A woman got a job at restaurant to save up for maternity…then she overheard foreigners talking

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A woman got a job at restaurant to save up for maternity…then she overheard foreigners talking
Video Transcript:
on the desk beside a clutter of Chinese textbooks was a medical result that changed the course of her life almost a week ago Rachel had gone to the hospital to perform a series of tests After experiencing bouts of dizziness when the doctor told her she was 6 weeks pregnant it shocked her she was on the pill and never in a million years did she think this could happen to her as soon as she left the clinic she texted Anthony her boyfriend but he didn't respond to the text since then she had been calling him but
wouldn't answer her calls his lack of communication could only mean one thing but Rachel didn't want to think that Anthony the love of her life would leave her hanging like that before the hospital visit she and Anthony spoke at least five times a day he also made sure to visit her as often as he could despite their pressing academic schedules she was worried that something terrible might have happened to him but it was so convenient that something happened after she texted him about the pregnancy she dialed Anthony's number again and this time it didn't connect
Rachel sat on her bed wondering what to do Rachel sat on the edge of the bed clutching her phone in Trembling Hands her anxiety was palpable tightening around her chest like a vice her mind raced through the consequences of this pregnancy and the effect it would have on her life at 22 years old she had big plans for her future there was no allowance for pregnancy she was still pondering this when when the room door swung open with a flare and her roommate Sasha walked in with her bright red hair and colorful eyes Shadow Sasha
and Rachel were opposites it was a wonder how they even managed to be friends hi R Sasha greeted cheerily walking over to her bed I didn't see you in class today both girls were in the same Chinese studies Department hi Sasha Rachel's troubled gaze traced Sasha to the other end of the room and when she saw Sasha's mobile phone an idea came to mind um Sasha Rachel walked over to Sasha tucking a strand of hair behind her ear can I borrow your phone Sasha frowned eyeing Rachel suspiciously are you okay you don't look good Sasha
raised an eyebrow but she didn't refuse she stretched the phone to Rachel Rachel turned away from her friend and returned to the bed dialing Anthony's number on Sasha's phone shock waves rolled through her body when Anthony took the call after a few rings hello realization dawned that Anthony picked up this call because he didn't know who it was just a few minutes ago she had called him but he didn't take her call hello Anthony probed who is this Rachel glanced at Sasha who was laying on the bed engrossed by something on her laptop she knew
that this conversation might go a little sideways and needed some privacy so she left the room and stepped into the hallway Anthony there was a silence on the other other end of the line broken moments after by a harsh sigh oh my goodness Rachel what is this Anthony I've been calling you I haven't been taking your calls shouldn't that tell you something Rachel's mouth fell open she didn't expect him to be so rude don't call me again ever it's over between us and Rachel stopped in the center of the hallway her life falling apart what
what's over this relationship he said with Venom it's over Rachel felt a torrent of Tears threatened to fall but she was surrounded by other students and didn't want to call negative attention to herself she also couldn't return to her room because Sasha was the last person she wanted to find out about her problem Sasha had once warned her about Anthony but she didn't listen the only option she had was to swallow her tears and keep a blank expression do you hear me Rachel he asked don't call me anymore more that's not possible Rachel argued I'm
pregnant we're going to be parents I'm pregnant I didn't sign up for that he didn't sound surprised so Rachel knew he saw her text and that's why he disappeared and stopped taking her calls Anthony I didn't sign up for that either but it's here I need us to Rachel please he snapped I'm in my final years this is when I'm supposed to be highly focused not worried about some baby that may not be mine what Rachel gasped Anthony you said you were on the pills he continued harshly it's not my fault you decided to be
careless with your body for every word that left his mouth a small part of Rachel was chipped off until she was left bare and wounded besides the hurt she felt shocked Anthony was the sweetest boyfriend to her he'd never spoken to her harshly or given her a feeling that he could be so cruel it dawned on her the burden of this pregnancy would rest on her alone and it was too much to bear I'd advise that you terminate that pregnancy Anthony said I want nothing to do with it and I want nothing to do with
you anymore have some shame and dignity Rachel leave me alone he hung up the call and she held the phone to her face staring at it like it had grown two heads Rachel someone touched her shoulder and she jumped remembering she was standing in the middle of the dorm hallway are you okay it was Leah the girl next door I'm fine Leah thank you Rachel wanted to run somewhere or get away but she found herself going back to the room because of Sasha's phone thank you she said to Sasha handing the device to her Rachel
are you sure you're okay I'm fine Rachel didn't want to talk to anyone about this yet not when the confusion and anxiety was still raw she slid onto the bed and Drew the sheets up to her chin shutting her eyes tightly now that she could finally process her emotions properly tears fell down her face she felt like she was in an alternate universe and would wake up soon but as she saw the tears drop slowly onto the pillow it solidified the moment and she knew that this was her reality Anthony never loved her that much
was obvious if he did he would have handled this situation properly she also wasn't ready for a child but but unlike Anthony she couldn't decide not to handle it the baby was growing inside her she had to do something her only other option was to call home which would never happen her parents were very conservative and when she was leaving for college they made her promise she wouldn't have a boyfriend until she was done with school she really wanted to keep to the promise because she had always been sheltered so men weren't her cup of
tea until she met Anthony Rachel Anthony in The Faculty headquarters when registering for her seconde courses as a student of Chinese studies she shared the department with Anthony who was studying political science he was a year above her so he provided some help and showed her around he was the sweetest man to her and made her feel like a princess every day he would make the trip to her Department with food and sit with her for a few minutes he would also take her to the library and help her study long story short her life
