How to Inject Mounjaro: step-by-step tutorial | Dr. Dan | Obesity Expert

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Dr. Dan | Obesity Expert
This video focuses on how to inject the single-dose vials of Mounjaro we have in Canada. We’ll go st...
Video Transcript:
how do we inject maero or tier zepeti now this video is going to be focused on the single dose vials of maero or tier zeppa tide that are up here and available in Canada if you happen to have access to the fancy maero single dose pens this video might not necessarily apply to you so be sure to go check out my previous video where I talked about how to inject OIC many of the same principles apply there you can check out the link Down Below in the description so as I said maero has come out here in Canada in a single dose vial now the reason it came out like this was the manufacturer wanted to bring it to Market more quickly versus waiting and dealing with all the current shortages that are happening with the actual plastic and Pen devices as well as the preservative that is usually used in these medications so single dose sounds well is just like it sounds what it means is that there is a single dose of maero in each and every vial there is no preservative in these vials so once a needle punctures a vial you have 1 hour to use up all of the solution that is inside of this vial or you put yourself at a risk of infection so please don't be saving dosages don't be taking out a partial dose make sure you use up all of the solution in a vial for a given dose each vial is going to have 0. 5 Ms of solution within it so what that means is that as you go up in the dosages the volume that is in h vial is going to stay the same but the dosage or the drug is going to get more concentrated in that vial so it's going to go up from 2. 5 to 5 to 7.
5 and so on any vials that you are not using at present make sure you keep them in your fridge please make sure they do not freeze or that will damage the product in the medication you can technically keep one of these vials out at room temperature for a period of 21 days but if you're not using it please just keep it in the fridge that will make sure that it's good until the date on the vial itself self as long as it's unopened and unpunctured all right that is enough about the quick details there what we're now going to do is gather all of our supplies in order to inject and take a dose from the single dose moero vials so obviously you need your vial you're going to need your needle and syringe you're going to need an alcohol pad as well it's good to have some gauze or paper towel for any kind of other wiping and that sort of thing so step number one is we need to wash our hands now pretend I'm washing my hands I've already done it before this video but we are not filthy animals here so make sure you go do that next up you're going to actually inspect and check out your singled dose vial make sure that there is no problems with the solution that's inside of it and for cinematic purposes I have tried to make the solution in this vial blue so hopefully you can see it a little bit better but your vial should have a clear solution there shouldn't be anything floating in it it might have a slight yellow tinge to it but that is about it if it doesn't look like that definitely do not inject it and take it back to your Pharmacy our next step is that you need to remove the plastic cap that is at the top now this is a used vial of maero so pretend there's a plastic cap here that I'm popping off pop your plastic cap off and that will expose the rubber stopper and keep this little top rubber stopper piece and component and stuff all on top of the vial next up once we've taken off the plastic cap what we need to do is we need to take our alcohol pad and we need to wipe and get a good chunk of wiping stuff alcohol whatever inside of the stopper there to give it a good wipe and sterilize the area allow the alcohol to ultimately dry that is what is going to kill any kind of bacteria and bugs that are hanging out there next up we are going to get our syringe now your syringe might look slightly different than mine it might be a separate syringe and needle that you have to put together just do your best to make sure things stay clean and sterile and make sure you kind of play with it and get to use to or how to use your syringe and stuff like that while you still have the needle protector cap on so you don't stab yourself trust me needle stick injuries are not fun they really hurt especially when that said needle goes up underneath your nail it really sucks now what you're going to want to be using is a 1 mil syringe so on mine here it is technically a 1 mil syringe but it is an insulin syringe so it does go up in units which and for the most part you can say are exactly the same as the mil so 50 units is equal to. 5 mls of solution and so on and whatnot as I said each vial is going to have a dose of . 5 MLS within it so for our drawing up on this needle I'm going to bring it up to point or 50 units here on the syringe in order to get that full dose out of the needle now if you have a syring and needle that is similar to mine one of the first things we need to do is to take off off the plunger protector now the plunger is out it is all good to go what we're now going to do is draw a little bit of air into the needle itself before we take the needle cap off this air is to go into the actual vial we're going to inject it into the vial that helps to pressurize the vial in order to make it easier to pull the fluid out into the syringe itself all right the air is now in the syringe so we now can take our needle cap off please for the love of God be prec careful in this situ situation the needle is now exposed it is a tiny little needle if you can see it not really sure it's focusing there but be careful because yes you can stab yourself with this now what we want to do is we now want to put our needle and our syringe inside of the vial and a lot of people I've terrifyingly seen try and do this bring the two together with both hands being shaky and awkward and trying to hit a tiny little pin hole with the needle it's always going to end badly in my opinion so so what I actually recommend is taking your vial and putting it on the table in front of you a nice flat surface and then taking your needle and putting it through the center of the rubber stopper now obviously that is what I have done off screen here so my needle and everything like that is down and through the rubber stopper what we then do is we're going to push our air into the vial cool cap we're good now what you can do is you can flip things upside down so we have our solution our needle syringe everything is there and what we're going to do is we're going to start to draw our fluid out now best practice is to kind of stabilize and hold everything together that Needle on the tip there is generally quite fragile so just being mindful of that but make sure the needle is in the solution you can kind of see inside of it and you want to start drawing that syringe or that plunger back in order to get the fluid in your syringe keep pulling until you get past that .
