The Best VS The Worst Cars By Car Brands

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Talk about range. The Best VS The Worst Cars By Car Brands. This is a video for entertainment pu...
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here are the best and the worst cars from car brands starting off with the Porsche 917k this is the worst car Porsche has ever made it was a misinput if you've made something this beautiful this crazy how would I ever be able to include anything else I wanted to put the car GT or the 918 but not including the 917k would have been a crime against humanity this is why I'm kind of confused I mean if You' made a car this good how on God's green earth did you end up with something like this yeah
yes this is actually a Porsche a concept one but still a Porsche it's called a c88 and it never made production oh thank God to cut it some slack it was actually designed for the Chinese car market in 1994 after China's government invited a few car brands for a new range of cars and it only took 4 months to complete kind of interesting it was supposed to have a 1.1 L flat 4 engine along with a 5-speed manual but the looks just aren't there but I guess they're not really supposed to be there all right
let's fly to Korea next but let's make sure to avoid any dudes wearing a suit who also have two colored squares of paper the best car hindai has ever made if I'm being unbiased is the Santa Fe the reason why I say that I'm being unbiased and picking the Santa Fe is because I owned one their end division is pretty cool the ionic 5n for example having over 640 horsepower with a 0 to 60 of 3.4 seconds but the Santa Fe is one of their best cars also in terms of sales being one of their
best selling models but at the end of the day it's just a family SUV really isn't anything special per se so instead let's look at their worst car this is the Hyundai Pony widely regarded as the worst car ever made by Hyundai we can also cut it some slack here because it was the first car ever made by them from 1975 to 1990 the reason why it was regarded in such a negative way was because of its poor build quality and reliability issues still probably more reliable than a Tesla Japan one of my favorite countries
especially when it comes to cars home of the acti which will soon make its way to the channel by the way I've included Honda quite a lot so let's change it up a bit so the Honda NSX Toyota is pretty much one of the greatest car brands ever the cars theyve built have withstood the test of time but it was arguably their luxury brand Lexus who've built two of their best ever cars I'm talking about the LFA and the LS400 the LS400 is particularly for my middle eastern homies this thing is so good I'm not
even biased super smooth decently powerful solid as can be you're not going to go wrong with it both of these cars have amazing engines but the LF really is something else wow beautiful Yamaha tuned V10 with a symphony to I for honorable mentions include the Toyota hux that just doesn't like dying and the 2000 GT but it's not all rainbows and sunshine over at Toyota they too like other brands have made an absolutely garbage car the Toyota 86 just kidding I like this one the Toyota Echo a fascinating car I can't lie this was kind
of similar to the c88 Porsche mentioned earlier but with a very big difference this one actually reached production the goal here was to create an affordable car for people who just needed to get from A to B in order to make a car affordable you have to cut cost which would then pass the savings from said cost cutting to the buyers the only issue was that Toyota didn't cut cost it cut the entire car no power steering no air conditioning no power windows no power locks no adjustable seats no stereo all of these were optional
extras this pretty much made it unacceptable for potential buyers and that showed as the car was a total flop even with a decent engine and manual transmission I think we should now move I'm literally in Creative wait what huh I stroke my pickle I'm sorry you what what's happening domain expans wait wait relax relax relax Italy Italian cars are some of my favorite but going for Ferrari would be so basic like come on so the best car Ferrari has ever made has to be the F40 all right you know what I promise to be extremely
biased from this point onwards no wait sorry unbiased their greatest car ever made a car in general so it could be a concept A oneoff a homologation special or even a race car the F 2004 those who are not into Formula 1 are probably confused allow me to explain what this thing is it is regarded to this day as one of the fastest Formula One cars if not the fastest Formula 1 car ever made it was so fast that when Ferrari put it up against the previous model from 2003 they expected it to be half
a second quicker per lap Michael schumacker was 2 seconds quicker 2 seconds is a huge amount in Formula 1 this thing was crazy but it would also be quite unfair if I didn't put a road Lego car from Ferrari so here's the La Ferrari after the new f80 came out I suspect La Ferraris would be way more sought after now I mean a car by Ferrari that is literally called the Ferrari has to be the greatest they've ever made and to be honest it really is using a naturally aspirated V12 engine along with an electric
motor and Cur system Cur standing for kinetic energy recovery system which in simple form means A system that recharges the battery during braking where energy is normally lost it's pretty much magic all of this allowed for it to push 950 horsepower via a 7-speed dual clutch automatic enough Ferrari glazing for one day though let's go for their worst car ever made there were many contenders for this the tasa the 458 Speciale the 599 GTB instead I'll go for the 208 and I'll do so even over the 412 monstrosity disgusting you may disagree with me on
this but let me explain Enzo Ferrari once said aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines so imagine the shock on my face when the 208 didn't even have an engine worthy of that statement in 1980 Ferrari revealed the 208 GTB which had a 2 L V8 with 153 horsepower my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go to the Ferrari website and see what they had to to say and well yeah this lack of performance meant that it reached a speed of just 134 mph or 215 km/ Hour 3 years later
the GTB turbo came out upping the power to 2117 which did definitely help with the performance all right time to go for my favorite car brand next these guys make cars that put every other brand to shame this brand is so goated that the best and the worst car they've ever made are somehow identical I am obviously talking about L and specifically there a GLI and the Reva models SOI was the term for the domestic models and Reva was the term for the export models but that doesn't really matter when your L is a force
of nature take a look at this one transporting a truck cabin this is a Reva model and not to be outdone by its export counterpart here's a ziguli tank I'll let you decide which one is better the reason why it's the best and the worst L car ever made is simple ziguli and the revo models sold over 19 million units worldwide 19 million I will now subject you to L [Music] propaganda join the Discord for more car content link is in the Pinn comment
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