How To Answer Any Question In English

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Speak English With Tiffani
Answer any question in English using this simple 5-Step Method. ====================================...
Video Transcript:
when i was studying korean maybe about three or four years ago i remember being in class and i was about to take a test the teacher sat down in front of me and i could feel my heart start to beat really fast my mind started racing because i didn't know what she was going to ask me it was funny because during class everything was great we had a good time myself my other classmates and my teacher but suddenly when the test came and the teacher sat down opened her notebook and then opened her mouth and
she was about to ask me a question i felt like my mind went blank and i still remember that question i still remember that exact scene she asked me to tell her about a memory that i can never forget something from my childhood that meant something and i felt like i didn't know what to say now i did answer the question but it was difficult and i realized that you experience the same thing sometimes you want to speak in english and then someone asks you a question and you have no idea what to say well
today i am gonna give you what you need i'm gonna teach you how to answer any question in english using a five step method very simple now i need you to do one thing before we start you see when i teach these lessons my goal is to help students just like you around the world i have a big goal my goal is to help 1 billion students around the world and i need your help all you have to do is like share and subscribe that's right like this video share it and then subscribe to this
channel when you do those three things it tells youtube wait a minute this video this channel is good it can help people so one more time like share subscribe come on i said like share subscribe last time like share subscribe i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in [Music] all right here we go so let's say for example someone asks you a question about art the question may be who is your favorite painter now you probably remember that i am an artist i love to draw and paint but if someone asks you that question how would
you answer well you can answer by simply using the five w's who what when where and why so for me who my favorite painter is a man named chuck close he's an awesome painter so what my favorite painter when currently where america and why creativity great detail and passion now what happens is you organize your thoughts first before you answer the question you see i just organized my ideas based on the five w's so now i can answer the question look at my answer my answer is currently my favorite painter is an american painter named
chuck close because he paints with creativity great detail and passion i answered all of the five w's in my answer to the person's question it doesn't matter the topic as long as i'm using this five step method but let's say the topic changes let's say for example they ask you a question about books i'm curious do you like reading do you like books let me know all right so let's say the question is what is your favorite book again five step method five w's who francine rivers what best seller redeeming love that's the name of
the book when 1991 where america and why i enjoy reading love stories now i want to pause really quickly if you've never read this book oh my goodness this book is amazing it's a modern day version of a bible story but it will blow your mind it will help you improve your english it will help you understand better your comprehension and it will teach you so many new vocabulary words and expressions so i would all the way advise you to read this book alright so again the question is what is your favorite book and i
use the five w's to organize my thoughts so what's my answer here's how i would answer this question i enjoy reading love stories so my favorite book is the 1991 american bestseller redeeming love by francine rivers you see how i did that right you see how i made that advanced english sentence just by using the five w's you can do the same thing all right so let's say again the topic changes remember i'm teaching you how to answer any question in english it doesn't matter what the topic is but let's say for example the topic
is career and they ask you what kind of job do you do no worries i can answer that who i or me what working as a computer engineer truthfully i'm working as your english teacher all right but just for the example working as a computer engineer when since 2010 where a design firm in my city and why my friend is the ceo now look at the sentence since 2010 i have enjoyed working as a computer engineer for a design firm in my city because my friend is the ceo you're seeing these advanced english sentences you're
seeing how to answer any question using the five w's it's so simple if you apply the right method but again we're going to look at some more topics because you may need a little more proof some more examples so let's say for example they ask you about your dreams i am curious tell me what your dream is what is your dream job or what would you like to do in the future put in the comment section you know practice your english all right so here's the question what was your dream when you were a child
all right no worries who me what dream was to become a doctor now that's actually true i want it to be an ob gyn you know the doctor that delivers babies that's what i wanted to be but you see how things changed now i'm an english teacher and i love it alright so when when i was a child where in the world and why to heal all the sick people so here's my sentence when i was a child my dream was to become a doctor so that i could heal all of the sick people in
the world alright so we answered the question but now what if they ask you about education they say why is education so important now i've asked this type of question to my students before when i was in korea and even now with students that i meet on a regular basis and i realize that as a student learning english sometimes you get questions that ask you to give a deep answer and sometimes you feel like your mind goes blank right well again even when you're asked a deep question that requires lots of thought all you have
