The Bible Reveals the TRUTH About Dinosaurs

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Answers in Genesis Canada
There is SO much about dinosaurs that evolutionists do NOT want you to find out about… Calvin Smith...
Video Transcript:
what happened to the dinosaurs cuz they're extinct people come up with theories all the time here's my theory I believe at the time of the dinosaurs eventually the plants evolved and they became gaseous and the dinosaurs ate those plants and they burped themselves to death what do you think guys is that pretty scientific you guys rolling with that no sounds kind of goofy well see if you get a really cool graphic artist and then you get a bunch of guys with little letters at the end of their names and then you publish it in a
peer-reviewed magazine everybody thinks it's highly plausible here's the biggest Extinction Theory we hear this giant meteor smashed into the Yucatan Peninsula and just wiped out all the dinosaurs but not the Ducks and not the beavers and not all the other creatures what I'm going to do is run through the seven FS of dinosaurs formed Fearless Fallen flood faded found in fiction to see if we can gain some insight into the topic so let's start at number one which is formed when did God form or create the dinosaurs does the Bible say for example when God
created ton aurus Rex actually it does dinosaurs were land animals T-Rex is a land animal right God says he created land animals in man on day six of creation so therefore God created dinosaurs and people on the same day of creation Now I know what just happened in many of your minds the hair stood up on the back of your neck and you wa wait a sec that's not what I heard man I need to read National Geographic you know that great faith building magazine National Geographic and it said something different it said look at
this article here no human being has ever seen a live dinosaur yet we know da da da it sounds so authorative doesn't it I thought Christians were supposed to hold to the authority of the word of God oh that contradicts I wonder which authority is correct did you know there are many atheists that point to dinosaurs as their reason to have become atheists here's a quote from a typical internet atheist and he said dinosaurs were my gateway drug to atheism while I was still six or seven years away from reaching the conclusion God didn't either
care about us or didn't exist the dinosaurs had shared an important secret that the Bible can be wrong one time at a small group Bible study I don't even know how the subject came up but I just mentioned I believe that God created dinosaurs on day six cuz that seems to be the logical conclusion and this very Godly lovely lady Christian lady she was like I don't think so I said really I said well why don't you think that and she said I just don't think God had create these huge scary creatures to be in
the Garden of Eden I mean some could have got hurt you know look at those big teeth and stuff like that she appears to have forgotten Biblical history because the second F in the 7 na here is the fact that God created these creatures Fearless there was no reason to fear them in the beginning why was that well Genesis 1 125 says God created the Beast of the earth God saw was very good at the end of the creation he said everything was very good do we know what very good means yes we do it
means no evil no death no carnivorous activity right no struggle for existence that's what very good means in the beginning all the beasts of the field and the people were eating plants isn't that interesting everything vegetarian why is that well because there was no death there was no Bloodshed there was no carnivorous activity that's not very good is it I'll show you a short clip here of some alligators and some crocodiles and watch what they love to eat now you might think well that thing would have snapped down on anything you threw in his mouth
right but keep watching they actually like this and they're fed this on a constant basis Chomp Chomp Chomp pretty soon you'll see a little crocodile he's going to climb up a kumquat tree and he likes to eat Kung quats because they found now that alligators and crocodiles love to eat fruit and they love to eat all sorts of you know vegetables and legumes and things like that pretty interesting you can read articles about it so if we go with God's word this was not occurring until this happened our next F because this entire creation is
groaning it's wearing out like a garment and we live in a sin cursed world how did that happen Romans 5:12 through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin and so death spread to all men because all sinned and it's not just men that fell Romans 8:22 for we know that the whole creation has been groan in the Pains of child birth until now which would have included the dinosaurs which means they wouldn't have operated the way they did in the beginning and they start thinking about eating something else now how do
we know about the dinosaurs they're not around today because of their bones correct where did those fosses come from well that's the next F the flood Genesis 6:9 the worldwide flood recorded in the Bible The Fountains of the great deep burst open there was 40 days of intense rain do we even know what 3 days of torrential rain will do now yes we do because we've recorded it now all the sediments and the biomass gets mixed up together and it starts making slurries and so on even evolutionists now are admitting this because the evidence is
