did you know that as a Christian the way you dress can have a negative effect on both your spiritual life and that of those around you in this video I will explain what really occurs in the spiritual world when a person dresses in an immodest manner I understand that this topic can be very sensitive many might say that how we dress or present ourselves has no connection with our spiritual lives but is that really what the Bible teachers not exactly from the moment you become born again you are immediately claimed by Christ the term born
again literally means born from above which signifies that you now fully belong to God this also means that the moment you accept Jesus as your lord and savior you become a representative of God and his kingdom both physically and spiritually it further implies that your lifestyle and the way you present yourself to the world become a message over the years I have often heard the argument that God only cares about our hearts and not our external appearance however this statement is not completely accurate you see a specific Bible passage has been misused for centuries twisted
and manipulated to justify various styles of dress and taken complet completely out of context to fit certain ideas God looks at both our inner self and our external self because he created us as complete beings consisting of both body and spirit to think that he only pays attention to one part of our being is frankly naive and could lead us astray as CS Lewis so profoundly wrote in the weight of Glory the body is the instrument by which the soul manifests itself this means that how we treat and present our physical selves is deeply connected
to the state of our inner lives our outward choices are not isolated from our spiritual reality they reflect it let's examine the scripture that is often misquoted to support this claim in 1 Samuel 16:7 it says but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected rejected him the Lord does not look at the things people look at people look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart this verse was spoken when Samuel was about to choose the next king of Israel God was instructing
Samuel not to choose someone based solely on physical appearance because he had already rejected Saul who looked the part of a king but had a disobedient heart the scripture was was not addressing dressing Styles at all context is always important now here's where things become more interesting in the spiritual World there are what we call seductive Spirits these Spirits cannot express themselves to the world without a physical body so they look for a person through whom they can show their character it is natural to be born with a basic sense of decency programmed into us
by God even a little child learns to cover up as grow and this understanding is instilled from birth however when a seductive Spirit takes hold of a person that spirit will do everything possible to reveal itself through that individual one of the main ways it does this is by driving the person to dress in a way that exposes their body often the individual may not even realize that they are being influenced in this manner when someone is filled with such a SP Spirit they might constantly be drawn to IM modest clothing even if there are
many decent options available the person may still choose attire that reveals parts of their body because the spirit inside them is actively pushing them to do so what might appear simply as a fashion choice is actually the spirit of nudity and seduction urging them to show more skin or dress in a revealing manner in mark chapter 5 the Bible tells the story of a demon-possessed man who lived in the tombs the text describes him as being naked and Always In Chains but something occurred when Jesus cast the evil spirits out of him and sent them
into a herd of pigs the Bible then records that the man once possessed was later found fully clothed and in his right mind this shows us that the spirits controlling him were the reason he was seen naked and once freed he felt the need to dress properly some may argue that if parts of the body are covered then it is acceptable however the important question is how does it appear to God and to the world simply wearing some clothing while exposing other sensitive areas does not mean a person is properly dressed it is entirely possible
for someone to be technically clothed yet appearing exposed there is no true born again Christian who would feel comfortable exposing themselves while claiming that it does not matter they understand that they have been bought by Christ and that their body no longer belongs solely to them the moment they choose to wear something inappropriate the Holy Spirit within them will trigger a warning known as conviction if a Christian dresses in a revealing way and feels no concern it indicates that their conscience might be dulled or that they are not truly filled with the Holy Spirit in
one Corinthians 620 it states for you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your body and with your spirit notice that it clearly instructs us to honor God in both our body and our spirit CS Lewis captures this concept beautifully in Mere Christianity when he writes you don't have a soul you are a soul you have a body this profound statement reminds us that our physical body is not separate from our spiritual identity it is part of it the way we treat and present our body reflects the state of our soul consider this
