God Will Change Your Situation

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Atmosphere of Grace
Do you wonder if things will ever get better? Watch this video and find hope and comfort in the pro...
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understandably these times are tough and the worries keep piling up but it is important to keep in mind that God is in control of our future he knows how everything starts and ends God wants to help you sometimes it might feel like he won't but whatever you're facing God Is Bigger what seems impossible to you is nothing to him there's no sickness too severe no problem too overwhelming for God to handle he is all powerful and his strength is Limitless if you're facing a battle that feels impossible and need God to turn it around watch
this video Malachi 3: 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of Jacob [Music] finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are constants in your life
steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to bear
lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step of the
way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of tomorrow trust in my plan for your life
even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this You are not alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the weight of
the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take even when the path seems uncertain and the
night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am here to
support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may not always be in ways
that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into to your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the peace
and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing to hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted by
my hand hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shap the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials
you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working for your good even when it's hard for you to see
hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bom to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to hold
you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deep loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater
worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it feels like you
are being tested beyond your limits but remember remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and
more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of
struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is far from over and
The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20 to 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that
I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who
seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a moment to
breathe and feel feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with
you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach [Music] it Zephaniah 3 verse 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused
you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me and I
have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and the
love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and
your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a liouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through [Music] this numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie Not a Human Being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should lie
nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act when I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plan for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering
and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean
into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place
I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedic dedication to ensuring that you are
well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is
part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment
of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me
to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist in your
hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I I know it's hard to wait especially
when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength to
carry on [Music] Isaiah 43: 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am
here working tirelessly ly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating it
I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or a sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you
are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you your love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am with
you [Music] always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way
to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant change
in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth
you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and change
is coming Malachi 3: 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are constants in your life
steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to bear
lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and for forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step of
the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan for your
life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this You Are Not Alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved 1 Corinthians 6 verse 14 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the
weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the world World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take even when the path seems
uncertain and the Knight feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I
am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may not always
be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you
the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jemiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing are all
crafted by my hands there is is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances
the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that see seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent PL I am working for your good even when it's hard for
you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bomb to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always outstretched
ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your
faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do if it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment
it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving it genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge
stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child
this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is
far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and
might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge
to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take
a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the chall challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail
I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach [Music] it Zephaniah 3: 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who
have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me
and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage
and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all
comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult situations you can count on me to be here and to see through [Music] this numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should lie
nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act what I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering
and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean
in into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking
place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are
well and happy happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take
is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards
the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count
on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to fact but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist
in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I know it's hard to wait
especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength
to carry on [Music] Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your trouble seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I
am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating
it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or a sudden profound revelation but rest assured it will come on this path
you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you you are love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future is brok right and
I am with you [Music] always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually
give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you we currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a
significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength
and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved been cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and
change is coming Malachi 3 verse6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are constants in your
life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to
bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promise es to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step
of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan for
your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply loved [Music] 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the
weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take even when the path seems uncertain
and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am
here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may not always be
in ways that are immediately visible to you but I and there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the
peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted
by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials
you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working working for your good even when it's hard for you to
see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bom to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to
hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1 verses 6 to7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your
faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it
feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger
and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season
of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost Trust trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is far from
over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in in his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might
remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the season shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to
those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moment even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a
moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am
with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach it [Music] Zephaniah 3: 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have cause
you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to to me and
I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and
the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension
and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through this [Music] numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind do he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should
lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act when I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are
suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all
lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing going deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is
taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you
are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take
is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the
Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on
me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist
in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going noticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I know it's hard to wait
especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength
to carry [Music] on Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost un unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but
I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning baren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating
it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you
are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you you are love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am
with you always [Music] 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way
to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant
change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and
worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and
change is coming Malachi 3: 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child have with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are constants in
your life steadfast and resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much
to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm you're Rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step
of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that cses is through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan
for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and etal Eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply loved [Music] 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as
though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and in Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take even when the
path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is
lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and Afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may
not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never stop working to
bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing
are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your
circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working for your good even when it's hard for
you to to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the balm to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always
outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of
your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment
it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge
stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this
season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is far
from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name forever ever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and
might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install k things to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and
knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless
take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail
I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach it [Music] Zephaniah 3: 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who
have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me
and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience
courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond
all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through this [Music] numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human
that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act what I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you love let forth it is not in
vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and
Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing in my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth for Into the Light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless
now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedication
to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road seems long long and challenging believe
that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you
and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter
what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created
you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I know
it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will
find peace and strength to carry [Music] on Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your trouble seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost
and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilder nness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I
am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or a sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it
will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating the new world only for you your love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future
is bright and I am with you always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will the emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the
darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the
stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of
your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to Heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by
your side and change is coming Malachi 3 Verse 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence
are constants in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight
feels too much to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path Al alone I
am beside you every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow
trust in my plan for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your you're good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply loved [Music] 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right
now you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take
even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when
all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your
life it may not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never
stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32 verse 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars
and every living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my
power to transform your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working for your good even
when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bom to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my
arms are always outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the
proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and honored when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships
at this moment it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does
you will emerge stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead
my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story
is far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belongs long
wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your re reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the
wise and knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence Trust trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about
change is Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction
you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach it [Music] Zephaniah 3 verse 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be
consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you
are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in place where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are
defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through
you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through this [Music] numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind do he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I
am not human that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act when I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is
not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your
resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and
hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my
dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3 verse 9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance Bel loved child though your road seems long
and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding
you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I Am With You working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my
beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to
