Beginners Guide To Dropshipping in 2024

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Jordan Welch
This is my free beginner's guide to Shopify Dropshipping in 2024, if I were starting from $0 today t...
Video Transcript:
I just took a brand new Shopify store from zero to over $2,000 a day in less than a week and in this video I'm going to share the full strategy so you can use it to launch Your Own Story this year first let me show you the exact store and product that I scaled past $2,000 a day so as you can see I was selling this necklace with a message inside it's such a simple product but it solved a huge problem for people who needed a gift for their mom around Christmas time and this ended
up being a great find because there were tons of other products similar to this being sold for many different occasions which mean I could actually run this business all year long so I decided to go all in on it and if you look here on the dashboard you'll see on day one we did $1,400 in sales with over $500 in profit and by the end of the first week after some more testing and experimentation I was able to scale this product past $22,000 a day and I didn't do anything special I just followed the fundamentals
and by the end of this video you are going to have a strong understanding of each of them so you can go out there and replicate these results for yourself this simple little website grew to thousands of dollars a day relatively quickly for three main reasons I picked the right product I made a great website and I made a convincing ad and if you can Master these three elements you can easily replicate these results in any Niche this year and I promise by the end of this video you'll have everything you need to do it
I mean I use this exact same approach to grow a store to over 1.8 million in sales and sell a business for a crazy amount so if you want to do the same listen up and pay close close attention if you just put this video in the background I promise none of this information is going to stick and you're not going to be able to make this work so I need you to get a notebook out and really lock in for the next couple of minutes let's begin by understanding the characteristics of a winning product
and a simple method you can use to go out here and find one for yourself every single successful product I've ever sold have three traits which I believe are essential if you try to start a store without understanding these I promise you will fail and waste thousands of dollars experimenting with terrible products just like I did years ago when I first got started the first trait is that your product must be recently going viral on social media we don't want to be the first to sell a product because if it's already going viral we know
it works and we have a competitor that we can study for inspiration in our marketing website design and pricing of the product as a beginner you're a terrible marketer I'm I'm sorry to break it to you so having an example to study will help you tremendously in your journey and validate that the product actually has potential the Challen is that we want to find something that is hitting recently not something that was hot 6 months ago and I promise I'll show you a simple method to do this later on in this video second your product
must provide value and solve a real problem in people's lives this will make it so much easier to sell and allow you to scale your business for much longer for example the product that I made over $1.8 million with was called The Sleep Band It's a sleep mask with built-in headphones to help people who struggle with insomnia to fall asleep faster and as you know sleep is is a massive problem for some people they'll spend anything to fix it I mean even the necklace I showed you before it solved a massive problem because around Christmas
time everybody needed a gift for their moms and we put a great one right in front of their face the problem that you're solving can be simple but just know you get paid in proportion to how big of a problem it is which is why I made much more from selling the Sleep solution than I did the necklace and the three biggest areas to fix for people is their health their appearance and the health and safety of their children these are the biggest niches in the Drop Shipping game third you got to find something that
is unique and not available in every single store understand we are going to be marketing these products to people on social media who have never heard of us therefore if our product doesn't catch their attention right away or if they feel like they can go and buy it from anywhere there is a 0% chance that they are going to stop everything they're doing pull out their credit card and buy from us now finding a product that combines all three of these trades can be a bit difficult so I'm going to help you out and find
one live on this video using a simple and free method let's get it but before we find a product we need to make sure that we have a reliable supplier that can ship out our orders quickly because if not your business is destined to fail those days of selling cheap lowquality products from AliExpress that take 2 months to ship are long gone in fact there's actually a way to drop ship products in under one week the supplier I use to do this is called autods and as you can see they were delivering ing products to
my customers in as little as 5 days during Christmas season which is the busiest time of year for drop shippers the best part is any product you find on the internet they can Source it for you with the best price ship it with the fastest shipping times and even customize The Branding of the product exclusively for your store and once you start to get orders their app will automatically fulfill them for you in seconds now look y'all you know I never promote other companies on my videos but I genuinely believe autod DS is the best
supplier in the game and I actually use them for my business so I let them sponsor this video and got them to hook you guys up with a 30-day free trial at the link down below now let's find a product to sell so the actual method I use to find products is simple I find viral videos or ads to identify product ideas go on Amazon to validate that it's selling and actually a good quality product and then I use the Tik Tok search bar to see if it's trending recently and if there's good footage for
