12 SIGNS That Will Happen When Your Breakthrough Is Near (Christian Motivation)

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Journey To God
Are you looking up to God for a breakthrough? You’ve been praying for a headway, but nothing seems t...
Video Transcript:
are you looking up to God for a breakthrough you've been praying for a Headway but nothing seems to be in sight the truth is your breakthrough is closer than you think you see nothing because you can't identify the signs if only you would pay more attention you would see the signs of what God is cooking up behind the scenes when your breakthrough is mere there will always be signals much like the way you perceive the aroma of someone cooking in your kitchen even though you are not in the kitchen and can't see the food you
will perceive the aroma no matter where you are in your apartment however it's expedient you understand the signs of your breakthrough so you won't ignorantly disrupt what God's doing or walk away from the waiting room now what are these signs ensure you watch this video to the end as I unveil 12 things that will happen when your breakthrough is near you shouldn't miss any of them as they can occur at different times of your life once you understand them you can always Rejoice that your breakthrough is near you will also learn what to do to
ensure the manifestation what to avoid and how to sustain your breakthrough when it eventually arrives before we continue please subscribe to this channel if you haven't every man desires a breakthrough in one area or another no one wants to be in a fixed position everyone desires change however there's no general definition of breakthrough it all depends on individual needs and perceptions yours can be a massive success for someone else it could be a good job that makes life comfortable perhaps for someone else under my voice it could be deliverance from the shackles of Darkness or
the showers of abundant Prosperity whatever it is God is working on your behalf and it will surely manifest I know you've been expecting this breakthrough for so long your mind soul and body are looking forward to it you've even concluded that the manifestation is overd delayed but I am here to tell you that you serve a God who is never a second late he always stays true to his word he hasn't forgotten you he's actually working day and night to bring to pass your heart desires he knows you are at the point of giving up
and that's why he's sending you the signs through this message so what are these signs number one Divine separation from harmful things and people breakthroughs usually birth a Divine turnaround in the life of the receiver it is often the beginning of a new season however before walking into your breakthrough God must separate you from some things he can take away a bad habit from your life when you discover that you suddenly develop a deep hatred for a habit that you do enjoy that's God separating you he knows this habit won't help you when your breakthrough
arrives for instance it could be a terrible habit of mismanaging your money yet you are trusting him for a financial breakthrough God won't answer immediately why he knows that if he does you will spend his blessings on frivolities or mismanage them the first thing he does is to deal with that habit when God sees a change he can then bless you since the Habit is dead you can use the Breakthrough for his glory so when you start seeing a change in your habits know your breakthrough is near God can also separate you from people who
are harmful to your break breakthrough making friends is a good thing striking connections with people is of utmost importance however not all great connections are Godly not all connections are good for you some of your friends do not cherish Your Divine advancement they don't want you to move forward of course you can't see this but God does he knows what you don't know so before he opens his floodgates of blessings upon you he will first detach these people from your life they might be pessimistic people they might be those who would always lead you to
sin 1 Corinthians 1533 says do not be misled Bad Company corrupts good character this isn't limited to good characters alone Bad Company can corrupt your glorious Destiny Bad Company can break your breakthrough so don't feel sad when God begins to uproot some people from the valley of your life it's a sign that your breakthrough is near number two from one challenge to the other challenges are part of everyday life it's all right to face one little Hurdle from time to time however it's a different ball game when encountering one terrible situation after another you might
be recovering from En ailment today the very next day your son or spouse picks it up your extended family seems not to care you lose your job because opposition has risen from your organization if you are in this situation I bring comfort from God's word this isn't a sign that you've committed a terrible sin or that God has forgotten you no now instead it is a great sign that your breakthrough is near does this mean that God orchestrated these events can we conclude that he pushed those terrible events forward and then soothe You by sending
your breakthrough that's not true God doesn't perform evil he didn't create evil however he might permit it who then is in charge of these evil events the devil and why would he do that he is aware that your break through is near therefore he pushes these events toward you so you can lose faith in God he knows that when this happens you will lose your breakthrough this is why you must be very sensitive to the Ws of the enemy irrespective of what you might face know that your challenges only stir you to your breakthrough hold
on to God's word in Psalms 305 which says weeping may stay for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning so rejoice when one challenge seems to welcome the other in your life this is a sign that your breakthrough is around the corner number three you become Restless in your comfort zone sometimes satisfaction isn't Noble God might want to do something in your life but you aren't ready yeah you cry and pray for it but when God looks Into Your Capacity you are small you've not expanded into what can contain your breakthrough so before God
