They LIED About The Bible's GOD For Over 2,000 Years

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Have you ever wondered why the Bible seems to present two different versions of God? On one hand, we...
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hey you're reading the Bible and you come across two very different pictures of God on one hand you've got the loving merciful figure the one who forgives sins loves humanity and gives us hope for salvation but on the other hand there's this other side where God is full of wroth ordering Wars mass destruction and unforgiving punishments it feels like you're reading about two different beings right well maybe that's because you are The Duality of God in the Bible is one of the most overlooked and controversial topics in history people have been taught for over 2,000
years that Yahweh the god of the Old Testament is the same as the god of love preached by Jesus but what if that's not the whole truth what if the god woried in ancient Israel wasn't a singular unified force of good but two completely different entities merged into one over time let's take a closer look at Yahweh this name is everywhere in the old test Testament we're talking about a God that wiped out civilizations sent plagues commanded executions and turned entire cities to ashes this isn't the gentle forgiving father figure we hear about in Sunday
sermons Yahweh was a god of fear and control someone ancient civilizations believed you should worship not out of love but out of sheer Terror you don't follow yway you face Annihilation and here's where it gets even weirder the New Testament God doesn't seem like Yahweh at all Jesus talks about a god of love forgiveness turning the other cheek an entirely different tone early Christians noticed this contradiction too in fact some ancient religious sects like the gnostics believed that Yahweh wasn't even the true God at all they thought he was a lesser flawed being a pretender
to the throne in their eyes this God was a false deity one that kept Humanity enslaved in ignorance and fear now let's pause for a second and think about that what if the god that people have been worshiping all along wasn't the ultimate Creator but a dictator trying to keep Humanity under his thumb what if the real God the God of Light Love and Truth has been overshadowed by this false narrative for thousands of years if you dig into Gnostic texts like the Gospel of Thomas or the secret book of John you'll find that they
describe Yahweh as a flawed being what they call the the demage according to them Yahweh was not the Supreme Creator but a lower God who made the material world to trap souls in physical form gnostics believed the real God was Far Beyond Yahweh hidden and unknowable and that Humanity's mission was to break free from yahweh's control to discover higher truths but why doesn't everyone know this why aren't we taught this side of the story because over time the church intentionally merged these two Gods Yahweh the god of judgment and destruction and the loving God of
the New Testament into one one figure they did this to maintain power and control over people's beliefs and for centuries anyone who dared questioned this narrative was labeled a heretic and silenced so when you hear Yahweh described as both loving and WTH ask yourself how can the same God who commands love also command genocide could it be that we've been fed a simplified story that the truth about who God is has been deliberately obscured if Yahweh was just one God among many in the ancient world what does that mean for the idea of monotheism did
the Ancients really believe in one God or were there always multiple deities and Yahweh was simply the one who won the narrative War you ever wonder why certain books made it into the Bible and others didn't like why are some gospels considered holy While others are labeled heretical well the answer isn't divine intervention it's politics pure and simple and it all goes back to one pivotal moment in history the Council of Nikia in the year 325 ad the Roman emperor Constantine had a problem his Empire was falling apart and he needed a way to unify
his people under one belief system Christianity was gaining momentum but there were so many versions of it floating around some Christians believed Jesus was purely Divine While others thought he was just a wise human teacher some groups had different gospels that painted Jesus in a totally different light from what we know know today Constantine realized that if he could standardize the Christian faith he could unite his Empire and that's exactly what he did so he calls together this massive meeting of Bishops and church leaders in Nikia and here's the thing this wasn't a spiritual gathering
this was a political move Constantine didn't care about theology he cared about power and the Council of Nikia wasn't about discovering the true word of God it was about shaping a narrative that would serve the interests of the Roman Empire now let's talk about what actually happened behind closed doors at this Council the most powerful Bishops got together and they had a job to do decide which texts were in and which were out that's right there were many more gospels and writings about Jesus floating around back then than what you see in the New Testament
