ESCOLHIDOS: Você Não é Igual aos Demais | 7 Sinais Estranhos de que Você é Diferente

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Video Transcript:
Have you ever wondered why strangers approach you or why you always wake up at the same time in the morning? Have you ever noticed how your intuition always seems to be right or how children are attracted to you? In this video I will reveal seven surprising signs that you You are chosen and different from others Let's find out what makes you unique in a world where everyone wants to be equal Watching this video will help you recognize and better understand your special abilities and how they can improve your life I'll show you how they turned
out these signs and use your spiritual abilities to improve your well-being and your relationships people often look at you and may not realize what's special about you but the unique facts about being special destiny doesn't come with a manual it gives tips on signs do not Ignore these indications as simple Coincidences recognize and explore it mind because they can reveal the path to your destiny if you feel that you do not fit in note that people look at you differently keep watching in a world so full of negativity we need each other others that's why
we created these videos to share our stories and show that we are not alone, I thank each and every one of you, let's pray together and turn these experiences into powerful tools for personal growth when you realize that strangers approach you often, what people strangers with your attention is a clear sign that you are spiritually different and special this magnetism is no coincidence it is the divine light shining within you your presence has the power of attraction that captivates people when going through a spiritual awakening and welcoming the Spirit Holy the light of God begins
to radiate from you in a powerful way this light not only your path but also attracts those who need healing guidance and comfort because of this light you become a beacon to others people are attracted to you because you have that you have something special to offer This includes those who need your wisdom and compassion as well as those who are guided by negative forces to try to divert you from yours It is important to remember that not everyone who approaches you has good intentions Here is where enter The Gift of Discernment God gave me
the gift of discernment so that you can distinguish those who are sincere and those who may have harmful intentions this ability allows you to know who to help and who to walk away from pay close attention to these encounters in your intuition to guide you Imagine that you have decided to go to the supermarket at a specific time and suddenly an unknown person starts talking to you about their personal problems, although this may seem like a coincidence, is it not God who organized this meeting because he knew that this person needed to hear your words
of comfort and wisdom these Inter but are not accidental are signs that you have been chosen for a greater purpose the second sign that you are special and different from the rest of the world is your intuition which is extremely your intuition is always there taking you in ways that other people cannot understand you have a unique ability to sense and predict situations before they happen often confuses others while those around you panic in the face of problems and unexpected changes you remain calm and can see beyond of the immediate situation this ability to adapt
and serenity in the midst of chaos is a clear mark of your deep spiritual connection your intuition allows you to read people and situations accurately you can enter an environment immediately capture the energies present knowing who is trustworthy and who is not which situations are safe and which should be avoided this sense of yours is not something you learn it is a spiritual gift that was given to you to protect you and bump into your journey let's imagine a common situation while others may feel disoriented when facing a big change in life you remain calm
for example if you lose a job instead of despairing your intuition says it is an opportunity something better you can notice signs and follow clues that others ignore leading to finding new opportunities that are aligned with your life purpose this powerful and also manifests itself in small everyday things perhaps you feel a strange feeling before leaving home and decide to change your plans just to discover more late that it is an accident or an unpleasant situation or you may feel a strong connection with someone you just met knowing immediately that this person plays an important
role in your life the third sign that you are a chosen one and different from the rest of the world is Your heightened sensitivity to your own emotions and feelings this sensitivity is especially during your spiritual awakening when you begin to connect more deeply with your inner self and the energies around you Imagine you are at a social event friends in the middle of talking something is said to resonate deeply with you suddenly you feel given by a wave of Emotions while for others it may be just a casual conversation for you these words touch
something much deeper this sensitivity can transform the rest of your night leaving introspective and at sometimes even shaken the ability to feel your emotions so intensely can be both a blessing and a challenge on the one hand you have a deep understanding of yourself and are able to recognize and recognize your emotions with a clarity that few people possess this allows you to you grow emotionally and develop genuine empathy for others you become an attentive listener in a comparison someone who really understands what others are feeling because they are in tune with their own emotions
on the other hand this sensitivity can also be exhausting in environments full of negativity or when surrounded by toxic people you can easily feel overwhelmed the negative energy can drain your life force leaving you emotionally drained this is especially true if you have to deal with toxic family members or difficult co-workers so it is crucial that you ways to protect and recharge yourself practices such as meditation prayer and great em are essential to maintain your emotional balance spending time in nature away from distractions negative energies can be extremely beneficial taking off your shoes and walking
