I spent $1,500,000 on Business Gurus So You Don’t Have To...

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Dan Martell
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Video Transcript:
I spent $1.5 million on business gurus from their cheap books to insanely expensive invite only masterminds and I'm going to share with you everything I learned and if it was all worth it so you don't have to spend any money and still get all the value let's start with the cheapest investment and we'll work our way up to the most expensive my first investment was $20 and it was actually a book and it allowed my business to go from barely breaking even to grossing over a million dollars in my business just from this one book
so I was 23 and I never read a business book ever I was actually working as a contractor for the government and on my lunch break I went to a bookstore and I saw this book called love is a killer app by a guy named Tim Sanders and for whatever reason on that day and that moment it's not like I hadn't walked into a bookstore before it spoke to me I think it's cuz I'm a software guy and it said killer app and the guy used to work at Yahoo and figured maybe he knows something
I should learn and that book changed everything there's three key lessons that I learned that transformed my whole life the first one was to acquire knowledge for your customers to actually read books so that you become more valuable to the people that you want to help which is a crazy idea like I always thought I'll read books for myself but to read a book for somebody else that was a big idea the second idea was that your network equals your net worth you know the people the relationships who you know the size of problems you
can solv through conversations that's what creates value in your life so invest in those relationships investing going out and be intentional and the third thing was the value of just being a good person in business see I believe that all your dreams your vision board your goals they sit on the other side of two things reach and reputation and if you're a person that has a great reputation as somebody that's helpful and kind and goes out of their way I'll tell you people will go out of their way to want to do business with you
so I did those three things you know here's what I believe today and it's a Harry S Truman quote that leaders are readers I wake up every day and I read 10 pages of a book no matter what and I've been doing it for a couple decades now all the top billionaires Charlie Munger Elon Musk Oprah Zuck Gates they've all attributed their success to reading books because if you already knew everything you needed to know to be successful guess what you'd be successful the fact that somebody spent 25 years of their life studying and perfecting
a topic distilling it into a 6-hour read for $20 I think is one of the coolest trades in the world which brings us to the next investment which was around $100 and it was a marketing course by Perry Marshall it was around Google ads this course for $100 taught me how to bid on keywords how to position my company how to design the landing pages it pretty much was a crash course in marketing that at the time I was just trying to get leads I don't know if you have ever struggled with this but you're
just trying to get attention and I didn't know what I was doing I was in my 20s I had two failed companies and I was trying to give another shot I was just going out of my way to make sure I didn't fail this course taught me three main things number one is how to dominate in my Niche to go narrow and then be known for something but not be Bland like everybody else understanding how people searched for Solutions really taught me the psychology of marketing the second thing I learned was the power of using
language it actually converts see if you're not specific in your copy then it might be too broad so for example you could say challenges which is very broad you could say cash flow issues which is a little bit more narrow or you can go rate to running out of money each one of those kind of talk about the same problem but one really hits the pain point and the third thing is how to stand out as an expert speak the language of your clients be in the minds of your clients describe their problems better than
they can this course allowed me to scale my business from a million in Revenue to 2 million plus by narrowing down and focusing on those three things see I learned a long time ago that learning doesn't stop in the classroom online education is literally a passport to the world anything you want to do with anybody it's available to you see Albert Einstein has a great quote that says education is what remains after You' forgotten what you actually learned in school which I think is a great example of like real world education and Benjamin Franklin has
one of my favorite quotes on this which is an investment in knowledge pays the best interest you will always get an Roi investing in yourself in buying an online course it could teach you a new skill a new new Behavior a new belief that will let you move your dreams and goals forward which brings us to the next investment which was around $5,000 for an event by David Allen in New York City David wrote the book getting things done it's a productivity book it's amazing and I was already in New Jersey so I figured going
to New York City was pretty close these are the three things that I took away from that event that changed everything for me one the idea of dumping my mind before I go to bed I dump everything into my journal anytime I'm overwhelmed or stressed out I dump everything into you know Pages pieces of paper the whole idea is that people get overwhelmed because they have a lot of open Loops that they haven't closed so you want to take everything that's going on in your life put it to paper and then sort through all that
information in one spot number two is the idea of a 2-minute hack if something takes less than 2 minutes to move it to the next action item you're just better off to do it right away so that could be replying to an email it could be making a decision about what date something should happen by essentially if it takes less than 2 minutes to just figure out the next action item just make the decision move it on get it out of the followup the third thing is the power of the Mind see David made us
do this exercise at the end of the event where we held a string with a paper clip at the bottom and we actually practice with our mind focusing on that paperclip to move it to the left to move it to the right to have it move in circles and even though hearing this you might think that's really woo and like I don't believe that maybe or it for me me it opened me up to the ideas maybe my mind was a lot more powerful maybe my thoughts and my focus had the ability to create energy