today ever heard of the Gospel of Thomas it's a mind-blowing text that presents Jesus as more of a mystical teacher encouraging people to seek knowledge and Enlightenment for themselves but guess what it didn't make the cut neither did the Gospel of Mary Magdalene which portrays her as one of Jesus's closest and most important disciples why were these left out because they didn't fit the version of Christianity Constantine wanted he needed a version where Jesus was both Divine and human where church leaders had Authority and where questioning the official story was out of the the question
let's be real the Council of Nikia created the foundation for what we now call Orthodox Christianity but this Orthodoxy wasn't about truth it was about control certain ideas were deemed dangerous too liberating for the people to know they wanted followers not thinkers so they cherp picked the texts that fit their agenda and they branded anything else as heresy Constantine's Council didn't just decide which books would be included in in the Bible they also came up with doctrines like the nyine Creed that would define what Christians were supposed to believe things like the idea of the
Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit as one were solidified at this Council before that not every Christian even believed in the Trinity but after Nikia it became official dogma and if you didn't accept it you were a heretic so what happened to all the alternative texts and beliefs that didn't make it in they were hunted down and destroyed some groups like The gnostics went into hiding to protect their sacred writings others like the cathers were wiped out entirely by the church all in the name of truth but it wasn't truth it was a narrative controlled
by the powers that be the Bible as we know it is the product of a carefully orchestrated political agenda it was shaped mold and edited to fit a specific version of of events one that would benefit those in power and for 2,000 years that version has been presented as the only truth but what if the real story of Jesus the real story of God is buried in the texts that were rejected hidden away or destroyed here's where it gets even more intriguing some of these lost texts have started to resurface in the 1940s a collection
of ancient Scrolls called the nag Hamed library was discovered in Egypt inside were dozens of Gnostic texts that had been buried for centuries including the Gospel of Thomas and the gospel of Phillip these texts offer a radically different perspective on Jesus God and the nature of existence one that was deliberately suppressed by the Council of Nikia so when people tell you that the Bible is the infallible word of God you have to ask which version of God's word are they talking about the one that Constantine and his Bishops carefully curated to fit their agenda or
the full unfiltered truth that was kept Out Of Reach for over two Millennia imagine everything you know about the creator of the universe the god of the Bible right what if I told you that some ancient groups didn't believe this God was the ultimate Creator at all what if they believed that this God was actually a flawed even evil being trapping Humanity in a false reality crazy right well that's exactly what the gnostics believed so who were these gnos ICS they were an early Christian group who had a totally different take on the Bible's God
while mainstream Christianity was teaching that Yahweh the god of the Old Testament was the one true creator the gnostics were like hold up not so fast they believed that Yahweh was not the supreme god instead he was what they called a demage a lower flawed being who created the material world and trapped Humanity within it the gnostics believe that the true supreme god the real source of all goodness and light was Far Beyond Yahweh this true God was hidden unknowable and Way Beyond the physical world we live in according to the gnostics the material world
with all its suffering pain and Corruption was created by the demage and this being was not to be worshiped in fact the demage was more like a Jailer and his creation the material world was a prison for our souls think about that for a second the God that billions of people worship might not be the ultimate God at all according to the gnostics the world we live in is a false reality a trap created by this lower corrupt being and the worst part the demage has tricked Humanity into worshiping him as the true God keeping
us blind to the real Divine source that lies Beyond so how did this happen how did the demage come into being the gnostics had a fascinating story for this according according to them the demiurge was born from a being called Sophia who represents Divine wisdom Sophia wanted to create something on her own without the permission of the true God and in her attempt she accidentally gave birth to this flawed being the demage embarrassed and ashamed of her creation Sophia cast him out into the material world where he believed he was the only God in existence
totally unaware that he was a lower being the demage declared himself the ruler of the universe and demanded worship from Humanity the gnostics saw this whole story as a metaphor for The Human Condition they belied that our souls came from the true God but we were trapped in this flawed Material World created by the demage the goal of human life according to them was to break free from the illusion of the material world and reconnect with the Divine Source Beyond it but the demage didn't want that he wanted to keep Humanity enslaved in ignorance so
