The 3 Worst Financial Habits That Keep You Poor! w/ Dean Graziosi

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Lewis Howes
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it all boils down to money I don't care what anybody says you have the money you're in control of your decisions you're in control of your calendar but I want to tell you from me the biggest game changer is the day the hand came off my throat of money real estate Guru King of the infomercial a bestselling author and he performance expert today we're here with the wonderful Dean graos Dean graziosi Dean graziosi in the house my be here man if you have a deep belief that people with money are greedy you will be so
conflicted it'll never work it'll be a self-filling prophecy because every time you see a glimpse of success you'll self- sabotage because if you get money then you're a greedy capitalist bastard how would you feel knowing that you're not leaving entitled children but no matter where the world goes your children are going to be safe yeah what is that on a scale of 1 to 10 what is that it's a 200 right and we lived in a trailer park for 3 years and we got evicted from that trailer park and she tried I could get emotion
I haven't that's why I love interviewing with you you make me cuz I care about you so much I want to go back to feelings I feel like the stuff you Shar today I've never heard you share I haven't this is not on any other place anywhere I know what would you say are the three biggest money lessons you've learned from Tony Robbins and being his business partner one of his close friends what are three lessons you've learned from him I've never been asked this question before I've never shared this answer I would say welcome
back everyone to the school of greatness very excited about our guest we have my dear friend Dean graziosi in the house good to see you good to see you man welcome back oh man it's it's so I'm so glad GL you're here because you have been leading in the entrepreneurial money mindset space for probably two two and a half decades you've been in multiple different industries from Real Estate to online education to coaching and and a lot of different things that you've done you and you coach a lot of top leaders a lot of people
don't notice about you that you are the one texting me and other people in the industry who are trying to figure out how to get their business or brand to the next level in an authentic organic and in align way what's true and authentic to them so I'm excited that you're here and one of the thing that I think a lot of people are struggling with lately is money trauma and money wounds and I wanted to ask you about this because you are the guy who wrote the book about you know the mindset of millionaires
the success habits of millionaires and I'm curious did you ever have any money wounds or memories that cause you to be anxious or avoidant or scarce around money in maybe your early 20s from childhood and if so what were those kind of money wounds that that made you driven to succeed financially and were you ever able to overcome the money wounds or traumas around money the the ideas around money that maybe made you feel anxious or feel like I'm not enough or if I don't have more money did you ever have any of that happen
for you yeah you know great great question first off it's always great to be back with you man I I appreciate I love watching what you're doing I love the impact you're making we don't get a chance to see each other as much as I like but I'm always cheering you onk because I'm watching your Innovation I'm watching your growth as a man I'm watching the impact that you're making and by you working on you so much you don't you might not realize how it transcends to the people watching like I feel different watching you
this year than last year and I loved last year and I loved five years ago I just told my daughter the first one I did was with my daughter she's going to be remember she's going to be 18 she was crazy she was like 12 or 13 she yeah she's going to be 18 so money wounds you know what I'd love because I really want to specify this and I want to I want to answer this question right um you get the O opportunity to see so many comments that come back especially around money when
you say a money wound maybe an example of one you've had or you think some of your followers some of your tribe might have I have my own and I'm going to share but I'd love even more detail on that I guess you know when people when I think about money wounds it's kind of like how did you grow up I I remember growing up not not knowing what money meant and feeling like we didn't have enough at certain stages and so I felt like okay I'm confused about money I don't understand money I don't
know where it comes from I don't have the skill sets to make money how do I even manage it when I have it how do I not blow it all these different things and I used to have kind of an anxiety around money yeah I get I didn't feel like I had enough well I I agree totally like there was a time I said imagine if you you and money like you were at a therapist and I said this on stage just randomly once so it it just triggered say you're on you're at a therapist
your therapist is in the middle money is on one couch and you're on the other uhhuh and your conversation is I don't want to need you I don't want to be obsessed with you I don't want to be greedy by having you I don't want to feel like I'm being a big shot by having you but I want to live into my full potential I want to be a better parent I want to contribute more to this cause that I have you know I heard somebody say once people who say money doesn't solve problems means
they haven't given enough away right or they have money's not happiness it's like you haven't given enough away so you have this this yeah could you imagine therapist say wait wait a minute let me so you're saying you don't want you want to break up you don't want to be connected you don't want to have an association but you want all the things that the money's byproducts bring cuz what is it that people really want when they say they want they don't want the money but they want the byproduct right I mean you asked me
my money wounds all I know is my wounds were probably a little different I was driven to want to make more money and I had one sole purpose to take care of my mother that was my whole sole purpose my parents split when I was three um my mother had made a string of bad marriages my mother was married five times she's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet in your life just made bad decision with men and every time it was horrific and every time she'd work three jobs she'd cut hair paint houses clean houses
do whatever it took to just she come home at 9:00 at night with her hands tired my sister and I when we were 8 and 12 were doing the laundry making dinner not for us like we couldn't wait to do it for her because she'd come home and we lived in a trailer park for three years and we got evicted from that trailer park and she tried I could get emotional I haven't that's why I love interviewing with you you make me because I care about you so much I want to go back to feelings
but I remember this poor woman I remember she had a 1972 that's how old I am Chevy andala in the back window got knocked out and she couldn't replace it for like a year you know and you know it's like you grew up in Ohio grew up in Upstate New York going to school was freezing right a piece of plastic that was flopping right but my whole point is my whole emotion around money was I need to make it to retire that woman like if I think back my earliest thing I I didn't understand where
money came from I didn't understand how to make it I didn't understand the value I just knew I had to do something different my father struggled financially my mother was struggling financially and I did become obsessed with generating more money but there was a deeper purpose I retired my mom when I was 24 years old I've been giving her a check she's going to be 80 this year I've been giving her a check every week since I was 24 years old W right my dad since I was 27 right and so what I'd say around
money is that we are in this weird time in history I I think we can agree doesn't matter what side of the political Arena Life Arena you're on it's like if in today's world it's hard for people to have conversations that that don't agree right and money sometimes gets tossed in the middle right capitalism is bad making money is bad when simultaneously it's the thing that cures hunger it cures illness it cures disease it it helps religions it help it helps you retire your parents it helps you put money away for your children so someday
I don't know where the world's going to go I hope you have children someday it's a goal of mine the day you have a child I'm going to I hope I'm one of the first people you if you decide to do that cuz you are going to be the most amazing father I mean that with all of my heart I'm on four if it's up to my wife we'll probably have another right so but how would you feel no matter what money meant to you at one point in your life how would you feel knowing
that you're not leaving entitled children but no matter where the world goes your children are going to be safe yeah what is that on a scale of 1 to 10 what is that 10 it's a 200 right right uh helping out family members so I think I I I hope I was clear to say don't look at money for money's sake that it's just capitalism it's just greed I just want the extra car the $200,000 watch your audience you watching if you watch Lewis how that's not who you are but money's byproduct oh my God
and and I want to I want to share something that I had did not see coming money did something different for me than anything I've ever imagined yes I retired my parents yes I feel like my kids are going to be safe no matter what yes I get to do things I provide about 25 million meals so far through feeding America we've saved children from slavery we've built churches and schools in Africa we've done we do stuff all the time we just did something amazing last week out of the blue right we get to do
those cool things um I get to employ hundreds of people right that who have kids and families and all that stuff so all those things have a have a a positive impact on the world but I'll tell you the one thing when you don't have money you don't realize like think about right now if someone grabbed your throat and squeezed it what would you think about the only thing in the world is oxygen right how do I get more getting free right but you're not thinking about it right now because it's abundant it's not on