me to use in a video ad when it comes to finding these viral videos there are many different methods to do this some of them cost money some of them are free but I'm going to show you guys two of the best free methods right now because I know a lot of you are out here Balling on a budget so the best free method and the exact way I found most of my winning products is called the reverse method this means that we need to go and make a new Tik Tok account and go interact
with as many Tik Tok ads and drop shipping stores as we possibly can so Tik Tok becomes an endless feed of actively trending products and ads this method is a grind you got to sit there and scroll for hours but I promise it's the best way to find what's actually working because you're going to see stuff that's going viral right now and be able to spot Trends super early in the market so let me actually show you what my feed looks like on one of my burner accounts so this is one of my burner accounts
that I created to do this method and as you can see right away on the feed we're seeing a product popping up that's going recently viral this product just started popping off in the last two weeks and all that I did to get my feed to look like this is every time I see a Drop Shipping product or I see an ad I like it I go and drop a comment I bookmark it I go to their page I follow them basically tricking Tik Tok and thinking that I'm super interested in these products but anytime
I see something else that's not an ad or not a product I don't even try to watch it for a second I try to scroll right past it so that's what you're going to want to do on this new account and eventually you're going to have a consistent feed that's pumping out products to you now even when you have a feed that's good it's Tik Tok so you're still going to get a lot of garbage and a lot of random content but every you know one in 10 one in 20 videos you're going to see
another product idea so as you can see this right here is a glowing basketball um it's not the craziest product I've ever seen but you get the point if you do this long enough your feed becomes an endless source of product ideas and if you sit there and scroll for 2 hours a day but do it consciously now you're not so much wasting your time on Tik Tok and you're identifying trends that you can use to build a successful business this year so I know y'all sit on your damn phones and scroll on Tik Tok
and Instagram reals for hours a day but you do it unconsciously and you don't gain nothing from it but if you can make a burner account on Tik Tok on Instagram on YouTube and really use it to find Trends and study the market suddenly this time becomes productive and you can find a good product in the process so that's what I would recommend for you guys for the first free method to finding products another way to do this is with the Tik Tok creative Center on here Tik Tok compiles the top performing ads for you
to study and get inspiration from but this can be hit or miss because usually by the time products get on here you're super late but sometimes you can find a gem and more importantly you can identify products and marketing angles that you could dig deeper on because truthfully that's what product research is we're trying to find a market and solve a problem for the people in it and if we can find a great solution that is unique we can make a lot of money I think people get way too hung up on finding a win
product without understanding this basic principle of customer psychology yes you want to have a product that's popping off yes you want to find that new thing but ultimately all that we're trying to do is identify a group of people that have a problem and present a solution to them that is difficult for them to find anywhere else and actually solves their problem in a creative way just like I did with the Sleep band a lot of you guys get way too hung up on the strategies and the nitty-gritty but the truth is we need to
apply some common sense to this this game think about the person you're selling to think about the problem that they're having and try to find a product that can fix it so together we're going to jump into the creative Center I'm going to show you how I use this platform and we'll try to find a good product that we can maybe build something off of so this right here is the Tik Tok creative Center you could just Google this if you can't find this on Google you're going to have no hope with becoming a successful
drop shipper just look it up this is the creative Center and what I want you to do is go ahead and plug in these exact filters you can go here and pick the region so we're going to go ahead and pick United States you can also pick the other major countries like Canada and Australia then we want to select an industry now for me like I said my favorite Industries are Health Beauty focusing on appearance or solving problems for people's pets and children so in this case we're just going to go ahead and scroll right
here and click on beauty and personal care you can even dig deeper and pick the specific thing that you want come in here and play around with these filters and you're going to find a bunch of different products then in the objective we want to put conversions this is basically ads that are being run to sell products and we want to put the last s days to make sure we're finding stuff that's recent we can change the language to English add format we want to put nons spark ads this is the best way to find
more drop shipping stores and then we want to go to likes and do top 1% and this is going to show us the stuff that's getting the most likes in the last 7 Days that's being run from drop shipping stores mostly and it's actually being ran in the major countries like the United States so as you can see some of this stuff is being um run from Big Brands let me mute my computer real quick you have this one which is like taking away the moles of people's skin you have this one which is kind
