Cheating Wife Got Pregnant by Her Assistant. I Made a DNA Test & Got Revenge. Sad Audio Story.

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[Music] Rose had always been a dreamer craving Independence and Adventure far beyond her small town upbringing her parents envisioned a simple life for her school marriage settling down locally but Rose wanted excitement and a career in high school she met Charlie a Charming free spirit who matched her rebellious streak the summer after graduation they had a whirlwind romance exploring the countryside and sharing passionate moments one night they lay together on a quilt in his uncle's Barn bathed in Moonlight by Autumn they parted ways Charlie went to a state university for aggra business while Rose headed
three states away for college on an accounting scholarship they briefly reconnected during the first summer break but her internships kept her busy and she eventually returned home to work at a local bank by then their lives rarely intersected years later Charlie sold his family's farms and invested in retail tripling the income the Farms would have provided Rose assigned as his bank coordinator reconnected with him working lunches turned into dinners and soon they were in a relationship 18 months later they married in a simple Country Church after their honeymoon Charlie gave Rose the seed money to
start her own business with his stores as her first clients a postnuptial agreement ensured he had no claim to her profits over time Rose built a thriving Enterprise with eight offices across two states while Charlie expanded his retail chain to four stores they became well off but remained down toe in their Community their four-bedroom house stayed an empty nest complications during their daughter's birth left Rose unable to have more children they poured their love into Faith now a college graduate Rose indulged in annual shopping trips a tradition shared by her mother and daughter one Thursday
evening Rose came home to find takeout still in its boxes Charlie was on the patio staring at the sunset she grabbed plates and joined him noticing his uncharacteristic silence and how he turned away when she tried to kiss him how was your day she asked cautiously without looking at her he replied pretty boring this morning but I had an interesting lunch date Rose thinking he might have encountered someone who annoyed him smiled was it a pretty young thing or some grumpy old man quite attractive actually Amanda Peterson he answered calmly a chill ran down Rose's
spine what did you talk about she asked Zex he said bluntly why would a 24-year-old woman talk to you about Zex she asked heart- rcing she and Bobby planned to have an open marriage she wanted me to be her first since you were supposed to be his Charlie replied she thought I'd be gentle by the end of our conversation she was no longer scared just angry you might want to warn Bobby a lawsuit is coming and prepare yourself this state still allows alienation of affection claims now look me in the eye and tell me none
of what she said is true true if even a bit is we're done stunned and speechless Rose struggled for Words Charlie watched her for a moment before turning away I thought so I'm leaving I'll stay at the farm don't try to contact me we'll talk when I'm ready he drove off leaving Rose Frozen plates untouched as night fell she finally stood went to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a drink good night Charlie she muttered before breaking down in tears and drinking until she passed out the next morning the housekeeper woke her Rose are you
all right she asked eyeing the untouched food and the half-empty vodka bottle Rose managed a weak smile sorry Shirley got carried away last night I can't believe Charlie left you out here like this Shirley grumbled Charlie wasn't here Rose replied I just had a lot on my mind Shirley noticed the two plates and glasses but didn't press further Rose called her assistant to rearrange her schedule then took a long shower as she brushed her hair she reflected on how her life had spiraled to this point Rose had thrived in business using Charlie's seed money she
opened her first office and quickly gained his business within 12 years she expanded to eight offices but limited her growth to avoid extended time away from home living in a dry county socializing over drinks was rare a far cry from her Lively College days it had been 10 weeks since she and Charlie had been physical engaged first due to his flu then travel business and more illness normally their Z's life was vibrant two to five times a week some times in adventurous places like the hoft the long dry spell left Rose Restless on a trip
to a new office in a larger town she treated herself to a night out the booze and atmosphere led her to a fling with a dancer something she regretted the next morning if Charlie ever found out she thought and threw herself into her marriage with renewed passion trying to hide her guilt however the thrill of the affair hooked her on her next trip she went back to the same club and Dancer this fling lasted 3 months with rose showering him with gifts when it ended another affair followed despite her promises to stop then came Bobby
Peterson her new assistant flirtation quickly turned into an affair Rose saw Bobby as a temporary distraction never a real match for Charlie but things spiraled when Bobby's wife Amanda discovered their Affair Rose naively trusted Bobby to handle it not realizing how badly it would end Amanda's confrontation with Charlie set off a chain of events that shattered Rose's world back at the farm Charlie stood looking at the old farmhouse on the ridge years ago he had restored it adding modern upgrades back then Rose was too absorbed in her business to pay much attention to his projects