your mind but what you don't realize is when money is lacking in your life it focuses all the time I would do that for my kids but I can't I'd love to take that vacation but I can't I'd love to do my own thing God I'm sick of this unfulfilled job but I can't I'd love to be at every baseball game but I can't it all boils down to money I don't care what anybody says you have the money you're in control of your decisions you're in control your calendar so I didn't realize I spent
so much of my life with the throat being choked but it was money and I watched that's how my parents lived I can't go to the baseball game I can't put the window in the back of the car we got to get evicted from this trailer because we don't have what we don't have money right I'd love to say that we live in this perfect world that you don't need money to make have choices in your life but in most cases you you don't but I want to tell you for me the biggest game changer
is the day the hand came off my throat of money how old were you I probably was early 40s because I always worried about even though I was doing good you had I just but I still was the leftover broke kid that somebody was going to realize I wasn't that smart and take it all away from me right felt that way my entire like what are they going to figure out that I shouldn't belong in this room right right I probably still feel like that a little bit just so you know yeah yeah but probably
my early 40s late 30s probably early 40s the hand was off I retired my parents I had money away I was living a comfortable life my companies were crawling and when I stopped when I didn't have to worry when I could travel where I wanted pay where I want donate what I want eat the way like nothing was like oh I can't because something crazy happened I realized that I had spent my whole life chasing money so hard to do all those things that I had avoided all the craziness that went on in my child
childhood married my parents married nine times my dad extremely violent all the things that I was like well screw the I there was you know some crazy things you were running away from I was running away from but you know I was running so hard that it was like I took this is the way I descri would describe this I took all the things the trauma that we all you had it I you and I know your history very well right all that trauma I just tucked it in a box and I put a lock
on it and said got to make money got to make money got to make money all of a sudden my brain's like Hey we're okay and I feel like the freaking box the lock popped off and I and the only person in the mirror was me I couldn't say no no no I'm too busy to deal with you Dean I got to go make money it's like no you got the money dude shut up wow you got me we got to work on this that was the biggest byproduct in my life is I I went
through a divorce in my 40s I became a better human in my 40s I met the love of my life in my late 40s all of that wow happened I got goosebumps telling you that because it's a truth like I couldn't use that as excuse like shut up you don't need that anymore and I wish that for everyone cuz there are a lot of people watching right now when I did shared the throat like holding the throat is you don't realize that the lack of is not allowing you to live into the dad the mom
the husband the sister the brother the employee the friend the the donator the charitable person you want to be imagine if that was gone who would you be do you think someone can feel emotionally free in life if they are not some level of Financial Freedom of course some of the happiest people in the world have found that right and if that is your path then amazing right but I also live in the real world there's about 3% of people that could probably 5% that could meditate and love it and I admire those people I
learn from those people I love reading their books I love listening to their podcast they make me a better version of me but then I get to the real world with four kids and a wife and I want to travel and I want to do things I want to impact others I want to leave a legacy I want to change the world I want to make this place better than I than I than I found it all those things in most cases Lewis require money I don't care what anybody says if you think that's conflicting
to your values I'm sorry but in most cases that's a fact yeah wow so what would you say was the thing that unlocked for you to feel more emotionally free even though you were already financially free and still feeling a little bit trapped like what was the thing that allowed you to unlock the peace along with the Financial Freedom because you had the money you had the Financial Freedom you can you know Charter private that's probably in your 30s you had millions in the bank you you know had big businesses you were on TV every
day you had all these things but you still felt like there was a clinch in your throat even though you were financially free so what allowed you to switch into emotional peace with the Financial Freedom such a great question L I think time yeah wisdom maybe it wasn't even wisdom yet it was on its way to wisdom right we're in this space we're in the personal development space you've get to you've interviewed more people than anyone on the planet that I know how much have you learned from all of these interviews where you go wow
that's still in there like I was still that broke kid running away from being small running away from being broke running away from lots of marriages but I ran it's like I could have run 10 miles I was I was on my 15th Marathon I look up I'm 40 years old it's like hey isn't it time to slow down a little bit and I think personal development staying engaged I I listen to a podcast or a book on personal growth at least 20 days of every month still to this day I have to stay plugged
in and I have to stay engaged for me that old version of me is still in there and if I don't work on this version it's like if the it'll take him back take me back right maybe not at the level it once was so I would say just time and then there was a there was a point in my history where I remember thinking hey if I have the gift uh true story I I had the opportunity to spend a couple hours of Richard Branson on his sailboat um I raised helped raise a million
dollars for Virgin unit he invited us to go to his Island I thought he wasn't going to be there he was actually there I get up super early you and I have run super early in the morning he was every 5:00 he's the only other one up so he saw me one day and he goes hey you want to sail tomorrow I'm like hell yeah what time so we sail around the island and he said something to me I asked him about this question now this is probably 15 years ago was I was 40 41
um he said to me uh I asked him about money I probably asked him a similar question you asked me maybe it's a time in life when you ask those things right and right now okay look at so here's what he said to me he said and and we're doing an event and he's going to be on the event so it's good I'm glad I'm going to see him again I haven't talked to him in ages um but I asked him a similar question he said you know thank God for the people that could let's
use an example of and I'm going to paraphrase 15 years ago but he said thank God for the people that can go to a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter and serve food and make beds and give love I love those people thank God for them he said but we're all put on this Earth if you have the opportunity to make money like you do then you can do your part he goes somebody needs the help but how cool would it be if you could walk in that Homeless Shelter and hand him 100,000 bucks he
goes so if you have a god-given talent to make the money go get the best in the world at that give it away change the world we still need the person that's pouring the soup and if you still want to do that you can but if you can cut the check do it and and I shifted how much money I give away and things I do in private from that day from sure sure because I'm like if I can make it I can help even more so I think some of those things all stacked together
personal development every day realizing the association money that that money is a byproduct in my life it has to be a p byproduct that is ethically earned right if you're doing something unethical you're selling drugs it's like you're going to be out of alignment you're out of alignment but if you're doing something ethical like what you do here like I hope you make a gazillion dollars doing what you do because you transform so many lives if if you're doing something impacts live and you can ethically earn by doing that and then you do good with
the money you earn yeah then then you should feel guilty not getting after it not held back right and maybe I'm a little jaded and I'm I've been doing this a long time but that's the way I feel that's your thoughts I'm curious if you were you mentioned kind of money therapy which I really like that let's say you're the therapist the money therapist and people watching are sitting on their couch or listening wherever they're listening in the world and they're in the hot seat for money therapy and let's just say they come in your
office for the first moment and they're in the metaphorical office right now and you get to ask them one two or three questions to see and assess where they're at in their money relationship their relationship to money and if it's healthy or if it's not healthy not saying you have the answers on what they need to do afterwards but for them to assess where their Mone money relationship is what would be a couple questions you would ask them so people could take a self assessment and see oh maybe this isn't serving me this type of
energy this relationship I have to to money and maybe I need to take different actions and heal some of these money wounds that we're talking about what would be a couple questions that you might ask on the spot here I didn't prep for the money therapy oh this is great and and and I know I'm going to phase in my life where I'm going to share the answers that I feel even if they might not be perfectly politically correct because it's not my job to be politically correct it's my job to help serve if I'm
going to spend an hour with you I want people to be impacted yes I can only go back to my mom who is one of the sweetest women in the world worked really hard but my mom in the situation she was in I can remember growing up and if we saw a business owner or we saw a woman in a Mercedes my mom probably on her third job with her window knocked out with two kids with an ex-husband my dad who didn't give her any money can't get she didn't work on personal development she didn't
