CapCut Edit To Look Cinematic | Master it in 30 Minutes

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in this lesson I'm going to show you how you can turn your simple video clip into a cinematic Masterpiece so what you waiting for let's dive in please don't forget to like subscribe and hit the notification Bell import media here's your capcut project page we're going to start importing some media into the project here's a folder I designated for all my media files so I can click on each clip individually or by holding the control key and selecting the next one and one after that until you select all your desired Clips or if you want
to select all your Clips contrl a to select them all now the clips are being loaded into the project [Music] once all Clips imported you may drag the clip into the timeline or you can click on the plus sign on the right hand side and that's how easy it is to import a clip into your project window speed Ram here's a beautiful shot from a beach and it's shot by drone and we want to create a cinematic move using cap cot's coolest tool called speed if you look to your right you will see a curve
tab click on it and you can select any of the presets or just click on the custom now let's go to our clip and scrub the clip and see where you want to place the speed um we want to create a cinematic move that when the a shot is coming in it gets kind of slow and then it gets faster so we're going to go ahead and create a point here bring it up higher means a faster speed and lower means a slower motion so over here when you play it it's going to come slow
and then when it gets to the middle part it gets a little bit faster and that's how you can adjust the clip so we're going to make more adjustment because that was too long so we don't want to wait that long for it so we're going to bring it up like this to give it like a s shape to give it a smoother coming in slow and go faster and it comes slow here and then when it gets to that part it gets it picks up and it goes faster now let's try something else let's
go ahead and bring up the first point higher and make the coming in slower and goes faster all of a sudden let's play it back it gets in and it goes faster if you pull the points higher it goes twice as fast so if you bring it up here up and this point higher and over here higher and this one and the last one so when it comes in it comes in slower clip got shorter as you can notice now it gets there and it goes faster let me make it a little bit smoother let
me bring up the pointer higher to kind of ease a transition together a longer s shape and as you can see it's playing much [Music] smoother let me do a little reset here and let me show you the opposite of what we did we're going to make it this time going from Fast to slow so this time we're going to pull up the pointer higher and we're going to create a little s shape but in the reverse order now let's play it back it goes kind of fast and goes slower very slow let's try it
on the setting let's go ahead and bring up the pointers from the middle a little bit higher so we're going to go and click in the middle one go higher here and this this is not smooth so we're going to pull it up and then we're going to pull this one up and we want it to go slower at the end so let's try it's playing fast now it gets a lot slower click on speed click on standard and it gives you gauge options to select your speed but that option won't give you this smooth
transition like the curve does so depending on your use I would select custom to have more control over the speed of your clip let me import down of the clip we're going to drag it down and scrub the timeline to see how this video looks like it's a beautiful shot of a beach and is going backwards and we just need to find the spot where we can apply the speed Ram I would say someplace over here is nice we go to the speed we go to custom and we're going to try to check it again
make sure this is the point we want to apply the speed Ram we're going to bring up the pointer higher is going to go higher here and we're going to make it like this so it kind of comes in slow goes fast and goes slow and let's play it back yes this is too fast we're going to try something else we're going to try again Yep this is going too fast let's make some adjustments let's bring it down a little bit and try now the ending I want it to be slower okay this is kind
of nice and that's how you can create a cinematic drone move using this spe feature in cap cut [Music] overlays using an overlay can actually improve your video clip and take it to the next level of your production here I have imported a few overlays these are projectors old film looking glitches let's drag it down and put in the timeline and we're going to play it back when you play it back basically the first clip goes to Old glitch and it goes to the next clip and you don't really see the effect here because we
need to do something else we need to either shorten it like this to give it like a quick effect or we can do something else we can bring this up and put it in between and play it back and we play it back is the same thing didn't change anything do you know why because we need to create some kind of overlay by going to blend option and select screen and when you play it back it overlays both both Clips it gives it a nice projector glitch you see it's like a film leak on the
screen it gives it like a rainbow kind of effect and that really makes a whole lot difference when you're doing your post- production let's delete this overlay and try another overlay we're going to go to our project and click the fog effect and drop it down we're going to create this fog effect over the beach and we're going to resize it to match our clip we're going to play it back once when you play it back is basically it shows a fog with a black background we need to use the screen option to cover the
black area to Overlay the white smoke over the coastline so let's go ahead and play it back as you can see just a white smoke and does not overlay anything go to blend option select screen and now you can see the overlay it looks like an actual fog over the coastline let's make the fog to go a little bit slower so for that we go to the speed and we use the standard we're going to kind of slow down the fog here and let me play it back yes this is more real the fogs are