he set up systems like organized religion to keep people worshiping him instead of seeking the real God you see how this flips the entire biblical narrative upside down the gnostics weren't just criticizing Yahweh they were saying that the entire material world was a mistake a flawed creation by a being that thought he was God but wasn't and here's the thing they believed that Jesus came not to die for our sins but to wake us up from this illusion in the Gnostic texts Jesus is more of a spiritual teacher a guide to show Humanity the way
out of the Demi's prison and back to the True Divine realm take for example the Gospel of Judas a gnostic text that was discovered in the 1970s in this gospel Jesus actually laughs at his disciples because they're worshiping the wrong God he tells Judas that he's the only one who truly understands because Judas will help him break free from this material world this isn't the Jesus you hear about in church this is a Jesus who's in on the secret that y way the god of the Old Testament is just a pretender these ideas were not
Fringe beliefs gnosticism was a major movement in early Christianity there were entire communities of Christians who believed in this alternative version of the faith but as we saw earlier with the Council of Nikia the church eventually declared these ideas heretical Gnostic texts were destroyed and the gnostics themselves were persecuted the church couldn't allow this idea of a false god to spread because it would have completely undermined their Authority after all if the god they preached wasn't the true God then their entire power structure would collapse so here's the question that's probably buzzing in your mind
right now what if they were right what if the god of the bible really is the demu and Humanity has been worshiping the wrong deity for thousands of years what if the real God is still out there hidden waiting for us to wake up and see through the illusion I know it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie but these were real beliefs held by real people people who were silenced by the early church because their ideas were too dangerous and the crazy part we're only now starting to ReDiscover these texts after centuries of
suppression all right if you thought things were intense before get ready because we're about to dive into one of the darkest bloodiest and most chilling chapters in the history of religion it's one thing to manipulate texts or twist beliefs to fit a narrative but what happens when people start asking questions when they challenge the official story well the church had a simple solution for that silence them and they didn't do it with debates or discussions no no when the church saw a threat they used fire steel and Terror let's talk about the Inquisition the Crusades
the witch hunts all the moments where the church didn't just defend its version of the truth it violently erased that dared to oppose it for over 2,000 years the church has done more than just preach the gospel it has actively hunted down and destroyed ideas people and entire communities that didn't fit their narrative and they didn't do it quietly they did it in the most brutal public ways imaginable so the whole world would know don't mess with the church's version of god let's start with the cathers a peaceful Christian sect in southern France during the
12th century the cathers had their their own version of Christianity that was in a lot of ways closer to the Gnostic ideas we talked about earlier they belied the material world was evil and created by a lower God and they rejected the Old Testament God as the true deity they lived simple nonviolent lives emphasizing spiritual Purity and personal connection to the Divine sounds pretty harmless right well not to the church the cath's beliefs were a direct challenge to the power of the Catholic church and in 1209 Pope Innocent III declared them Heretics What followed was
one of the bloodiest Crusades in European history known as The alian Crusade Catholic armies marched into catha territory slaughtering men women and children by the tens of thousands whole cities were wiped out in the name of defending the true of Faith why because the Cather represented a threat a threat to the church's control over what people believed and have they lived and that's just one example the church's Inquisition was another brutal tool designed to crush any opposition to its teachings if you lived in Europe during the Middle Ages and you dared to question the official
line on God you'd find yourself being dragged before inquisitors tortured until you confessed and then burned alive for the crimes of heresy thousands upon thousands of people many of them ordinary folks were executed their lives destroyed simply for believing something different the Inquisition didn't just Target non-christians or obscure sects like the cathers it went after anyone who questioned the church's Authority even from within Scholars Mystics priests if they strayed too far from the official teachings they were branded Heretics and silenced remember jordano Bruno he was a brilliant philosopher who suggested that the Universe was infinite
and that other planets might have their own forms of life for these ideas and his challenges to the church's teachings he was burned at the stake in 1600 and don't even get me started on the witch hunts for centuries the church fueled Mass Hysteria by convincing people that women usually those who didn't conform to societal Norms were in League with the devil tens of thousands of women were tortured and killed in Europe and the American colonies all because the church needed scapegoats to blame for societal problems women who practiced herbal medicine Midwifery or simply lived