became 10 times better when she met Anthony so when he asked her out 6 months after their first meeting she didn't hesitate to accept it she was confident that her parents would love Anthony because he was the epitome of perfection the first time they had sex she felt a little guilty that she had let her parents and Faith down but Anthony made her feel like a princess so she got over the guilt quickly soon she got on the pills because Anthony didn't like the feel of rubber and she wanted to please him that's how she
ended up here when she found out about the pregnancy she texted him knowing he was always there for her and expecting the same protection she thought that would come to her and profer a solution or make her feel like she wasn't alone instead he'd completely disappeared now he said it was over where was she to go from here Rachel stared at the book in front of her exams were coming up in a few weeks and she needed to focus more on her academics at this period but nothing was working she had been in this library
with a few of her colleagues for hours and yet she was still stuck on one page her colleagues had flipped past several Pages while some had even finished a textbook and picked another yet she was stuck on one page overwhelmed with fear and anxiety where would she go from here and at 8 weeks pregnant she still hadn't told anyone besides Anthony she had lots of friends in school but she just realized what a superficial relationship she had with them because she couldn't think of anyone she could confide in right now as she struggled to concentrate
on the book in front of her a sudden wave of nausea overcame her she clutched her stomach ready to bolt towards the bathroom but it was too late she leaned over and threw up the contents of her stomach lurching out on the library floor Rachel's face turned bright red with shame as she fumbled to clean up her mess the quiet library closed in on her as her friends and everyone present looked at her with concern Rachel heard hushed Whispers behind her and it felt like a dagger to her heart embarrassment washed over her and in
that moment she disliked Anthony and thought about terminating the pregnancy panicked she grabbed a handful of tissues from the nearby desk her hands trembling as she tried to mop the mess her colleagues nah and Abby hurried to her side offering more tissues and a water bottle thank you Rachel said her voice barely above a whisper she did her best to clean under the scrutiny of many students while her colleagues watched with suspicious eyes her face burned with embarrassment and she struggled to explain what happened are you okay Abby asked touching her shoulders yeah Rachel forced
a smile I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me after cleaning Rachel could no longer stay because it held like everyone was staring at her her friends offered to walk her out but she declined needing some space to be alone as she gathered her things and left the library her heart achd with the weight of the burden all through the journey home she kept thinking about whether her colleagues bought her lie or whether they already knew that she was pregnant she felt alone and Afraid with no one to call or talk to later
that evening when Sasha returned to the room things worsened when Sasha returned she came straight to Rachel's bunk a curious look of confusion on her face Rachel are you pregnant what Rachel's heart skipped Abby and Nina said you threw up in the library today she said are you pregnant why would nah and Abby conclude she was pregnant who else have they told this to Rachel gaped at Sasha wondering if she should just tell her the truth there's no point hiding it anymore Sasha was her roommate and would be among the first people to find out
she was pregnant when the bump started showing yes she said I am wow Sasha stared at her critically what do you plan to do I I don't know Rachel shook her head tears threatening to fall Sasha sat beside her on the bed I'm going to assume it's Anthony's it is Rachel cried but he's left me I don't know what to do Anthony Left Me For the First Time Rachel cried to someone about it he left you before he found out or after Sasha asked running her hand down Rachel's back comfortingly after he found out I
don't want to say I Told You So Rachel Sasha said but Anthony was literally a red flag how didn't you see it Sasha I'm so hurt how could he do this to me I'm confused I don't know what to do don't cry please Sasha pleaded we will figure this out okay don't worry the conversation with Sasha helped Rachel recalibrate her thoughts and from then on she could lean on Sasha for comfort and advice going to classes was a problem because after her stint in the library the rumor spread that she was pregnant and people would
stare a whole in her back like they'd never seen a pregnant girl before so many times when she felt overwhelmed with shame and anxiety she thought about aborting her pregnancy but Sasha always kept her sane as the pregnancy grew she and Sasha's Bond grew more profound on the last day of her exams she was 14 weeks pregnant her exams were tough because she couldn't focus and read much her baby bump wasn't too big but it was already noticeable and it was a constant reminder of the mistake she made she was still coming to terms with
her pregnancy but she was past the point of committing an abortion after the last exam she was walking down the faculty hallway when she came across four of her friends before her pregnancy she was pretty popular in her department and had a lot of friends but now people barely talk to her all her friends kept their distance except Sasha so when her four friends stopped to talk to her in the hallway she was excited Rachel hi they giggled hugging her briefly hi girls she tries to hide her excitement how was the exam it was good
they answered then Amy glanced down at her bump how's the um pregnancy it's going well thank you the girls hum it must be so hard carrying the baby of a man who wouldn't even acknowledge it Emily groaned i' die before I let that happen to me yeah Diana agreed and you're so pretty every boy in this department wanted you how could you be so careless Rachel blanched at their words the blood rushed to her head as her friends talked about her and a deep feeling of betrayal heated her blood there was only one person she
told the identity of the father of her unborn child and it was Sasha she didn't want to believe that Sasha would tell these girls at least now you won't have any more appeal and the boys will finally move on from you Iris chuckled right her voice dripped with jealousy and Rachel wondered why she hadn't noticed this before she pushed past them storming down the hall without looking back I was just joking Iris shouted after her and the other girls laughed whatever When Rachel got to her dorm room Sasha was there what's wrong Sasha asked when
Rachel stared at her are you mad I didn't wait for you after the exams I'm so sorry I had to use the bathroom what did you tell Amy and her gang about me Rachel asked asked what Sasha sat up her face scrunched in a frown what do you mean why did you tell them about Anthony Sasha Rachel asked nothing Sasha Rose to her feet I didn't tell them that's not true Rachel interrupted you're the only one I've told about the father of this child if Amy and the girls know it's because someone told them I