just so overwhelming here's Dr Phil Curry he works with the Royal Terrell Museum he wrote a book called 101 questions about dinosaurs now watch what he says he believes in millions of years he believes in the story of evolution but look at what he says f ization is a process that can take anything from a few hours to millions of years I wonder which one of those two processes Dr Curry has observed he goes on to say well the amount of time that it takes for a bone to become completely permanized is highly variable if
the ground water is heavily Laden with minerals and solution the process can happen rapidly and I would bet at the time of the great flood there was lots of minerals and lots of stuff in the solution that would make a lot of fossils very quickly Mary schwitzer did this experiment with these Toronto bones she found and here was the title of her article scientists recovered T-Rex soft tissue it was supposedly 70 million years old red blood vessels red blood cells completely unfossilized that's like walking out into the Sahara Desert and finding an ice cream cone
it's not supposed to be there well if all these fossils we find could have soft tissue in them that confirms what the Bible says that the Earth is Young not millions and millions of years old because chemical decomposition rates simply don't allow for soft tissue to last for millions of years many people have questions about the ark and how dinosaurs would fit Genesis 619 and 20 talks about how the fact that you know two of all living creatures male and female every kind of animal is going to go into the ark to be kept alive
except for the dinosaurs no it doesn't say that oh no every creature so that would include the dinosaurs well let's get back to the true depiction of the Ark 483 tractor trailer trucks could fit on board that boat but still people have this idea in their head but okay even though the boat was that big how do you get a 70 ton titanosaur on Noah's Ark but you have to remember just like every creature they didn't start off huge here's the largest dinosaur egg we've ever found that thing didn't pop out of there weighing 70
tons and by the way the Commandment was the creatures were to go on board the ark to reproduce right after the flood so you're not going to take like Grandma and Grandpa dinosaur on board you're going to take the young ones the teenagers so to speak cuz they're going to be viral and be able to reproduce and so on so the flood has great explanatory power for the fossils why has the account of this if people really saw dinosaurs cuz if they came on board the ark they went off people would have seen them so
why is this kind of faded from people's memory do you know there are Dragon Legends around the world do you know people groups around the world say that in their histories people saw these huge reptilian beasts there are so many accounts it's hard to keep track of them all so much so that up until 1973 in the World Book Encyclopedia they actually had had this entry the dragons of Legend are strangely like actual creatures that have lived in the past they are much like the great reptiles dinosaurs which inhabited the Earth long before man is
supposed to have appeared on Earth even staunch atheists and evolutionists like Carl Sean he wrote a book called dragons of Eden and he said the pervasiveness of dragon myths in the folk Legends of many cultures is probably no accident it's a worldwide phenomenon the Chinese zodiac has all sorts of real creatures that we we know of and also includes dragons why would they only include one mythological creature with all the other creatures and some of the oldest artifacts we can find things like this Mesopotamian cylinder seal look at what these creatures look like long necks
long tail dinosaur fossils like this one here look at the bones on this thing imagine what that thing looked like with flesh on it I'll show you National Geographics depiction of it what would you call that if it was running towards you I'd call it a dragon right and other things like in Cambodia they've got this this Temple supposedly built about 800 years ago see the round circles here and the carvings look at the creature see his tail see the plates on his back see his face and his eye they saw it that's the most
logical conclusion when I was over in England I didn't actually get to go to carel Cathedral Bishop Bell was buried in the floor they did that back then it was kind of weird and you'll see this carpet on the floor it's because his tomb has brass inlay around it with all these different creatures and as people have walked on it over over the years it wears out the brass but if you get them to pull back the carpet you can see all the different creatures it depicts like birds let's see some of the other creatures
they depict dog yep fish yep oh that's interesting isn't it big long necks big long tails you know what's interesting too do you remember that Mesopotamian cylinder seal do you remember the way their necks were entwined well that's very interesting you know why that's so interesting because these two artifacts are separated chronologically In Time by hundreds of years and separated geographically by hundreds of kilometers which means two different people groups at two different times in history recorded these creatures in the exact same activity you know like Rams banging their heads together or giraffes necking and
