the inner walls the weird woman and her minions walk towards the workshop where the newer night models are made there they reveal themselves and shoot down the workers there before hijacking the newer models the weird woman and her people then
begin terrorizing other parts of the Fortress by firing magical laser beams at buildings and residential areas inside his castle dickard and his right-hand man begin thinking of their next move Ernie suggests they let him go to the battlefield to take down the silhouette Knights however dixar didn't want to put his partner's life at risk instead he sends his own men the hammer wart Squad to the battlefield to fight off the weird woman and her minions the hammer warts Squad immediately gets into formation to confront the weird woman their leader faces the woman headon and charges
at her however lady keril who is the weird woman Dodges his attacks and Retreats from the fight they've finally gotten their hands on the newer model of the silhouette Knight so they don't have to risk any other thing on their way out of the Fortress they run into Edgar diet and the other three as they arrive at The Fortress with their new gear to see Ernie without thinking twice Kilt mistakes them for reinforcements and attacks them she and her begins shooting laser beams at the enemy Edgar and diet are forced to retaliate while David drives
Addie and Archie to safety diet takes on kuralt's henchmen while Edgar pursues keril eventually Archie and Addie join the fight in their man- driven prototype suits but they're almost too late in the end diet manages to subdue ker hil's henchmen however he loses concentration for a short period and the henchman disables his metch with an EMP on the flip side Archie and Addie catch up to Edgar and tag along to help capture the the who stole their MCH Ernie on the other hand gets a little concerned at his laziness he makes up his mind to
help his friends but then again wonders how he's going to do so since there's no match for him to use just when he's about to give up hope he sees David arrive at The Fortress with his Carriage Ernie flies down to the carriage and uses the last man driven MCH left to help him on his mission he Pilots the small machine and uses it to manually disable the other metch robots the enemies are using when he's done he relays his new plan to retake their stolen teselle upon hearing everything Bernie gets down to business meanwhile
turil and another one of her people keep running towards the border with Edgar and the two kids hot on their tail eventually they get sick of the entire thing and decide to attack them cill takes on Edgar while her other henchmen tries to sabotage them Archie stops him from sabotaging Edgar by leading him to a trap he mistakenly set the henchmen after falling into the Trap trips and falls into a lake which disables his match in the meantime thil keeps on fighting Edgar she manages to overpower and pin him down then she slashes a huge
hole in Edgar's Earl cumber before escaping with the tale soon diet and the others arrive at Edgar's location and tend to him they contemplate pursuing the tale but are stopped in their tracks as a horde of demon beasts attack them everybody stops to face the horde of the demon beasts attacking them soon enough they defeat all of them in one night and return to the capital to be heroes Marquee dickg guard and his right-and man contemplate who could behind the bronze fangs after much contemplation They concluded it had to be orchestrated by another country a
few days later the king summons Ernie and his people to the palace and formulates a new order named the order of the Silver Phoenix this order would be tasked with r and ding various improvements for their metch he places Ernie as head of the New Order and urges him to do a good job building better metch in the future in the meantime heli visits Edgar in the hospital there he promises to get back her Knight one way or the other on their way back to their Town Ernie dreams about his robots in this dream Ernie
could see his limited edition robot run away from him he quickly wakes up and finds Addie sleeping on him he tried waking her up but Addie was already too far gone eventually he ends up teasing her and forcing her to wake up in the meantime the telesales base design was sent to the silhouette night lab for more study the scientists there struggle to decipher the algorithm behind the crystal tissue material the chief of the laboratory Chief Gaza gets pissed off at his people for being so slow with things a few minutes later the director of
the laboratory director olver shows up and teases gasa about his own understanding of the telesale designs Gaza avoids any incriminating questions and excuses himself from olver that night Gaza promises to do something that'll restore the king's faith in them that's the only way they can beat the order of the Silver Phoenix and get back on track dickard in a meeting with the King explains his findings after investigating the bronze Fang turns out the bronze Fang were all mercenaries sent from the oxident kingdom to upset the peace between fenville and the other surrounding Nations now that
they're with one of their telesales there's no telling what they have planned for the future the king however is hopeful for what Ernie and his team have planned for them at that instant Ernie's family finds out about his promotion although they're a bit surprised they remain happy about the recognition the following day Ernie arrives at the workshop with another modified version of the man driven miniaturized MCH bot this bot is a service bot that can help the workshop guys deliver heavyduty equipment much faster seeing this David and the others are very surprised and impressed at
