Champs ask yourself this one question what do BLS like am man gadzi Alex hosi and Andrew Tate all have in common some of you nerds might be thinking it's their top tier physiques no homo but it's not what they have in common is that they all have cult audiences and these cult audiences are what's putting them on track to become the next wave of billionaires but what if you could also build a cult audience what would happen if you could also build a personal brand stacked to the tits with raving now despite what you think
there is a formula for building a brand audience so strong that it turns into a money printing machine and in today's video I'm going to give you the exact formula and framework that all of these guys use so that you can build a personal brand audience of cult-like hyper fans without all the downsides that comes along with being Infamous the truth is that we are entering the next season of The Creator economy and you have no time to waste and despite it being forecast to double in size in the next few years to over half
a billion dollars if you don't play by these rules you won't survive let alone Thrive right jams you're about to get the goods and you'll want to stick around to the end where I have a little gift for you as well as giving you the two power sentences that if you say in your content will have your fans frothing to hand over their cash and fair warning if you're one of those Tik Tok infected teens with the attention span of a coked up rat then honestly mate you may as well piss off for the rest
of you though let's dive [Music] in okay welcome to the cult audience formula this one's going to be a good one and you guys are going to want to pay close attention to this one okay so there's six parts to this formula and I'm going to take you through this framework that I've kind of ciphered from watching all of these dudes over the years so the first part of this framework is understanding that for people to be able to feel like they know you they have to know your world and the best example ever of
a world that people have come to love as a brand are these guys AKA your friends well I mean if you've seen the TV show they probably feel like your friends and that is the point I'm explain to you why that is so friends was the biggest TV show of the '90s and early 2000s and when I was growing up and you got to feel like you knew them as friends that was kind of like a meta part of the TV show itself because they had a few different components to the show the first was
that there were characters you probably had your favorite characters mine was Jerry tribiani epic character favorite matal Blanc absolute hero so they had characters and what this did is this made you feel like you knew them at a very very personal level and these characters also had Side characters so we had things like uh Chandler's parents we had Rachel's sister we had Ross and his I guess the ugly naked guy that lived across from him um Monica I can't remember what monik had I just remember she was fat at one point but you get my
point they had characters now all of these characters also had interests for example like Joey clearly was an actor but he also liked food um Phoebe infamously became kind of known for her love of music and she was it and that was kind of the the joke but they had interests and again this was another layer that allowed you to really understand and feel like you knew these people like friends like literally like friends and the final piece of this world that they had was they had sets so there were the apartments that they had
all of them had their own Apartments they obviously had Central Park coffee shop um and all of the other sets as well so there these were the three main components that they had in their world I'm going to show you some examples of how these guys these influence had the same so the likes of Andrew and trist and Tate their characters are themselves and quite frequently they post content about the people kind of very close to them in their Circle in their world um Alex would be nothing without Leila and Leila would be nothing without
Alex the two examples of people having characters in your world it's the same with our mate a man not my mate yeah he had his mom or has his mom and would constantly talk about how his mom was the kind of like Guiding Light in his life wanting to look after her so these are the characters that these people have they also have sets so for example the tap Brothers they have their like compound in Romania the uh hosis have their new acquisition. comom office if you're familiar with that that like their gym that they
have and all that stuff um and a man gazi has his houses dotted around the world which those are his sets so that's what you guys need to do and I'm going to show you an example of how I do this so by the way if you're new here my name's Tom nice to meet you and I am the founder of Creator launch yes inspired by Alex wosi and we have a program we've got a high ticket scaling program called scale 20 uh which helps creators either get to 20K or add additional 20K increments to
their monthly income uh that's what I do and we'll kind of talk a little bit about how that works in a little bit later on um but here's my world just at a glimpse if you if you don't know who I am some of you who may know who I am follow me on Instagram this is where I share my world I love golf that's one of the things I love I also love exercise I also show my set which is this is across the river from where I live in London and I also love
house music and miss behaving I also love skiing and being in the mountains so these are the parts of my world and I'm intentional about showing these things at very specific times whether it's through my long form content or my short form content so that is number one that is your world and it's probably a good idea for you to define those things okay what's up next let's follow this little gray path down to your conviction so you have to have conviction in a few different areas um the main one being that your way is
better than all the other ways that can be done now the truth is and this is the Dirty Little Secret of Entrepreneurship that no one ever tells you about not even the great Alex hosi everything works everything works so if everything works why are there so many ways to do things because you have to choose the right way for you so for example me I hate doing things like cold Outreach and therefore I have a system of lead generation that relies on not cold Outreach and so I have chosen specifically to do things in a
