Student Dies on Class Trip & Discovers There is Life After Death (Near-Death Experience)

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Venia Hill shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring after overdosing on caffeine pil...
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I'm only hearing my heart racing and then slowing down and slowing down slowing down slowing down and I remember the absolute moment it stopped that's the most terrifying moment I've ever had in my life and it was at that moment I just Boop popped out of my body it was instantaneous no loss in Consciousness whatsoever and I remember I had the view of my body and I'm looking at myself and I know it's me but I don't feel a connect there were two types of feelings I was having the first one was sort of trying
to figure out what the hell just happened because I'm not dead no way I can't be I'm so alive and I felt great like I just felt you know I you you're not ever like in as a teenager you your your body feels great like you're almost Invincible right well imagine that times like a thousand that's how I felt but I'm also seeing this Physical Realm in a way that I've never dreamed possible I could see it before and so I'm in awe [Music] [Music] I'm Vina Hill and I'm from Philadelphia Pennsylvania I was very
much an introverted type of child growing up I did love ballet had Big Dreams of becoming a like a ballerina and I did that for about 12 years of my life my parents were like working middle class they sent me to public school and then to Catholic school no real strong religious background or belief system during the latter years of high school it was like let's do something fun and exciting you know and uh we decided on like a a class trip and then it was like where should we go we decided on Italy my
dad is half Sicilian so I just wanted to go to Italy and that was always what I was kind of lobbying for and I was so happy when we all decided that that was where we're going to go I had never been abroad anywhere my parents weren't like Travelers basically the surrounding states was as far as we kind of went um and so it was sort of like a big thing to go on like an overseas type of trip and of course I was like over the moon excited about it my parents usually they weren't
like enthused about worldly type of things like travel like that but they were kind of enthused about this uh trip and like were willing to pay for it and it would be chaperon so that was a good thing cuz bunch of teenagers you know I was 17 years old and my first time ever leaving the country totally excited days prior to the trip like who could sleep like I was too pumped up too excited I just kept thinking about all the different scenarios that I was going to face in Italy I didn't sleep I don't
think 2 minutes on the floor flight I was just so excited by the time I got off the flight I was exhausted and and it was just daytime when we arrived like in the morning once we got to the airport there in Italy it was like being on another planet I had never seen so many different cultures and different types of people and I remember I was just so tired and I decided you know what I've got these vitamin pills my mother's at Avid vitamin Taker and so I've got these vitamin pills and I had
taken some Noto pills notto pills are basically just like pure caffeine I would take them because we were taking test and I would have to study and make sure I passed and the SATs and this and that it would give you a jolt of energy if you took them as you were supposed to of course um I didn't I just I don't I don't even know how many I took but I took a ton of them and I shoving them in my mouth like they were just you know Candy I remember gulping them down and
they some of them fell out in the fountain there and I picked it back up and shoved them back in my mouth by the time the chaperon got us together and we're loading our stuff onto the bus I remember starting to feel a little change in my body my system was something wasn't quite right um I remember the first thing I started feeling was this tingling under my skin and and you know my heart was racing a little bit and that was sort of like a a little precursor to what was coming and I remember
we had already started taking off and I just got to the point where I literally felt like I could jump out of my skin and I remember sort of just like I was leaning over like this and my heart started really racing like really racing to the point where every I started hearing it and I don't know if anyone has ever had that feeling but it's a super weird feeling because you don't hear anything else but your heart and it got to the point where I could hear it and I just was like what the
you know what is this and at some point it just reached a cresendo like it just stopped with the and it started super slowing down and that's when I really became so terrified if someone had have screamed at me I'd have never heard it I I'm only hearing my heart racing and then slowing down and slowing down slowing down slowing down and I remember the absolute moment it stopped that's the most terrifying moment I've ever had in my life and it was at that moment I justop popped out of my body it was instantaneous no
loss in Consciousness whatsoever and I remember I had the view of my body but I also had a omnidirectional View and I remember seeing my body not realizing that I died and I'm looking at this me that's laying there and I I was almost unrecognizable because it your body when you're looking at it from a complete view it's not like uh the mirror view it's a completely different look you're like clay formed clay sort of and I'm looking at myself and I know it's me but I don't I don't feel a connect there were two
types of feelings I was having the first one was sort of trying to figure out what the hell just happened because I'm not dead no way I can't be I'm so alive and I felt great like I just felt you know I you you're not ever like in as a teenager you your your body feels great like you're almost Invincible right well imagine that times like a thousand that's how I felt but I'm also seeing this physical r in a way that I've never dreamed possible I could see it before and so I'm in awe