that's not the only one here's the Nur pallette and it depicts them in the same way another people group different point in time what's the most logical conclusion they saw them that makes most sense now why is that downplayed in the evolutionary Community well I don't think I could give you a better quote this is a hostile witness Lou Jacobs and he's written a book about D URS and he's a skeptic he's an atheist he's an evolutionist and here's what he said such an association what people call dragons generically in the past actually being dinosaurs
such an association would dispel an Earth with vast Antiquity the entire history of creation including the day of rest could be accommodated in the seven biblical days of the Genesis myth Evolution would be vanquished see what he just admitted man if people actually saw these things evolution is a dead duck and I'm an atheist and I don't want to believe in God so I have to have a way of explaining everything without God what's the only explanation in town evolution of some sort now here's a question we often get well yeah but if these creatures
lived before and after the flood then why don't we see dinosaurs in the Bible Well you don't see a lot of words in the Bible things like email don't see that right don't see cell phone you see communication and people talking to each other and letters and all that stuff so we're not really looking for the word dinosaur are we we're looking for depictions of creatures like dinosaurs so let's go to job 40 look at the Behemoth which I made along with you God's talking to job do you remember that God created the land animals
and people on the same day of creation look at these creatures I made along with you job now it goes on to say it feeds on grass like an ox and it's got strength in the loins with super you know big muscles and his tail sways like a cedar oh that's interesting I mean what kind of creature do we see today that has a tail like a tree it's this massive creature and first amongst the works of God is its legs are like tubes of bronze it's this huge creature that's a great description of a
sorod dinosaur right big long neck long tail Etc massive creature they'll say things like oh Behemoth it must have been like an elephant or a hippo do you remember the description the word of God says it's got his tail like a tree let's look at the heiny of an elephant or a hippo doesn't seem to fit the biblical description correct now we get another description of a creature in job 41 it's called Leviathan we don't know what Leviathan is exactly but it could come in and out of the water its scales were virtually impenetrable and
it breathed fire and see even right there many Christians okay well breathes fire we don't see creatures today breathing fire so this has got to be some kind of you know mythological kind of thing in the Bible Well we don't know what Leviathan was let me give you a good candidate super Crockett that's what they call this fossil they've found you can see the white skull there that's a large crocodile but look at the size of super Croc's head pretty neat eh but you know what's really neat about super croc is look at his bulbous
nose that's very interesting see we don't know could he have mixed when he was alive some kind of chemicals and shot some kind of fiery snort we don't know cuz we only have fossils but I want you to think about something let's say you had never seen an electric eel you guys know what an electric eel is right don't go in the water with them cuz they can hit you with about a th000 volts of electricity right now pretend they were extinct and some paleontologist goes out and he just finds the bones of an electric
eel so it looks like kind of a snake in the Rock right would you even dream that when that thing was fully composed with all its soft Parts it could zap you with 1,000 volts of electricity it' never cross your mind cuz you only got the bones if you want to follow this up I really recommend this book called living fossils by Dr Carl Warner you'll see all of the different creatures that theyve found living together at the same time as dinosaurs now very interesting and actually it's a good read there's some great quotes in
it let me give you one this is a modern-day evolutionist and look at what they admit we find mammals in almost all of our dinosaur dig sites these were not noticed years ago they didn't just used to notice the mammals mixed in with the D dinosaurs we have about 20,000 lb of bentonite clay that is mammal fossils that we trying to give away to some researcher it's not that they're not important it's just that you only live once and I specialize in something other than mammals I specialize in reptiles and dinosaurs this comes down to
the authority of the word of God or man's word Ever Changing trying to explain the past without the one who was there and the Revelation from the one that was there I know everybody always asks yeah but what happened to the dinosaurs cuz they're extinct it's not just creationists that have to come up with with a a good explanation and a Biblical explanation it's evolutionist as well and over the years I've seen many many different explanations okay people come up with theories all the time let me share with you guys one pet theory of mine
and just see how plausible this is for you guys okay here's my theory I believe at the time of the dinosaurs eventually the plants evolved and they became gaseous and the dinosaurs ate those plants and they burped themselves to death what do you think guys is that pretty scientific you guys rolling with that no sounds kind of goofy well see if you get a really cool graphic artist to make a really cool picture and then you get a bunch of guys with little letters at the end of their names coming up with a really cool
