You've Been Chosen For A Mission And That's Why Your Life Is So Painful

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You've Been Chosen For A Mission And That's Why Your Life Is So Painful People who come to earth wi...
Video Transcript:
people who come to Earth with the mission of helping to save Humanity are the chosen ones who go through so much pain and suffering they often endure a life full of suffering for no apparent reason they struggle to achieve what most people obtain with ease it seems that a malevolent spirit with a dark cloud follows them everywhere stealing their rewards and keeping them in Misery the chosen ones face immense challenges trying to fix a broken system and heal broken people they care deeply and give much but seem to receive nothing but pain and suffering in
return the chosen ones like Christ for example came to Earth to help and save Humanity but even he who was God's son was persecuted mocked and crucified The Chosen are bound to face many problems that is the price to pay most people see the chosen ones as weak saviors who can't save themselves they are often seen as crazy individuals who don't know what they're talking about however most of the chosen ones are spiritually awakened and wise beyond their years they understand why they are on earth and why their journey is so painful having accepted their
path While others struggle to believe and accept their chosen status let's consider some concrete examples from real life Martin Luther King Jr fought tirelessly for civil rights and Racial equality in the United States facing constant persecution death threats and even imprisonment despite his commitment to nonviolence and Justice he was assassinated however his legacy continues to inspire social justice movements around the world Mahatma Gandhi led the struggle for Indian Independence through nonviolent resistance he was imprisoned several times and faced enormous opposition and hardship however his dedication to truth and nonviolence left a lasting impact and led
to India's independence Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for his fight against apartheid in South Africa even in prison he maintained his vision of a free and equal country after his release he became South Africa's first black president and worked to reconcile a divided nation Malala yusaf saai a young Pakistani woman fought for girls right to education she was shot by the Taliban for her advocacy but survived and continued her campaign on a global level she became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and continues to fight for girls education around the world
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to to caring for the poor sick and dying in the slums of Kolkata India despite extreme hardship and lack of resources she founded the missionaries of Charity and became a global symbol of compassion and selfless service if you are a chosen one and know that you have a crucial mission to fulfill here on Earth understand that pain and suffering are part of your destiny your spirit is and always will be strong because God is strong but the flesh is weak the body struggles to accept this life it has chosen and
therefore fights and resists you can bow down and pray to God and the universe to relieve you of your problems but you have to go through it you can't turn back now destiny is not the path you chose for yourself but the path you chose for yourself before you came here you can't go back now life isn't easy for the chosen ones you often face pessimists and Skeptics but remember the universe has not abandoned you in my early days many doubted me but now they are beginning to understand what I was talking about the protests
covid-19 lockdowns and the State of Emergency on our planet all of this is unfolding because the chosen ones are returning for the final showdown the chosen ones are here to remind Humanity let love guide you not fear prioritize spirituality over materialism because all material things are temporary cars Mansions even those fancy clothes are fleeting the only lasting thing is the Love in Your Heart The Matrix is falling apart because it lacks the truth and you're all about the truth keep celebrating because it will only get better for us you don't need to save Humanity alone
you need to save yourself eles first you didn't come here to be a martyr but to live vibrantly for what you believe in every day live your best life distance yourself from the fear-driven Matrix media avoid the illusions of race and division to all the chosen ones who prioritize self-care grow their own fruits and vegetables and embrace the spiritual battle you are supported the universe works in favor of those who courageously follow the their hearts remember not everyone will awaken at the same time each person on this planet is learning different lessons at different stages
allow people to experience life at their own pace you're not crazy you're just waking up keep waking up every day don't worry if they call you a conspiracy theorist or label you crazy after all they also call Tesla crazy as a Chosen One prepare prepare to be loved and admired by many prepare for crowds to follow you when they see you making a difference but also prepare for suffering prepare to be ridiculed prepare for a painful and cruel life this is the cup that the chosen one must bear people will conspire against you they will