to remember is the five w's method who what when where and why so again why is education so important well here's my answer who the children what education is important when in the future where our society and why they will become the future leaders so i can say in my opinion education is important because the children of today will become the future leaders of our society in the future you talk about an a plus answer come on y'all and you could do the same thing all right so again i answered all of the w's in
my answer now what if they ask you about food y'all know i love food all right what if they ask you about food well here's the question what is your favorite type of food to eat now i'm gonna answer the question for the example but i'm curious do you all remember what my favorite food is i mentioned two things but one of them is my top favorite in the comment section i want to see who gets this right who knows what my favorite food is let's see how much you know all right so again the
example question is not about me all right okay so here we go who what when where why who me what favorite type of food to eat popcorn again this is not my answer when in the evening where at home and why snack on it while watching television so my favorite type of food to eat when i get home in the evening is popcorn because i usually snack on it while i watch my favorite television program so again answered all the five w's in my answer to this question it's so important to remember these five w's
but now here's the thing right we have many more examples to look at but you're probably thinking to yourself teacher this method is really good a tif i really like the five w's and and it seems so simple but who can help me make sure that my answers are grammatically correct i get grammar questions all the time or teacher how do i know if i'm doing it right you're basically asking for a tutor you're asking for someone to help you and that's why i want to tell you about our sponsor today today's sponsor is cambly
now you guys know i talk about cambly a lot i love cambly and the reason why i love them so much is because they literally care about you they want to help you achieve your goals and they want to give you one on one attention one-on-one classes so when you learn something with me you can go to a cambly tutor and practice with them they have tutors from america from australia from canada native english speaking countries and they're ready to help you and again i told you i love cambly and one of the main reasons
is because they want to help you my student what they want to do is give you a discount so the coupon code right here on the screen use this coupon code and get a discount now all of the links are in the description so click the link use the coupon code and start studying with a tutor today improve your english put into practice what i'm teaching you so again cambly thank you so much you guys are awesome alright so you're gonna practice with cambly as you go through the the five w's and answer certain questions
and we just talked about food but let's say the topic changes let's say someone asks you about games and they say what types of games do you play at parties again same method five w's who my friends and i what usually play acting games when when i go to parties where at parties and why we love those types of games so i can say i usually play acting games when i go to parties with my friends because we love those types of games now you're probably wondering teacher what's an acting game we're going to take
a pause in our lesson and play a game really quickly now again i've already asked you to type in the comment section what you think my favorite food is now i'm going to see if you can guess what i'm acting out i'm not going to tell you the answer i just want to see if you can type the answer in the comment section so here we go i'm going to act something out and i want you to tell me what i am eating okay you ready all right it's gonna be a little hard now that's
a hard one i want you to type in the comment section what you think i am eating i'm very curious to see who's gonna get this one right but again i acted something out and you had to guess that's one of the games we like to play all right so next let's see if they ask you a question about your home what type of home would you like to live in so again who what when where and why i what want to live in a similar cute house when after i get married where in the
suburbs and why i used to live in a cute house so here's the sentence when i was growing up i lived in a cute house so after i get married i would like to live in a super assumer a similar cute house in the suburbs all right i don't take those out because i think whenever i mess up it helps you realize that even native english speakers sometimes have to correct themselves don't worry alright so similar cute house again so i'm answering the question by answering the five w's now again a different topic helping you
guys to see how it doesn't matter what the topic is let's say it's about identity alright what is your best physical feature who people what my best physical feature is my smile now this one is true people tell me all the time that they really like my smile and they feel happy when they see me smile so i think my best physical feature is my smile alright so we continue since i was a child where everywhere why always told me it is great so i think my best physical feature is my smile because since i
was a child people everywhere have always told me it is great so again even in answering a question about a physical feature we still use the five w's it's very important all you have to remember who what when where and why you only have to remember the five w's method all right again let's see another topic to see if it really works karaoke yes you guys know i love to sing you know what one of my favorite songs so my friends and i when we were in south korea we'd go to the karaoke room we'd