of like a shaver for bald people um you get the point there's a bunch of different products that pop up when you do this now what are we looking for exactly cuz this can be a little bit overwhelming what I'm looking for is something that that has where it says top CTR top 1% to top 5% CTR this means that compared to every other AD this ad is getting the most clicks and I'm also looking for something that doesn't have 40 50 60,000 likes I'm really looking for something with 1,000 2,000 likes that means that
this product has been launched recently and it's been performing extremely well so this is this is a good example you can see this is some girls hair we'll go ahead play this real quick so as you can see this is in the top 2% of clicks meaning that majority of people click on this and it has around 4,000 likes which mean it hasn't been being run for months and months it's basically um if I'm not mistaken like some hair cream that makes your hair look more full yeah keratin hair mask this could potentially be a
good product why because every woman in the world has hair that they want to look better now you have this massive Market of women with a problem that almost all of them have and in this case we have potentially a unique solution to fix that problem that's how I need you to look at product research you got to understand that products aren't what scales it's the marketing angle that scales that's the same reason why they can go and create this sham wow and sell tens and tens of millions of dollars when the product is is
is just a towel right the marketing angle of the dude coming in and cleaning everything instantly is what sells such a simple product so really if you want to succeed in Drop Shipping you got to become a good marketer but I'm going to try my best to really install that game and teach you by the end of this video so just stay locked in with me this is a great example of a product that could potentially work if we go and dig deeper and go to Amazon and we look up keratin hair mask we want
to look and see if people are actually buying this and as you can see this one sold 40,000 in the last month this one sold 2,000 in the last month this one sold 40,000 in the last month so that means that this is a big problem people is having and that they want to spend their money on it I would just say the only problem with this product is that I feel like I can just go to CVS or Walgreens and get something that's going to make my hair look better I guess if I were
to advertise this product as like a miracle hair cream that solves everything then maybe it it will be good but it doesn't really stand out to me too much I feel like I can go and buy this anywhere so it's a good example of a product but let me do some scrolling and see if I can find something a little bit more unique so after doing some research for a while I stumbled upon this product which I actually think has massive potential so essentially it is some tightening cream that you put under your eyes that
gets rid of wrinkles and dark circles and eye bags and I know firsthand for many women and men above the age of 30 this is a huge insecurity that they have this is something that people go to the plastic surgeon and spend thousands of dollars to fix but now we have a product that you could spend $20 on and have a temporary solution to fix this problem and make you feel more confident what we're selling here is confidence in a bottle what we're selling is a facelift in a bottle and considering people spend thousands of
dollars on something like this already as long as we Market the product properly and make it feel like something brand new we can really capitalize off of this trend and as you can see this is in the top 2% but it only has like 500 likes which means that it's relatively new the next thing I like to look for is I like to go to the competition and see how they're doing and if we look right here these guys they're not even having this product on their website anymore their store it sucks they're selling everything
from outdoor lights to rugs to also trying to sell this eye cream which means that there is is room for improvement which means that we could come in here make a better website within that industry make a better ad and capitalize on this market so yeah this is a great product it solves a huge problem for a big Market of people anybody that is a man or a woman over the age of 30 will be interested in this and it's a pretty unique solution I'm not sure that I could just go to any store and
get something like this and if we keep going through the rest of the process you'll see on Amazon this thing is selling pretty good 7,000 here 20,000 in the last month here 10,000 here um 2,000 here so on a bunch of different listings this product is flying off the shelf and then if we go through the last phase of the process and we go on Tik Tok and we look up I tightening cream um we're going to try to see if there's any videos that have recently been going viral and look at this this video
popped off on November 20th which at the time of filming this video is just a couple months ago this video popped off just last month 3 million views 15 million views for her so there's clearly examples of this product going crazy on a bunch of different people's Pages which means that it's hot right now and as you can see if we keep scrolling there's a bunch of content like this girl is showing us the difference that's a great piece of content that we could use for an ad she made a bunch of videos actually this
girl did a review of it when we see that there's a lot of people doing reviews of the product it really helps because we have content that we can actually use to create our own video app and I'll show you exactly how we're going to do that later because I'm going to make an ad for this product and give you the example live on this video but this passes all of my criteria for a test I'm not guaranteeing this product is going to work but we have to develop a hypothesis and take our best guess
on which products are going to work based on everything I told you does it solve a massive problem is it trending right now is it unique enough to sell and is there a competitor that we think we could do better than if we check off all these boxes we might have a winning product y'all so now we're going to get into exactly how to build a store and test this product but I want to give you a pro tip real quick that nobody else is going to tell you that will give you a massive Advantage
