The Direct vs. Indirect Paths | The 2 Methods of Spiritual Practice Explained

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Aaron Abke
*👇🏼JOIN 4D UNIVERSITY👇🏼* Ready to master your mind & ex...
Video Transcript:
the more self-aware that you become about your egoic behaviors the more the ego is going to try to guilt trip you about your bad behaviors the mind is too distracted the ego will try its very best to make sure you don't feel Love's presence the Mind feels Unworthy of the presence the mind's like we don't have time to do this man we have all these lack needs to go fulfill so because of this there should be a season of indirect path practices one should not rush too quickly to abandon the indirect path so here's where
we get into the pitfalls of both of these [Music] paths so what I want to talk with you guys about today is let's call it the direct path versus the indirect path the indirect path as we said a few weeks ago is the path of self-improvement the path of self-correction and we give many practices we give many indirect practices here in fora University right we're going to go over those here in a second but the direct path is the one we've been talking a lot about near the second half of this year which is devotion
or the constant remembrance of constant awareness of meditation upon I am constant remembrance of Love constant remembrance of God that's the direct path and so to give you a bit of a disclaimer I'm going to be using these three terms very interchangeably in this conversation but all these three terms mean the exact same thing those terms are God I am and love all three are one three different terms for the same thing right we kind of have a Trin Trinity going on there in that God is the the absolute the creative principle the source of
everything so we use the word God to refer to that absolute power the one power but I am is the way that you and I feel and experience that power in us I am is the Son of God right I am is the Christ I am is the source in you so there's a kind of a distinction there right the source has individualized itself as you in this form and the presence of source in you is felt as the I am feeling but we can also say that the the presence of the fragrance of the
nature of what that source is what the I am is is perfect love unconditional love and that could be equated to Holy Spirit right the presence of love so again the indirect path is the path of self-development and self-improvement and we gave a few weeks ago some disclaimers on some of the pitfalls of that path when it's only taken up by itself but today I want to go through the comparison of the indirect path and the direct path and the benefits and the pitfalls of both of them because yes there are also pitfalls of the
direct path if it's taken up too early or if it's not balanced with indirect practices as well and we're going to break all of that down and then show you how to combine the two and how to live uh in your spiritual journey on both paths at the same time and I think that's really important for us to understand because all these teachings we give here in fora University I want to really help you see and understand the logic behind the teachings that are presented here so that you can believe in a deeper way in
their efficacy and bring more of that conviction to your practice of oh I know why I'm doing this right I see the reasoning behind why I'm doing these practices and also the way that these practices all work together to take the student to the goal of fourth density Consciousness so indirect practices that we teach in 40 University are number one yoga and meditation that's uh the second course is meditation Mastery the third course is 40ap where we give you a bunch of different Yoga practices for purification and stimulation of the nervous system and Kundalini energy
so that's an indirect practice ice right uh we talk about right action moral living improving your character striving to be in loving relationship to all things through right righteous action that's another indirect practice number three would be you know the basic like reading and studying of texts the law of one A Course in Miracles uh any spiritual text at all the I am discourses right these all fall under the same category of an indirect practice uh fasting physical body purification is an indirect practice and then we have the three forms of purification right gross purification
which is Shadow work feminine healing that's an indirect practice uh thought correction re-qualification that's subtle purification that's a masculine form of healing also an indirect practice and then we have uh Catalyst integration which we talk a lot about that's causal purification purifying ourselves on the causal level the karmic level by learning the lessons our life is teaching us that's also an indirect practice so what do I mean by indirect well indirect practices themselves are those practices that by themselves cannot take you to the final goal of God Consciousness indirect practices pave the way for the
final goal indirect practices clear the obstructions to the final goal they lay the ground work they prepare the soil right but what they all do is that they still will subtly preserve the ego's separate existence by giving the ego a practice to undertake to improve itself does that make sense the ego is the self-improver the one that's always trying to enhance and improve itself and so although all of those practices I just mentioned all indirect practices will greatly weaken the ego it will still at the end of the day allow the ego something to cling