Ernie's Innovation Ernie informs them about the mechanics and allows them to use the miniature Knights as they wish up next Ernie and his people all line up to sign a partnership with the Marquee Knights to work together with them they also receive a message from the Royal Highness apparently the king had organized a friendly Spar between the silhouette night lab and the Order of the Silver Phoenix in 10 months time in this period the the two parties were to build the best mechanized robots and then display them to the king and other important officials of
the state on hearing this Ernie and his team get very encouraged to surpass their limits almost immediately Ernie presents the new plans he made for his robots and showcases them to the team as the others work on the design Ernie continues cooking up more impressive designs to drop Jaws when the tournament comes a few months of intensive building and testing pass by as the big event draws near after graduation David recruits new people to join the workshop and work with the order of the Silver Phoenix at their induction Edgar and the others introduced them to
their boss Ernie and they're all surprised after the induction speech Ernie meets with the private investigator he hired to fish out the trader who leaked his secret to the enemy according to her findings she found the rat amongst the students but still hasn't discovered who was truly behind the telesale incident Erie thanks her for her hard work and urges her to do more Addie who was Eve dropping on arai's conversation gets jealous of the detective as Ernie seems to take her seriously as soon as the detective's gone she barges into the room and demands Ernie
allow her to Pilot a silhouette night surprisingly Ernie agrees to let her ride in the next scene Ernie Powers up his latest invention and ends up getting blown into the forest after the accident his colleagues Rush after the trail and find him unconscious in the machine Ernie wakes up a little while later and continues talking about improvements to be made to the machine his friends stop him from talking too much and remind him just how pissed David would be when he finds out his latest invention has been destroyed Ernie and his friends get back to
the workshop and report to David David scolds Ernie greatly for destroying such a beautiful machine and tells him to reduce his Innovative thinking till they get past the loss without even thinking twice Ernie tells them about the next big thing this time he plans to build a machine powered and controlled by two people's Mana in a matter of days The Machine's complete and he allows Archie and Addie to Pilot it as expected the new design fails but this doesn't stop Ernie from making improvements HBY takes Addie out to the river to bathe and clean up
while the boys do all the heavy lifting as they enjoy the cool water Ernie and the others remain in the workshop Ernie creates a key system and gives one of the prototypes to Edgar this way only the key holder can operate a silhouette night Edgar tests the key and figures out the Kinks behind it soon Ernie and his team are back and better they keep on working and working until it's finally time for The Spar on D-Day Gaza and his people are the first to present their silhouette Knights although the knights come fitted with new
software and mechanics the overall design still looks archaic Gaza gives the king a long explanation of the new Knights after hearing all he has to say the king commends him for his hard work and gives the floor to the order of the silhouette Knights this time Ernie and his people make a very dramatic entry their dual piloted MCH having a structure resembling that of a centurion rushes into the arena and unearths the other Knights they designed earlier the king and everyone there are are impressed at the complexity of the design and are eager to see
what Ernie's Knights can do before the fight begins every Nightrunner present for the mock battle presents themselves to the king king ambrosus of femel readies about four of Ernie's Mets to fight against six of gaza's matchs rather than find the arrangement intimidating Ernie's excited to finally be having the mock battle after waiting for 10 months somewhere around the arena Prince Rise Son of Crown Prince leamus finally returns to the kingdom after he's summoned back to the kingdom by by the king before meeting his grandpa he hangs around the area to watch the fight go down
a few seconds later the king gives the order for the fight to begin Ernie's team charges first and the lab's runners brace themselves for the attack however what shocks them is when Ernie activates his super turbo mode the runners from Gaza don't have enough time to prepare for the defense as Ernie's robot races after them at high speeds in a single charge Ernie knocks down one of the runners and leaves the others for the rest of his team Addie and Archie ride the Centurion and split the enemy team in half so the plan is to
split the enemy team into two and make it easier for each of their units to take down so far so good this plan seems to be working Edgar and Dietrich wait for the signal to proceed when they get it they join the fight and face the runner's head on Edgar uses his knowledge and experience fighting to confront the runners he uses the lightning frail and subdues one of the knights all while buying time for Ernie to rest up and recover his lost Mana the aruan knights from gaza's Team quickly get used to their new enemies
