finding new unique mechanisms is definitely the most Trailblazer thing you could do in this industry right at the highest level when you have had big campaigns under your belt then your mission is to go find breakthrough ship Peter kill I think one of the best identities you could have if you were a vssl guy is to be a vsl artist like you're just making art here you are like a artistic gangster let's say that I hire you like some reason like I found like I don't know a billion dollars and then I pay you to
write a vssl what's the first step that you take one of the most important parts of that is making sure that the root cause of the problem and the solution to that make a lot of sense do we have any any tips that maybe you can share to help improve like finding these unique mechanism right so to create the leads that Inspire someone to watch your vssl to the very end there's a couple things that I do I select any one of these leads and Bam it rewrites it for us so super cool it makes
your job really easy when you optimize the vsls do you think that there are some high leverage points that people should test when they they want to increase conversion really cool question this is the deepest most effective that I ever found and this is the reason that people get blocked it doesn't matter how good you get at the game if your magnet is facing the wrong way sec fore for so Peter thank you so much for being here uh first of all could you please tell me a little bit about your yourself and what you
do right now what you have done just for the few people here in Brazil that don't know you and would like to know you better dope yeah so my name is Peter Kell and I really love the idea of Lifestyle design so how do you create the most epic life you could possibly imagine that way you can have the most fun life you could possibly imagine and live live life with no regrets at the end of the day and very quickly I was like man if I could get rich on the Internet by an early
age that would be probably the best place to start at making an epic life and after four years of struggling I finally figured out that you know media buying and copywriting and creating video sales letters and making big campaigns on the internet was the fastest way to do that I met some mentors that gave me the keys so I spent about six and a half years ago I decided that like just making the videos was the most valuable skill I could have video sales letters so I committed my life to mastering that skill set and
that did give me the life I was after like just the cars and the girls the Lambos and all those things and uh now that eventually evolved into giving back and now creating AI tools so I own a company called genius. and we're making affiliate marketing and network marketing and direct sales easier for those who don't have time to learn the skills and just want to get results that's kind of the fashion dig there awesome and you're also a director of VL at M Valley right right yeah that is a I'm still a partner at
the company but but I haven't been doing vsls for them for a little over a year and a half now got it you know that they are actually V client right or you don't know that telling me that congratulations on get yeah that's cool that's a very nice testimonial that I have there man I'm very curious who were these mentors that you just told me that like gave you the keys to internet marketing success right so there are two guys one of the guys name is Jason applebomb the other one's called John Fishburn and Jason's
very loud on Instagram Lambos big houses fun crazy flashy lifestyle and Jon is very secretive behind the scenes he likes cruising around on boats and living on islands and you getting soaking in the Sun and stuff like that and being lowkey and these guys just you know I convinced them over time through a mastermind that I had started to let me uh to teach me because I had tried starting all these businesses and I was just convinced that I was terrible at business and that all my stuff would fail you know seven companies in a
row fail and you just got to probably I don't want to do an eighth one so I was committed to how do I become an apprentice to a Master got it and I was looking out looking for Masters and these are the guys that I had eventually found and convinced me convince them to let me join them got it do you think that's the best way to actually learn something to go like spend your time trying to find a mentor that's going to teach you or do you think that people should try to like do
it yourself maybe buy a copyright en curse or read more books or stuff how do you think is the best approach to get you to success faster well if I had to start all over again I would go straight head first towards finding a badass Mentor in being on the right seat on the right bus because in this game what gets you the results are the skills and unfortunately watching courses in reading books doesn't actually get you skills right it gets to knowledge but skills come from getting results and you know at the end of
the day your results of like how much money did you make yesterday on the Internet it's pretty much your skills right you can read a lot of books that doesn't change how much money you made on the internet you have to make a campaign launch that thing on ads and get it profitable that is actual skills while the other stuff is just knowledge in the air so um I had to get in the right seat in the right bus and so do you and so does everybody a place and that me the place where they
can practice and get the skill set and if they get mentors they can be in a better Coliseum to play the game than they could ever create on their own so I'm a huge fan of doing whatever it takes working for free for the right people or whatever to get yourself in the right seat on the right bus I actually when I started my my entrepreneurship journey I actually worked for free for a company here in Brazil called empiricus which is like aora Financial but here in Brazil I was a copywriter there and it was
pretty cool I learned a lot so yeah I also agree with that sometimes it's hard to find mentors because well you have to convince someone to actually teach you just buying curses and read the books you don't have to convince anyone you just pay for it and it's okay but since we're talking about how to get stuff that we want I know that you're very big on this thing called manifesting right to be honest I don't really know what it is I studied a little bit about maell Ms in a book called psycho cybernetics I