above your competition once you find a market that you want to sell in you need to immerse yourself into that market so in this case if I wanted to sell this beauty product right here I'm going to dive so deep into this world I'm going to go here on Tik Tok and follow every single Beauty influence that I possibly can I'm going to go on Amazon and study every single day the best sellers and movers and shakers inside the beauty Niche I'm going to try to do research on Tik Tok creative Center and find the
biggest brands in the beauty space and the reason for this is that we're going to be able to identify Trends before anybody else if you immerse yourself in that world you're going to be on the edge above everybody else you're going to see what people are talking about you're going to see which products are hot and most important importantly you're going to understand the minds of the people within that industry so this goes for health for pets for Fitness it doesn't matter whatever industry you decide to sell in I need you to immerse yourself inside
of that and that is the trick to setting yourself apart from everybody else because you're going to have such a higher level of understanding over the customer over what they want and how to talk to them to get them to buy your products and get your videos to pop off anyways let me break down the exact store template that I Ed to scale past $2,000 a day and then we're going to take that and apply it to the eye cream product that I just showed you this type of store is called a hybrid store a
hybrid store is a store that is in one broad niche in this case gifs where we focus on selling products in that space with a nice branded experience that allows our customers to trust us but still allows us to test a variety of products so for example if I tested this first necklace that I scaled and it didn't work then I could go ahead and test another necklace maybe targeted for boyfriends or another necklace maybe targeted for grandmas it gives me the variety to still experiment with other products without being so limited as if I
just did a one product store there's another type of store called a general store where we just sell anything and everything kind of like the example I showed you before with the competitor of the eye cream those stores suck we don't want to run a store like that we want to have a nice clean branded niche store focused on selling one type of product and that's what I like to call a hybrid store so if we were going to sell this instant lift wrinkle cream we could build a store in the beauty Niche and for
the sake of this video I actually took the time to create a store for you guys so let me go ahead and show you that store and also the product page which I built so this is a simple hybrid store that I built that focuses on selling products exclusively for women everything for from beauty products to clothing if you're a woman this store is sort of designed for you you can see we have a clean color scheme black white and pink we have a couple products here on the homepage like the one that we're going
to promote with the ad we have some images that we just got from Shopify and you can see that this store clearly has a central focus and it feels like a legit and trustworthy website now the homepage and The Branding of the website is super important but what's most important is that you have a great product page when we run ads on Tik Tok we're going to be sending people not here to the homepage we're going to be sending them directly to the product page so let me show you the product page I created for
this eye cream and break down this layout this in my opinion is 10 times more important than the homepage because this is where all of your people are going to be coming so this is the product page that I created for this as you can see we have super clean images that demonstrate what the the product is going to do we demonstrate that it's 50% off with free shipping we have a clean and branded name insta lift we put some more scarcity saying that this has gone viral the stock is limited we put our main
selling points inside of here um by the way I'm using a paid theme called Shrine you could use a free theme but the only reason why I use this theme is because the design is super clean and to achieve some of the other things that I've done on here like for example this sliding bar or this results tab you're going to have to sometimes pay for extra apps so they're my favorite theme to use it's what I used for the0 to $2,000 a day case study so if you ain't got the funds to afford it
you can use a free theme on Shopify like Dawn or refresh but in my opinion this is the best theme if you got the money drop it and go pick up the shrine theme I'll put a link to it in the description but anyways we have our benefits we have our add the cart button we want to put some more selling points here like 30-day free trial that's super important I did it for Sleep band it convinces people to buy um we put how it works the ingredients and the thing that is important with running
products on Tik Tok is we don't want to put too much text we want to sort of keep it condensed whereas back in the day if you guys saw my other guides when we used to run stuff on Facebook we used to put these long writeups about the product and all the key features on Tik Tok we want to get out of the customers way give them a simple explainer of the product show them that it actually works with some test testimonials and then get them to buy this thing so as you can see we
just talk about how the product works we show some testimonials of the product we have some reviews from customers that we got from AliExpress and then we have our go back to the top and our add to cart button that's it the Tik Tok layout is so much simpler than Facebook because people that use Tik Tok have a lot lower attention span so we want to keep it short sweet and straight to the point and if you want to watch me build a store like this live step by step check out viral Vault this is