this summed up their relationship she focused only on things that directly involved her they had once planned to live on the farm but built a New Home Instead when they decided to have a family after Faith's birth complications Rose refused to discuss adoption and Charlie let the idea go faith became his world while Rose buried her herself in work to keep Faith close Charlie built a daycare center next to his store it became known as the bartonian a program that shaped kids into high Achievers soon other stores replicated it it wasn't just a charitable move
it was a way to keep Faith nearby and happy Charlie reflected on it all wondering how things had come to this Charlie arrived at the Farm opened the windows and unpacked the groceries though he wasn't a drinker he brought a 12-pack he made coffee and took it to the porch s where he and Rose had shared many memories reflecting on their marriage he wondered if there had been any warning signs he recalled her vague Smiles about pleasant memories was she thinking of her lovers his phone interrupted his thoughts almost ignoring it he glanced at the
number hello he answered sobs filled the line before a voice choked out he punched me Amanda he asked switching to a CEO tone who punch you my husband I told him about our lunch and that I was leaving him he punched me what do I do are you out of the house yes she sobbed go to the hospital I'll be there soon go now if you want my help hanging up Charlie called the sheriff's department at the hospital Amanda rushed to him her face swollen and bruised he sat for 40 minutes until the deputy returned
her cheekbone broken the deputy reported she wants to talk to you before pressing charges what happened Charlie he gave a brief explanation I had lunch with her she needed it advice her husband's trying to drag her into swinging and I guess he didn't like what I told her Carla Martinez the deputy laughed open relationships here sometimes you don't really know people Charlie replied his face strained letun go talk to her in the room Amanda looked up pale and medicated what do I do first press charges if you don't I'm done helping has he touched you
before she hesitated then nodded he slapped me a few times Carla did you hear that go around him I can't Carla replied she has to give a statement and agree to press charges Charlie turned to Amanda you need to be honest your safety matters he left so she could give her statement 45 minutes later Carla returned it's just a domestic disturbance for now she's staying overnight afterward we'll find a shelter unless she has other plans Charlie checked on Amanda found her asleep then headed home exhausted the next morning he woke disoriented remembering where he was
after showering he called his assistant to take the day off reflecting on the previous day he grimaced so my wife's a Serial cheater her lover tried to push his wife into an open relationship she refused he SLA her and now she's in the hospital while he's in jail and my wife doesn't care enough to know any of this stopping at the diner for breakfast he soon noticed officer Martinez finishing her shift she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek making him blush she joined him ordered steak and eggs and filled him in we arrested
him he cussed us out ranning about Amanda Rose and you he was processed and his dad's lawyers will probably show up soon Amanda needs a place to go can you help not directly follow me to my office he went in surprising his assistant opening the safe he grabbed $3,000 handed it to Carla and said get her an apartment and cover A month's expenses keep quiet about where it came from Carla followed through 18 months later at her wedding Charlie walked her down the aisle and paid for everything meanwhile Amanda was safe and Charlie left town
to visit his farthest store back home Rose waited for contact after two weeks she tried calling his cell and emailing him no response she felt lost gained weight and decided to return to the gym one of her former lovers a trainer pulled her aside and she confessed everything what did you expect he asked you weren't discreet why do you want him back I love him she pleaded then get yourself together work out and I'll call Gabriel to fix your hair you've got some gray showing she managed a small smile dinner tonight not a chance I'm
married plus your husband's not someone to cross as she worked out Rose realized he was right she needed to warn her past lovers Charlie sat on his Farmhouse porch as rumors spread the sheriff Andy stopped by for coffee after some small talk he addressed the situation people are talking Rose looks terrible this is about Amanda Peterson and her husband right he's in jail jail and Amanda's filed for divorce so what's going on Charlie told him the story omitting some details Amanda opened my eyes so yes I'm covering her divorce costs we've never been more than
friends driving away Andy reflected he never imagined Rose cheating this would hit Faith hard as she'd always sided with Charlie Andy hoped it wouldn't become a public mess Rose was stunned when she received Charlie's email she feared he might never contact her again the email was blunt why she replied with a long message expressing love and pleading to meet his response was a single word why this continued until he agreed to meet if she answered his question after several drafts and help from a counselor she sent her response Charlie this is the hardest thing I've
ever written I have no justification I've seen a counselor but in the end I did it because I could I never flaunted it knowing how much it would hurt you you could destroy me but you won't because you're a good man I never never stopped loving you even during my mistakes I wanted to come home to you I would do anything to make this right please don't ask for details it doesn't change the outcome I love you Charlie always Rose he read it four times growing angrier she did it because she could claims to still