alone were branded as witches and brutally executed in public why to keep people in line to make sure no one strayed from the rigid social and religious order the church had established the church wasn't defending truth it was defending power and that power was fragile for centuries the church was terrified of losing its grip on the masses anytime someone came along with an alternative belief system or dared to ask to many questions the church didn't just respond with sermons it responded with swords fire and torture think about it why would any institution need to go
to such brutal lengths if it truly believed it had the one absolute truth if the church was so sure that its version of God and the Bible was the real one why the need for Mass extermination why silence people instead of engaging in debate the truth is the church's Authority wasn't based on Divine truth it was based on fear fear of rebellion fear of losing control fear of alternative ideas and we can't ignore the fact that this suppression still has Ripple effects today the history of the church's violent response to Alternative beliefs has created a
culture where questioning religious Authority is seen as dangerous where people are afraid to step outside the lines drawn for them but the reality is these ideas that were suppressed whether it was the cathers the gnostics or the so-called Heretics were all part of a larger battle for Spiritual Freedom we've all heard the story of Lucifer right the Fallen Angel the rebellious one the ultimate villain who was cast out of heaven for daring to defy God but here's the thing what if we've been looking at this story all wrong what if Lucifer isn't the villain at
all the name Lucifer literally means lightbringer or Morning Star that's already a huge clue that this story might not be as black and white as we've been told why would the ultimate Evil be called the bringer of light does that sound like someone who's here to lead us into darkness or could it be that Lucifer was bringing light in a different sense knowledge Awakening the kind of light that opens your eyes to the truth let's look at the story of the Garden of Eden for a second the traditional take is that the serpent often associated
with Lucifer was trying to tempt Adam and Eve into disobeying God leading to their downfall but hold on a second what was the serpent really offering them knowledge the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil before they ate it Adam and Eve were basically living in ignorance completely unaware of their own potential they were like children sheltered and unaware of the reality around them and then the serpent says eat this and your eyes will be opened and he's not lying after they eat the fruit Adam and Eve do have their eyes opened
they become aware they start to understand the world around them the difference between good and evil they stop being passive naive creatures and start to take control of their own destiny so was that really such a bad thing or was it exactly what Humanity needed to grow evolve and understand the world in a lot of ancient Traditions the idea of a lightbringer or a Prometheus figure is seen as a positive thing Prometheus in Greek mythology stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity bringing knowledge power and Independence yes he was punished by the
gods for doing it but in the eyes of humanity he's a hero a symbol of rebellion against tyranny could Lucifer be the same kind of figure let's be real for a second in the story of the Fall God is the one who sets up the rules and demands obedience Lucifer is the one who questions that Authority who challenges the idea that blind obedience is the way to live he's the one saying no there's more to life than just following orders there's knowledge wisdom freedom in this light Lucifer's Rebellion isn't about evil it's about challenging Authority
about freeing Humanity from a system of control that keeps us in ignorance but wait it gets even deeper in some Gnostic Traditions Lucifer isn't seen as evil at all in fact he portrayed as a liberator the one who tried to free Humanity from the control of the demage the flawed false god who created the material world in these stories it's the demage who's the True Villain not Lucifer the gnostics believed that Lucifer was trying to help Humanity break free from the prison of the material world to awaken us to the spiritual truth Beyond it the
traditional Church narrative wants us to believe that obedience to God is the ultimate good and Rebellion against God is the ultimate Evil but what if the real story is more complex what if Rebellion isn't inherently bad what if questioning Authority seeking knowledge and choosing Freedom over obedience is actually what makes us human if that's the case then maybe Lucifer so-call fault wasn't a fall at all it was a breakthrough let's talk about how this narrative shift impacts the way we think about morality for centuries the church has preached that Lucifer's rebellion was the ultimate sin
the moment that everything went wrong but if we start to see Lucifer as the bringer of light the one who helped Humanity step into its own power then everything flips is obedience really the highest virtue or is it the courage to seek truth even if that means defying Authority that makes us truly free think about it in a world where questioning Authority is often seen as dangerous where people are told to follow the rules and not asked too many questions Lucifer's story becomes something radically different he's not just the villain of the the Bible is