work on herself how she have the tools but we'd pass a woman in Mercedes and she'd stop and my mother would look over and go must be nice right must be nice or they use the words lucky or see a business owner and go that bastard right and I and and I'm talking about the sweetest woman but when it came around that and I remember feeling awkward around that it was like a resentment energy there was a resentment energy right and I think that could build if you're someone struggling financially and you see someone it
seems easier if you're in a job and your boss or the owner is you know someone who's not ethical and not a good person I was going to use another word but I won't swear today right those things can slowly build there's another thing I want to share and and I'm going to digress I've never been asked this question before I've never shared this answer without realizing it sometimes people fall into a career mindset I'm not knocking a career mindset but as a career mindset you try to get good grades you try to get you
get the School you get a job and you go I I I would assume especially your clients you go into this career with ideas and I want to change the world and I want to I want to get raises and promotions and I want to impact others and in that work environment so many people it's toxic meaning you have an idea it's squashed you try something new you can't you might have a boss that's got his thumb on your head or her thumb on your head so every time you bring something up they either steal
it or they don't share it because they don't want you to shine the light on you and what happens to people over time they they lose that Innovation that ambition and go well that's the way it is here I'll just do my job I'll keep my head down I'll get my raises and I'll go through it and all of a sudden you you slowly lose touch with those dreams you have the desire to do your own thing to travel more to see the world to be at every baseball game to to St be a stay-at-home
dad a stay-at-home mom you start losing those well simultaneously people got are not listening to your things and your creativity gets shrunk and all of a sudden I believe an adversity to money because money someone else has the freedom someone else has the joy and maybe they had a different path or maybe it didn't work or maybe they got lucky or maybe you know U must be nice as my mom said and I just this is not the perfect answer because I've never been asked this but I would just really explore if somebody with money
or thinking of money makes you feel a little off I would get a journal like is in both in front of us right now and say why does money make me feel off well is it because people with money are greedy are people with money bad you know uh is capitalism bad right I I mean I employe between our couple of companies there's over 400 people we employ we have a we have a get together and they bring their families and kids and we get to see all this impact that we get to make through
all these people are are out and they're spending and they're buying and they're doing things and then we take and we donate some to charity like sometimes when you write it down and you look at it you might go am I misjudging money or am I misjudging the people that I see with money and am I portraying them as they're a different type of person um all things come from belief you know this better than anyone you write on it you understand it it's like your belief about money is going to drive you because the
other thing is this is the last part I I really want to I'm hope I'm I'm hope this is landing today is if you have a deep belief that money's bad if you have a deep belief that money people with money are greedy if you have a deep belief that they're horrible capitalist or whatever the number the term in your head deeply and maybe it was your parents that put it there or your professor and it's living in there and simultaneously you're dying to start your project your art project or start your own business you
will be so conflicted it'll never work it'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy because every time you see a glimpse of success you'll self-sabotage because if you get money then you're a greedy capitalist bastard and you're going to self-sabotage and you go I tried it three times it doesn't work because everybody's greedy and nobody gives you a break and it takes money to make money and even the banks only loan people that have money screw that and you go back to the job where someone's thumb is on your head and it's self-fulfilling and you go money sucks
and so do the people that have it I'll just do my job wow right that's a good question to ask people yeah right so I I would just say what is go back how do someone get out of that if someone has that mindset how do they break free okay so I would say I would put a a piece of paper I'd cut the paper in half and I put your belief about money uhuh okay it's people could be greedy or people don't use it right or it's abusive or some people just chase money and
they forget happiness and all that stuff and then on the right side I would just say is it true is it true that everybody has money is just greedy and doesn't care about other is it true that people are must be nice or whatever your feelings are and then they're lucky and then the third thing I would write down is if you had money what would you do that's interesting right because I guarantee it's not going to be especially this audience it's not going to be new car Lamborghinis watch travel all over yeah it's going
to be take care of my mom I'd make sure my kids are okay I wouldn't work that the extra shift so I can be home at dinner time take vacations take vacations with my family make memories at last a lifetime and you're going to look at this list of what you would do with M I'd give more to my church I'd help people out in foreign countries that are going through Wars you'll look I guarantee there won't be one thing on there that is like a negative everything on that will be an impact to the
world so then can you the fourth column would be can I create new beliefs around that I want to serve more I want to give more away I want to be a better human I want to work on myself finally I want to get in better shape I don't have time to get in shape I want to go back into therapy I want to finally stop drinking I want to finally stop smoking then all of a sudden you look like those old beliefs are stupid I mean the only thing that changes could you imagine and
it's the last thing I'll say on this part but imagine getting to the end of your life uhhuh and you get the chance to meet your maker yeah and say why didn't you live a fulfilled life why didn't you live a why didn't you live a fulfilled life it's like no it was okay no just seriously you didn't live into your full potential Louis you didn't why didn't you go after that dream that you had to be an artist to start your own business to speak up to create your own podcast to write your own
books to to create courses masterminds workshops or or the the restaurant you wanted or the gardening company why didn't you do it it's like well you know people with money or money could you imagine God just like shaking his head and going really let me show you a video of the woman you could have been if you shifted those beliefs you would have given away this to charity you would have helped change the world you would have fed the people in your town you would have made sure your mom was okay she didn't have to
worry about social security you would have left your kids in a better place so they had a foundation in case something goes crazy with the world that's who you could have been if you just shifted that thought around something so silly are there abusive people with money yes that's a fact are there abusive people there's alcohol out there do some people not drink it and some people abuse it that's a fact right we have the decision we get to decide how we can earn it ethically and distribute it with love and if that's what we
do if we craft a new meaning around all of it like when Richard Branson said hey you can go serve and that's great we need that or you could go give a 100 Grand to that thing I'm like I want to be the guy to bring the $100,000 check I'm in how do I get bigger faster stronger hungrier and it fueled me to go even faster wow speaking of donating and and giving money to Charities organizations or people you feel that you want to be of service to how old were you when you actually really
were intentional about giving on a yearly basis you I'm assuming you like gave a little bit in church you gave like you donated a little here and there but when what year or year was it where you're like I'm going to start trying to give more and why did you say you wanted to give more financially to the causes that you cared about and what unlocked on the other side of that I'd love to say it was consistent before my 40s but it wasn't uhhuh I was just so hungry to I like and and so
here's one more thing I want to share yes there's two I like sometimes you know the saying uh when you're on a plane put your oxygen mask on first and then put it on the person next to you right I want to give everybody permission to give themselves Grace and put their oxygen mask on first because if you spend the time effort and energy digging in and you get that like all focus on that you don't have to feel greedy ingredi and say w I'm making some money right now I didn't give enough away this
year it's like no no no I'm going to go so in on this business by the time I'm 45 or 52 I'm GNA give away 25% of my income or 20% of my income but I got to get my oxygen mask on first because you might be just you got to figure out a new business or figure out a new thing or figure out a new job going down econom is going up crazy politics all this stuff it's it's like get yourself get your footing in and then when you do you got the opportunity to
shift yes and I have to tell you that probably in my 40s it became a consistent thing and what I love we have a couple of causes we have our two youngest kids have some really bad allergies so it's my wife's passion we help out a local hospital that that is really amazing and we're building a ward there and we do help out a lot with feeding America and a bunch of other but I also love I love I have a fund that I just leave there for stuff that comes up that I didn't know
