Allow God To Lead Your Every Step | Blessed Morning Prayer To Begin Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
Psalm 33:1 18-22 says but the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him on those whose hope is in his unfailing love to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine we wait in Hope for the Lord he is our help and our shield in him our hearts Rejoice for We Trust In His holy name may your unfailing love be with us Lord even as we we put our hope in you none of us know what the future holds none of us know what tomorrow will have in store for us we
all have plans we've all marked certain dates on the calendar we have places to be and people to see but regardless of all your plans put God first now we're living in a day and age where there are many distractions many things call for your attention however not everything should get your attention we're living in a day and age where we hear of wars and rumors of wars but let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me those were the words of Jesus Christ and those are the words we should hold
on to we're living in a day and age where the spirit of fear is dominating much of society there's fear when you think of the economy we have experts that are constantly warning of an incoming economic collapse there's fear when you think of your health it seems like every other week There's a new risk a new variant or a new study that tells you of more danger there's so much fear in this world but once again let me tell you the words of Jesus Christ let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also
in me we're living in a day and age where there are wild conspiracy theories theories that if you pay attention to to and if you follow them you'll only be left fearful confused and mistrusting of everyone and everything don't let that noise be a distraction to you what you should do is let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me all in all the message that I'm trying to put across to you is that there will be certain things that you hear in this world things that will conjure up the spirit
of fear but don't let these things overpower your faith hold on to God's word there will be certain things that you will see in this world things that will conjur upt the spirit of fear things that may possibly discourage you but do not let these things overpower your faith hold on to God's word and I want you to only focus on Jesus Christ only focus on him because pastors can fall from grace and some will fall because they're people and the Bible clearly says in Romans 3:10 there is none righteous no not one and then
if you read Romans 3:23 the Bible goes on to say for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God what I'm trying to tell you is that the best role model you can follow is Jesus Christ the best example we have is that of Jesus Christ in the Bible so don't look to another man or woman look to Jesus don't look to the pastor to the bishop to the Evangelist or anyone else look only to Jesus because pastors will be caught up in scandals people will be caught up in scandals and they
will disappoint you but Jesus Christ will never disappoint you you may have heard of the saying life is a roller coaster it may sound a little cliche but there is truth to this phrase life is made up of good times and hard times we experience both its highs and lows as Christians we are not immune to the hardships of life and in fact many would argue that we face more hardships than non-christians after all the Bible does say in Psalm 34: 19 many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of
them all take note there how the Bible says many are the afflictions now I'm telling you this not so that you would be discouraged but rather so that you would be grounded in your perspective loving Jesus Christ Living For Jesus Christ does it mean you'll have a life free from any problems equally when You Face challenges or pain this doesn't mean the lord loves you any less than someone else you see God doesn't promise us a life devoid of suffering pain problems or difficult situations as a matter of fact he tells us the opposite in
John 16: 33 the Bible says these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world but you see after Jesus warns us of the many troubles we are to face in the world in the same verse He commands us to be of good good cheer for he has overcome the world and so I may not know what you are going through but here is my message to you today be of good cheer because in Jesus
you are an overcomer things may be tough right now everything might not be all right but be of good cheer have faith in the Lord and He will see you through you may be in a dark place right now but be of good cheer keep holding on to Jesus there is light at the end of the tunnel not only does God want us to be of good cheer but he also wants us to turn to him in prayer during difficult times in fact tough times can motivate us or prompt us to pursue God through prayer
more passionately and desperately when we are in any kind of trouble we tend to become aware of how weak and limited we are on our own we feel helpless we realize how much we need the Lord to intervene Jesus Christ is our comforter and a very present help in times of trouble the only help we would ever need yes as humans we still have feel feelings and emotions nobody can deny that God doesn't expect us to be laughing and dancing all the time but what he does want from us Is our commitment to him what
God does want from us is Faith because faith is what pleases God faith is what moves God to act so be of good cheer dear friend Jesus Christ has overcome dear heavenly father your word says that you are a son and shield you Lord bestow favor upon a person at this time I ask that your favor would rest upon every ear that is listening right now go ahead of us and make every crooked way straight Lord give us Divine wisdom grant us uncommon Fai Lord open the doors that no man can shut and close every
door that's not from you father we offer a Psalm of Thanksgiving to you your word in Psalm 100 verse1 to5 says Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord all your lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know that the the Lord he is God it is he who has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and bless his name for the Lord is good his Mercy is
ever lasting and his truth endures to all generations indeed you are a good God you are our Hiding Place Lord Jesus you are the one that we look to for deliverance you are the one who protects us from trouble and surrounds us with songs of Deliverance you are our keeper Lord and we Rejoice because we are in your care God you are the Great and Mighty one it's from you that all blessings flow you are the maker of heaven and Earth The God Who sustains the universe we give you the glory Lord help us to
be of good cheer Lord in all that we do throughout every season of life whether it be a season of pain and trouble or a season of peace and joy help us to be constant in our faith help us to be of good cheer constantly help us to be courageous to be confident to be un taunted and to be filled with joy because you have overcome the world we thank you for fighting for us we thank you for being our great defender the one who fights for us the seen and unseen battles thank you for
the many times that you have blocked the attacks of our enemy thank you for the times that you have diverted our steps and protected us from the traps set by the enemy thank you for all of the time you have fought on our behalf and for the victories you have granted us thank you for not allowing our enemies to Rejoice over us psalm 138: 7 to8 says though I walk in the midst of trouble you preserve my life you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes with your right hand you save me
the Lord will vindicate me your love Lord endures forever do not abandon the works of your hands great is your faithfulness O Lord and you're worthy to be praised thank you for your mercies that endures forever thank you for new mercies every morning your love is truly unfailing words are not enough to thank you for your protection preservation provision compassion and Grace I give you all glory honor and adoration to you in jesus' name thank you for hearing this prayer master I magnify your Holy Name King Jesus [Music] amen but the eyes of the Lord
are on those who fear Him on those whose hope is in his unfailing love to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine we wait in Hope for the Lord he is our help and our shield in him our heart Rejoice for We Trust In His holy name may your unfailing love be with us Lord even as we put our hope in you many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord all your lands serve the Lord with gladness come
before his presence with singing know that the Lord he is God it is he who has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and bless bless his name for the Lord is good his Mercy is Everlasting and his truth endures to all generations
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