wait actually what one thing I actually wanted to ask you about because uh the speed stuff your your race the internet seemed to dud they went love that that so I knew that they were going to love it yeah what what are your thoughts on that oh it went exactly how I thought I was going to we were going to race and it was going to get like millions of views and they were going to be like oh speed was so close to Noah it's like yeah I know I planned it that way okay it's
like oh no he was a going full speed it's like yes he was it's like was like rematch rematch rematch I want to hear your reaction on that because he he keeps saying was close that you basically beat him by half a step yeah I did that on purpose so that he can have that confidence to come back if I beat him by a mile he wouldn't want to come back so if you went all out H how bad would it have been like you dead Sprint you treated it like the Olympics if I treated
it like the Olympics well I wasn't in shape for that type of you're in shape you went all if I'm in shape I think by the third step it'd be over by the third or yeah by the third or fourth step it would have been over and then I would have kept pulling away instead of you know looking at him and did you like do like this or whatever no no I just like looked at him and then just like start flailing my arms out legs out and stuff like that but yeah we just uh
watched your oh the the contestant show oh my gosh man crazy it was really good thank you like really like I'm I'm thinking like oh yeah like you know it's it's going to be good like you know I've seen enough contested shows like and and you know they they get into it but you know we're watching and aut automatically you know your eyes are just gravitated towards it and you're like shoot like I'm I'm here you know it starts off like a normal you know Mr Beast YouTube video and then all of a sudden you're
like it's it's deeper and it's longer and it has and you feel the emotion oh my I was like what the heck why these people like it was funny I was laying right before you got here Kyle goes what do you think of the show and I was like it was cool and I thought he was talking about something else but we I was like dude like people are crying like it's just straight up backstabbing it's like it's the first episode too but I know it's it's I'm so excited for it cuz the thing I
I Tred not to watch any like uh competition or whatever shows going into it so I didn't watch Survivor or any of that I was just like how can we just think of doing things differently cuz another thing too is like these normal shows when challenges are going on they'll like cut to a different room and they'll have someone do you know takeaways after the fact I hate that you know what I mean because it's like I don't I know this is filmed a month later and they're just kind of like oh what' you think
a month ago when you're filming it it's like no I want to see what they're feeling in the moment you know what I mean I want to I want to see that RAW live reaction I did notice that you didn't do that at all and I was cuz I was kind of expecting it you know out of force of habit you know one of the people uh so in the show they have that moment where they were taking the bribes and it's like well why did you take the bribe and I was expecting you to
like run over it and like get that and it's like oh shoot they they didn't get it cuz the people were just taking the bribe so quickly that we didn't have that moment to actually you know sink it in and some of them just didn't say anything they just pressed the button people start screaming at him and they just look down but before that like how do you cast a thousand contestants like how do you get a thousand people in one room like what's the screening process like like what's like from a management standpoint like
I got you so uh at the top of the funnel I just put out a tweet I was like who wants to be in this so yeah and then we got like tens of thousands of people who applied and the big problem is for us when we do a lot of these uh competitions is a lot of people freeze up and they just they don't say anything so what you the easiest thing to do is like get them on a zoom call just ask a bunch of random things just be like what would you do
if I gave you a green cake like that's a stupid question but you know normal people who would be bad in a show would just go um yeah and they just wouldn't say anything like they would they' just freeze and be like I don't I don't know but then like someone who would just be like a green cake why would you give me a green cake that doesn't even what why is it green just start talking then it's like that's great because their default reaction isn't to shut up their default reaction is just to blurt
[ __ ] out is usually what you're saying is just whatever you're thinking and that's what we need so you want reaction exactly well you want to know what is going on in people's minds like you want you want people who are not afraid to say what is on their mind so that's essentially it it's just people who when you put them in weird scenarios just speak then it's like great so throughout the show cuz I don't know which one of those thousand people you know when we start will end up winning so like any
one of them can end up being the face of the show and as it gets deeper and deeper when there's 10 people left when there's five people left I have to make a whole hourlong episode centered around these people's personalities so like I just can't have this person when I'm like all right three people between you and $5 million and they're just like yeah yeah what was like the most funniest moment in that first episode for you oh I mean seeing the reactions when the doors open cuz they they didn't know what that was like
they look so shocked I think I heard a few screams yeah and that drone shot where it followed them how deep was uh so those were about 9ish feet tall and so they were and then at the bottom was fouret of foam and a crash pad so they were they had a higher probability of drowning in foam than like getting hurt that that was actually a concern is like we I cuz I was like I super safety conscious at one point the foam was so tall they're like someone might like you know like sink into
it so they made me put less foam um the safety guys we Ed like the same team that does Marvel stunts and everything we did thousands of drops the days leading up to it I I've probably seen maybe like five or six thousand drop people dropping those things those things they don't look like it but they're so padded it's foam everywhere I was so worried cuz like we literally dropped you don't want anybody get hurt exactly and we literally dropped 500 people and I was like but it went off out of hitch it was great
did you have a favorite character or a favorite did you have a few favorite people that you resonated with oh yeah that guy at the end who took the $100,000 bribe who the whole time he's like we're not taking it you know I was well I just knew it was going to be him when it was so drawn out in dramatic I knew it was going to be him I know that one was fun but in general the thing is most shows like that was the most cameras ever used in history before I it was
like a thousand yeah over a thousand no one's ever used more than like 350 before so the beauty of why we were able to get everyone's reactions is because we had so many cameras and then we had to spend like we had to spend millions of dollars on serers Space just to hold all the footage godam and like how I mean how many hours did you guys have to shift through oh you guys had like three years three years worth of yeah even more than that we we had over 1 yeah we had 150 editors
work on that episode um that's like that's how crazy so over months over 100 people worked on that episode cuz there's so much footage to shift through CU is that one episode yeah just one episode one episode yeah what's funny is that saying that and just choosing the right scenes to edit and put in the show I thought what was funny was that guy that was they they were building the blocks and he starts [ __ ] jumping like like yeah it's pretty stur and his [ __ ] it falls I was just like dude
like what the hell are you doing like why would you do that but it comes back to like what you said like people just never know what to do and it was hilarious when I saw that shot I was like oh my gosh people are going to think that's not even r like 5 million on the line why would he just start jumping like what sometimes you got to take the risk risky for the biscuit take that risk that one was funny what uh the thing is we on the camera set we we have the
official Guinness world record for most cameras in the shoot we had the Guinness world record for most uh cables laid because we had to laid 26 miles of cables for the cameras to go to the server like largest control room in history most contestants in history gu world record for largest cash prize in history like we have 50 Guinness World Records from the show they they uh I feel like everything do as a world record I want to show you what cuz Guinness just uh pulled up to like my house and finally dropped them off
like two days ago I want to show you what you got the box yeah yeah but it was funny cuz this is just not Kyle do you have a photo oh yeah this is not what I was expecting Guinness just I'll s you put goodness gracious man they just showed up to my house and just plopped those like 50 bcks they literally just put like a a stack of Records this high at my house and I'm like here you go look at this nuts oh gosh have to put that up on the on the screen
I was like not expecting that at all you have quite a few don't you I wish you're the literal fastest human living so I am the fastest I'm the world's fastest man so you get it with the title of you know being the Olympic champion technically the world's fastest man and the fastest man alive is Usain Bol okay are you ever going to be able to beat his times shoot I'm knocking on the door of of the 200 100 MERS let go just go ahead and beat him so I can call you the fastest man
to ever live shoot if it was that easy I would have done that five years ago throw throw speed in there too yeah throw speed in there but I'm I'm the I'm the fastest American ever to live okay so I have the American record and same does so does Ry as well he has the American record in the 4 hurdles so we're the fastest Americans that have ever lived in in human you know Humanity which is also pretty cool but you know we're just constantly getting closer and closer to uh to you know breaking World
Records yeah but I mean I want to see in the background of the Pod right here fastest man to ever live you got it how coming how many years before your speed will start to go down and you're like they usually say around so it's different because the you know age and Technology they used to say it was around 30 now it's like 35 but then you have people like Shelley and Fraser price who's like 36 37 and how old are you right now I'm 27 so I just reached what they consider Peak Fitness for
my age so 26 through 3132 is what they consider to be so the next Olympics is when you're going to shatter the world record exactly okay or whenever I just feel like he's been holding back he didn't want to like throw it all out there once going back to you know your your collaboration with Prime video I mean this was a situation where you guys basically kind of got like the open check yeah was it did Jeff like had to okay that uh well his I did not speak to Jeff but I mean it was
they paid a lot for it um I in transparency lost money filming it I overspent but yeah I mean ah it was worth it yeah it turned out great I'm very happy with freak but yeah they uh actually don't know I've never asked Amazon if I'm allowed to say it publicly so I don't but it was it was a lot it was it was a lot of money I was pretty shocked and then I was like surely we're not going to spend all this money but then I I we started writing the show and I
was like I want a thousand towers with trap doors that people fall into and I want this and that to mean that cost $15 million we can't do that I was like but it's it's cool can we just do it one thing though that um that would that like one of the things I wanted to do uh or I originally had planned for like an early episode that we ended up not doing um was tell me what you think of this we were when we got to the top 50 people I was going to go
to a desert and get like 50 like uh Mountain machine guns so like picture like 10 machine guns and then a row below it 10 machine guns like on scaffolding and there's like five rows of 10 machine guns and I was going to put like a um like a scarecrow really far out in the desert and each machine gun has different bullets and I was going to go first 25 people to shoot that scarecrow all the way out there you know are on the same team so then we get a like a really cool slow-mo
shot of people spraying machine guns from this Tower in a really big desert I thought with Trace arounds I thought they would look cool and then once 25 hit it I'd grab their colors and i' take the 25 up top so you have the five rows of uh 10 machine guns you have the 25 people up top 25 people still down below I was going to go at any point in the next seven days you guys can drop a bag in front of those machine guns and if it hits the ground before they shoot it
then you guys move on but if they shoot it before it hits the ground they move on so you could decide to drop it at 3:00 a.m. you could decide to drop drop 4 days later how do you think of this oh I have like a hundred of these ideas but that one I was not allowed to shoot machine guns for liability issues I was L about to say that it's a great idea I me the like picture someone cuz I was going to say why not use like sniper rifles but then once you said
slowmo you know machine guns I'm like oh my gosh I can enion that an anime literally yes I'll do it you will I will okay I'll sign a waiver next time we should have you uh race with one leg against them everyone who loses is eliminated honestly and a hurdle jump throw that throw that throw that in the show that would be crazy yeah that would be cool but like I would feel bad for the people that lose yeah and that I mean that was kind of like half the show like feeling the emotions that