on to to preserve its separate existence so if the direct path is not at some point taken up then the student always going to feel like a seeker of Truth rather than being the truth right rather than knowing I am the truth I am the goal and the prize for which I seek only the direct path can provide that realization so here's where we see the two paths merging or the necessity for those two paths merging as we said the direct path is Devotion to God Devotion to I am total surrendering of the lower self
to the higher self and the way we teach it here is through focusing our attention lovingly upon the I am feeling as often as possible giving up any other identification but to the I am and trying to hold our attention hold our devotion our our heart on to that I am all day long that's the direct path constant awareness of meditation upon and contemplation of I am love God that's the direct path so devotion is that constant remembrance right so here's where we get into the pitfalls of both of these paths let's start with the
indirect path first there is a line in A Course in Miracles uh it's at the very beginning of the text where it gives you the 50 principles of Miracles and it says everyone is entitled to Miracles but purification is necessary first and so the path of purification is the indirect path nobody can purify themselves into God Consciousness per se because God Consciousness is already pure it has to be found in oneself so we're purifying not our real self but we're purifying all those obstructions that block us from seeing the god presence in us and holding
on to the god presence in us until it becomes our firm foundation so every negative thought every base desire that we hold that the ego holds is an obstacle to the attainment of God Consciousness or fourth density consciousness and so this is why the indirect path is needed because its purpose is to remove all such obstacles and you know you might think about it this way how could you truly invite that Eternal presence to live within you permanently how could you truly invite perfect love to dwell within a body that's enslaved by lusts and Grievances
and a mind that's darkened by judgments and hatred there's no way love can cohabitate with hatred you have to prepare the room for love I often quote uh this beautiful book that I read as a Christian kid called my heart Christ's home and it's this analogy of you're inviting Christ into your heart and Christ opens the door and sees all this clutter and dirt and and contaminants all over the place this dingy blown apart messy house and you're like oh gosh I forgot to make my house an available host for the Christ I haven't even
done anything to prepare a place for the Christ to live and so Christ is like that's okay let's go through each room together and we'll clean it up together you and me so you take Christ into the bedroom and Christ cleans up your sexual lusts right you take Christ into the kitchen and Christ cleans up your addiction to food and unhealthy habits you take Christ here and there all through the house cleaning up the basement the um Upstairs Downstairs and eventually you have a a true habitation that that Christ can abide in that's the indirect
path that's why we do it right but here's the pitfall is that the path of self-improvement as we said a few weeks ago is preoccupied with techniques to practice and disciplines to be kept and if the goal of the spiritual journey is to transcend the ego the separate self then ultimately all practices other than the direct practice must ultimately perpetuate that separate self in some way that's not to say it's not weakening the separate self because it certainly is but it can't get rid of the separate self altogether because the the separate self's the one
doing the practice right the one who's trying to purify themsel is the ego and the ego is becoming a more spiritualized ego and that's good and very helpful for a long period of time until eventually we reach that final Shore where we have to say goodbye to Ego say goodbye to personhood altogether and become the absolute Divine being we always have been and so in using the separate self to go about indirect practices we have to remember that the separate self is the dividing mind right the separate self the ego is the absence of Enlightenment
and so the spiritual ego will be very glad to keep you preoccupied with self-improvement so long as there's a separate person who needs to improve themselves ego feels a little bit safe safe at least so the more self-aware that you become about your egoic behaviors the more the ego is going to try to guilt trip you about your bad behaviors the more the ego will try to burden you with you know guilt and shame about your mistakes because you're trying to improve yourself not make mistakes until you're being held to this new standard right of
perfection and anytime your mind thinks you don't measure up to Perfection ego is going to guilt trip you for it and so that's why the course says the release from guilt is the ego's whole undoing because guilt is what the ego uses to keep you trapped in that separate self position and needing to always improve yourself so the main Pitfall of the indirect path is that if you only practice self-improvement then you'll be stuck living in the mind always right the ego will make sure that you never quite feel like you measure up to your
own standards the correcting and disciplining of the separate self can go on and on and on can't it there's always something else to be refined and improved so the ego will always be able to preserve itself if you don't take up at some point the direct path as we said a few weeks ago ego can use any spiritual practice to secretly preserve its its separate existence so here's where we get into the benefits of the indirect path is that inner purification makes the space needed within us to hold on to the awareness of I am
