Cover Your Child With This Prayer and Watch GOD MOVE! | christian parenting | help my child |

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Winning Warrior Network
Parents! GOD is calling us more now than ever to COVER our children in prayer - daily! 🙌 Join the...
Video Transcript:
[Music] praise the Lord people of God this is Angela Shelly with prey to win and the winning Warrior Network we'll talk about that later but in today's prayer we're covering our children we're just covering our children the Lord laid it on my heart even this weekend as I was praying before him that there is a covering that needs to take place whether your child is or is not going through a thing we have to cover our children and get ahead of the enemy's advances amen and even if the enemy is already working or maybe our
children are already in a battle we're going to just cover them into today's prayer and I just pray that you will join me so as we go before the Lord we're just going to open the word of God and we're going to pray the word of God Amen we're covering our children not only with the blood of Jesus but with and through the word of God which he says he promises that it will not it cannot return to him void but will accomplish the thing where in it is sent and so as we go into
prayer I want you to position your heart to one of faith I want you to position your heart to one of expectation for the word of God says that this is the confidence that we have that if we pray anything according to to his will we know that he hears us amen and his word goes on to say that and if he hears us we know that we have what we have asked of him and so one of the most confident ways that we can pray is according to what God Said himself is according to
the word of God itself his word also says that it is aive and Powerful it actually says that the word of God is a living active and alive and full of living power amen so this is what we are praying we're not just flinging our prayers up to heaven we're praying with confidence and we're praying the word of God which is in and of itself is full of living power amen glory to God so father we just come before you right now father we thank you for this opportunity we thank you Lord God that you
draw us into this place where we come before a most holy God In The Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in whom we have Redemption even the Forgiveness of our sins and we thank you Lord God we thank you Father that you've also given us another comforter one just like Jesus as he said that another par of cletos a helper to help us to pray as we don't know how but but holy spirit we just welcome you to help us pray we ask that you would give us every word to pray we ask that you
would lead and guide us in this prayer and father we we pray this as often as you lay lay it upon our heart as we continue to cover our children and reinforce the covering so father even according to Colossians 1:9 And1 that says we ask you father that you would give our children complete knowledge of your will and that you would give to them spiritual wisdom and understanding that they would then learn to live to honor you and to please you Lord and that their lives will produce every kind of good fruit father we pray
that our children children's lives will produce every kind of good fruit and all the while they will continue to grow as they learn to know you better and better father we also pray that they will be strengthened with all of your glorious power so that they will have all the endurance and all the patience that they need father we understand that they are living in a time where patience seems to be short if not at all we understand Lord God that there is a that we're living in a time where things are demanding that immediately
and our children have not learned to be resilient as would be fitting as would seem fit but father we pray that we know that we can change things all according to the words that we pray to you and so yes Father we ask that you would give them endurance and patience that they need father we ask that you would fill them with joy that they would always be thankful and grateful not only to you father but to the parents themselves father we we ask father they would always be grateful gr F and that you would
enable them along with all of your people to share in The Inheritance that you have created for them Father we cover our children and we decree and assert the plans and purposes of God over and above the plans and purposes of Satan father we declare your word according to Jeremiah 29:11 that says that you know the plans that you have planned for them plans to prosper them to give them Shalom and hope and in a good and expecting future father we declare that they walk in alignment and in accordance with those plans in the name
of Jesus father we declare according to Isaiah 41:10 that they will not be afraid because they will understand and know that you are a god with them for your name is imanuel god with us so Lord Jesus we thank you that you are Emmanuel in our children's lives God With Us and because you are with us Lord God we will not be discouraged for you are our God you said in your word that you would strengthen them and that you would uphold them by your righteous victorious right hand we declare our children victorious in the
name of Jesus according to the working of your Mighty right hand father father we pray according to Philippians 1 and6 that we are certain that God who began a good work in them would continue that work until it is finally finished and until up and until the day where Christ Jesus returns thank you Jesus father we even pray according to Isaiah 30221 that the teacher will not hide from our children anymore the teacher Lord Jesus you are the teacher Holy Spirit you are the teacher but that their eyes will turn to you to be taught
and father we pray that they would hear in their ears a word behind them saying this is the way walk in it father we pray Lord God no matter where our children go no matter what they are doing no matter where they find themselves father we pray that even in ungodly situations and circumstances and even in the middle of of doing what they are called to do that they will always hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking behind them saying this is the way walk in it and father we declare and decree in the