these contestants are going through I mean some I'm pretty sure some of them felt betrayed yeah did they not off camera every time someone screwed someone over we'd instantly have a security guard run over and stand beside them just to like make sure they're okay yeah just to make sure everything's doesn't get too escalated cuzz yeah I mean they would get pretty heated um mhm but at the end of the day I mean no one forced them to screw anybody yeah it's a contestant yeah it's their choice but I mean it makes sense when it
got up to $8,000 $100,000 like some of these people make $40,000 a year that's two and a half years of work right just for pressing a button and standing there awkwardly for 10 minutes well you know I mean like it's a it's worth it yeah a bunch of people that don't know yeah do you guys like have therapists or doctors on standby oh yeah yeah we did really yeah we throughout the whole show if they ever needed to talk to a professional we had it cuz obviously at certain parts it got pretty intense and so
they they used it literally the entire time like a lot of contestants would come up to me and be like I'm so glad we had a therapist cuz like I was this was very intense and like it just felt good to let it out and I was like that's why they're here yeah wow I mean that's very you know thinking forward I mean like having that I feel is probably more impressive than half the stuff you're doing because the last thing you want is for somebody to come in and and feel like they thought about
it the rest of your life I mean I would be so distraught if somebody felt like this was my only chance and you know I feel like I got Rob but it's just you know it's a contestant show you know it is a part of the game and and the the activities you're doing so unfortunately that does it's going to happen regardless 999 of the thousand people will lose exactly but it is a lot of pressure because it's the largest cash prize in history you want to give me that Lamborghini I'll race the Lamborghini bro
honestly what's your 0 to 60 pretty quick not as fast as L could you jump over speed honestly 100% I 100% can if you're in dra you're definitely jumping over Lambo lambo's easy let's jump over the G wagon oh speed's gonna hear that and then go do thatum over probably I want um a percentage of the whatever you got for all right last thing I I'll ask about him I think he said on a stream recently he wants to race in 2028 yes I did say so what's funny is he went to complex con and
he you know went in officially and they were doing a a podcast with Speedy I think that that's what the guy's name was okay ohed show up on the last day and I just you know showed up I didn't have any plans I was just going to go meet some friends you know who had stalls and stuff I walk in and instantly get surrounded and that's very that's Ry would know that's not very common for track and field athletes but you know of course racing with uh speed I speed a few weeks later it already
had this controversy going on and he was there a few hours ago and he just announced he's like I'm going to yeah I'm going to run the 50 M 100 meters of the Olympics I'm like ah well there's no 50 m but we'll see how you get there he's like I mean it it's amateur sport anybody can participate as long as you got the time to do it if you trained him right like if he was like Noah give me a regimen and he followed it to a te and like listen to everything you said
for the next three years like do you what do you think would happen I think that we could potentially get him to the trials for sure uh he would definitely have to sacrifice a lot though like a lot of the time he probably has for stream and weightlifting like he's going to be sore constantly and we're going to be constantly like putting him in positions where it's like hey you're going to lose a lot you because you just have to lose because we have how many hours a day would he have to train he would
have to train at least from probably 9 to 11 and then i' probably let him get lunch and then again from I probably let him get lunch is crazy well some people don't like to do lunch in between but then they and then he do weight room which would really be the thing that that hits hard and that would be for about an hour and a half maybe two hours depending on you know how good he is or you know how well his body adapts to everything that we're doing yeah but it it's really like
the weight room that throws every everybody off like you could train you know for days but track and field what a lot of people don't realize unlike other sports where you could just you know they we have these constant conversations about how yeah Michael Jordan and Kobe would just get in like free throws for three hours before practice starts you can't do that in track okay cuz your body can only handle so much before it needs to recover and if you're not recovered at a correct amount you're not going to get the right quality of
work so everything you do is going backwards instead of going forward yeah and that's so hard for people to conceptualize at times I think I saw a stat that said he was on Pace to run seven flat 260 which is I laugh because like that's kind of females are doing that that's what the that's what the women do so I mean like he'd have to do a huge amount of work uhhuh and it was just funny because everyone's just like yeah speed almost beat Noah but I'm like dude you guys are on Pace to run
7 Seconds to 60 he runs a 60 in like what 64 64 three 643 yeah so it's like that's a huge gap you know what I mean but this that's Raw Talent yeah it's raw talent but what I he definitely qualify to go to trials but it's going to be like an entirely different body of work yeah like to get through the rounds and to make a that is true cuz it's not I want I personally I want to see him do it I I do that would be crazy I mean what I I tell
people constantly is guys you guys are getting mad because an amateur is saying that they want to participate in an amateur event you can't get mad at that yeah this is a guy who has a ton of following and he's going to bring that following along his journey why are you mad at this yeah everyone should be leaping at the opportunity to get him into it exactly cuz like yeah I mean I don't outside the Olympics I don't ever see any races or anything so like that seeing that there all over my feed like got
me way more interested well we got to change that then your channel you got you're starting to crank it out exactly we're getting we're getting heavier and heavier but my channel you heard your channel actually you should do a video where you know it would go super viral if you did like a Tik Tok Instagram the brain yeah no this would this would go crazy is if you like just grabbed a random person off the street so it's just like hey I'm the fastest man uh in America uh will you race me and then you
race them and then uh every time you beat them you like put a 10 PB vest on or like Goku like uh weights on and then you go until they beat you that would I promise you that would probably get 50 to 100 million views that would go so viral like just how like the speed stuff you guys did uh went super training like that would too because it's like like I did a video where I just ran with money until I couldn't uh stop moving so I I saw that and that like across everything
got like over a billion views but it got more views off my socials than on it not because of me just because it was cool to see like I ran with 10 grand 20 grand and I got all the way up to 130 and I physically couldn't move and I fell over and people thought that was hilarious you know yeah you though man putting on like a vest and it's not even going to be that long I mean it could be a video that it could be a short it's just a Tik Tok yeah exactly
but yeah it would be so quick a random person on the street you're the the second most popular person on social media right behind Cristiano Ronaldo and then you did a video with him my main video on my channel oh with you and with him and Tom will be out yeah yeah so the yeah that was crazy having Ronaldo in it I I need to show you it you haven't seen it yet no not not so you obviously won against the amateur Ronaldo didn't yeah I heard on the on the first uh professional to win
to be the amateur yeah that's crazy it was target practice um so it's football goal five targets and um yeah Ronaldo but what was the what was it like when you went on his channel when you were Ronaldo was amazing I was actually here's the thing with Ronaldo and you as well but also with Ronaldo I was like just give me 10 minutes like I'll do it in five like I get it this guy's like a billion followers like you know people worship the ground he walks I'm like I I understand I'm like I'm a
peasant in this scenario like just give me what I I'll sit around for five hours and then as I'm flying to Saudi Arabia his team's like no five minutes like Ronaldo would give you whatever you need like you few hour give day yeah exactly and I was like whoa okay that I was not expecting that text I was honestly I saw the message and I was like a [ __ ] they just backed out and then no it's actually they gave me more time and so I I get to the pitch and he just was
just hanging out he was super chill super cool just a chill guy yeah he was very chill just a chill guy I mean I was I was expecting him to have like this huge Entourage and what it just did you guys did they like fly you out on like guitar Airway uh no I was I was actually filming in Dubai so I uh just so you close yeah I flew actually on the very back of a plane over there commercial just staring down on the back of a play yeah so like people wouldn't ask for
photos I've actually flown Southwest like three times in the last month he a chill guy from North Carolina man um cuz I'm trying to yeah but anyways uh with him though we filmed it was great but and then after we finished filming I'm like okay you know you're the most famous man on the planet thanks for the like hour and he's like no you want to come to the house and I was like oh so you guys hung out yeah we hung out and I was like you see his Bugatti uh I did not see
his cars uh but I was like okay um all right I want to hang out like uh so did you guys go to dinner or no we just went to house and we just chatted and talked and then eventually filmed the video you posted on his channel which was just just chatting and he was just like super hospitable and I was just like what is going on I was like bro like it it's a very surreal moment yeah exactly I was like you don't have to do this like no pressure um and then his kids
were big fans I said hi to them the yeah so that's the thing that has happened multiple times like similar thing I filmed with Chris himsworth um and afterwards or at his house and I was just expecting like 20 30 minutes we um actually I was late uh to film me with Chris himsworth sorry I know I'm typically late um but I was like worried cuz my friends arrived early and I was like oh he's probably like annoyed it was just my friends and like you know ego them or whatever and I was just super
nervous so I called them and I was like I was going to say like hey don't be annoying like maybe just sit in the car outside and they're just playing video games with Chris himsworth like on his couch and I hear Chris in the background he's like n take your time we're just hanging out and they're like yeah we're just playing I think they're playing UFC in his like his theater and I was like oh okay and then I showed up at same thing he was super chill uh we hung out for like an hour
before he filmed and then afterwards we just hung out played video games and so that's like a reoccurring theme is I'm always like expecting them to be like here's 10 minutes put a camera in my face and kick me out but they're always like super nice would you would you'd be crazy if I would have said the same I expected the same thing when we did our first video together I thought it was going to be a quick like oh you're just going to come in and you you know I'm already like everybody setting up
I'm just going to come in do the intro and we're going to do the video and yeah bounce real quick um and I I've noticed like that type of thinking happens when you are like relating to somebody from a camera and now hearing you say it it's like dang okay we are and truly all just you know people like we like to enjoy time with people we like to all play video games the amount of people I've sat on couches and play video games with with some some famous guys kids unless like wow you know
we all just we're just want to hang out you know yeah and when you have every excuse in the book you just go you're not the fastest man in America for doing nothing I got to go work out and what's anyone going to say so you have like the easiest out but you still do it um yeah agreed and I was shocked like when I was like oh yeah maybe raise speed and you're like okay sure I was like oh damn he's like chill I think at the end of the day we just like to
do fun things exactly I was a big Peter Pan fan as a kid I never wanted to grow up I still don't like the idea of growing up so all I want to do is like just have fun throughout whole says the guy that pulls out Yu-Gi-Oh cards at the Olympics shocker I might be wrong did you not go to the top of the tallest building in the world that was in Dubai yeah uh so that was right before you yeah exactly it was pretty crazy times cuz we were all over the place we were
in Germany to launch feasts then we flew to Netherlands to Flying a hot air balloon then we flew to uh the Canary Islands to filming a submarine then we flew to uh OKC to help people walk again and then Ecuador to help people walk again and then Guatemala for two days to help people walk in and then we flew back to UAE to stand on top of Tallis building world then flew to Saudi Arabia to film with Ronaldo then we flew to Florida to help a hurricane I mean I didn't see my house for like