they retaliate and keep Dietrich alongside Edgar in check what they didn't know was that the two of them were buying enough time for Ernie to recover Mana in the back nonetheless the king is still impressed at gaza's men and their tenacity the fight takes a wild turn as Ernie's men find themselves struggling to keep up with the arubian thankfully Ernie finishes charging his Mana in time he gets back to the battlefield even stronger than before and takes down gaza's men for the win the king stops the fight and declares Ernie's team the best better one
everybody gets back up and thanks each other for giving it their all in the meantime amise asks after the bright young guy leading the order of the Silver Phoenix gasa on the other hand rushes to meet this ernesty he's been hearing of when he finally gets to talk with the little guy the duo talk like young friends who just found each other after years of being a part olver and ambrosus talk about ernest's new designs Ambrosius hands over the polishing of the new design to his lab and leaves the Innovation to Ernie and his team
gasa after talking to the young ernesty gets invigorated and finds his passion for S ilet Knights again 2 months later both sides are seen working on upgrades and improvements to their recent builds meanwhile Ambrosius asks for a meeting with his son leamus and Grandson IM rise after having them in the same room as him he finally makes the big announcement after ruling Fel for 36 years Ambrosius is finally stepping down as king and making his Crown Prince King Of The Nation at the same time Ernie and his team graduate middle school and are now given
full freedom to do what they wish Ernie meets with them rise for the first time and introduces himself to the prince soon ambrosus joins them and asks Ernie to create a silhouette night for himself and his grandson naturally Ernie has no problem with this so he asks them for specifications they'd like added to their nights after hearing their thoughts he gets back to work on the match a season later the matchs are finished Ernie makes two similar matchs with one of them being golden in color and the other being silver in color sadly ambrosus and
amas choose the golden tiger with each of them refusing to back down they decide to settle it with a duel The Duel get into separate silhouette nights and fight it out in a private arena with only Ernie and Addie is their spectator Ernie gets to see the king's strong use of the spear according to the Legends the King used to be formidable with a spear even the demon beasts feared him back then Ernie and Addie are glad to see he still has his gimmicks M rise on the other hand isn't so weak as well he
uses his agility and strength to evade his Grandpa's attacks eventually he wins the bout and gets to keep the golden Knight after the fight ambrosus succumbs to defeat and takes the silver Knight elsewhere the demon horde charges towards one of the most secret places in the Kingdom of frenel volheim news of the shellcase demon horde attack reaches the king and scares him well enough to pause his annual conference he quickly calls an emergency meeting with his generals to discuss tactics they can employ to take down such a ra demon the shellcase demon horde which is
one of the most feared demon hordes in all of frle is a colony type demon where the individual ant demons cluster themselves around a singular unit called the queen and follow her around when it's time to attack or Source food the ant demons detach themselves from their Queen and hide her in a safe place while they're out attacking the King asks about the silhouette Knights there and he's told that they've already formed a line of defense to keep the ant demons at bay after the meeting the king calls for Ernie and his team to brief
them about the problem at hand when he gets them in a room he explains the entire situation to them Ernie asks him why he's so protective of alheim and the King tells him that it's because that's where the ether reactors are made hearing this Ernie's eyes open wide and he immediately urges his team to suit up and get ready to ride and defend the birthplace of The Ether at that moment the esil how Knights defending alheim are brought down one by one by the ant demons when all hope seems lost the order of the Silver
Phoenix arrives to completely Wipe Out the army of ants that came to attack them am uses his golden Knight to take down a large chunk of the ants in one Fell Swoop the king also joins him and advises Ernie and his people to go find the queen in the forest while they keep fighting the other ants Ernie thanks the king for the opportunity and heads into the forest with his people they clear off a few ants on their way there and activate turbo mode as they ride to the forest on their way to the Queen's
Hideout Ernie and his people discuss the new additions to his latest night build before he finishes his speech the queen shows up the ugly thing throws Ernie and the others off balance for a little while but Ernie stands back on his feet and attacks the Queen's legs when he finds it's doing no harm he attacks her weak spot which is the egg sack under her they manag to destroy her new batch of babies and annoy her well enough to want to kill them Ernie takes advantage of this and cuts one of her legs when she's
down he takes out a lightning rod and sticks it in her eye then he sends lightning through her eyes and short circuits her brain after winning the battle at alheim Ernie and his people return to the Fortress as the others discuss with each other the king finally grants Ernie his wish he instructs director olver to give Ernie a personal tour around the secret Village called alheim Where The Ether reactors are made the following day olver takes ambrosus and Ernie through the mountains to see the place they call alheim on their way there olver explains his