don't know if it's the same thing could you please tell the audience here and also me what is this thing called manifesting why is it important why you're so big on it why why do you advocate so much for it right so manifesting is this idea that subtly on a deep down level you are creating a reality with every thought and every piece of your imagination and this is not something I really wanted to be interested in this is just the last thing that I started doing before my life took off and it has taken
off multiple separate times all using the principles of you know the law of attraction or the principles of manifestation which is again is the images that you're holding in your mind are what's creating your reality and most people take for granted seriously this ability that they have they have this like literal Soul inside them that is able to move reality in ways they can't really comprehend and able to send out emotional boomerangs people believe in karma right this invisible force that if you do something bad it bounces back to you like a boomerang karma is
like a boomerang you do nice things that com back to you well that Boomerang exists not just in good or bad things but in all things you imagin and all emotions that you put out to the world so you're constantly getting things back to you that are either good or bad and there are ways that you can leverage this to quote unquote get really lucky and quote unquote have your life fall together and have all stars align in your life I found out that there was other things in the way of me being successful when
I used to struggle and things that were not skill set related and things that were not self-sabotage related where my behaviors were off right it was like random things it was almost like being a magnet you know that was faced the wrong way I get closer towards my goal but the second that I got really close to it it would bounce away from me invisible and invisible force would cause it to push away from me that's manifestation is understanding what the that is and how to flip yourself so you attract these thing to you because
if you don't flip the magnet you'll never get to it got it it's it's in you can it doesn't work right it doesn't you have to flip [Music] it for [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a book called psych cybernetics I just told you and do you think I me I mean have you read this book or yes that was a huge bug for me so in this book and there's also another book called U the the new Psycho cybernetics it's actually a program by Dan Kennedy which is a very like respected marketer I don't know if
people in Brazil here they know it but if you don't know it's going to to appear on the screen right now then Kennedy search his books on Amazon it's worth it so there he he he teaches two techniques the first one is called mental rehearsal where you actually just close your eyes and you keep imagining what you're going what you're actually going to do and you keep doing that until you feel like you got it and then it's okay you he says that if you just do that you actually improve your skills on doing that
thing just by imagine it because your brain cannot differentiate between the actual uh the between your imagination and reality and there's also a second technique that the name is theater of the mind that's the one where you actually just imagine yourself looking at it and then like a theater and craziest thing is that the the the the the year that I made my first million I was actually using these techniques every day now sadly I think that I forgot about them but yeah I need to come back to them but do you think that these
techniques they are good they are worth it do do you think that we have more techniques for that how do people get started in manifestation manifest so so here's what happens here's why that technique works and in Psycho cybernetics that book is is written by a plastic surgeon amazing book and he doesn't really dive into any of the spirituality things behind it but what he is diving to is how it works in rehearsal a mental rehearsal and mentally visualizing how you would like things to go and what it doesn't talk about which some other books
talk about is the spiritual laws that that practice is invoking that causes this stuff to manifest that are greater and more powerful than just your imagination or your subconscious mind kicking on board right so one of the techniques again is mental rehearsal right picturing things how you would like it to go let's say you launch a campaign on Facebook or Tik Tok and it's not working and you get this negative experience right and you kind of feel bad or you do something in your business that doesn't work and you feel bad well what this is
telling you to do is hey let's just start picturing the moment where it works where you're making the thousand a day that you were looking for you were dreaming for and you feel amazing and you begin to work on imagining that this is happening because the problem is that when you when you launch something and it doesn't work and you feel bad and you you do this affirmation to yourself this isn't working right this campaign is hard business is tough you start saying this inner dialogue to yourself well your whatever you believe is true at
the root cause of your mind is what it will manifest into your reality and currently what you're saying and you're you're affirming and you're declaring your reality is is this is hard this doesn't work this isn't it right and all of that turns you into a magnet for this being hard this not working this being bad in the second that you get close to you having a winning campaign you having a business that's working the other side of your life right a different version of your life where you're making $1,000 a day or whatever and
your business is booming and your campaigns are taking off and you're highly profitable and it's so easy and effortless the second that you get close to that life you are an opposite magnet so you will push it away you will do more than self sabotage even if you force yourself to get there the magnet will push you away eventually and it will fall out of your hand hands which is what happened to me so what mental rehearsal is doing is even though your 3D reality says this stuff isn't working you are going to start picturing
and visualizing I am so happy and grateful now that I'm making $1,000 a day now that my campaigns are amazing now that my audience is easily and instantly able to recognize the value of my product and buying that by the boatload this business is amazing it's dope and you're be I'm super rich I'm balling out of control I make 50 grand every day out easily and consistently it's unbelievable right you're putting out this opposite energy and you're imagining each scenario in your life and that turns you into a positive emotional that is positive Karma that