was coming right um Tony for example Tony Robins my partner and dear friend um on his 60th birthday party right they threw a big party for him and he would not allow a party to happen I was there yeah oh you were there he wouldn't allow a party to happen for just him it had to be about something right I had just donated a whole bunch in other areas and we got to that event he was like I needed to donate more yeah I got to that event and my heart my heart that's right you
were there I hugged you when I stood up um my heart was so like because it was talking about children in slavery and I had no idea it was at that depth I don't know if you knew I KN you hear of it I didn't know it was that but watching what was happening and they're like who's going to donate 5,000 and I'm like $500,000 like I donated half a million that night and I was able to do that and my wife and I went back she was pregnant for Luca who's four she was pregnant
for Luka we went back to the hotel and we were giddy because we were calculating how much that half a million how many children would be saved Beau right and I don't know if anything was more rewarding than that and that's still a lot of money for anybody but but to be able to do that and then a month later I donated another $100,000 because I wanted to save some more kids right so how do you I mean when you make a big check like that even if you you've already donated a lot before the
end of the months leading up to that I sounded like and you make a big donation like that that still got to feel like oh the half a million dollars is leaving my bank account to go to this cause you're hoping that they do the right things with the money they Steward the money right way and they take care of the money and it goes towards the cause is there ever any fear when you're making a big donation like a little anxiety of like oh but how am I going to make this money back yeah
you know what if I don't get this money back I would say hands out L I love this conversation with you because it's every question I would have asked at 41 every single one and then being partners with Tony especially he donates more than anybody know he drives me he drives me to push more and do more I think I'm going to do 100 Grand he's like really okay right um but I have to tell you it feels that way at first uhhuh but I believe it's there's this byproduct of growth in your life that
you can't quantify or equate you can't say I donated a half a million here oh I got back a half you just got to have faith that there's new doors opening up and whether it's true or not it's my belief wow right but my belief wasn't there in my early 40s I would bet to say mid 4S to 474 it started to go and now I'm 55 now in The Last 5 Years years it's just like oh what can we do what can we solve how can we help because I know it's going to come
back to me then I can give you more then it's going to come back and I can give even more so it's time before you asked I'd love to say I read this book I did this thing I it's like it's time wisdom experience time right it's like it's like Slum Dog Millionaire the movie right how did he have all those answers because he went through all these experiences pain lessons right so I've been through all these P these experiences so now they just build to that's who I am at this current time and if
we do this in 10 years I'll be somebody different wow speaking of Tony Robbins I was at that event and it was amazing to see that the amount of that he donates at every one of his events for some type of Charity or cause feeding America is one of his big I think he donates all of his proceeds to his books or something like that to feeding America billion meals or something whatever it is what would you say are the three biggest money lessons you've learned from Tony Robbins in being his business partner one of
his close friends and just interacting with him and seeing how he gives but also he's an extraordinary earn right he generates and brings in a lot of money but he's also a big donor of causes what are the three lessons you've learned from him I would say number one I just wrote down no again I love when you ask me questions I've never been asked before um number one is his other businesses at this phase of his life make more than his Core Business really yeah right significantly more so he's the personal brand of his
main business right and he's running his events and books Andes he told me a great story um his dear dear friends with Peter goober right um and Peter goober was a mentor to him right and and when to when Tony was younger Peter goober owns part of the Golden State Warriors and every other team Academy Awards movies everything uh Dynamic amazing man to only know him through Tony right so at a younger age Tony's if you know Tony Robin story he's on the road 250 days a year he's doing five day events s Day events
10 day events speaking here speaking there on the road lives in a plane lives in a hotel right and he is he is hustling and Peter goober invites him to go someplace Egypt or something like that on a fancy trip and he's on this plane and he said he's on this plane and and all of them there are on their way to being billionaire writer in that and he's like man my business doesn't have margin I'm just like he started thinking about how his business was so much work and so much effort and these guys
had better areas and when he first left he was then he divers Diversified immediately I invested in this invested and all of them suffered really all of them suffered because his main business he didn't put his oxygen mask on yet at the level he could have he didn't probably have his 10,000 hours in yet he of course he mastered at a young age but he was mastering this on another level long story short he got some great advice from Peter and others it's like go back and master the One Core Business because that Core Business
if it's mastered then when the profits start Distributing you can number two you asked me for three number two you can give more number three is you can invest in other companies and projects that you like so don't do that until you master the court thing right and and so 10 years 15 years whatever was head down in his business all of a sudden this thing became an incredible company that kicked out money that he could donate he D donated a billion meals which isan right it kicked out money for Next Level donation to so
his one philosophy is give more number two you know another one would be empower the core business and when that business is empowered use those proceeds to invest in other great businesses yes and now over time that goes to the we all overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate we do in five or 10 five or 10 now he's got the funds to invest and now those other companies make him way more than his main business but he still empowers his main business it's still his love still his passion it's still his
child right it's literally you know r with Robins research international the up Unleash the Power they in date with Destiny business Mastery that's his baby but there's nothing they don't make anywhere near the money as other things but he's still putting just as much time into more time because it's his passion it's his thing and it was the machine and I think we live in a world today where we try something for a year and go that's not it what's next oh that's not it what's next right you need the 10,000 hours you need the
time to break the barrier and find your lane and so after 40 years he's still doubling down on his main thing even though it's not not making the majority absolutely so it's a great it's a great lesson taught with our company that Tony and I own together Mastermind it's like I'm all in on this foundational company is growing exponentially and that'll produce so many results as we move on what happens if someone gets too much money before they're emotionally or mentally ready for it what will happen to them if they've come into a lot of
money with that you know lack of emotional awareness we see it in the news all the time right I mean I I think that's uh self aware I mean why do why do the majority of people hit the lotto go broke right they didn't have them emotional wherewithal right I feel bad for them and they probably get taken advantage of they don't understand money I mean most people don't understand how money works I get that and everybody should get some financial literacy to really understand it um but but I think I think the the answer
is really simple in most cases not saying in most cases you could just look at Lotto winners you can look at families I I've seen inheritance I am so I have to tell you this sounds like you know money people with money problems but I lived in a trailer everything I said was true I know your history my kids are growing up completely different I've never seen a trust fund kid to this day that was just handed money without responsibility without tell I tell my family my kids I'm running the first leg of the marathon
and when I'm gone I'm going to hand the Baton off to you if you want to run and you want to run hard you can cont continue if you don't want to run if you think I'm just going to hand you the Baton you don't you can go work and be a teacher and I'll double your salary but you'll never be a part of the family the family like the money the money part right so the reason I'm saying that is because I worry every day I I do not want my children to just have
money at their access whenever they want and before they understand the value the M value creation contribution all the things that took me to 40 I'm hoping I can get it in them by their 35 but if I'm here that'll happen 100% if I'm not my entire will my entire um statement is they have to go through certain trainings they have to do things they don't get access to even see what's going on till they're in their 30s and when they do they don't just get checks they have the opportunity to enhance whatever it is
I've done they can grab the Baton and go hey I want this division or I want that because that's my biggest fear because I I think you're a th% right and I also think that's where money could get a bad because you see somebody who got money before they got the wisdom behind it and they abuse it yeah wow what would you say are the three biggest money uh excuse me what would you say are the three biggest mindset issues that you see people holding them back from making money easy in their life making more
money easier in their life what would be the mindset issues that hold them back I would say first off is with getting rid of the word easier because I think that could be screwing up because there is really no easy money right you have to follow a plan you can get there quicker by modeling proven practices how do you make money easy for you so it doesn't feel like this hard thing that's unbel it's too hard to make it's exhausting I understand the question not make yeah yeah I get it now not make easy money