the symbol of intellectual and spiritual freedom of Breaking Free From A system that keeps us in the dark maybe that's why the church has worked so hard for 2,000 years to paint him as the ultimate villain because a figure who represents questioning rebellion and the pursuit of knowledge is a threat to any system of control and here's the wildest part if we reconsider Lucifer's role then the entire framework of good and evil as we know it starts to fall apart it's not just about obedience versus Rebellion anymore it's about what those things really mean maybe
the real evil isn't in questioning Authority but in blindly following it maybe the real Sin isn't Rebellion but submission to A system that keeps us in the dark you ever wonder why the Bible we have today is so selective like how is it that out of all the ancient texts we ended up with just 66 books or 73 depending on your tradition well the truth is there were a lot more texts out there books that were deliberately left out suppressed or labeled as heresy these texts are what we call the Apocrypha and pseud epigrapher and
let me tell you they completely change the game when it comes to understanding the Bible's God humanity and even the cosmos itself so what are these texts and why were they so dangerous to the church the Apocrypha refers to books that were included in some early versions of the Bible but later removed or sidelined by different traditions and the Pud epigrapher those are texts attributed to biblical figures but not accepted as part of the official Cannon we're talking about books like The Book of Enoch jubilees the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and so many others that
were purposefully kept out of mainstream Christianity let's start with the Book of Enoch because this one's a game changer The Book of Enoch describes events that are barely even hinted at in the Bible like the story of the Watchers Angels who came down down to earth M with human women and produced giant Offspring known as the Nephilim yeah you heard that right angels having children with humans it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie but this was a widespread belief in early Jewish and Christian Traditions so why isn't this story front and center in
your Bible because the church decided it was too strange too controversial and too difficult to explain the Book of Enoch was considered a threat to the care yly crafted narrative the church was pushing a narrative that wanted to keep the Divine out of the messy human world but here's the thing Enoch's story was once widely accepted early church fathers like talian and Justin Marta considered it essential to understanding the fall of angels and the origins of evil in the world even Jude one of the books in the New Testament quotes directly from Enoch yet the
church decided to bury this text why because it presents a cosmic battle that makes the spiritual realm look a whole lot more chaotic and complicated than the simple God versus Satan story we're used to hearing and then there's the Gospel of Mary Magdalene a text that throws a massive wrench into the way we've been taught to think about the role of women in early Christianity in this gospel Mary Magdalene is portrayed as one of jesus' closest disciples someone with spiritual Insight that surpasses even Peter one of the most prominent male Apostles in fact there's a
whole section where Peter straight up challenges her Authority because he can't stand the idea of a woman being so spiritually Advanced it's a text that shows women as key players in the early Christian Movement but guess what the church didn't like that they couldn't have a narrative where women held power or Divine knowledge so the Gospel of Mary got tossed aside labeled as heretical and buried for centuries but these texts aren't just historical footnotes they're revolutionary they challenge the very Foundation of what we've been told about God Jesus and the way the universe works take
the Gospel of Thomas for example it's not a narrative like the gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John instead it's a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus sayings that emphasize self- knowledge and spiritual awakening Jesus says things like the kingdom of God is inside you and it is outside you and when you come to know yourselves then you will be known these teachings Focus Less on sin and salvation and more on personal transformation and Enlightenment that's a huge departure from the traditional Christian doctrine of original sin and the need for external salvation and guess what
that's exactly why it didn't make it into the Bible why would the church go to Such Great Lengths to suppress these texts why not include them and let people decide for themselves what to believe because these books present a decentralized view of spirituality they put the power of understanding God and the universe into the hands of individuals not institutions If people could find God within themselves if they didn't need a mediator like the church to tell them how to connect with the Divine then the church would lose its Authority that's why these texts were kept
hidden suppressed or destroyed they were dangerous not because they were false but because they empowered people in a way the church found threatening and we're not just talking about a handful of Forgotten Scrolls here entire libraries of knowledge were lost hidden or burned the nag hamedy Library discovered in Egypt in 1945 contained dozens of Gnostic texts some of which had been completely unknown for nearly 2,000 years the Dead Sea Scrolls Unearthed more apocalyptic and mystical writings that challenge The Narrative we've been fed these texts reveal a richer more diverse spiritual landscape one where there was