55 days straight I I was dying understandably yeah I mean do you have your own plan at this point like uh no I wish lot of those flights were in the back of plane commercial CU they were still last minute booked um yo one if these Airlines need you guys need to help Mr Beast out cuz he's helping the world out so plug him with the that'd be great can I have this thing where like if I book a last minute plane ticket I can just call everyone who has a first class seat and just
be like hey and offer them money to buy their seat cuz like all my tickets are so last minute like the only seats left are like middle seat in the very back of the plane um all right but I don't want to I don't want to make light of you climbing to the top of the the the tallest tower in the world because I yeah you you had a fear of heights I a severe fear of heights I hate heights with the passion so my I have somebody very close to me who also has a
fear Heights and we actually went to look at a property recently and we had to go to the top of the building and he wouldn't get close to the edge because of his fear and he's getting over he's getting closer and closer over it but first of all can you explain what the IDE IDE of having that fear is like like what's the anxiety level and how it gets to that point when you're getting close to the edge well I mean I mean I assume a lot of people have a fear of heights like me
I mean you just feel your heart start beating and beating and it's so irrational like one time when we were repelling into a cave it was just a 300 foot repel I mean it's just like just stepping off the ledge with just this rope and looking down I mean I almost vomited like five times cuz it's just like I'm putting my entire life into this rope yeah and it's the you looking down and it just makes you easy one thing that helps me a lot when I do stuff like that is so I just don't
look down so like when I stepped off the ledge I was just like looking up and I was like I'm just walking downstairs you know and as they're slowly repelling me I'm just like yeah I'll touch the ground any second no and I just tell myself that in my head over and over again for like 10es speaking you know to yourself so I I find like just lying to myself in my head helps like my brain rationalize it on top of the building I it took hours to climb up to the top and I was
just like bro if you don't do this you can't we can't yeah yeah it's like come on and that's typically what I end up doing when I don't want to do things uh I just get myself so in deep that my brain starts to rationalize it like I when I count to 100,000 I didn't want to do that but I knew after I got 20,000 in I'd be like well now it's opportunity cost if I quit now I you know so then and then I get to 50,000 I'm like well I'm halfway yeah this miserable
but then all that would have been for nothing if I quit and then next thing you know you're at 990,000 it's like well I'm almost there even though this [ __ ] sucks and so you just kind of thrust yourself in into things and try to trick your brain into rationalizing it but that's courage man that's that's courage I mean knowing that you have the fear but still doing it anyway I mean that's that's what that's my entire channel is me just doing things I don't want to do yeah and I feel like that's like
the epitome of like your career cuz like 10 years ago or let's say yeah 10 years ago would you have ever thought that You' gotten to this point right now cuz you started like on the cway oh my God actually you no no no no this is a phenomenal question you don't even know how great of a question you just asked me is wait wait wait with the best question no no you're that's actually the craziest I'm about to show you the you asked what did I oop sorry let me just punch this mic you
asked me what did I think I where did I think I would be in 10 years well literally n and a half years ago I uploaded a video unlisted that goes public in like 6 months saying here's where I think I'll be in 10 years so this video right here I can show you it's called hi me in 10 years I uploaded it on October 4th 2020 or 2015 wow goes live October 4th 2025 so 11 months from now so I can actually I mean I could show you we just can't play it in the
video but you could say your reactions I could tell you exactly where I thought I would be this this is this is me when I was a teenager oh my God wait wait let me uhy oh God I look like a [ __ ] dwee didn't we all okay make sure you cut this out but of the podcast we got you okay here you go we don't want to ruin 10 years in the making it would be cool if I did this as a job job cuz the problem is like we didn't have much money
growing up and my mom was like freaking out cuz all I did was make videos and she was like my son's going to be homeless like I'm a failure what the [ __ ] did I do wrong and so I just wanted to make enough where what my goal was always when I graduated high school to be able to make enough off of YouTube where I could do it full-time and I graduated and I wasn't making enough and that's when my mom thought I was a failure I thought I was a failure I was like
[ __ ] I know you started like uploading through Cod a lot of call hundreds of cod comment and just the pivot for you was like crazy because yeah it's so it's like contrastly different you started off YouTube quit came back and then it's like you have all these freaking crazy ideas like do you have like now you've like blown up so and it was quick it was quick too it wasn't it wasn't slow it was quick well it was slow and quick I mean it was like going from 100 million to 300 million on
YouTube was quick but going from a million to 100 million took forever yeah so it's like depends which time frame but yeah I mean the crazy part is like the most subscribed to person in the world just grew up in a tiny town in North Carolina and that's where he makes this vide like it's not in Hollywood it's not in New York it's like just a really small country town do you have imposter syndrome um like do you get to places and be like yo why are these people like I used to back in the
day but now I'm just kind of used to like being who I am so it's like I would if if I wasn't Mr more just being a normal human posture syndrome like when someone treats me normal it's like oh this is this is different like nice yeah it's nice like they don't want something from me or they don't they're not trying to like use me or anything it's just um but no it's because everywhere I go obviously it's just uh you kind of just get used to it I mean just like you like I'm to
be all honesty I'm kind of struggling with it like I knew that it was going to come but getting into it has been very much of a a weird position because I'm I'm I'm not I don't make enough money enough to hire my own security 24/7 but I'm obviously popular enough to wherever I go I'm going to be noticed and you know seen and I was actually talking to Terry Cruz last night and I was like how how how do you how do you get through it you know people come up and they touch you
and they grab you because they feel like they know you you know they've they've grown up with you they've seen you through the screens well you're a very likable guy you're not like uh assertive or arrogant or anything so like especially you that they really do feel like they're your friend and I'm very blessed to have that situ situation but at the same time yeah I I I do have I like my boundaries as well as any human does and it's it's such a weird place to be in and I know that you've definitely had
that same you know issue I I think I heard you talk about it before yeah I mean well more but interesting we're around the same age yeah the thing is it's like no yeah you graduate in 2016 I graduated in 2016 as well oh [ __ ] yeah so it's like 15 the the thing is like you people I also think like just might look at us and think we're older than we are or like I mean the the big thing is it's right it's like this is all relatively new to us and in general
social media hasn't really been along around that long like when Usain Bolt was alive and doing his thing like was social Med alive what you know what I me no we still run Tik tok's gonna clip that and be like Mr beasting you say bold is dead he's an idiot um but uh you know social media wasn't as big as it is now so you're you're like the first person in the spot where you are more like a lot of people know you for you and not even potentially for your your accolades or things like
that um or that might be how they first hear your name but now they like deeply personally know you like I don't I don't know anything about you not that that's a dig or anything but I just I know he's fast as hell and it was always fun to watch him run um but a lot of people know what you like and like know that you like anime and you know and you show personality with the Yu-Gi-Oh card and you're you talk and you have this podcast and things like that so it's like you're in
a whole different realm because people actually think they're your friend not that oh it's just the guy that runs incredibly fast you know so you're kind of trailblazing that way I think we could say the same about you too it's like social media has really opened up an entirely new world like people have access now to you and like I know like you grew up in a small town and in North Carolina but like the things that you're doing now and like having people see like your day-to-day and like the crazy things like I think
for me one of the impressive one of the most impressive things was when you bought chandar and Island I was like like he he yeah like what was like the process like what that was like so crazy like and having people go through that Journey as well too and see that day-to- day like if it was 2008 like no one is knowing like what's going on it's just nuts to know that social media was the Catalyst for all of this for everything I mean I've never worked a normal job I mean we've actually given away
four private islands Amen brother so it's like that was just uh one of the islands we gave away I mean bigger than the channnel one when I hit 100 million subscribers we gave away like a really really nice Private Island till like our uh we flew 100 random subscribers down put them on an island had them compete for it it almost feels like an anime to be honest and the thing is though that like really nice private islands I've told this story before but I could go a little more in depth a really nice Private
Island ridiculously expensive obviously if you want like one with a dock and stuff I don't have that kind of money so what we did was we basically just found like a a rock with like a bunch of trees on it it priv isap one they ship sand in exactly on on barges we imported 10,000 lbs of sand and we custom made three beaches uh and terraformed on the side of the island so now cuz you know just Mak an earth over here yeah so you put sand on rocks now you have a beach you know
what I mean so it's like cool built a beach built the pure we imported like 300 palm trees and then we built a little irrigation canal throughout it so now there's palm trees and then we built a little building on it and that ended up being like if a really nice Private Island was $12 million that looked like this we bought like a cheap one for whatever a little over a million and then put four whatever or five million I don't remember the numbers millions of dollars into terraform it but it was like less than
half the cost like to buy and build a private island than it was to just buy a private island and so that was that's like that's where it gets weird because that's the life I'm living in now where I'm like figuring out how to terraform private islands and like how to import sand across you know country borders and deal with you know the Panamanian government on all these rights and and and it's like sometimes they just like on a barge in the middle of the ocean as we're like figuring out how to like terraform a
a beach and I'm just like what the [ __ ] when when they say don't bring sand to the beach it does not apply to this guy not ter fored a lot of beaches on islands and a lot of this is self-funded right it's all self-funded this so every video that you've probably made is refunding what you're doing currently or in the future well I mean we make money through febles and things like that but yeah I've always I I had this idea when I was I think like 17 or 18 I was just like
what if I just took every dollar I made in a month and just spent it the next month on the videos and then I took all the money those made and spent it the next month on videos I've just kind of been doing that for a decade so I like when I first got my first $10,000 brand deal my mom was like please please only spend half of it because she knows me I was like nah I'm just going to I I think it'd be cool just to give it to a homeless guy and help
him out and my mom was like why don't you just give him like $5,000 and keep $5,000 I like no no no trust I was like if I do this then afterwards I want to do this video where I tip pizza delivery drivers and I'll be able to get a bigger brand on that because this one will do better and then after that I want to tip Uber drivers and I laid out like this whole like Smooth brain play over like a year and my mom was like she started crying and she thought I lost
my mind I was like cuz we we didn't have any money so like I was basically plowing everything back into the videos she doesn't we don't have anything really because we they were we were overleveraged in 2008 so my parents lost everything and so they uh yeah that was that was now she trusts me and we're great she loves it but back then it's crazy so on the notion of uh funding it yeah I would just take what I made reinvested it and then like eventually it turned into like me giving I think a Uber
driver is like $100,000 so I spend 10 grand and the video would make 20 grand then I'd spend 20 grand on a video then the next video 30 grand and 40 Grand it kept the videos just kept getting more views and it was like it was awesome where where did that mindset come from like just just cuz you give away so much money and and help so many different people like was that always the goal just to you know get money to help other people yeah no I this is where for me I think um