5 MLS or 50 unit Mark and then kind of adjust it so that you can make sure you get it perfectly lined up with about 50 units or5 MLS that is your full dose there might be some leftover solution in your vial that is totally okay one of our big things we want to look at is we want to try and get rid of all of the bubbles out of the syringe because we don't want to inject a whole pile of air a tiny bit of air is fine but not a whole bunch of it cuz that well could be Bad News Bears so 50 units you're probably going to have to play with it a little bit it's probably going to take you just a little bit the first couple of times but once you get that 50 units or that . 5 MLS you should hopefully be good to go now at this point we can then remove the syringe from the vial sweet there is our dose so we are all good to go we can now get prepared to actually give the dose itself if you have have been using OIC or another injectable medication up to this point it is a very similar procedure and of course if you're getting something out of this video or any of my videos please feel free to share it and pass it along to anybody that you think may get some benefit from it as well check me out of my other channels at the official DrDan and check out all my links to Amazon store and that sort of thing down below where I make a variety of recommendations about things that can help you along your weight management Journey all right now it is time to inject I am now going to bring up my lovely little picture here that shows the various injection sites we're primarily going to be focused on the abdomen focusing about 2 in away from our belly button but as you can see you could also use the top of your thighs or the back of your arms if you got a friend that can help you out now some quick points here if you have any areas that have like scabs or some bad skin integrity things are just not looking good probably not best to stick a needle through there um that could just lead to further comp lications and issues the other thing you want to make sure that you're doing is that since you're going to be injecting this drug every single week you want to rotate your sights so if you do one side of your abdomen one week then switch the next time to the other side of your abdomen next up we are then going to take our needle and our dose and everything and we are going to inject it into our skin now please just bring it in so that the barrel or the syringe itself is just kind of up and close to your skin it's flush with the skin you're not harpooning it in and driving it in as deep as you can you just want to bring it flush to the skin bring it up to there and stabilize everything and then give your dose push the plunger all the way down until it finally reaches the bottom of the syringe and then you want to hold everything there for a period of 6 seconds what this time does is it allows the medication to disperse into the tissue and actually get absorbed properly after that 6 seconds everything is done the dose is given you are all good to go and you can remove that syringe and now you can throw it into your Sharps container in order to dispose of it please do not try and take your needle protector cap and fit it all back together because again you are probably just going to stab yourself so that is it and that is all if there's any liquid or anything coming out that is perfectly normal if there's a little bit of blood that's totally okay too I then would recommend using your paper towel or gauze to kind of wipe and clean the area there shouldn't really be much going on there by any means try not to use the alcohol pad as some people might recommend as that can cause a bit of stinging and be a little bit painful hopefully that seems simple enough there isn't really too much to it overall it's really just about being careful and trying to keep your environment as clean as possible for my final tips again keep any vials you're not using of moero keep them in the fridge keep your needles in a cool and dry place keep everything out of a really moist or any extreme temperature change or anything like that moisture and storing things in the bathroom or any medications is often very much Bad News Bears hopefully this would go without saying but please do not reuse your needles at all um go to your pharmacy and get more needles if you need them as well don't share your needles don't do your dose and then pass it over to your buddy to do their dose that's just not a good idea in any form or fashion again do not save up your vials do not save up your liquid please use all of the liquid that you have in a vial at once one time like I said once that vial has been punctured by a needle it needs to be used up within 1 hour as it has been contaminated that point and there is no preservatives to protect you against things like bacteria and other stuff growing inside of it and then after that you're just going to repeat the same process next week when you do your next dose so hopefully that has been helpful for you beautiful people and has given you a good understanding of how to inject maero from the single dose vials that it comes in at least here here in Canada and perhaps other parts of the world as always if you got some value out of this video please share and like it pass it along to friends family and anybody that you think is going to get some kind of benefit as well don't forget to check me out on my other channels at the official DrDan and of course hit that subscribe button down below so you don't miss when another episode of mine comes out as well check out all my other links down below and check out my website Health evolve.
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