you're sending out to the universe life is a game of boomerangs and you this emotional boomerangs that you're sending out is what gets back to you and that is the real secret when you live from this energy you will tune yourself in to the ideas that will get you the results that you're looking for and you won't be suffering like everybody else in this this isn't working bad State bad mentality which is so easy to get caught into but you must flip it in your mind if you want to flip it in your reality everything
first starts in the heart as a man sth in his heart so he is is the famous quote so you must get it real in your heart and in your subconscious and believe that this works it's called having faith in God or faith in the universe or whatever and that this is like all over thinking Grow Rich this is in Psycho cybernetics this is this is this is the deepest most effective that I ever found and this is the reason that people get blocked it doesn't matter how good you get at the game if your
magnet is facing the wrong way yeah yeah you always got to switch it that that that's so in that you just told all that because from my experience I have studied a little bit about manifesting too but only like the the actual techniques I think I never read a book about the actual spiritual laws to talk about that could you recommend something here for me and also for the audience that people that want to go more to the spiritual side some good book that I don't know maybe they should read it yeah um I got
one sitting right here there's one called feeling is the secret by Neville Godard feeling is the secret look how tiny it is it's a tiny little book you can read it in one hour super easy there's also another book by Neville that's also tiny called the power of awareness which I thought was on my desk but apparently it's not on my desk reading the ciret power of awareness got it power of awareness phenomenal book and it just goes straight to the point about the laws of the universe and how you're creating your own reality and
all those things awesome and I found this book after this is this book is how I manifested my deal with mind Valley in my opportunity with mind Valley following this book specifically i' lost all all this money from losing uh from selling my company in my skincare brand and I started manifesting to get my S out of the situation and I studied literally both these books this the power awareness and feeling is the secr by Neville Goddard and I practiced it and it worked again for like the dozenth times that manifesting has worked and saved
myself in my life so I'm a huge fan yeah I can see that and well thanks for all that man uh I I think it's pretty pretty valuable for me and also the audience since you since we talking about that you said that you started this skincare company that you actually sold at the end of the day so uh when you can actually sell a direct response business I think that's something very impressive because truth is that most direct response business they just want to sell stuff they don't care about the client they they just
advertise it and then sell it and then that's it and then at the uh next day they need to go and sell to other clients what do you think is the main difference maybe your your mindset and also what the thing that you actually do to differentiate yourself and you don't just create like a cash flow business but you create a good direct response business that maybe you can sell in the future how did you uh did you do that right so I think the root of it is uh you know I believe that God
put me here for something more than just making money and my life is important and my life is valuable and I don't want to spend 60 years just making money month after month that's all I care about that's my thing so if you don't start a business that has potential for a high liquidity event like an exit then you are in a you are in a hamster wheel that just runs for as long as you run right it's most people build these cash flow business they're cash machines right if you're not selling a company it's
a cash machine which is great it can get you that amazing life especially if you get your first 10 grand a month and then 50 and then 100 then 200 and then if you get really phenomenal you can Max it out not I want to say Max it out but you can get the million dollars a month I know some guys do even beyond that right yeah so that at the end of the day though is still a hamster wheel if you're not doing it on something that has high Enterprise Value so this is one
of the big lessons that I learned because I was a big affiliate I did millions of dollars in sales as an affiliate but I didn't have anything that it just there was no Enterprise Value it was worth nothing the the traffic stops my business is zero right and then I start to realize wow if I did all of these sales on something that I owned that was nice I would get a multiple on this someone would want to buy this from me but if it was a Drop Shipping Company that would also be worth nothing
but because all the customers were pissed so if you're going to start focusing on optimizing your Enterprise Value that let's do it let's optimize it let's make an amazing brand with an amazing product with a real dermatologist with real professional stuff with fast shipping times let's let's let's do this let's make a lot of sales millions of dollars on sales but let's do it on something that's worth a lot of money yeah because then you can get an exit and then while all your friends are still working you've moved on to a bigger more important
part of your life awesome just to give you some context I also did the exact same thing here in Brazil I had like a Brazilian golden hippo let's say I have like 70 uh people employees that were working for us we also had a skincare BR skincare brand that we had around 4,000 subscriptions so it was pretty cool but at the end of the day I just decided to stop it I did not sell it then I created VB which now has Enterprise Value so I think that I was was I was one of the
first here in Brazil to actually create a direct response business that was more like legit not just selling yeah and yeah so so how do you think that the product uh I mean what's the importance of the product in this kind of business and how do you actually create a good product because you say that you went to a Dermatology so maybe he he she was creating or he I don't know was creating the formula how does this process works and how do you think that someone that is doing like just a cash flow business
can can transition from cash flow to actually building something more longterm with Equity yes so my story was I was I was an affiliate marketer I finally found a campaign that blew up selling skincare products and then the guy I was working with wanted me to pause my Facebook campaign because he wanted to take it or whatever and that really frustrated us so I had a campaign I knew was working and that skincare product has ingredients I knew were selling very well the unique mechanism was amazing yeah so I was a sales vssl Master but