because I'm sure that many of you feel this way many of you have have echoed this in the comments section on these calls that when you try to practice awareness of I am you're met with a lot of inner resistance or at the least you're met with a lot of kind of ambiguity and confusion about that feeling of like am I doing it right like Peter says here I don't feel anything am I doing it and if that's if that's the case if you try to connect with the presence of love the presence of God
the I am feeling and you feel like you can't do it you don't feel anything happening it feels confusing that's just a sign that you need more indirect practices to clear those obstructions right the mind is too distracted the um the ego essentially Harbors many different Tools in its tool belt to use to block us and impede us from the awareness of the divine presence the awareness of love as we say and the awareness of Love is the very Doorway to the I am and so that the ego will try its very best to make
sure you don't feel Love's presence when you try to it'll distract you with thoughts so it's like here we go back to the Course in Miracles definition Everyone's entitled to Miracles the miracle is the awareness of Love's presence Everyone's entitled to experience the miracle but purification is necessary first so it's only called the indirect path not because it's not useful in some way but because it approaches Enlightenment through an indirect means that is by removing everything that is not Enlightenment by removing everything that's not love is the indirect method now the direct method goes straight
to the goal of Enlightenment and apprehends it immediately and then attempts to hold on to it until that awareness becomes permanent so on the indirect path there's kind of this feeling of seeking and striving towards a future goal right I'm not quite there yet I'm I'm working on myself I'm improving myself but on the direct path there is no feeling of seeking anything there's absolutely no no sense that we are looking for something anymore on the direct path we have the feeling of oh I've absolutely found what I'm seeking I've discovered the prize I've been
searching for the only feeling you have on the direct path is the feeling of trying to hold on to it needing to hold on to that prize and not let it go so on the direct path the student has already found what they're seeking the awareness of love the I am God itself indwelling within me you've found the prize right no more confusion about it but now you're only concerned with holding on to this awareness at all times because you become aware of the fact that the only reason you ever felt separate from that infinite
Eternal presence I am is because you're continually letting go of it and grabbing on to the ego instead you can't be thinking the ego those thoughts and be holding on to the awareness of I am at the same time one cancels out the other yeah uh yin and yang oil and water so you realize oh I'm not actually searching for anything I'm trying to cultivate the ability the capacity to abide in that state to hold on to that state until it becomes my natural habitation so when you try to take up the direct practice initially
you might find that accessing this awareness of God's presence is not so easily reached as Peter was just saying the mind is very distracted right with lots of thoughts lots of you know desires the Mind feels Unworthy of the presence that's a big one and the mind is just too preoccupied with its lack it's trying to get its needs met it's too distracted with getting its desires fulfilled to pause and get still and slow down and connect to presence the mind's like we don't have time to do this man we have all these lack needs
to go fulfill so the Mind wants you to rush off as soon as you wake up you know that mental inertia starts what do I have to do today do do do I'm the doer what am I doing today and so you have to practice the direct method of no no no being being is what I am not doing I am I am the presence of perfect love at all times I am the very presence of God itself you connect to that inner presence and slow down the inertia of the Mind slow down the wheel
of the mind to where now when the Mind tries to start back up it takes a little bit longer to get that that momentum going again and so the direct method is to constantly slow the mind's inertia down or break the continuity of the ego Mind by disconnecting from it and connecting to presence connecting to I am connecting to love and then just basking in that love abiding in that that love giving yourself a chance to taste it and Glimpse it enough that you continually prove to yourself This is the goal this is what I
am seeking to always live in this state and to never leave it is all my heart desires so because of this there should be a season perhaps a long season of indirect path practices one should not rush too quickly to the direct path or let's say one should not rush too quickly to abandon the indirect path you can you can start up or take up the direct path at any time as soon as you feel resonance with doing it you should start doing it but there should be a balance between the two meaning you shouldn't