when someone looks at you do they see a reflection of Christ's character or do they see someone who Blends in with the world our clothing choices form a part of our Testament they speak volumes about our values our priorities and our relationship with God what you wear often reflects who you are inside it is true that a person should not be judged solely by their attire but the reality is is that not all clothing styles are neutral certain outfits carry an unclean energy and when you wear such clothing the spirit within you can emit a
negative presence this can lead people to develop impure desires toward you as I mentioned when a person is influenced by a spirit of lust or Seduction That Spirit does everything it can to express itself through that individual this explains why sometimes you may be near someone and feel overwhelmed by a strong lustful atmosphere it is not just about the clothes it is also about the spiritual force behind them if you continue to dress in this manner over time the spirits that are active in such an atmosphere will start to weaken your self-control this means you
might begin to attract the wrong kind of attention making it harder for you to resist temptation the spirit inside you is actively reducing your willpower making it easier for you to fall into acts of sexual immorality this is why some types of clothing can make a person feel overly sensual or seductive while other outfits can lead to struggles with inappropriate desires these occurrences Are Not Mere coincidences a spirit is working behind the scenes this also explains the rising issue of teenage pregnancies worldwide when standards in clothing become LAX young girls May begin to act out
at an early age which is exactly what the enemy desires to disrupt up their future while someone might believe they are simply trying to look good they may unknowingly be serving as a vessel for lust now you might be thinking I am not responsible for someone else's thoughts to some extent that is true however while we cannot completely control another person's thoughts we can still have an influence when you choose to dress in a way that is clearly designed to attract lustful attention you are placing a stumbling block in front of others Romans 14:13 advises
us not to cause others to stumble by our actions the Greek word for stumbling block in this context means an obstacle that causes someone to trip or fall when we dress IM modestly we are putting spiritual obstacles in the paths of those around us when we consistently dress in a way that incites lust we are essentially siding with the spirit of Seduction it is as if we are opening a door in our spiritual lives that invites these negative influences in and once that door is open it is not easy to close remember every Spirit seeks
to express itself through the person it occupies sadly if you look closely you might notice that this Spirit has slowly infiltrated the church it is increasingly common to to visit the house of God and find people dressed in ways that are not modest this is not meant as a judgment against Christians but rather as a reminder that God has standards in 2 Timothy 2:19 the Bible tells us nevertheless God's Foundation stands firm having this seal the Lord knows those who are his this means that God has clear expectations for us some may ask what if
I dress modestly for church but wear revealing clothes when I go out to that I must say that this inconsistency is problematic there is no special Church outfit God expects us to dress modestly at all times whether we are in church or out in the world Romans 122 reminds us do not conform to the patterns of this world but be renewed in your mind so that you can prove what is good acceptable and perfect in God's sight this means that it is our responsibility to demonstrate to the world what is good acceptable and pleasing to
God not the other way around if we continually dress in ways that attract lust we are allowing these spirits to work through Us in Matthew 5:28 Jesus said but I say to you that anyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart pay close attention to the language Jesus used here he did not simply say that you have sinned against her he said that you have sinned with her that small word makes a crucial difference that many Overlook the original Greek word implies a mutual action or
state this suggests that both the one who is lusting and the one being lusted after are involved D in an act of unfaithfulness when someone lusts after you because of immodest clothing you are not just a bander you are involved in that act spiritually this is why you might sometimes struggle with sudden lustful thoughts as you continue to present yourself as an object of desire you invite these seductive forces into your life these forces not only affect those around you but also begin to work in your own life when people are attracted to you because
of your clothing the forces behind that attraction also Target you this is especially true if you dress in a provocative manner on purpose once these forces take hold you might become overly focused on your appearance constantly seeking approval through your looks this can lead to other problems like vanity insecurity and even more serious forms forms of sexual immorality the more you give into to these urges the stronger they become and before you know it you are not only dressing IM modestly but also giving room for the very forces we should be resisting in 2 Corinthians
5:20 we are told therefore we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were making his appeal through us every part of our Lives should reflect his character including how we present ourselves when we dress inappropriately we are not only causing others to stumble we are misrepresenting the one we serve consider a job interview or working in a corporate setting you dress respectfully to show professionalism would you show up in Beach wear or pajamas of course not your attire sends a message about your attitude and respect for the situation if we adhere to dress codes for