I should I have like PR people tell me you should have like this soft story on how you just it pulls on your heart strings and you really just love helping people but what I've always said is the truth it's just a world where I help people is just more fun than a world where I don't so it's just like you know I I can get 100 million views uh I just know what works really well on YouTube and on almost anything and so it's just like I'd rather just do do it while helping people
than doing it by hurting people you know and so that's the honest truth um I can make up a soft though that people on that show would probably like get in your situation and they're just like yeah I'm going to keep this money to myself because it's like you're not getting access to like a small amount like I thinking about the production of that show the amount of money you gave away even the $5 million prize like dude like anyone could have been like yeah like I don't even need to be helping out other people
and I think that's like really speaks to your character and speaks to your brand is it wrong to say that what you're going to gain through the show on Prime video is going to give you the freedom to now do other things where you don't have to constantly be looking over your shoulder of we got to make sure we keep you know no YouTube's the number one priority YouTube Bro YouTube's the biggest platform in the world like YouTube is I think YouTube's going to keep growing year every year the next 5 years if you buy
an Android phone YouTube comes pre-installed yeah if you Google anything which everyone uses Google YouTube pops up first if you [ __ ] buy TV now YouTube comes pre-installed if you like you can't escape YouTube all roads lead to YouTube and so it's like I think the platform is going to keep growing for the next 5 10 years and I think like YouTube 10 years from now will be bigger than television was at its peak that now it'll be more decentralized because there'll be hundreds or millions of creators uh and before there was only like
10 shows so like but I think the cumulative um you know amount of people who consume it and get their news from it and just like spend time watching it will be higher than television was you know 30 40 years ago so I'm all in on it super bullish um and I think you know the numbers will keep going up I think it's like 2.1 billion people use YouTube every month right now I think it'll be three billion I think it'll be four billion I think at one point 70% of the world will use it
you know what I mean basically anyone who doesn't live in China do you get any extra perks for being like new YouTube's best content creator no um nothing no but it's also cuz then yeah but I'm fine with it all I want is just to keep getting views and you know keep being able to do what you yeah exactly I'm good like I'm you know in the last 30 days we've gotten two billion views like I'm happy like that's does sometime get like self-conscious at times when you're like shoot people might be running their whole
Channel based off of what I've done recently like yeah because of course you could say that you know you follow the algorithm or you're able to read it or read people but at some points like people might be reading you and thinking you're the actual algorithm he is the algorithm well what I've said all the time is if you study because yeah I spent like six or seven years of my life studying like 10 hours a day but if you study it enough you just start to realize the YouTube algorithm just reflects what viewers want
and you actually like stop studying the algorithm you just start studying culture you start studying what people are consuming what they want you know that kind of stuff so but at this point I don't do I don't look at data much anymore I just kind of make videos I think are good cuz that's and like it always comes full circle back to okay everything points to make good videos so then just obsessed over making good videos and then it's like because it's crazy like if people click and watch YouTube serves it if they click and
don't watch They don't serve it if they don't click then they can't watch and YouTube doesn't serve it so it's like um yeah just like wake up every day focus on making the best possible and then you'll get you know the exponentially better the video is the exponentially more views you get so would you ever think of like I don't know taking on an apprentice at some point oh I do all the time like this one guy had a basketball Channel and I started doing like weekly calls with him and we took him from like
$10,000 a month in Revenue to 400,000 and he did in like December this is years ago that was a lot of fun because people used to always say like well you're just Mr Beach it doesn't work so I would start mentoring small channels and I'd be like no actually it works it I literally tweeted it out I was like it works you know you just and basically all I was telling him was like just make good videos like it wasn't like I was doing anything like um secretive or exploiting anything it was just like yeah
your intro sucks this part here sucks this sucks this could be better yeah yeah this could be better and it's just doing that you know 500 times and eventually I was like yeah I would watch this now you got a product yeah and then it's like magically starting to get more views yeah yeah so um I've always kind of wanted to I don't know if you've thought about this ride like as I get closer to the end of my career when I get closer to the end of my career after you break every world record
exactly training up somebody to not only you know run fast but of course understand your marketability understand how to work the system understand the game that we're all playing like you know you along with needing the followers you need to actually compete because people want to got to pay attention and then knowing the direction that you want to go in like what's your goal like oh my gosh the amount of time people you know I'll ask kids they like I want to be an Olympian I'm like how how how committed to that how are you
really ready for like is that your dream or is it you just want to be famous well I like the idea of being famous like yeah see no it's like that's okay but I want you to know I assume your goal wasn't to be famous it was you just wanted to be fast I just I just wanted to be the best exactly I I learned very early on that my ambition was extremely high in whatever I touched and it was that that just Springs boys me springboards me into everything and where I can't stay in
one place like I I love to try and be as versatile as possible if I'm just stuck being a track of field athlete I'm going to get depressed MH because I'm just stuck here and all I can think about is that it's like no I want to touch as many things as possible and be able to have fun with it you know mhm well and I but I think what you said there is like you just want to be the best that's no one's going to get anywhere near your level if they just want to
be famous it's only going to be if they have this Burning ambition and desire to be the best in in the sport it's how you get it just like you don't you won't be a YouTuber my size if you're like I just want to be famous you have to you have to live and breathe improving videos and production and video making and editing and all that kind of stuff and no one who just wants to be famous does that it's only people who have the drive to be the best what is that process like what's
your what's your team like we're up to 400 employees now across everything wa wait wait wait what yeah 400 employees like the first I know your younger self didn't see that no first one5 million to make every month out the door to just paying salaries um but yeah I mean for the production company I mean we just have the best in the world it's not like you hire like I think we have 250 to 300 people who work at our videos you don't hire them overnight so I've just been hiring a couple people a month
for you know four or five years and training and I just can confident say we have the best in the world like we have the best editors at least when it comes to YouTube in the world we have the best storytellers we have the like no one else in the world can you know one time we were flying to Paris for a video and I was like you know what would be cool is if we had the Eiffel Tower and we could like flick the lights on and off on the flight over and I look
at my top guy who he he's he's known for being able to get anything like he he's a monster I was like get it and I just figure it out he's like bro we're literally like 12 hours away from France like I can't just I was like yeah you can just figure it out and then we got there and we literally in one of our videos got the Eiffel Tower we're flicking the lights on off had it all to ourselves um and he managed to pull it off with like only a day um and so
like those are the kinds of people have like they don't exist anywhere on the planet they're like a rare breed of like they don't see nose they just make the impossible happen consistently and I'm so grateful for them but it it took a long time to find those kinds of people like when you say um I could say literally almost anything and they they wouldn't look at me like I'm crazy they they just be okay we'll figure it out and they do it's it's wild the things they pull off you live like like an unreal
life now like it's actually like yeah it it it has its moments it's over arching it's fun it's my choice it's fun but it's like what I was laying out the travel schedule or like when you're buried alive for seven days in a coffin on a hard solid wood floor or you're in seven days of solitary confinement pushing your body to the Limit yeah exactly or or I didn't eat food for 14 days one time two weeks without any calories that was that wasn't fun like what pushes you to do stuff like that though um
I like you said I just like I just like winning I I love the game it's like I don't particularly like doing those things but I just like the results of those things and I I just want to win oh yeah actually this will go up after uh TQ just showed me something here's another one that we just secured uh we have filmed it by the time this goes out we got all three of the pyramids of Egypt for a 100 hours I'm going to do a video where they're going to let me explore anywhere
I want in the pyramids for 10000 hours we're going to sleep at the pyramids all to ourselves how did they what the heck how' you okay that how they okay the guy man bro we worked with the Egyptian government the Egyptian government Y and we got access to the pyramids so yeah we were going to I mean we haven't filmed it yet so but they're going to let me go down any tunnels find secret corridors just like just grab a vlog camera and just film do you know anything about the pyramids No I was on
the plan right over there just going to listen to every conspiracy theory in the world every like read some books I'm not as up to dat one thing I really want to do too that he's like hinted maybe he doesn't know because he has a lot going on imagine if I did a podcast with Joe Rogan on top of the pyramid okay so that's that was going to be my segue is Joe is like complet like he has done deep Dives on how the pyramids were built and how it's just [ __ ] impossible to
move those big ass pieces of line I know Joe has to be he's like I I got lost in that rabbit hole too wait well here I'll show you what he said uh we've been talking about it um where is he right here it's actually [ __ ] impossible like like I I I think about it like humanly like told him we have the pyramids locked in December 20 and he said I'm thinking about it I'll let you know if I can swing the dates dude you guys you guys should absolutely do it like absolutely
oh yeah I I think that would be amazing that would be [ __ ] but now imagine on top of the pyramid you have it for what inside on top you got for 100 hours uh yes yeah dude do it so what's like like what else are you going to do I mean that's that's 100 hour going to be people watch me sit lay in a coffin for 7 days like 200 million people like yeah walking around three massive world wonders like I mean I don't know I I've never been inside of it I want
to just like find secrets and just go through all the rooms and the tombs and that kind of stuff would you have like a an expert who would guide you showing you like hey this is when this was made 100% % yeah yeah and then I want them to be like this is the room no one seen publicly or whatever and I'm so excited cuz there's all these secret quars deep below too and and uh things like that like I I don't know what to expect I mean I hope that's like I don't really believe
in ghosts or anything but some of my friends who are coming do and so they want to they're bringing all sorts of gadgets like you know s out ghosts and things which I I think are shamp but whatever um I I'll I'll entertain the thought with them um you know um some might happen like people say that it's like that would be awesome it's like positioned in such a weird way that it lines lines theat when are you planning on doing this uh it's December what's the DAT 2nd 5th to the 12th I mean if
you want to come out I was literally about to say should we try to go I think we're recording that day too podcast on if Joe says no we we got Noah Noah we could all like do the [ __ ] pod together to be honest but no that's actually super cool man like that actually funny after I did one with Joe you just you know he does the podcast the fastest uh fastest guy in the world no we all sit down and do the Pod together never been on Joe before no I was actually
just talking to my agent about probably swinging on his for sure I've been waiting for a pod I what's crazy is I actually haven't done a podcast since after the Olympics really I was supposed to do like five different ones and they all just kind of like fizzled out or you know they didn't want the man that brought the NBA basketball back yeah the world champions of what no one wanted world champions of what gosh that was that's that's crazy how that blew up like IAL I I remember when that blew up cuz we were