be giving up thought correction and uh right action and meditation and all these practices that really help purify the nervous system purify the ego mind but you should find that healthy balance right between self-correction and self- abidance the two both must happen so if the if the direct path is taken up too quickly and this is the pitfall of the direct path before sufficient purification has taken place then these glimpses of heavenly reality that the direct path bestows on you will be met by this strong kind of stinging resistance from the ego because if you
think about it from the ego's perspective Ive a mystical experience is kind of like I mean it's great for you the true self but for the ego it feels like you know akin to being killed and then resuscitated or something you kill the ego and then bring it back to life again right the ego comes back not so happy with you for killing it and bringing it back it's a terrifying experience for the ego to be to to completely disappear into Infinite reality and universal mind it's terrifying for the ego so when reality is seen
the ego vanishes but when ego returns it has it has a little bit of a need for vengeance and really what it is is not even just Vengeance but the ego is trying to gain its territory back because each time you plunge into Infinite reality we call that a mystical experience Oneness you experience reality clearly absolute Bliss openness connection love every time you come back from that you come back a little more purified right there's a purifying that happens where you inch a little bit closer to abiding in that state the more you Glimpse it
the more it is embodied in you and so the ego doesn't like that and it's going to fight to get its sovereignty back it's going to fight to get its territory back and so if you take up this practice really heavily when there's still a lot of unhealed karma within you a lot of you know pride and ego within you then guess how strong that that ego rebound is going to feel it's going to be quite intense right in fact many of you have had this experience I've certainly had this experience after a deep mystical
moment or uh in my case at 27 28 when I had that two we sator experience when the ego came back online as Bliss and Heavenly as the two we experience was was as hellish and tormenting as the following period was because the ego came back with an angry Vengeance for pushing it into a broom closet for 2 weeks and forcing it to be in active and and surrender to truth right ego didn't like that and so it it punishes you for that so the stronger your ego is when you take up the direct path
the stronger the resistance will be felt and it can even be so strong that it throws you into another Dark Night of the Soul all feeling of connection to love and truth is temporarily severed and we've all felt this right you wake up feeling totally disconnected you wake up feeling in absolute darkness and separation and it's like the ego kind of banishes you to uh 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness as your punishment for daring to evict the ego off its holy throne own right if you have a big strong powerful ego that
hasn't been purified much and you take up the direct path you're going to piss that ego off in summary and it's it's the egoic rebound as we might call it will be much more intense so that's why I say better to really take up the indirect path for a while work on righteous action improving your character being of service to others meditating and cultivating that inner Stillness purifying the Mind thought correction uh healing your your negative emotions Shadow work these things are enormously beneficial to the student who wants to take up the direct path and
so this is where we can talk about combining the two paths and I'm going to try to make this very simple for you because it can get complex right and so let's say you've been doing the 4u curriculum for a year or two now you've you gone through the programs you've done all the the Kundalini practices to open the nervous system you're cultivating inner Stillness and you hear me talking about devotion the direct path awareness of I am and your heart sings inside and you're like Ah that's what I want I want to just be
aware of love all day long I want a simple awareness of God's presence all day long that's my new practice well if you feel called to take up that practice here's my advice think think of it as a if it's direct versus indirect let's start off with a 2080 balance if you've been at a 100% indirect method like you're not spending any time during your day pausing and connecting to the presence you haven't you haven't been doing that yet if you're going to start doing that let's give it like 20% priority and 80% priority will
remain to the indirect method practices but as you continue in that practice you're going to shift that balance over time until eventually you're going to get to like an 8020 balance meaning the more um what's the word I'm looking for the more you get a feel for and a hold of the direct method of just being aware of God's presence all day long abiding in that awareness of God of I am the more it becomes a joy for you the more you will feel attracted to it right and indirect method practices will just kind of
of begin to slip away of their own accord especially meditation when you're really on the indirect path you know because you have this constant need or feeling of I got to meditate more I got to meditate more and you take your meditation practice very seriously on the direct path you may still meditate but you'll only meditate because you love it you'll feel no pressure at all from the ego well you didn't do your meditation this morning so you're not going to be as connected today what do you mean I'm connected right now ah there it
