How To Avoid Being Called A SCAM

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: Six Fi...
Video Transcript:
Skan Skan Skan Skan Skan guys these days there are so many different scam claims that go around and today's video I want to talk to you about how to protect yourself from ever being accused or called a scammer [Music] so guys in the space we're in right now sort of the niche word people get accused of scam and scamming all the time one thing I just want to point out is that I don't think people understand what a scam is like this is a difference between scam and [ __ ] scam is someone has like
told you that they would deliver on a product or a service and then they just took your money [ __ ] is someone said they would deliver our product and then just turn out to be [ __ ] so in our space I have pretty much never seen a scam I have just seen a lot of [ __ ] and I'll admit majority of products services affiliate offers software's this that like the majority of [ __ ] I will give you that now guys this video is gonna pertain primarily to if you're building a personal
brand but it might just be something that interests you in general no sort of way I came to the topic of this video was I was on a call with one of my clients and they are out in Germany and they are a design agency than one of my clients one of my longer-term clients and we were having a cigar call I was having a Skype call with their entire team and I always record my sort of Skype calls / consultations if it's not in person just because I like to look back at it and
be the best that I could be as a you know as an agency and as an agency service at and as well as you know when I do a consulting but um yeah they're a client of mine and we are one of the things they're kind of working on right now is they have a 80,000 like their product or the service is 80,000 dollars it's a design sprint or actually it's anywhere from like fifty to a hundred thousand dollars but anyways my point is very very high ticket stuff very very expensive stuff this agency is
doing I have no idea but probably anywhere from eight to ten million dollars revenue this year right crazy crazy business anyways so they were you know we were doing our you know a new strategy session for this new product they were about to launch and one of the issues that came up was credibility right and how can we kind of like pre frame and have credibility going into them Bertram purchasing this product and you know I kind of told him one like dude you guys have two offices that are both like combined 4 million 4
million euros I don't think you need to worry about it too much but the clip that I said in there about myself and what I've had to do to kind of get over the whole like you know the the the predisposition that you know people in this space are on on are not truthful or not honest and stuff like that I thought it was just a bit interesting and I thought I would use that to touch on in this video so guys I'm gonna roll that clip now well I also also keep in mind for
me there's like one of the important things for me is I've always had to document everything like all the companies I work with so that's what I like for some reason I always just become like good friends with the people like my clients so it's really easy for me to just like record and video and stuff like that so it's been really important because for me there's a lot of emotional because in all fairness like if I saw like a 17 year old kid going you know and then I went on to do this I'd
be like you're a douchebag like me you know so like I completely understand it so I have to work really really hard to like constantly kind of like show like no I actually do this like like I'm legit with you guys you know like a four million euro office like 30 like 20 employees like you guys can launch something now like if there's one person they should listen to it should be like you guys so you don't need to worry so much about like that why don't you qualify if I understand correctly in those anyways
guys as you can see there you can kind of see from my insight when the scam claims are thrown around I completely understand because there are you know I I hold this belief if it seems too good to be true then it probably is but there is that point zero zero one percent that have actually just done something [ __ ] ridiculous with their life not to say that that's me but you know that have just done something incredible with their life and like that's just a limit legitimate story and a limit legitimate journey so
guys if you are starting to grow your personal brand as I said I'm pertaining this minute to people who are growing their personal brand I want you to go ahead and document everything you know as Lord Geary says you know just document everything firstly you never know like and I'm saying even if you don't have a personal brand because you never know when you'll need to go back on that as not even proof evidence just like just to have it for yourself that you went through those experiences you know you know even if you don't
have a personal brand right now you might be a marketing agency owner who's at six figures one day you get to having a eight figure agency and you get asked to consult or to do a big speaking event you'll want to have that evidence or you know those photos or those videos or that process there with you and that's why I've made it such a priority of mine too like I've literally had my coaches on here I've had my coaches on here all of my like clients and stuff like that they are all documented on
here right you guys have seen people like athlete you guys have seen people like zebra fuel Bureau systems if you guys follow me on instagram you can see me in their offices you see me with the owners I've left literally posted all of like screenshots of bank transfers to me right with 2,000 3,000 5,000 6,000 pounds right if you guys are in six-figure SMA you guys see whenever I get a new client or a contract I'll put it in there right you see me as I said on Instagram the other day when I met a
nice rich dental care and I'm literally taking like an Instagram story with my dentist who's now also a client of mine so I made it such a point and from you know I just want to give you guys a few little tips and a few little pointers just because of me I'm a very I'm not a skeptical person but I'm a very like it's very hard to [ __ ] me right I can tell very quickly I meet a lot of influencers and I meet a lot of introduced a lot of influences and a lot
