Detoxing Your Way To 6-Figures (Collab W/ My Detox Coach)

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Iman Gadzhi
A couple of months ago, I headed to Iceland with my detox coach, Josh Macin (founder of TheDetoxDude...
Video Transcript:
so ladies and gentlemen we are here in butt-fuck Iceland I am here with my detox coach his name is Josh Mason ake a detox dudes and we're here in Iceland for three nights who literally just came from a geothermal spring mix that in with jumping into freezing lake steam room sauna and just in general just doing some bio hacking some heavy detoxing while we're out here and really what we wanted to do out here in Iceland we want to make sure we were in Iceland while we filmed it is I want to get Josh on
the channel real quick just to talk to you guys about from an entrepreneurial perspective which you guys can do to get more performance out your body because out of your body out of your mind out of everything right just make you a better human a better machine and that you know because the thing is I see so many people struggling to reach the next level in their business and most of the time they think they they think it's some trick some tactic that's gonna get them to that next level when in fact most of time
it's just themselves right it's just the output that they the output that they have every single day and just our outputs or work output isn't at a standard at a level that someone else is at and the level that needs to be in order to achieve the goals that they want to achieve so most of you guys you know within the next one to two years I'm trying to get to it get to eight figures a year so we have to do some pretty weird and whacky stuff in order to do that but for most
of you guys if you're trying to make six figures multi six figures a year you don't have to do as weird and crazy stuff but just even from a happiness perspective from just being a better human appreciating life more this stuff is just so so crucial so Josh anything that I missed out on there you think so yeah just my name is Josh and I have been running this business the detox dudes where I help people detoxify you know there's a lot of advice and biohacking tips out there but nobody actually gets to the root
of what's going on in a typical human body and that is a plethora of toxins in our food in our water in in the clothes we wear and the chemicals we use in our kitchen are getting into our blood and affecting our bio so I went through four years of a serious serious illness depression major major issues anxiety panic and it wasn't until I actually thoroughly detoxified my organs my tissues my brain not with just like a green supplement and not with a juice fast a very deep thorough detoxification protocol that completely transformed my life
and continues to transform people's people whose lives I work with so and you know Josh came from a place where I mean you share this on your own channel Josh for years and years thought about taking his own life so you know if we look at where Josh's come from to where he is now he's had to just go all-in on this most of you guys most you guys aren't in that position as I said so you know Josh knows everything Josh knows some stuff that is very very high level and you know you you
hear some of the stuff that he does and you'll think he's just a total weirdo and it's some it's some pretty crazy is that today what I want to do is you know as as I mentioned earlier I have to do some stuff that's pretty weird and whacky because I'm trying to you know get output out of myself that it is very very you know I can't just do regular sort of stuff but what we want to do today is just really give you some stuff that's very very practical so what I'm gonna do is
I'm gonna ask Josh what are three must-haves and I know a lot of you viewers and I used to be like this you got 1520 supplements and 'muslim don't actually do anything so three must have supplements / detox protocols three sleep tips because honestly I can tell you what for me when it comes to my general health if I look at working out nutrition sleep all that sort of stuff sleep for me as will always rank number one right if I get a poor night's sleep I did everything else could be a 10 out of
10 and I just I can't I can't perform so sleep tips and the last one is nutrition tips and then I'm also gonna give him a bit of free rein and he'll talk about some miscellaneous stuff as well so this off with a supplement / detox protocol cool yeah my course 3 supplements that I would recommend to entrepreneurs people who are operating at a very high level are gonna be iodine MSM which is sulfur and glutathione okay so iodine is gonna remove halogens from the body it's gonna remove fluoride and chlorine from the body and
it actually D calcifies and this is already getting eccentric but it D calcifies the pineal gland Google the pineal gland it's not crazy it's really okay and then we have glutathione which there was actually a study done that showed that levels of glutathione were correlated with someone's in someone's wealth level okay talking about a supplement for entrepreneurs didn't know that yes glutathione there was literally a study done that showed that increased levels of glutathione and and decreased levels of glutathione were very prevalent amongst the poor and increased levels of glutathione were very prevalent among the
wealthy so it's the master antioxidant it reduces inflammation it Detox's it's the master control system for detoxification and you can take it in liposomal form regular glutathione will not do anything and there's thousands of people out there that are taking regular glutathione wasting their money and then there's MSM which is so far just to pay that idea so it's a light bulb because I'm old glutathione okay yes it's very important that you get not one and not just regular correct yes not powder to glutathione or reduced glutathione or even if it says el - glutathione
it's not like a soma it's still in powdered form so it's liposomal glutathione and we have the iodine which by the way like if you watch the documentary series or the series terr Nobel this new series epic TV show credible what they take for the radiation poisoning is iodine okay so not only are we actually dealing with radiation issues on this planet we're also dealing with tons of other toxins like chlorine and fluoride so iodine is a must and we're not getting enough because we don't need sea vegetables that's where iodine is found okay and