didn't tell me the truth Sasha please fine I told them something snapped in Sasha's expression and Rachel saw cruelty staring back at her it was so real she staggered back Sasha why Rachel shook her head you knew they would mock me they've avoided me since the pregnancy news hit the department why did you do that to me Rachel it's not my fault that you chose a boy who wouldn't own up to his responsibilities Sasha snapped you're the dream girl of almost every guy in that department yet you fell for this bum Anthony is not a
bum Rachel argued and I don't need your advice I just want to know why you felt like it was within your right to tell those girls my secret I am so disappointed in you how about you being disappointed in yourself Sasha asked I'm not the reason you're in this potion she walked out the door slamming it shut in Rachel's face the following days were hell for Rachel because now that Sasha didn't have to pretend anymore she made the dorm unbearable it was hard to leave the safety of her room because everyone had an opinion on
how to live her life the day her parents called Rachel's heart skipped several beats she talked to her parents once a week so they never bothered her seeing the phone ring and her mother's name on it almost gave her a heart attack but after watching the phone for a few moments Rachel took the call hi Mom Rachel her mother cheered how are you sweetheart are you done with your exams yes Mom I'm waiting for the results Rachel we miss you her mom said and those three simple words caused Rachel to react emotionally tears pricked her
throat and she blinked them back if there was anything she was sure of it was her family's love for her but when they learned of her mistake would the love be able to withstand the disappointment they would feel Rachel wasn't so sure all her life she had been raised a certain way she knew how how her parents reacted to girls who got pregnant out of wedlock and she never thought one day she would be in the same shoes it felt like she had betrayed her parents and the thought killed her are you there sweetheart yes
Mom Rachel infused cheer in her voice I miss you too I miss everyone will you be able to make it home for winter break Rachel badly wanted to go home but she couldn't it would be a huge mistake going home with her baby bump showing it would disgrace her family which was the last thing she wanted I wish I could mom she said we have some difficult courses next semester so I'm staying back to take lessons oh Mom pauses okay I'm sorry about that sweetheart take it easy all right all right Mom Rachel knew she
had to get off the phone soon or she would burst into tears I've got to go okay I'll call you soon okay um you sure you're okay yes I'm okay she forced A Laugh to Keep Her Mother pacified I'm fine all right sweetheart love you love you too mom as soon as the call ended Rachel got an email notifying her that her grades have been posted she sits up in bed heart beating in her chest she logged into her student profile her finger hovering over the link that'll take her to the grades tab usually she
was never scared to check her results during her first year she did exceptionally well and was one of the best students in class but this semester she didn't know what to expect and her hands shake with nerves although she tried her best to read and go to the library focusing on academics was hard every exam she wrote was with half a mind and for a department like Chinese studies that wasn't good enough with a burst of Courage she clicked the link and watched it load her heart leaping in into her mouth the grades finally loaded
and Rachel scanned the screen each course was listed with a letter grade next to it Rachel's face fell as she read the letter F next to each course her shoulders slumped and she stared at the screen completely numb no it was a single word but it tore from her mouth with a sob as her world shattered around her she took five courses this semester and she failed everything oh God the tears blur her vision and in that moment the only person she hated more than Anthony was herself how could she let herself be so stupid
how she angrily wiped her tears and clicked through the breakdown of her scores and assignments realizing that she did well in those but they weren't enough to give her a PassMark when she failed the exams woefully the tears continued to fall the harder she wiped so she gave into it hoping that after the sobs she could figure out what to do with her life she was still crying when the door swung open and Sasha walked in like that's not embarrassing enough she's also with Amy Emily Diana and AIS Rachel tried to hide her tears but
it was too late the girls had already seen it oh what's wrong Sasha asked with concern you look like a wreck Rachel looked up at her roommate confused as to why she acted like she cared for weeks now Sasha had been so mean talk to me Sasha said with a pout what's wrong nothing Rachel didn't trust Sasha anymore and didn't want to give her any more ammunition I'm fine I think she just saw her grades Amy said I knew she couldn't pass her exams with an unwanted pregnancy something's got to give Amy Rachel gasped at
her hurt spreading through her blood these girls used to be some of her closest friends it was fun how they quickly switched against her what Sasha frowned why are you upset your grades are as bad as your life choices Rachel blanched she had never been the confrontational type and against five girls who seemed to hate her she knew she stood no chance immediately she started packing her luggage staying here would only deteriorate her mental health further she had to leave but how did you let things get so bad Rachel Diana asked you had so many
guys falling at your feet but you chose a guy who ditched you when you needed him the most Rachel didn't think it was possible to feel any more hurt but the more the girl spoke the more damage it did to her soul and self-esteem oh how she had fallen from being a girl they admired to being one they bullied and ganged up against where are you going Sasha asked as Rachel wheeled her luggage toward the door Rachel didn't answer fine and make sure you never return Sasha growled when she walked out the door for hours
she wandered campus wondering where to stay her closest friends were already against her the only people she could turn to for help were mere acquaintances it didn't help that she already had a noticeable bump and everywhere she went students stared like they'd never seen a pregnant woman before finally she decided to go to nah Rachel and nah were reading Partners so she hoped that she could accommodate her for some time until she figured out the next step to take as she went to Nina's dorm she said a little prayer in her mind it wasn't like