the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my
beloved child I know it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in
me and you will find peace in strength to carry [Music] on Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain
you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this
process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or a sudden profound Revelation but rest assured
it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you your are love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way
your future is bright and I am with you always 1 Corinthians 15 ver 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as
the darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed bu deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting
the stage for a significant change in your life You are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding
of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always
by your side and change is coming Malachi 3 verse 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and
presence are constants in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when
the world's weight feels too much to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone
I am beside you every every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs
of Tomorrow trust in my plan for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply loved [Music] 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels
right now you you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every
step you take even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my
child even when all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am
working in your life it may not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and
I will will never stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the
universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being
trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working for
your good even when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bom to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears years your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I
turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6 to 7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of
Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to
understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a
season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this
world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the
storm and into the light your story is far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2 verses 20 to 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name
forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight your carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain
know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging
and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself
credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach it [Music] Zephaniah 3: 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame
dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles
in their own lives you are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by
your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the
light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through this [Music] numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear
child but remember I am not human that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act what I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that
you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence
of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing in my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed
it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I
will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road
seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am
here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest
assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer
to the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing
my beloved child I know it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith
in me and you will find peace and strength to carry [Music] on Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall bring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of
your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into Rivers of Life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith
in this process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope in a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or a sudden profound Revelation
but rest assured it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating the new world only for you your love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on
their way your future is bright and I am with you always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless Secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will the merge from the challenges you are facing
today just as the darkness will eventually give way to the Dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in Darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow
and are setting the stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and
with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find a comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult
times for I am always by your side and change is coming Malachi 3 verse 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing a way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am
with you now my love and presence are constants in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support
and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm you're rocking times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking
this path alone I am beside you every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become
the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved First Corinthians Ians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy
your heart feels right now you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you
in every step you take even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a
light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strong strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the
faith that I am working in your life it may not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are
love beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32 verse 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by by my great power and outstretched
arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply
for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform form your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every
silent plea I am working for your good even when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the balm to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not
forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in
all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise glory and honored when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every sigh [Music] it may
be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is
temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more
valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and
always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need
blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times in Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation Trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel
lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is
steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than
you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach it [Music] Zephaniah 3: 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they
have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away
feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are
not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a
shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through this [Music] numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are
all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act what I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single
whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the
absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the bre breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like
that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defied by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you
and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3 verse 9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved
child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out
Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if
I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening
and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have
faith in my timing my beloved child I know it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I
have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength to carry [Music] on Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand
the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desol ation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances
will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or
a sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you your love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new
beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am with you [Music] always first Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the
challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing
are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this
stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you
through these difficult times for I am always by your side and change is coming Malachi 3 Verse 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob
I am with you now my love and presence are constants in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you
providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you
are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of
today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond me measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I
understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end inside however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with
you in every step you take even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a
