While Everyone Awakens 1 TALENT He Can Have INFINITY SKILLS! - Manhwa Recap

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Mamoru Manhwa
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Video Transcript:
in the protagonist's past life he worked in a rescue team and died in an accident after that he woke up in this world full of mutated beasts and those called the awaken ones in this place he also awakened a power by expending physical and mental energy he could create gems if the target accepts the gem he can control their life soul and even their Consciousness in theory this seems like an extremely overpowered ability but of course there's an obvious problem with the gem in hand someone asks what Johan ping is doing he tells sujino that
it's nothing special and asks if she wanted candy however she tells him to forget it since she would never want to be controlled by him the problem with the ability is that the person has to know what happens when they consume the gem and accept the contract voluntarily otherwise it's useless the original owner of his body nearly exploded with rage because the ability was useless however having lived for a long time he had a more resilient mentality to withstand such a useless power still suino tells him not to give up and that soon he'll find
some creature that will accept being dominated by him the boy says it's easy to say but besides himself no one else would accept it that's when he gets an idea and wonders why he never thought of it before he starts eating the gem and sujino asks what he is doing instantly a green power begins to envelop his body and a strange energy Rises to the sky Su Jingo approaches and asks if he's okay to which he replies that he is she tells him to be more careful because it was scary they then chat for a
while she says it's late and she's going back to the dorm the boy asks if she really is about to graduate she explains that she has already learned everything from the books and now only combat will make her stronger the boy knows that during the the patrol team and protecting the land had always been her childhood dream she tells him not to be too discouraged once he gets stronger perhaps they can work together the boy is so useless that he was given the role of Farmer at the school he tells her to forget it because
he'll probably live a very simple life even so the boy feels a bit sad although she had been a friend of the body's previous owner he still felt strange leaving her he thinks he really wanted to give her a hug suddenly out of nowhere he starts grabbing her it feels like he's watching himself from another Consciousness wondering why his body is moving on its own she is flustered and says she's leaving and with that she runs off he tells her to be careful on the way she turns around slightly embarrassed and tells him to also
pay more attention to things the boy waves goodbye with a smile however he noticed that his body moved on its own when he wanted to give her a hug it was as if subconsciously he had commanded himself maybe it was a coincidence obviously he wanted to confirm it he commanded himself to fly like Superman and fell face first to the ground like an idiot he prepared a mountain Fist Punch but it did absolutely nothing except make him fall again like a fool he ended up crying on the floor but he realized that now with his
mind he could perform any action of course it couldn't exceed the normal capabilities of what a human could do however as long as he knew exactly the movement that needed to be made he did need to practice in theory if the body is capable of executing the movement he can Master any martial art without much effort the biggest obstacle in front of him now was his own physical aptitude however there was still something he wanted to check the next day little by little he opens his eyes and notices he's in the cafeteria exhausted his legs
hurt like hell because he had ordered his body to wake up in the middle of the night and go for a run the hypothesis that he could control his body even without Consciousness was confirmed and apparently no one suspected anything people start commenting that someone named Lui was arriving she Crees everyone with the radiant presence and the boy knows that she is the beauty of the school suddenly he hears some strange cracking sounds and wonders what the hell it is next to him there was some kind of creature with a giant foxlike face eating someone
the girl seemed to be getting consumed and no one said anything it was as if no one besides him was noticing it that clearly wasn't luu all twisted up she approached Jang ping and said he didn't seem to be doing well however at the same time everything seemed normal in that place but she was clearly a creature wanting to know if he was sick Jang pay kept repeating to himself to stay calm and with a trembling voice he said he was fine it was just that he had some nightmares and didn't sleep well he stood
up saying it was time for his class so he was leaving however Lui wondered aloud if she didn't smell fear walking down the hallway he wondered why there were mutated beasts in the school and why no one noticed them he went to the classroom thinking he had to tell the teacher about it immediately but when he got there he got another scare what seemed to be the teacher was consuming a girl on the floor obviously he ran out right away he went to the top floor and sat on a bench desperate something was wrong and
he didn't know what was happening the only thing that had changed recently was that he consumed the stone and started seeing these beasts he wanted to eat another one thinking that all this was some kind of Illusion once again the green aura started to come out of his body and a system message said it was doing an evaluation with that the scene he had seen before began to replay the illusion disappeared and he was left somewhat breathless it seemed the system had unlocked an analysis ability at the moment he was only a three- star human
with almost no Talent what he also noticed now was that the contract gems had levels one of the talents was absolute command meaning the person had to do whatever he ordered however at the same time since he was a contractor he also had absolute obedience and couldn't disobey another Talent of his was evaluation which allowed him to better understand targets depending on the power difference he figured this had to do with him eating the he began to analyze the fact that he became both the contractor and the contracted since he could control his own body
through the abilities Consciousness he was no longer affected by powers that created Illusions for his body these foxes were all high level and he stood no chance against any of them due to the cognitive distortion they could create that could eat a person without anyone else noticing he remembered that suino his childhood friend had mental abilities so maybe it would be better to talk to her after school he decided to meet her what scared him was what he saw outside the school a romantic couple passed by him but the girl had already been dominated by