true Origins to him apparently the people living there are a rare breed of special people whose lifespan can go as high as 500 years and also grant them larger amounts of Mana than the average human they seem to have semi- eternal Youth and have also lived long enough to create special things like The Ether reactor Ernie's really shocked to find out such a local exists he sits back and enjoys the ride while anticipating the wonderful things he'd be seeing there soon enough the trio arrive at the beautiful city of ulfheim the trie will get to
meet the great Elder of ulfheim kitley and ambrosus introduces himself first kitley recognizes Ambrosius and Returns the greetings she then thanks Ernie for helping them take down the demon horde and waits to hear what he has to say Ernie tells her to teach him the ways of making ether however kitley gets defensive and lets Ernie know that he will never reach their level in terms of knowledge Ernie refuses to let this discourage him kitly gives him one last look and then grants ambrosus request Ernie's more than happy to finally learn about The Ether reactors he
begins his training immediately and learns that the exchange Crystal the alus used to make Mana made use of a special script AA an incantation an artificial blood created using Al to trap ether from the air and turn it into Mama this interests Ernie well enough that after a demonstration by director Alber he begins to ask questions about every specific part of The Ether reactors impressed by his interest the king grants him access to the heart of the behof and the mother queen ant Ernie thanks him and gets down to studying The Ether reactors meanwhile his
people choose to stay behind and wait for him to complete his sessions there 3 months later Ernie finally presents himself in front of the great Elder again who thanks him for a peaceful visit and Promises to see him again hearing this Ernie expresses his gratitude to her and heads out of the secret City to meet his friends they all returned to the Fort to continue the production of the knights during production one day the personal investigator visits Ernie to tell him of the nation seeking to start another War to take down the oxidant Ernie thanks
her for the information and urges them to keep searching for more as she steps out of ernest's office Addie finds her there again and confronts her for trying to take ernesty Norah who is the pie makes it known to Addie that she has him all to herself a few days later Ernie's first personal silhouette night was completed after using two ether reactors from the Behemoth and the Queen's heart Ernie finally gets ready to give his ikaruga a test run while the kingdom of femel works on their silhouette nights zadek which is another kingdom that hates
peace prepares itself for war with the Federation around it in one scene the first son of the king of zadek caros built gives his men a war speech to incite their spirits well enough for them to fight he plans to take the fight to the Nations surrounding them and take them by force a month later the Federation Falls and this keeps the shield Trier on their toes Shield Trier which is a nation surrounding the Federation is led by King augusty valo after hearing all the horrible things zadic did to the Federation the Duke steps out
of the War Room worried about what comes next for his own kingdom his daughter Leonora finds him pacing and asks what the matter is she asks him about the war rumors she's been hearing of recently but her father lets her know he has everything under control in the meantime the knights from the kushara face the zadek knights and are defeated in just one day their next stop is The Shield Trier August he quickly UPS his defenses and urges the knights from the surrounding federations to March onto his own kingdom so they can have enough Warriors
to fight and defeat the zadek Army little did they know that zadek had a trick up their sleeves as the genius on their team already built a flying warship under the cover of night the warships a of the levitate ships fly above the Shian walls and drop Knights a of the tyranto directly into August's territory on Landing the knights begin wreaking havoc on the entire city of Shield Trier every attempt to subdue them is feudal against the tyranto Army even lady keril joins the tyranto Army this time and takes down the majority of August's forces
seeing the demise of his kingdom augusty calls for his daughter and convinces her to escape the city with two other ladies so that she can be safe from enemy fire after she's gone he gets into his own silhouette night and faces the enemy with his remaining soldiers he buys his daughter enough time for her to escape by requesting a duel with christoble christoble happily takes the challenge and gets down to fight the King on their way out of the Kingdom aonor refuses to go any further she wants to get back to her father and save
him from certain death however her people slap some sense into her head and convince her to survive for the future of kashara at that instant the king meets his demise as Christo's Knights over power him the news of kush Brit's fall immediately reaches the king of zadic and he assigns taking over to his sister Catalina in the meantime Alona and her Entourage are stopped at the borders of kashera the guards there harass the Entourage a little bit and then capture the princess the very next day Ernie and his people ride to the gates of kushara
to deliver merchandise to the King on getting there they get interrogated by the guards at the gate who insists they must search their cargo IMR and the others lie and wait for enough evidence to reveal itself after confirming that kpra has been captured by the enemy they attack then rise gets into his golden Knight and Ernie uses his new silhouette Knight to take down all the enemy Knights present there when he's done Ernie and his people step out to assess the damage they find out that the zadic Army has been using the telesale design keril