then the third piece of the puzzle and again this is very bare-bones protocol here is MSM which is basically sulfur so what we just did for three hours is we invaded our body with sulfur particles and sulfur went to every tissue because it was going into our skin and sulfur Detox's chemicals Detox's heavy metals it makes you feel good it makes your joints feel good you notice there's like a feeling of just a well-being that we have right now after the the steam Springs and the hot springs and the cold it's because of the sulfur
and we're not getting enough in our diet you can also get that in cruciferous vegetables but generally people need to find our supplement did so MSM is the name for that yeah okay so that is in terms of supplements and detox protocol bare bones but once again it's three easy things that you can implement right now today have you go to sleep mmm I love like just optimizing my sleep it's one of my favorite hobbies but so sleep will do I guess basic things we're not going to talk about like the Beamer which is a
$7,000 device that that we both have so basic things would be blocking out blue light okay I'm sure you've talked about this already on your channel blocking out blue light is of critical critical importance get blue light blocking glasses you can get them for $60 and start wearing them at sundown another and get flux on your computer flux on your computer night mode on your phone on your because the thing is there's night shift on your computer I don't I'm not it does okay but it's not as it's not a little enough Kelvin for me
like I wanna like orange e orange you on my computer screens so flux and then that automatically does it and unfortunately there's no version that basically flux is like night shift on steroids unfortunate there's nothing like that for your iPhone so will your iPhone or your phone or whatever you're just gonna have to use apples native manage it if you have an iPhone yep I love certain supplements for sleep some of my favorite things is our lavender essential oil internally I really like ashwagandha I really like a formula called Gaia herbs sleep through the Gaia
herbs GA IA herbs sleep through and any calming herb that you can find you find your favorite one my favorites are chamomile valerian ashwagandha and chamomile valerian ashwagandha kava kava is really good as well so calming herbs at night especially if you can get into routine of having it the same time every night you shut your phone off you consciously go into a calm mode you can't just take things and expect for it to work you have to meet it halfway so my favorite thing to do is to wear as this sounds crazy but I
wear the same thing to bed every night and I drink my tea with herbs you know with herbs in it and I will actually you know bring myself into a state of calm and consciously so those would be two things there I guess all in one I'm not the most practical individual I'm gonna go off on tangents and you really have to keep me focused and then the third thing is to block out all light okay so have blackout curtains unplug your routers guys if there's one thing that you could take from this video unplug
your router at night Wi-Fi especially the new 5g is one of the most destructive things for your cellular health and most people are sleeping with a router 15 or 20 feet away from their head okay so shut the router off or even better yet talking about entrepreneurial practicality uriah tired no it's your I renew my freaking timer for ten dollars on Amazon is that there actually isn't it because you can control it with everything there's actually Amazon Amazon makes one it's 25 bucks and what's gonna timer what that will do is I would never remember
to actually go turn off my router at any point so that one it just turns it off automatically at a certain time you shut it off at 11 o'clock assuming your finished work by you know or finish your messing around by 9:00 or 10:00 shut it off at 10:00 or 11:00 put it back on at 7:00 or 8:00 whenever you wake up to do work again so you are creating a sanctuary in your sleep zone then there's so many other things to do like keeping keeping it cool and weighted blankets are really awesome but I
would say the number one piece of the puzzle is shut your router I have clients who literally I have some clients who have experienced like five six seven years of chronic illness or feeling low feeling tired not being productive and they unplug the router at night and their symptoms change 50 50 percent they increase their life quality by 50% by plugging the router so crucial crucial importance we're gonna find out 10-15 years from now even less like that that was basically like smoking all right so now let's get into nutrition side of things okay so
nutrition is a big big big subject and there's so much conflicting advice I can only give you my opinion and what works for me and my clients one piece of the puzzle I would say is to avoid dairy gluten alcohol the probably gonna hate this avoiding voiding refined sugars those are and GMOs so the biggest culprits and okay the six biggest culprits that you can avoid are gonna be inorganic meats and inorganic eggs okay so basically unhappy depressed animals or the byproduct of unhappy depressed animals refined sugars okay gluten dairy especially homogenized pasteurized dairy which
is cooked dairy so it has no life force in it and [Music] alcohol okay and what was the other one dairy gluten alcohol in organic meats refined sugars that's it sorry there's five there's only five those are the easy ways to win right there that will dramatically decrease the inflammation in your gut and therefore of course in your brain if you have a bloated gut you you're operating at 40 or 50 percent of your capacity in terms of your ability to get into flow State in any job in any career no matter what you're doing
whether it's on the computer or you're talking to someone face to face if you're bloated you're you're losing no so I really like a lot of cooked and raw veggies cooked in raw organic veggies I love the wide spectrum of clean proteins like lamb and rabbit and bison and buff bison and and and you know cow and any meat that you can find that's clean I tend to stay away from pork chickens okay chickens okay chickens great turkeys great you've of those things the the use of the avoidance of all of those foods bringing in