love me unbelievable the line about whether it was one or 100 confirmed there were many Affairs that was all he needed to know Charlie quietly left town and traveled to one of the cities where Rose had an office through through his lawyer he hired two of the top three private investigation firms in the area just in case one found more than the other he did the same in each of her office locations paying well and offering bonuses for quick results I want every detail if you suspect anyone had an affair with my wife dig as
deep as needed he instructed the two firm owners later discussed his request what's he really after one asked HEK a man in pain trying to understand why she cheated the other replied I looked into him no violent history respected by most except those who crossed him his kindness is well known they agreed to proceed but decided to keep an eye out for any signs he might act irrationally meanwhile Bobby Peterson woke up in jail stunned at how everything had collapsed what began his harmless flirting with Rose had escalated into an affair Bobby saw it as
a chance to replace her husband and gain access to her wealth imagining it would earn him his father's respect Rose had suggested making him her assistant to ease her workload and he viewed it as his ticket to power and control however things spiraled when his wife became suspicious she eventually found their emails and Bobby tried to convince her that he was only playing along for their benefit over time he persuaded her to consider finding a sugar daddy to boost their income claiming they could use it to start their own business to his shock his wife
targeted Charlie Barton when she approached Charlie the plan unraveled she confessed everything including Rose's intention to take Bobby on an upcoming trip that night she told Bobby about the conversation with Charlie and that she was leaving they argued while Bobby drank his world crumbling knowing he was finished he struck her in a moment of rage to silence her when she left he sank into despair considering how he might Salvage his situation maybe I can ask Charlie for hush money he thought a couple of hours later pounding on his door woke him up damn it Amanda
go away before I he stopped when he saw two officers Robert Peterson yeah what do you want it's the middle of the night he barely finished before he was on the ground handcuffed Robert Peterson you're under arrest for attacking Amanda Peterson the female officer began but he tuned out he couldn't believe Amanda had reported him it was just a tap he yelled as they pulled him up Barton must have put her up to this Mr Peterson the officer cut him off you have the right to remain silent anything you say can be used against you
her tone made him shut up he stayed silent through processing fuming when he learned he wouldn't get bail for 48 hours due to domestic violence laws the next morning he called his father swallowing his pride his father laughed but agreed to help if Bobby paid him back by the time Bobby was released Amanda had cleared out their apartment and disappeared her lawyer was waiting to serve him divorce papers Amanda went on medical leave and nobody at her job would give Bobby any information his lawyer warned he was facing jail unless Amanda dropped the charges Days
Later Bobby saw Charlie at a diner surrounded by doting waitresses Bobby flagged down his own waitress and asked what do I have to do to get that kind of service letting his hand rest on her arm she pulled away glaring for starters don't be a wife knocker she replied loudly drawing laughter just as Bobby was about to retort the owner approached enjoying your burger Bobby yeah it's great thanks he replied relieved at the friendly face glad to hear it she said still smiling because it's the last meal you'll have here you're banned as long as
I own this place more laughter filled the diner Bobby fumed then noticed Charlie watching him with a smirk rage surged but before he could act two female cops entered greeted Charlie with kisses on the cheek and caused more laughter when Charlie left he covered their checks and left a generous tip Bobby ate slowly leaving no tip out of spite stepping outside he found a yellow boot on his car and a $138 parking ticket for being too close to a hydrant fuming he walked back to the office surprised he hadn't been fired for 2 weeks things
seemed normal but then Whispers started and people avoided him Bobby a manipulative sociopath blamed everyone else however he soon formed a new plan Target Faith she had flirted with him during college breaks and if he could win her over it would be the ultimate revenge against Charlie Faith had rejected many suitors focused on building her Veterinary practice when the older vetan town was forced to close due to declining abilities Faith took over over offering mobile services to local farms her business thrived within 2 years but she resisted expanding preferring Hands-On Work Charlie and Rose were
proud of her though Charlie occasionally hinted at wanting grandchildren Faith assured him she'd let him know when the time was right sometimes she and her single friends went out to let off steam often under the watchful eye of Carla and Vicki both Law Enforcement Officers once Carla caught a man trying to pill Faith's drink strike him up and had him arrested Charlie's influence ensured the man took a plea deal and served time after enduring prison strikings he left town upon release Bobby brought in a cat surprising Faith with how it responded to him pet's name
she asked Lady Gray he replied blushing she looks Regal don't you think Faith filled out the paperwork reminding him to provide food water and regular checkups Bobby tried small talk but Faith cut him off citing a busy schedule frustrated he left then decided to let Lady Gray loose near the clinic hoping she'd return and give him an excuse to come back for a moment he regretted it but brushed it off Faith found Lady Gray and brought her inside later she called her mother we're having dinner tomorrow at China House 7 sharp she said we need