stole earlier on this only encourages Ernie to do much better than now he instructs his people to gather all the wrecked Knights for materials and begin his little crusade to hunt and save those captured by zad one night christoble the Second Son of the king meets with elanora and instructs her to be his wife so he can become king elanora tries to say no but she's given no choice if she wants to save her kingdom christoble walks out of the room with his henchman who complains about a measly Rebel group that's been taking out their
units all over the country christoble instructs his General to take care of the problem as soon as possible to avoid any further intrusions to their plans as they walk out of the hallway Lady keril of the bronze Fang offers to help the general take care care of the Rebel problem with nothing to lose the general allows her to do what she wants Norah the pie from earlier reports the entire situation to Ernie after eavesdropping hearing this Ernie and his men immediately plan a rescue mission to recover elanora from the Wicked christoble at the same time
one of zad's Warships finally catches onto Ernie and his people they follow them for a little while and then prepare to face them headon Ernie's guys draw First Blood and the zodic Army retaliates everybody suits up and begins fighting for their freedom diet finds himself in the midst of a Gustav from zadek and is forced to fight his Knight with many swords Gustav uses his Night speed to his advantage and attacks diet however diet takes him down and forces the others to retreat Gustav and his men hook themselves to the warship and fly out of
range for ernesty people to catch them back in the warship keril makes fun of Gustav for losing to someone like Diet Gustav grudgingly thanks her for her help but then promises that he'll never need it again after the fight with z out X warship Ernie and am visit the merchant city of Fontaine which is east of the kingdom of kashara when they get there they disguise themselves to resemble normal Travelers and sneak into the city there they find the entire Place desolate and devoid of people they check out a few streets and return to their
Hideout after reuniting with the others ernesty and his guys check out their man- driven miniature silhouette nights to make sure they're in top condition for the rescue mission after doing the maintenance checks they all set out to rescue Leonora and her Entourage they all fly through the roofs of the buildings in Fontaine and finally get close enough to see the four Tower layout of the king's mansion in the distance Norah explains the security levels of the towers to Ernie and the others so they can cook up a plan to infiltrate each Tower silently since they
didn't know which Tower Leonora was in they split themselves into four teams to infiltrate each Tower and rescue the Entourage and the princess Ernie gets into the first Tower and finds Martina the wife of Duke Fernando there sitting and waiting for her punishment he introduces himself and lets his mission known to her when the guards come by to check things out Ernie is already long gone with Martina at the same time amriah saves his sister isida in another Tower Addie on the other hand finds nobody in the third Tower however in the fourth RC finds
the real princess there in a dark room before they get the time to talk the guards Sound the Alarm Archie quickly offers his services to elanora and urges her to come along with him elanora finally allows to save her after much persuasion Archie flies her to the forest where she meets the others waiting for her there she's reunited with her people and flown to safety after hearing about the infiltration the War General from zadek orders a fleet of Warships to be sent to capture the others immediately their nation's genius and creator of the warship Lord
goes tags along to check out the people brave enough to infiltrate their mansion while tracking the perpetrators Lord goess cannot wait for his levitate ship to finally fight a worthy enemy the next day godess warship finally found Ernie on seeing the warship come towards them Ernie could not hide his joy and happiness he quickly Pilots his own Knight and flies towards the warship to fight the enemy godess is also shocked to see a flying silhouette Knight he orders his men to take down the knight at all costs unfortunately for them Ernie was too strong for
them he takes down all the knights from the warship and sends the zotex ship running thess makes a promise that day to surpass Ernie's design and reclaim the skies for zad christoble the Second Son of the king of zadek gets very sore after hearing about the overwhelming defeat of his warships he even gets skeptical at first but godas corroborates the War General story and tells them about the incredulous prowess of Ernie's Knights christoble gets so pissed at this that he orders the War General to get another batch of knights ready to track and take down
Ernie's party a few hours later Ernie and his people arrive at nisher which is a relay station on the old kushin highway there they reconnect with their mechanical engine engineers and present the princess to the others after the necessary introductions Ernie gets down to discuss business with Martina and the other Elders of the town he makes a proposal to grant them potential upgrades to their silhouette Knights to increase their Firepower and endurance in return he would need the remnant silhouette knights from the enemy Martina accepts the deal and allows Ernie to do whatever he wants