we were literally partying after the world championships and it was all an exciting moment and my flow is blowing up because my friends are texting me like bro what the heck did you say about the NBA I'm like the NBA what are you talking about it's like Drake is on your head now what I I don't even know Drake and they literally looking at all this stuff like oh they're mad about something and they're mad at me what did I do this time I well to be fair I my all my friends play basketball and
um and a lot of people in my company play basketball and watch basketball they weren't mad they were very happy like the consensus from all the NBA fans I knew were like finally we're going to get Steph and LeBron and we're going to like we're going to get the super team back they they were all super glad you said that true and that's exactly what it was happening because they they lost at the World Championships that was happening in that year then they put the super team back which was already going to happen just because
it's the Olympics they're always going to come back from the Olympics but hey I'll be the story I'll be the person who it was the thousands of Tik Tok Clips if you say world champions of that brought him back all the edits and everything and was crazy is I have know quite a bit of NBA you know players just through you know I mean I'm an athlete you know we we meet each other and a lot of them were just like yeah I mean what you said was very true and it's so crazy how social
media will like take something and run with it cuz a lot of people are like oh you have you like you hate the NBA I'm like basketball's my first love I love basketball it's I was just using them in I think you're just on the wrong side of social media the side I saw was very grateful they were like yeah my Tik Tok feed was and that's the the thing you have to be on a certain side of social media to see well it's it's easy for like people in our positions to like like you
could read 99 positive comments but then one comment tell you to kill yourself and that's the only one you're going to remember he what's that Drake line the the devil scre uh uh screams out my failures and Whispers my accomplishments exactly yeah so that's the other thing is like Drake said that yeah Drake yeah that's a good line really yeah what song It's s shoot it's off of the Take Care album oh my goat that's my but it it's definitely uh one of the the always like the verse that I remember cuz it hit me
so hard because just like you're saying you're going through your comments and you're like oh everybody's like you inspiring me you're such a great person you got me out of this dark place and I'm like oh like and then all of a sudden like like bro I could do what you do yeah I will say this though when we were at the Olympics opening ceremony like we're on the boats going non descend yeah and the boat LeBron was up that was so hard I was like I was like dog this is going to be so
freaking awkward because now we're all going to be on the same [ __ ] boat and everyone's like everyone's there KD's there Braun's there like Jason Tatum's there Bam's there Anthony Edwards there and I'm just like what the hell is gonna happen and like it was like a scene out of a movie like an Italian mob movie all went pieced up and Noah like daed him up and everything and I was just like thank God I was like this could either go one or two ways either it turns into an argument or you know everybody
civil and whatnot and then we all got rained on and they came and hate watched his his 100 which is fun like the amount of Tik toks I got of of that like leading up to the the Olympics yeah for the NBA or for the basketball Olympics it was crazy I mean I maybe saw that clip from you 250 300 times like I saw it too much for my enjoyment as I never got tired of it I loved it every single time they show these like edits of Steph and Lebron after you say that I
love did I was eating it up it was that was like one of the most fun things uh I've like watched in sports in a while yeah dude the race that you guys did the theed the edits from that like have you seen them yeah you can't not see them yeah they're like actually really [ __ ] good man I was like dang like who really spent the time to cook this up like it's actually like crazy speed's fan base is out they are yeah he he's done a really good job transcending from just like
a YouTuber to just like a cultural phen the key is culture for a lot of people um and yeah that's what the thing is like your your video that you posted a lot of what does really well is these short forms you got to master like just making like these short form contents going super viral like after that speed you could but you could have got like you know three or four videos each with like 20 30 million views you know what I mean right and it would have been like no effort you know you
already did the raise exactly I I'm sorry not to bring it up again but I'm so confident you running with more and more money if it's edited correctly against an amateur person or more and more weight against amateur person is a banger and then you should follow that I already I already got you should follow that up doing that with like a high school track runner and then a college one or something like I there's so many things you could do short form that would just go so viral it's crazy I already got the list
going on my can you race your same vult see you know I set it it's already been in my head tell your guy it's already been in my head who could move Heaven and Earth to set that up I mean we we're already in talks with this team we're going to in a video bet there it is but you should just do the video on your own you versus you bolt would be no I've already definitely been in thoughts I mean there's there's right now a lot of things moving around and constantly having that because
I'm kind of get trying to get people out of the idea of oh obviously they they're not going to turn on the TV and it's getting harder and harder to watch track meets all right let's start bringing the track meets to them you know where what's the matchups so you know you're heing the I versus me versus speed I mean me versus Tyreek is it's it's in the air me versus you say B you know bringing back from the past like like all right Justin gley just retired like shoot that could potentially be a race
you know mixing and collaborating so many things and then building off is like all right we're doing this thing let's have an undercard you know let's let's get the let's let's see a female beat a man like like that's what I was about say you racing the fastest woman in the world would also go super viral that would go crazy viral I don't think it would go as vir as you might think actually it would wait so why would go because watch you're holding a I'm holding a phone picture he's the fastest woman in I
don't know who she is or anything about her but and it's just like this is the fastest woman in the world and the fastest man in the world uh and um they're going to race let's see what happens and then you do 100 meter race like will we do a head start St no just do do a normal one like people and it's not like we're insulting or anything it's just a naturally interesting thing to see what the peak of uh male you know speed and the peak of female speed what the difference is you
know what I mean I I think you just do it and then you just show the difference and people be like that is really interesting it's very it's like those uh those like uh CGI videos that been coming out where they just have everybody racing against each other I I've been caught watching that for like quite a few I'm telling you if it was just this is the fastest woman in the world and this is the fastest man in the world and then you raced that would go so viral you don't even understand like I
I obviously don't because I haven't done it yet yeah as a as a guy who has spent many years of his life St uh studying virality that is Peak virality like I don't I don't understand how that doesn't click in your head it's actually so amazing like seeing like your brain work right now like how you come up with stuff yeah on the fly like it's it's actually really really cool to see yeah so Tyreek would be a great one um because he's just do for Speed and then um the fast woman the running with
more weights would be a great one I mean you definitely got to do something else with speed again um well if speed is really committed to go to this Olympic thing like yes bro let me let me take you under my wing like I will teach you all the little tips and tricks and you do your thing as a streamer and as a promoter and bro we could run this world yeah if he gave you like three hours a day hour and a half away training hour and a half for you know of the other
stuff that would and then you did that for like two years you turned them into like somehow one of the fastest people on the planet that would be crazy it would be it would be a two-year Journey we' he'd be of course people would be learning about track and then we'd both be you know going off of each other's energy I mean it let and potentially if I what if I trained this man to be the Olympic J I mean that's wild it's a very wild State now here's the thing when I when this goes
up I'm going to see that clip on tikt 5,000 times all the speed fan pages are going to be like no alls is going to train speed to be one of the fastest F men on the planet that's going to get clip and then I hit the ultimate betrayal and say okay you know I have to beat you now oh my gosh that he's going to be one we have two races in the bank he's going to be one of the contestants speed is 19 is there like a handicap because cuz he didn't start training
earlier or if he started training now perfectly would he still be able he still definitely have a chance he could we could definitely get him there if he did everything you said same mentality he just like let's say even Dro streaming went all in he could if he did everything you said for the next we we'll go crazy like seven years to Yeah by Sydney he he could be like one of the fastest people literally on theet we could definitely have him being if his talent level is where he believes it to be then we
could definitely get him there really definitely it wouldn't even take that long we could probably get him there in four years wow maybe less if I mean four years you'd be surprised with people like some people just be coming out of the gate they never run track before they're just Uber talented and you teach them a little bit of form and you teach them like hey don't stick your head at this point up before this point and let him go and four years speed my unironically you got to on the at the no for real
speed come on bro let let me let me train you come on the podcast we'll get you right oo that's true he you need to be in this no truly let's talk about you though like what's next besides the 100 hours at the pyramids and the crazy show you have coming out like what's next like any big any other big prod projects that you could talk about well I mean the thing is we're filming this before the show drops so all I can think about right now is the show you know the whole year of
my life and everything into it but the the other big project have going on is uh we just started a video where we built a gym like just like a weight room everything basketball court like a really big gym then we put a big circle around it and I told this uh one of my friends said he wanted to be in a video and he wanted to lose some weight so I was like perfect so we're putting him in there and if he loses 100 pounds before he leaves the circle around the gym uh then
he wins like $500,000 but if if he doesn't lose 100 pound before he leaves he gets nothing so we just started that video which because we have doctors yeah he has to live in the gym so he's got to do it healthily so it might take him a year so we just started video and it it literally might not even go up till 2026 because it will take time to edit after he loses the weight and stuff um so that's a big one another video we just started this one was crazy we bought a private
jet and then um we found two people who just graduated Aviation school yeah put them inside the jet Clos the door I said if you guys live in this private jet for 100 days I'll let you keep it it's a really nice jet it's like a hawker 2000 or whatever and but they can fly it anywhere around the world they get unlimited fuel blah blah blah so they they can fly the jet to New York land it and then Uber Eats some like pizza you know and then like but they can't leave it they can
open the door Uber e driver gives them the pizza and they can fly to California so they just have to stay in the jet for 100 days to keep it that's crazy they are they confined to the US only um no International I honestly don't know I I think International gets tricky because you need more permits so they'd have to give me a heads up you know in US you can just call the airport and fly there that's so crazy man you got the guy you got the team I didn't we couldn't I just I
just need a heads up you know we've we'll get you those we'll get you those we we we've been on some planes before where we've had to be like oh what's route it and we've had to get on the phone with some government to be like yo I know we didn't get the permits but can you just let us land yeah one time I um I don't know how I did this but I accidentally I don't even know if this is a good story to tell I actually grabbed my my assistant's uh passport instead of
mine and I landed I won't name the country that's for sure landed in a country um and I hand I just handed my passport I didn't even open it and the guy just like who the who well he didn't say F he's like who is this I was like that's me and then he shows it to me and it was my assistant's face on the passport looks nothing like me I was like oh [ __ ] he's like why'd you hand me this and my assistant wasn't even there to make matters worse so I couldn't