to talk if you dodge my questions we're done if you don't show up that says it all then she hung up that night Faith brought Lady Gray home by morning the cat had settled in at the clinic Lady Gray roamed freely even sharing Faith's lunch when Bobby called about the cat Faith agreed he could pick her up but asked her assistant Nancy to stay close when he arrived sensing something was off Bobby arrived at the clinic High recently he had helped a college friend hide money through shell companies and offshore accounts unaware he was aiding
a mid-level pill dealer this friend introduced him to Pills and Bobby liked the sharp Focus they gave him using them occasionally The Fallout had begun although he wasn't fired it was clear he and Rose could no longer work together he was transferred to another location she rarely visited but Rose smoothed things over by promoting him to office manager with a pay raise I'm doing what I can for both of us Bobby I can't stay in touch if I want any chance of reconciling with my husband we both messed up so if you're thinking of legal
action reconsider Amanda gave Charlie all our emails I could spin this as a midlife crisis where you seduce me for money we'd all lose but you'd lose the most take the promotion work for a while and I'll give you a glowing recommendation and severance package when you move on feeling trapped Bobby agreed to the transfer in his mind everything was still on track he planned to catch Faith later and charm her shek be on her knees doing whatever I want he thought for extra confidence he did a quick line of pills before heading to the
clinic Faith let him in holding Lady Gray The Cat In Her Arms Nancy one of the assistants watched nearby looks like you made a friend Bobby said you were always lovable Nancy giggled at his lame attempt Faith gave him a cold smile let's get this straight Bobby I've always thought you were a SAS even at 18 now knowing what you and my mother planned you make me sick whatever you want you're not getting it here take your cat and leave or better yet leave her with me and I'll find her a good home Bobby froze
no woman had ever refused him come on faith why the hostility we'd be perfect together the king and queen of this County let's see faith replied sarcastically I'd bring looks money and status you a broke Loser on probation great future Bobby was on probation for attacking Amanda thanks to a good lawyer and a clean record he had to do community service and attend anger management which he mocked he hadn't started his service yet but hoped Faith might let him do it at the clinic angry he grabbed her arm she grinned at his hand let go
and get out that's your only warning in a flash of Rage he slapped her knocking lady from her arms the cat clawed his arm before he threw her against the wall where she slid down one leg bent awkwardly Faith punched him hard but he dragged her toward the door stupid witch now I'll have to train you the hard way Faith screamed Landing a partial hit to his groin he punched her in the face breaking her nose and knocking her out Nancy had called emergency the moment Bobby grabbed Faith she rushed out and plunged a tranquilizer
dart into Bobby's back he screamed turned and knocked her out with a punch as he dragged Faith to his car the first police cruiser blocked the driveway get on the ground now officer Wells commanded weapon drawn Bobby tightened his grip on Faith's throat back off or I'll Crusher wind pipe Carla Martinez arrived with her taser ready Jimmy if he moves drop him she ordered stay back Bobby growled Carla signaled Jimmy to distract him hey Bobby Jimmy called smirking thanks for being so stupid Amanda's dating me now she wanted to try a real man for a
change Bobby turned enraged as the tranquilizer took effect he dropped faith and slumped Carla tasered him to be sure three ambulances arrived one for Faith one for Nancy and one for Bobby who was cuffed to the gurnie faith had a broken nose a concussion and bruises Nancy suffered a concussion and stayed overnight Bobby tested positive for pills and a search of his home revealed pills he was charged with pill possession probation violation attack aggravated attack attempted sexual attack an animal cruelty his bond was set so high that his father refused to help meanwhile Rose waited
for hours at the restaurant thinking Faith had stood her up when she finally checked her phone she heard the messages including one from Charlie Rose get up and answer the phone faith is in the hospital your boy toy Bobby attacked her he didn't get far the cops stopped it when you're done with whatever you're doing get over here Rose rushed to the hospital she stood by Faith's bedside horrified by her bruised face tear tears streaming she leaned over her daughter Faith woke up and they cried together before Rose pulled back sorry I missed dinner mom
Faith muttered it's okay baby I'm so sorry this is my fault Rose choked out no Mom Faith said gently though they both knew it wasn't true this was all Bobby you didn't do this they talked for 10 minutes until Faith drifted back to sleep Rose sensed someone and turned to see Charlie he looked tired and angry please Charlie we need to talk Rose pleaded he gently removed her hands I will but give me two more weeks I'll email you for now stay with faith tonight I'll be back in the morning wondering why Charlie needed two
weeks Rose nodded he left without another word Bobby woke up groggy and Confused realizing his hands were cuffed everything flooded back and fear gripped him a noise made him look up charie Barton was sitting beside him his eyes calm but cold Bobby felt like he was staring at a carnivore morning Bobby Charlie said quietly 8 to 10 years that's what you're looking at according to the DA Charlie stood leaning over Bobby you fool first you go after my wife and now my daughter you thought you could get away with this Bobby tried to scream but