call it a noraebang for those that are korean and yaya norebang and i would sing so many songs um one of my favorite songs uh let me see um you say i'm crazy but you don't really know what you've done and when you call me baby i go i'm not the only one i had to kind of sing that real quick that was my favorite song to sing when i was in south korea so maybe you guys like karaoke rooms too all right so here's the question though let's say for example someone says have you
ever been to a karaoke room now you may be tempted just to say no i haven't or to say yes i have but you want to give an advanced english sentence here you go again who what when where why some friends and i what went to a karaoke room when i was in university where near our university and why to sing songs all throughout the night here's my answer when i was in university some friends and i went to a karaoke room near our university to sing songs all throughout the night you see you've kind
of developed a picture and image of what happened to me because i answered all of the five w's when i give you my answer suddenly in your brain you start to say ah teacher was in university she was with her friends it was at night a place near the university you start to create this image that's why it's so important for you when you answer to answer the five w's and the person listening to you will feel like they understand better alright okay here we go love you know we all like love all right so
love question do you love not do you but who do you love the most alright here we go who my husband what loved when always where no matter where i go why i can feel his love for me now i'm not married yet but you know god has a plan don't you worry alright here we go i have always loved my husband the most because no matter where i go i can feel his love for me alright so again someone asked me a question about love but i was still able to apply the five w's
and answer the question that's what you need to do now i really really hope you enjoyed this lesson there is a part two now part two is very important what you're seeing right here are the worksheets that go along with part two you see in part two i explain how you can practice what i taught you today part two is so important now if you're already a part of my academy you can just click the link in the description and you can go watch part two right now if you're not in my academy you need
to go to this link right here let's jump right in dot com and you need to enroll right now because part two is going to help you go to the next level and apply what you learned in this video guys i really hope you enjoyed today's lesson i really want you to improve your english and have confidence to answer any question no matter what someone asks you again i want to thank cainly for sponsoring this video don't forget guys to practice what i taught you you also need to get a tutor and cambly has a
special coupon just for you so click the link in the description alright guys i will talk to you next week but as always remember to speak english [Music] you know what time it is it's story time ay i said it's story time alright guys i really enjoy singing that song [Music] all right so actually today in america is father's day now i'm recording this video before father's day but since it is going live on father's day i want to tell you a funny story about my dad now i may have told some of you this
story before but i'm going to tell it again and for those that don't know the story oh you're in for a treat so my dad is a great guy he loves us he takes care of his family but he also likes to help other people just to tell you the kind of person he is very kind and considerate now if i ask for something my dad will give it to me the same goes for my sister and my mom he really just loves his family now i remember several several years ago uh it was a
christmas it was christmas and we were all sitting as a family in our family room and we were sitting at the tree and we were just handing out gifts to each other you know like i gave a gift to my mom i gave a gift to my sister to my dad and then we all continued to exchange gifts and there was one gift left under the tree and i looked at my mom because it said to daddy i said i looked at my sister first did you did you buy that for daddy she said i
didn't buy it so then i thought oh maybe my mom bought the gift and just put daddy on there for my sister and i so i looked at my mom and i was like did you buy that gift she said no i didn't so my dad proceeds to pick up the box and say oh oh you guys are awesome you guys are so amazing you guys bought me this we were like yeah daddy yep yep so he proceeds to open the box again we're still looking at each other like who in the world bought this
gift opens the box and it's now i don't remember what the exact gift was but it was something he really wanted he said now when my dad gets excited he's like oh shucky ducky my dad gets excited he was really excited we're like man whoever bought this gift wow they really knew what daddy wanted so he takes it out the box and he's you know either unpacking it and everything and so i said wait a minute i said daddy he said yeah baby girl yeah baby girl he calls me baby girl i'm the youngest yeah
baby girl i said who bought that gift for you he said y'all bought that for me i said daddy i didn't get that for you your wife mommy didn't get it for you neither did your daughter simona get it for you so i said daddy who bought that gift he looked down gave a smile he said big daddy bought that gift baby girl big daddy [Laughter] my dad bought his own gift and wrapped it and put it under the tree so it's kind of been an ongoing joke for our family now when it comes to
my dad if he really wants something and he doesn't think we're gonna get it for him or that we don't know he wants it he'll just buy it for himself wrap it up and put his name on it so it's hilarious so you kind of can see the kind of guy my dad is he's very considerate very loving he'll give you the shirt off of his back but he'll also give himself gifts i hope you guys enjoyed the story i would love to know about your dad tell me something funny he did and if you
are a dad i want to say happy father's day to you alright guys i will talk to you next week
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