be like oh it's this guy because he stayed behind to work and I was like um that's just my assistant he's like why are you trying to pose as this person like and he said his name and I was like no that's not my name then he's like why' you and he started interrogating me and then they made me like sit in this room and they wouldn't let me in and I and I really had a big video I had to go film I can't say the videos cuz they'll leak where I'm at but eventually
I was just like come on man just trust me and but did you have your passport he so I didn't have my passport was back in America I was like come on like just let me in I promise I won't do this again between us ironic I'm telling the story and eventually he's like fine and just L me into the country crazy I didn't have my passport how long were you in that room um maybe like an hour and a half and then eventually I was just like bro it's going to take him like a
full day to get that here like do we really got to do this you really about to ship me back to America like come on don't don't your like kids watch the videos or something he probably does be honest they um I was going to say I'll sign a box of Fe of yeah but it's like how convenient it's like I I have 100 million subscribers look like you know he doesn't actually know that's me because I have any identification um but yeah he let me in and um I don't even know how I got
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to justify because I'm kind of you know the biggest YouTube Chanel we have all these things going our way I'm not going to get this kind of views forever like I highly doubt when I'm we'll just pick a number 50 like I'm going to be getting two billion views a month and I don't want to look back and be like damn I wish I did more when I was on top of everything you know so no because it's like that's my biggest regret it's like you know over time I just won't be as popular or
you know it just it just happens no it's and um and yeah I just don't want to look back and be like man when I was 26 you know I used to do all these things but I wish I just spent that time working like I could have achieved more I would have you know done more of what I wanted to do and so I think that fear like pushes me a lot to to not and also it's just like what would I do I actually I I did have this little spur where I started
playing this board game have you guys seen the movies Dune yes yeah I love Dune there's a a board game around it that's very strategic have you guys ever played Katon sett K Kat hey can when you go byy Katan so I can kick their ass after this um just man I will bring Janelle she will yeah she could be our Force she will whoop you I I don't think you understand I don't think you understand one Janelle is like okay all I see a table over there all right we'll play a game of Katan
um but the problem with Katan is there's a little bit RNG because of D so you can't I like I one time won 20 games in a row but then I lost and it's like well I I would track like the ice distribution and it's like you know a perfect chart is supposed to go up like this Seven's supposed to be the most commonly rolled number and then down to 12 like cuz two and 12 are only have one combo but then sometimes your dice distribution will go like this and then dip because five wasn't
rolled and that's just that's not skill it's just luck so I tried to find a board game that was more like skill-based and then I landed on this like Dune game that um and so I got obsessed with the Dune series and it's a lot little less dice roll more strategy started playing it like crazy um and then I started playing online studying it I I reversed engineered every part of the game and so then I flew all the uh top players in the world like the French Champion the last world champion last three World
Champ Gen Con Champions all the people top people on the leaderboard of the game this is after like six months of intense like studying and playing and I put up a $10,000 prize pool and I was like anyone in the world can come uh or all the best players will come compete so we flew down to 32 or 31 cuz I number 32 best players in the world at this board game and played and and I ended up winning uh the tournament and there's 10 grand down the line so they weren't throwing cuz these people
needed that money um and so that was like a little so you're like what do you do for f that was like a side quest for me for like a solid year um and just casually beating Pros yeah that was that was side well cuz one of the big things was like there's a there's a meta on the game but I I kind of just went against the grain and like studied because you pick characters in the game and played one that everyone thought was really bad but I just like ran a bunch of numbers
and like I had spreadsheets on spreadsheets on this game I I could tell you every like there are a little bit of chance cards I could tell you the percentage chance of every card you would draw and then I would like practice tracking what people use so I knew what was in their hands and what cards and the probability I knew every probability in the game so there was no way I could have had like a higher win per chance cuz I literally knew every statistic and then I was track games would take like an
hour and a half and I'd track everything played and update the model in my head I was I I'm very competitive I I hate I despise losing with the do you get hyper fixated on things like that so I'm like so like there's like these little combat cards that are like kind of RNG and so I would know like there's eight of these in the deck there's four of these there's 52 in total and then the percentage so then if there's like a combat where because those were like the big RG thing is at the
end of comment you could lay a card to like boost your troops and that could just [ __ ] you over so I'd track throughout the game and I would know like you know these 10 have already been played these five are in the deck you know and I any I basically just practice memorizing these things and tracking my head because you also have to track it across because it's a four player game three other people um and then after I won that I kind of got bored I was like okay you need a new
challenge yeah I was like now um so that was the last like little Bender I went on before that it was a a mobile game that um this was when I was a little bit younger I it's a game where you like build up bases and you build walls kind of like a game of war or whatever that mobile game was I don't know if you saw those ads back the day but I got super addicted and I I made an emulator on my computer where I could have unlimited phones so I was playing as
like 10 Accounts at the same time which you're not supposed to do but I boosting he he's boosting yeah I was boosting and so I had like 10 different accounts like half my clan in the game was me but I would talk and chat like I was different people and have different personalities personas and I ended up uh becoming the number clan in the world and number one on that game that was years ago that was a ton of fun do you ever make a mobile game uh yeah I want to uh it's just we
got a lot going on now but in the background working on one but so that's the thing I like to fixate on Things become the best world at it and then I get bored and I I'm kind of looking for that new thing right now where I don't know like my non work fixation what it is at the if you if you were to make the game how would it be what it be some of like an RPG well yeah we're working on one right now I mean it's the thing is it's going to take
two years before we actually drop it but like I think our brand Beast lends itself really well to like something where you like collect animals and things like that almost kind of similar to Pokemon picture that but beast but I don't know like did you play Pokemon growing up yeah yeah I did I try playing it now it's I just can't it's not it's they've added they've added a lot it's changed with the times changed with the times I would say it hasn't changed not would you play on Game Boy I do actually I I
play Diamond and Pearl back in the day on Game Boy uh no I played on DS like the first ones that on D and pearl was the [ __ ] I loved it phenomenal games I I probably put over a thousand hours into it but like the newer ones on switch I just can't get into it there's so much dialogue and it's I don't know it just feels kind of flat it's like the same game essentially just better graphics new genin that I played when I was what like 12 so if I mean obviously if
Pokemon is but if if it isn't updated enough what in your head would be well that's the thing the problem is I want to go in depth but why I keep deflecting it's it's going to take us another 20-ish months to develop the game and so I'm not just going to say hey here's everything we're doing so someone somebody else I have actually like an entire war room at my studio everything I I want we have we're already writing the lore I can actually show you this uh plug it on PS go Tariq do you
can you send me that pan photo I think they would find it interesting of what uh if you can find it before I can find it my camera will I can show you what I'm thinking the main character of the game will look like uh shoot how do I get in the game well uh yeah so this oh this is a shitty image but this is like our tiger and like we were going to call it I couldn't come up with the good look like Stitch a little I know yeah we're we're still working on
it I think it needs to be a little more like aggressive looking but but I couldn't come up with the name I was like what the [ __ ] do we call this cuz this is like an animated version of my like Tiger logo on the channel and then we came up with pan short for Panther so that's the I don't know if that's going to stick but I'm trying to figure out what his name is and then we're we are sketching out like all the creatures in the game will look like and like the
lore and the story so I'm like having to decide is it like you know Earth uh every human died and or Earth was taken over by Beast or time travel or what like so we have like a writers room and they're like pitching me ideas and I'm like these are crazy but kind of cool uh and it honestly it makes me want to make an anime out of it to be honest you should I have did I tell you the idea of the anime I've been wanting to make for a long time no all right
I'm I'm just bleep this part or cut to just the reactions at the end I think that would be a phen it's already started like literally that is definitely the start of anime 100% we should bleep that you guys write a script and produce a freaking a Prime movie on that well I want to do one and since we got a lot going on but I I've been wanting to do that EXA story for for years I dream about it and like I've no ta and everything and I've I've definitely dreamed about making my own
anim years to be honest I've always wanted to do a sport anime Justice I feel like there's definitely been like blue lock has been amazing adaptation of sport and entertainment did you watch Running With The Wind or what was what was that I actually haven't watched any running anime there was one that came out like two years ago that was really good uh I mean I only watched like one or two episodes but I remember all my friends thought it was solid I believe it was like Running With The Wind or whatever yeah but Ace
of Diamond and blue lock though are two examples of people doing Sports Anime really really well yeah but I yeah I love how blue lock it doesn't show them actually competing in the Championships it's them getting to be able to play for the national team I'm like that that right there that is what I feel like it's all about and that's what explains like our journey so well is that it's about the journey to get there and what we had to do and the crazy things you have to think of like that is what I
want to encapsulate in an anime but just probably for track and field my my first two reactions to what you're saying is a why is it that anytime there's a running anime or anything to do that like when they dub it in English why are you not the character I mean I feel like that us your team back there you guys make that happen I'm just you should me me me and crunchy roll on some talks okay good I was say R in some talks if you're not the voice of the main character and like
Running With The Wind or these other U track animes that that just or anything sport yeah that doesn't even make sense but specifically track like that should be you should be the first call it's cuz you're such a big anime fan um but I had to but I had to show that you know I had to show people that cuz you're saying that now but a lot of people didn't exactly but it was after the U cards I've been a fan for years and some people in the anime Community knew but you it wasn't until
I pull out the card was like oh he's really an anime fan now I'm really showing you like I'm about this you know this is what I love to do this is the connection I sick is if you made an anime you know every athlete obviously so you could get them to do a lot of the voices and like imagine I don't know like this just popped in my head like IM like cuz he's a busy guy but if you got LeBron James to do lines for a character who's just not in the show too
much and like see you you voed the main uh character in The the sport and then you get like a bunch of other like imagine if every this would be crazy and I don't know if I've ever heard of something but this is how you get a show to be big like you got to think of what differentiates it imagine if every person in your Sports Anime was voiced by a professional athlete yeah that would make me go what the f would be cool and I'd have to watch it you know what I mean and
then in the trailer you show Michael uh I mean yeah Michael Jordan but or Lebron James you show like you know a lot of these people and you're the main voice actor I mean how do people not watch that yeah I remember we U so me and Adidas some streaming platform hit him up like do you just hate views like this is crazy no yeah we we so me and Adidas actually made an anime commercial um back in 2021 but because of Co it was like it was very glossed over but it was basically you