can bless you he will first push you out of your comfort zone he will make your land of satisfaction become unbearable for you he will push you to the edge of your abilities you will have to run after more before you can receive more if a school lad attempts only one math exercise per week but praise for an A in it examination that won't happen he's satisfied with his one sum per week study but that won't earn him his educational breakthrough for such a lad God would make him see that one Su will not birth
an a instead when the child disciplines himself more he would become outstanding why he had moved out of his comfort zone and this has birthed his breakthrough so when you discover that God is pushing you out of your Norm you are on your way to your breakthrough as you thirst for more he will give them to you as you move out of your comfort zone you walk into New Dimensions and results this is a sign that your breakthrough is near number four your desire to pray increases your spiritual strength goes a long way in determining
the appearance of your glory you will achieve little if you don't pray more so when your breakthrough is around the corner your spirit will long to pray more it is to gather enough strength to move massively into your prosperity and desires when the Israelites had spent 70 years in Babylon Daniel checked the book of Jeremiah and discovered that it was time for the Jews to gain their freedom then he began to pray fervently what encouraged him to pray he knew through the books that their breakthrough from slavery was near I have a question why did
God wait for Daniel to pray before performing his words after all he was the one who said they would enjoy Freedom again after 70 years why didn't he grant them their freedom until Daniel Prayed the answer is simple God wants a man to remind him he was waiting for a man to search the books and declare Lord it is time and how will this man make this declaration through prayer similarly God needs you to stand in the gap for yourself he needs you to cry out that you need your breakthrough now the presence of the
holy spirit in you will keep engineering you to pray because he knows your breakthrough is near however the mistake of many Christians is that they do not yield to this urge they feel feel the urge to pray in the spirit but quench it when you do this you are postponing your breakthrough but when you give yourself to prayer your breakthrough keeps moving steadily toward you and before you know what is happening you are already swimming in glory number five you will often feel like God is not hearing your prayers this is a common sign when
your breakthrough is just a few steps away you are praying however you will feel like something has enclosed your voice cries and petitions in a box it keeps looking like no one hears you you keep raising your eyes to God but God seems to be on vacation or deliberately avoiding you but that's not true God hears your prayers when it looks like God is silent or isn't hearing your prayers he is working behind the scenes of your life picture God as a cook you are hungry and need food immediately however the process will require 30
minutes to 1 hour if you keep screaming at The Cook's ears nothing will happen you can keep crying and rolling on the ground he would do nothing to help you because what you need is still under process and until the end of that process the cook can't serve you anything that is how it is with God you can't see him doing anything it looks like he's not hearing your prayers but the truth is your breakthrough is near you only need to be more patient and keep praying don't rush the process because that will make you
miss your breakthrough a common example in the scripture is the story of the Israelites when the Egyptians enslaved them Exodus 37:10 says the Lord said I have indeed seen the of my people in Egypt I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and I am concerned about their suffering so I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land a land flowing with milk and honey the home of the Canaanites Hittites amorites and jebusites and
now the Cry of the Israelites has reached me and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them while God was speaking these words the Israelites were not aware they didn't know that he heard their cries they thought he didn't care about their sufferings they never thought for once that God saw their oppressions but here is God saying he heard it all he knows it all they were praying and thought God didn't hear them but he did while they cried for years he trained Moses until the set time let this Gladden your heart God
hears your prayers and yes your breakthrough is near number six you feel the urge to settle for less as you advance to your breakthrough the devil will present you with many counterfeit options you need to know that this isn't God's plan for your life no matter how big and glamorous the options are they are nothing compared to what God has planned for your life when desperately in need of a breakthrough anything will look like an answer don't let the devil fool you anything is not God's plan for you he has a well-defined destination for your
life so don't settle for less don't pick an option out of desperation let God Be Your guide this is your antidote to settling for Less ask the holy spirit for his guidance at every Junction confirm if it's God's will for you to choose that option once you get the confirmation from God that this isn't your way step back don't give the devil a chance to reduce the intensity of your glory when you settle for less You Hinder your real breakthrough from coming to pass and guess what you've just allowed another person to enjoy what is
divinely yours so if you don't want that to happen keep your heart fixed on God yes you will feel the pressure to settle for less don't only mark this as a sign that your breakthrough is near number seven Fierce resistance and discouragement from your family waiting on God doesn't make sense to everyone so if you trust God for your breakthrough you must prepare your mind to resist much pressure from home and Society that's because they can't see what you see they can't conform to what you are ready to do for that reason they will always
stand against you but the good news is that this resistance isn't bad it is a sign that your breakthrough is near the enemy knows this that is why he keeps pushing these oppositions against you he wants to dampen your spirit and make you lose sight of what God is about to do in your life if you are experiencing this in your life you are not alone David had been in your shoes his father told him to visit his brothers on the battlefield check their welfare and give them supplies David did as his father instructed him