is Love's presence you can connect that easy right just one one nanc one holy instant of remembering love boom there it is that easy when you get to that place I promise you you will feel no need to meditate you will feel no need to do breath work doesn't mean you won't still do it because these habits can be built in you and you can find a great joy in those practices I still meditate every morning but I don't feel the need to meditate and like when I went to Iowa last week for a Christmas
break for 5 or 6 days I probably only meditated two out of those five or 6 days and didn't think twice about it just didn't have the time to we're waking up doing stuff with the family so I'm just being in my normal daily life because I'm always meditating now I'm always connected to that presence uh as Paul said I pray without ceasing prayer is just inner communion with God and you've got to develop that ability and that capacity to be connected to that presence and it's absolutely possible but it has to be cultivated right
purifying the false self and apprehending the true self remembering the true self over and over and over again so here's the balance right while the indirect path Works solely on the ego the direct path looks solely to the true self the I am am and so both are needed together until focusing on ego is no longer needed and the thing is you won't know that it's no longer needed until it just drops away of its own accord so the the thing I'm saying here is keep working on improving thyself keep working on correcting thyself keep
doing the indirect practices alongside your devotional practice don't give up those practices for devotion do them both you know start off your morning meditating do all the things you normally do do your breath work but then when you get up from your meditation seat don't forget who you are remember who you are connect to who you are in every possible moment if you can do it a 100 times a day that's 100 times better than doing it once a day I'm a big fan of just like setting an alarm on your phone every hour or
something if you need to do that to train the habit of pause remember and connect if you need to train that habit mechanically we have technology that can help you do that right there's many ways to go about it but the truth is that no actual effort is needed to get hold of the I am it's just that every effort is needed to get rid of the many impediments to its recognition meaning if you have a hard time connecting to I am it's because you have too many blockages that's it when the blockages are gone
The Shining luminous awareness of I am will be there naturally you'll just know that you exist and that that's what makes you divine and that your existence is loving by its very nature and you'll just feel this love for everyone else that exists because love is existence they the the two are one right these are childlike knowings that happen within you once the blockages are removed right so it's not that it really does take effort to to remember love is that it takes effort to overcome the blockages to Love's presence right we can't really take
hold of I am because it's already there so really what it is is Grace that connects us to who we are it's Grace that reminds us of Love's presence and that is the number one benefit of the direct path the number one benefit of the direct path is that it is a massive magnetic attractor for Grace Grace responds in direct proportion to the level of passion for God in the seeker's heart Grace responds in direct proportion to the diligence with which you practice and to the longing you feel for purification the longing you feel to
be aware of love at all times Grace responds in direct proportion to that so when you really take up the direct path you become like a flower blossoming and Grace is like the honeybee that comes to pollinate you the honeybee cannot resist your fragrance right one whose heart is just broken and contrite for God for love just desperate longing for God is an irresistible fragrance for God so the more that you want it the more grace best those it we can say it that way we end up arriving at the goal not like some great
conqueror or achiever who's done this great thing we arrive at the goal as a child being led by the hand into the waiting arms of God grace is that power it's not it's not my power the separate self who's going to improve itself it's not the personal doer who corrects and improves itself it's Grace all the way it's the Divine intelligence all the way so you've just got to give your heart to that Grace and say please Heal Me connect me to you and never let me go I want to be purified I want to
feel you I want to be aware of you at all times and if that's your prayer all day long Grace is going to shine down upon you Grace will begin giving you the ears to hear that Divine Melody that's always playing Grace will give you the lungs to breathe that rarified air of divine love Grace will give you the shoes to walk along the path of Peace Grace will equip you with every good and perfect thing you need to succeed in your goal so here's the final key to this lesson all right what is the
one most important quality is let's not let's not consider Grace a quality that we can cultivate in ourself Grace is purely an act of the Divine on our behalf it's freely given right but in terms of what we can cultivate that will really help us on this path what is the one virtue that is most helpful on the spiritual path put it in the chat I want to see what do you think it is innocence gratitude these are good forgiveness devotion surrender not yet not yet think about how do you how you avoid the pitfalls