make money easy got it got it um the greatest thing in the world that I know the answer is don't start from scratch don't try to figure it out on your own model proven practices so not to not to talk about my family so much my daughter's going to be 18 she's going into 12th grade and U I gave her an option since she and and all my kids will give the same option after school after high school they go to college if they want or they can go Mentor under someone for two years right
if my daughter wanted to be in podcast I say move out to LA work for lwis for free and you have to be his best employee if LS doesn't think you're the best employee he's got but the only way I would do it is if if you could learn from Lewis if you get time to talk to him to watch observe take notes be an apprentice right um because the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be is find something that you're passionate about then find someone who's good at
it and learn everything they've done so you can start off on third base W right so so many people when they think about money it's like or they think about this career is unfulfilling I got to get out and then they go over here online how to make six figures in six weeks how to do this get rich doing this get it's like ah I'll just stick with the thing I hate it's like you got to find someone who's got a proven path a proven plan like every time my brain at this phase of my
life when I think how to do something my brain is converted to who's already done it and how can I learn from there right yesterday we're doing a big event um in June yesterday there's a gentleman that really is great at events and I think Tony and I do events better than anyone willing to learn from anybody but we want to make this bigger and better than anything yesterday I spent a good chunk of money and hired someone for a half a day to come in and just share everything he knows about Live Events and
the truth is I knew 90% of it but there was 10% I'm like damn I didn't think about that probably knew 99% of it there was a couple things I was like oh my God I never thought of that so my brain is always who vers how cuz the the the T Tony calls it the tyranny of How It's like ah I want to get my social media account going how do I do that but if you can hire somebody that knows social media go who can do that oh they can do that well I
do this and then I can make money over here and I could pay them to do it right so I would say um everything's easier when you model proven practices you blueprint you get the road map when people think well I don't know the right people that don't have the right connections I don't know people who have money how can people get out of that mindset and start thinking about how to find the who in different ways how do they enroll people and giving them time energy I love it I love it you know I
first off I've been on this Earth long enough that when I was a kid there were no podcasts there were no digital books I had dyslexia So reading was brutal before I could listen to an audio right we didn't have access to information access to AI now access to amazing books access to amazing podcasts you can go back in in you all your years of interview and how many great interviews have you had about money probably a bunch I've had yeah yeah I'm think about going through your old podcast of finding the ones about money
about wealth go find others that are respected and have depth and breath and not just the guy that's telling you how to get rich for five minutes because he's actually getting rich helping people think they can get rich right like the person who's actually done the thing and just start absorbing it when when there's a will there's a way dud like you've been saying that for but but when you want to learn something the teacher is there right and then as you start learning as you start developing and your watching podcast and you're taking notes
and you get to correlate and then you maybe go to Ai and go I learn these three things how does that all tie together and AI helps you bring it together and then you might say hey I'm going to start reaching out to some of these people because they're going to feel my passion my desire my interest I mean I have done interviews with people that aren't big podcasters that didn't go anywhere where people just wrote me the nice enough message my team sent to me and go this kid or this woman she she's just
a hustler would you give her 20 minutes like I will right and that only happens though when you feel someone's passion so the the teacher is there you just got attitude passion all these different things um I heard you say out line one time that the only thing standing between you and your next level is a story you tell yourself on why you can't get there if someone has just had a challenging life you know growing up where it just felt like everything was against them and they have a belief system memories and stories that
are proof and evidence of what not good enough talented enough or capable of finding the right people going after what they want or whatever circumstance or situation they might have it's strong evidence showing that it's not possible to get to the next level how can someone start to tell a different story that they can actually believe it's possible to get out of a challenging situation personally financially relationship into a better situation you know it's probably because I don't want to answer this too simply there a really great question it's probably because I try to absorb
as much wisdom as I can from others who have done it before and I see the the the mismatch or the mismash of of personal experiences and and Trauma and things that go wrong with so many successful people you get to see it every day right when you and I get the opportunity when we've masterminded together and really talk deep when no one's around like you I feel like I'm at this phase where I want to if I had the chance to sit down down with everybody individually I can look at him and go no
no no all of that crap happened because it needed to form the woman you are yeah that's the good stuff you wouldn't be the man you are if you weren't on the couch if you didn't think like like all of those things built this guy who's lwis house that you can be this amazing man to your partner right now that you can look like all of those things had to happen but it's so hard when you're in it like oh really I had to get cheated on I had to lose this relationship I'm business partner
had to steal my money right unfortunately yes because because you can look it any way you want I got to share I'll share this and if I go back to personal stories just so I hope it relates um 12 years old I moved in with my dad very um very confrontational my dad was the youngest of 12 he was physically abused sexually abused he he's okay with me sharing that and old school Italian didn't get help New York guy like just scared away every wife my sister does hasn't talked to him in 25 years right
so scar didn't talk to one of his brothers and sisters right he had 12 s and doesn't talk to any of them it was just a dysfunctional family so he decided I'm going to be a better dad but he couldn't he didn't get any help he was he was rough so that's all the women ran everybody ran away from him at 12 years old he terrorized my mom so much that he said I said when we leave my mother alone right he said move in with me I'll never bug her again so I moved in
with this guy my mom was devastated and she's like you can't I'm like I am I wouldn't tell her how why because I knew she wouldn't let me so I move in with this guy you're 12 I'm 12 he's living alone he's living in a tiny little place Heat's barely on in the place we had a little electric heater that that kept Place warm it was a nightmare I like I left my mom we lived in a Colac I had a Mongoose BMX bike I had friends now I move in this oh excuse my language
I'm moving to this guy and he's a mess like I'm older now I could see just a disaster this guy is bipolar or somebody can diagnose it better than that but some days he's super dad letting me drive at 12 years old taking me fishing and other days I'm vomiting blood because I have a bleeding ulcer CU I'm so afraid he's going to get violent with people and get arrested again and do all this stuff right so I got this guy that is my hero and the guy I'm scared to death of but by the
time I was 15 I started understanding emotions and I understanded how he would feel I understood how it came from I started have empathy for him and I could watch him come in with like terrorizing his name is Paul Terror if he was he'll listen to this and he'll be totally cool with it he's an amazing guy he's 87 now and he's in a beautiful space but I saw Paul The Terrorizer the one that my mom was afraid of and everybody was afraid of coming in I could spin that guy and I could get him
to be that loving dad that would take me fishing now when I was in my 20s and probably late teens early 20s I remember thinking how could I ever be successful like my dad like he's never met like all the things I went through and the divorces and the crazy dad but there was a time that flipped and if I look at my life now and you've watched me go on stage in front of yes I mean when the cony we had a half a million people live at the same time aming and I can
go and I can I Believe I Can Feel people's hearts wow I can read them and I can adjust what I'm doing and I can present with confidence that was all crafted by the crazy Paul because I it was the protection so I could stop having a bleeding ulcer I got off the bus and threw up blood 13 years old wow and I had a little blood in my mouth in debt my father's like what is on your lip and I couldn't tell him because in his head if I had a bleeding ulcer it was
because my mom left him when he when I was three it was all my mom's fault if she didn't leave me we'd have no divorce you'd be a happy kid he didn't realize it was his craziness and he'd take a baseball bat and drive to my mom's house and knock all the windows out of her car and her house they'd call the cops and they'd be fighting and I'd be in the car shaking right so all those things happened I only say that because that could have been and this sounds like I'm just talking look
how great I am I just want to share I I was able to convert that L from how could that happen to a kid to thank God it happened to me now for a living I can I can use this empathy I can use this compassion I can impact others I can get up on stage even though I'm an introvert and be able to talk to people and go I'm going to throw away the presentation I had because this crowd needs this I learned all of that from that crazy guy all of it so I'm