a fox he then went to the patrol team headquarters he approached the receptionist who looking beautiful asked him what he wanted the boy said he was there to find a girl named Su Jingo who must have joined today but lo and behold the woman also turned into a fox and told him to wait a moment sitting on the bench he wondered how those damn creatures had already dominated even the patrol team apparently not even high level awakened ones could see this illusion and if anyone asked what he was doing there it was Sue jingel Jang
ping said he was worried that she wouldn't adapt so he came to check on her she said he didn't mean to worry and introduced the Allies from her team saying that everyone that took good care of her the boy admitted that it truly was impressive she then excitedly said that for Ma on she would work hard and get stronger to destroy all the beasts and avenge her relatives she suggested he should join the patrol team too as they were short on members but the boy embarrassed said his ability was kind of weak so he wouldn't
be able to help much seeing how well she was adapting and given that he was just a farmer he said he was leaving however he already suspected the truth he only said goodbye to sujino and her entire team who were all foxes too trying not to show Fear he left wondering how the strongest group in that City had been wiped out sujino had only just arrived and she was already in this situation these creatures were called foxes of natural order their ability made anything out of the ordinary seem completely routine and in those moments they
hadn't just infiltrated the school with the entire city the entire city of pearl had turned into cattle for these monsters using the analysis technique he managed to uncover some details about these creatures first most of them ranged from intermediate to high levels however back at the patrol team there were several creatures whose levels he couldn't even assess second the creature that killed Lu shiu was extremely powerful and the moment he tried to analyze it he knew he would be discovered that creature was either at an advanced level or even a King level Beast with so
much power it was no wonder they had wiped out the city without anyone noticing especially considering that compared to other beasts they were extremely intelligent and all their abilities were for disguise fourth it seemed the foxes always prioritized the most influential people in society while the others were prere cattle for them to feed on in this current situation it would be a death sentence to face so many of them head-on however he couldn't just stand by and watch so many innocent citizens die he needed a way to get stronger a week later he woke up
at 3:54 a.m. since he received the ability it seemed his body was resting much better in addition he Advanced to level two after training a lot all the remaining physical and mental energy he had was being turned into gems to consume in hopes that sooner or later he gave a better one or some evolved Talent after all ever since he leveled up the gems had turned colorless and he seemed to get nothing from consuming them however today he finally got another one with color he consumed it saying that it looked more like poison but he
hoped it would have some effect this time after a while power began accumulating in him and in his profile he received a new ability KN Walker it granted him M Vision reduced his presence at night and if he was in the shadows he became completely invisible in addition the contract gem also leveled up to two and he wondered if it had something to do with his base level if he could merely gain a new Talent with every level he would eventually become Invincible but now that he had the new Talent there was no reason to
delay time to start practicing activating the night walker ability he said he wanted to test it he ran around the school and noticed that his vision at night was now far better than during the day he could spot any object including a strange ring lying on the ground he crouched finding it a bit odd that it was there he tried using his analysis abilities several times until he finally succeeded it was the Ring of assassination which when Warren made all forms of life unconsciously ignor the user completely the analysis then showed what had happened the
natural order Fox controlling luu's body had faced a man probably the true owner of the Ring he had attacked but she seemed to be expecting him and with a single slash the poor guy was cut in half he knew that luu had always been an honest girl so she wasn't the target of this attack this meant that besides him there were other people in the city of pearl going against these foxes suddenly a fox jumped over the wall and asked who was there the fox leaped into the bushes saying she was sure the ring had
been there she had noticed someone's presence but strangely couldn't sense anything now if you managed to escape her radar he was probably an intermediate level awakened one or higher the boy realized that the Fallen ring was actually a trap and the fox retreated saying she had to inform the royalty but that was great for him as combined with the night walker ability he was now basically invisible the Sun finally Rose and it was 536 a.m. since he needed to get stronger as fast as possible items were indeed the best solution however suddenly he heard some
footsteps approaching a strange voice called his name he wondered who it was and who was speaking to him but the voice only told him to hide the girl that grabbed his face and warned him that they were coming or rather they were already there in his room it had been 4 minutes since he woke up and there were three foxes staring at his sleeping body the one controlling Lu Shu asked if it was him and prepared a red attack in her hand telling him to Die the claw came straight for his face as he drooled
the fox paused the attack thinking that if it had been him he would have fought for his life besides she couldn't sense the presence of that ring another Fox however said he was very suspicious since he went out for walks every day but today he didn't however l sh who was also royalty said it wasn't him that one was just a worthless meal and they should learn that food in this city wasn't to be wasted sometime past and the boy woke up startled he spat out the ring saying that was a close call he was
stupid to forget about today's walk and he was lucky he forced his body to swallow that ring avoiding exposure what he found strange was hearing Sujin Yo's voice telling him to hide he wasn't sure if he was getting sentimental or what was happening but he knew he had to get stronger and get revenge for now to avoid any suspicion he needed to continue living normally later he went to the cafeteria and two burs were commenting that they had found a body split in half this morning it seemed it was a guy named black star an