Charlie covered his mouth with a towel in prison you'll learn what it's like to be broken I'll make sure of it when you get out everyone will know exactly what you are he tightened his grip on Bobby's groin making him pass out from the pain Charlie felt No Remorse as he tossed the towel aside and left thanking the nurse on his way out he's still out he said I'll keep him in my prayers the nurse thought he was a saint When Faith woke up she knew she was in a hospital she turned and saw her
mother beside her her heart sank as memories came rushing back rose woke up tears filling her eyes for the first time in years they had a deep conversation guess I'm more like Dad than I thought Faith said quietly but why Mom Rose sighed I've asked myself that a thousand times therapists say it's a power thing I thought I could have it all so if you hadn't been caught you'd still be cheating Faith snapped why not just get a divorce Rose looked horrified I didn't want a divorce I still don't I want to make things right
Mom listen to yourself let it go you got caught and dad won't forgive you move on and have your flings openly it's over their talk ended when the doctor arrived after Rose left Charlie and Ed forcing a smile he said you just missed mom I know he replied are you going to talk to her yes soon when I'm ready he said Faith hesitated please don't be too harsh let her go you're still young find happiness Charlie didn't respond with joy instead Faith saw a darkness in his eyes that unsettled her reminding her of a time
when she was seven and had seen a similar look on his face one's father was a new hire from Costa Rica with a drinking problem When Faith was young she sneaked away during playtime to ask her dad if her friends could come over she saw him and Juan disappear behind a fertilizer building when she arrived Juan was unconscious and her father was rubbing his bruised hands he slapped onean awake whispered something and Faith quietly ran back to daycare never telling anyone later her mom noticed his scraped cheek and black eye but he claimed he dropped
some fertilizer bags and she lectured him about letting employees handle that Wanita Miss daycare for nearly a week when she returned she shared that her father had been deported her mother and family were also at risk until Charlie intervened sponsoring them and securing green cards he hired Juanita's mother at the daycare where she taught Spanish lessons in the afternoons after Charlie's visit Faith reflected on her childhood most of her happy memories involved him while her mom Rose faded from her life when she opened her third office Rose would rush home give a quick kiss and
Retreat to her office ignoring Faith's attempts to share her day Charlie became her primary caregiver Consulting with daycare staff doctors and even a child psychologist to ensure he met her needs though Faith didn't learn this until College he taught her to fish shoot and Hunt shaping her into a strong assertive woman who valued fairness and loyalty Rose never seemed to grasp this part of their lives despite being the princess of their small community money didn't matter much to Faith Charlie's influence kept her grounded and though she occasionally indulged she always returned to her usual self
after vet school Charlie took her to a 26 acre field handing her the deed he said this is yours it's enough for a clinic barn paddocks and kennels I'll provide the funding but it's up to you from here on out Faith was deeply touched he advised her to get a good architect and warned her about the pitfalls of wealth reminding her that she'd inherit everything when he passed be careful of the leeches and wolves he said the clinic cost $800,000 and was paid off Faith leaned on lawyers for the setup rarely Consulting Charlie it became
profitable within 10 months and she added more staff after the first year although tempted to open another clinic she chose to be there for her future family she knew any partner would need to handle her strong personality but none of the men she had dated met her standards meanwhile two private investigators finished 10 weeks of work on Rose's Affairs finding five lovers over six years he's going to flip said Chuck probably replied the other but this is what he paid for they met with Charlie handed over the files and left silently noting to watch for
any Fallout back at the farm Charlie read through the findings he kept calm until he got to the second most recent lover then erupted throwing his coffee cup through the wall after a moment he regained control his face cold and Resolute at the conference table Rose gripped the edges knowing her chances were slim but hoping the lawyers waited outside as Charlie wanted this private she stood to embrace him but he moved away not a good sign she thought but greeted him anyway hi Charlie how are you as well as can be expected he replied you
went all out today I appreciate it I dressed to please you she said thanks for the effort he replied placing a thick packet on the table Rose's heart sank I asked why how long and how many he began holding up a slim folder this is what you sent then he opened a much thicker one this is what my investigators found shall We compare Rose swayed feeling the finality don't bother you knew I was lying she replied ignoring her Charlie continued Bob Walton married four kids owns an insurance agency you switched to his coverage after your