my all-in-one Ecom toolkit that will take you through each step of the process with extreme detail inside of there there's also a private Community where you can get 24/7 coaching from my team and a weekly coaching call with me personally where I answer all your questions review your store look at your products look at your ads everything you need I got you if you ever wanted to talk with me and ask me questions the viral vault is the only place to do it I barely respond to Instagram DMS and comments on the videos so make
sure if you want to get coaching from me and my team you check that out at the link in the description and it's super cheap it's less than $2 a day to get access to that once we have a product website and product page we need to create a video ad which is without a doubt the biggest factor in your success on Tik Tok without a good ad it is impossible to see results and in my opinion this is the most important skill in the game of Drop Shipping if you actually want to make money
so I'm going to break it down for you and create an example for this product that we just looked at first you need to understand that the three elements that make up a successful ad I know everything is in threes but that's how I like to explain you need to understand the hook the body and the call to action this is the framework that made me millions and once you get this pattern you can start to identify it everywhere the hook is basically the first 3 seconds of the video if you can't nail this part
you're going to lose them instantly people's attention spans are lower than ever especially on Tik Tok so having a good hook is crucial let me show you some examples of what I consider to be great hooks right now I got four examples of hooks that I consider to be really good so let's start with the first one this is how to sleep like a baby every night so in this case they show you something that's going to help you sleep better if I'm scrolling and it's late at night and I can't fall asleep and this
pops up it got my attention it's a good hook I don't know what this thing is it looks weird I do know what it is cuz I do this Drop Shipping stuff but as a consumer I might not know what this is how is this going to help me sleep I'm going to sit through and watch the video and maybe it's going to convince me to buy here's another one this fort building kit is a kid dream now if I got kids and I saw this this is going to hook me because I'm thinking oh
my kids going to love this it's going to get them off the phone it'll be fun to build it with them it's a good hook you can see in in two seconds I understand what's going to happen and what problem this thing is going to soft me it's quick it has to be quick people are scrolling they're on the move they want to go to the next video they want that dopamine Spike so your hook got to be quick you got to get their attention um here's another one talk your family is always opening your
door so I bought this automatic door closer again it shows the problem now this is more of a problem for kids I imagine or for parents but it's a problem nonetheless and as you can see it caught people's attention it got 19,000 likes so this one is a good example of a hook as well hopefully you're starting to see a trend here we bring up the problem and then we show the solution to the problem there's not just one copy and paste this type of hook there's thousands of different hooks that work on t to
it's more so understanding the mindset behind it we want to have a good first clip that catches their attention we want to show the product as soon as possible and we want to show the actual problem that it's solving as quickly as we can and we could do that usually we can stop people interract and get them to go into the next part which is the body the body is usually where we just show the product maybe we talk about some of the benefits of using it maybe we show a testimonial of somebody who used
it and had some good feedback and just 10 to 15 seconds we want to actually show the product what it actually does and why it's so important this ad did a pretty good job of it if I mute it you'll see after the hook they go in and they say it's impossible to see the screen they show how easy it is to install the product it's made of tempered glass it closes magnetically it has a camera protected they show the benefits of the product that's a good example of what a body should look like and
then at the end they have the call to action where they say you can get this product for 50% off it's a simple format we hook the viewer we give them a good body that explains the product and then we give them an offer in the call to action like 50% off or buy one get one free this is the format for every viral Tik Tok ad you're going to see on your feed so now that you know this I want you to start paying attention and try to identify this pattern when you're spending time
on Tik Tok doing research that in my opinion is the fastest way to become a better Market better than going to business school for 8 years better than reading some marketing book is studying the top performing ads and really asking yourself why did this work what was so special about this hook how did this body convince people to buy and what was the offer at the end this is a game I want you to play every time you're scrolling on Instagram or Tik Tok and very quickly you will get an understanding of what a great
ad looks like now I hooked you guys up and I went ahead and created a sample ad for this eye cream following this exact layout that I share with you so let me pull this up and show you guys what I would consider to be a great ad for this product the app that I use to make this ad is called cap cut it's the best app for editing these Tik toks because it's literally made by Tik Tok so you can get their actual fonts and everything inside of there and what I did was I
just went to Tik I searched up I cream and I found footage from people who were reviewing this product and I downloaded it using using a website right here um called Snap tick you could just take any video from Tik Tok and download it and this is the fastest way to get footage to actually test your products now if you try to build a real business and scale to tens of thousands of dollars using this method it will eventually backfire but for testing products this is a way to do it once we find something