light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith
that I am working in your life it may not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love
beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve no that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness
of the universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and
your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am
working for your good even when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bond to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I
turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6 to 7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of
Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to
understand understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's
a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything
this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and Glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through
the storm and into the light your story is far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2 verses 20 to 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be over overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed
my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as is the season shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel
lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is
steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than
you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach [Music] it Zephaniah 3: 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they
have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away
feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you
are not defined by your struggles you defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and LIF you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a
shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through [Music] this numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you
are all alone dear child but remember I am am not human that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act when I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and
every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured
by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much
like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for
you and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise say some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child
though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of
Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if
I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping
strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you can not yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and
happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I know it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling
every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength to carry on [Music] Isaiah 43: 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and River in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries
and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your
circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers
or a sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you you are love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace
the new beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am with you [Music] always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge
from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently
facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from
this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that
leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and change is coming Malachi 3: 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of
Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are constants in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the a bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you
directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feel feels too much to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm you're Rock in times of trouble there will be moments when when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and
lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for
you you the trials of today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved First Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also
my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and
strengthen you I am with you in every step you you take even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as
it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your
healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step
of the way you are L beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my
great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the
mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every
sigh and every silent plea I am working for your good even when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong [Music] in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the balm to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change
I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to
suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music]
sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment moment it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this
period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith
which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with
you now and always guiding you through the storm and in into the light your story is far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in
his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obst stacle in
your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear
my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Li Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for changes coming com in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently
facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach [Music] it Zephaniah 3 verse 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise
and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I
will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working
in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with
laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse house that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through [Music] this numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise
and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should lie nor or a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act what I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I
hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in
ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to
burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defied by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along Ong
this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the fulf fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness yet instead he is patient with you not
wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season
of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my
infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and
repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love
you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I know it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with you always holding you
in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength to carry on [Music] Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in
your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night
every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of
change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or a sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you your love beyond
measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am with you [Music] always First Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yeah yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that
transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually
blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your silence cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to
a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart
and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and change is coming Malachi 3 Verse 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of Jacob [Music] finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with you always my nature
is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are Constance in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and every tear that you shed
and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to bear lean into my unchanged changing nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems to distant in those moments remember my
presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to the future with hope
knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always always and I will see you through this you are not alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God raised the Lord
from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through
Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked Mir Miracles before I am working in your life right now my power to
bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you are lost I am
your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong
and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I
created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and everything living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a love that is deeper
than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can
ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working for your good even when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of refle reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bomb to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it
appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day You are not alone and you are deeply loved first Peter 1: 6 to7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though
now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I
am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it feels like you are being being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to Build You Up your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving
its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are
molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on
and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay [Music] beloved child hold on
to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circum ances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face
and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am
at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will
come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach [Music] it Zephaniah 3 verse 19 at that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will
gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who
feel crippled by their circumstances and and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that
better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into
joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult situ situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through [Music] this numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind do he speak
and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act when I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans for you are unfolding even in
the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love for you when I promise I
make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil if it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots
are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free in flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defined by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership
we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness instead he is
patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith and repentance this time of
waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am closer to you than
ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back to me with a
heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in the changes that are
coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my loved child I know it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope and joy I am with
you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength to carry on [Music] Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to
tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like the first light of dawn
breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings things that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and
open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or a sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating the new world only
for you your love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am with you [Music] always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe it in your current
state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching
for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it
is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed wared renewed and filled with a peace that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for
take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and change is coming Malachi 3: 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of Jacob [Music] finding the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going through this I am here with
you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are constants in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that you encounter and each and
every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when hope seems distant in
those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of comfort and strength look to
the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of tomorrow trust in my plan for your life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this You are not alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved 1 Corinthians 6 verse4 by his power God
raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with hope and rebirth you may feel like you
are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is unwavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before I am working in your life right right now
my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are weak I am your strength when you
are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may not always be in ways that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new life and hope into your world is unwavering
keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32:1 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved
child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is infinite I am here watching over you with a
love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for you knows no bounds you are precious to me more
than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working for your good even when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the bom to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you that nothing is too hard for me no matter how
dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always outstretched ready to hold you close so my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are deeply l loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly
Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and to question why these things are happening your feelings are
valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember that gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up your faith is more precious than gold old and these
trials are proving its genuiness you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned you and I never will these trials are not
without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work that you may not fully understand right now keep
believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is far from over and and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20 to 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belongs wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is
okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation trust that my wisdom is greater than
any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest moments even when you cannot feel my
presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way as the dawn comes after The
Darkest Night light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is bright and I am here to help you reach [Music] it Zephaniah 3 verse 19 at that time I will deal with all all who oppressed you
I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been dimmed by the trials
you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even when it feels unbearable
hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you cannot stand on your
own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult of situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through [Music] this numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie Not a Human Being that he should
change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act what I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet see my plans
for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation of my love
for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but beneath the surface
a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not Define by your struggles but by the strength and Faith you show
in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some
understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repent beloved child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resilience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a heart full of faith
and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moments of distress I am
closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn and find your way back
to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way and directing your steps believe in
the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I know it's it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward a future filled with hope
and joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength to carry on [Music] Isaiah 43: 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems almost unbearable but listen closely for
I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one it is already in motion like
the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for you are filled with hope and a
future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or sudden profound Revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me my plans and that I am creating a
new world only for you your love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am with you [Music] always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see it now you might not even believe
it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it finds the strength to grow it
pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are currently facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to your suffering and though it may be
hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace that that comes from knowing you are
deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and change is coming Malachi 3: 6 for I am the Lord I do not change therefore you are not consumed oh sons of [Music] Jacob find in the light and seeing the way out can be difficult in these moments of Darkness beloved child with all the compassion and certainty that I can give I want you to know that you are not the only one going
through this I am here with you always my nature is unchanging just as I was with the sons of Jacob I am with you now my love and presence are constants in your life steadfast and Resolute this trial you're facing will not consume you you are stronger than you think and capable of overcoming more than you realize I understand it's difficult to see the bigger picture when you're in hardship but believe that I am working in your life even when you can't see it I am aware of and acquainted with each and every difficulty that
you encounter and each and every tear that you shed and through it all I am here with you directing you providing support and loving you when the world's weight feels too much to bear lean into my unchanging nature I am the same yesterday today and forever my promises to you are as true now as they have ever been I will never change and my love for you will never fade let this be your anchor in the storm your rock in times of trouble there will be moments when you feel like you can't go on when