she thought her prayers would be answered because she had been going through so many hardships lately it was obvious that the god up there was very upset with her Rachel arrived at Nina's dorm exhausted and tense nah opened the door and immediately noticed her distress Rachel what's wrong she asked what's with all the luggage and have you been crying Rachel broke down again as nah ushered her into the room can I stay with you for a while until I sort things out she asked amidst tears I know it's a bother but please I'll leave soon
sure nah nodded but what happened to your room I can't stay there anymore Rachel sobbed Sasha is being mean I don't know what I did to her I'm so sorry nah pulled Rachel into a comforting hug you can stay with me I'll talk to my roommate you'll be fine Rachel sniffed thank you nah I just didn't know where to turn nah smiled I'm glad you felt safe enough to come here don't cry anymore all right it's not good for the baby how far along are you 15 weeks nah nodded you should rest okay I'll get
us something to eat Rachel stayed with nah and her roommate Kayla for 2 weeks until the girls left for winter break while they were away Rachel remained in the dorm she had never felt so alone in her life she cried every day and her pain intensified when she had an online meeting with her professor who told her she would have to resit all her seconde courses and pass them in one go or she would have an extra year during the break she tried to read but it was still hard to focus her pregnancy symptoms were
intensifying and between hospital visits and pregnancy fatigue she could hardly get a single word in her life was falling falling apart and no one could mend it for her on Christmas Day the dorm was almost empty because other students left to be with their families the urge to be home was so strong that Rachel picked up her phone and called her mom ready to confess everything hello Rachel it was her dad who picked up the call Dad hey how are you missing you he said it's not a complete Christmas without you sweetheart I'm sorry I
couldn't come home I'll try to make it for Easter or I'll visit after New Year her father said Easter is too far not to see my baby Rachel laughed dad where's mom hold on her dad said she's probably somewhere around the house you know your mom she always leaves her phone unattended Rachel laughed and stayed on the phone until her dad found her mom in the kitchen it's Rachel dad said and mom came on sweetheart hi Merry Christmas we miss you Rachel fought tears I miss you all too there's something I have to tell you
oh what is it um Rachel struggled for Words as she thought about the best way to deliver the news she heard her dad say is Rachel still on yes Mom answered Rachel dad said into the phone I forgot to tell you before handing mom the phone but I love you so much sweetheart Rachel burst into a quiet sobb that hurt her chest her father oblivious to her emotions continued I am so proud of you you've never disappointed me I'm grateful for a child like you Merry Christmas okay see you after the new year thank you
Dad Rachel forced out I love you too when Mom got back on the line she said what did you want to tell me nothing Rachel said immediately how could she tell them such disappointing news shortly after what dad had just said it would break their hearts she couldn't do it dad said it all I just wanted to tell you all I love you we love you too the winter break lasted 6 weeks after which students started returning to school and the dorms were slowly filling up nah also resumed school and so did her roommate Rachel
was registering for her new semester courses and processing a new dorm room which kept her busy most of the time one hot afternoon she was returning from The Faculty tired and hungry she reached her room door and was about to open it when she heard her name this made her pause gosh I can't stand her anymore I wish she would leave this was n's voice she literally looks like a whale Rachel froze at the door her hands on the knob Kayla laughed like nah had just made the joke of the century I thought Rachel was
your friend she is my friend nah groaned but I'm tired of the inconvenience she's always sad and it wears me out if I were her I'd be sad too Kayla said cut her some slack I'm trying nah answered but Sasha already found out Rachel stays with me and they're starting to look at me somehow if you know Sasha you'd know you don't want to be in her bad books I want Rachel gone to be honest heartbreak and betrayal spread through Rachel between nah and Sasha turning against her she didn't know which hurt more at 24
weeks pregnant her bump was more noticeable making her self-conscious especially among students who cared greatly about their bodies and appearance hearing nah call her a whale had her already low self-esteem plummeting to hell she knew she didn't look as good as she used to but she could have gone without being labeled a whale it hurt her so much then being called an inconvenience on top of that Rachel knew she could not stay here anymore not after hearing everything that was said about her she took a moment to calm herself before walking into the room with
a smile it was the hardest smile she had ever worn in her life hey girls she greeted Nina and Kayla who cheerfully greeted her hey Rachel were you able to fully register for the courses nah asked i' do mine tomorrow not all my courses Rachel said but I was able to get a room she reached for her luggage so I'll be leaving nah gasped just when I was getting used to having you here she pouted Rachel laughed and hugged her thank you for everything nah I appreciate you nah smiled thank you Rachel turned to Kayla
who was lying on the bunk and you too Kayla thank you you're welcome Rachel Kayla's smile was tight I'll see you girls around Rachel wheeled her luggage out of the room without a backward glance for hours she roamed school knowing she had nowhere else to go it was getting late when she sat in one of the school Gardens realizing that her only option now was home she needed someone else's strength because hers was depleted she failed all her courses and was facing the risk of an extra year she had no friends and no place to
stay right now she wanted to run and hide away from the world but before she did it she had to call her parents they loved her very much she knew that their love should be able to transcend all things she called her father first because she knew he would be the most difficult Rachel sweetheart her dad answered the phone in the sweetest way Dad her voice broke Rachel there was panic in her dad's voice are you crying I want to come home for a few days sure he said immediately do you want me to book
you a ticket Dad I'm pregnant she sobbed I'm 24 weeks pregnant I'm so sorry there was a loud silence on the other end of the line and it gave Rachel hope for all of two seconds before her dad exploded what did you just say hard steel ran through his voice I I'm pregnant Dad I'm sorry I I didn't know oh my God he growled that's why you didn't come home for the break you weren't studying you were hiding 24 weeks I'm so sorry Dad sorry what does sorry fix he yelled it fixes nothing who is