n't just one way to understand God or the universe but many so here's the big question what else is still out there what other texts what other truths were lost in the fires of the Inquisition or buried in the sands of time waiting to be uncovered and more importantly why is it that so many of these texts which offer radically different views of spirituality were actively suppressed the answer seems obvious control if you control the narrative you control control the people the church wasn't just interested in guiding people to Salvation it was interested in defining
the terms of that salvation and anyone who threatened that narrative whether they were gnostics early Mystics or just freeth thinkers had to be silenced these forgotten books were a threat to the church's Monopoly on spiritual truth after everything we've uncovered who or what is God really the image of God that's been handed down through Millennium might not be the whole picture in fact it might only be a piece of a much larger more complex puzzle and it's time to start thinking beyond the stories we've been told for over 2,000 years mainstream religion has given us
this clear-cut image of God an all powerful all KN ruler watching over Humanity from a throne in the heavens handing out blessings to the faithful and Punishment to the Sinners but what if that's just one version of the Divine One interpretation created by humans to maintain order and contr control what if God is much bigger much more mysterious than any single tradition or text can explain think about it ancient cultures all around the world had their own visions of the Divine the Sumerians the Egyptians the Greeks the Hindus they all saw Gods Not as distant
singular beings but as forces of nature embodiment of the universe or even as multiple deities working together to maintain balance these ancient civilizations weren't obsessed with one God ruling over all they saw Divinity in everything from the stars to the Earth to the energy within each of us and that makes you wonder has the modern image of God limited our understanding of the Divine what if God isn't just some distant being judging from above but a force that exists within all of us a power that we can access a light that guides us a Consciousness
that connects everything in the universe this idea isn't just some new age spirituality it's deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and even in some early Christian and teachings before they were Stamped Out by the powers that be take the gnostics who we talked about earlier they believe that each person had a Divine spark within them a piece of the true God that was trapped in the material world waiting to be awakened that Divine spark wasn't something that could be controlled by the church of priests it was something each person could find within themselves and when you
think about it that's a terrifying idea for anyone who wants to maintain power over people's beliefs because if you can find God inside yourself if you don't need an institution to tell you how to connect with the Divine then the whole system of control starts to break down what if God isn't just a force within us but something far beyond human understanding we've been told that God has humanlike qualities love anger jealousy but those are all emotions we understand maybe God is something so vast so unknowable that our human Minds can't even begin to grasp
it maybe God isn't concerned with our day-to-day lives in the way we've been led to believe maybe the real Divine is an energy that flows through everything the universe the Stars the Earth and yes even through us this isn't about rejecting religion or the idea of God it's about expanding our understanding about moving beyond the narrow box we've put God in it's about realizing that the Divine can be found in more places than just a church or a book it's in nature in the Cosmos in the connections we share with each other and in the
Mysteries that we still haven't uncovered it's bigger than any one tradition anyone text or anyone interpretation so where do we go from here well that's up to us after thousands of years of being told what to believe maybe it's time we start asking the big questions again maybe it's time to challenge the narratives that have been forced on us to look beyond the institutions that claim to have all the answers and to seek out the Divine in ways that resonate with our own experience of the world in the end the truth about God may not
be found in a single book or doctrine it may be something we have to discover for ourselves through exploration reflection and connection with the world around us and that's the journey we're all on together to seek out the truth even if it's messy complicated and sometimes uncomfortable so to everyone who stuck with us through this journey thank you thank thank you for being open to these ideas for questioning what you've been told and for exploring this deeper understanding of God and the universe if you enjoyed this video hit the like button and if you're interested
in more content like this make sure to subscribe until next time stay curious stay questioning and may we all find the truth wherever it may be hiding thanks again for watching God bless us all [Music]
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