Your Funnel SUCKS! Here's How to Fix It.

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Russell Brunson
Don't tell anyone, but I bought another company! Let's dive into the exciting news of Russell Brunso...
Video Transcript:
most of the funnels we launch don't just crush it what normally happens you build a funnel you launch it and it doesn't do that well most people like ah this funnel thing's a scam doesn't actually work before you open up clickfunnels you got to do this first this will change the way you build funnels forever you're listening to marketing secrets with your host Russell Brunson okay so today I want to talk about guu so the first question is what is giru how do we find it why did we buy it and what in the world are we going to be doing with it so the story actually dates back to almost 20 years ago some of you guys who have been around my world you've heard me told tell the story about the very first person I ever saw who broke the 4minute mile in internet marketing and it was John reee hey it's John Reese and I have an interesting question for you John reee was the first person to make over a million dollars in a day selling a course was it less than 24 hours yeah it was like 18 hours in 18 hours you make a million dollars the course was called traffic secrets and a decade and a half later I bought the domain from him I wrote a book called traffic secrets and all that whole story but originally came back to John ree John ree was the first real um big internet marketing Guru he was the first person to do these big numbers these big things and everyone was following him studying him and it's interesting because back then he had the best names for everything he had traffic Secrets he happened to own marketing Secrets weird that's the name of this podcast now you know I bought marketing secrets from him I bought traffic secrets from him I bought basically every business he's ever created I've given him money for it eventually uh and shortly after we launched clickfunnels he created a really cool product called guu guu is funnel simulation software so you can say if I was to build a funnel and click funnels what would it look like one I'm going to have a landing page and then after they put their email address on page one then they're going to go to a sales page and then if someone buys a product here they're going to go to an order form and if they say yes there's going to be upsell one and then a down sell and then upsell two and a you can map out the entire funnel what you want to look like which is kind of cool but there's a lot of software you can map out a funnel you could just do it on a pad of paper or a whiteboard like I typically traditionally do if you ever watched any of my trainings 99. 9% of them I'm on a whiteboard mapping out a funnel right so that part's not difficult but what guaru does that's really really cool is after you map out the entire funnel it gives you the ability to simulate like what would happen if we sent traffic and and what would happen if this page converted this rate and this rate and so what you can do is on each page say okay let's say the landing page converts at 30% right so you set 30% let's say the sales page converts at 5% let's say upsell one converts it so you guess what you think the conversion rates are going to be and then you can actually set up traffic have traffic flow into this funnel and say okay I'm going to go on Facebook and let's say on Facebook it's going to cost me $3 a click or $150 or click or whatever you think it's going to be right and on YouTube it's going to cost me this much and so you build out like a simulation of what this funnel could possibly look like and you can click a button and sit back and watch and you see traffic going through it and see the numbers popping out and the end of the day you can see like hey if if this funnel converts to what my guess was I'm going to break even or I'm going to lose money or I'm going to be rich right and you just play and you tweak around with it till you figure out what it needs to be for this funnel to actually be successful and if you look at that you can say do I think that's going to be possible and if it is then you take that that funnel map that simulation whatever it is and you would go into clickfunnels and then actually build it out and you can launch it to the world and what's cool is after you launch it to the world you can actually look at what the stats and numbers look like go back to fun funnel simulation software and plug it all in okay this is what it actually cost me on Facebook what it actually cost me on YouTube this what the at landing page conversion actually was and then you can see like based on if I keep driving traffic to this I'm going to go broke or I'm going to be rich whatever that might be right and so that's kind of what guu is it's funnel simulation software and it's a a tool that I was using for a long long time for myself um in fact when when we launched the traffic Secrets book the first upsell I wanted to be was an account to giru and it's kind of funny cuz I went to John ree at the time I said hey can we buy licenses from you and um and be able to put these in as the upsell and um John told me no and I feel bad because again traffic secrets. com was his domain name I bought for him and it became the book and because he wouldn't sell me licenses to gear to give to all of you guys um we ended up finding another uh company there's something similar I don't think they did as good of a job but they built a similar software and that became the upsell and fast forward I know a year or two later um John came back to me and said okay I'm ready to sell giru do you want to buy it as well and because I'd bought basically everything else he'd ever sold it's like ah should we do it should we not do it and that brings us to the decision should we buy another company we had just bought magnetic marketing we just bought boomle we were in debt a lot of money especially from buying boomle it was not cheap as you guys if you listen to past podcast episodes know but there's one thing we got from the boomle acquisition if you guys listen to that episode you remember the funnel I walked you guys through what Brad Kal did different on that funnel that made that company blow up why was it doing $40 million a year it's because of the way the funnel was structured and uh as John came and offered us to purchase guu from I looked at I said this is a cool product it's a cool brand it's cool software all these things but I knew that the funnel wasn't structured correctly okay this was the REM brand in the Attic again referencing a past episode I knew that what I could do with Yu by just shifting the way the funnel was structured to modeling what we had done in dudle and tunley that now this could become a front end where I could sell a th000 2,000 3,000 copies of gear a week and what's cool about that is on the back end someone who buys funnel simulation software guess what else they probably want they probably want funnel software to actually build the funnel right so there's a direct immediate like perfect match between gear.