the father my ex-boyfriend Rachel answered dreading when she would tell him the baby's father had refused responsibility for the child who is he her dad asked I need to talk to him Rachel's shoulder slumped he doesn't want to have anything to do with the baby what so not only are you pregnant but you're having a baby for a guy who isn't even mature enough to own up to his responsibilities Rachel you're a disgrace it was all too much for Rachel and thoughts of ending her life flashed before her eyes please do not come home her
father said you don't have a home here anymore Dad she cried harder if her family also abandoned her she would have no one I am terribly disappointed pointed in you he hung up the phone she was still staring at it with disbelief when it rang this time it was her mom mom Rachel her mom sounded hushed and Urgent your father just told me is it true yes Mom oh God her mom gasped Rachel how could you having a child outside wedlock it was a mistake Rachel cried please I want to come home I don't have
a place to stay anymore oh Rachel her mom paused hold on let me speak to your dad when her mother hung up Rachel crossed her fingers hoping her father gave her more grace than her ex-friends when her mom called minutes late from her tone Rachel knew she was doomed sweetheart I'm sorry her mother sounded like she had been crying your dad is very upset and doesn't want to see you can you sort yourself out for a while he claims he never wanted to see you again but I can talk to him he Rachel hung up
her hurt twisting into anger and hate hate for herself hate for everyone around her who didn't give her grace and comfort when things were good she thought friends and family genuinely loved her it turned out it was all a lie she threw her phone to the ground and Rose to her feet there was still a few bills left in her pocket and she headed for the bus station she didn't know what she wanted all she knew was that she had to escape this town the father she walked away the harder the ache in her heart
she almost ran back to her phone but she kept focused as she neared the bus station her father had all but disowned her just like the rest there was no need to keep hanging on and waiting for a miracle she needed to take charge of her life and sort her problems out the first step was getting out of town by the time Rachel got to the next town it was almost midnight she had never been alone in a city let alone this late at light she didn't know what to do and hung around the bus
Park hoping she had not made a huge mistake as she ventured further away from the bus station fear gripped her the dim lights from the street poles casted Long Shadows on the empty sidewalk everything seemed to conspire against her and the biting cold Amplified this loneliness Rachel didn't know where she was going but she kept walking randomly taking turns in the road and Wheeling her luggage behind her somehow she found herself in a crepet neighborhood the streets were littered with debris and broken bottles occasionally a huge rat would Scurry out of the gutter and across
the road causing her heart to jump into her throat at the end of this road was a park and Rachel immediately recognized it as a shelter there were tattered blankets and rickety benches scattered around the place along with tired looking people in different stages of Consciousness some people were asleep on the bare floor Rachel met the the sharp eyes of a Grizzly older man sitting at the edge of the park and at the intensity in them she looked away and tried to find a good spot here scattered around the park were several figures each wrapped
in different layers of clothing excuse me Rachel approached a man huddled beneath a sagging blanket his back was against a tree his head hung with defeat and exhaustion beside him was a shopping cart filled with his tattered belongings Something Told Rachel that if she wasn't careful she might end up as this man excuse me please she stopped close to the man and when his head snapped up he grabbed his shopping cart closer what his eyes darted across her face go away please what is this place she asked I need a place to stay tonight I
see people lying on the floor already but is someone in charge no one in charge he said quickly abandoned Park thank you Only When Rachel took a few steps back did this man release his shopping cart she turned away and chose an isolated part of the park there she put some of her clothes on the floor and laid on it resting her head she instantly relaxed and the tiredness seeped from her bones leaving her completely exhausted it was ironic that it was on this spread of clothes in the middle of nowhere that she felt some
semblance of comfort and peace not while she was with her friend Sasha or with nah here she was surrounded by by the homeless who minded their business like they were being paid and she felt calm enough to unwind and fall asleep finally tomorrow she would sort out a better accommodation she couldn't stay here for a long time Rachel had been sleeping in the abandoned park for over a fortnight and life got harder than ever as a pregnant woman no one gave her a job so she was left scraping from hand to mouth getting breakfast was
hard getting lunch was harder and dinner was the hardest so she usually skipped that one that was because every night someone brought food to the abandoned Park Rachel didn't know who this woman was but she knew it was sort of a Good Samaritan who had a desire to help people when this woman came to the park the struggle to get a plate of food was surreal and Rachel realized she couldn't engage in such a brawl for food aside from the fact that she was never raised like that she was also pregnant she had lived with
these people in this park long enough to to know that they didn't care about her pregnancy none of them had ever asked how she was feeling they hardly ever spoke to her this park was the real definition of mind your business that night as Rachel slept again on a hungry stomach she could only pray that her baby was fine she could not afford health care so it's been weeks since she checked on the baby aside from Health Care basic feeding was impossible which meant she only ate once or twice a day and in small quantities
more than anything Rachel missed her family but she had cut them off just like they cut her off and there was no looking back she was sleeping that night when she heard a loud commotion and knew that the food lady was there again her stomach violently rumbled with Hunger but she didn't nod to rise because she knew there was no way the food would get to her minutes later she heard people arguing and glanced up to see the lady holding an EXT ra food plate out of everybody's reach this is for the pregnant woman over
there the lady said pointing in Rachel's Direction Rachel sat up in shock and watched the woman approach holding the food as she Drew near Rachel realized that the woman was a young girl probably around her age here it is the girl said softly sitting on the floor next to Rachel eat Rachel ate quickly satisfying the hunger with each swallow she could feel the girl eyes on her which made her wary When Rachel finished the food she turned to the girl thank you so much what's your name the girl asked with a smile it was the
