imagine this you're face to face with a woman who has you completely mesmerized now what if you had the power to say just a few words simple but deeply impactful that would leave her thinking about you long after the conversation is over sounds like a dream right but here's the cold hard truth most guys fail miserably at this why because they don't understand what women really crave deep down women won't come out and say it but they're hungry for compliments that go beyond surface level stuff compliments that hit them on a deeper level and that's
where the real power lies when you nail this skill it's not just about impressing her it's about building a connection that's so strong it rewires how she sees you hey I'm James and today we're diving into a truth that most guys don't want to hear but really need to the way you compliment a woman says everything about you it's not about throwing out empty flattery or using cliches this is about the long game building something real and here's where stoicism comes in welcome to stoic Monarch in today's video we're diving deep into the top three
forbidden compliments that make women not just notice you but adore you these are compliments that go beyond the ordinary and speak directly to her heart creating a magnetic irresistible attraction stick around to learn how the stoic philosophy can make your words more powerful than you've ever imagined don't forget to subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you never miss out on transformative content like this let's reach 1,000 likes on this video and unlock the secrets of Attraction Marcus Aurelius once said the happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts in the same
way the success of your relationships depends on the quality of your words compliments that come from genuine insight and understanding are rare in today's world of shallow interactions they show strength wisdom and control traits that any high value man should have in this video I'm going to break down three gamechanging compliments that hit way deeper than any your beautiful could compliments that don't just make her feel special but also position you as the kind of guy she can't stop thinking about so here's the deal if you've ever felt like just another guy in a sea
of mediocrity I'm going to show you how to flip the script these aren't pickup lines they tools for forging real connections whether she's already into you or hasn't even noticed you yet these tricks will make you stand out as the guy she's been waiting for but remember compliments aren't about seeking validation or proving your worth they're about showing it a man of value doesn't beg for attention He commands it through presence intelligence and action so if you're ready to level up grab a seat and let's get started what not to do the rules of the
game are about to change before we dive in take a moment to subscribe if you're ready to change how you handle relationships using the power of stoicism every video is a step toward mastering your mindset and building stronger more meaningful connections let's cut to the chase most guys have no clue how to compliment a woman the right way they think it's all about saying something sweet or tossing out a generic you're beautiful and hoping it works let me tell you right now Amateur hour a real compliment isn't just about the words it's about making her
feel something something real something Unforgettable when done right a compliment is like planting a thought in her mind one that keeps rep playing long after you're gone it's the kind of thought that makes her wonder why does this guy feel different why can't I stop thinking about him but here's the brutal truth most guys won't get this right because they either overdo it underdo it or worse they make it all about themselves now before we get to the magic formula let's talk about what not to do trust me this is where most guys trip up
ever see a guy blowing up a woman's social media with heart emojis or telling her wow you're so pretty for the millionth time guess what she's not impressed she's rolling her eyes putting you in the same category as every other guy who thinks flattery equals attraction here's the kicker if all you're complimenting is her looks you've already lost the game sure telling her she is beautiful might make her smile but it doesn't make you stand out women have heard it all before what they haven't heard enough of are compliments that actually matter let me break
it down for you a real compliment goes beyond surface level stuff it's not just about what you see it's about what you notice and that's where the power lies for example if she changes her hairstyle or adds something subtle to her look and you say say that color really suits you it brings out something unique you're not just complimenting her appearance you're telling her I see you I notice the little things most guys Overlook but here's where it gets even better if you want to stand out as a high value man you need to go
deeper complimenting her mind or her character is where the real magic happens you see women aren't just drawn to men who make them feel beautiful they're drawn to men who make them feel understood think about it how often do you think someone tells her I really admire how calm and collected you are under pressure or I love how disciplined you are it's inspiring almost never and when you're the guy who says it you become Unforgettable why because you're not feeding her ego you're speaking to her soul now let's bring in a little stoic wisdom because
believe it or not stoicism is a GameChanger in relationships Marcus Aurelius once said dwell on the beauty of Life the same principle applies here dwell on the beauty of her character her values her Essence compliments like this show that you're not just another guy chasing her attention you're someone who understands her worth someone who sees beyond the surface and trust me that's rare one the way you stay calm under pressure is something I really admire all right let me break this down for you man this compliment is like a hidden weapon in Your Arsenal it's