extremely talented Assassin from the city of pearl the boy wondered if it was the person from his vision if even someone so famous in the city was killed like that clearly luu wouldn't be easy to deal with the strange thing was that they left the body for the public to see maybe it was a way to send a warning to those opposing the foxes of natural order their surveillance was going to increase and he urgently needed to find new equipment after class he decided to check out some blacksmiths how however in every shop he went
to it always seemed to be run by a fox suddenly he performed another analysis the system congratulated him for having conducted 100 analyses and informed him that he had reached the intermediate ranking of the ability he could now see growth potential and even some talents the fox had called him into the shop but he simply thanked her saying he wasn't interested his priority was to find a store that hadn't been taken over yet he approached a blacksmith called Soul iron where someone inside said the sword was of high quality a blonde guy was trying to
sell it to the old man saying he did didn't want to brag too much but that blade was extremely good and he was offering it for a low price however the old man told him to take his eyes off his daughter and get those trashy things out of there angry the guy got in the old man's face and asked if he hadn't heard what he said suddenly John Ping grabbed the sword that the guy had left on the table the man asked what he was doing while the boy used his analysis ability the blonde guy
came over telling him to give it back or he'd get beaten up but the system warned that while the sword was attention grabbing it was useless since it had been repaired terribly right then Jang ping said that the sword would break and indeed it snapped at that moment the blonde guy started crackling with electricity saying that John Ping had ruined his plans and asked if he knew who he was he claimed to be a direct disciple of the martial arts master from shingi school he lunged at John pay unleashing a flurry of light attacks but
JN ping had sent out a shadow clone then Jang ping simply slapped the guy in the face the boy questioned how he could be so weak and the blonde guy called him dirty Jang ping wasn't afraid at all since he had already seen that this sickly guy was only a level one with limited growth potential the guy shouted that one day he'd get revenge when he became stronger Jean Payne just thought that he was delusional but while Jean Payne was distracted the guy tried to sneak attack he ended up knocked out on the ground and
Jan ping commented on how much this guy likeed fighting dirty suddenly someone approached saying they were gone for a second and the blacksmith's shop got noisy born arrived with incredibly strong abs and warned that if the guy didn't leave he'd be beaten up the blonde guy ran off terrified and JN ping realized it would be better to leave too however the Wen blocked his way and he asked what the problem was she said it would be better if he stayed so they could have a little chat the scene then gave a peek into the boy's
room showing us the staircase where the story began where he had spoken with his childhood friend this was also the sports field where he did his daily morning walks and found the ring lying on the grass back at the blacksmith shop John Ping asked what the woman wanted to talk about she said she was a weak single girl who struggled every day to survive and had to take care of her uncle she noticed that Jang ping had great potential and physical strength so she wanted to ask in a little favor she wanted him to stay
with the old man man named Leu tfing take care of the shop and learn everything about blacksmithing obviously she would cover accommodations meals and even pay him Zang Pang was overwhelmed with joy thinking it would be great to learn as you would need many items and didn't have much money plus the shop didn't seem to be controlled by the natural order foxes he struck a worker's pose saying he was a man of the field and wouldn't shy away from work she slapped him on the face saying that's what she expected from a guy she was
interested in Jang Payne muttered that his first priority would be to survive her hits a few days passed with him working at the black shop and someone told him to put more Force into it he asked if it was okay to do something like that and she said it was fine since no one was coming to check on them she encouraged him to continue saying it was really good obviously he was forging not what you might have thought right she was teaching him how to hammer the materials and she told him to wait a moment
while she went to get some molds from the warehouse the coal to be used was in a bucket and he was warned not to let the fire go out the problem was that there was more than one bucket and he didn't know which one to use he came to the brilliant conclusion that if he threw everything in one of them would work so he threw it into the furnace to keep the fire going however the whole place exploded flame shot in every direction Jong pay thought he was done for and wondered if he had died
but then a strange skull appear on his chest absorbing part of the power and all the Flames seemed to be entering his body suddenly he woke up with one eye burning the entire place was filled with Smoke and Ashes but he didn't seem to be dead however his heart was burning and racing realizing he was on fire he used his analysis ability on himself his growth potential had risen to four stars the more stars he gain the more he could evolve his abilities and evolving the abilities he had already acquired would further increase his potential
what he found odd was that people usually had a limit to growth increases so why was he Awakening so many talents this time he had awakened flame Devar which allowed him to absorb fire energy and release it at any moment what he found strange was that he had consumed a level three gem that morning but the power had only been released after this accident suddenly the one appeared asking what happened she noticed that the Scarlet scales were gone and said that those cause an explosion when thrown into the furnace but she admitted it was her
fault for not telling him he apologized to Sister Rose Kong and said he would pay the price to repair everything she told him that just being okay was good enough and asked how he hadn't died since it was hard to put out the fire from such a scale moreover she saw that he had created a material that required an extremely high temperature she started casting the item into the mold saying he had great potential she remarked that the academy still raided him with low performance he was good enough to enter one of the three major
organizations he said he knew the patrol squad and the investigation Squad but what was this third one she she explained that there was indeed a third organization in the city almost no one in Pearl City knew what they were called or what they did she then asked if he needed equipment and told him to take the dagger if he didn't mind seeing its glow he remarked that it looked quite expensive the good quality dagger was called Beautiful tears and dealt damage to any creature below level 19 she explained that it was worth at least 100,000