moving much slower and is more realistic let's try not overlay fog and Rain let's pull it over the clip resize it and then we're going to play it back yes is a fog and a rain we need to Overlay it so we're going to go to the blend we're going to go to screen here and we're going to Overlay it and we play it back it looks like a fog and a rain at the same time which is one of the effects you can use for your clip stabilization sometimes you end up with a shaky
shot like this clip right here let me drop it down here and let me play it back as you can see there are a little bit of camera Shake there and we don't want that in our cinematic clip in order to fix it we need to remove this shake from the shot select the clip go to stabilize click on it and use recommended you may also use other options if you click on the stable and recommended you're going to see minimum cut or most stable we're just going to stay with recommended as you can see
the shake is gone and this is very smooth now color [Music] grading let's grab a clip from here add it to the timeline and let's color grade it and we need to bring up the colors using different color schemes for that we click on the clip go to adjustments and this section you get many different options to color grade your video clip but for this the easiest way to start is using the auto adjust click on auto adjust and move the slider right and left and see your desired setting and see which one suits your
[Music] best let's try to click on color correction and that gives you some idea where we need to start from color correction gives you a um a richer color and I would say someplace here is okay and if you scroll down you see temperature tint and saturation try adjusting the temperature to see which one gives you a richer color like we trying to kind of work on the blue sky here and also at the same time make sure the buildings are not bluish I would say someplace here is okay because when I run the scrub
up here it looks okay to me but let's try to make it a little darker let's bring it down here to exposure okay let's Slide the exposure to the right and left okay over here is okay it looks a bit richer the adjustment paint will give you so much options to choose from from hsl all the way to the curves and over here we can use the curves to adjust the color like red and green and blue curves let me show you a trick on the contrast click on the first square and click on the
top square right there and then click in the middle and try to make a little s shape here that's like a little s and that gives you a little bit of bluish on the sky part as you can see this is not going to work with all Clips with some clips like in this case if you try to make an adjustment using the curve it kind of washes out the color but when you use the color adjust or color correction we get a better color results now if you go to the curve here and if
you try to adjust it a little bit lower here we might be able to get a little darker and we get the bluish sky here and I would say say this is okay of course there are other options in the adjustment side if you go to the color wheels on top and click on it you're going to get the color wheels uh you're going to get four sets that's your mask and over here hsl and that's your basic main adjustments if you scroll down a little bit here I would say exposure is always your best
friend so try the exposure here let's make it a little lighter and darker and that's just about right let's run the scrub here and see how the clip looks like Perfect music and sound effects music and sound effects make a huge difference when you're creating your clip especially cinematic clip so for that we need to select a music for this clip this is a coastline Cliff so we do need something like a beach sound or uh a seagull or something that's Rhymes right with the coastline clip something like a beach wave or mixture of all
three cap cut has a great selection of music and sound effects you can click on each file and preview it before you add it to your timeline I like this one and I want to add it to the timeline let's adjust it to the beginning of the clip and now let's preview it it sounds good to me so I would keep this one I like this background music it's perfect for this clip I'm going to cut this background music to match the clip so I can go to this slice option here or crl B to
slice the clip let's go back to audio sign effect and try to type in a wisho sound preview the one you like and drag it down to the timeline this whoosh sound is going to be perfect for the speedram [Music] effect keep adjusting the clip until you hit the right spot [Music] transition we need to add some transition we're going to go to transition select a transition and drop it down on the timeline now we're going to scrub it and play it back to see if it goes well we need to adjust the audio here
so we're going to drag this audio all the way to the left and drag the right part to connect all the way to the end of that Coast Line clip now let's run it it gives it a nice Zoom effect now if you run it again it doesn't I think the speed needs to be adjusted so what we're going to do we're going to go to speed we're going to go to curve and we're going to try to adjust the way the speed was adjusted in the previous clip so we're going to bring it down
to go slower instead of going faster so it going fast and then it's going to go slow this matches the theh effect and that's one of the reasons you have to use a speed or Curves to match your sound effect let's get another transition to add to the end of the clip so we're going to grab this flip effect and add it to the timeline let's run it perfect it gives you this upside down effect let's adjust the audio we may have to adjust the audio clips to match the effects so let me move this
voh sound to under this new transition let's run it nice flip effect here are many transitions you can select to match your clip some of them are free and some of them you have to join the Pro [Music] Plan [Music] filters I'm going to add a clip to the timeline to apply a filter using filters are very essential when you're creating a cinematic look here we got the clip with a boy and a seagull running in a slow motion and we need to apply a cinematic filter to this clip to give it a nice cinematic