plot to imprison you friends will betray you and others will deny even knowing you most people will not like your paast among your own people you will find no honor few of your friends and family will support your Soul's mission and some will wish you to fail many will see your light and refuse to give you the support and opportunities to succeed Society will not appreciate your kindness and empathy they will see it as a weakness and try to take advantage of you some will call you foolish or naive for being so kind malicious people
people will intentionally put obstacles in your way just to slow you down malevolent spirits in the spiritual realm will not want your Divine mission to be fulfilled they will block your path to prevent you from achieving your goals you are here for a powerful Mission and the enemy knows and sees this the enemy will make it their mission to stop block or distract you from your purpose it will be constant spiritual warfare they will fight and work against you day after day you must recognize what is happening and draw up a plan to respond remember
you are a warrior consider the example of Joseph from the Bible his own Brothers jealous of his dreams and his favored position with their father sold him into slavery however despite being falsely accused and imprisoned Joseph remained faithful to his Divine Purpose eventually he rose to a position of great power in Egypt where he saved many from famine including his own [Music] family think of David who was chosen to be king but spent years being persecuted by Saul who tried to kill him out of jealousy and fear despite the constant threat to his life David
trusted in God's plan and eventually became one of Israel's great Kings look at the life of Jesus Christ who despite his miracles and teachings of love and compassion faced immense opposition he was betrayed by Judas denied by Peter and crucified by those he came to save however through his sacrifice he fulfilled his mission of salvation for Humanity these examples show that being chosen often comes with immense trials and suffering however they also demonstrate that persever perseverance and faith in God's plan lead to Ultimate Victory and the Fulfillment of God's purpose the life of a chosen
one is a constant spiritual war and without your spiritual weapons you don't stand a chance your weapons in this battle are prayer fasting meditation and reading holy books it's positive thoughts and the constant rebuke of the enemy it's laughing in the enemy's face when his weapons fail against you you need to constantly pray to God to send angels to go before you you need to be immersed in the Holy books so that you don't fall for the enemy's tricks and traps it is essential to meditate daily to hear the voice of God your soul and
the universe trying to guide you stay strong no matter what happens stay focused so that you don't stumble and fall when the going gets tough don't wait for God to come and save you there is a God inside you so that makes you a God be a God and save yourself don't wait for an angel to come and rescue you from the mouth of the enemy you are the angel sent here to help many people so save yourself you want to keep everyone happy and everything in order but make sure you treat yourself with the
same care save yourself by being wise and using discernment in everything you do don't trust people too easily keep a low profile and do your work quietly stay away from people who refuse to help or support your mission stay away from negative people with bad intentions so that they don't contaminate you with their negative thoughts and energies if you feel that someone is envious jealous or hateful towards you keep your distance from them you will suffer and continue to suffer if you surround yourself with them don't show weakness because when you show weakness you lose
the fight you are stronger than anyone who tries to hurt or oppress you if you know your power it radiates and others can see it if you can see your power and how powerful you really are you won't be shaken this message is your confirmation for the week expect an unexpected Miracle it may not seem likely but believe that it will happen we are all all chosen in our own right a chosen one is simply someone who chooses themselves who remembers that they are a spiritual being having a human experience more and more people are
waking up to this realization they are choosing themselves remembering their spiritual Essence and ready to claim their power however it is not uncommon for the chosen ones to find themselves in difficult situations feeling unstable because this pth path is not easy when you awaken to your True Divine Nature you begin to see that there is more to life than we have been told you begin to refuse to be just Another Brick in the Wall another robot in the crowd it can be scary because once you know this truth you can't go back to your old
life I remember realizing that I couldn't just walk down the High Street without feeling that everything was a bit boring I had to change my life completely asking my myself if my job and career were really what I was meant to be doing many chosen ones feel trapped but remember there's always a way out and I'm living proof of that my life is a testimony that everything will work out in the end I followed my heart and trusted my intuition seeing that something was deeply wrong with the way Society worked as Krishna Morty said it
is no measure of Health to be well adjusted usted to a profoundly sick society when you awaken you may feel alone because you are overcoming everything your old beliefs your city even your country it's scary but fear doesn't serve us love does so choose love above all else for those who are stepping into their dreams pursuing their passions it's going to be scary but do it anyway Feel the fear and do it anyway because your future self will thank you for having the courage to pursue the life you deserve even as a chosen one it's