that's getting sales we can then order the product and make our own video just like I did with the necklace I tested it using using footage I found on Tik Tok right when I got sales I ordered the product I shot a video with my mom and the video took off okay so that's what we're going to do when we're testing products let me show you this ad that I created I didn't put any music on it because I don't want to get copyright strike on this video but check it out at 54 this is
my secret this cream removed my wrinkles and dark circles almost instantly I mean just look at the difference this and I took my confidence back so look at that look at that look closer the wrinkles they're gone it uses natural minerals to create a super thin layer that holds your skin tight it's literally in I lift in a tube so as you can see this ad follows the exact layout I share with you guys we have a hook saying this is my secret to getting rid of these dark circles and wrinkles instantly we have a
body which is basically just demonstrating trust that this thing actually work so we show before and after and then we show somebody who actually did a review of the product I just went ahead and added some um subtitles so it's easier to watch for people and she shows her results it's pretty crazy actually the results she got from using this and then we go ahead and we explain the actual benefits of this specific product so it has natural minerals it creates a thin layer you get the point we have a hook we have a body
we have another testimonial just to get people to trust us so at the end all we want to do is a call to action with a good offer you could do something as simple as 50% off and free shipping or you could go a little more advanced and do buy one get one free like I did here or like I did with the Sleep band for every single order we gave away a free ebook that gave you tips to sleep better and some sounds to listen to inside of the headphones so really try to get
creative about your offer that's going to be the thing that set you apart from the rest of these drop shippers and allow you to really take off but this in my opinion is an ad that would get sales and something that I would potentially test myself so once we have an ad what we're going to want to do is make two more versions of it and we're not going to change the whole ad okay we're just going to change the hook because like I said the hook is the most important piece of your ad so
take the time to make one good ad and then have two more versions of it where you change up the hook and we're going to launch all three of these on Tik Tok ads to see which one performs the best if you just launch one ad your chances of success drop dramatically because the most important thing thing is the creative so why not make a couple more to increase your chances of success and the more ads that you create the better you're going to become at creating them look at it as getting reps up in
the gym it's no different so now I'm going to actually build a Tik Tock ads testing campaign for you guys live so you can see exactly how it's done and I'm going to do it for those of you who are on a low budget where you're going to be spending just around $50 to $100 a day to test these products so let's take this ad and launch it here on Tik Tok so to create your Tik Tok account go to the link Down Below in the description if you want to support your boy they cut
me a little Commission on every single one of you who goes and sets up your account through them so if you don't have an account yet make sure you go and do it with that link down below and download the Tik Tok app on your Shopify store to get everything connected and once you get all that done we're here on the dashboard so we're going to be creating two different campaigns one is an and one is a CBO and you probably like what the heck does that even mean you're going to understand by the end
of this but first let's go ahead and set up that campaign all right so go ahead and click on create you want to make sure you click on website conversions and then give it the name of the actual product so we're going to say I cream and we're going to put and I like to just number them because if the product is scaling we're going to be making a bunch more of these so we want to just stay organized and put a number now from there you want to go ahead and click on continue all
right so now we just got to go ahead and click on our pixel now you set everything up properly you should have a pixel in here um this is basically just a little piece of code on your website that tracks every action the customer does their clicks their add to cart their purchase it tracks everything so you got to have a pixel make sure you give your ad group a name the ad group is basically where your ads are going to be separated so in the first ad group we're going to have video number one
in the second ad group video number two so on and so forth so we can just go ahead and put video number one and then on the actual optimization event we want to make sure we go ahead and hit complete payment this is people that went through and actually purchased our product this is telling Tik Tok I want you to find me the most active customers that's going to buy my product if I go in here and I pick view content it's going to find me to people that are window Shoppers that are just going
to click on my website and leave I might get cheaper clicks to my website but I'm going to get lower quality people so make sure we put it as complete payment now click here on select placement and turn off everything else we only want to be on Tik Tok we don't want to be in the searches either and you want to go ahead and turn off all this too we want to turn off comments want to turn off download we're going to leave on sharing in case anybody want to share it with their mom or
their friends or their family now for the location I recommend putting United States and Canada and if you're in another country great put the United Kingdom or Australia um so here we'll go ahead and put Canada and the United States and for the gender it depends in this case I have females in the ad so we're going to go ahead and and put females and we don't want to play with the age that much we'll just go ahead and put 18 all the way up actually because this product is targeted towards older people I'm going