barefoot on the grass for example helps to reconnect you with the calming energy of the earth Additionally this sensitivity increases Your perception of the energies around you You can walk into a room and instantly feel the atmosphere noticing yourself joy sadness or any other predominant emotion this gives you a unique advantage in navigating social situations and professionals allowing you to adjust accordingly and protect your emotional well-being this heightened sensitivity to your own emotions and feelings is a fundamental part of what makes you the chosen one it allows you to live in an authentic and connected
way in tune with your true self although it can be challenging is also a great Gift that allows you to experience life with a depth and richness that many others have never known. The fifth sign that you are a chosen one and different from the rest of the world is that you often wake up between 3 and 4am ​ ​ ​ regularly this time is not just a coincidence it is a sign that the universe is trying to communicate with you many spiritual traditions believe this is the powerful time for meditation prayer among pixam if
you wake up between 3 and 4 am it is likely that If you are receiving important messages or spiritual guidance that can help you on your life journey let's imagine you suddenly wake up at 3:30 am feeling inexplicably alert rather than rolling over and trying to go back to sleep immediately Consider this an opportunity to connect with your spirituality take a few minutes to meditate pray or simply reflect on your life and intentions during quiet moments you may receive valuable insights or feel a deep peace that helps you solve problems and make important decisions Also
wake up at this time it may be a sign that you are energetically in tune with the greater forces of the universe, it may be a time when you are more receptive to receiving spiritual downloads, powerful intuitions or even energy healing, many people report that when they wake up at this time and allow themselves some Minutes of meditation or reflection obtain answers to questions that concerns you I will find creative solutions to the challenges you face This phenomenon may also indicate that you are undergoing a profound spiritual awakening as your soul evolves you become more
sensitive to the energies at your around and more open to spiritual communications the sixth sign that you are a chosen one and different from the rest of the world is your ability to feel comfortable being different or separate from others from a young age You may have felt that you did not fully fit into social groups traditional people who had interests and expectations that differed from most this feeling of being an outsider is not an accident it is an indicator that you have a special purpose and a unique journey to follow throughout life many people
struggle to fit in by trying to change their identities to be accepted by society however you have always had a natural inclination to follow your own path that meant being different Or Solitary this willingness to walk alone demonstrates an inner strength and confidence in who you are and what you believe for example while your colleagues may have followed conventional careers or pursued traditional lifestyles You may have felt a calling to explore less-trodden paths such as art, spirituality, and other forms of expression that challenge established norms You understand that your value lies not in conforming but
in being authentic to yourself this authenticity is a landmark a chosen one guided by a greater purpose that transcends social expectations this difference also manifests itself in your daily interactions perhaps you don't feel the need to participate in every social activity or follow every trend instead you feel at ease will in moments of solitude using this time to reflect grow spirit connect with your inner self you value quality over quantity in relationships preferring Deep, meaningful connections over superficial interactions sign aspect is the way you deal with rejection or misunderstanding from others instead of feeling discouraged
you see these experiences as confirmations that you are on the right path rejection is not a reflection of your worth more an indication that you are destined for something greater and different you understand that being chosen often means walk through this alone but always with purpose and direction. Of course, this ability to embrace your uniqueness, feel comfortable in your difference, is a reflection of your deep connection with the Divine You know that you were created for a special purpose and this understanding gives you strength to move forward even when the path seems isolated you do
not conform to those of the world because you know that your destiny is shaped by superior forces the seventh sign that you are chosen and different from the rest of the world is the way you deal with periods of isolation while Many people experience loneliness and do everything they can to avoid it, you see these moments of isolation as valuable opportunities for growth and reflection that ability to find value in solitude is indicative of your deep spiritual connection and the unique journey you are destined to follow during periods of isolation you do not feel abandoned
lost rather you perceive these moments as sacred times to reconnect with your self Instead of feeling quiet or anxious, you embrace silence and use them as tools for introspection and self-knowledge. This ability to transform isolation into a time of growth also reflects your independence and highs. You do not depend on constant validation or from the company of others to feel complete instead you find strength within yourself and in your connection with the Divine this gives you a solid unshakable foundation allowing you to face challenges with confidence and clarity So my friends if you have identified
with these signs it is likely that you really are a chosen one destined for a greater purpose and guided by a deep spiritual connection each of these signs points to a unique and meaningful journey that you are following it is essential that you recognize and value these characteristics using them as tools to grow help others and fulfill your divine purpose if this resonates with you I encourage you to continue exploring your spirituality connect even more deeply with your inner self and the Divine remember that you are not alone on this journey There are many others
like you who share these experiences and who are also seeking to understand and fulfill their purpose There are many other signs we can explore together if you found this message relevant Are you eager for more let me know in the comments section if you are ready for part 2 just write part 2 I will make the video that found value in my work, consider becoming a member of the channel or purchasing my guide to spiritual awakening the link is in the description I wish you a wonderful day
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