which would be around 3 years of salary for that fool he asked how someone poor like him who earned 3,000 could walk around with something like that she told him to see it as a reward for improving so quickly she mentioned that she was going on a mission and asked if he was sure he wouldn't return to the academy he replied that she didn't need to worry because he had already filled out the graduation papers she told him to take care of the old man and not let him open the shop Jang ping realized that
the foxes had no interest in this place because they rarely opened it however with all the things happening lately it might have drawn some attention since it was night perhaps it was a good time to take a look around the street out there and he saw a little girl on a swing looking all cute but of course she was a Dan Fox with four stars of power the interesting thing was that this was the first time he had seen a level three Fox since both he and the fox were level three and he had the
new dagger and abilities he figured he could probably win the petol squad had been killed but the investigation Squad should still be fine if he could deliver the body of a natural order Fox to them he could get some attention but suddenly he was frozen in place and someone asked if he was trying to attack a child he was warned not to move or he would lose his life the woman told him to drop his weapon and he already knew that whoever she was she was far above his level both his night walker ability and
the rain of assassination had been detected by her The Voice then said that if he didn't want to die he should meet her at the training ground by the orphanage with that she vanished into the air at least the fact that he was still alive and she wasn't on the side of the foxes he grew up in that orphanage and as a child he started calling at the training ground but that's how she referred to the place which meant she somehow knew him or knew something about him not only did this figure seem to be
watching him but she also stopped him just as he was about to make a move if she had sent him there she must have had a purpose suddenly a PA stepped near him a mutated Beast approached and he wondered why there was one in the forest it was a level five armored poisoned rat considering the level difference he thought about retreating but then he remembered that with the dagger in hand he could win especially considering that the orphanage children would be in danger if they came out and saw this thinking of how much sister Rose
Kang trusted him he couldn't back down even though he didn't know how to fight perfectly yet he had read plenty of stories about battles and he had full control over his body suddenly the rat lunged at him and started rolling in his Direction he quickly thought of a way to defend himself and managed to block the attack the problem was that the creature kept spinning and its armor was extremely tough it ricocheted and crashed into a rock from there it opened its hand and began Gathering green energy JN pay began controlling himself as if he
were in a game dodging everything left right right left to evade every attack the only weak point of the creature was its eyes as its entire body was protected by armor seeing the flames in his hands he knew how to handle this he rushed toward the creature dodging its attacks and said he'd make a fe first he struck but the rack defended itself and rolled into to a ball again but then Jang ping prepared and told it not to get angry he Unleashed a beage of flames at the monster's feet taking advantage of the moment
when its resistance was reduced and landed a solid hit on the creature sometime later he leveled up and gained a few attributes clearly combat was the most efficient way to level up what you found strange was the appearance of a rat in the middle of the city it was highly suspicious while he was thinking about whether there were other creatures something approached him from behind in an instant he seemed to fall into a samp and before he knew it he hit the ground he felt flat on his back like a fool in a cave a
voice reached out a hand and said he had 5 minutes he recognized it as the same voice from before A girl pointed an iceblade at him and told him to prove that he was human he was confused wondering how he could prove something like that he had been BN human so maybe that was proof enough but that he realized that if she was asking something like that it was because she knew there were some beasts in Disguise however she couldn't tell which was why she wanted him to prove it he then asked her to give
him some hints about how he could prove it he already suspected that the rack from earlier had been a test from her she told him he have 4 minutes left and he continued using his analysis ability it had already been 20 times and he kept failing on the 999th attempt it finally Advanced to a higher level with that he tried again and the analysis passed her name was Leu sishan a level 28 human from the purging Squad he had never heard of this group before and thought it might be the third one that sister Rose
mentioned angrily she told him he only had one more minute to prove himself he mentioned that if she called The Orphanage the training ground then she must have grown up there too the problem was that he didn't remember anyone named Leu I from the orphanage so he asked if she was Leu torn or Leu yo maybe she was singu or the boy received a small cut telling him to be quiet she said that none of this proved he was human however John Ping figured she must be lose Siz because she reacted when he mentioned that
name she was 3 years older than him and by the time he had joined the academy she had already graduated he needed to recall something that only the two of them knew he remembered that she once taught him the Earth crushing Fist and began mimicking the movements she had shown him back then he said that it seems she really was sizzy however she interrupted him saying she would ask a second question she pointed out that his ability with the contract gem which was supposed to be useless So what had you been doing during this time
and why did he seem stronger he explained that two weeks ago he consumed the contract Gem and now had control over his body making him immune to any Beast Illusions based on what he had observed there was a massive group of natural order foxes within Pearl City he believed that their entire tribe had already infiltrated she asked that he was telling the truth since a fox's basic Talent was cognitive distortion he started explaining about the city's influential figures the weapon shop and even the girl in the park swing all of them were natural order foxes