our Earthly employers how much more should we as representatives of the king of kings dress in a way that honors him our God who is too pure to look upon evil deserves nothing less than our utmost respect in every aspect of Our Lives including our clothing choices Additionally the Bible tells us that our bodies are temples of the holy spirit in one Corinthians 6: 19- 20 it says do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God and that you are not
your own for you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your body with this in mind how can we justify dressing in a way that turns this sacred Temple into a display for lust it it is not only inappropriate but it is also a misuse of what God has set apart for himself some might say I'm not trying to seduce anyone I just like how these clothes look on me to that I would say intention alone does not suffice in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 we are advised to avoid anything that even appears to be
evil this means we are called to steer clear of anything that resembles sin regardless of our personal intentions this is where careful judgment is essential we need to be honest with ourselves about the message our clothing sends are we dressing in a way that honors God and respects the sacredness of our bodies or are we unintentionally causing others to stumble some might claim that standards of modesty vary by culture and are therefore subjective while specific dress codes can differ between cultures the principle of modesty remains constant and Timeless 1 Timothy 2:9-10 advises that women should
dress with decency and self-control not with extravagant hairstyles gold pearls or expensive clothing but with good deeds that suit those who profess to follow God this passage is not outlining a strict dress code but rather directing us to focus on AC s and character rather than flashy or provocative outfits you might also Wonder Isn't it my right to express myself however I want to that I would say that as Believers we are held to a higher standard Galatians 5:13 reminds us for you were called to freedom but do not use your freedom as an opportunity
for self-indulgence rather serve one another in love our freedom in Christ is not a license to do whatever we please it is a call to serve and care for others even if that means giving up some personal preferences as CS Lewis said in Mere Christianity when you are behaving as if you belong to yourself you will find yourself in contradiction with the truth you belong to God this truth reminds us that every choice including how we dress is is an opportunity to reflect our true ownership our lives and bodies are not our own but are
dedicated to God when we choose modesty we are not just protecting ourselves but also showing care for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ we are creating an environment where people can focus on God without distractions and we demonstrate respect for our own bodies and for others in Matthew 5:4 to 26 Jesus said you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket instead they put it on a stand so that those who come in can see the light
in the same way let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in Heaven as Believers we are called to stand out from the world and guide others towards Christ when we follow the latest revealing Trends we dull our own light by blending in instead of standing apart let me be clear this is not about legalism or imposing a strict dress code it is about having our hearts set on God's Will and letting that inner change be reflected in how we dress it is about recognizing the value
of our bodies and choosing a tire that honors God and respects others Romans 12: 1-2 urges us therefore I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as a Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing to God this is your true and proper worship do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will presenting our bodies as living sacrifices includes the way we dress it means
giving up the desire to be noticed only for our appearance and instead seeking to honor God in everything including our wardrobe choices as we conclude this discussion I challenge you to take a close look at your wardrobe and your heart are your clothing choices reflecting who you are in Christ do they honor God and serve others or could they be causing others to stumble and opening doors to spiritual harm remember as Believers we are called to a higher standard we are to be in the world but not influenced by it this includes the way we
dress in 1 Peter 3: 3 to 4 we are instructed your beauty should not come from outward adornment such such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes rather it should be that of your inner self the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet Spirit which is of great worth in God's sight this does not mean we should not care about our appearance at all but rather that we should focus on what is truly important Are we more concerned with our outward look or with developing a gentle and quiet spirit Spirit
are we seeking the admiration of people or the approval of God as we finish I encourage you to seek God's wisdom on this subject ask him to show you if there are areas of your wardrobe that need reconsideration pray for Clear judgment and the strength to make any necessary changes remember that our bodies are not truly our own they were purchased at a great cost with the precious blood of Jesus Christ let us honor that Sacrifice by presenting ourselves in a way that glorifies him and benefits others thank you for watching if you enjoy our
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