Clear Your Mind From Overthinking (Guided Meditation)
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Great Meditation
Meditation to clear your mind from overthinking. This short and Original guided meditation recorded...
Video Transcript:
begin this meditation by getting into a comfortable seated position spine tall and straight shoulders rolled back slightly to open up your heart let your hands rest comfortably in your lap when you feel ready softly close your eyes [Music] focus all of your awareness now on your breath [Music] begin by taking a nice deep breath in stomach and ribcage fully expanding holding your breath at the top and when you're ready exhale powerfully with a sigh wonderful let's do this again one more deep breath in stomach and rib cage expand fully hold your breath at the top
and when you're ready exhale powerfully with an audible sigh and finally one last deep inhale really make it count stomach and ribcage expand even wider this time breath is held slightly longer and when you're ready just let all tension go as you exhale with a sigh just return to breathing at a pace that feels comfortable to you for the rest of this meditation notice how alive you feel after these three deep breaths as you become more present with your breath imagine yourself lying in a field of vibrant green grass looking up as a pale blue
sky with white fluffy clouds hanging gracefully in the air imagine you are able to erase the clouds with your mind [Music] as your thoughts clear so too does the sky above you intentionally imagine the sky becoming crystal clear as now as a thought comes you watch as a cloud enters the sky you do not judge this you just refocus on a clear sky each time this happens the goal is to keep the sky as clear as possible [Music] focus all of your awareness now on your [Music] breath [Music] [Music] one more deep breath in and
when you're ready exhale powerfully [Music] focus all of your awareness on your breath [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take this clarity of mind with you as you begin to bring your awareness back to the room around you [Music] opening your eyes whenever you feel [Music] ready [Music] you