all and just real quick when it comes to eating those foods or inflammation or anything like that once again for me I was like alright cool cool fine I get it like bread isn't that good for you but if I have a loaf of bread like whatever who cares the only for me the way that I was able to make a mental shift and really understand it is your what's the process called when you're yes yeah digested what's that digestive process called it's the thermogenic effect no I think I think it's called a thermogenic effect
point is I think it's something like 20% of your entire body's energy energy expenditure in any day goes digestion so the more stress you put on digestion and the more blood that's there that's less that's less energy put towards other areas if you were putting into you if you're putting foods into your body that did you know causes inflammation and right it's different for different people but those are just five that's just more than likely if you put that into your body it's going to cause inflammation if it causes inflammation then that is not natural
to your body and any form of inflammation is gonna take energy away from the rest of your life and the rest of your productivity and your mental clarity totally totally so so avoiding those those culprits bringing in all of the healthy vegetables juices make your own juices is an excellent way to go about your day with it you can buy a two hundred dollar juicer it's omega j8006 that's one of my favorite juicers again so proteins you have the clean proteins you have all of the vegetables raw and cooked and then for carbohydrates I loved
loved resistant starches so things like yuca jicama acacia fiber you want starches that are hard to break down sweet potatoes are pretty good as well you want to stay away from very very quickly digested starches and these resistant starches will also feed your good bacteria and then the third piece of the puzzle would be to incorporate superfoods okay so most people are not able to get look your folks are all entrepreneurs and they're all willing to spend money on health most likely especially if it creates results most people in today's day are mineral deficient and
we cannot get what we need from vegetables and meat and whatever else that you're eating that's conventional food we need to go and find super foods that are super loaded and dense with minerals and nutrients that sometimes are found all around the world and luckily enough we're living an age where they can bottle it and sent and send it to you through Amazon those super foods will have more nutrients than the past 20 salads that you ate the foods that I'm talking about are things like colostrum and I guess this doesn't count as a supplement
because it is food colostrum marine phytoplankton flank phytoplankton maka and you know I'll just give them one more just to keep it simple royal jelly so those are before really really nutrient dense superfoods that will make them feel very very elevated and keep them in flow and again has more nutrients than the past 10 20 salads that they ate all right so we've talked about supplements / detox protocols we've talked about sleep we've talked about nutrition my last final question for you is if you see one area one thing that people are eating that they're
doing that they're having around them that is just like zapping energy from them or really that you just see people shooting themselves in the foot yeah yeah if there's one thing what would it be I think it would be the fact that we're not having time to regenerate so all of this energy that we especially if you're a digital nomad and working in a digital lifestyle where you're on a computer you're on a phone you're watching a screen you're plugged into this digital world if we don't have time to reconnect with what we're actually feeling
inside of ourselves just even if it's just for 10 minutes a day to really connect with that to feel who we are in our core I feel like that's the biggest mistake I feel that whenever somebody is operating yeah they could operate on an amazing level for three four five years eventually something breaks because the battery is not meant to go at that level at that speed earth time is is a different time is much slower than digital you know million different directions at once and the it pays a price we lose our attention to
studies there's literally studies that have shown that we're losing our attention because of how quickly and how much digital interface we have so we have to regain who we are at our cores and that might sound like esoteric or whatever but if we can take time to reconnect with who we are what we feel inside all of our business will be more productive you know as well as I do that the most successful business people especially the well-rounded ones they feel good to be around if you're not happy you can't manifest no one wants to
buy a product from someone who's unhappy you want to buy a product you want to be in someone's presence who loves themselves who's happy who who takes care of their body who eats clean and and and that's I've always thought that the most successful people they didn't necessarily need to be a genius they just needed to be happy and be fun to be around and people want to be around them and they're gonna they're gonna be the ones who get the job they're gonna be the ones who make this sale so that internal happiness working
diligently at that internal happiness in my opinion and internal peace and health is literally pays dividends everything else falls into place when you have health creativity falls into place like oh we're definitely at the end of the video now we got a bus coming so you know like like obviously health allows everything else to fall into place that's my main message when you have that piece intact everything else comes after all right well ladies and gents of course you were forced to stop this video early but I'm gonna leave Josh's YouTube video right below obviously
I work with Josh one-on-one and you know it's not cheap but if you want a quick easy portal into this world he actually has a very very cheap course that it was what 10 15 hours that really covers names and stuff so once again Josh thank you so much for coming on my channel and guys like this but we'll let it end here
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