of people in this space want to connect and I know in three seconds whether they are who they say they are right and if you guys know me you guys know I don't really connect with too many people in this space because of that reason because I know who's honest and truthful and I'm from entirely honest there are many okay and the ones that are I'm friends so you know if you're growing your personal brand first thing is just if you haven't done it yet don't say you have right because guys at the end of
the day like people care a lot less about the results if I'm honest they just care about the process and the journey just as long as you know how to do it you don't need to say you're doing more than you are okay like the easiest way to easiest way to get scam accusations or anything like that is just don't lie about what you're doing it's it's really simple as that and to go with that number to make sure you document everything and when you get a result scream it at the top of your lungs
you know so for example a six-figure estimate all the students in there I just signed an $18,000 consulting gig and literally put the screenshot on there and I screamed it from the top of my lungs you know so like you know I I think and the thing with that is then that builds social proof and then that bring that with that that brings validity and that brain was sort of like a you know a different like one of the issues would say for example like there one of the things to say for example when you
look Gary Vaynerchuk when you look at his offices you're like okay well like no [ __ ] like of course she's doing this right for whereas for example so if you look at someone like Alex Becker alex becker in terms of profit makes as much money as Gary Vee from vaynermedia I'm sure vaynermedia I don't know the exact details I think they do like a hundred million in revenue their profit margin on that is maybe only like thirty percent right so alex becker this year will probably take home 10 million so ok maybe only like
a third but my point is someone would look at alex becker and go just cuz he works from home and there's nothing like as tangible they might look at him and go scam or his gay banner trick no question right so i think if you're trying to build a personal brand in the space you need to understand I even said it when I was talking to my client I'm like I fully understand that when someone looks at my shittin ago this is the [ __ ] biggest douchebag I've ever met and their natural assumption is
to go he's full of [ __ ] and I that's just one of the drawbacks of working in the space and you know being so passionate about entrepreneurship because money is such a touchy subject for people but you know what money has done for my family you know it outweighs all the fact that I get weird [ __ ] thrown in my face as some of the most incredible people like Russell Brunson have you go look up Russell Brunson you'll get all the scam articles and stuff written by people who just want to profit off
of his name so it comes with it you know slander is something that comes with working in the space Lander is something that comes with anything in life honestly but I'm guys the whole point of this video really is just to urge you to start documenting whether that be I said whether that be because you're building a personal brand right now and it just gives you more validity and it's just it's nice knowing no one can actually call you a scam or or say you're not who you say you are because like this just like
ridiculous amounts of evidence so number one that and number two and number two be document because you never know like even if you're not building a personal brand document because you never know when you're going to need to look back at that if you go do a presentation or a speech or whatever it's always good to have that sort of information back in there so that you know apart from the business side of YouTube and that and that if I'm entirely also you guys like people ask me like you know why have you focus on
personal brand and YouTube let me tell you exactly as I wanted to grow my social media marketing agency as my marketing agency so to grow my marketing agency I built my personal brand as my built personal brand grows more I have more authority when it comes to my marketing agency because once again with all my clients I end up becoming friends and there's right and there's an esteem knowing that they're the agency running like running their [ __ ] actually knows how to do for themselves so as my personal brand grew more my marketing agency
grew more as my marketing agency grew more now I have undisputable evidence to leverage on my personal brand going I have contracts and clients worth five thousand seven thousand dollars a month like here is me like you can't just walk into these offices talk to CEO and you know refer to them as your client and that be cool you know so now my marketing agency grows now as my marketing agency grows I sent my personal brand brand grows and as my personal brand grows even bigger marketing agency continues to grow so this is like beautiful
like this is a beautiful effect that keeps going on and on so guys if you are you know social media marketing or marketer or if you're trying to do consulting build a personal brand document it and then you can just kind of like feed them off of each other so yeah pretty just long when way to say start documenting and then leverage literally honestly if you just want to look at Gary Vaynerchuk that's literally all he does you know like do you talk about legacy and stuff like that look I'm sure it has incredible reasons
and stuff to do it but at the end of the day he's not an idiot like the reason he does it is to grow his marketing agency if it wasn't growing his marketing agency he wouldn't do it I don't care what you say no business person is going to dedicate that much amount of time to just for just legacy yeah maybe they do it when they're 60 70 80 no when you're in your prime and if you want to look in a second example of that who live you just follow to a guy called Steve
Barlet who pretty much looks like British Gary Vaynerchuk younger so guys that uh has been insight and yes start documenting and be truthful yes I'll see you in tomorrow's video [Music]
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