name of Jesus that they would choose that way that they would choose the way of righteousness and that they would not turn to the left or to the right but they will turn as you speak this is the way while get it father we thank you even according to Ephesians 51 15-18 that says be careful how you live father we pray that our children are so careful in how they live father we cover them we decree in the name of Jesus that they are careful in how they live that they will not live like fools
but that they would walk as those who are wise father that they would make the most of every every opportunity that you provide even in these evil days father we declare that they will not act foolishly or thoughtlessly but they will understand what it is you want them to do Lord father we pray that they will not be drunk with wine but that would ruin their life but father instead they will be filled with the holy spirit of God and fire father I thank you I thank you that our children walk innocent father we pray
that our children walk circumspectly knowing what the will of God is and father we decree and declare that according to uh Proverbs 26 and2 that curses with will not harm someone who is innocent like sparrows and swallows that fly around unable to land Never Land father we declare in the name of Jesus a curse Without a Cause cannot land therefore our children walk free from generational curses father we decree and declare that blessings of generational blessings are available because we are in right standing with you and you said in your word that the generation the
inheritance of the righteous extends to our children and our children's children so father we call forth the generational blessings upon our children's lives in the name of Jesus father we even pray according to Philippians 3:14 that we press on to reach the end of the race father that our children will press on to reach the end of their race and that they will receive a Heavenly prize father we announce in the name of Jesus we announce in the realm of the spirit we announce here on Earth that our children run the race and they receive
the Heavenly prize through which Christ Jesus is Calling them Father I thank you Lord God that they will not be selfish that they will not try to impress others father we pray that our children will be humble they will think of others better and more highly than they do themselves and they will not only look out for their own interest but they will also take the interest of others father we pray that our children are countercultural we thank you Lord God that our children are countercultural they go against the culture the cultural norms of the
world the cultural norms of the society they are not conformed to this world but they are conformed in the image of Jesus Christ therefore where Pride does abound their humility abounds even more father we declare in the name of Jesus that our children have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had and that is one of humility father your word says that everyone that is proud in heart is an otom is an Abomination to you Lord though hand join in hand he shall not be unpunished that's according to Proverbs 16:5 we declare father that our children
are not in that number father we pray over their hearts and we declare that their hearts are full of humility that they will humble themselves before the mo most holy God father even your word says in Proverbs 11:2 that when pride comes then comes disgrace but with humility comes wisdom so father we pray that that our children walk in humility and therefore they are filled with the wisdom of God father we thank you Lord that humility is also the fear of the Lord Holy Spirit we know that as you are the Sevenfold spirit of God
the spirit of the fear of the Lord we ask that you would rest upon and in our children and make them to walk in the fear of the Lord for humility is the fear of the Lord and his way ages are riches and honor and life may that be the testimony and the Legacy that our children leave upon this Earth father we pray that they will not do anything out of selfish ambition according to Philippians 2:3 through 8 they will not do anything out of vain conceit vain conceit but because they are countercultural father rather
they walk in humility and they value others above themselves father we thank you even according to Colossians 3:11-12 that they clothe themselves with [Music] humility therefore they are clothed with compassion and kindness and humility in gentleness and patience we clothe our children in this father we clothe our children in these spiritual garments in the name of Jesus humility compassion kindness gentleness and patience for father your word says in James 4 that you give grace to the humble father favor our children give them more grace for your word says that you oppose the proud father but
you show favor and grace to the humble father we thank you Lord that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy one is understanding father I thank you Lord God even according to Proverbs 10:27 that the fear of the Lord prolongs day days but the years of the wicked shall be shortened father we thank you we thank you that our children are filled with the fear of the Lord and that because they fear you they will want to honor you in everything that they do that you will
be Paramount in their life that it will be easy for those who walk in the fear of the Lord for prayer to be a priority to them for a church to be a priority to them and everything that your word says takes precedence everything that your word says takes precedence in their lives even above and beyond their own wills and desires so father we declare that our children's will align with yours that your way becomes their way thank you Jesus father we even pray According to second Corinthians 7:1 that because they have these great wonderful
promises that they cleanse themselves from everything that contaminates their body and spirit and they are completing holiness living a consecrated life a life set apart for your purposes father in the fear of the Lord father we pray according to Ephesians 1 that we ask you glorious father of our Lord Jesus Christ that you would give our children wisdom to see clearly and really understand who Christ is and that all he has done for them Father we pray that their hearts will be flooded with your light so that they can see something of the future that