normal to feel fear but you don't have to cling to it there comes a time when you realize that your uniqueness is not a curse but a gift you are on a different vibration destined to see the world differently sometimes when you don't fit in it's because you're meant to stand out the pains and suffer uings of the chosen ones are deeply connected to the experience of Jesus Christ how many times have we talked about how he is the only one who knows and can understand all our pain and suffering how many times did he
seek out and help others not only because of his compassion but also because of his empathy even before he realized his great gift of atonement he had experienced many of the pains and sufferings of those he lived with on Earth he faced rejection and knew how the countless lepers and outcasts he healed felt Jesus Christ experienced the pain of losing someone he loved his cousin John the Baptist and cried with Mary and Martha he knew loneliness pain cruelty betrayal and many of the other trials we still face today because of his infinite atonement he also
understands the pain and suffering that comes with individual trials that he didn't necessarily personally experience on Earth no matter how we look at it he is the most empathetic judge and comforter when we go through challenges on Earth we begin to feel a loving connection with others who have faced similar struggles this connection makes us more empathetic and compassionate reflecting Christ's empathy for the chosen ones this journey is similar their scars are proof that they have been forged to understand and help they experience pain and suffering not just for themselves but so that they can
guide and heal others the more trials they face the greater their love and empathy becomes even for those whose struggles they don't know personally this is the essence of being a chosen one to use one's own pain as a path to the healing and Redemption of others following the example of Jesus Christ like Christ the chosen ones are called to face and overcome challenges with courage and Faith they are prepared for this every scar every pain every struggle is a testimony to their strength and ability to uplift others they are living proof that despite adversity
it is possible to emerge stronger and wiser ready to fulfill the Divine mission of helping Humanity find its way reflecting recently on specific challenges in my life I realized how these challenges have changed the way I inter interact with and care for others these experiences as difficult as they have been have helped me to develop empathy and the ability to minister in a way that would otherwise not have been possible experiencing the loneliness and challenges of being one of the older members in a group of young single adults gave me the ability to better connect
with a single brother I was assigned to minister to years later in a family community facing the difficulty of adapting to the lifestyle changes that come with a new food intolerance made me more aware of the dietary needs of others and gave me a more careful perspective when planning food related activities or delivering meals the experience of having a premature baby in the neonatal ICU opened my eyes to a challenge that I had underestimated when others faced it allowing me to offer better support and advice as well as forming friendships with other parents who have
crossed the same path since then having a child diagnosed with a serious illness has increased my desire to really reach out and offer support to exhausted parents who out of necessity have become amateur doctors and nurses while caring for their child's medical condition I consider the growing love I have for others and my Now personal knowledge of when spoken or unspoken help is most needed to be great blessings resulting from my trials big or small these experiences have enabled me to minister to and care for others in a deeper and more meaningful way reflecting the
empathy that the chosen should have the older I get the more I believe that the chosen ones are never truly alone during a trial Satan tries to make us feel isolated lonely and hopeless but these feelings can be countered by knowing that other chosen ones have gone through something similar and understand your pain on some level that's why so many of us turn to support communities full of people who understand our trials and with whom we can identify trials teach the chosen many things such as patience Faith perseverance and diligence while these outcomes are often
highlighted in the scriptures with stories such as Nephi's mistreatment by his brothers abad's testimony and Alma and amu's experiences with the wicked people of ammonia we can also see evidence of Christian empathy resulting from trials for example think of Alma the father who saw his son begin to walk the same Wicked path he had walked as king Noah's priest his own experiences probably contributed to the great love and concern he had for his son and his choices this capacity for empathy is a characteristic of the chosen perhaps ammon's ability to serve and love King Lon