we talked about of uh the ego getting puffed up with pride of I'm achieving I'm arriving at the goal I'm becoming more purified I am this I am that humility Jake very good everyone's blowing it up now humility yes we talked about the pitfall of these paths that they can inflate the ego and preserve the ego's existence look how loving I've become look how of service I am being look what a great orator of spiritual truth I've become surely I am becoming enlightened that's spiritual ego and it will be the number one impediment to spiritual
progress as we say pride comes before the fall if any grain of pride gets infused into your spiritual growth you're attracting not Grace but karma to balance out that Pride so humility is the Ultimate key to success you guys to avoiding these pitfalls we've talked about today cultivate as much humility as possible because really the student runs a great risk of empowering the spiritual ego with any true advancement that you make right on either path direct or indirect and so there needs to be a very strong built-in defense to the ego's necessity for Pride the
ego's propensity for Pride must be counterbalanced with a strong defense a Shield what is that Shield that defends you that protects you against the ego's arrogance and pride claiming everything for itself being the doer of all achievements it's humility it's not I but my Father in Heaven of myself I can do nothing I can only do what I see the father doing why do you call me good no one is good but God Alone God in Me does the works it's not I not I that was Jesus's clear message and dis position towards himself and
so it should probably be yours and mine as well right no one has attained the final Freedom who recognizes that they have we can say it that way if you think you've attained you for sure have a big fat spiritual ego cuz when true attainment true Enlightenment true illumination comes to you you won't notice it because it never feels like you've done some great Noble thing it doesn't feel to you like you've you've conquered the universe or something to be honest in my experience it feels a lot more like recognizing a truth that you overlooked
for so long that there's a bit of embarrassment that's felt of like man how did I spend so many years as a conceited ego when clearly only Divine truth exists clearly there's only one being in the universe clearly love is the only law in the universe how did I live like a selfish separate jerk for so long when it's so obvious it's the cosmic joke you don't feel like I've conquered that's how ego feels ego wants a goal to conquer the true self feels just happy to have found that silent shore of love where all
at last is put to rest and you're just ah enjoying it life becomes simple right we said the way of the heart feels easy and light and burden and you're just here to give away this great joy you're you're you're not spending any time self-reflecting anymore ego self-reflect Enlightenment just reflects Enlightenment just shines so humility is the way to purify the self the lowercase self from all pride and arrogance don't take any credit for any progress don't take any credit for any accomplishment every time you re-qualify a thought it's God that does the works not
I don't give the ego a place to stand be humble be humble be humble and if you're humble can you be dishonest to people if you're humble can you be dishonest to yourself of course not honesty is a quality of humility when you become humble Honesty will be there it's very humble to be honest it's very arrogant to be dishonest right if you're humble can you be impatient with people patience is a quality of humility it's very arrogant to be impatient with others isn't it my time is more important in your time it's about what
I want to do and I don't want to be here arrogance so patience is also a quality of humility can you be harsh towards other people angry at people if you're humble gentleness is also a quality of humility love is patient love is kind it keeps no record of wrongs it does not brag it does not boast it does not seek to be right love always trusts love always forgives love always overcomes negativity love is humble in every way meaning when you're truly in the heart you always know because you become humble you're not in
the heart if you're not humble right that's very very obvious so if you begin practicing combining both indirect and direct methods together you're going to see a lot of spiritual progress you're going to see on one hand a lot more space and Stillness opening up inside of yourself you're going to see yourself reflecting more kindness and gentleness to others and a part of your ego will try to take credit for that say wow look how humble you're becoming wow look how kind and generous you're that was really generous of you to give that person that
thing and you've got to be very aware of that voice what will give you the internal radar to be aware of the spiritual ego humility of myself I can do nothing of myself the egoic self I can purify nothing I can correct no thought I can re-qualify no belief I can heal no feeling I can serve no person of my self the ego self I can only be selfish and live in separation so who's here to take any credit for my progress It's all an act of Grace it's all Grace being freely given to me
by my father's love and boy does that feel better boy does the burden get lifted from you when it's not all about you doing the work to improve yourself anymore but now you're just here to let Grace do the improving you're let you're here to let Grace open you and crucify the ego to the cross of love every day finding more ways to extend love and kindness into your world and to become more humble to speak less and listen more all these character virtues are naturally installed within you when you strive for humility Stillness and