she told him to wait there while she checked something and asked someone named Jin Bo if he thought the information was reliable the man replied that they had never discovered the natural order foxes inside Pearl City but some investigations pointed to something similar involving cognitive distortion he would send two people to capture the nearest foxes and they should be back soon however at that moment an explosion occurred behind him two men were lying on the ground and he asked what happened one of them came running saying that the crazy one following them was the owner
of the cafeteria the moment they tried to ask her to come with them she started attacking everyone the next thing they knew she was face to face with the leader but the man calmly prepared his fist and told her to die hitting her Square in the chest effortlessly the girl disintegrated and he remarked that it was arrogant of her to attack like that as the body lost its Aura turned into a fox the man confirmed that the boy's information seemed legitimate finally they began to understand who their enemies were he told the team to be
informed and they would start hunting down these targets meanwhile at the Pearl Academy the lovely luu was lying down except of course she was a terrible Fox she and her friends seemed to sense something without hesitation luciu leaped from the top floor thanks to her Distortion ability making it irrelevant in truth she sensed that a girl named yuu had been killed outside the city while another had been killed in the business district who was managing to hunt them down so perfectly and avoid her detection obviously she wasn't going to let the slide back in the
dark space Jang ping asked if sizzy had finished her investigation she replied that she had but was still quite strange given that he had received this ability out of nowhere since they couldn't fully trust him yet he would only act as an informant she would keep a close eye on him and if you found anything you should get in touch Jang Pang agreed saying he'd do anything to avenge himself against the foxes she threw him an item explaining that this Jade comes in pairs yeah the cold one and if he applied heat to it the
hot Jade she carried would warm up serving as a kind of signal still she advised him to keep getting stronger no one could guaranteed his safety 100% Jang ping was excited playing with the Jade saying he really wish he had joined the martial arts academy but he didn't have the money for it said she talked to the organization to secure a spot for him the boy excitedly thanked sister sizzy recently the number of foxes in the city had been decreasing significantly allowing the squad to kill them all luckily he had gained his ability at just
the right time discovered the squad and learned her identity thankfully everything was going well and the foxes were being eliminated plus he had received $10,000 right away which was quite generous a burl approached him asking if he was interested in learning martial arts at the Beast King Academy the boy agreed saying he'd like to check it out this martial world was highly capitalistic with each technique priced in dollars the girl assured him that it would definitely be worth his money the Beast King's Marshall techniques were highly valued in Pearl City and she grabbed him saying
that if he didn't believe her she could show him she then prepared and told him that the first three techniques were the monkey technique the crocodile technique and the Phoenix technique JN ping noticed that the movements were much more precise than what he had been using it really was a good martial art the only issue was that it was clear the girl wasn't fully prepared to teach it properly being a gentleman John Ping asked if she was okay as they were talking two Side characters showed up itching for a fight and one of them asked
who had given her permission to hand out flyers there embarrassed she apologized saying she didn't know she wasn't allowed to then that annoying blonde guy Andy showed up saying that the Beast fist technique was ridiculous as he approached our protagonist already wanted to punch him because he teased him about the thunder technique of course the guy didn't like that and said it was time for Revenge from the blacksmith shop incident but the girl stepped in front saying no one was going to hurt JN ping the guys started yelling and tearing off their shirts JN ping
activated his analysis ability the two fools were level four and said they would finish them off they were using a skill that reduced intelligence by 70% for a little bit of extra strength John Ping was confused he wasn't even sure if that could be called a talent he then turned his attention to the girl whose name was Juan Gan and saw that she had a ton of potential for growth she would definitely be strong in the future but at level three she would only get beaten up so if he handed the Flyers back to her
saying this was his problem and he would handle it after all he was eager to test the techniques he had just learned from her one of the fools lunged at him but John Ping easily dodged and landed the first style strike to the back of the neck the second guy came but JN ping elbowed him in the stomach saying that was the second style then that useless blonde tried his lightning technique again but Jan ping kicked him in the groan before he could complete it jiman was already impressed wondering how Jean ping had learned the
techniques just by seeing them once she even asked if in the future he could teach her when she didn't understand something John P agreed and she thanked him saying that together they would get much stronger Jang ping knew that with her sevenstar growth potential she really had promise maybe in the future he' be the one meeting her help when they arrived at the Academy they saw a bunch of people panicking because it seemed like the instructor was coming back jben mentioned that instructor B it was a bit cruel and those who didn't complete their missions
were usually punished John Ping asked if she had been punished and she admitted that she was probably punished the most since she hadn't managed to accomplish much in a month John pay wondered why she seems so proud of that then someone one opened the door and everyone greeted the instructor Jim told Jean ping to be respectful and cautious the first thing the instructor said was to run 50 laps Zan ping noticed the man's name was b day a level 25 human he could already tell that bad was strong especially since his level was on par
with sias B then asked Jang ping if he was the one who helped with the issue at the other school Jang ping responded that he was B prepared a fist and told Jean ping to take a look Jean ping tried to explain that he wasn't that strong but he began dodging the attacks by the asked what was up with that beginner talk as he had heard that Jean Payne learned The Monkey King technique after just one demonstration B came at him and Jan Payne realized he wouldn't be able to dodge however the instructor was kind