and his servants came from his experience of feeling God's love after he and his brothers had spent so many years disobeying the Commandments and mistreating those who believed in God the experience of personal transformation allows the chosen to connect deeply with others Although our goal as chosen ones is to learn from and appreciate trials as we Face them often we can only recognize the good when we look back just as I did with my diary these Reflections reveal the growth and wisdom acquired along the way it's like when parents say one day you'll understand when
you have children of your own there are some things we simply can't understand unless we've lived them but once we do it's as if a light bulb of recognition and understanding goes on and we understand what others have tried to tell us so the next time a trial comes along and you're looking for something positive try to think of how much more kindness love empathy and wisdom you'll have to share because of that experience as a Chosen One your trials are not just challenges they are opportunities to grow and help reflecting Divine Light and compassion
in the world in general despairing in the face of a trial does nothing to help overcome it on the contrary it can even even make the situation worse despair compromises reason and creates inner monsters if the trial is a problem despair is an even bigger problem we can look at the trials we face in two ways through the lens of the world or through a Christian lens if we see trials only through the world's myopic lens we will certainly feel discouraged on the other hand if we look through the Cal clear and precise lens of
God's word we will be overcome with perseverance let go of Despair in the letter of St James we find a precious instruction my brothers consider it a source of great joy that you are going through various trials for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance with this perspective from James even the way we look at the trial changes no longer with regret or despair but with joy in another passage we have a similar instruction we also rejoice in tribulations because we know that tribulation produces perseverance perseverance leads to approved virtue and approved
virtue blossoms into hope and hope does not disappoint us for the elect these words are especially relevant despairing in the face of Trials not not only intensifies the suffering but also distracts from the greater purpose of these difficulties trials are not just obstacles they are opportunities for spiritual growth facing them with faith and joy rather than despair strengthens perseverance and hope remember many are called but few are chosen if you feel this call embrace it even if it makes you nervous or scared not every one can see the truth even if they have eyes to
see it you have the ability to see through the illusion the Maya of this world be grateful for that every day being a chosen one isn't just about the struggles it's about the journey the expansion and the freedom that comes with stepping out of the box people come and go but the real ones will stay when you find your tribe your community you will see that you are not alone you are part of a Global Network of souls who see the world exactly as you do so there's no need to be afraid anymore embrace the
path you have chosen and remember many are called but few are chosen you are one of the few be grateful for that and that's why it's so good to be alive the world has given you many scars but these scars are proof that you are truly chosen you have the power to heal and save yourself and others because of the pain and suffering you have endured you are now able to help others navigate difficult times you've suffered a lot which is why you can take care of those who are going through similar problems and become
the helping hand or friend you wish you had you were made for it look back over your life and you'll see that you got up every time you were knocked down you are more than capable of facing the various storms in your life your suffering is part of the deliberate plan and forn knowledge of the universe you are suffering now so that you can overcome evil no matter what the world does to try to hurt or destroy you you will always rise stronger and more powerful than before even if you find yourself at Rock Bottom
the chosen ones always rise everything that has tried to hold you back and every obstacle placed in your path will become a stepping stone to success your soul has chosen this path because you are more than capable don't give up on your soul now your spirit is willing just like your body to keep fighting your temporary suffering is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed to you when it's all over just trust in the path you are walking so my chosen friends the end is near the apocalypse is upon us because you have
chosen to break with a broken system you are the pioneers of a new world recognize your power and keep feeling good about being alive your mission although challenging is one that you accepted before coming to Earth embrace your path knowing that your suffering is not in vain but a testament to your spiritual strength and purpose stay strong and trust that your sacrifices are part of a divine plan to bring light and healing to the world today I want to end with a passage from the word of God although outwardly we are wearing out inwardly we
are being renewed day by day for our light and momentary sufferings are producing for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all so we fix our eyes not on what is seen But on what is unseen for what is seen is transitory but what is unseen is eternal so let's not lose heart count on my prayers
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