hope seems distant in those moments remember my presence feel my love surrounding you comforting you and lifting you up you are not walking this path alone I am beside you every step of the way ready to carry you when you need it and hold you when you stumble your pain is real and your struggles are valid but they do not define you you are defined by my love love for you the strength I have placed within you and the resilience that courses through your spirit hold on to these truths let them be your source of
comfort and strength look to the future with hope knowing I am already there preparing the way for you the trials of today will become the triumphs of Tomorrow trust in my plan for your life life even when it seems unclear I am here unchanging and eternal and working all things together for your good take heart my beloved child you are cherished beyond measure and your life is held in My Loving Hands I am with you always and I will see you through this You Are Not Alone and you are deeply deeply [Music] loved 1 Corinthians
6 verse 14 by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also my dear child I understand how heavy your heart feels right now you feel as though the weight of the world is weighing down on you and it seems as though there is no end in sight however I want you to be aware of something of the utmost significance just as I brought new life and hope to the World by by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the grave I will free you of your problems and Infuse your life with
hope and rebirth you may feel like you are walking through Darkness but my power is there to guide and strengthen you I am with you in every step you take even when the path seems uncertain and the night feels endless my love for you is UN wavering and my power to change your situation is very real I know it can be hard to see beyond the pain and the trials you are facing right now it may feel like you are surrounded by insurmountable obstacles and overwhelming challenges but remember just as I have worked miracles before
I am working in your life right now my power to bring about change is just as strong today as it was then there is a light ahead my child even when all hope is lost I am here to support you through each moment I am here to bring light to your path and lift you up when you are weary believe in the coming change and Trust in my power to carry you through my presence surrounds you even when you feel most isolated and afraid I am with you bringing you strength and comfort when you are
weak I am your strength when you are lost I am your guide when you are broken I am your healer hold on to the faith that I am working in your life it may not always be in ways that that are immediately visible to you but I am there working behind the scenes to bring about the transformation you need trust in my love for you and know that I have the power to lift you out of your despair believe in the change that is coming my child my power to raise you up to bring new
life and hope into your world is unwavering keep your faith strong and trust that I am with you every step of the way you are love beyond measure and I will never stop working to bring you the peace and joy you deserve know that brighter days are ahead I am here now and always to lift you up and carry you through Jeremiah 32 verse 17 ah Lord God behold you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm there is nothing too hard for you I know your heart is heavy
and I feel the weight of your burdens beloved child you see I created the heavens and the Earth by my great power and outstretched arm the vastness of the universe the stars and every living thing are all crafted by my hands there is nothing too hard for me just as I have shaped the cosmos I hold the power to change your situation no matter how insurmountable it may seem in these moments of distress when your heart feels like it can bear no more remember that my strength is beyond measure and my love for you is
infinite I am here watching over you with the love that is deeper than the oceans and more enduring than the mountains I care deeply for you and your well-being trust in my power to transform your circumstances the trials you face today are not permanent with my great power I can turn your trials into triumphs the challenges that seem so so daunting now will one day be the very stories of victory that you will share believe in my ability to bring light into your darkest times my power is greater than any obstacle and my love for
you knows no bounds you are precious to me more than you can ever comprehend I hear every tear you shed every sigh and every silent plea I am working for your good even when it's hard for you to see hold on to the hope that I am by your side guiding you through these challenging times my love is a constant presence unwavering and strong in your Quiet Moments of reflection feel my presence surrounding you let my love be the Bal to your weary soul I am here to give you peace and comfort and remind you
that nothing is too hard for me no matter how dire it appears your situation is within my power to change I have not forgotten you nor have I turned away from you my arms are always out stretched ready to hold you close so my my dear child take heart I am with you now and always my love for you is ceaseless and my power is Limitless allow me to work in your life I will bring you through this and together we will see the dawn of a new day you are not alone and you are
deeply loved 1 Peter 1: 6-7 in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed your heart is heavy my child and the road ahead seems long and difficult it is quite acceptable for you to feel the way that you do it's okay to cry to feel weak and
to question why these things are happening your feelings are valid and I am here with you through every tear and every [Music] sigh it may be hard to understand why you must endure such hardships at this moment it feels like you are being tested beyond your limits but remember this gold is refined by fire just as gold must endure the heat to become pure your faith is being refined through these trials these experiences though painful are shaping you into a stronger more resilient person they are not meant to break you but to build you up
your faith is more precious than gold and these trials are proving its genuine this you may not see it now but this period of suffering is temporary it's a season that will pass when it does you will emerge stronger and more radiant the grief you feel now is real but it will lead to Greater Joy your tears will be turned into a celebration and your pain will transform into a testimony of strength and endurance I know it's hard to see the bigger picture when you're in the midst of such deep pain I have not abandoned
you and I never will these trials are not without purpose they are molding your spirit and proving the depth of your faith which is more valuable than anything this world can offer brighter days are ahead my child this season of struggle will lead to a time of great rejoicing your faith once tested will shine brightly bringing honor and glory on this road You Are Not Alone your strength and perseverance will be a monument to your unwavering Faith hold on to Hope even when all hope is lost trust that there is a bigger picture at work
that you may not fully understand right now keep believing and holding on and know you are never alone I am with you now and always guiding you through the storm and into the light your story is far from over and The Best Is Yet To Come Daniel 2: 20- 21 Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever to whom belong wisdom and might he changes times and Seasons he removes Kings and sets up Kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding life's trials can be
overwhelming and feeling what you're feeling is okay beloved child hold on to hope for there is always hope Daniel in his time of need blessed my name forever and ever recognizing that to me belong wisdom and might remember that I am the one who changes times and Seasons just as the seasons shift from Winter to Spring from Summer to fall so too can your circumstances change the weight you're carrying now will not last forever I have the power to remove and install Kings to change the very fabric of your reality and to transform your situation
trust that my wisdom is greater than any problem you face and that my power is beyond any obstacle in your path when you feel lost and uncertain know that I give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those those who seek understanding come to me with your questions and your doubts and I will guide you open your heart to my presence and let my wisdom fill you with Clarity and peace your challenges are not unnoticed and your pain is not ignored I see every tear I hear every cry I am with you in the darkest
moments even when you cannot feel my presence trust that I am at work even when the road ahead seems unclear my love for you is steadfast and unchanging and my power to bring about change is Limitless take a moment to breathe and feel my presence with you now know that you are deeply loved and that your life has a great purpose the trials you face are not the end of your story they are but a chapter and I am here to help you turn the page stay hopeful for change is coming in the same way
as the dawn comes after The Darkest Night Light and joy will come after the challenges that you are currently facing you have more strength than you give yourself credit for and with my direction you will prevail I am with you always ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need do not be afraid to rely on me have faith in my power and be aware that we shall see this through together your future is right and I am here to help you reach [Music] it Zephaniah 3: 19 at that time I will deal with
all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame I will gather the Exiles I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame dear child there will be consequences for those who have caused you pain and suffering for I am a just and loving God there will come a time when those who oppressed you will face the consequences of their actions I am here to bring healing to your Brokenness I see the parts of you that feel shattered the dreams that seem too far gone and the hopes that have been
dimmed by the trials you faced I will rescue those who feel crippled by their circumstances and I will gather those who have been Cast Away feeling like Exiles in their own lives you are precious to me and I have not forgotten you in places where you have faced shame I will lift you up bring you honor and praise and transform the suffering you've endured into strength and dignity your trials are not the end of your story they are a part of the journey that will lead you to a greater purpose trust in this process even