first time someone was smiling at her since she left College Rachel hi Rachel I'm d d stretched out an arm and they shook hands what are you doing out here with this stomach de asked softly it's not safe Rachel couldn't bear to look de in the eyes it's only temporary she lied I won't be here for a long time de shook her head it's my second time seeing you here she said you obviously don't have anywhere to go Rachel shifted uncomfortably I'm fine you don't look like the others de said softly and that's what brought
me to you Rachel stayed quiet tears blurring her vision come with me D Rose to her feet pulling Rachel up with her what Rachel's eyes widened come with you to where Rachel asked de with a frown my home de chuckled you'll be safer there at this point Rachel was tired of living with people and having them talk behind her she preferred to stay in the park at least no one bothered here she was alone I can't she told de I appreciate you de but I can't accept that from you I can't Rachel de Cut Her
Off you see these other people she pointed to everyone sleeping on their mats around the Mark they don't have a future for themselves she said they belong here Rachel frowned these homeless people don't really want a home they like it here and for them this is a job de continued when I took one look at you I realized you weren't like that you want to be out of here whether you accept it or not and that's what I want to do for you but why Rachel asked you just met me D Shrugged that doesn't matter
what matters is that I went to help you get out of here how far along are you 26 weeks great D nodded do this for your baby Rachel embarrassed Rachel packed her luggage and followed D out of the abandoned Park they reached D's home quickly and Rachel was surprised to find out it was not much it was a trailer park the exterior marked by weather stains and graffiti it was like a small rectangular box with missing Windows and uneven wooden steps it's not much de giggled like she could read Rachel's mind but it's home when
they got into the house there was a wheelchair bound man in the living room staring into space when he heard them come in he turned his eyes full of surprise Des who is your friend Uncle Rufus this is Rachel D said she will be staying with us for a while I hope you don't mind Uncle rufus's smile widened of course I don't the more the merrier he turned to Rachel Welcome to our humble abode Rachel thank you sir let me show you in D trudged through the rickety hallway and stopped in front of a door
she opened it and threw the door open allowing her entry before she did it was a small room but neat and Airy you and I will stay here Rachel said we only have two rooms in the House Uncle Rufus has one Rachel sat down her luggage I don't know how to thank you enough de I'm beyond grateful for this thank you so much you're welcome Rachel cleared her throat before she asked a pressing question on her mind I thought you were wealthy she said softly how are you able to afford food for the homeless de
sat on the bed and patted the space beside her making room for Rachel I work in an international restaurant chain as a dishwasher she said it's easy to get packs of food on weekends which I bring to the park for the homeless okay can I also ask you a question de asked and Rachel panicked she had never told anyone about herself since she dropped out of school and went in communicado for over two weeks it hurt to even think about what she had been through she didn't want to imagine what it would feel like talking
about it it's okay if you don't want to answer de said quickly noticing Rachel's hesitation you can ask me Rachel forced a smile talking to De was the least she could do after everything de did for her today how did you end up at the park de asked curiously sitting cross-legged on the bed Rachel took a deep breath and told her everything surprisingly she didn't cry and to her relief there was no pity in de's eyes so you just dropped your phone and got into a bus de asked incredulously pretty much you are so brave
Rachel laughed I can hardly call it that D shook shook her head if you feel bad about dropping out of college don't there's always time how old are you 23 see I'm 24 and I've never been to college D said why because I cannot leave Uncle Rufus she said he fell while cutting a tree and was bedridden for years before he could use a wheelchair this happened just before I was supposed to get into the university to study business administration I'm the only one Uncle Rufus has and so I couldn't leave him while my mates
were going off to college I'm so sorry Rachel said that's a huge sacrifice I don't think so de chuckled my parents died in a car accident when I was 6 years old at the time my parents and Uncle Rufus were estranged so I had no relationship with him no one expected him to take me in but he did at 6 years old I was a child Uncle Rufus cared for me and paid all my bills until I was 16 that's when he had his accident I'm so sorry de Rachel suddenly saw de as a kindred
spirit except that she brought her own suffering upon herself by having sex with an irresponsible guy nah don't be Uncle Rufus is worth it Rachel fell back on the bed I don't want to be a liability to you D she said can you help me put in a word at the restaurant where you work so I can get a job please she was tired of being a disturbance to people plus she needed money to get healthare I'll talk to my manager when I go in tomorrow de said heun's a nice man when I explain your
situation to him he'll likely give you a job okay in 3 days Rachel got a job as a janitor and dishwasher alongside D in the restaurant they would leave home together work and return together slowly Rachel began to heal she had only known de for a short time but the love between them was real D would follow her to prenatal appointments and was always there when she needed Comfort or missed her family 3 months after they met Rachel gave birth to a beautiful baby boy she named him Harry Uncle Rufus can you run faster than
me Harry asked climbing onto Uncle rufus's lap he was three and a half years old and his favorite human was Uncle Rufus he didn't mind that Uncle Rufus was wheelchair bound he always wanted to do everything with him right now it was almost 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning and Rachel was trying to get him off Uncle Rufus so he could prepare for preschool but anytime she tried to pull him off Harry would scream and shout leave him alone Uncle Rufus laughed I'll take him to school Uncle Rufus that'll be a bother Rachel glared at Harry
Harry come on no I want to stay with Uncle Rufus you ready Rachel de walked out of their room ready to go why is Harry not ready she groaned we're going to be late because of this little rascal Harry stuck out his tongue at D and she gasped making Rachel laugh someone's not going to get a cupcake today D threatened I'm sorry Aunt D Harry quickly apologized you girls run along Uncle Rufus said I'll take Harry to school are you sure you can manage Rachel asked worriedly and Uncle Rufus nodded Harry's school was only a
