let me ask you a question if your life was a video game available to download and play would you play it differently to how you're playing it now would you be playing it safe sticking to the so-called rules of the game or would you be playing it with intent taking on challenges and overcoming obstacles leveling up your character of course you would that's the whole reason we play games in the first place to get lost in something fully immersed in a journey a journey that satisfies us challenges us and brings us nothing but excitement and
[Music] contentment why do we find video games so enjoyable what is it that makes them so addictive when you sit down to play a video game you're put into an almost trans-like State they immerse you so far into the madeup reality that it becomes your reality what the hell where am I you feel like you're inside of it you're in complete Flow State and the mind craves this feeling it craves structure when there's no structure in your life you become lost stressed depressed video games contain this structure there's challenges missions and skills you need to
develop in order to get further into the game and so that pleases us of course life has this too the default game of life is to follow the preset path go to school find a job retire but but at the end of the day we all want different things out of life and for some people that path doesn't fulfill those desires so it's probably better if you set your own path a clear set of objectives and missions that you can narrow your attention to ones that you yourself get to decide first you need a lifelong
Vision a vision for a future that you actually want for yourself forget what people have told you is possible create a vision that you yourself want write it down draw it take some screenshots then set your hierarchy a hierarchy of objectives and goals to take you to that Vision ones that you can achieve over the next 1 year 5 years and 10 years and then lastly everyday goals for the present moment goals that you can frame your attention to in this exact present moment giving you something to focus on daily when you look in the
mirror when you look around at your life everything you see is a direct manifestation of your previous choices you don't have the money you want because you haven't done the work you don't have the body you want because you can't control what you put in your mouth every single thing that's happened in your life every situation you've been in and every decision you made in each of those situations has created you the character you're playing you see from an early age you've been absorbing information from your teachers in school from your parents you're told what's
good for you and what's bad for you and because we're only human because we're essentially creatures our biological goal was to hold on to the information that kept us alive and so that information sculpted us and if you've ever felt that struggle to make change in your life if you've ever felt the tension between wanting to improve your life but struggling to take action it's because of this right here there's a clash between the way your brain's been hardwired and your newfound desire for the future essentially you're playing the wrong character for what missions you
want to complete and so figure out what character you want to play what principles would they live by look at the people you look up to what are the aspects that makes you respect them write them down and begin sculpting your own character then each time you have a decision to make in life look at that list make your decisions based on what you're trying to become not who you already [Music] are now whenever you embark on a New Journey in life at first you're not going to be very good at it remember when we
were kids and we first started playing video games what was it like you'd load in for the first time and have no clue what you were doing you'd see the top level players playing and it made no sense to you how could they be that good and so we quit there and then saw that we weren't as good as everyone else and just quit never loaded it up again of course we didn't we kept on playing lost game after game until eventually we became pretty decent at playing so what really happened there did we wake
up one day and suddenly become good find the secret cheat code to winning no you conditioned your mind learned the mechanics and got better at them and it works the same in real life yes if you're first starting out on this journey you're going to be terrible but instead of getting frustrated with that use your brain be smart and accept that this is exactly where you're supposed to be all you need to do is simply get better at the game get better at the mechanics so figure out what mechanics you need to learn for you
to reach your vision what are the skills that would help you get there find them then narrow your effort on getting better at them build habits around them that act as a sort of training ground and each time you upon that habit your skill level in that area increases meaning your day-to-day life becomes a natural state of progression a seamless and almost inevitable path to your vision