first encounter he played a recording of Walton I screwed her for her age fun but without the business angle no way Rose recoiled Charlie continued I told him I'd open an office next to his if he didn't confess to his wife he broke down it was terrible he looked up coldly they're separated now he's living in his office he went through the other names another I got him fired moved 400 mil away hope you use protection I got tested two months ago just in case I'm clear but some things take longer to show Rose stayed
silent not mentioning her monthly screenings she realized Charlie had missed one lover a brief drunken hookup Charlie went on to her trainer I liked him he didn't lie he played a recording of the trainer admitting she came on to me I'm not proud but I'm going to tell my wife everything Charlie stopped the recording he was right Revenge didn't satisfy me it's over he sighed you've been doing this for so long I will never trust you again he slid a packet across the table Jerry has the paperwork you keep your business I keep mine it's
all in the prenup you get the house I keep the farm faith gets everything now Rose was stunned Charlie stood up we're done I can't look at a sunset without thinking of that night anything to say trembling Rose choked out I'm Sorry Charlie I don't understand why I did this I want a life with you but I know it's over I won't fight the divorce but if in 2 years you're still single consider dating me again no rose he said coldly I won't promise that I'll think about it when the time Comes Goodbye he left
her crying the next day Rose signed the paperwork and called Faith who spent a week with her faith comforted her but knew Charlie's pain ran deeper the fairy tale was over life moved on Rose dove into her business doubling her offices in 6 years she dated younger men using them for pleasure at 61 she married a man nearly 70 rumored to have performance issues but allowed her discreet Affairs Faith checked on her father occasionally she was running her own business and met a Veterinary Supply wi salesman tall strong and kind one day she struggled with
a Restless stallion when a man gripped the halter calming the horse thanks she said extending her hand Charlie he introduced shaking it but you'd have held on if the halter hadn't broken nice to meet you she smiled I have rounds to finish he let go reluctantly later Faith noticed her assistant flirting with him here she is the assistant said Faith meet Charlie he supplies our materials we met he smiled how about lunch I'm new here and I don't know the spots surprisingly she agreed give me a few minutes she noticed his truck I prefer trucks
more room for samples and paperwork he explained at the diner they parked next to a similar truck she took his hand leading him inside they approached a table where an older man sat with a young pregnant woman the woman paused her conversation hey Carla just one more month to go Faith greeted then turned to the older man Dad this is Charlie he supplies most of our materials she glanced at Charlie meet my dad your future father-in-law everyone except Faith looked stunned just kidding she smirked this is my dad and this is just a lunch date
from then on they stayed in constant contact texting and talking his next visit led to lunch dinner and a long makeout session in his truck when he returned again Faith cleared her weekend for him their time was passionate making love all over her house late Saturday night they went to the family farm Charlie a light sleeper heard them arrive recognizing Faith's truck he headed toward the barn hearing Giggles from The Loft he smiled and went back to bed the only sign of their visit the next morning was the open Hay doors when words spread that
Charlie was single offers poured in but he politely declined them he dated casually while out of town but nothing serious 10 months before turning 60 his gate buzzed annoyed he answered who is it it's your cousin Cindy open the gate my car might quit any minute I don't remember a cousin Cindy not by Blood by marriage Devon's wife I have kids with me are you letting us in or not he hesitated Devon had tried to cheat him once but there were kids involved he opened the gate and an old minivan sputtered in three kids rushed
out needing the bathroom a 13-year-old girl stepped out looking just like Faith at that age Cindy followed scared but determined I'm at the end of my rope Devon took the good car all our money and disappeared I pawned my rings for gas I didn't expect such bad mileage it took every scent to get here the youngest fussed and the 13-year-old asked Charlie if they could have food for the baby shocked to learn they hadn't eaten since the previous day's lunch he led them to the kitchen I have cheese and crackers give them to the kids
feed the little one some cereal it'll fill her up your mom and I will handle dinner he had planned to smoke a pork loin but decided to grill it instead he found a dozen ears of corn left by a neighbor and grilled them too Cindy and Faith prepared tea lemonade and SLO while Faith microwaved potatoes in 45 minutes dinner was ready as the kids ate hungrily Charlie seeed at his cousin for leaving them in the state after dinner he went to the barn and called John go the new County sheriff and a retired SBI agent
10 months before the upcoming election Charlie had approached gos asking are you running again I want but I'm not sure I'll get enough support Charlie looked him in the eye are you a good man who will uphold the law and not betray a friend I am go said confidently I don't want you to be my man but the County's man meet with these campaign planners and then let me know gos met with them saying this will need a lot of money it's covered they replied different groups have made large contributions why is Charlie doing this
gos asked I'm not interested in being his puppet he just wants you as Sheriff Billboards went up worrying Sheriff Andy in the last election Charlie had backed him which was crucial but this time Charlie stayed silent as the race tightened Andy visited Charlie he saw kids playing and a young woman bringing out tea she's a bit young for you isn't she Andy joked shek Devon's wife Charlie replied coldly he left them I'm helping them what do you want Andy go has momentum I need your support and some money Those ads are pricey Charlie stated calm
