in today's quick video let's talk about Sheila Jeet let's dive in Sheila is a compound that has been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years it's often found in areas of Tibet as well now Sheila Jeet is interesting because it's actually an exudate from different mountainous ranges especially in areas around the Himalayas and other areas in India the interesting thing about Sheila is that it's actually a combination of many different compounds due to this breakdown of this organic matter that come from the mountains now Sheila I have found comes in a couple of different
preparations It generally or traditionally comes as a paste that you take a little bit of and then add it to water or I also have seen it in capsules as well from the research I've seen there seem to be a number of active compounds one of which is fulvic acid as well as other types of vitamins and minerals that are present I'll say from the start that even though this has been used for thousands of years there is not a lot of research on what the actual comp components are there's not a ton of research
especially in humans there's not a lot of consistency between where you get the product or where the coget is sourced from so the research is not exactly sure what exactly is contributing to the effects it might have but some common things show up especially in animal studies we have a lot more animal studies than we do human studies but some of the properties that this compound possesses are being antioxidant anti-inflammatory immunomodulating adaptogenic anti-is lipidemic meaning helping with dyslipidemia or elevated lipids as well as having effect on testosterone and spermatogenesis in males a very promising study
I did find on this herb is using it for postmental pusle women that have osteopenia or bone loss or changes in their bone density the women that participated in that study actually saw an increase in their bone mineral density after using the Sheila jeed for a period of time as compared to Placebo and the other interventions that they had in the study so very promising on that front and the studies show that they think they effect is coming from the attenuation of the bone cell turnover and also decreasing the inflammation and oxidative stress that often
happens when women have a dip in their estrogen due to menopause another study that I came across uh touts the effects of it being used almost as an adaptogen helping to increase ATP turnover now this study was in mice but they are hopeful to think that this same mechanism would work in humans as well which again this goes back to its traditional use as sort of an adaptogen or something that increases vitality or energy another area in which this compound is being researched is for use in against dementia and this one we think maybe due
to the inclusion of having fulvic acid inside of there now we have seen in some studies that fulvic acid can actually help to prevent the formation of those amalloy beta plaques that are part of the mechanism of something like Dementia or Alzheimer's the anti-inflammatory and the antioxidant effects might also be coming from the fulvic acid as well because fulvic acid in many studies shows anti-oxidant like effects so Scavenging free radicals and preventing the formation of free radicals and it being anti-inflammatory helping to reduce the release of things like T tnf or a tumor necrosis Factor
another use that's often promoted for Sheila jeed is Muscle Recovery or reduced muscle fatigue again I did see a study again another one in mice where had the mice swim around gave them the Sheila they had less muscle fatigue and More Muscle Recovery after taking the supplement versus those mice that didn't in that study again another effect that we're hoping is relatable to humans as well and again we think that this Muscle Recovery effect may be coming from the fulvic acid hey there editing Jessica here I forgot to mention that Sheila has often also been
used to help to increase testosterone this was a randomized double bind Placebo controlled study so kind of our gold standard in which volunteers took a dose of coges at 250 Mig twice a day and what they found was the increase in the total testosterone free pre testosterone and DHEA as compared with Placebo so according to this study shogy definitely can help to increase testosterone level so another one of its traditional uses in being used for people with low testosterone so this is a very interesting compound again it is being studied now and being actually being
researched more and more so we can really understand what the compounds are doing how they're interacting and what effects they can have on the human body just again more studies are needed because sheit has been in use for thousands of years there are not a lot of safety concerns surrounding it one would be possible contamination of the compound itself so depending on what source you're getting it from make sure you're getting it from a trusted source and a a brand that does some quality control checks on there um side effects that I've seen are you
know diarrhea sore throat and GI upset which seem to be pretty mild and fairly rare so because Sheila is actually newer to me I don't have a lot of clinical experience with this one but given the studies that I've researched one thing that I would try to use this on with my clients or patients is for women with osteoporosis so postm pule women who have lost their bone mineral density it might be something that I would add in as part of that type of therapy for helping them to rebuild their bone mineral density if I'm
not using it for bone mineral density one thing I might recommend is actually just using fulvic acid and that's available in capsules and liquid as well and the fulvic acid would probably be something I would add in for muscle stamina so for people who are getting back into the gym or who are training really hard for that feeling of energy and and anti fatigue like effects all right I hope that this video was helpful and that you learned something if you have any questions or if you've used Sheila please go ahead and share your experience
in the comments below I would love to learn more from you guys as well all right otherwise I will see you in the next video bye