few minutes away from the house and Uncle Rufus had taken him to school several times before thanks Uncle Rufus Rachel said and kissed Harry's cheek bye I love you I love you too Mom Harry kissed her and waved to D love you Aunt D Love You de and Rachel left the house like they'd been doing together for over two years as they walked to work Rachel thought about how far she had come and how her life had New Joys and meanings she still hasn't contacted her parents in over 3 years and there were nights when
she would miss them it was like a physical ache in her chest but they broke her that day and she never wanted to see them again when everyone turned their backs on her she reached out to her parents expecting them to be there but they let her down it had been 3 years since she's had Harry and she would never change this for anything he had been a source of Happiness to her and it was ironic that she suffered the most because of him if you asked Rachel she would go through it all again for
Harry later that day Rachel was cleaning the meeting room when she heard a group of people speaking in Chinese a nostalgic feeling hit her and she was about to walk away when their words became clearer one of them was saying this company is naive they won't see through our scam the second Chinese speaker responded with yes we just need to create a convincing proposal and present ourselves as a potential partner with Innovative technology Rachel frowned and stopped cleaning the Chinese speakers were at the restaurant to meet with the manager and form a partnership but if
this was what they were saying it simply meant they didn't have good intentions another one said we'll prepare a high-profile presentation and some fake success stories once they're hooked we can negotiate a large initial investment we'll ask for funds Upfront for research and development and then we will disappear do you all understand yes good now let's go get it nut Rachel pretended to clean as they filed out of the office and headed for the door good afternoon she greeted them good afternoon when they left Rachel hurriedly went to find d d was cleaning the kitchen
and was fortunately alone when Rachel found her she told her everything she learned just keep quiet about it D said or if things go wrong we would lose our jobs but D if this Chinese company scams ours we may also lose our jobs D side I understand but Rachel really the probability of something going wrong is higher we're bottom staff in this company no one would believe us D was right and Rachel decided to stay quiet however as she returned to her post she walked past the manager's office and overheard the Chinese guys giving a
Stella business presentation Rachel wanted to walk past and act like she didn't know their plans but she knew she would live with the guilt for the rest of her life so she took a deep breath and barged into the office the Chinese presenter stopped and arched his eyebrows at her while the manager rushed to his feet excuse me cleaners aren't meant to be here at this time excuse us there's something you must know sir Rachel said grabbing the microphone from the presenter she told the manager everything she overheard these people plan to wreck the company
and steal from us the Chinese officials gasped in fake outrage I cannot believe this they cried turning to the manager Mr Belfast if you didn't want to do business with us you should have said so this is a total disgrace and we will never forget it forgive me please Mr Wong the manager pleaded I will deal with her Accord accordingly don't worry this partnership is already over Mr Wong snapped and walked out of the meeting room with his associates Rachel gaped after them knowing she had messed up they twisted everything around to make it look
like she was crazy but she knew what she heard Rachel Mr Belfast called his body shaking with rage please pack all your things and leave you are fired not only you for what you just did D is also fired I don't want to see you two near this establishment again come on Rachel D groaned you can't be serious I am serious Rachel answered evenly even though tears clogged her throat I always ruin everything for you you don't ruin anything de argued please stay Rachel shook her head she felt terrible and selfish de warned her about
telling the manager what she heard but she didn't listen now they'd both lost their jobs their only means of livelihood not only did she feel bad she felt embarrassed what did she think would happen that the manager would thank her and send the Chinese officials away impossible she was a janitor and that's what she would always be it was late evening when she wheeled her luggage into the living room she wanted nothing more than to stay with de but she could never live with the guilt Rachel Uncle Rufus called softly you're taking this too far
Uncle Rufus Rachel shook her head tears slipping down her face you don't understand de had this job before she met me she found me this job because she wanted to help me the best thing I could have done was keep my big mouth shut I didn't listen to D now see we can find another job easily D said sadly don't do this Rachel pulled her friend into a hug thank you de for everything you've done for me I promise I'll never forget I'll pay you back de looked unhappy and Rachel hugged Uncle Rufus too thank
you Uncle Rufus he released a deep breath thank you too thank you also for Harry he's been my source of joy for all these years Rachel almost cried again because she knew Harry would be another issue right now he was in preschool and she planned to pick him up on her way to the shelter they would have to stay there until she got an apartment she had saved some money but she would need to properly plan how that would be spent she walked to the trailer door and then turned to wave at them goodbye D
she said goodbye Uncle Rufus she walked out before she could change her mind it had been a week since Rachel left and it felt like a part of D was missing Rachel had come to mean more to her than a friend and although D was upset about about what Rachel did at the company she didn't think it was worth losing her best friend over then there was Harry a little Fireball who kept everyone on their toes Harry and Rachel's absence made the house very dull you should go talk to her Uncle Rufus said you said
you know where she is yeah I traced her to the love shelter that's where she is with Harry but you know how stubborn she is Uncle Rufus I know no I miss her and Harry too what do you think we should do de was about to respond when there was a knock on their door she jumped to her feet and raced to the door hoping it was Rachel finally coming to her senses however when she opened the door it was a young handsome man standing there he looked perfect in his expensive black suit behind him
was a black luxurious car hello the man smiled hi my name is David is Rachel here what de's eyes widened Rachel yes please D shook her head she moved out David's face fell do you know where I can find her depends de crossed her arms who are you David withdrew a card from his breast pocket and handed it to D my name is David monar he says owner of the Darcy restaurant chain I want to thank Rachel for saving my company from bankruptcy if not for her we would have lost millions of dollars Rachel and