save your money retire when your term ends you won't hold another public office here Andy was stunned why would you do this we've been friends forever one of the investigators Charlie had hired recognized Rose as a frequent guest at high-end hotels once scene with Andy the two disappeared for the weekend Charlie turned off the recording and looked at Andy you were my best friend and you still betrayed me we're done only talk to me if it's official think about how you'll handle the Fallout if this ever gets out now leave Andy left pale Cindy came
out with more tea was the sheriff crying she asked probably dust Charlie replied as the youngest child climbed onto his lap don't get too close Charlie we'll be leaving soon Cindy said you keep saying that but you're still here he smiled what are you doing with the housekeeping salary I know you registered the kids for school using my address her temper flared if I had enough money we'd leave you've trapped us just like Devon did this struck a nerve Charlie got up went inside and returned with a $5,000 check on your way to deposit this
stop at the Jeep dealership take what they offer it's covered use this money to get settled start at the store Monday it's not much but enough to get by and the kids will get free daycare can you be out by Friday Cindy hadn't expected this she thought rattling him would make him pay more attention as she considered her response she noticed her daughter watching ing Cindy had named her after Charlie's daughter hoping for a bright future faith and Grace the youngest bonded with Charlie he even took Junior Faith to meet Faith senior who suggested calling
her Junior to avoid confusion the nickname stuck Cindy softened we don't have to rush Charlie no you're right I was getting too attached better to handle it now he paused I promised hoping the twins we'd go fishing today I need to get ready he left and Cindy put her head in her hands hearing Faith angrily slamming things in the kitchen meanwhile Charlie took hope in the twins fishing they caught plenty and Faith senior invited everyone over for a fry the next day seeing her father Flinch at his old patio's mention Faith senior pulled him aside
time to let go of the past Dad bring our new family tomorrow you'll have plenty to remember Charlie sighed nice thought but they're moving soon Cindy deserves someone her age Faith playfully hit his armou being a fool they needed rescue and so did you you always wanted a big family turning that down Charlie was stunned really go clean the fish bring everyone tomorrow including Cindy Tire up if you have to she teased I've got a surprise for you on the drive home he wondered about the surprise as the kids chattered once they were home fed
and bathed Cindy tucked Grace in and went to find Charlie on the porch swing can I talk to you she asked Devon wasn't a good husband or father you've shown my kids more love and 6 months than he ever did I ended up here on your kindness at first I was ashamed but I realized Not all men are bad I love you not as a father figure but as a life partner I'm 40 you're 59 I don't care about the age difference I want you Cindy buried her face in his neck waiting for his reaction
after a moment he asked if that's true why push to move out it broke my heart when you gave me that check I wanted you to ask me to stay I wanted you to make the first move he frowned and she feared she'd lost him then he kissed herou lucky you're pretty because you sure aren't smart he teased did you ever think of just telling me I've had feelings for a while but I thought the age Gap was an issue look at all the time we wasted as they kissed on the swing the kitchen light
flicked on one of the kids was up for a snack Cindy gave Charlie a quick peck on the forehead this isn't over she whispered as she slipped inside he grinned it sure isn't little girl little girl girl she thought I'll show him the next day the kids watched in shock as Cindy sat on Charlie's lap and kissed him Hope and Faith understood and decided they'd explain it to the twins later kids your mom and I need to run into town be good for Faith or no fish fry Charlie said they nodded at the dealership Charlie
told Cindy to pick any new car that fit the family I thought I was getting a used one she said used was for leaving new is for staying understand Cindy threw her arms around him 90 minutes later she drove back in a new van thrilled to call it home Faith saw them and smiled her dad could still be trained the afternoon was perfect they ate played and relaxed Junior packed an overnight bag for a sleepover and the boys crashed after their baths meanwhile Charlie and Connie got cozy on the porch swing if not for the
kids Charlie started Connie laughed kids if this keeps up you'll always be in my bed I'd still prefer some privacy unless you know better spot we'll have to wait Charlie glanced at the barn bathed in Moonlight come on he said grabbing an old quilt Connie giggled as they headed to the barn really The Loft we're sneaking from our kids not our parents now get up that ladder in The Loft they made love meanwhile Rose felt alone she made as much money as Charlie but to him it was just a way to care for others her
lovers left her feeling empty longing for what she lost she had seen Charlie only three times in 4 years once she approached him at a funeral Charlie remember my offer when we parted have you thought about it he looked pained sorry Rose too much baggage have a nice life we still have our daughter's wedding to plan heartbroken she watched him walk away regretting everything one night Rose dreamed of Charlie in a hay loft impulsively she drove to his property and heard voices in the barn I'm not on the pill I could get pregnant Connie said