specific way and so an example of hosan his conviction is the fact that he's written loads of books on these things so he had his first gy launch Secrets book and that eventually turned into $100 million offers and then he's now releasing his his collection of $100 million books and so you need to have your mechanisms detailed and you need to have conviction around them and what conviction looks like is belief so you need to have belief that your way is the best way and I'm going to show you how I have that around mine
and the other side to this is that your mechanisms and models have an antithesis and those that antithesis is your enemy and so for example for me cold cold dming cold email cold Outreach work works I just absolutely hate it because it's not how I choose to use my time and so my belief is that is twofold one of my beliefs is that funnels suck because what you end up happening is you have a whole load of people that go through this thing and then end up in this big old pile of dead leads that
just do not get they're just it's a waste of money so you pay for lead generation you put energy time into getting these leads and then end up in a pile of dead leads to be forgotten whereas I believe the better way to do things is to put people into a flywheel instead of a funnel so what happens is we drive we drive uh leads through one simple ad we then get people over into our community with one simple Community we then pre-sell them on the value of working us with working with us with one
simple video and then we get results with them through one simple offer that's our value delivery system and this way what happens is people stay in the system and you nurture people over time and so you don't end up with this dead pile of leads like you do with the funnel that's my belief and what I have is I've wrapped up that belief into a thesis into my high ticket growth code thesis and you can find out what that is through one of the links in the descript description you'll be able to find it so
that is my conviction and you need to find your conviction the more convicted You Are by the way the easier you will sell okay so next up we have your journey so this is made up of a few things first up your origin so where did you start then your vision where are you going and then your mission why do you do the things you do why is your vision the way it is and I'm going to give you some examples of the best way to share this um I'm going to share share it through
hosi and IM man gazi so gadzi started posting videos like this is 8 years ago so 8 years ago he was posting videos documenting him being obsessed with bodybuilding talking about the conjugate method a method in my opinion actually is the most effective method for building muscle but I remember I was watching videos at the same time around the conjugate method 8 years ago and a man gazi was making videos about it and now he's making videos about how to make a million dollars and that's eight years later so he started and he documented his
entire journey and that's pretty much what hosi did he talks about this in his um in his podcast the game which is the the mission for documenting this is that he always wished Buffett uh musk and Bezos had documented their Journey from zero to where they got to and so he is doing that and so he did the same you know six years ago um was first video on YouTube and then now he's posting every day so that's how you do it and this is how I did it as well I started posting six years
ago um and so I've been doing this too and and if you haven't already subscribe because if if you haven't like you just going to miss the rest of the good stuff so subscribe the lesson here though is that you have to be prolific that's the real lesson is that your journey means jack if it isn't prolific so for example the game with Alex Orosi dude has made 750 episodes and I saw on Alex homo's YouTube YouTube channel that he's made 2,900 videos on his YouTube channel I mean obviously that's with shorts and stuff as
well but still prolific uh I can't remember what a man gazi has but you need to document your journey okay next up we have your results so here's a key distinction that you need to make you despite you thinking so you are not the hero your audience is the hero and you need to provide content that makes them see that they are the hero and they can become the hero of Their Own Story the best way to do this is through showing your results and there are a couple of ways to do this my favorite
ways are case studies and customer stories in the in the form of interviews that's why I have some interviews on my YouTube channel and that's why I share results in my content so Instagram in my school community so flee getting a 4K 16 we program closed Dan had the biggest month of his life for $20,000 Steven closed a new 8K client Santa closed a 4K client the other day these I mean like I was like I can't put loads of these in here because it would just take up forever so but you get the idea
you need to give it evidence and and proof that you're capable of doing what you can and this is an example of gym launch so gym launch they have a huge case studies page and same with their YouTube channel there's loads of case studies and results there so you need results okay next up we have your transformation now your transformation is made up of a few different things so there's first up is your relatable downfall moment you then have your Phoenix Rising moment so when you went got down to the bottom and then all the
way back up and then your track record like where have you been what have you done why should people listen to you so hosi he's had his transformation again very interesting that like bodies get used a lot in these like going even though this is a transformation of someone who is saying he's you know he's young and now he's rich and jacked I guess you want to be rich and jacked who doesn't want to be rich and jacked just like Hamza who went from being a nerd to Rich and jacked and I guess that's why