to the enemy soon enough christoble and his wor General lay Siege to nisher however the nans are already prepared for them as they fire Magic laser beams at them and chase them back to their Kingdom elsewhere Ernie and his people continue researching new methods to improve their Knights to fight the zadek warships at one point elanora am and Martina all settled down to discuss a few things before returning to their duties apparently the princess is really depressed about losing her family as such she refuses to take the throne to rule over kPa amri is tasked
with the responsibility to make her happy again he returns to Ernie his partner and his people they then he asks them for ideas on how to make the princess happy again after much contemplation they came up with a plan Archie her first ever night approaches her to cheer her up seeing him Alon tells him she can't be happy while several soldiers are out there shedding their blood for the nation Archie then decides to try another route he takes her hand and shows her around the workshop after spending the whole day outside elanora asks Archie why
he's being so kind to her Archie tells her it's because she's a special person to him nothing more nothing less that night Catalina assigns keril and her minions a new job there to track down the silhouette Knights and retrieve the princess of kuspa from them alive or dead kerol refuses to take the job seeing how difficult it'll be however Catalina makes her an offer she couldn't resist so she gets right down to work that same night she sends one of her assassins to kill the princess in her sleep sadly for him he's caught red-handed by
Archie and subdued in the meantime the other mercenaries sneak into the workshop to take over the silhouette Knights Ernie and his people lie and wait for them to fall into their traps when they're in deep enough they attack them all and seize back control over their silhouette nights keril after hearing her people screw up decides to fight her enemy's headon she finds Edgar and his Earl cumber tracking her down and decides to fight him thinking it'll be like last time sadly for her it wasn't as Edgar wasn't going to let her win this time keril
gets too excited and attacks Edgar blindly Edgar takes advantage of this and uses it against her the next day Leonora thanks Ernie and his people for saving her again the second time this time she looks up and decides to take on the throne of her father's Kingdom on the other end of the world christoble receives important information from his sister Catalina this encourages him to go for the pesky Ernie and his band of little Mary Engineers he rallies his Knights and marches towards the town of nisher on their way there they run into several small
towns in the kushin kingdom and wipe them off the face of the Earth before continuing their Journey to the the princess's Town Christo's Fleet consisted of seven warships with himself being escorted in the middle they approached the town of nisher in the dead of night to their surprise however the entire town was quiet when they get in close enough Ernie gives his people the signal to strike almost immediately Archie Addie Hammer dude and a few others aim and fire Spears into the sky to puncture the warships ahead of them these Spears managed to take down
ships five and seven then Ernie's team reloaded their Spears and continued firing DOD stays perplexed as he never expected such a thing from Ernie after suffering heavy attacks the ships are forced to deploy the tyranto as soon as the silhouette Knights reach the ground Edgar and the others come out of hiding to attack the silhouette Knights Ernie also gets fired up and ready to join the fight he Pilots his demonic ikaruga and flies towards the warships godess keeps spying on his arch nemesis and even swears at him in a split second Ernie destroys two more
ships Christo's generals suggest they retreat but Christo 's Pride wouldn't let him do such a thing instead he orders his men on the ground to keep moving towards town to crush the princess am unleashes his golden Knight and purges a few more of Christo's men soon Archie Addy and even Ernie join the battle on the ground eventually christoble is forced to retreat and he does so in shame instead of following him goess tells his men to stop following the ship and Watch What Happens for now at that instant Ernie's people fire Spears at Christo's ship
and manage to slow down their speed then Ernie rushes after him and finally attaches himself to the ship after securing his foothold on the ship he prepares himself to destroy it finally just then christoble gets into his silhouette Knight and gets on top of his ship to attack the Nightrunner Ernie Ernie takes the fight to christoble and uses the power of His MCH to its full extent at one point in the fight christoble pauses and tries to bring Ernie to his side however Ernie explains just how important he is to the kingdom of frel and
this makes christoble know that he can't be bought this annoys him so much that he swears at Ernie Ernie keeps his cool and gives him an option to surrender like a coward he would get down his KN and surrender it to Ernie so his life would be spared christoble gets so pissed at Ernie that he decides to sabotage himself he shoots the Hall of his warship and goes down with it the War General and Gess are surprised that this is their dear Prince christoble just killed himself to save his pride seeing this they Retreat and
live to fight another day the following day the heroes returned to nisher to greet Queen elanora Leonora gets flustered after seeing Archie wounded and tries her best to tend to his wounds after explaining the situation to Catalina gas promises to make the people who killed her brother pay for their sins Catalina grants him access to everything he'd need to build the Ultimate Weapon the death of the prince chrisel sends the army of zadic back to their Kingdom on the flip side elanora and her Knights are hailed and adored by the people of Fontaine as they