around me and that was a big unlock for me at a an impressionable time in my life I was in my mid-20s so those three things of dumping my mind two-minute hack and the power of my mind really unlocked another level of productivity and Effectiveness in my life that I wouldn't otherwise got if I didn't invest in events what brings us to the next investment which is around 36 ,000 for a three-year seminar with t Harve eer T Harve was the author of a book called The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind which I go over
in my top 10 most important books every entrepreneur should read and what's cool about that book is that at the time when you bought it you got tickets to his live weekend seminar and I went to it and at that event they talked about education and mindset and belief blockers and money beliefs and all these things that were holding us back from achieving more and they presented an opportunity to invest in a three-year education and what was special about this event and why I decided to do this is they had the ability that if you
invested in one person you could bring a family member for free so I decided to do this three-year seminar event with my brother and it ended up being one of the most coolest experiences to invest in personal development not only myself but to do it with a family member and to do it with one of my best friends in the world my brother Pierre so for the next 3 years we traveled around going to all these different seminars to learn from arguably some of the best in the world at different topics on mindset on investments
on business growth on marketing and it was a masterclass in so many different things in speaking in events but here are the three top things that I took away over those three years that really shifted my perspective that allowed me to get more out of life number one was the money blueprint see I didn't realize how much unconsciously I was influenced by my parents the language they use the people around me that really capped my earning potential understanding my money blueprint and having a process for re-evaluating it every year to try to upgrade to edit
to try to invest in better beliefs was a fundamental shift I mean I had this weird belief at one point that if I didn't go bankrupt I wasn't successful you know how crazy that is how much pain that would have created that got wiped out through this process number two is just Financial education in general being around other people that were invested in their education in betterment and self-improvement it made me realize that there was this huge gap around Financial education that I just didn't have I didn't understand how profit and loss statements were created
or cash flow statements or all this other business stuff that I needed to learn to build the muscle so that I could actually get really good at long-term planning understanding how to make a budget figuring out what are the expenses that are normal normal what are things that are variable versus fixed expenses being able to create a forecast so that I can understand when I was going to run out of money and what level of income do I need to generate to be able to go after growth because growth costs money to invest in a
business that Financial education was invaluable because allowed me to avoid often times what's expensive is not the loss of money it's not executing or implementing opportunities where you can make a lot of money so it's ignorance tax by not knowing what you could have done with the resources you had that's the biggest part of financial education I didn't understand and then the third thing is the law of attraction the idea of focusing on what you want to achieve see most people go through life looking for stuff they don't want and then they get surprised why
they keep attracting the stuff that they don't want whereas if you can stay in an abundance mindset to create more to become more to get your radar focus on opportunities that are all around you to become more resourceful The Law of Attraction isn't about doing nothing and just pretending like you know be beautiful pictures are going to bring great things into your life the law of attraction is the law of Goya get off your ass it's not about sitting around hoping that things are just going to magically turn around but it's the belief that it's
available to you if you do the work these three things allowed me to change my mindset specifically around money and honestly eventually exit my first software company at 28 making me a cash millionaire which brings us to my next investment which was around 30,000 a year and it was a group coaching program by a guy named Taki Moore see Taki is one of the coolest dudes around he literally measures his life by the amount of days he doesn't have to wear shoes and I first heard about him at an event called mmt Mastermind talks my
buddy Jason gainard he sat us together and it was almost like brothers from another mother as soon as he told me what he did and what I was struggling with I was laughing because I just started coaching it was something I was interested in I really wanted to help people but there was just something about the business model that I didn't like I didn't like the grind I didn't like the launch model there's just so many things where I almost decided to just not do it anymore just keep a couple private clients and get back
to business building but Taki taught me a completely different way to look at coaching and building a coaching company in his coaching I learned three things the first thing I learned was the business of coaching see anybody that starts in this industry they you know they usually start cuz they want to be helping other people it's a lot of fun being paid to ask for your advice and giving advice and seeing people get results the challenge is waking up to 20 25 30 hours of one1 calls in a week to just repeat yourself iterating the
exact same things and answers that you're being asked sure the questions might sound different but the answers and the strategies are all the same so Taki taught me the structure of building the business in a way that worked for my life and for my energy for example if I repeated myself I should literally create a framework and then just teach it so that way when somebody has a problem I can just give them the answer instead of having to repeat myself the second thing is how to chunk up my content in digestible formats if anybody's