I wasn't a product creation master I had no idea how to do this I was like what do I hire scientist and like freaking start asking them to put stuff in bottles and shake them around and stuff I don't understand but no it turns out that there are manufacturing companies that already have scientists on staff and already shook the bottles for you and you can just work with them yeah but again even that was too complicated for me so what happened was I realized listen you should only be a master of one thing I'm a
master of VLS I'm going to stay a master of VLS I have to find somebody who can run this part of the business for me and execute this for me that's what a team does I handle this thing you handle that thing and I had found this friend I had this friend who owned an e-commerce business selling pillows that I had sold a lot of his pillows they blew up so I was like hey bro pillows suck you should come work with us and then when I got him on the team he knew instantly how
to do it all he knew instantly what manufacturers to go look for who could recreate this product with great ingredients and great boxes and great packaging and all that stuff and fast shipping times and he got it all done for me effortless so how do you do it is the same way you do anything you find someone that knows how to do it yeah that's the best essentially that's your job find someone who knows how to do it yeah and stay doing what you're doing of course at the end of the day you as the
entrepreneur you have the responsibility to actually get done and if you don't know it man just hire someone just figure out just do it that's it yeah so but but now you have this experience with software right where you create like genius AI which is very different I think from a direct response business at least from my experience man I've been doing software right now and vctor we we have like thousands of clients here in Brazil we are Brazilian B but we also have lots of international clients some of the biggest advertisers in the whole
planet are using us and I never spent $1 on ads at least outside Brazil and for the first two years of V term I never spent $1 on ads it was just through word of mouth and what what has been like having like this new experience in another business model are you having to re are you having to reinvent yourself because has a vssl master I think that I I don't know if you're applying vsls to genius AI or how's your how's your experience with this new company with this new business model yeah so I
I decided to have a complete identity transformation I had gotten to the top of the vssl game and I I was too young not to keep growing I'm too young not to feel like I have a lot more ahead of me with life but I didn't feel like there was monstrous improvements I could make in the vssl world anymore sure there was like other moves I could make but I wasn't super inspired to do them so I wanted to Pivot and finding a new skill set that I could be great at and I found AI
product development that was it I want to make invent create new epic products that is used by hundreds of thousands of people and because it's also the same thing I'm also optimizing for Enterprise Value like what can I do that is super fun but also makes me more money than I've ever made in my whole life because why not why would you do anything but try to make the most money youever made in your whole life yeah and AI product creation was kind of it now it's definitely a challenge it's definitely highly expensive right it
takes a lot of money to be building software Tech all day long and having teams run and just like you we started out with ads at the beginning but then we paused it and we just did product development we were just going to build epic products and do B2B which is like just emailing leaders at Big corporations to ask them if they want to use this and push it out to other people and just played that game for the whole time which is just a totally different game um I don't think it's as nuclear as
cracking a big advertising campaign is but what's more fun for me is still building this yeah and then of course the Enterprise value on a AI company or software company is crazy when you get people hooked on it yeah if it works it's amazing at least that's my bad for V I hope I can grow it to be the biggest in the world and then maybe sell it I don't know let's see I probably can I hope so man if you want to buy it let me know for and also so since you're talk since
you're like the master of the vssl let's get into the SLS I think that's what people really want to know so what's the first thing that you do when you're going to create a vssl let's say hey Peter let's say that I hire you like some reason like I found like I don't know a billion dollars and then I pay you to write a vssl for for VB or for I don't know some skincare brand or anything what's the first step that you take yeah so the first step that I take is well I want
to know if it's a big enough Niche right so if it's a niche that assuming that this is a really big product in a niche that is proven to have lots of people buy stuff in this Niche the first thing you have to do is kind of gather your puzzle pieces right at the end of the day got to gather what problem is this solving what emotional problems this is solving I kind of have a little spreadsheet that I would fill out like what's the root cause of the problem what's the solution to that and
get absolute Crystal Clarity on all of the puzzle pieces that I'm going to use to begin creating a vssl with right like no what do I work with um one of the most important parts of that is making sure that the root cause of the problem and the solution to that make a lot of sense and that bridge is kind of built you know everybody who buys a product is somebody who's in pain there's this big gap in front of them and on the other side of the Gap is their happy life with all their
problems solved right yeah and they need to believe that buying your buying your product can help them cross that Gap and get them to where they want to be and they need to be able to kind of picture it in their mind and see how that could kind of work yeah and a lot of times people have you know unique mechanisms that kind of suck that aren't believable yeah like I remember this skincare brand that had like a plant-based stem cell that they found in an apple in Switzerland that'll make your stem cells suddenly start