and just gave him a soft tap b admitted that at first he didn't believe it but John Ping really did have potential it was just a shame that he had learned from someone so useless the movements that person showed weren't even close to the real ones B said he would personally teach Jong ping and the boy thanked him but now was time to deal with the Slackers from earlier BBY ordered everyone form a line and fight him followed by 500 push-ups and a 10 km run as someone touched JN ping it was Jim embarrassed he
asked what was wrong she said the instructor had never taught her privately so she would love it if he could pass on his knowledge to her later Jong ping agreed saying they could go to the soul iron shop later to train together she beamed with excitement saying she thought he would reject her the system showed Jang ping that she had a weakness as it took her 90% longer to learn anything however if she trained the same thing every day her learning speed would increase by 10% each day up to a maximum of 100% clearly this
ability was a nightmare for the teacher who didn't know why she couldn't learn anything five days passed and they were back at the blacksmith shop someone commented that her movement was wrong the diligent boy had taken her to the basement and was teaching her explaining that she was doing it all wrong even though he was breaking the technique into Parts she still couldn't get it right but that Beast fist technique he had Learned was really something at that moment Rose Kang returned John pay told Gan to keep practicing while he went to check on things
upstairs Rose mentioned that she had almost messed at this time and still didn't understand why the number of mutated beasts was decreasing so much because of this they had been forced to hunt up north where they encountered some storm wolves Jang ping asked if she got out of okay she replied that yes they had used a technique to hide and the Wolves attacked another group allowing her to grab something valuable a gem that allowed people to control the wind with their minds Jong ping asked if it was a wind Gem and Rose commented that he
really seemed to know everything with that even a child could create wind blades Jang pping Heard a Voice saying that her brother was starting train another voice mentioned the wind blade sword and yet another said that since Yushi way had died she would eat two more of them with that Jang Pang awakened another talent but then he heard someone talking about the two people inside the shop he recognized the voices as those of natural order foxes and they were discussing how the two and make a great snack Jean ping wondered if they were planning to
invade the shop in broad daylight meanwhile sizy was taking a bath reacting calmly even though Jean ping was about to be in serious danger he questioned whether she would arrive in time as those foxes could break in at any moment Rose noticed something was wrong and asked if he had a problem Jong Payne turned to her and suggested she visit her uncle now that she had returned as he was always talking about her upstairs she agreed and said she would prepare dinner and buy some ingredients but before leaving she took the gem with her Jang
Pang handed it back to her and thanked her for leaving ensuring she wouldn't get involved in what was about to happen he then rushed over to Jon who was practicing like a fool he simply told her to be quiet and come with him just then two foxes appeared and asked where they thought they were going John Payne told jum to stay away but she asked what her mom and dad were doing there she told Jang ping they were her relatives so there was nothing to worry about however standing before him were two natural order foxes
at levels 15 and 16 they asked Gan who the person next to her was and why he seemed so scared she explained that he was a friend from the martial arts academy suddenly a dark space began to form around the two of them both foxes leaped at them shouting not to let them Escape while J appeared frightened Jang ping told her to forget about them and hold on the problem was that they seemed to be tracking him Jang ping turned his back to protect her from the attack the two fell to the ground and smoke
Rose jman asked if he was okay and he replied that he was she then asked what her parents were doing but Jang ping warned her not to get closer they were mutated beasts the mother Fox commented that it seemed he could see through their disguise and if that was the case he could be allowed to live Jang ping barely dodged realizing that his physical strength wasn't keeping up because of the level difference the real problem was that the mother Fox was now heading toward Gman who looked too scared to react while Jean ping struggled to
free himself from the other Fox just then sizzy arrived and told him to step aside she Unleashed a barriage of ice piercing one fox and then continuing to hit the other she jumped to finish them off but jiman pleaded with her to stop however it was too late szy showed no mercy she simply turned and asked if they were okay devastated Jim asked why her parents had become carpets JN ping tried to explain that they weren't really her parents they were just foxes who had taken on their form the poor girl was distraught crying that
it was impossible they were clearly her parents John Ping asked why they had reverted to their true forms explained that if they was a fox above King level in the city they couldn't be maintaining this kind of Illusion last time the foxes reverted to normal because they were killed outside the city that's when Jean pay began to realize he was the only one who could expose the truth he then told Jan that these two had killed her real parents and assumed their form when he removed the cover the true bodies appeared and he told her
that this was the reality the poor girl broke down in tears asking how this could be possible meanwhile luciu that awful Fox wasn't too happy either after all nine of them had been killed this week in a meting someone suggested that they should just kill everyone and take control of the city but another person asked if they were going to graze on grass after killing all the humans luu silenced them warning that wiping out all the humans would be extremely inefficient and a waste of food their priority now was to find the people hiding in
the shadows and eliminate them the vice president suggested that if they brought in several strong beasts to attack the city the powerful humans would be forced to reveal themselves everyone knew there were three organizations but no one knew what the third one was the two foxes nearby agreed AG that it seemed like a good idea luu stood up and gave her approval but reminded the mayor not to forget that he was still human warning that if he did anything wrong he would be dealt with the idiot mayor punched the air vowing that he would never
go against her highness back with G she slowly approached the puddle looked at what had happened and cried for her mother and father she apologized saying she had never realized the truth sizzy ever so cruel said that even if J had known she wouldn't have been able to do anything gon crying pleaded with her to go easier saying that she knew she was weak unable to learn any martial arts and that was why she had lost her parents she lamented that she should have been the one to die but our romantic protagonist John Ping stepped