com and clickfunnels. com which means we could use gearu as complete Break Even company some you guys heard me talk about Break Even funnels before but guiru the goal is not to be a break even funnel it's to be a break even company entire gearu company if I can just get it where using this model I can get again 500 to, brand new customers a day buying funnel simulation software and then from there we get half those people or a third of those people to become uh clickfunnels customers that is the big secret so the question then is like well what has happened with it um we bought the company I think it's been five or six months now and initial step one of the process was again keep things working so like you know keep traffic keep things happening um but then the like improvements on the software we wanted to make so it was getting the dev team to make these improvements and some tweaks and some changes and things just to make the software a little bit better and then the big one was to transition the funnel structure from uh what it was before into the model that Brad C had perfected with the doodle and the tunley funnels and so that's what we've been working on for the last couple months and I'm happy to announce well by the time you guys watch this uh that funnel could and should be actually live and so you have a chance if you go to gu. com you have a chance to see it I'd recommend go to gu.
com and then leave and then let the ads follow you around and when they do um that's you'll see the secret uh behind the scenes funnel and so I'm excited to to roll this out because um I think it's going to become a really really big front end for clickfunnels one of my goals probably two or three years ago I sat down with our team and I was like I want to figure out how do we create more non Russell based front ends like it's Graz that Russell wrote a book and Russell wrote another book and Russell has a has a webinar Russell like all these things like it's tough because Russell is clickfunnels and and there's never any separation right like if I get hit by a bus what happens like clickfunnel struggles because all of a sudden the face which is the big reason why we bought Dan Kennedy's company right now Dan Kennedy is a face for clickfunnels he's written like 40 books we have 40 uh potential funnels coming in all bringing people into uh magnetic marketing which then brings people into clickfunnels right buying uh the Voom business right Dudley tunley those are all uh non russle based front ends guu is the non-russell based front end you'll see many more of these rolling out over the next year or two because my number one personal goal is to make it where Russell is one of the faces of clickfunnels not where I am the face of clickfunnels I'm I'm excited now that you guys kind of know a little bit about it first off for you guys to go get the software test it play with it see how it works uh see you like about it please let us know in the comments like oh I wish I did this I wish I did this like let us know those things we're looking for feedback as we're doing the new relaunch roll out of it uh but as a whole the software is solid it's it's powerful like and we've been using it now for a couple years as customers and I'm excited now to have a chance to bring it uh to you guys as a an amazing product you know as powerful as is for you as a marketer or as a you know a team to be able to do funnel simulations if you run an agency um that's one of the other real big powerful purposes cuz when you're running agency a lot of times you're going to a client and you're like Hey we're going to build you a funnel they're like what's a funnel and then you know you try to explain to them then you build them a funnel you give it to them they're like I don't know what this is and then you launch it and then they're like Oh I thought I was going to be a billionaire like I'm poor and like they'll understand it right the most powerful thing you can do as an agency is to help your person understand like so you map out here's what the funnel is going to look like now let me show you what happens we're going to put $100 a day into into Facebook ads right and if this page converts at 1% you know you show them the whole thing like if it this is what it looks like it means that you're not going to get any leads but if we get this to convert at 3% or 8% right if we get ads cost here or whatever the thing might be you show them like this is where you start getting profitable customers then we can go from $100 a day to $1,000 a day and that's when your company blows up right but then you show them what it looks like before you ever give them an actual funnel they have a chance to look at it and understand it and then what happens is when you come back and you build them a funnel and you launch it and you're like hey we spent $100 and we broke even your client's not angry they're like oh cool it means we're at 3% right so what percentage we I get to you to to make it more profitable and then they understand the process and so it's one of the most powerful agency Tools in in the world in fact I think upsell number two is like an agency account where you can like do that where actually you can build out the fun funnel simulation and it doesn't even say guu anywhere like you can brand it with yourself so it's like oh Russell's funnel agency made this really cool software let me show you how the simulations you can show people and like makes you look like a rock star even though uh