to go 25 and up but in most cases we're just going to leave all the ages the goal with Tik Tok is to leave our targeting as broad as possible because Tik Tok algorithm is really good at finding who you're looking for leave all this playing you can put a language if you want but you're already targeting those countries so it doesn't matter don't put any interest for now leave it as broad as possible we're going to go ahead and put the budget at $20 a day this is the lowest amount that Tik Tok will
allow you to spend so just make sure you put it at $20 a day and then we want to go ahead and schedule this to launch the next day at midnight so just go here put it at midnight and that's going to allow that $20 to spend evenly throughout the entire day and we don't need to touch none of this so then we click on next so here is where we're going to create our ad we want to go ahead and give it that name video number one we want to go and make a custom
identity for our store so as you can see it's for the other one but we're going to click create new custom identity and you want to just put something that is like from your logo or something similar to your brand so I created this on canva I'm going to go ahead and just hit submit on that and then we going to go ahead and put the name of our store so glowtique you can put the name of your store or you can put the name of the product specifically doesn't really matter just put something clean
and U brand it so it looks nice then we want to upload just one of our videos so click on upload go right here and we're going to to go and put video number one let it upload so once you got your video uploaded you need to come up with some ad text to promote the product now you can either just put the offer that you're running like I'm doing buy 1 get one free or you can put something about the actual product I've personally seen much better success by including information about the product but
we need to keep it really short it's only got to be on one line so give it some thought and if you get stuck just go on Creative Center on Tik Tok or go to Tik Tok videos and see what the top people are saying in fact let's do that right now so you can see right here this video got 15 million views y'all and what she's saying is this is my must have every morning so let's take a page out of her book and put something like that so I literally use it every morning
and as you can see this looks like a real video it doesn't look like an ad whereas if I said like get yours today for 50% off now it instantly looks like an ad right but if I have what I had before I literally use it every morning morning now it feels like this woman is telling me that she uses it every morning if we click play this looks like an actual video and it's a strong hook I use this every morning this is my secret at 54 I want to know what her secret is
and I want to know what does she use every morning I see the product that she uses every morning I see the problem that it solves which is a problem that that me as a 55-year-old woman might have boom I'm interested to sit through and watch this whole video and so long as it's convincing enough and the offer is good I'm going to pull out that credit card and buy this thing and then we want to go ahead and put the link to our product so paste the link to the product and then we just
go ahead and hit submit if you get this warning don't worry about it it's just cuz you don't have any conversions yet on your website and don't check this box because that means that it's going to go on the creative Center and everybody going to spy on you so then you just go ahead and click submit and at that point you launched your very first ad but we're not done yet we're not done yet we're not done if you just stop right here and launch like this you're going to fail so let's keep going through
the process what we're going to do now is we're going to go to the ad groups okay and we're going to duplicate this twice so we're going to go ahead right here and then we're going to put video number two and then video number three and maybe you can guess what we're going to do next we're not going to change anything else with these other AD groups except for the video so leave everything the same so you want to upload video number two on your second ad group and video number three on your third ad
group for the sake of this video I don't have three different versions but you get the point same video just change up the hook we also want to leave the text the exact same because we don't want to test too many variables that way we can figure out what's actually working when we figure out which hook does the best then we can go through and we can test different um types of copy but then we just go ahead and click on publish once we have our two new videos uploaded and now we have our first
testing campaign this campaign has three different groups spending $20 a day so we're going to be spending around $60 a day to test this product in the beginning stages so with this we basically have everything that we need to test this first product now if you want to increase your chances of success I recommend you make a second campaign called a CBO this is essentially combining all three of those videos into one individual ad group all this stuff might be flying over your head but if you just follow me Click by click it'll make sense
in the end if you look at these ones they all have their own individual budget of $20 but on a CBO campaign the whole campaign has its own budg and it distributes that money evenly across the different groups depending on which one is performing the best so to set one of those up we click right here on create we go to conversions we click on ey cream we go to CBO CVO number one and then we check this box right here and in this case you got to put it at $50 so you click on
continue um same thing select your pixel select conversions and we're going to go ahead and just name this number one turn off the placements same thing as last time turn off both of these yep y y we want to make sure we have our locations on we want to make sure that we're doing our targeting right here no interests and again scheduling it to start at midnight the following day that is the key and once we have that we click on okay and we click on next now the big difference here compared to the other