ever tried to sit down and create a course or write a book or teach anything give a talk what most people make the mistake is they try to put everything into it right their talk that's supposed to be 30 minutes ends up being an hour and a half their book which should have been you know 30,000 words ends up being over 100,000 words what Taki taught me was how to take the content break it up into its individual value pieces create a model a framework around it teach it and make it digestible so that it
worked like a building block to get a result for somebody that was huge it made creating content easier on me and something I enjoyed doing because I knew every time I created a new building block I didn't have to ever teach it again the third thing was how to run world class events and when I say events I mean everything from webinars to online events to in-person events he is the master at orchestrations choreography understanding how to open an event and set the frame to how to finish it off to lock in the learnings understanding
how to deliver transformative content in a live event over multiple days was one of my favorite skills because I run events every year 3 four five events a year and we get some of the highest ratings in their industry for satisfaction and it's all because of the things I learned in this group coaching program these three things help me scale SAS Academy my software CEO coaching program to over 10 million in annual revenue within 5 years it's one of the fastest growing software CEO coaching programs in the world to me joining a group coaching program
is like distilling 25 years of experience into one year it is so potent you get to learn so much faster and having a peer group around you of people that are on that same journey is invaluable which brings us to the next investment which was around 30,000 for the year and it was a mastermind with other incredible entrepreneurs which is called Mastermind talks and it's where I met 90% of my current friends it's a big reason that I live in the city I live in and when I look at all the fun things I get
to do in my life they were incredibly inspired by the people and entrepreneurs I met at this Mastermind just a few things that actually shifted everything for me over the time I was part of this group which was almost a decade first one which was huge I call the the McLaren mindset was allowing myself to buy a super car I know this sound crazy but it was people I met at the events like Mike Brown another guy John Bowen people that had McLaren who told me how incredible they are who told me I was silly
for not buying one I could afford it a long time ago but I didn't want to give myself permission I talk about this in other videos but the idea of just giving myself permission to buy a superar to enjoy driving which I love I'm a hardcore extreme adrenaline junkie with would not have happened if I didn't meet these people at this event which is just a small example of how our beliefs need to shift if we want to unlock another level of growth the second one is I became a better dad to my kids when
I think of the incredible fathers and parents that I met at Mastermind talk guys like Jim Shields Philip mccaran who transformed everything for me these people taught me how to show up better not only in my marriage so I could be a better husband to my wife but also communicating with my kids understanding what it meant to create value so that my kids could learn how to fish themselves cuz I mean anybody's created wealth in their life the last thing they want to do is raise entitled kids being around people like that Jim and Phillip
taught me just a better way to live and to be a better dad the third is writing a best-selling book my book buyb your time would not exist if I didn't meet the people I met at Mastermind talks guys like Joey Coleman who's an incredible author Ben Greenfield another legend in the space of writing books these people not only showed me a blueprint for doing it right but when I had questions and I needed help and I was going through evaluating different you know agents to work with or Publishers to sign deals with they were
available to me and I can't tell you how invaluable that was those are just three small examples of some of the value I got out of Mastermind talks I believe that masterminds are powerful because they allow you to surround yourself with people who will Elevate you masterminds provide you with accountability with insights they surround you with people that are going to go further and together it makes it easier the biggest thing is you have diversity of thought right you have people that essentially are unified around the process they they're they're on the same page and
they're going the same direction but because they're all working on different things at different times when you come back together and you can kind of share notes that way you can learn a lot faster which brings us to the next investment which was a six figure investment I can't disclose the price publicly but it was a higher-end mastermind which was invite only with other entrepreneurs called Legacy by John Maxwell here's the deal to even be considered to be part of this group you have to be somebody who's obviously accomplished some pretty meaningful things in your
life so it was just an incredible honor to be invited in the first place it's close friends of John's people supported his work over the years and it's all designed to support the charitable work that they do as organization which I think is the coolest here's why this investment was so important to me I actually invested in the program more recently because I was hanging out with John at one of his events in Orlando he's become kind of a mentor to me and I had learned so much by just being around him that when I
heard there was this thing called Legacy I didn't want to impose but I did ask about it and luckily he thought I'd be a good fit so I ended up joining but I want to share with you the three big things things that I took away by spending two days with them in Orlando that made me realize the value of being around somebody who's 25 30 years ahead of me where I'm going in my authorship in my thought leadership in my content creation my speaking that is the value of just paying to be in a
group of people that are literally executing at the top of their game so this is what I learned watching Jon and being around his team number one is he's got a rain maker this is literally somebody that takes all requests for John's time opportunities Etc that they just look at what's going on what the person wants what the opportunity look lies and they just they monetize Jon's personal brand the easiest way they think about it is everybody wants Jon's time somebody else is responsible for analyzing or reviewing opportunities and deciding what makes sense and then