not about her looks her smile or anything surface level it's about hitting her in a place most men never think to aim her Inner Strength think about it women deal with challenges all the time whether it's juggling work family or just the pressures of Life complimenting her ability to stay composed and resilient under pressure is like saying I see the depth in you that most people Miss here's the truth women don't just want to feel pretty they want to feel valuable when you tell her you admire her emotional resilience you're validating something she's proud of
but rarely gets recognized for society often Praises women for being nurturing or beautiful but how often does someone stop and say damn the way you handle stress is inspiring that's why this lands it's unexpected it's genuine and it shows you notice her in a way most men don't now here's where stoicism ties in staying calm Under Pressure that's stoicism 101 controlling your emotions mastering your reactions and keeping a level head No Matter What by complimenting this quality in her you're showing that you respect a virtue that stoics believe defines strength of character she'll see that
you value qualities that go deeper than surface level charm and that makes you stand out when to you Lo this compliment timing is everything brother you don't just drop this out of nowhere it has to feel earned here are a few practical scenarios where this compliment will hit hard after she handles a stressful situation maybe she's had a rough day at work but still managed to stay composed tell her I really admire how calm you stayed through all of that most people would have crumbled but you handled it like a boss when she's supporting someone
else if she's being the rock for her friends family or even you during a tough time say something like you're incredible at this too appreciate her passions let's cut to the chase if you want to make a real impact you need to go beyond shallow compliments about her looks sure telling her she's beautiful is nice but it's not enough to stand out you have to tap into something deeper something that few men even bother with you need to recognize and appreciate her passions when you show genuine interest in what makes her tick whether it's her
career a hobby or side projects you're telling her I see you I value who you are beyond the surface most guys overlook this but when you acknowledge her Ambitions you're making a statement that few men dare to make you respect her for more than just her appearance here's the harsh truth most men are too focused on a woman's looks to ever notice what drives her but women are more than eye candy they have dreams goals and passions and when you take the time to recognize that you set yourself apart compliment her on her dedication something
like I admire how dedicated at you are to what you do or the way you talk about your passion is inspiring that tells her you're paying attention to what matters but here's where most men go wrong they think Compliments are just about boosting her ego it's not just about that it's about showing her that you care about the things that drive her the stuff that gets her out of bed every day this is where stoicism comes in one of the stoic virtues is living in alignment with your purpose and values a stoic isn't distracted by
the trivial they focus on what matters when you acknowledge her passions you're three celebrate her progress and wins too many men think just giving compliments is enough but if you want to make a lasting impression you need to recognize something deeper her progress and hard work people are quick to notice when things go wrong but few take the time to celebrate when things go right if you want to be different recognize her hustle and effort not just the results women like anyone want to be recognized for their dedication and growth not just their looks they
want to feel valued for the work they put into their goals when you notice her progress whether it's in her career a passion project or personal growth don't just sit back acknowledge the effort compliments like I'm so impressed by how hard you're working or it's inspiring to see how much progress you've made show you respect the process not just the end result this deeper recognition goes beyond admiring her looks it shows you see the person she's becoming celebrate when she has a breakthrough or pushes through setbacks recognize the effort behind her success if she faces
a challenge say it's inspiring to see how much progress you've made despite that setback praise her resilience when you notice her constant effort say I see how much effort you've been putting in it's impressive to watch someone so committed to their growth timing is important don't just throw pray for every little achievement but celebrate Milestones that really matter when she achieves something significant say something like I'm so impressed by your hard work it's amazing to see your commitment paying off being specific makes your praise more meaningful instead of saying something generic like I'm proud of
you point out a specific achievement for example I remember when you started this project and seeing how much you've grown since then is honestly inspiring by celebrating her progress you're showing respect for her effort and dedication you're building a real connection based on admiration for her character which is way more powerful than just superficial compliments this kind of bond rooted in respect and mutual admiration for growth lasts much longer if you learn something new today don't just sit there smash that like button and subscribe for more Timeless wisdom and gamechanging insights but before you go
I want to hear from you which one of these forbidden compliments made you think I've been doing this all wrong drop a comment below with I get it now and let's dive deeper into this together catch you in the next video where we break down more ways to master relationships through stoic philosophy