but when he arrived Goliath came out again and threatened the Israelites David knew this was his breakthrough he wanted to be sure of what the king would do to whoever killed the man but while he was doing this opposition arose from his elder brother 1 Samuel 17 2830 says when eliab David's oldest brother heard him speaking with the men he burned with anger at him and asked why have you come down here and with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness I know how conceited and wicked your heart is you came down
only to watch the battle now what have I done said David can't I even speak he then turned away to someone else and brought up the same matter and the men answered him as before alab knew who David was he knew that God had chosen him thus he tried to discourage David from his breakthrough but David was wise he answered wisely and continued his walk to stardom that is what you should do as well don't try to fight discouragements and resistance all you need to do is face God and your goals this opposition is a
sign that what you seek is around the corner number eight you begin to doubt God's promises doubt is an instrument of the enemy and guess what he applies this weapon when your breakthrough is around a corner the reason is simple he doesn't want you to come into God's plan for you therefore he will cast your mind to past events when God was silent as a human remembering this will make you doubt God's promises he will further present to you a thousand one reasons why God will fail you and once doubt takes a seat in your
heart you seek Alternatives you begin to construct a way for yourself however this will never yield any good results how do I know Sarah did the same God has assured Abraham that he would bless him with the fruit of the womb however it got to a point where Sarah doubted God's promise therefore she thought of an alternative she went to Abraham and forced him to meet with her maid Hagi this led to the birth of a son soon a guy despised Sarah this was when Sarah regretted her actions but then it was too late God
eventually fulfilled his promise but Sarah couldn't correct the mistake don't give room to doubt when you begin to feel the need to be discerned earning enough to remember that your breakthrough must be near so instead of Doubt keep your faith rooted in God don't let the devil push you to seek other options if you do this you might make a mistake that will reduce the efficacy of your breakthrough yeah your blessings would still come however it won't be as glorious as it should be it might even take you more years to get there trust God
and he will fulfill his word in your life number nine distractions from your goals and diverse temptations there is immense power in focus when you focus on a goal for a long time you will undoubtedly become successful in it and when you become successful your breakthrough emerges I have just described the devil's headache he doesn't want you to focus on your goals he doesn't want you to enjoy your breakthrough thus he began to inject distractions into your life this distraction can surface through money he might make you chase a business venture God didn't ordain for
you when you fall to this bait he traps you and leads you off course distraction can come through your friends while you should be working on what will make you hit your financial prosperity they would want you to go out and enjoy yourselves however that isn't what God wants you to do at the time that is why you need to sharpen your spiritual discernment you need to know what God wants you to do every moment another is Temptation This is very similar to distractions however Temptations can alter the course of your life forever you might
never get out of it if you fall if Joseph had slept with Piper's wife he would never be able to sit beside Pharaoh he will never become the Prime Minister he will end up in prison but he will never be able to understand dreams unless he cries for Mercy this might take a huge portion of his life so watch out for these two terrible weapons of the devil once you start seeing or feeling them ran you need to do this so that you won't miss your breakthrough 1 Peter 5 86 says be alert and of
sober mind your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour number 10 you'll experience more spiritual battles your breakthrough won't come on a platter of gold you won't receive your heart desires by crossing your legs and watching your favorite TV show it it will never happen that way for you to access your glory you need to fight battles why some enemies never want you to achieve your dreams they don't want you to get into everything God has planned for you so for you to win this battle you must fight
but who are your enemies first you need to deal with your flesh if you truly want your breakthrough you must declare Warfare against your flesh why Romans 88 says those who who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God so it is sure that your flesh cannot obey God's voice that means you cannot do God's desires In the Flesh that is why you need to declare a war against it the other enemy you must deal with is the devil and his influences you've seen that distractions and temptations are part of what he will
push against you but listen you cannot overcome them in your will you cannot ride above the spiritual forces of evil with your strength you need to apply your spiritual weapons which include God's word prayers and Faith cut off negative thoughts about yourself declare God's words upon your life command the evil ones to leave your life alone Matthew 11:12 says from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven has been subjected to violence and violent people have been raiding it this verse tells you that your enemies understand no other language but spiritual
violence so don't hesitate to use what you have and remember you are fighting from the standpoint of Victory Jesus already won the Battle For You number 11 subtle messages of reassurance from God irrespective of how hard it might become God will always remind you of his presence so while you are praying and it looks like God isn't speaking he is what he does is send subtle messages you want Supernatural and immediate results but God won't suddenly do that he will keep communicating with you through the people around you nature and Powerful messages such as this