look we're going to try the vignette effect to darken the corners and achieve the best possible [Music] setting this looks perfect [Music] now still is missing something let's give it a cinematic look let's go to the mask and use the I use a mirror mask and adjust it to 850 to give it that cinemascope cinematic [Music] look I'm going to add another filter to it from the filter menu let's try the glow effect this gives it a nice glamory blurry look we can always adjust the glow and the size of the glow on the right
pane we can also adjust the speed here using the speed and the speed Ram so we can go back to click on the clip click on the speed go to the curve and go to the custom and try to adjust the clip to the point that we wanted to go either go slow or [Music] fast use control+ or contrl minus to expand the timeline you may also use a slider on the right hand side to increase or decrease the size remove [Music] background we have a clip here of a mother playing with her child and
what we're going to achieve here is try to remove the background and replace it with another background and this is easily done in cap cut using the remove background option we can click the plus sign or drag the clip to the timeline let's add the clip that we want to replace it with and place the mother and child clip above the waterfall clip and when you run it nothing has changed because we haven't removed any background in order to do that we have to click on the mother and child clip go to remove background tap
in the video section and click on auto removal the background has been removed and replaced with waterfall clip let's run [Music] it and since we have a short clip we don't have enough clip to cover the background in that case we need to shorten the mother and child clip just drag it back and we got the [Music] match you can tell the difference and how clean it was done by clicking off the other removal and turning it back on and you can see how well cap cut has achieved this task clicking on custom removal will
give you more options to Define which area you wanted to erase or you need to unerase so some of it is a Pro Plan but one of them you can use for free the other one is chroma key when use the blue or green screen let's turn back on auto removal and play back you'll notice you have another option called stroke if you click on it click on a drop down Chevron and you see the options for cutouts it gives it like a sticker kind of effect which you can use the slider to either increase
the size of the stroke just by using the slider up here and you can use the opacity to lighten or darken the stroke area you may also change the color of The Stroke by clicking on the color palette and choose your desired [Music] color adding text for this part we're going to add a text to the beginning clip so click on the text click on a default text and you can see the preview here but if you click on the plus it will add the text to the timeline and if you look to your right
hand side we're going to name it cap cut Beach we can use the font we just used or select the different type of bold or underline or [Music] italic and if you scroll down you will see more options that you can choose from you can choose from a yellow background to white background or any background you desire you may also increase or decrease the size of the font [Music] you can try stroke or click on the background to select your desired [Music] color clicking on the glow will give you the glow effect try to explore
all the options available in cap cut once you get the hang of it it's a lot easier for you to navigate and select the correct setting you may click on the font and click on the drop down to see all the fonts available within your [Music] system to make a fence here go to animation and there are different options for animations some of them are are Pro Plan and some of them are free the one do not have the pro sticker on them you can freely use by downloading them simply by clicking on the download
icon this is the in animation and there's also an out animation that you can select from so when it comes in and it comes out this is the out animation and you can use any animation for in or for out for in animation I have selected fade in when you run it cap cut Beach fades in and that was simply by selecting the fade in in in section of the animation now we need to select the Fade Out effect in animation section simply go to out select Fade [Music] Out and apply to the text and
run it and now it fades in and Fades [Music] out before [Music] export when it comes to final export do not rush it go through your timeline go through every effect and every filter and every audio clip and make sure everything is in order before clicking on export button play back your clip and make sure it sounds exactly and it looks exactly as you expect exporting a project could be a lengthy process so please double check everything before you click on the export button everything looks good in here so I'm going to export this [Music]
project final export go to your upper right and click on export button name your final output in this case I'm I'm going to call it cap cut Beach select your desired resolution for now I'm going to be clicking on 108p leave the bed rate as recommended I'm going to keep the format as MP4 and the frame rate as 30 frame per seconds because I'm just doing 108p click the audio and from the drop- down list make sure you select [Music] AAC now click on export button to export your entire project into a movie clip I'm
going to fast forward here then cap cut prompts with this screen and asks you to upload to Youtube or Tik Tok and if you use your credential you can upload to any of those platforms since I created a file on my computer I'm just going to go ahead and click on cancel let's watch the final output final output [Music] please don't forget to like subscribe and hit the notification Bell [Music]
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