in with a hug telling her to listen this wasn't her fault he had also lost someone important and thought about them every day maybe if he had stopped her from joining the city Patrol she would still be alive but he knew that even if he could go back in time nothing would change joining the patrol had been her dream and nothing he could have said would have stopped her just like Gan couldn't blame herself for her parents deaths she needed to get stronger and protect those she loved in the future crying Jim thanked zong ping
he was about to say he kill the foxes but suddenly he coughed up blood on her face it seemed her boy was more injured than he had let on later he slowly opened his eyes Jan who had already moved past her grief for her parents thanked him for being alive he asked how long he'd been unconscious and sizzy told him to stay still excited Jim and clung to his arm saying she wanted to become even stronger once she gained more power she would help him wipe out those foxes sizzy then suggested that Jim and stay
with Jang Pang since her home would no longer be a safe place just then Jang ping heard luu's voice talking about the king continuing to sleep and about Kuan Zing's place he told SI that he had a lead on the foxes he mentioned the vice president and sizzy commented that he was connected he had clearly betrayed Humanity that King they were talking about could be the one amplifying the Illusion for everyone since the foxes were out hunting it was their chance for revenge and she would need Jean Ping's help to identify them meanwhile Rose was
happily cooking starving the scene shifted to the purging squad's base the girl named Manny complained that sizzy was always bossing everyone around and making all sorts of Demands while chenel just quietly observed they entered the meeting room where another far more dangerous person offered Manny a cup of coffee this base was a dangerous place if you know what I mean and it was time for the meeting to start her name was suji and she initiated the solar recharge another person activated the black curtain and the last one triggered the light and Shadow Distortion together they
created a Celestial curtain around the entire city meanwhile Jean ping thought that the purging Squad was finally starting to trust him they were the only ones who had a chance to deal with all of this and they had extremely rare weapons they also had a secret group for operations like this the leader had the Black Curtain ability which was responsible for creating those non-existent spaces he kept falling into suji had the solar recharge ability which could give a longlasting buff to allies and shenl could turn herself or others completely invisible together their powers allowed them
to create the celestial curtain which lured any creature below cane level into the world they had created since the foxes like to use Illusions to kill people they were going to play play the same game we saw two burs walking through the city talking about killing humans one of them suggested they could capture the humans and take them back the other commented that the city had been chaotic lately and her friend asked if she was scared suddenly the second girl stopped and the one with purple hair asked if she didn't feel something strange approaching the
first girl was about to brush it off as paranoia until she also felt something and wondered where all the humans who had been around them a second ago had gone at that moment someone approached with a fist aimed right at the back of their necks a small explosion echoed through the Street and the person remarked it was a shame they hadn't been able to take them out in one punch the girls realized that this was the person who had been killing foxes in the city and called him bold it was Lio who thanked them for
the compliment he was a level 32 and John Ping had warned him that these two were level 25s so he was confident both girls lunged at him but he easily dodged one of their strikes however something strange happened he seemed to take damage even though he had blocked the attack one of the girls leaped toward him saying he was nothing but food liubo found it strange that even though he had blocked the attack he was still taking damage the girls kept striking him taunting him asking if that was all he was capable of they found
it ridiculous that their friends had been killed by someone so weak but then one of them took a slap to the face with Lio saying that now she knew why her friend jumped in shouting that he would pay for that however up close Libo said he could see it now he had been defending against her human forms but needed to remember that he was fighting foxes it was difficult but now he understood their true size they were indeed strong when it came to sneak attacks but in a real fight they were nothing agonized ing the
friend asked the other for help but Lio just smiled and asked if she was feeling nostalgic with that he slammed her friend right into her chest as they were reeling from the blow lubo appeared behind them warning that another strike was coming to finish them off he delivered a crushing heel kick driving them into the ground riding in pain the two foxes wondered why they couldn't sense the rest of their race lubo told them to stop overthinking it this was the end he Unleashed an electric explosion finishing them off completely from afar Jang ping observed
and remarked that liubo was indeed strong replied that of course he was after all he was the leader of their division but Jang pay couldn't help but comment that libo's outfit looked like something straight out of a super cyan stizzy received a notification that multiple beasts were invading the city and if too many creatures got through the celestial curtain would overload she told Jang ping that they would have to deal with the other creatures and she would send someone to Watch Over the blacksmith shop Jang ping asked who she had been talking to on the
phone and sizzy explained that it was a big boss whom he would meet one day s he broke down the power levels low-level creatures were between level 1 and 10 and John Ping was currently level four mid-tier levels were below 20 where most foxes resided Apex creatures like junbo at level 32 were at the highest level before reaching the king rank which was level 40 or higher a level where some foxes operated as they walked outside the city Jang ping realized it had been a long time since he had been in a place like this
he asked what kind of plants were growing around them suddenly sizzy grabbed his arm as one of the plants released electricity a green bubble floated up and exploded spraying liquid everywhere warned him to be careful it was actually acid she pointed to a rabbit and told Jan pay that it would be his challenge while she checked the surroundings JN ping analyzed the rabbit and saw that it was level 9ine even though it looked harmless he knew he couldn't let his guard down and had to finish it quickly he attacked with his dagger knowing that the