letting the person know what the investment is going to look like that idea of a rain maker which I do not have in my life yet is going to change everything because right now I'm playing the gatekeeper and it' be a lot easier for somebody else to be accountable for it for followup for understanding working with my assistant on my calendar so that was a huge lesson learned the second one is tying every business initiative to a charitable cause like this Legacy program it was once I saw it it made me realize how silly I've
been playing like I get groups of people together I have massive groups I have tons of clients that I've worked with I have people that have invested to learn learn from me and nowhere's in that process have I ever tied that work with the Charities I'm involved in and it is a meaningful part of my life working with troubled youth and I always kept them separate and I realized I was doing a disservice to everybody involved the people that believed in me wanted to learn from me and invest in my programs and coaching and then
the organizations that needed my support when I had access to so many more people that would support those projects if I just brought them together so watching John do that was incredible then the third thing was how to buy back my time when it comes to written content I watch John travel with somebody dedicated to listening what he says pulling the nuggets out of his content and writing it down to then go work with his writing team to produce the books he's written 90 books he's at a pace right now where if he wanted to
he could easily publish a book pretty much every 6 months and it is all enabled by a key person that is a creative writer that travels with JN listens to JN and pulls out all the golden nuggets the way he says it is there's writers that speak and there's speakers that write and he says I am a speaker that writes he says dan watching your content I think you're a speaker that writes and he's not wrong so being able to have somebody dedicated to listening to everything I do which I already have but pulling out
and extracting those insights putting them into paper or in a digital format and then working with a writing team to produce more books I think is just a no-brainer which brings us to the next investment which is around 350,000 a year and is for my private coaches you know I've had multiple people that I've invested multi6 figures to work with privately to get access to their brains their experience their strategies right and many some of them their networks at the end of the day I'm willing to pay for Speed so it was around this time
last year that I asked myself what does going pro mean for me over the next 10 years I'd already done a lot of stuff in business but it occurred to me that everything I wanted to achieve was on the the other side of my personal reputation and reach audience getting my content in front of more people the book was a first step but there was so much more that I could do so I hired somebody that had the experience in the isry this is a person with a top podcast he's a top speaker he's literally
one of the best of the best in media in communication in energy honestly even in business and I just wanted somebody that could teach me the strategy and the sequencing of executing on the vision of going Pro so working with this coach taught me three really important strategies that I think could absolutely transform your life the first one is the power of visualization now you've heard me talk about this vision boards all that fun stuff what's unique is the way he explained it he shared with me that when you're visualizing most people just look through
first person as if you're driving in a car or walking into this beautiful home or you know stepping on stage in front of 10,000 people but the real power comes from changing angles listening to it in reverse going forward looking at the Nuance behind it going from color to black and white asking yourself what are the smells what do you hear how do you feel in those moments to really make it 4D see most people are looking at it in 2D 3D is better but 40 is just like the next level where you're immersed in
it and that visualization allows you to Anchor that feeling so it feels normal see most people the outcomes they want to achieve the energy that they would feel it feels so foreign that it doesn't feel normal so they can't Attract it into their life so the idea of visualization at that level was huge the second one was pulling vocabulary in any key moment in your life it could be hiring somebody it could be negotiating an exit it could be speaking on stage the most important skill is to hold your vocabulary being able to connect the
story to the message being able to find the right word to communicate a lesson and working with my coach he taught me different brain training exercises different states different breathing patterns how to get my heart coherence in place so that when I was creating content when I was looking for the right vocabulary I was anchored in the state I needed to be to be able to pull from my mind pull from my experience my stories to be able to share and communicate in real time just like I'm doing right now which is crazy to me
but that skill set has been so invaluable so that I can create content without worrying that I'm not going to have the right information or the right words to explain the thing that I'm trying to create and the third thing is belief to go to the top there's nothing more powerful than having somebody else believe in you way bigger than you believe in yourself and when you're sharing your goals and your dreams and your aspirations with somebody and they go oh you should just call this person oh you should just talk to this person oh
you should be on this person's podcast oh you should speak at this guy's event and these are literally the world's top stages top people top podcast and they say it in such nonchalant matter OFA type language it makes you really wonder like why can't I do that and that is something that I think some of the best coaches will do for you is they'll believe in you more than you'll ever believe in yourself and honestly that's just having great people around you in general but more importantly a coach who's been there done that they've seen
the Playbook and they just plug you right in and they open up their personal networks and just make those introductions that sped up my whole timeline by year if not a decade by being able to move faster by having a coach who already seen it happen did it themselves and could introduce me to the right people to make it happen in my life that's what I learned from spending over $1.5 million on business gurus now if you want to learn how to build a million doll business over the next 60 days click the link below
and I'll see you on the other side
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