growing faster so women who had thin wrinkly transparent skin if you just rub this stem cell on your arm it'll make your stem cells grow skin cells faster and you'll have you youth looking skin I'm like that just sounds like a bunch of bull right yeah and and Market said it was people didn't want to buy very much of it and it didn't scale so you need to make sure that your mechanism makes a lot of sense in clicks and uh if you want to have something that's nuclear then it has to be some new
mechanism in most big niches I mean I would say in all big niches the next big campaign involves a new mechanism a new way of solving the root cause the problem a new profound um discover on what the true root cause of the problem is which makes this other stuff work better got it I say that's that's step one is getting your puzzle pieces in order and having them connect really well yeah so one question that I have about this is that at least for me when I'm writing I'm also a copywriter just to let
you know I've been doing this for 10 years now I said I sold around 50 million USD so yeah that I mean that's not a lot for United States standard L for anybody bro yeah here in Brazil it's a lot I can't tell you that that's a lot yeah so when I'm writing for like health and health and beauty also maybe relationships maybe um like languages I always use this root cause argument so for example for the for your skin care brand from what I remember you had that mechanism from the the protein Prine which
like stops the cellular renewal or something like that I don't remember yeah and and yeah it's it's a pretty good mechanism and but if if I'm selling like a business opportunity then I don't really use the root cause argument because I I just like don't find a way to actually fit this kind of argument in this Niche then what I do is that I first showed them that there is something that they can do like hey if you do this then you you will get your benefit on the health Niche which will be like hey
if you solve this problem this root cause you get you get the benefit and then on BAS I said hey if you do this action like if you sell info product if you use genius AI if you do this that or whatever you will get you will make money and then the way to make money is through this unique mechanism so my question is do you use this road cost argument for every Niche and does it always work or do you have like specific kinds of arguments for each Niche that you're working on it listen
this definitely doesn't work at every single Niche that's the thing about vsls is like it's not like when you ascend to the top of the vssl world you are suddenly a grandmas who can write amaz any amazing vsls it's not really like that it's more like you just made so many campaigns and a few of them exploded really big and are happen to be some of the biggest in the world now but you're still like I barely know what I'm doing bro like half these half these niches like just don't work that doesn't work I
thought that like like the vast majority of my ideas don't work yeah so it's not like I'm like coming at this like Mr genius here huge I'm just like swinging as hard as I can and then something hits eventually got it and then I'm famous all of a sudden it's like what the hell right but it's like the reality is like I don't know dude I think this let's just try doing that I don't know yeah the root cause argument I mean it probably always works man at least here in Brazil is the most famous
people are people have been using that for years now so yeah but that's also the first thing that I do I I I try to find this unique mechanism and then what's the second thing that you do you then you write maybe the offer or you go to the lead or how's your I got swipes swipes are next right so every vssl artist homework and by the way I think one of the best identities you could have if you were a vssl guy is to be a vssl artist like you're just making art here you
are like a artistic gangster why do you call that vssl artist what's the idea behind it I like this think I'm a copywriter I don't I don't I don't Vibe with it right I don't Vibe with that identity um but artist is like bro you are doing dope here like you are painting every single sentence you are dialing everything in to be amazing it's like an art it's like a piece of art you know your little script here that you put together that's so cool it's beautiful it makes you look at what you do like
just super cool in it's beautiful work that you're putting together and you're very proud of it and you're stoked about it and if it works or not whatever but and you're you're dissecting all parts of your vssl to improve the way that what you're showing people all these different pieces you're you're creating an an art art video that you're very proud of so I personally like that frame how to become a worldclass vssl artist right I'm a worldclass vssl artist that's one of the best identities I think you could plant yeah so people hey guys
right now you're not copyright anymore you need to see yourself as vssl artist you need to start manifesting that it's cool right just start saying I am a worldclass vssl artist I am the greatest vssl artist of all time yeah just start saying that to yourself over and over again for the rest of your life just to see what happens yeah just in case right so the part of your homework sorry go ahead I was G to say part of your their homework as being a vsl artist is you have to digest vsls every morning
right you have to go find the biggest campaigns on the internet you need to get the transcript for the vsl and you need to break it down scene by scene scene by scene this becomes your favorite thing to do because it's like watching it's like watching your favorite sports athlete play a game right who doesn't like watching LeBron James slam a dunk right yeah that's what you're doing but we do that through other people's transcripts and copyrighting and looking at the vssl they wrote and breaking it down scene by scene watching watching what they did
watching the moves they made boom bo bo bo boom right yeah do you think also do you think that this also like works for not only vsls but like old uh sales letters like Direct Mail bookal logs meal logs that kind of stuff yes 100% everything that has ever sold anything is a sales formula yeah right they're all formulas it's all like when I said the nightmare story and went in with the discovery and hooked them with the seven open loops and then it's like bro that's a strategy to hook people in that is effective
and you know it works and you're very it's proven it's a proven golden map to treasure right that's a good way to look at it right LeBron James did this move and then he slam dunked I'm gonna learn that move I'm gonna study that move I'm gonna practice that move yeah that's kind of the way you want to be looking at it got it yeah so after you have all like I mean you you thought about mechanism then you have like a a a real I mean a new root cause that you can present to
