non-sleep deep rest is a powerful way to relax quickly and deeply it has been shown in many studies to produce various health benefits at the mental and physical level it can help you replace sleep you have lost or get better at falling back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night it is terrific for enhancing learning and memory for de-stressing and for improving cognitive capacity it can be done any time of day or night it is different than meditation or breath work it can be done seated or lying the important thing is
to do nsdr in a place where you won't be disturbed but if you are interrupted just return to the practice to remain awake by listening to the sound of my voice but if you fall asleep that is fine you will still get the benefits if your mind becomes overactive with thoughts and worries just come back to the sound of my voice okay let's get started allow your eyes to close inhale deeply through your nose or mouth then exhale until your lungs are empty deep inhales followed by long exhales have a direct effect on the brain
and body circuits that induce calm once again inhale deeply through your nose or mouth then exhale until your lungs are empty one more time inhale deeply through your nose or mouth then exhale until your lungs are empty sense the contact of your body with the surface you are lying down or sitting on now direct your attention to your breath for the duration of three breaths just breathe however feels natural and now direct your attention to any sounds in your environment your brain is powerful it can directly attend to anything you choose now focus on the
most distant sounds that you can hear let your sense of hearing radiate outward searching out these distant sounds and following them for a few moments move your attention from sound to sound gradually bring your attention to closer sounds to sounds inside the building you are in to sounds inside the room you are in without opening your eyes visualize the four walls of the room you're in the ceiling the floor the surface your body is sitting or lying down on visualize your body lying on the floor the position of your body your clothes your face be
aware of the existence of your physical body lying on the floor become aware of your breath how it moves in and out of your body without any effort follow this feeling as air fills and exits your lungs now do a long inhale followed by a long exhale through your mouth allow your breasts to become longer and slower take a long slow inhalation followed by a longer slower exhalation make your exhale even slower notice the slight pause after the exhale slow inhale even slower exhale and pause feel the urge to breathe inside of you when you
need to inhale do so long slow inhale longer slower exhale and pause briefly where the body is neither breathing in nor out please continue breathing this way now go back to the natural easy breath releasing any control over your breath now you will move your awareness to different parts of your body as soon as you hear those parts named please say the name of the part to yourself silently and feel that part of your body the practice begins on the right side right hand thumb second finger third finger fourth finger fifth finger palm of the
hand back of the hand wrist forearm elbow upper arm shoulder armpit waist hip thigh knee calf ankle heel sole of the foot top of the foot right big toe second toe third toe fourth toe fifth toe left hand thumb second finger third finger fourth finger fifth finger palm of the hand back of the hand wrist [Music] forearm elbow upper arm shoulder armpit waist hip thigh knee calf ankle heel sole of the foot top of the foot left big toe second toe third toe fourth toe fifth toe now go to the back of the body right
heel left heel right calf left calf right thigh left thigh right buttock left buttock lower back middle back upper back the entire spine right shoulder blade left shoulder blade back of the neck back of the head top of the head forehead right temple left temple right ear left ear right eyebrow left eyebrow middle of the eyebrows right eye left eye right nostril left nostril right cheek left cheek upper lip lower lip both lips together chin jaw throat right collar bone left collarbone right side of the chest left side of the chest upper abdomen [Music] navel
lower abdomen groin the pelvic floor the whole right leg whole left leg whole right arm whole left arm the whole face the whole head the whole torso the whole body the whole body the whole body now come back to the feeling of your breath flowing in and out maintain your awareness of breath and at the same time develop your awareness of your physical body feel the container of your skin and the clothes that are touching you notice the heaviness of your body where it rests notice the back of your heels thighs shoulder blades arms hands
and head do not open your eyes yet but visualize in your mind the surrounding room imagine where you are in the room and the other objects that are around you lie quietly until you feel ready to move start by slowly moving your hands and feet take your time there's no hurry when you are sure that you're fully awake gently open your eyes notice the space around you your practice of nsdr is now complete you