only sharing I don't want to make it simple life happens for us not to us that's Tony Robbins and I love that saying I don't want to just make that a simple little throwaway but I really want to share life really if we can life already happened for us and if you had crappy stuff I'm so sorry but you get to make the decision today and go I can't change any of it because that was the ingredients that got me here today to be who I am so I have to say I'm thankful for it
yeah I have to man that's powerful and and it's so hard when you're in the sadness or suffering or trauma to be like this is all going to benefit me in the future and you'll never feel that way like get me out of here but but you get to a point where you go like that is such a great I don't ever want anybody to think I go through crap and I still of course do and go ah thank for this eing but there is I'm at a place in my life go this sucks but
I know it's happened there for a reason yeah because every bad thing and then I'm like then I'm looking like all right when is it going sometimes it takes longer like this one not and eventually always there's a reason it always does when and when you think back at all the painful moments you see this is how it applies in a benefit to me today that had to happen as painful as that was like me getting injured and you going through this for that or all these different things it had to happen for us to
be where we're at today but we had to make meaning of it and sense of it and alchemize it into something good absolutely absolutely speaking of alchemizing into something good you you took all this wisdom and experience and passion and hunger to build a business to make money and to kind of run away from the Pain by saying I'm gonna be financially free so I'm never broke again you use that pain into Financial Freedom but did you ever have a moment where your self-worth or your identity was tied to money absolutely and what happens when
we tie our selfworth to our net worth and how do we not make sure that when our bank account goes up or down our identity and our personal belief in self doesn't go up and down as well it might be impossible okay tell me more so I'm just like I want to answer honestly today that's another thing over over time it slowly Fades away yeah yeah I'm at a phase of my life but I want to tell you if you asked me that question 10 15 years ago five years ago really like if you would
have lost a little bit of money one year than the year before and it went have down would it affect yourself worth it does it does and it will why is that though why is that for is it because money is energy and it's like but not probably not for everyone uh but for me I ran away from not having money and retire Hing your parents and taking care of people and and all the things that you do and then the thought of going here's the here's the words that I believe never said these out
loud the thought are going backwards like what if I don't have the freedom what if I had to tell my mom I can't send you that check what if place we we we go away each summer and we spend three weeks on the beach what if I can't take my kids there and make those memories so I I would say some of it is selfworth but it's again going Upstream what's it attached to I won't have and I think this is a really big one I won't this is mine so this is a little therapy
for mine would be I'm not in control of my decisions if I don't have the money I I can't maybe take my kids out of school I can't I might have to work late and miss the big baseball game I might have to work late I might have to work through the summer and not spend three weeks with the kids it's been everything since they were born so for me it's going backwards and not have choices to this day if you said you're going to go backwards and I got to take some of your choices
away it would still ding my my core but I mean okay I get emotionally if you lose some money right let's say 10% of your money goes away for whatever reason the business goes down or something happens or I don't know you talking broke not broke but just some of it goes away right right but you still you but analytically you see your numbers and you still have tons of money to be retired for the next 30 Years it still hits you really it still hits you and and over time I promise you or anybody
listening right now in a decade you'll laugh at it and go hey am I okay with that because I like my lifestyle is worth more right in 10 years from now five years from now you might have a three-year-old and you go I'm used to making this in this quality life right so when you make less but I would take a 25% cut in that pay because my significance of being a dad is exponential to that money and that's how it trades off okay I would say pre kids right um when it's just you um
it is a hard one and I'm not putting this on you I'm not even saying you're answer this question for you it does because we we live in this and we do live in this world it's like we feel like we're measured on the success that we've had right and all of a sudden if you're going backwards a little it's like am I the man I said I am am I really good at my interviews am I really good at marketing am I really at doing this thing and all that stuff comes into the question
all I would say is sit with it and just do the thing we talked about around money it's like is that true uhhuh like I see your life I'm I'm not this is probably not about you I know you're doing amazing but I see you so much richer today than when I first met you yeah so much richer I don't care if you making 10 times the money then you are a richer man you are in like the love you give the energy you give off the every conversation have with you the personal work that
you do I sent you a nice audio two weeks ago about something you did I was like I'm so freaking proud of you in my eyes you might not see it I'm using you as example I know this for people but you might say oh I made a little bit less this year than last year and from the outside I'm like is that dude rich but it takes time and and I just would say when you feel that way really question it like don't just let it sit don't just feel it or you know cuz
you'll be in a conversation I know what it was like when I thought I was doing well doing $10 million a year and I'm like I came from nothing I was in a trailer park I'm doing $10 million in gross revenue a year I get to keep a million of that for me or two million whatever I'm doing amazing and then I go sit with somebody who's doing a hundred million and it feels like they got it systemized and they're going to get on their plane and they they look like they work way less than
me and they're going to go they're flying off to golf it every day and they're flying off to the you know to Italy to spend time on the Amalfi Coast and I'm like oh my God I'm such a loser like that it's all perspective right and how do we not compare ourselves to others when around money conversations friends family colleagues who might be making more how do you not say I'm worse than them or I'm yeah no it's this is real conversation right a real conversation and the fact of the matter is there's only really
one way to do it is you got to look backwards you have to be you have to adapt a culture of progress right not a culture of compar oh man and that's not an easy one but it's true because if you look back at where you were if I look back at where we are we grew like rockets yes we're not supposed to be here like if someone I barely got out of high school didn't go to college had dyslexia graduated high school with nine cents in my pocket and started working on cars what statistical
yeah mathematical uh percentage would you give that kid to be able to and I'm blessed to be you 0.1% yeah 0 Z 1% like if someone gave you like I'm going to retire my mom and I'm going to do all these things somebody be like a that's so cute go work on your Collision you know go pound another Fender right yeah so when I look back at that kid who was just dying to make a thousand bucks a week so I could take care of my mom and do that man I'm a rocket ship but
if I compare myself in two weeks when I see Richard Branson and go W he's a billionaire ah right so culture of progress versus culture of comp harison yeah there's so many more questions it takes time it takes time though but just know all here's what I love you're asking the right questions for everybody listening today because wherever you are on this scale on the Spectrum know that when you stay engaged in personal development when you ask the right questions when you question your beliefs when you go upstream and say is that true is that
really is that a fact or is that just a belief I have around the fact and where did I get that and how would I feel if I shifted that and what if I cre new beliefs and what if I you just it's not something you do when you listen to a great podcast or read a great book or go to a Tony Robbins event it's something you got to do all the time and then slowly it becomes a part of your life yes I wish like I've done the work and like I feel the
best in my life I I'm ripped at 45 I feel great and then I forget and I slack off and three years later I wake up and go oh feel like again like consistent repeti it's like going to the gym you got to go all the time consistent repetition um it's interesting cuz I was just with uh yesterday I was just with the number one pickle ball player in the world where pickle ball has 40 million people around the world play this sport it's like this Rising Sport and I was doing uh I was playing
against the number one player in the world yesterday so cool we were just doing a practice but he I couldn't score one point on him right and I'm like an athlete but it was so frustrating two hours with this guy and not one point now I get it now I got I finally got one point but it was like he made a mistake you know it's like that was why okay I got like a point too but and and at the end we do a sauna we do a cold plunge cuz he just finished a
tournament where he won he's the number one player in the world in singles and doubles and in mixed doubles number one in all three categories in the world 25y olds name is Ben Johns and I said what is the one thing that it takes for you to be number one in the world consistently and he said consistent repetition he's like most people just don't want to keep showing up every day and doing practice for four or five hours a day doing the recovery do the prevention stuff like it's just I've been putting in the Reps