story and then you publish it in a peer-reviewed magazine everybody thinks it's highly plausible this is a serious supposed dinosaur extinction Theory we just got a funny graphic to illustrate the silliness of it these are stories folks one of them was that the mammals eventually evolved and ate all the dinosaur eggs but according to what we've just seen mammals and dinosaurs coexisted for supposed L millions of years of course everybody knows this one right here's the biggest Extinction Theory we hear this giant meteor smashed into the Yucatan Peninsula and just wiped out all the dinosaurs
but not the Ducks and not the beavers and not all the other creatures so you see evolutionists have a challenge explaining dinosaur extinction as a matter of fact this book by Alan sherig he points the challenge for them out he says now comes the important question what caused all these extinctions at one particular point in time approximately 65 million years ago right everybody's coming up with all sorts of suggest question some serious some jokes you know things like that and he says the trouble is if we're to just find one reason to account for all
of them it would have to explain the deaths all at the same time of animals on land and of animals living in the sea but in both cases of only some of those animals for many of the land dwellers and many of the sea dwellers went on living quite happily into the following a period alas no such one explanation exists there is an explanation in the Bible Genesis 6:9 the Great great flood billions of dead things buried in sedimentary layers laid down by water everywhere you go on the planet but the creatures who came on
board the ark got off the ark some of them have still survived some of the creatures in the ocean perished but many of them went on to survive as well that's the only explanation I've never heard a modern-day evolutionist give that perhaps there was a global flood because see that would be religious what's interesting about many dinosaur fossils is the positioning of them see this creature look at the arched back this is very common with dinosaur bones it's so common they give it a name it's called the aiston death pose and it's typical of creatures
having died in water drowned affixiated interesting isn't it now let me tell you some of the reasons I believe dinosaurs have gone extinct I believe that the exact same reason that that hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other creatures have gone extinct things like hunting remember all those Dragon Legends we had guys I want you to think about this okay let's say wherever you live there was some big creature marauding it it could hurt your children what are the guys going to do well I mean the real guys you're going to go out there and
you're going to hunt that thing down and you're going to kill it correct you're going to find all the nests right you're going to wipe them out yeah and things like habitat changes many things are going extinct right that's why we got all these programs save the whales and save the owls genetic changes things are mutating out of existence it's a fallen world it's wearing out like a garment climate changes I'm not talking about global warming and everything like that I'm just talking about the fact that yeah there have been you know extreme heat and
extreme cool that said in the would would happen until Jesus comes back so maybe many of these creatures these dinosaurs just simply couldn't adapt but we see the Dragon Legends we know they were there and they gradually petered out just like so many other creatures have gone extinct so you see from what we see in science and what we see in the word of God they actually fit perfectly if you've got the correct interpretive lenses on but I just want to warn Christian parents here equip your young people from a very early age about dinosaurs
cuz they love dinosaurs and they're really fun they want the toys and all that stuff but don't underestimate the age of your kids equip them very very early because evolutionists understand they're interesting and these shows that they're watching go ask the average 7-year-old when did the dinosaurs diode 65 million years ago and the seed of the destruction of the Gospel is already in their mind because if those creatures died out millions of years ago that means there was death before sin that means there was death before Adam's sin and the gospel doesn't make any sense
this was from a Democrat and he was concerned about the election coming up as a Democrat he wanted to see Obama get in again he was an educator and he said the children of red States that's the conservative ones will seek a higher education he explains and that education will very often happen in blue states that that's your liberals for the foreseeable future loyal ditto heads will continue to drop off their children at the dorms he was saying look all the Republicans down here they they have more kids than us Democrats and he's like this
is no good cuz they're going to teach their kids conservative values and then they're not going to vote the right way that I want them to vote this is what his problem was but here's his solution yeah but wait a sec they're going to send their kids to the blue States right now watch what he says after a teary yed hug Mom and Dad will drive their SUV off towards the nearest gas station leaving their beloved progyny behind then what he proudly claims then they're all mine and I got them for a lot of hours
a week so you breed we'll teach we'll convert and thank you for the tip of paying for the education on the way at the door
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