the market also a unique solution that will solve it and then you have also the swipes of what is working right now so you know hey this kind of angle is working like with this format this amount of words this length of VL what's your next step right so after you've done your homework which is study the biggest campaigns in the world I would probably just collect I mean I used to collect like 20 of them right I would have 12 of them that I would put in my own little vsl Bible and this is
like one spot with all of my formulas one big document I called it the vssl Bible with all my formulas and once I had studied those and I knew a lot about this right I'm smart with my skill set now yeah um then I look at look at the puzzle pieces that I have right I look at the mechanism I look at the story the the founder Story how he invented this thing how all this came true and I take this and I go what formula do I think this would work best for right what
do I like the most and then I look at all of my sales formulas of winning stuff and I see what can I what can I model which winning campaign should I reverse engineer to sell this product and that's freaking it right I pick one that I think is great and then I start sentence by sentence rewriting each word sentence for this product right following their sales formula got it yeah if you do that I think I mean if the main variable here that I think is the selection of the unique mechanism right because if
you're getting like the copy almost uh like the same length the same structure that is already working right now why it would not work for you the only reason is the selection of the unique mechanism do you have more tips to do that because you said that people need to it needs to be something that clicks on people's mind but for for some people maybe this is kind of hard to actually find this so do you have any any tips that maybe you can share to help improve like finding this unique mechanism or do you
think that is best to I don't know maybe just grab a unique mechanis unique mechanism from the market then take this unique mechanism that you already found that is working then put in another uh vsl formula that you think might work too then create a thing out of things that are already working right now yeah so finding new unique mechanisms is definitely the most Trailblazer thing you could do in this industry yeah right at the highest level when you have you've had big campaigns under your belt then your mission is to go find breakthrough that's
coming out new inventions your mission is to be reaching out to manufacturers and looking for brand new exciting things that they discovered right you go to China and you look for brand new breakthroughs that people make and go to these product events and stuff like that you're showing up to trade shows and you're looking for any sort of supplement breakthrough big thing that happened and you're looking to be a future focused leader who's ahead of everyone else who's out there looking for mechanisms and you look for something that clicks in a big Niche and when
you find that you get the product made you turn it into a vssl and you will be a future focused leading badass entrepreneur who is a gangster and has a vssl that beats everybody because you're selling you new that no one's ever heard of before got it got but that is future Focus that's like at the highest level that's what you're doing right when you're starting and you're just getting in the game you should only be reverse engineering winning campaigns you should be looking for mechanisms that are already proven in the market you should not
be going out doing anything else but modeling winning stuff yeah it's probably easier I want to grab your opinion on something that I did here in Brazil and yeah I just want to see if if you agree with that if you think that's something that we can actually give as a tip to the audience so when I had my skincare company here in Brazil I I had actually the ex the same ingredient that you guys had it was uh the proing stuff I think the the name of the ingredient was proin I think it was
something like that proin yeah blocks proin exactly so I I I mean that's one mechanism that I could do I could just say hey you have this like protein in your body it is bad you need to take it out so you're then you will be able to renew yourself your skin and become younger again so I could I could do that it was worth a test because it was working everywhere so I could do it but here in Brazil collagen is really really strong so people really do believe that they have to uh like
uh take collagen so they can improve coll collagen on their skin they really believe that so since you have this belief in the market my thinking was Hey what if I can link this prelin thing instead of using pralin I can use it as a way to help like um increase the collagen production on the skin and then I say something like this hey uh I'm going to show you this new thing here and this thing basically is the right way to renew collagen on your skin because if you take collagen collagen supplements it doesn't
work because your stomach will digest it and everything so the real way to uh renew collagen on the skin is to actually renew your cells because you have brand new cells that are are already full of collagen so it's like it's already full you don't need to put anything in there and the way to renew your cells is to remove the proin thing and the way to do that is with pulin so it's an argument a little bit bigger but it sold around 6 million USD I think that's a lot in Brazil and yeah so
my thinking is that if I see that there's a root cause that people really believe so they they believe that they need to renew their college they believe that but they just could not find any solution that actually worked for them so I can still say Hey you were completely right you have to do that you just found the wrong way to do it the right way is this one then I can point Point them to another way that maybe we'll get the the job done what do you think of this technique do you think
it works or do you think it's better to just like find a actual new root cause something that they have no belief about maybe they even don't know about so they're like fresh about it because in Brazil I know that this already worked but I don't know like outside maybe in the usest or other places what's your opinion about that I mean if you could figure out a root cause that makes sense you 100% swing for it right yeah that's the thing because because when you're doing skin care you know the person has wrinkles you