know me and I voiced like a couple of characters but we also had a few basketball players who would come in and do like special you know uh um visits and they would animate they would do some of the voiceovers and I was like this commercial could have been like a five Commercial Series what we were doing cuz we had villains we had like shoot I got it some oh I don't have my phone on me right now but yeah it was like oh no Alles has like the speed Stone and the speed stone is
like the most power powerful thing in in the world and I had to basically protect it from the villain and the the villain's name was cheetah it was like a play on cheater uhhuh and you know he was like you know I'm going to steal it away and you're not going to be able to you know I'm going to rule the world with it basically and we're running through the city like the city has like all like highways that are just yeah it's like a Tron type idea and they had like ghost City and ghost
city was like a play on in Tokyo you know we're running on through it and it's like like you can't catch me and you know I'm finally catching him he's like trapping me and snaring me and all these things and you know I had like a great old sage and teach me some new tricks it's like you're playing like really close like you're thinking everything's black and white but because you think everything's black and white you're not going to be able to wish I saw this commerci that sounds awesome and then you know we get
to the final scene and we're running up the biggest skyscraper in the world and he's like throwing glass in my face and all this stuff it's like I'm jumping on top of them and I'm like beating them and grabbing the time the speed Stone back and it's like your time is over my time is now and I'm like putting it back on me and it like transforms me and then ad and then I get to the top and it's like now that I have the speed zone the world will be safe you know like that
my hero type you know no need to fear I am here type thing I was like we could have done like five more villains after that damn that got me hyped that's good yeah it was yeah I got I threw it on my Tik Tok like years ago I it needs to come back up you should repost it I definitely need to repost it for sure interesting I all right just as long as someone on your team back there has a ren down I think him producing a Sports Anime where he gets every person voice
acted by professional athlete that is I can't think of a single example that's ever been done before and I I really think that would break the internet like I just don't see how it does it that's what we're doing we're doing an anime and we're going to have every major athlete be a voice actor on it yeah that would be crazy that break a record LeBron you got it just give that's a record that's aord that'll get me to my bookstack of Guinness record yeah that would be one most professional athletes voice acting a show
you should produce it I mean I'd love to help executive producer yeah I mean I'll do a line I'll be like the little water boy I'll be like go Leon water boy here go LeBron come on man you're going to supply us with all the food we need okay I got the food I'll be like here's some feable bars LeBron yeah than hey I think my kids watch you you sound like this guy that bronny watches exactly oh speaking of which I mean this is an important question as one of the fastest humans ever walked
the face of this Earth are you going to have kids oh yeah oh yeah I'm going to have kids do you have a girlfriend I don't remember yeah I have a fiance oh yeah that's actually you told me that yeah we just got engaged uh back in November or no my bad October early October wow um we're getting started on planning the wedding we have to find a uh we have a year so 2026 is what we're looking at the big the big question though is the kids right yeah I know how are you know
Legacy to live up to we we' seen them in 20 years on the Olympic stage like tell me about it well first of all I don't want them to I want to be able to create a sport where they don't have to rely on what I have to rely on you know I have to go through the shoe company I don't want them to have to go through the shoe company I want it to be changed enough where you know if they go into the sport they know that they're going to make enough money for
their what their talents are and they're going to be able to branch on in anything that they're doing so that's kind of just been my moving forward I mean I didn't say I'd start this for kids but I mean now when I think about my legacy it's like when my kids are here I want them to be able to make the choice and say yeah I'm going to go out and you guys can go do that and you're going to be fine and you're going to be great and you're going to do amazing things and
nobody's going to have the the parameters on you that they tried to put them on us and I'm definitely not naming any of them after me no Noah Juniors no Noah Juniors I I always felt that it it gives such a strong stigma to the kid like it puts you on to them it's like oh yeah your dad is this and your dad is that and he did this and he worked with so and such and you wouldn't be amazed at things and now you have that name that so you almost lose a little bit
of your identity I don't want any of my kids to feel like they don't have their own identity it' also be just crazy that people would have to call him Noah Junior like that is do you do you want kids uh yeah of course but I want to finish leing about this cuz I'm so fascinated cuz like what what if like uh do you want a boy so you can like I want both I want a boy and a girl I'm actually I want let say you have like three girls girls are you going to
keep going till you have a boy I want to see like a Mini U like cuz when I'm 50 I want to see what you're a little Protege if he decides you know obviously you're going to give him the toy sh to force him to do anything but assuming like let's say when he's 15 he's like Dad I want to be faster than you [ __ ] you I'm going to beat all your world record I'll teach him everything you go all in on him and then you know I want to see him reing America
at the Olympics when I'm 50 that so cool I would I would teach him everything that he'd want to know of if of course I don't I couldn't be his coach though because he would have to learn from somebody that was not me because I can't be your coach and your dad I I never really like that relationship you know it happened with me and my dad and we kind of like fizzled out of that and where he was just you know he just became my dad and I went to go with my high school
coach and so on and so forth but I always felt that that's a hard that's a very hard connection to have with your kid I want to be the one that is there to support you where he's like dang Dad I just can't get this thing I've been trying for weeks and it's just not happening I want to be the one that get goes there to support and be like hey you know it's it's hard I know it I've been there but you're going through your own journey and you know if you look at it
like this it's it's not so bad and you know you know you got the rule of THS and all this stuff y y y like I want to be that person I don't want to have to be the guy who's always you know tough father you be that's what that's what my that's what my fiance says but it's scary man it's it's scary cuz like I don't want it's a human being it's a real person it's somebody's life 18 years you got years and what else goes off cuz I want to you know I want
to give them everything but be able to prepare them for everything that they might go through in life and I know that I'm not going to be able to give them I can't prepare you for each and every scenario but I know that I can at least give you some tools that will help you combat through those scenarios Yeah well yeah I if there it also be funny if you just only had girls and then you made uh the fastest uh female Sprinter ever in history Well we'd have the fastest relay too but what about
you man kids kids I mean not not for a while uh it sounds like you're going to pop them out sometime soon four to five years four to five years okay then I'm in the same vein like four or five years in my 30 around the same age yeah so cuz like right now it's like I sometimes I go a month and I don't even go home like I I wouldn't want a kid to be introduced in this environment um but it would be whenever things calm down definitely which I don't know if they ever
will but I I don't want to just be a horrible father I'm like cool see you in 3 weeks got to go film with potentially Joe Rogan on the pyramids or something would you take your kids with you um like would you be that father that like has them homeschooled and I would want to take it with me as long as they'd want to go you know what I mean that'd be sick yeah yeah we'll have to see I don't know what I'll be doing by then do anyone special what's some you got anyone special
yeah you got to have someone special yeah we've been dating for uh over two years now she's great like I don't see any reason why we' ever break up super awesome yeah how how about you this is this is the relationship chat you know no yeah just okay yeah right what's going on so why don't you just I'll I'll tell a story later okay yeah you should DM just go down the list of the fastest women in the world and just all create create a super baby yeah for for the sake of America that's what's
funny every Everybody outside of the sport thinks that we just want to create super babies like well we don't think that's what you want we're just saying that's what we want you to do for for the good of our think think about what what 50 Olympics and wherever it's going to be I don't know like Australia like think about then like don't be selfish think about our country I'm I'm kidding I'm kidding our country needs these country needs those babies these are super babies bigger than you what if your kid ends up being like a
track star yeah never know I highly doubt it I mean hey you see I mean I won't be of any use I mean if they have I'll be like hey I'll help you monetize it like bro you're going to be the richest track star to ever live um I don't know how to make it where you'll win he you can send them to us yeah yeah you guys help them win I'll be like you focus on winning I'll focus on making sure you get rich how about that no I mean it kid going to have
the best facilities ever truly they're going to have your ambition they're going to have your work ethic well again assuming they're getting these traits no they will I I I well that sounds bad but I I just like I don't see how they wouldn't I mean because it's also your product for your environment like we're put them around other people who want to be who have high achiever kids and want to achieve a lot and I mean like ultimately I'll let him do whatever he wants to do but I would hope if I have a
son like yeah he gets my blood shines through in him and if I put him in the right environment that rewards and encourages him to push and be ambitious that it would naturally turn out to be that was that part of your environment like that that that no no but I I think a lot at the start was I just wanted to make money cuz we were we didn't have any money and my mom you know at one point was working two jobs and it was pretty brutal so I was just like I want to
like one of my first goals was like I want to like just get my mom where she's not worried about money anymore she doesn't have to worry about paying her house off and that kind of stuff so but then I don't know I've always just wanted to win like whether it was video games when I was younger like and uh oh we were talking about Call of Duty earlier Black Ops 2 did you ever play Demolition you know that game of course yeah I I at one point had the the um I used to like
study spawn points and all that kind of stuff spawn traing I had the most kills at one point in uh uh what a jungle on demolition back in the day uh cuz I basically 66 I would I would there's like Nine spawn points and I knew like if you'd have people stand on these six and then two walk look at those and I stood for enough away blah blah like I could get it where people would literally spawn in front of me the the only problem was people would always just leave cuz I just come
as they spawn and so it was then became a patience game of like how many hundreds of games would you play till you find people stupid enough not to leave once you get them in a spawn trap and like I I reversed engineered all of it so I've always been incredibly competitive and that kind of stuff I got to or in World at War I got to around um 300 on Sho Numa and solo like I would just pause the game and keep playing and but then I think my what was it I was it
that was was that on Xbox I believe it got like the red ring of death or whatever was Xbox yeah and and I couldn't buy a new Xbox so then it stopped me from doing like these long zombie runs cuz my Xbox kept overheating but yeah i' ever I can't as far back as I can remember I've just always been very very competitive like I I just want to win winning is fun who was so impactful in your life because you said like obviously like that wasn't your environment so someone probably had to have I
don't think so I didn't have any friends or anything cuz everyone when I was growing up just said all you do is talk about YouTube and no one in my school made YouTube videos or wanted to or wanted to start a business so like one time like I don't remember how old I was just this like upper classman just literally I was just talking and he just looked at me goes do you literally know how to talk about anything besides [ __ ] YouTube I remember at the lunch table that's how much it scarred younger
me and I was like I thought about it I was like no I really don't care about anything else besides YouTube like and then they would they started talking about South Park and I was like I don't like South Park and then so then I just like I I had this like span for a couple years where I just like people legit thought I was mute sometimes cuz I talk so little because I was just like no one wants to make money no one wants to start a business no one wants to like no one