when it feels unbearable hold on to the hope that better days are coming for I am working in ways you cannot yet see you are not defined by your struggles you are defined by your resilience courage and the love that you give and receive in the midst of your pain there is a growing strength within you a strength that will carry you through to brighter days change is coming and with it a new dawn for your spirit I Am With You Always walking beside you holding you when you feel weak and lifting you when you
cannot stand on your own your distress will turn into joy and your sorrow will be replaced with laughter the darkness you feel now is a shadow and the light will break through you are loved beyond all comprehension and your life story is not yet over having this hope in mind is important because it is a lighthouse that will lead you through even the most difficult situations you can count on me to be here and to see you through [Music] this numbers 23 verse 19 God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being
that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill you may feel like you are all alone dear child but remember I am not human that I should lie nor a human being that I should change my mind when I speak I act what I promise I fulfill right now it may seem like the darkness is closing in and there is no way out the trials you face feel overwhelming and the distress can be suffocating but trust in this I am working in ways you cannot yet
see my plans for you are unfolding even in the midst of your pain I hear every single tear that you drop and every single whale that you let forth it is not in vain that you are suffering and it will not continue on indefinitely I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when the journey is tough the road may be rough and the challenges might seem overwhelming however I urge you to hold on to the assurance that I am faithful my promises are not empty words they are the foundation
of my love for you when I promise I make sure to fulfill it in ways beyond your understanding your strength is not measured by the absence of hardship but by your resilience and Faith through it all lean into my strength when yours feels depleted allow yourself to trust in my timing and my plan for you I know patience is difficult when you yearn for relief but every moment of waiting is a step closer to the Breakthrough I have prepared for you picture a seed buried in the soil it may seem lifeless in the darkness but
beneath the surface a transformation is happening roots are growing deep and strong preparing to burst forth into the light your situation is much like that seed it may feel dark and hopeless now but transformation is taking place I am nurturing you preparing you for the moment you will break free and flourish although it may be unsettling I urge you to accept the process entirely put your faith in the fact that I am directing you toward a future that is Rich with hope and purpose you are not defied by your struggles but by the strength and
Faith you show in overcoming them in Partnership we will make our way along this route there is no end to my love for you and I will never waver in my dedication to ensuring that you are well and happy so hold on my dear child brighter days are ahead the pain you feel now will give way to Joy and the heaviness in your heart will be lifted believe in me and you will see the Fulfillment of my promises I am with you now and always second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slow in keeping his
promise as some understand slowness instead he is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance beloved child though your road seems long and challenging believe that every action you take is part of a bigger plan I am not slow to respond rather I am working patiently to mold your path in ways you might not yet see your trials are not without purpose they are moments that will bring you closer to the strength and resil ience within you I wish for you to grow learn and come to me with a
heart full of faith and repentance this time of waiting is a season of growth hold on to Hope even when it feels Out Of Reach I am here guiding you nurturing you and leading you towards the Fulfillment of my promises you are never alone and your pain is never unnoticed believe in the changes that are coming for I am with you working in ways that are beyond your sight but not beyond your faith trust in my timing and you will find peace in my presence I see your struggles heartaches and heavy burdens in these moment
moments of distress I am closer to you than ever wrapping you in my infinite love your path feels overwhelming and you might wonder if I am there rest assured my beloved no matter what you can count on me to be by your side providing support and Direction and a better future ahead you may think I am slow to act but understand that my timing is perfect I am aware of every moment of waiting every tear that is shed and every prayer that is whispered I am patient with you allowing you the space to grow learn
and find your way back to me with a heart full of faith and repentance your trials are not in vain they they are shaping strengthening and bringing you closer to the person I created you to be persist in your hope even when it seems like a distant dream I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see each challenge you face is an opportunity for growth a step towards the Fulfillment of the promises I have made to you your suffering and challenges are not going unnoticed I am walking alongside you illuminating your way
and directing your steps believe in the changes that are coming I will always love you and be committed to ensuring your well-being and happiness have faith in my timing my beloved child I know it's hard to wait especially when the road ahead seems uncertain but I am here working everything out for your good immerse yourself in my love take comfort in my presence and remember that you are never alone your journey is unique and your struggles are shaping the story of resilience and Faith Embrace this time of growth and learning for it leads you toward
a future filled with hope en Joy I am with you always holding you in my loving arms and guiding you towards fulfilling every promise I have made have faith in me and you will find peace and strength to carry [Music] on as it Isaiah 43: 19 behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert I know that you are struggling right now my child your heart feels heavy and the weight of your troubles seems
almost unbearable but listen closely for I have something important to tell you even in your darkest moments I see your tears hear your cries and understand the depth of your pain you may feel lost and alone but I am here working tirelessly behind the scenes of your life I am laying down A New Path for you a path that will lead you out of this Wilderness you see I specialize in turning Barren deserts into rivers of life where you see only desolation I am creating streams of Hope and renewal change is coming my dear one
it is already in motion like the first light of dawn breaking through the night every day without fail the sun will rise and your circumstances will change have faith in this process for I am the one orchestrating it I am making the way where there seems to be no way I am bringing forth New Opportunities and new blessings that you cannot yet see when the weight of your your trials feels overwhelming remember that I am the one guiding you even when the path seems [Music] unclear my love for you is unwavering and my plans for
you are filled with hope and a future stay vigilant and open to the signs of change around you it might come in small gentle Whispers or sudden profound revelation but rest assured it will come on this path you are not walking alone the anguish you feel now will pass I am here by your side pointing the way to a better more hopeful tomorrow remember this promise your struggles are not in vain and your suffering in is not forgotten I am here bringing Comfort to your soul and strength to your spirit put your faith in me
my plans and that I am creating a new world only for you your love beyond measure my child keep your faith strong and embrace the new beginnings that are on their way your future is bright and I am with you [Music] always 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed my beloved child here and now I want to share with you a Timeless secret we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed yes change is coming you may not see
it now you might not even believe it in your current state but trust that transformation is on the horizon A Better Tomorrow Will emerge from the challenges you are facing today just as the darkness will eventually give way to the dawn your trials though they feel overwhelming are not here forever they are a season and Seasons always change hold on my dear one the pain tears and size are all part of a process leading to Renewal imagine a seed buried deep within the Earth in darkness it might seem forgotten but it is there that it
finds the strength to grow it pushes through the soil reaching for the light eventually blossoming into something beautiful similarly the challenges you are current ly facing are actually helping you grow and are setting the stage for a significant change in your life you are not alone in this I will be by your side through every moment of sadness and every tear you shed I see your Silent Cries and unseen battles and I assure you that these will not last forever change is coming and with it a peace that surpasses understanding there is a purpose to
your suffering and though it may be hard to see now it is leading you to a place of peace and joy you will emerge from this stronger more resilient and with a deeper understanding of your own strength and worth you will not remain in this hardship forever as night turns today your situation will transform and you will find the comfort and peace you seek so hold on a little longer my dear child your change is coming you will not be left in this state of distress you will be transformed renewed and filled with a peace
that comes from knowing you are deeply loved and cared for take this commitment to heart and allow it to serve as the lighthouse that leads you through these difficult times for I am always by your side and change is coming
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