know they don't like their wrinkles so you don't need to invent anything new there right all there is to work on is a root cause of the problem and the solution to that yeah all there is to do is find a new way that this is the new reason why you have wrinkles what's the new reason that you have wrinkles maybe it's this maybe it's that and it has to be a good one if you say it's Sun it's probably going to be annoying for them right or whatever you sell sunblock but no 100% you
should be looking for other reasons root causes of the problem and this is sometime this is like what you're doing with vssl variations you're like testing a new root cause of the problem yeah I had the biggest lesson with this when I was doing uh when I was doing pain relief products right because people I knew people had pain or whatever I knew they wanted to get rid of it but I was testing ways that you could solve it and I was testing this yoga mat that had acupuncture points on the back of it and
it didn't really convert and then I was testing like um um pain relief patches that would like shock your nervous nerves and and block your nerves from firing it off and then I did these foot insoles that had acupuncture points on the feet and it and it poked little bottoms of your feet and that caused you relieve pain and what I'm doing there is switching how I solve your problem right three different products because a lot of times if you change the mechanism you you have to change the product because that the product is what
delivers the mechanism yeah of course but it was the foot and souls that exploded right people didn't give a about laying down on the mat the pain relief patch was kind of cool but the second I said push on the bottom of your feet it just banned all of a sudden so I was like oh my God how how you tell people you'll solve their problem is everything yeah that's really interesting and it's actually very unpredictable because you can never know right you just know if you test it that's the only way to know if
the message will actually work okay H thanks so much for this process I think it was very valuable but how do you actually create the ads because now we have the vssl but we actually need the ads to run for it right actually I I saw the ads from mind Valley and it's crazy I think they are so like undir they're very like low on promise they start by telling a story what do you think about that how how's your process for writing EDS right so to create the leads that Inspire someone to watch your
vssl to the very end um there's a couple things that I do one is I like to have spokes people because a lot of times the authority figure isn't able to jump on the camera and do these other things so I have I hire like actresses on a company called got it which is like a bunch of actresses and stuff like that and I would just write 20 different leads I have a process um called the lead Bible where I'm rewriting same thing I just said with vsls it works with leads you rewrite winning
leads you find different angles that would would be fitting with your product um and I would just rewrite them and then have a spokesperson say it that's that's the biggest one and you're just coming up with different types of leads whether they're stories or they're value leads so like hey eat blueberries it's good for your skin but you know what else is good for your skin what this dermatologist is about to say watch the video right that kind of like hey don't go outside and burn your face in the Sun but you what else you
need to know if you don't want to get ugly you want to listen to this dermatologist watch the video right like that kind of stuff and then there's questions and comparison angles and story angles and all different types of angles so um getting up to speed on what all those angles are and then just rewriting them over and over again yeah I think it's pretty like interesting the way that you create the message because since you're you using like like things that are working right now your chance of failure decreases a lot because you get
most things like already validated by the market so if you don't want to go wrong if you want to go like for an I don't know maybe fast win I think that's the best way for sure so thank you for that and also when you optimize the vsls do you think that there are some like high leverage points that people should test when they they want to increase conversions because sometimes what happens is I mean you probably saw that a lot of times is that you put your vsl to to work and then it it
sells a lot then it start like uh stops working and then after some months maybe it doesn't even work at all so if you spend money you will not get a return on it do you have like a framework for testing maybe I don't know testing the lead or the other stuff or how do you see this yeah so you always want to start at the beginning of the video when you're optimizing a video yeah because that's the first place to start everyone's watching your watching your video I mean what's the drop off rate in
the first three seconds what's the drop off rate in the first 15 seconds the second your your job is to hook people in as long as possible and whether or not they stay is whether or not whether how good your video is so you start with just optimizing the beginning making 20 different versions of the beginning making 20 different versions of the first three seconds like with weird visuals to hook people in or whatever I remember at mine Valley we cracked this uh this hook that was why are some people blessed by luck when others
are not so lucky that was our first first two seconds or whatever and that was a really cool hook because it allowed us to make a bunch of different images of like somebody getting hit by a goat or something weird some bad luck happens to this guy and this other lady like wins the lottery or whatever like so we and L different uh clickbait kind of interesting videos to use with that one sentence why are some people best by luck others not so lucky really cool question um so optimizing the beginning of it all and
then moving along to the vssl as that comes along so at the be it's just front to back yeah yeah that's actually the value proposition of VB I I don't know if you know it but for example we have lots of features that will actually improve the beginning of vsl we have one called hooks that once you all you have to do is go to V then you put some headlines in there then you activate it then every time that your vssl loads a different headline will appear above it oh yeah and then we'll keep