her three-year-old son Harris were lying in their bunks while Rachel read him a story book Rachel knew that Harry wasn't happy because he hadn't seen his uncle and Aunt in a week but whenever Rachel thought of them she felt overwhelming guilt it hurt that she had to leave them but right now she was feeling too much like bad luck for their family we will see them soon she said to her son they are hello Rachel Rachel looked up to see a matron standing at the door there's someone outside to see you Rachel frowned me yes
the matron nodded and walked away frowning Rachel climbed down the bunk carrying Harry with her no one knew she was here so how could anyone be here to see her when she walked out into the reception she was shocked to see de standing beside a very handsome man in a dark suit Harry wiggled from her arms and ran into de's arms Aunt D Rachel's gaze kept flitting to the man who continued to smile at her like he knew her it made her blush Rachel de said this is Mr David monar owner of Darcy restaurant chain
Rachel's mouth fell open where we used to work yes hi Rachel David stepped forward hi I'm here to thank you you saved my company from ruin what we would have lost millions of dollars if you hadn't reported what you heard but I was fired for it and I'm sorry about that David said remorsefully after you left we researched the company and discovered those Chinese investors were indeed a scam they've successfully scammed many businesses in the country and we were next but thanks to you we got through it Rachel nodded at himou welcome David looked around
around the place with a disapproving stare please get your luggage he said I'm moving you out of here in the twinkle of an eye Rachel's life changed David moved her and Harry into an Executive Suite in a five-star hotel while promising to find a suitable living space for them she was still in awe when there was a knock on the door and when she opened it it was a huge bouquet a beautiful dress and an invitation to dinner at 7:00 Rachel called de over so she could stay with Harry while she prepared for her dinner
date a limousine picked her up at exactly 7M and off she went to the most expensive restaurant in the state David Monarch was waiting for her at the rooftop with a decorated table with different exotic foods and drinks as soon as she walked in he took her hand and led her to the table thank you for honoring my invitation he said holding the chair he was is a perfect gentleman and thank you for the flowers and the dress Rachel answered no regrets he answered you look beautiful a deep blush warmed her cheek and she lowered
her head thank you they ate their dinner while talking about the most random things it had been a while since Rachel spoke to a man this way but David was so gentle and made everything easy how did you figure the Chinese officials out he asked after they finished their food I studied Chinese language and culture in school wow he looked impressed so you speak Chinese yes but I'm still learning David leaned forward his eyes bright with admiration you would be a great addition to my company Rachel I want to offer you a job as a
translator he said Rachel's first instinct was to jump at the job but she held back to play her cards right thank you but I only accept on one condition what that you give de a job as well she said she also lost her job that day David laughed and Rachel held her breath I already gave her a job when I learned how you both lost your jobs he said she's the branch supervisor Rachel grabbed David's arm excitedly thank you so much David that means a lot to me de is like a sister I love her
so much I know David smiled and what about you won't you accept the job I will she laughed I'm honored to be a part of your company six months have passed I've never been to your house Rachel laughed as they rode the elevator up to David's Penthouse apartment I know he winked at her why do I feel like you're up to something she side eyed him and he laughed heartily we've been friends for 6 months he said I think it's high time you knew my place friends Rachel thought it had been 6 months since she
knew David and her life had improved she lived in a spacious two-bedroom house that he bought and drove a Mercedes that he also bought for her despite all these things they remained friends she was madly in love with him although she knew he would never look at her any more than being platonic friends he was way out of her league and even though she now had a better life she still knew who she was the elevator opened into the most beautiful living room she had ever seen she gasped at the window view and rushed to
it gaping at the stunning view of the city skyline David this is beautiful she cried when he didn't respond she turned to see him on one knee a beautiful box in his hands inside it was a luxurious ring David her heart almost stopped I don't want to be just friends anymore Rachel he said I want to mean more than that to you David I love you Rachel he said you are smart intelligent beautiful you're an asset to me and I want to be everything you need Rachel couldn't believe what was happening David was the best
man ever he was good with Harry and formed a great relationship with d and Uncle Rufus because she told him how much they meant to her for D he took it a step further by funding her College tuition until she graduated he was the best best but she couldn't get over the crippling anxiety that David was out of her League say something Rachel he said David I have a son and that I love very much he said sincerely he would be a great big brother if you accept my proposal and we have kids Rachel laughed
yes yes I accept He Slipped the ring onto her finger pulled her into a hug I love you so much Rachel you have no idea I love you too David I know he said and I have a present for you what Rachel laughed happily he had given her everything money can buy what more could he surprise her with you haven't outrightly told me he said but I know you've been thinking hard about your parents Rachel blanched and tears threatened to fall lately she had been regretting in cutting off her parents but was scared of reaching
out to them after 3 years she heard footsteps behind her and turned to see her parents approach her eyes widened and she stumbled back shocked and Confused David how it took a lot of work David said but anything to make you happy I'll do it sweetheart her mother called softly dad's eyes were brimming with unshed tears Rachel remained Frozen for one nanc before launching into their arms her parents burst into a sob and so did she it's all my fault Dad cried I'm so sorry I was so upset but I didn't mean all I said
he explained I called you the next day but couldn't reach you I went to your school but no one knew where you were we tried to trace your phone and it broke our hearts that we couldn't find you it's okay Dad it's all in the past Rachel said wiping her tears her Joy was full and today could be the happiest day of her life she was wearing a rock that bound her to a man she loved more than anything she had a solid friendship with de and Uncle Reus a beautiful and intelligent son and now
her parents were back life was good
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