we're doing all the work on the back end and so there's so many cool things here but it gives you the ability to really see uh exactly what's happening and then from there be able to call your funnel audibles right I've done funnel hacking live now two two different times I did presentations about funnel audibles and it's funny because I've had multiple people afterwards ask me like what is a funnel like what is an audible they didn't know what that was so what an audible is in football if a quarterback comes with the line of scrimmage and they call the play like this is what play is going to be and he sits there looks out over all he's like oh my gosh this play is not going to work cuz that gu there and that guy's there this is not going to work he calls an audible so the last second he's like hey hey RI Flair RI Flair whatever thing is right he says something different and all the people hear that they know that the play is changed insteading the play we were planning on we're changing it to this play that's what a funnel able is right most of the funnels we launch don't just crush it day number one some do which that's amazing but that's rare few and far between what normally happens you build a funnel you launch it and it doesn't do that well or it does okay or break evens or it loses money and most people like ah this funnel thing's a scam Russell brunson's a scam it doesn't actually work reminds me of on Dumb and Dumber huh I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this that John Denver's full of man cuz people try fun it doesn't work and they're like oh like that Russell brunson's full crap that John Denver anyway so that's what funnel auds are about knowing before you go into time that like most funnels don't work the first time right it's like we're trying to make our best possible educated guess right based on we do our funnel hacking look at like what's working in the market and we do our best stuff we WR the best copy cre the best videos we our best shot put it out there and we see what's going to happen and majority of the time it's not a ro like it's not a huge home run in fact I remember when we first launched the Inner Circle way back in the day and I was teaching everyone do a webinar a week do a webinar a week so everyone was writing webinars they launch them and it was every night they'd message me on like all right my webinar is going live I got 500 people registered I'm so excited and I Vox him back and I'm always like hey just you know really quick um it's probably going to bomb I hate to be the be bad news but if you go into this with like your hopes this high and then it crushes you're going to be broken and tomorrow you're going to be foxing me and you're going to be crying and you're going to be miserable and you're going to be angry you're want to refund like just you know it doesn't typically work the first time at first you're not going to be that good your message is going to be good the the like all the things aren't going to be right right but you get it out there and the market tells you like hey this was great or this was not great and then you can make the tweaks and the changes based on that right hey I did I only sold three things like cool but now we know what's wrong right where do people drop off what were they saying what were happening in the comments like do people like the offer they not like the offer like all the things like now we have data then we can make some good decisions and again if you've been around my training it's either the hook the story or the offer what's the hook like what's wrong one of these things either hook story or offer is wrong on the landing page we got to fix it right whatever the thing might be and so um giru gives you the ability to do these funnel simulations very very quickly anyway I'm excited for it um again I think gearu is going to be a powerful tool for all my funnel hackers which is one of the main reasons why we require I think it's going to be an amazing front end so it'll bring people into click Thrones but also help people who are click Thrones members help serve them so they can be more successful hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode we tied in a lot of different principles from other episodes right the REM brat and the attic we tied in um how we took the funnel structure from doodle. com and we model it over here in gear geo. com like my goal with these with this podcast is that we're keep giving you guys these these ideas and these strategies but you start seeing how to kind of like link these things together hopefully gives you a glimpse inside of my mind and the mind of those those of us clickfunnel to your building things to see like oh I see why Russell did that I could do that my business right I love this game hopefully you guys are enjoying following along with this as well um and with that said if you enjoyed this episode please if you're watching on YouTube comment down below let us know uh again features you want for guu um any other uh questions you have about why we this acquisition how it's going to work and on top of that if you have any other questions you want me to ask answer on the podcast if you go to marketing secrets.
com there's a spot where you can actually ask your questions and your answers and uh they may become a future podcast episode as well so that's thank you guys so much for listening and uh you should go get your account at gear. com G ru.
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