for eight years in this Sport and I keep putting in the Reps kind of going back to what Tony you know he mentioned Tony he's like 45 plus years in he keeps doing the Reps and he gets better and better it's interesting there um I want to ask you a couple more questions before I transition into where people can listen and who are watching now who I think if they're trying to figure out ways to generate more revenue for themselves and they're trying to figure out ways to use their art their talent their passion and
what they can do I want to talk about that in a minute but I've got a couple questions before we address that and I wanted to ask you about the three habits that you think keep people broke a lot of people they work really hard y they still kind of have they're still kind of broke or they're struggling and they stay in debt what would you say of those three habits that keep people stuck financially or feeling broke I would say um not identifying habits that don't serve them right you know I wrote a book
on habits so that kind of you know we I that's my glasses right sometimes if you have a hammer you'll see a nail for me though if I look back at people in my life my family others they didn't realize that they had habits that actually pulled them away the Habit could be waking up in the morning and I look at everything as a habit could be waking up in the morning and watching your news no matter where you get your news from right I never in my life have ever watched the news and felt
empowered right so you got have a habit of waking up and watching the news it puts you in a reactive space in a in a in a defensive space and you're never innovating you're never creating yes right so I would look for habits like in the morning you could wake up and just say two or three sentences of gratitude you could get out of bed drink a green drink and take a walk or you could get up click on the news grab your phone look at your emails and text find the bad one that put
you in a bad mood and go eat have coffee and a donut now I don't I'm not knocking any one but they're both habits yes one habit makes you feel I believe you're more on offense like hey I fed my body I took a walk I'm grateful to God I prayed or whatever it is I do another one's like ah that third email for the same thing and you believe the trials that are going on the election that's going on same morning same thing two completely different experiences one says bring the day I got it
the other one says what do I have to fight today yes right that's a habit to me so that's the first one kind of identifying them y number number two is and I've never shared these so I'm just winging them yep is stop making the thought of making money a mystery right like how do they do it how do they get rich dig under the hood like find somebody in something that lights you up right don't don't just look for making money for the sense of money find something that if you like interior design if
you like courses if you like doing podcasts find somebody who's doing it well and making money and learn everything they're doing because it's not a mystery there are blueprints everywhere right and I think sometimes we're just like I'd like to make more money but how would you like to make more money doing something you hated every day right would you repl so I think that's the third one and the the fourth one I would say is this crazy outside world I believe is a magnifying glass if you have uncertainty it will 10 times it you'll
find uncertainty yes so in times like this we have two options and we just a choice we could see obstacles or opportunity and I would try to train my brain to every time you see an obst ah this is happened say what is the opportunity in this what is the opportunity in this so if I had more time I probably fall more but I would see opportunity over obstacles I would try to focus on what you have not what you lost and those things sound like oh yeah but how do I you know but those
things are the foundational if I had it add a four find an Emerging Market don't right I know this a simple analogy but you wouldn't want to invest in taxi cabs when there's Uber right but so many people do that they they they go into something that was second secondary like find something that's emerging meet the world where it's going not where it was right what is Wayne Gretzky's great quote yeah yeah go to where the uh the puck is going skate to where the puck is going do your research look at AI model other
people look where the world's going and get there before other people yeah cool that's what I did with podcasting 11 years ago it's like I feel like this maybe could be a thing and it may not always work out for you but like be willing to invest it and take the time in it I like that um five years ago you know I've been on a lot of amazing trips in my life I feel blessed to have like traveled the world and just done so many different things in my life but five years ago I
went on a trip with you and Tony Robbins and Fiji with about I don't know 20 of us for a week and during this time I remember Tony saying something or maybe it's you and Tony at the same time saying like winter is coming I remember hearing this 5 years ago this was right before the pandemic like maybe it was like four and a half years ago and he said winter is coming and you backed it with make sure you're really innovating your gifts and talents and not just protecting yourself but progressing yourself and putting
yourself out there so you can feel more abundant in your life as opposed to feeling scarce and feeling like you have to just hunker down and wait for winter to pass and you and Tony have done something every year where you teach and educate people for free in a big live experience online on how to optimize the skills and talents and knowledge they have in order to earn some extra income launch their business uh and many other things in this Creator economy I'm curious can you share and you have this coming up as well yeah
about a million people show up live for this around the world can you share what people can learn if they're just like I don't really know what to do with my career or the opportunities I have or how to make some extra income great question how they what they're going to learn from this experience you have with them this live online event that's free and what they can start doing now to prepare for that yeah so I I would start with the first word of investigate if if you have a business that's not as profitable
as you'd like it to be yes come investigate and I'll give you the answer in a minute here if you in a career career that is just it served for a certain time in your life but it's not filling anymore in fact you despise it come investigate and if you're that person that knows your inside like your inner entrepreneur is dying to come out but you're not sure where to start come investigate and and that's all I say there's in life we have to look at these different paths here's what I we're calling the event
the game has changed and it's time for the new playbook right but what does that mean the game has changed I think I think Co gave us a byproduct gave a lot of byproducts but one byproduct I think it did is made people realize I think people used to say I'm either gonna I can get this career it might not serve my soul but it'll take care of my family right or I can be the craziest entrepreneur and maybe it'll work out right I think where the game has changed health of my relationship in the
place right where I think it's changed is in what Tony and I love to share and it's the industry in we he's been in 45 years I've been in almost 30 right in the industry of our life experience is the greatest asset that we own right and I'll talk more about that in a minute but where the game has changed high level is that you don't have to separate those two anymore I like the term life work integration yes right not balance not balance you it never balances has it ever balanced for you right but
when you can go home and your work is okay to bring with you because it's a part of your soul and you love it for me having the opportunity to take a life experience a career skill a passion you have and learn how to extract it and package it into a product or an asset and be able to give it to somebody and you get to shorten their distance from where they are to where they want to be you have a business you have a career skill you know how to sell better do hair better
or you went through a divorce and you're on the other side and you're happy or you lost yourself or you lost the weight or you do yoga or any other thing that you do so well my physical therapist cuz I got a torn ACL I'm working with them twice a week skiing last year too so annoying um but I'm working with him twice a week and I'm watching this guy's got his own business but he's in the time and effort Community I said do you have any course or training I could do when you're not
with me he's like no so I got him right now he's extracting his life experience he's building the course I can't wait to buy it from right every single person on this planet has a life experience that is valuable when you know how to extract it so Tony and I are great at right and the reason we can't we love to share it each year is because just most people don't know how to turn that into something of value and that's what we share over three years how do you identify what it is who would
want it how do you name it how do you how do you price it how do you deliver it with passion that you have fun with and whatever delivery system you want how do you get people to say yes without feeling like a salesperson so we get to do that and it's turned into a movement I mean you were part of it day one you were part of the first one we did as a friend and now it's this millions of people around the world have been part of it we're in over 120 countries and
people are realizing I could do something that I love I could impact others I can fall in love with it and there's no glass ceiling right not saying get rich overnight for doing nothing that's not Tony and I and the second part of the game has changed the way we used to teach this is you how to figure it all out now we have the opportunity to use AI especially AI that thinks like Tony and I do to exponentially get you off the the blank page so I I heard somebody say AI um won't take