get their lands back from the enemy one day Archie formally swears his loyalty to Elanor and allows her to take the podium to address the people of nisher and Fontaine at the speech she offers herself and the services of her dear KN to rebuild the nation to be better than it was before after that Ernie and the others get back to work this time Ernie finds a weird greenish material he calls etherite now this material was gas's invention which he used to create its own ether and turn it into Mana this means their warships and
knights won't need ether from the air any more to be powered Ernie is perplexed at this invention and finally relates it to why and how the levitate ships were made he recognizes the inventor of the material as a genius and wishes to meet him one day after salvaging the enemy wreckage Ernie returns to the Palace to answer an official summon from alonur and Martina on getting there Martina thanks Ernie for all he's done but then asks him to give them the remains of the enemy silhouette Knights so they can build their army with them Ernie
agrees to give them the remains on the condition that they also help himself and his team rebuild their own silhouette nights bartina sees no no problem with this so they both come to a deal in the meantime David and Hammer dude complain a little about being left on the side while the others enjoy good food with the queen in the next few months the kushans created more silhouette Knights and managed to push back the zadic Army to their borders one day after defeating the last one of the zadek army Ernie and his people chill out
in the plains of nisher just then they find a very weird warship coming towards them it turns out the War General was back to avenge the death of Prince christoble when his ship gets close enough gas's warship aka the vior fires a large laser beam at them Ernie and his people Dodge the attacks but then again Ernie's glad to finally have a real challenge he preps himself and gets ready to fight godas and his men head on after careful assessment of the enemy's warship Ernie finds out that it was built with the design of a
drake to make maneuverability easier to control nonetheless Ernie refuses to be discouraged instead he urges his people to control the crowd to avoid hysteria amongst them while he fights the V viver the War General doesn't back down either as he approaches Ernie at even higher speeds Ernie Dodges all the VI's attacks as he studies all he can about the viver ship in the meantime Gustav fights diet on the ground with his sword filled Knight diet keeps up against all of Gustav's attacks and prepares for a counter meanwhile Archie and Addie shoot Spears into the air
to distract the vior this works well enough for Ernie to find an opening he attacks the opening and damages the port side of the ship Ernie continues attacking the vior and forces them to to dive downwards to lose a little altitude the general still refuses to back down as he faces Ernie yet again to continue fighting him diet on the other hand struggles to keep up with Gustav's quick attacks he waits for an opening and uses the lightning flare to attack Gustav when he finds it then he uses every last bit of Mana left in
his Knight to create an attack powerful enough to completely destroy Gustav's Knight the battle of the Skies continues as Ernie outmaneuvers the VI's attacks he keeps weakening the VI's defenses and becomes too fast of an enemy for the vior to take down when it comes to it the War General decides to use his trump card he deploys a yellow dust containing metal fragments salt Petter and Sulfur powder this deadly mixture is sure to bring down any jet engine thrust Ernie fails to realize the danger he's in and flies blindly into the fumes sadly the mixture
Works in naruga Ernie's MCH loses its thrust Ernie falls to the ground and quickly reorientates himself thinking he is vulnerable the general fires his last mon a laser beam at Ernie Ernie sees the attack coming and then returns an equal amount of Mana to them at that point the vior was already out of Mana so the War General has to withdraw and end the battle in a tie Ernie and his team take a major L that day as they realize their enemies may be just as strong if not stronger than them Ernie promises to make
sure the jet Thruster doesn't fall under such conditions again he gets back to the drawing board and continues working with his people after returning home the War General visits gajas in his workshop and finds him installing a special new asset in the vior this time goas calls his invention the blood Grail an even greater ether Reactor with more than enough power to take down any demon or jet Thruster the War General who's later identified as doodo thanks godas for creating such an effective monstrosity to help them in their fight against Ernie in the meantime Catalina
escorts gusta to a secret room housing the royal family silhouette night alkalic Gustav gazes upon the Majestic night and gets very excited when Catalina grants him ownership of it at that moment Ernie arranges a meeting with his people to discuss battle plans and the like he explains to his people that he's already installed a filter on the jet Thruster so they shouldn't worry about the smoke of death anymore instead they should just follow his every move to take down the enemy at one point the entire team became very scared of attacking the enemy headon however