just Devotion to God surrender to God the path of the heart is the path of humility surrender trust and if you can stay stay in that trust and humility that surrendering to the divine presence Woo you're on a rocket ship to the Moon I'm telling you what in fact you'll grow so fast that you won't even realize you're growing because as your self-awareness expands very dramatically what's happening is you're becoming more aware of the ego self you're becoming more aware of your blindness and your blockages and so as awareness expands you become more aware of
those obstacles so you don't really feel like you're progressing because more of that darkness is coming into your awareness and when it's removed again you don't feel like some great accomplishment has happened you just feel the relief and the Peace of the healing that it brings so there's never a self who feels improved in that way there's never a self who feels accomplished in its Enlightenment there's just the enlightenment itself which is pure reflection it it has no no self-referencing right humility is that Enlightenment humility is the the true fruit and virtue of a sage
an enlightened being as we've given the analogy a fruit that's full of uh a tree that's full of fruit hangs low right because it's heavy heavy with fruit heavy with abundance and likewise an enlightened being lays low stays lives low doesn't exalt them doesn't try to exalt himself so you might start asking yourself in cultivating humility where am I seeking to exalt myself that question will blow up your awareness in massive ways right you'll be in conversation with somebody and you'll notice yourself trying to go into a story about something about yourself to make you
look good or look innocent or look right and you'll notice it CU humility will start to show you and then you'll just drop the need to do that those things things just begin to be less interesting to you once you're more and more connected to the presence the only thing that's interesting to you is connecting to love to living from Love and what's really really most interesting most exciting most enthralling to you is not just you living in that presence but you extending that presence and manifesting that presence that's why our souls come here because
on the other side of the veil where the awareness of God God's perfect love Is Just omnipresent and unmissable the Soul just says wow how could something so indescribably marvelous truly exist I have got to go back there and show the world what is possible what love exists what love is available to All I Want to Be an emissary of this love please higher self send me back to a human Incarnation and the higher self's like well you just finished your last one and had a pretty tough go of it so let's spend a little
more time healing here on the astral Plaines and then we'll go back and the soul is very eager and sometimes the soul insists it's ready to go back before it really is I mean that's how eager we are to Incarnate here and to become the messengers of love that we're meant to be so the more that you connect to the presence and embibe the presence and embody the presence the more there will be a kind of almost burning desire in you to extend it to everyone you meet you want every person you meet to encounter
the love that you feel and so it's just freely received freely given that's the gift that Grace bestows us and u a balance of both paths rather than abandoning one to take up the other a a healthy balance of both paths indirect practices and the direct practice is the best recipe for the fastest Ascension into the fourth density of [Music] [Music] consciousness
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Do This and Be This—Simple Daily Spiritual Practice
Do This and Be This—Simple Daily Spiritual...
The 3 Disciplines of the I AM State | The I AM Discourses and Law of One Combined
The 3 Disciplines of the I AM State | The ...
Aaron Abke
The Three Pitfalls of Requalifying Thought | Become The Creator Series
The Three Pitfalls of Requalifying Thought...
Aaron Abke
The #1 Way to Activate the Heart Chakra and Gain Spiritual Powers
The #1 Way to Activate the Heart Chakra an...
Aaron Abke
Find Enlightenment & End Suffering Using The LAW OF ONE | Aaron Abke
Find Enlightenment & End Suffering Using T...
André Duqum
Jesus Christ: The Truth That Has Been Hidden for Centuries | Aaron Abke | The Higher Self #129
Jesus Christ: The Truth That Has Been Hidd...
Danny Morel
Becoming Crystalized | The Ascension Spiral Explained | Aaron Abke
Becoming Crystalized | The Ascension Spira...
Aaron Abke
Old Soul REVEALS Our Holographic Universe, Power of Consciousness & Quantum Healing | Gabi Kovalenko
Old Soul REVEALS Our Holographic Universe,...
André Duqum
From Ego to Heart Based Consciousness | Four Steps to the 4th Density
From Ego to Heart Based Consciousness | Fo...
Aaron Abke
Bashar: IT’S HAPPENING NOW! You MUST CHOOSE NOW | The Splitting Prism | Darryl Anka
Heart Coherence Collaborative
Become The Creator | The Law of One | Aaron Abke
Become The Creator | The Law of One | Aaro...
Aaron Abke
The Common Law Movement That Is Changing The World | w/ Cal Washington
The Common Law Movement That Is Changing T...
Aaron Abke
The Illusion of Evil (How To Cleanse Your Perception Of It)
The Illusion of Evil (How To Cleanse Your ...
Aaron Abke
To Know I AM is to BE the I AM | Aaron Abke
To Know I AM is to BE the I AM | Aaron Abke
Aaron Abke
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