when you begin to experience this it's God saying he will never leave or forsake you he is with you all the days of your life Psalms 2345 says even though I walk through the darkest Valley I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows you know this verse but God wants to open your eyes to a powerful truth today the verse says that God is with you
when you walk through the darkest Valley beloved you might be in the darkest Valley of your life right now you have reached the point where nothing can keep you going except Divine Providence entertain no fear God says he's with you and guess what after the darkest Val Valley is a big banquet before your enemies this means that after this moment of your life your breakthrough is the next this is God's reassuring words to you today hold on to it very soon your cup will overflow with blessings number 12 a deep sense of Peace this is
the Apex of it all as God keeps sending his words of assurance you will begin to experience a piece that surpasses your understanding while everybody shouts and cries about your predicament you will only smile why God has promised to be with you nothing will bother you because you are sure of his presence you have believed him that he would bring his word to pass in your life but if you are yet to experience this peace I encourage you to surrender your life to Jesus he is the only one who who can help you enjoy this
peace through the Holy Spirit don't worry about anything let God have his way and as you do so you will begin to enjoy Divine peace this is the beginning of your breakthrough now that you know what will happen when your breakthrough is near how can you prepare to access it first you must reject your current situation be deliberate about changing your life if you've not been trying out opportunities you need to start doing that now if you've been hiding your talent you must utilize it now that is how you can access your breakthrough it might
even be hiding in an Endeavor you've refused to explore from many years take the step of faith today God will reveal your path to you the next thing you need to do is believe in God irrespective of what you face you must decide to to believe in God maintain the steadfast faith in him you can even exercise your faith by dressing as you would when your breakthrough comes if you are looking for a child you can buy and keep baby clothes yes this looks stupid but you are challenging God you are telling him you believe
his words even when you've not seen any sign of pregnancy and if yours is not pregnancy you can still apply this leap of faith tailor it down to where you need a breakthrough and God will answer your prayers and as you do this you must stay away from pessimistic people when God separates you from those who won't align with your life don't go back to them don't give room to them in your life irrespective of what they might say if you allow them again they will dampen your faith in God they will water your vision
so stay away from them and walk with like-minded individuals when your breakthrough comes it will meet you in the right company then you must not follow the world's ideology some societal Norms do not align with God's chart for you they are not harmful on the outside but In God's Presence they are unacceptable and if you don't do away with them they can debar your breakthrough it is okay to collect bribes in the world yeah many have amassed wealth through this route however God's child must not identify this as a breakthrough it's unacceptable in God's sight
another thing you can do is Rejoice with others when God grants them breakthroughs this is one of the big mistakes that many Christians make they they think God loves their neighbor more than them so he quickly answers their prayers no this shouldn't be you don't ever think this way toward Others When God sees your pure heart he will also answer you this will lead me to the five breakthrough blockers some of them are part of the signs but emphasizing their effects will enable you to stir clear of them and what is the first one envy
and jealousy Genesis 30 one says when Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children she became jealous of her sister so she said to Jacob give me children or I'll die this verse exemplifies envy and jealousy Rachel was so envious of her sister that she saw her husband as her God that is why she could ask him to give her a child unknown to her her jealousy and envy were part of the reason why God Blocked her womb she didn't bear a child for for a long time because of these attitudes you can
see that this is a big breakthrough blocker so if you envy anyone ensure you release that today so that God can bless you the second breakthrough blocker is fear this four-letter word has wielded much power over many Souls whenever God gives them an instruction they refuse to do it because of fear they are afraid of launching out at the same time this is where their breakthrough lies their refusal to go out sabotages God's plan for them yet they keep wondering why God didn't bless them they keep praying and crying to God's ears this might be
you you need to let go of your fears and doubts do what God said you should do this is where your breakthrough lies this is where you can access the an answers to your prayers the third breakthrough blocker is giving up many people lack the power to persevere they do not have the fruit of endurance they want quick results but God won't do that he is a god of process if you are not ready to persevere you cannot access your breakthrough you must not give up don't you know that your breakthrough is just a step
away when you feel the intense heat to give up keep that at the back of your mind so as you expect your breakthrough never give up on your faith declare that you will always wait on God the fourth breakthrough blocker is prayerlessness to access your breakthrough you must be prayerful why the enemy does not want your success he will always attack you but when you are always in the place of prayer God will fight for you he will always help you many Christians pray for a breakthrough but they actually murmur and complain they may raise