then we'll name him Junior Charlie replied Rose Rose turned away dream shattered 2 years later she married Freddy when he proposed she confessed everything I'm impotent Rose we marry for companionship you can have affairs if they're discreet he said she agreed when Rose passed at 75 Faith inherited her estate Charlie Tai married the wealthiest woman in the state does this mean more kids he joked they had five at their wedding Faith had a surprise dad you'll be a grandparent in 7 months Charlie was overwhelmed tears of joy flowed as his family surrounded him big wedding
Tai asked yes Charlie replied proud of his daughter just so you know her mom's been planning since she saw the sonogram 5 Weeks Later the church overflowed as they renewed their vows her mother and I do Charlie said proudly when asked who gave the bride away later Connie rushed in with a strip of paper I'm 40 and pregnant she cried Charlie kissed her we'll love this child like all the others deal of course now I have to marry you she sighed kids are you ready for this Old Goat to join our family yes they cheered
wait Faith interrupted it's not official without a ring soon Charlie took the girls to a jewelry store they picked out a beautiful set Charlie then turned to the jeweler do you have matching bands for the girls I'm Marrying the whole family the girls cheers woke Grace and a saleswoman helped her choose a tiny ring Grace admired it on her finger and refused to take it off with rings in hand they left the jewelry store and headed to a steakhouse unaware that the Jeweler and his assistant had already spread the news across town at the restaurant
Whispers of excitement spread as an elderly woman approached their table is it true Charlie she asked yes may meet my daughters faith hope and little Grace they'll need some lessons do you have time for them after chatting briefly they left knowing they'd soon be the Talk of the Town back home Connie was on the porch pretending to be indifferent just because you bought a ring doesn't mean I'll like it she teased eyeing the Box oh my it's beautiful Charlie dropped to one knee it's yours if you say yes will you marry me Connie yes she
screamed startling the horses she jumped into his arms crying the girls showed off their Rings making her tear up again on their wedding day grace the flower girl wore a satin dress Faith stood as Connie's matron of honor while Junior and hope looked stunning during the Cy after the kiss Grace tugged on Charlie's pants kiss me too Daddy laughter filled the room as he picked her up sharing a kiss with both his wife and daughter their honeymoon was filled with Beachside relaxation and fun activities when they returned they promised a family trip before school started
later a sonogram revealed they were having a boy Charlie smirked earning a playful Old Goat comment from Connie they teased each other all the way home Charlie Jr was born healthy over time faith proudly introduced her family I'm Faith this is my sister also faith my husband Charlie my dad Charlie and my brother Charlie were not very creative with names Faith senior had two daughters named Rose and constant which helped with the confusion Charlie observed his children growing up Junior was his closest working at the clinic before shifting to the hardware business where she became
his chosen successor hope took to farming managing her own crops and livestock by 17 while Grace now 10 was a piano proy a distant School wanted her to board but she only agreed to Summer visits for now he knew it was only a matter of time before she made the move meanwhile he set up trust funds for his kids with strict conditions they had to graduate college to access the funds if not they'd have to wait an extra 5 years holding jobs and living within their means he apologized to Faith senior for using up part
of her inheritance but she brushed it off who am I to deny my siblings their share she laughed her mother would cover any gaps Sheriff Andy's downfall came after losing re-election he worked as a private investigator but a series of failed marriages and Affairs left him disgraced ironically his ex-wife Amanda later married a trustworthy older man John Charlie attended her wedding acknowledging the twists of Fate Charlie died 2 months after his 79th birthday shortly after seeing his youngest son graduate Connie passed 15 years later and Rose who chose to be cremated had her ashes scattered
in the ocean his funeral drew a massive crowd held at the local football stadium 800 people volunteered to carry the casket so they used a lottery his hearse pulled by hopes Marsh ponies was led by Sheriff Carla unofficial record showed he had funded nearly a thousand College educations the ceremony was attended by politicians law enforcement teachers and professionals who owed their success to Charlie his ruthless side remained a secret known only to a few who would never be believed in prison Bobby Peterson woke up with a throbbing headache his broken nose was his welcome gift
his sentence was 12 years with no parole plus 18 months for animal cruelty things got worse when he ended up in Rockwell a notoriously harsh prison within hours his nose was broken again his new cellmate laid down The rules Bobby was now his woman 6 months in Bobby looked so much like a woman that inmates fought over him by his fifth year he had a new daddy who kept him relatively safe he was eventually released early for good behavior with no one waiting for him outside oddly he found his own version of Happiness after all
he endured when news of Charlie's end of life reached him it barely registered his Focus was on soothing his teething adopted child who coincidentally was named Charlie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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