when I was purely Consciousness okay things were not as dense to me I could see all the layers of things and I'm seeing all these little energy patterns everywhere like little waves of energy everywhere and I'll never forget this there was this metal bar at the front of the bus that people usually hold on to if they're getting ready to exit or or whatever and I remember there was literally energy coming off that bar you know this inanimate object the bus driver at some point cursed loudly at the traffic and it just drew my attention
to him I was able to see through his ex his uh exterior physical body because like I said I saw the full spectrum of things and because of that I knew also that he was like sickly you know and other things came up about him about his life and I knew that he was cheating and he had a couple of kids and they weren't all by the same woman and I was seeing all the energy that was being emitted from him his life there was energy coming from the people on the bus other people's energy
energy there was it was very pulsing and alive but at the same time I'm looking at my body and there's very little energy coming off my body but at some point there was a a presence that overlaid my my Consciousness and and drew me towards it and just kind of took me completely out of the bus not forcibly but enough to where I wasn't really in control and it took me into a white realm not even a room because it didn't have the the limitations or the confinement of a room or even a space it
was just a a realm of the purest purest whiteness that you could ever imagined I knew that there was a being that did this but the identity of the being wasn't revealed to me it was sort of like uh you meet a stranger and you're talk you you converse with the stranger okay and and it's a friendly type of conversation interaction but they don't tell you their name it wasn't like a uh complete stranger like gee I know this person from somewhere I just not sure where they know me they've got all the details about
me I just can't pinpoint where I know them from I was around this extremely Friendly Stranger who was admitting these beautiful loving Vibes I knew I could trust them instinctively but they were very hands off standoffish initially allowed me to feel this realm out allowed me to just experience it my energy merged seamlessly in this realm harmoniously in this realm I was I was it it was me it was just a complete merging of my being into this realm and it was I didn't want to ever be anywhere else that was that was it it
was like I was home within this realm I got to connect with different worlds different Creations I experienced just an influx of so many different facets of existence and believe me this is the a tiny part of it tiny minuscule part of it there was like a a transference of a whole thought so imagine a thought having color feeling um any sound anything that you can imagine but being transferred in audibly and that's how I received and um information from this entity who explained to me that they were my compa my spiritual companion we call
them guides they didn't impart a lot of information to me as far as like a lot of this missing gaps of information that I have or had as a teenager back then but there was some some things that they did show me one in particular that's you know embarrassing of tad bit is uh showing me all the things I had stolen as a teenager um I was like a little petty Thief you know and they they kind of showed me everything I had stolen at some point I I let them know I really wanted to
be like a famous ballerina and they imparted to me that they showed me the entire picture of me thinking I really wanted to be a ballerina but showing me in a in a mere thought I didn't put the work that I needed to do into becoming a ballerina I didn't even really strive for it like I should have um the energy just wasn't there for it and it just wasn't my purpose and they put all that in one thought and I understood and I accepted it and then I saw how me taking the notos wasn't
actually just a accident or a flipping type thought it was literally an energy path that I was supposed to take was literally supposed to happen that [Music] way I learned about our soul being the highest aspect of our s and I was in the presence of my soul and let me tell you something it's an extremely humbling experience it's like like it's like meeting a totally different person that you that you idolize except it's you it's the purest aspect of you and that's why um I say this is just a sliver of existence and who
we are because your soul never incarnates never leaves that realm it's just on the level that it it just can't be broken up or or section but it sends offshoots and we're this is one of the offshoots but meeting my soul was just a the most Divine beautiful experience I've ever ever experienced okay because we're just connected to the all of [Music] everything this I can tell you there's no up down left or right like there's no [Music] into it space is vast and then when you're looking at it from the perspective I was looking
at it I was seeing not only the space that we are going to see through our telescopes here okay but I was seeing between levels of it so I was seeing different parts of it that we're not going to see and it was just unbelievable I saw these orbs traveling out in space and they were going different directions you could tell they were traveling somewhere with purpose because the orb kind of change shape a little bit I remember kind of being a little fascinated by that um you just see it like sort of like a
slipstream that you could see moving and I'm like oh my God they're like just like me um and I wonder like and I remember thinking jeez like are they get like are they as like excited like this is awesome you know like you know but it was mindblowing it was it was so mindblowing it's like whoa so these are they they were like the different dimens different dimensional beings traveling through it's so much going on out there the very last experience that I had was being taken to this Garden that was just everything was just
alive and in so many different species of of plants that I couldn't even imagine some of them I've never seen here on Earth you know I was interacting with them and I had the most beautiful I call spiritual dance with one of the flowers um and I can't even describe to you the flower because it's nothing like I've ever seen but we were like ballerinas dancing together but in perfect snc in Perfect Harmony it just infused me with love and and and a sense of Life Beyond just what I knew life to be like a