here cares to like try to retire their mom or make a YouTube channel so I was just like I just kind of lived in my head for a while so that was kind of like most my upbringing it's like I have multiple memories of people just going like do you know how to speak because I was I just was like well I don't relate to these people like people my age are just like I just feel like an alien like I actually was like and it was bad cuz obviously now I'm more mature and I
understand these things but back then I was like damn I'm just never going to get along with anyone cuz you know you feel like you're small classes like everyone in the planet it's like I'll never really have friends cuz no one actually wants to do [ __ ] and it's like you know I don't care to like party or do any of these other things like I just want to make YouTube videos I want to be successful um and it wasn't until I was like 18 and I met like this guy who dropped out of
high school named Dylan this other guy who dropped out of college I just dropped out of college after two weeks on online and they were YouTubers we all had like 10,000 subscribers or whatever um and we were all just like who you're passionate about this I was like oh this is great and like one time we had an 18-hour phone call like that's how crazy it was that's how many years of pin up like I don't relate to anyone and I talked to them and a couple other people almost every single day for a th
days in a row like that's that's like so I went from like and that's that Journey really helped me understand like it's not the problem isn't me it's just the people I was around and so it's like I went from like years that were so bad I talked so little that people thought I was mute to then I finally found other freaks of nature and I literally talked to them for a thousand days in a row and it's like to have those literally go back to back was crazy and so um yeah it just shows
like your environment's everything and I wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't meet them like all of us hit a million subscribers like within a month cuz we were just helping each other teaching each other we were like constantly learning like if I never met those guys like I would be sitting here I would I probably would even have a million subscribers you know not because they gave me the tricks or anything but because I finally found a group I fit in with and obsessed over and we pushed each other and helped each
other you know yeah so and know you you guys are still cool oh yeah we're all great well there's the impact you say impact but yeah I mean those friends obviously were the impact I mean it gave you the confidence I'm assuming to not only talk about it but do something about it I mean you were probably always going to try and do something eventually but it's way I was always doing it I just was doing it dumb right because I didn't have mentors or anything but it's so much if you have a problem like
how do I make a good thumbnail you know going online and trying to learn Photoshop and do it all on your own and testing thumbnails it's so much worse than like seeing a call with three other people obsessed with making good thumbnails and you each learning Photoshop you're teaching each other stuff and then like then being able to get feedback and then like actually wanting to help me and go Jimmy that [ __ ] sucks are you stupid you know and that kind of stuff and that you know it's like if you you yourself could
spend theoretically um like uh 5 years doing something every day and learning from your mistakes or you could have five other similarly ous people doing the same thing and you talk to each other and learn off each other and you can learn just as much in like a year or two because you're learning from everyone's failures what everyone's learning not just yourself that's the whole obviously a mastermind that's what a lot of people do and so it's much better to like obviously just surround yourself with other freaks you know you're literally talking about what we
do we trade in groups you know we as my coach says iron sharpens iron the wolf pack eats when we all eat you know man you got so such good sayings that's those are my that's my coach you know I just take his I mean I have my own but that's his but literally you know we're in pcts we're in groups we're trying to work off each other like I have you know of course people who are better than me at my worst skills you know I'm not a good starter so what I last year
we got an amazing starter and he's reaction time is like F1 level really and I'm over here like oh my gosh I'm getting like blown out every time we start like I hate this like I I need to get better and it constantly just makes me feel like I got to get better at this one thing and it literally helped me throughout whole process of the year and it's like I needed this if but if I would have stayed there and just never knew what it was like starting against somebody who was constantly just very
good at it I would have thought that I was okay with it and by the time that I learned that I was bad at it it's too late yeah and you know Ry has you know Michael Norman one of the greatest 400 meter Runners ever and you guys literally help each other every day yeah we feed off each other so it's like yeah when you when you say surround yourself with like-minded people and people that that are going to push you mon like like Michael is he is the most type a person you probably will
ever meet in your entire life doesn't take shortcuts like he's not going to [ __ ] you like walks a straight [ __ ] line like literally a like sometimes I'm like dude like have a cookie sometimes he like it was the smelling ice cream yeah he was like on freaking yeah on Olympic Channel he was out getting ice cream with his girlfriend now which is now his wife and they would just go to the ice cream shop and he's just so committed to his diet she would get ice cream but he' just go and
just smell the ice cream he wouldn't taste it at all like he wouldn't he wouldn't get the sample that's just how committed he was to like but that's that's [ __ ] awesome see that's the kind of people I want to be friends with yeah cuz I would see that and be like damn I'm a [ __ ] I need that's awes like I could be more disciplined yeah yeah no he's like extreme like you cannot get him to waiver at all like if he's like yeah I'm I'm having no added sugars like he will
legit go out and get stuff with zero added trigger in it and like he will not introduce anything new into his diet that he doesn't want there I love it yeah will not waver from the pth what's what's stopping you guys from being that hardcore I like cookies same as someone who's I'm a Believer in Balance I you know I it's almost like uh with oo's Concept with McDonald's you know some things work for other people in different ways uh yes I believe that there's a science to everything but I also know that everybody's body
is different and everybody achieves greatness differently um my personal I like to experience every a little bit of everything yeah I'm going to go into periods where I'm extremely diligent in what I'm doing whether that's diet sleep um practice recovery like there's sometimes where I'm just like yeah I'm not taking any interviews I'm not doing any photo shoots like we are just strictly training right now cuz this is the time that I need to get it in um but if we are scenario where like I know I can handle multiple different things it's like hey
let's take advantage of the moment yeah uh and that's basically how I've run my life because eventually I'm going to get I'm going to get bored of what I'm doing and I want to enjoy everything and believe it you know has a balance to it do you work out I do um it's been pretty hard the last few months because of the schedule I was 40% body fat in like I was a walrus it it was where was this I saw this photo on my Instagram like uh couple days ago oh my gosh look look
at this is me the last year that is definitely a different Jimmy than we have sitting in front of us yeah so it was I I got it got pretty bad um so yeah I started working out a year ago and um then I've lost 50 pounds I'm w99 and that photo I was 240 Wen you in a competition with one of your friends yeah and and we lifted every day for for a year it was big difference like the before and after like I mean mean you can even see in my face feel yeah
I feel way better have more energy is the best thing ever um and yeah it's just like what kind of workouts were you doing uh just push pull legs okay yeah so oh nice keep it simple body weight type things yeah uh no we have a gym in our studio so just I had trainer P what you mention man what you uh well I'm a little bit of a I don't like normal bench I just do it with dumbbell so we I think the last one we did was I don't know what this is a
normal bench but it was like 90s for like seven or eight reps jeez that's pretty [ __ ] good yeah I like dou cuz it's just easier on my shoulder I don't know why like having a fixed position just it just I feel it also trains both sides individually yeah and that's the other thing too I I like didn't realize how weak the left side of my body was and it was always struggling but with dumbbells you can't lie so the highest I ever got on dumbbells was 105 for like two um RS which that
was heavy as [ __ ] yeah and I do want to switch over to Barbo because everyone always asks me what I normally bench I'm like I don't know because 105 105 so that's 210 which a normal bench is that impressive but obviously dumbbells are way harder than a normal bench so uh I was planning on switching over let me guess you benched some crazy number to be honest bench press is not the main goal of dragonfield oh shock I you know what I bch um about 245 245 PBS but it's yeah it's I mean
yeah we just do it to keep our body my upper body toned it's really the power cleans the squats the Box squats the deadlifts that's the stuff that really kind of show where you show off things so and power clean which is like our go-to lift I shoot I'm 20 95 PBS mhm I don't even know what a power clean is it uh dang it is it's probably the most popular Olympic lift really I'd say it's definitely the one you see at the Olympics what is that the thing where you lift the waight up your
head that's jerking it so so first you get it up and you get it toat the rack when they catch and they down and then when you jerk it you put it up there that's that's when you actually put it on your head that's the jerk so we just do the first part gotcha so that's what does that hit basically everything uh yeah I mean b little bit of everything it hits your glutes it hits your quads your legs um you eventually you're going to engage your hips and you know Force the weight up CU
you're getting full travel up there full extension and it's it it really reenacts a lot of the activities we do in the blocks coming out of it and when we're upright running and how much force we're putting into the ground and how you want your hips to come through and be powerful and stuff like that so it just reinstates that you're have speed do a lot of power cleans oh he's going to do a lot of power how many a lot of hand cing too how how many power clean how many sets of power cleans
a week is he going to be doing he's going to do so uh I we're going to do power cleans in the first week you're going to do five sets at different percentages and it's going to start from like 55% and lead up all the way to about 95% five sets of how much three four uh it depends of the year so we might do five sets of five yeah and then as we get closer to the end of the year we're going to do probably like five sets of like five sets of five is
the first set five sets of three is the second set and then two sets at uh two mhm and then yeah and then yeah dude's ring speeds uh training regimen right here uh just a random thing I thought of I'm actually serious about the Katon game do you need to text whoever you wanted the fourth to be it's okay who's our four player I need to get Janelle yeah can you text Janelle can someone tell her like this is super important like someone someone call her right now is that the right version that looks purplish
uh please tell me it's not an expansion no okay it's good it's good it's good it's good yeah the expansion suck yeah can you call Janelle uh this is very very no you can actually yeah we'll take it we'll take it yeah so people people know this is the Kat sett what is this you I know you paid a lot of money but Kat didn't but oh man no yeah we we we have like five different ones at our house cuz we travel with a lot and sometimes we have to leave them behind because of
all the stuff we gain on the trip but no we we we keep Katon on us as well so yeah man uh what's what's what's next for you dude um what's your future with prime like are we going to see more seasons of uh yeah I want to do I mean I want to drop Beast Game season one make sure people actually like it hopefully it's not like you guys are [ __ ] love it it's crazy it's actually like the first episode I'm sorry for cutting you off it is actually crazy it's crying like
people just doing stupid [ __ ] just betrayal but it's like squid games but no one's dying well you've only seen the first episode yeah I've only seen the first episode and I'm like I'm like not even bullshitting but yeah yeah that um anyways you I you remind me of something with the dying thing but that's a random tangent that I think we're winding things down we are yeah I'll tell you on camera it's another idea for an anime that I also have but that one's like a short but anyways um yeah thanks for having
me this is a lot of fun man we've been super excited to have you can we do one thing can we what's up like so you guys in post can add who won the game of Katan that we're about to play so before you reveal that though I want to know do you do you think you're actually going to win Katon yeah I've never played Katan before he's not winning so I'm not winning at all all right I'm putting all my money on my fiance all his money on his fiance all right show who won
here I guarantee on my life it's that my name's right here that's my name anyways thank you for watching appreciate you guys all [Applause]