five prayer points in 10 minutes but murmur for the next 25 minutes this isn't plausible to God it can block your glory from manifesting the fifth breakthrough blocker is the apathy to God's word you are trusting God for financial or marital breakthroughs yet you seldom read God's word you hardly meditate on his promises this is a big hindrance to your life how God can only Enlighten your heart through his word when you play apathy to the same word you block his light from shining on you how can you then experience the Breakthrough that you desire
no way so to break down this wall and access your breakthrough you need to keep your heart on God God's word when your breakthrough eventually arrives what does God expect from you first you must acknowledge God's work in your life many are quick to forget God's faithfulness in their lives they praise their human effort and boast about what they've done don't do this when God answers your prayers instead thank him for what he has done in your life remember where you are coming from and thank him for where he has placed you don't give room
to pride and arrogance in your life don't see others above yourself instead see them as you are remember that the God who raised you can raise them then you must bless others God has blessed you so you can extend the hand of love to others don't be stingy and hoard God's Provisions in your bank account I am not telling you to become a spendthrift no but ensure you do more for those in need let your resources bless God's kingdom yours may not be money even if it's a child ensure that you train him or her
in the way of the Lord don't over pamper your ward that's how your breakthrough can bless God's kingdom another thing you should do when God blesses you is to forgive those who offended you in your trying times many Christians turned the heat on people who offended them once they received their breakthroughs this shouldn't be so God didn't bless you so that you can inflict punishment on others no he wants you to forgive them he returned their hatred and oppression into your stepping stone to Glory you should even be thanking them God made use of them
for your good be like Joseph he forgave his brothers and fed them throughout the drought can you do that when God eventually enlarges you prepare your mind this is what God expects you to do and lastly don't stop fellowshipping with God you must always remember that the devil is not happy with you he's still hovering around you waiting for a loophole in your life that is why you must be very sensitive and how do you build your spiritual sensitivity by fellowshipping with God every day this will keep you close to his heart he will keep
giving you instructions on what to do and avoid you won't lose his blessings because he is your guide God will never leave you your breakthrough is just around the corner and through this message God has prepared your mind put your faith in God and your breakthrough will not elude you let us us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for showing me the signs I will see when my breakthrough is near you haven't kept me in the dark you've shed your light again you have also revealed what I should do to ensure
that I do not miss my Divine breakthrough I will keep all these within me and apply them when necessary Lord I ask that you please forgive me of all my sins there have been times when I have tried to find my way I have believed the enemy's lies which has caused me to deviate from your plans for me please forgive me and redirect my steps back to you Lord I pray that you push me out of my comfort zone I must not derive satisfaction from my environment I must launch out into your plans for me
help me access what you have prepared Beyond my boundaries I must take the leap of faith I must be exceptional I put in the extra effort I do all I can to be phenomenal I refuse mediocrity please help me give me the strength and direction to walk into everything you've planned for my life I must not sit while my breakthrough walks past me Jesus release the spiritual strength I need to fight all opposition Society keeps trying to pull its ideologies upon me give me the power to resist them spiritual forces of evil want me to
compromise my faith in you they keep attacking me with diverse Temptations and distractions give me power over them I must not succumb to the pressure I receive the boldness of a lion and the strength of an eagle no power shall be able to stop me from receiving my breakthroughs I pray that you build my faith in you remove every root of fear and doubt in me break down every wall of prayerlessness and spiritual lethargy in my life I must keep my eyes fixed on your promises for my life and not waver in trusting you break
my alignment with pessimistic people separate me from people who do not align with your will for my life even if they stubbornly cling to me create a powerful partition between us I am sure that my breakthrough is near therefore I need people who will align with your plans for me connect me with those who will hold my hand on the path of Destiny align me with Visionary leaders I must not fall into the wrong company again I must not create a path with people who will drown my glory and and when you eventually bless my
life I promise to acknowledge your work many people become proud and ditch your laws I promise never to do this I will always remember your laws and Commandments why they are part of what orchestrated my breakthrough I know I can't access my breakthrough through my efforts that is why I rely on you and when you eventually do it I promise to reference you all the days of my life I will make sure that my life blesses others I will not hoard your blessings instead I will let your blessings get to others I will increase my
contribution to your kingdom I know that you will keep blessing my life as I do this I will hold no grudges against anyone I will forgive everyone who has hurt me in the past I promise to always be at the secret place it has been my Abode and yes it will remain my Abode forever the devil will not snatch my blessings I know he's not happy however he's a defeated foe he will never Prevail over my destiny thank you Jesus for answering my prayers in Jesus's name I have prayed amen if this video has blessed
your life kind hit the like button don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more soul-lifting messages see you in the next one
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