you have called them to share father we pray that they would realize that God has made them Rich because of who they are in Christ and what Christ has given unto them Father we pray that they will begin to understand how incredibly great your power is to help them who believe in you father help them to understand how incredibly great your power is for them and that that's it is that same Mighty power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead and seated him in the place of highest honor at your right hand in heaven father
thank you Jesus father we also pray for our children according to Ephesians 3 verse 16 that says that you father would Grant out of the riches of your glory for our children to be strengthened and spiritually energized with power through your spirit in their inner selves that you would indwell their innermost being being and personality so that Christ would dwell in their hearts by faith father I pray that they having been rooted deeply and securely grounded in your love would be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints with all of your people the width
the length the height and the depth of your love for them that they may fully experience that amazing Endless Love father we pray that our children will come to know you better practically and through their own personal experience that they would experience the love of Christ which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience but that they would be filled up throughout their entire being to all the fullness of God thank you Jesus so that they may have the richest experience of God's presence in their lives completely filled and flooded with God himself father may this be
the testimony of every child that we are praying for today Father we also pray for the helper father we pray Lord God according to your word in Joel too that it shall come to pass afterward that you will pour your spirit out on All Flesh that our sons and our daughters will prophesy our old men shall dream dreams and our young men shall see visions that even uh the female and male servants in those days you will pour out your spirit father we thank you Lord God that we are living in those days pour out
your spirit Spirit upon our children father we pray according to John where Jesus prayed that the helper the comforter the advocate the intercessor the counselor the strengthener the standby the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in the name of Jesus in his place to represent him and to act on his behalf that he would teach our children all things and that he would help our children to remember everything that you have taught them even remind them of what they have learned in their Spirit remind them Lord God teach them that which they do not
know and father we pray that your peace that you would leave with them your perfect peace you would give to them not as the world gives do you give to them Father we pray that their hearts would not be troubled nor that it would be afraid father we pray that your perfect peace will calm them in every circumstance and give them courage courage and strength for every Challenge and father we pray according to Isaiah 11 that the spirit of the Lord would rest upon them the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and
might the spirit of knowledge of him and the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord father we cover our children we declare father that where your presence is that the enemy runs and flees seven ways father bombard our children with your presence enter and in invade their lives in a supernatural way father and let them know it father I thank you Lord God that our children are covered even according to Zechariah 2 and5 that you would be the glory in the midst of them and a fire roundabout father we pray Lord God not only a
hedge of physical protection but a hedge of spiritual protection for our children in their minds in their souls in their hearts in their thoughts father be a hedge of protection around their eye Gates be a hedge of protection of fire around their ear Gates be a hedge of protection around Lord God their heart their physical senses father their spiritual senses Holy Spirit we thank you that you will continue to mold them grow them mature them raise them up up may they grow in wisdom and stature father make their pathway straight we thank you Father we
cover them with the blood of Yeshua hamashiach the blood of the new covenant thank you Father father your word says that when you stretch forth your hand who can turn it back and when you reach out your harm who can withhold it father we ask and we thank you for stretching out your hand over over every child under the sound of my voice whatever age they might be father reach forth your hand and let no one turn it back no one is able thank you Father we give you praise we give you honor we give
you glory we declare the blessings of the Lord are rich and you add no sorrow to it our children are blessed we confer the blessing upon our children's lives today and forever in Jesus Jesus M's name we pray amen and amen glory to God thank you for praying with me pray this as often as often as you think about covering your children as often as the Holy Spirit would remind you turn this video on and pray along with me glory to God we assert and we reinforce the word of God in our children's lives and
we won't back down there is no surrender there is no truth in the name of Jesus amen amen hey if you haven't heard we have a awesome community of praying women of Waring women of women who are winning and it is called the winning Warrior Network I pray that you would join us you can learn more about it at the winning Warrior it is a awesome we have an app that we're using but you can also just access it from the website and it will be a blessing we're praying every day we're taking communion
every day we have weekly Bible studies prayer and prophetic prayer challenges everything is going down we have a prayer wall we're networking with one another with fellow Believers women of the faith who are not only on the wall but they are interceding for those on the wall amen amen it is a a beautiful place that the Lord has blessed us with and we like to invite you to join just go to our website ww ww.the winning Warrior and consider joining I pray that you will God bless you and remember if we can win the
home we can win the nation and if we can win the nation we can win the world because we don't just pray we pray to win glory to God I'll see you in the next video
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