Alona steps in and submits herself and her Army to help bring down the enemy everyone instantly sees the bright side of the plan and thanks the queen for for coming in clutch in the next scene elanora talks to her people and encourages them to take their next fight very seriously she incites the fighting spirit in her men and ends the speech following the speech Alona meets with ernesty and apologizes for placing so many responsibilities on him Ernie teases her a little and everyone has a good laugh before the real fight begins over the next few
days the Army and silhouette Knights of kuspa took the fight to zadek swords clash and nights fall in one night during battle commander cits from a Leonor his army leads a covert team with the Azure Hawks to infiltrate Delvin Cole and take it down from the inside this plan seems to work a little however things quickly go sideways when the Drake finally approaches Delvin Co Ernie and his people also pull up in their own levitate warship and face the Drake Ernie on the other hand Pilots his ikaruga and gets himself ready for round two of
his war on Gess after exchanging words with each other both ernesty and goess begin their big fight in the meantime David gives his people people the order to Ram the vior with their anti-air ship the vior spots them quickly and fires bullets at them David lets his ship get close enough and then takes a very sharp turn to the right the vior pursues the ship and climbs into the clouds an appropriate altitude for them to go all out Ernie's men begin their attack by firing Javelin Spears towards the viver and allowing the viver to shoot
the spear down after doing this globules of oil splatter on vr's body Ernie and his people then shoot the globules with Fireballs to set them on fire in the matter of seconds the entire body of the vior is covered in Flames ernesty gets much closer to them and prepares for his last preemptive strike before he gets close enough godas urges doodo to use the blood Grail reactor the War General while contemplating using them figures out that their City below has been infiltrated from the inside he gives the order to unleash the blood Grail and Let
it Loose the blood Grail creates a red Aura around the viver and gives it a much bigger appearance Ernie and the others are a little shocked by this invention but but Ernie being the stubborn boy he is keeps on attacking the ship sadly none of his attacks worked against the viver as its power output had already been increased tenfold back on the ground Edgar faces The Swordsman Gustaf the Azure Hawk finally releases the drawbridge allowing more reinforcement to attack zadex Black Knights meanwhile Ernie decides to take a dangerous approach he fires up his ikaruga UNS
his two-prong spear loads it with lots of Mana to create lightning and charges at the vir Ora to pierce the AA and attack the real ship Point Blank so far so good Ernie's plan works as he pierces through the strong Aura and attacks the real ship the fight between Gustav and Edgar gets heated with each minute Edgar struggles to keep up with Gustav's fast attacks at one point he eventually holds Gustav swords in place and traps Gustav for an incoming attack from someone else before Gustav can take himself out of the situation IM arrives and
blasts him away from his silhouette Knight with only a few meters between himself and the real VI ship Ernie attacks the ship with all he's got he manages to land a lot of beams at the viver ship and destroys the blood Grail Aura when he's done with the ship all that's left is only enough power to Pilot the ship for one last run doodo admits defeat but then decides to crash the ship into the Fortress and kill a Leonora in the explosion thankfully Ernie quickly gets wind of his plan so he follows him down the
clouds to stop him Ernie catches up to the ship and Maxes his jet thrusters to its full power as he counters the speed of the ship to slow blow it down still this wasn't enough to stop doodo as he kept firing his purple beams at the Queen's base Archie without thinking gets into his Centurion Knight and charges towards the cockpit there he cuts doodo away from the controls and finally allows the ship to be redirected By Ernie to a safe location to crash into Ernie urges Archie to abandon the Centurion match and jump into his
arms so he can be saved Archie does just that and gets saved in no time that night the long battle between zadek and kushara came came to an end in the spring of the western year of 1823 zodex forces surrendered to the oxident and Al Leonora was officially crowned to rule over kpra as the queen a few days after the battle Ernie and his guys pack their things to leave Kashira for fro before leaving Elona decides to say her final goodbyes to a special someone she visits Archie and thanks him for saving her back then
she falls silent and expects Archie to hug her or kiss her or something however our boy Archie stands aloof and walks away Leonora gives him a long hug and finally lets him go hours later Bernie and his team of Merry engineers and night Runners finally head back to their Hometown with their own levitate ship on the flip side goas catches up to Ernie and his people on their way to fenville he studies the new models for the silhouette ship and Promises to return with something better in the next scene Ambrosius thanks Ernie and his team
once again for bringing peace back to the oent he asks Ernie for a reward and Ernie requests to be given a small lab for him and his team to work with after getting his laboratory Ernie encourages his team to keep fighting and creating more Knights to make all their dreams come true over the next few months Ernie Mass produces levitate ships and allows commercial flights through countries
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