one is that instead of having each video separately we put them all inside of one group so you go right here to click on Smart creative and then you can up upload each of your individual videos right here so again I only have one video but just for the sake of this we'll go ahead and just pick three so you can get the idea of what I'm trying to say let's just for example take this one this one and this one even though these are different products what it does is it runs all three of
these videos on one different ad group and it tests them against each other and the AI determines which one is the best one and then spends the money accordingly so this is a great way to actually scare and see which ad is the top performer again we want to add text but in this case we can actually put multiple different text so what did I have I had I use this every morning this cream changed my life I'm just putting anything I want you to put a little bit more effort into these but now we
have three videos and three texts and as you can see it's going to put nine different ads inside of this campaign it's going to put the budget into the ones that's performing the best these are the campaigns that I've been able to scale the most with and they're the campaigns that allow for the most experimentation and the last thing we're going to do is we're going to go back to that CBO campaign and we're going to go ahead and duplicate this five times the reason is because Tik Tok is weird man I don't know like
you could have multiple variations of the same exact thing but one of them could perform 10 times better than the other one so nothing changes in these groups they're literally clones of the first one but simply from having multiple versions of of them I found my success rate of products jumping up drastically so if you set everything up properly it should look just like this you should have a with three different groups having different videos inside of them at $20 a day this campaign is going to be able to clearly tell you which video is
the top performer because you separated all of them and we have a CBO which combines all of the videos together with a couple different text options and it's going to test them all up against each other spending around $50 a day so you're going to be spending roughly $1100 a day maybe a little bit more on your first day of testing but by the end of the day you're going to be able to tell if it's working or not after you launch your Tik Tok ads either one of two things is going to happen your
product is going to pop off you're going to be profitable getting sales looking at lamb trucks or your product is going to completely flop and if you're a beginner more than likely it's going to be the second outcome because nobody hits on their very first product you got to understand that it takes time to develop the skills to succeed in this game and unfortunately as as a beginner you don't know how to pick the best products make a great website or run ads but every single time you launch a new product you're putting a rep
in and improving your skills that's why the highest Roi activity you could be doing as a beginner is launching new products because with every single test you're going to be sharpening your skill set with each of these even with me with millions of dollars in sales under my belt I had to test three other products until I found the necklace that I was able to scale so if you want to succeed with Drop Shipping or any online business you have to expand your time Horizon and understand that seeing results will take a lot longer than
you expect bro people expect to build a million dollar business in a weekend but it takes months sometimes years to develop the skills necessary it's crazy cuz y'all are okay with going to college for four years to make a $100,000 a year but you won't even focus on a year of locking in building a business every day I mean it's no wonder you haven't seen any results yet anyways if your product flops you need to analyze the data from your ads and figure out what went wrong is No One clicking to your website well that
means your ad sucks are people coming to your website but no one is purchasing your product or offer is probably not that great or your website is just not trustworthy enough to get people to purchase so what should you do you got to take the data and use it to go back and improve these things that is the process and look like I said if you get stuck along the away and you want to get coaching from your boy and my team I have a private community that only cost $67 a month where you can
come on here ask questions 24/7 get on a weekly coaching call with me and my coaches and I'll review your stories review your products and help you figure out what you're doing wrong now what happens once you have a product that is getting profitable sales on day one well look that means you found something with potential and can usually scale it a lot further and maybe even build a brand with it like I did with the Sleep band the way I scaled the necklace to over $2,000 a day was pretty simple the hardest part is
finding that winning product and AD once you got that it's all about refining and upgrading everything so instead of using other people's video footage I ordered the product shot my own high quality videos and photos I added UPS sales to my website like a gift bag and Order insurance that increased the amount people are spending on my website and then I added email and SMS marketing to get some of those visitors that didn't end up purchasing to come back and once I implemented all this it was simply a matter of just duplicating my campaigns on
Tik Tok and increasing the budget every couple of hours I promise you scaling is literally that simple the hard part is finding the product but since you watch this guide you now have everything you need to get out there and start your own successful story this year I promise I didn't leave anything out so make sure you hit the Subscribe button thank you so much for watching another day another W I'll see you guys in the next one
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