I have similar YouTube thumbnails or thumbnails going from being a nerd to well not as rich as those guys but definitely jacked well depends on your definition of Jack um and the fact that I used to be a cosmetic dentist and now I'm an online entrepreneur and the fact that when I first went into entrepreneurship I got in the worst shape of in my life because I was stressed as and now I'm back somewhat in shape so that is my transformation Transformations work really well because it proves that you have done the journey that your
prospects are hoping to achieve and you're showing that it's possible so your transformation is really key when it comes to building a cult audience okay next up we have your identity now this is something that Hamza does extremely well I'll explain to you in a second this is the idea of an aspirational identity so this is uh in Ham's world you you can see it very very like obviously um in this idea of uh I can't remember what do they call this guy Jeffrey or something Jeffrey I think it's they call him Jeffrey but the
idea that there is this this Jeffrey who is the anti- hero to their aspirational identity which is uh whatever Adonis I guess that's the name of his school Adonis anyway see but you see how he's using this visual imagery in this so you you need to give people an aspirational identity give it a name and what these people do really well or like what these influencers do really well is give people a lexicon to use so if you've ever ever wondered why I say certain things it's intentional so you want to give you want to
have an versus them frame you want to tell people that there are those people doing that over there and but we are different for these reasons and you do that through demonstrating and talking about your core values so the aspirational ident identity is made up of name and lexicon um and so you know Hamza again like he's portraying this kind of image of like being this guy that people just want to look up to social jacked like clean cut Rich wealthy travel abroad it's very intentional so that's the aspirational identity so for me for example
my aspirational identity that I have for my community is called Freedom creators and it's this idea that freedom creators build businesses more intentionally which we talked about at the beginning of the uh like beginning of this which is that people if you do not build your business with intention then you build it by default um and it's my lexicon for example is why I use things like right Champs and if you know me um and you've been around here for a while you'll get that and I have a freedom creators code and so this is
a list of things that we do differently to typical business Builders so Freedom creators we're lifestyle first whereas business Builders a business First Freedom creat is a profit first we think about profit whereas bu business Builders a revenue first really key distinction for us is that we do marketing based conversion rather than sales-based conversion so it means we don't have to hire huge sales teams um and we have zero pressure offer invites instead of having high pressure sales calls compact team lean team we have recurring Revenue rather than just like a revenue roller coaster we
only work with dream clients so we off all the ones um we cap spots so we're not just unlimited to drive up demand we have we use one simple flywheel instead of using C loads of crazy complex funnels um we have warm conversation instead of having cold conversations we we have we focus on lead efficiency rather than lead volume we have an intimate tribe rather than a huge audience we have an empty diary rather rather than a full diary and we're always fed apart from as opposed to always hunting we're free instead of being stuck
so that's a little that's how I have my freedom Creator code and that's how I do it so that is what makes up the cult audience formula so the cult audience formula is made up of three different things we've got our world we've got our stories and we have our proof so our world is made up of our world and your conviction stories is made up of your journey and your results and then proof is made up of your transformation and your identity so that is the cult audience formula and here is your little tease
at the end I said that there were two sentences two power sentences that if yeah if like if you do if you add them in to your content people will pay you a lot so what are they so the first one is we'll go back to that the first one is if you are like me and that is a nod to calling people out for their aspirational identity being like hey if you aspire to be like like me if you are like me then blah blah blah and the other one is I get this I
get asked this all the time and this one is a massive Authority play because this shows that you are in people are asking you about your your uh your perspective all the time so those are the two power sentences that you if you watch these guys speak you'll hear them talk about this stuff all the time okay now I want you to choose your adventure you got a couple of options here so first up you can become a member of my free private Community scale by Creator launch this is for creators who are looking to
scale you know who you want to serve you've made some money you're you probably got some case studies but now it's time to add some scaling in we have a bunch of free resources in here and other resources that you can access to and if you want that the link is down below so that is number one number two is if you are looking to actually scale and you want to be surrounded by a network of high performing entrepreneurs who are all doing the exact same thing then I would like to invite you to our
scale two scale 20 program and this is relaunching in the next couple of weeks um and if you would like more information about that about how you can become a private client of mine then you need to DM me on Instagram so that is if you are interested in getting Mentor by me and becoming a client then if you would like to join a daily insiders Insight newsletter for high ticket Freedom creators only you can join through the link down below and there are over 1500 people on that list and then finally if you want
to understand my thesis about funnels are dead and that you need to use a flywheel then you go click on that video right there that was sick I'll see you in the next one