your job someone who understands how to use it will right I thought that was a great analogy so we want to show people how they could shorten the distance of starting your own thing how they could build confidence with AI not be scared of it and how to do this in a time when it's exponentially growing I mean the business when I started 30 years ago was a tiny little niche as you could imagine when Tony started 40 plus years ago tiny now it's a billion dollar a day industry and it's being fueled by Regular
People billion dollars a day a day wow y they predict it'll be it'll be a trillion dollars a year what is this industry called you could call it the knowledge industry the self-education industry it's someone who builds a community or creates a course or has a work weekend Workshop or does a monthly Zoom call or does a coaching call or heck writes a book starts a podcast I mean you are your whole business you're in the information business you interview amazing people um some of my favorite guests ever people you've had on and we all
tune into that because of information and sponsors pay you and other people pay you because you're bringing information right I I'm GNA give you one more story if you have a business right now um if you have a business right now and you don't have a line item on your profit and loss statement that's an information product you're missing out right I was joking we were at dinner I'm tell this one quick story just so so I believe if you want to start a business there is no better time to start it so I'm just
going to pre-frame this and why not create an asset that you own already that you don't have to Warehouse you don't have to store you don't have to pay for it it's got extreme value you get to impact others there's no glass ceiling that's your information so number one if you're going to start something come investigate yes you got three days for free about three hours a day Tony and I are going to hands down delivery all the time of your life right so that's number one if you want to start something if you've been
dabbling in this if you're a coach and you don't know how to get to that next level we'll show you how to do that yeah third though the third group that I think is a must is if you own a business or at dinner the other night uh with my wife and I was sitting with a great couple and they were saying well what what do you mean they should every business should have this I said take my wife my wife she owns salons right she owns extension bar in in Phoenix uh she's voted the
top hair stylist eight out of 10 years when I met her right amazing you know my wife yep so I said take my wife for example all the girls that work in her Salon when they're done they offer shampoo on the wall right I said babe what is it 15 20 bucks yeah whatever you make a couple bucks on it I said yes I said okay great I said what if my wife who went through Propecia and lost her hair at one time my wife has a daily routine on what she eats how sheets what
she puts on her hair her hair is beautiful it's shine it grew back I said what if my wife created a course that women at home could make their hair look healthier younger shinier help with Propecia eat better be healthier I said and at the end of every session instead of saying do you want to B shampoo say hey our founder Lisa graziosi created a course on how to do these five things at home on how to have healthier shinier hair would you like me to add that for 37 bucks I said you sell the
same amount it costs no money it's delivers massive value the girls could make more commission and my wife elbow and she's like why didn't you tell I'm going my wife literally wants to do it right now right but my whole point is every business if you're a real estate investor if you're in yoga if you're a physical therapist it doesn't matter if you're a mortgage broker if you don't have a an information product to either enhance who you are and your reputation or to actually sell it you're missing out so we're going to share that
as well wow it's beautiful and so it's a free event it's online it's three days you and Tony Robbins live teaching each day if they go to Dean andony Lewis that will send them to a landing page where they can opt in for free um and give them access to these three days right yeah and it's not kind of free it's completely free there's there's no catch it's an amazing experience yeah and a million people register every year every year it's crazy so it's amazing I mean I've been there many times and seen it
and I know the stuff you're telling me behind the scenes what's going to happen this year is going to be bigger and better than that's why we call it the Game of Change we're going to blow everybody's mind I I know we've done it five years in a row if you've been to any of them this would be unlike anything you've ever saw cuz things have shifted so I mean there's been more sh last year it's been crazy there's been more shift in the last 12 months then I would Tony and I agree we think
the last 20 years wow right like you know when I started I had to walk uphill both ways in the snow you know what I mean like no but I had to build a product I had to put it in a warehouse I had to do an infomercial because there was no internet like you know you're in a quarter of a million bucks to see if you can sell phone sales rooms you got to do the shipping the Fulfillment stuff God crazy stuff right but the last year the way technology is Advanced the way I
AI is Advanced and and listen Tony and I have just been doing this for 70 plus years between two of us we still do the biggest events the biggest trainers in the history of the world there's nobody does million person events right the one we do in MCC we had two and a half million show up on day one right so we're one step ahead I'm just being honest like if you're dabbling this we're one step ahead and we want to show everybody how to get one step ahead Dean Lewis make sure you guys
go there register and sign up and while you're watching it live let me know the biggest takeaway tag me tag Dean on social media let us know the biggest takeaway as you're watching it live and take action on whatever you're learning that's the key investigate and then take action um you're all over social media you know Dean graos on social media but this is the main thing I want to send people to and for whatever reason they're watching this and the event is over at that time hopefully that that link will send them to
a place where they can opt in to either see you know a PDF or a replay at some point or something else in the future so make sure you just register for whatever you see there people might watch this in six months you know so make sure you go there and Dean andony Lewis to get more information and I'm sure um there's going to be a lot of value there I want to ask you a couple final questions but Dean this has been amazing and I want to acknowledge you before I ask the final
questions for your consistent growth personally the the leader you are as a man how you continue to evolve how you have this beautiful family I know it hasn't always been perfect in your life but you keep evolving and you keep giving so I want to acknowledge you for you know you flew out here for the day to be on this you're going to help me and my team with some strategy stuff so I acknowledge you for the constant Journey you're on and also like you know you reach out to people you care about when you
see something in their life that matters and so you've done that for me many times and I'm just grateful and appreciative of you I feel the same way about you your leadership and your friendship so I appreciate you for for everything and the wisdom you've given today I feel like the stuff you shared today I've never heard you share I haven't because this is it this is not on any other place anywhere I know and I love it I love it I think you're doing something on money in the coming future aren't you I can't
wait excited exced uh I think I asked you this question before but it was what four or five years ago last year you're on this is called the three truths you may not remember this but it's a hypothetical question imagining it to live as long as you want okay you're hundred something years old you know Ai and science extends Our Lives by however many years and you get to live the exact life you imagine From This Moment until the last day you get to create anything you want to create you see your kids grow up
and be successful and happy and great grandkids all the different things but for whatever reason on this hypothetical scenario in the last day of your life you have to take everything with you the content the businesses this podcast the books we don't have access to it in this world anymore hypothetically it goes somewhere else but on your last day you get to leave behind three lessons to the world where we would get to keep these three I call them truths what would be those three truths for you on your final day not remember that question
um wow great question um I think three truths are is um nothing is permanent nothing is permanent the worst day of your life it will change the best day of your life it will paade um I think so many times in my life when things went sideways went wrong moved into with my dad something happened at 18 lost my first business in my 20s it wasn't working out I just I felt hopeless and down and I wish at an earlier age I would have realized part of it it's not permanent that's just part of the
process so number one number two um I I have to go back to the thing I said that the story our lives are nothing more than the stories we tell ourselves right um You have to check the core belief I mean I probably learned that from Tony Robbins 27 years ago so I don't want to act like that's new and and revolutionary but I I live by that whenever something is wrong I call it I go upstream and go what is the belief I have to have to feel this crappy or feel this off or
feel the stress um I think the last one this might sound too cliche is dream way bigger than you think dream way bigger it is the same amount of work to do something 10 times the size that it is one time it's the same stress it's the same worry it's the same fall you might as well aim bigger that's beautiful um btle question what's your definition of greatness uh nonstop Evolution growing there you go Dean appreciate you man thank for being here you would think like millionaires well they can afford the new car like they
can do it but they don't because they understand that cars are a depreciating asset every time you get in that car it's just going down and when you compound that with a car payment you're paying interest on something going down in value it's about the dumbest thing you can do and I I think it's one of the biggest wealth Killers today
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