changing it to see which headline actually sells more so all you have to do is put the headlines there and run the traffic so yeah guys I can tell you I can tell you first thing that these like first few touch points especially headlines creatives the autoplay image the one that say Hey click here the background video the one that appears on on the back of the autoplay image all these are huge variables and I have seen people double their conversions just by switching this variables so it's crazy how like these little amounts of effort
on the right spot can get you a huge result when it comes to to sales so Peter I would like to ask the last question of this podcast which is since you're working right now with genius AI what do you think that is the is the biggest value that you provide to the direct response community and how Brazilians would benefit from your platform because truth is that I don't know if people here they know the platform a lot I don't know anyone that is not that is using here in Brazil at least for the moment
so what do you think that you guys can do why people should use it yeah so we're about to be really big in Brazil which is super thingk right so we started out with vl. which is very direct response focus and then we pivoted to genius which was more for people who kind of do free traffic yeah and since then we've cracked some really cool uh features which has allowed us to launch with uh ClickBank for example we just launched with ClickBank um last week last Friday few days ago so we have partnered with ClickBank
and have built a version of Genius that has all of clickbank's products pre-loaded and we're doing the same thing with digistore and Max web and and buy Goods so pretty much everyone who every vssl company right now Network that is has vssl offers Affiliates can run we have a an AI that is trained on all the offers they have to run and specifically designed to help them create leads so this is what's really cool because anyone who heard about genius but hasn't tried it in the last week or so is about to get a brand
new version at a discounted price it used to be $99 a month now it's only $19 a month thanks to the um influx of users that we've been in a to get these big laches so very Mass Market anyone can do it especially in Brazil I know that Max web I think is or maybe it was uh by good was big in Brazil who's the biggest in Brazil well I think none of them to be honest by good did did an event here I think maybe the biggest is called Kat pund which is Brazilian but
the all these networks they are trying to enter Brazil so like for example I have a party from ClickBank I think next week or something in s Paulo so I'll probably go there but yeah if you guys want want to come here and want to do some Partnerships with vtor not only you from Jus but all these guys from bos and doring ClickBank just talk to us Brazil is open I can help you guys cool yeah so it's an AI that is specifically designed to write leads and angles help you come up with angles for
your affiliate vsl offers so you select whatever product you want to sell you select your call to action like hey I want you to I want somebody to click my link and watch the video on the next page and then genius. will help gener generate um over 30 different angles for your specific offer depending just based off of the lead B that we put together I put everything that I learned from bsls and I put it into this tool and then it'll rewrite winning leads for you in one click in the background so got it
I select any one of these leads and Bam it rewrites it for us so super cool it makes your job really easy there's like a teleprompter video button so you can all of a sudden be making a video if you wanted to teleprompter pops up on your phone we have a an AI video generator tool now so you click a button and it'll make the vssl for you that's awesome and it just makes your life super super easy and ClickBank people and digit store people are loving it that's awesome so from what I understood you
actually need to input your vsl there then the AI will read the vssl and then it can create leads and ads for this vssl is that right so the best way to do it if you are if you go through one of our partners all of their offers would be already trained inside of the AI but if you wanted to upload your own vssl offer all you would have to do is paste in the transcription of your vssl or put paste in the link to your website your text sales letter so that it can scan
all the copy and then connect all the Dots here to help help you sell got it awesome and how do you think that people can get started is there a website is there an Instagram page or I don't know yeah just go to genius. all right genius. genius. if you want a a secret there is uh there's special partner discounted pricing that you can find on either through ClickBank or through Max web or through digistore24 and uh you'll find a much heavier discounted pricing all the way down to $19 a month um but you got
to look for that one they're kind of hidden but I'll I'll put these guys on adventures to go find it okay that's awesome so guys it will appear on the on the screen right now genius. if you want to create more leads more ads for your for your vsls and as you probably know it's a huge leverage point if you get the lead lead right you can maybe double sometimes triple your conversions and especially thead there's one guy in Brazil there's a podcast with him called Alexandri to appear here on the screen his offer was
his offer was not converting at all then he created a new new ad in a new lead he hired like a Brazilian actress or something and then he started doing around 200,000 USD per day just by changing this ad and this lead so one of the one of the biggest success stories that we have when it comes to just changing ads and leads but yeah so Peter I'd like to thank you so much for your time and I hope did you enjoy the podcast what do you think about it this is great man loved it
love love being on you actually I love the hardcore vsl podcast ah awesome did you actually understood my English is is that okay for you or oh it's got great English yes great yeah actually I need to improve a little bit because maybe next year I'll focus on the United States probably and then yeah I I want to interview more people I already interviewed you Jason flin Stefan Georgi and one guy called Jared from TNT media he's a like a huge media bu there or something yeah's he's nice but yeah next year I'll probably go
to the US to record it live I think it will it will be better but yeah so for the people that want to like get in contact with you and follow you what's the best place to do it on Instagram yeah go to Instagram peterel or go to that's the best way to find me okay so it will appear on the screen H all his like social networks you can find Peter there thank you so much for your time and I hope you enjoy the podcast bye thanks for having me on it's for for