life of Living love like just living it everything I did just every move I made was just a loving purposeful move and we did this dance and it was incredible I went from being this tiny little teenager from Philadelphia in high school on a trip to Italy but now I had seen a whole different world a whole different part of existence that I didn't even know existed so the very last thing I asked my guy was how should I Live Now what what should I do now because I how can I top this how can
I even be as good as this and I was given the most simplest but loving answer and it was basically just live be kind but just just enjoy the life that I was sort of squeezed into here and I call it squeezed into because at that point I felt so expansive and so alive and so magnificent so live the best way I could in this life that I was focused on and that stuck with me ever since I've never forgotten it that was our very last interaction I wasn't told or given a choice hey do
you want to go back or do you want to stay there was none of that all I knew is the very next thing was I was going through a different type of portal it started out extremely ethereal but it picked up density it almost felt like I was going through mud uh sort of uh muddy type of water and then it felt super heavy the heaviness of it and trying to connect back to feeling and the sensations of this body was not easy I had to think at first I'm like okay my arm my leg
you know and at some point again I heard my heartbeat okay but it was normal and it wasn't um it wasn't a scary type of heartbeat like I initially felt when it was be it was racing and then slowing down this was like a normal rhythm it was trying to get its Rhythm back finally by this point I knew that body had died and so I almost felt like a stranger in this body at some point I didn't feel you know it felt like I was animating a puppet that's kind of how it felt I
was I was pulling the strings and animating a puppet sort of but I remember being able to twitch and sort of move at some point in my heart and then I couldn't hear it anymore and that was a relief I'm like ah I was blind um when I first really came to and open my eyes but that film came down and I my sight was completely restored and I was back in fortunately no one seemed to notice and it's amazing to me none of my friend none of the people on the bus the coach they
seem to notice anything and if they had they didn't say anything but I was so not concerned with them I was literally coming into my own skin literally coming into my own skin I was processing and going over everything in my mind I remember also yearning for that that feeling of love but it's beyond love there's there's a love Beyond love and I the only word I can use to describe it is divine love okay nothing religious about it zero religious but it's so Sublime it's divine um I was yearning for that feeling again and
I didn't I carried it but it wasn't the same I wasn't immersed in it I was just me pulling it from a recent memory so of course there was no one I could even begin to talk about it to because I knew the mindset of me and my friends and they would been like what like really we thought you didn't do drugs uh sure sound like it but so I couldn't even talk about it I had to just keep everything to myself but I remember I was going off on a lot of so we went
on all these different places tours Etc I remember just walking off by myself on every one of them just about um I just had to be alone I just had and I just kept thinking about everything over and over and over again and even after I came back from the trip I couldn't tell my parents or no one after the trip I came back I tried College I lasted about a year I came back home I wasn't doing too much with my life I was had no real purpose you know I just had this F
fantastic experience I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself me just basically living and realizing there was so much more to this it was just like it took any ambition that I had of anything and just put it on the back burner my dad one day he's like look I don't care what you do but you got 30 days do something and so that kind of pushed me and the quickest thing I could do was you know go into the military and that's what I chose I was in the service for uh 10
years and there were times that the harshness of the service and the regimen and the this and then I became a mother while I was in the service it kind of pushed the whole near-death experience to the back of my mind and so I didn't really have a lot of time at that time to really cement it and put it all together into its proper places processing this this experience has taken me years and it wasn't something that I could just put right together so it it was a gradual piecing together one of the main
things I learned is that life is not halfhazard and it's not just random there is no basic thing as luck as we like to think it everything is sort of like pre-planned you know we set up different paths um that we can take but they're all going to get us to our overall what I call like the souls agenda the agenda the of why we phys P personally and physically came into this existence there's certain things that we want to either experience go over Rectify typically this usually isn't our first time around the block uh
it isn't our first barbecue as they say um and so we have different things we want to learn fix sort of to round out our understanding of things um someone asked me once is this real or is this just a hologram this is very real but it's like living a play we're performing a play it's a serious play but it's a play understanding that um has really helped me out a lot through all the different things I've been through in this life there is a current of love that's behind everything everything love is literally the
basic Foundation of everything it doesn't always show up as pretty it's got to show up as how we can best see it but it's always there love is literally like the building block of all existence it's the one cohesive force that just makes everything run it's Sublime it's beautiful it's harmonious it's perfect and if we can just accept that and and see and understand that um it kind of flips the switch on our perspective of things and just helps us to see things in a whole different way if you can realize this Vena or this
you is not separate uh from the spiritual world it's just a tiny part of it you're never separate from it you are it [Music] for [Music]
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