first strike was the most important however the rabbit didn't even try to dodge Jang ping quickly followed up with a pearl fist but the Rabbit released poison from its ears Jong ping realized he was still quite useless the rabbit hopped around at activating poison traps from various plants zongping commanded his body to dodge while trying to figure out what was happening clearly the rabbit had insane reflexes and his sneaky attack had been useless worse a creature was luring him into an area filled with acid the rabbit was fast and intelligent this wasn't going to be
easy Jang ping noticed something strange the acid wasn't burning him maybe the fire in his body was evaporating the acid on contact the rabbit launched another series of attacks but Jong ping responded with a barage of flames easily blocking the assault since the acid was liquid the fire evaporated it instantly Jong ping understood why sizzy had assigned him this task despite how dangerous these creatures were he had a clear Advantage the rabbit lunged puzzled as to why Jang ping wasn't being consumed by the asid Jang ping tried to defend himself but had trouble understanding the
creature's movements worse the rabbit's claws were also coated in acid the creature had realized that long range attacks wouldn't work so it had come in close Jang ping now had to envelop his body in Flames to burn the acid from its claws however his flame reserves were limited he charged of the rabbit asking if it thought it was the only one with tricks Jong pain tried a series of strikes but the rabbit dodged finally they were face to face and Jean ping said there was no Escape now he had trapped the rabbit in a fire
tornado the problem was that he only had three flame reserves left he stabbed at the rabbit but it dodged and his reserves hit zero however that was exactly what J ping wanted he began walking through the Flames he had created absorbing the fire and partially refilling his reserves he coated his dagger in flames and struck the rabbit Square in the back the creature fell dead but John Payne realized that without matching its level he probably still needed to finish it off and so he did with a lot of determination as a result all his stats
increased by two points which was strange since he hadn't leveled up the system explained that each level up became harder so sometimes when training or defeating enemies he would only gain stat boosts zongping still at level four lamented how hard it was to level up poor guy but then he heard a strange sound behind him a legion of not so happy rabbits worse Shan ping only had two flame Reserves left and there were far more rabbits than he could handle including some huge muscular ones he muttered that at least it was enough to activate the
pendant and started running in desperation calling for sister czy to help but the rabbits were smart they cut off his Escape Route the area behind him was packed and the rabbits were clearly coordinating their attacks a barriage of poison was heading his way and Jang ping had no way to dodge but suddenly an ice barrier rose up saving him he knew who it was sister sizzy had arrived to save the day she warned him that these bullet rabbits were in Berserker mode so she would have have to take care of them already preparing to send
a wave of attacks in their Direction with that the fools were all chased out of the forest drenched and defeated now they look cute didn't may but they were still daned creatures Jang ping couldn't help but think these cursed things only look adorable after they're dead sizzy ever so cruel snapped her fingers and everything turned ice the entire wave of creatures became Frozen pillars remarked that she'd only been gone for a minute so how did this many creatures show up JN Pang of course said he had no idea she responded that the worst part was
that this didn't seem to be end another Legion was coming their way but instead of attacking these creatures were headbutting one of their own that was trapped in the ice they didn't even care that a girl Was preparing a sword it was as if they were all fixated on completing a single objective however sizzy wasn't about to help them and even though the creatures look cute after death she showed no mercy and finished them off since the whole pack was focused on the one in the middle knew there had to be something inside its body
she reached out and commanded it to release the ice shattered along with the creature and inside they found a spiritual control pill D paying asked what it was mentioning that it smelled nice explained that some organizations used it to control mutated beasts usually this was done by the zoo clan of Tamers it seemed that after all this time they were finally making a move the pill emitted a strong scent that only mid-tier beasts could sense it made them crave the pill and once they consumed it they lost control and became mindless however the zuuk clan
somehow had the ability to control these creatures which was still a mystery czy crushed the pill explaining that if it were destroyed another Beast might consume it but but it was clear that there was a connection between these beasts and the pill and they would have to investigate whether the zoo Clan was responsible before that though they would continue training just outside the wall what they didn't know was that a hooded figure had been eased dropping on their conversation Jean ping had a feeling though a sui already had her blade ready her attack sliced through
a tree but the Intruder had already vanished Jang ping asked why she'd done that out of nowhere told him to forget it questioning whether she was imagining things a week passed and all the foxes from the blacksmith area had gathered the dangerous L and Yuki were among them but of course they were just horde foxes in Disguise Beast attacks were becoming more frequent and they wondered if it was Zing's doing still L wasn't going to rely on him as it was time for her to make her own move she told the others that as many
of them knew humans had discovered a way to break free from mental control most of the foxes had disappeared from the blacksmith region so everyone would head there their plan was to spread chaos and make it look like they were acting impulsively that way L could observe who would appear allowing them to eliminate all threats meanwhile back in the forest the dumb bullet rabbits were still standing around Jong ping sneaked up behind them since it was mik time he had his evasion ability active allowing him to strike without Mercy for the past week he'd been
hunting these cursed rabbits and had reached level six additionally he had become familiar with all their attack patterns first he easily neutralize their long range attacks using his Flames typically they would cover themselves in steel and try to attack or Escape since the acid they used was flammable and made it even easier to eliminate the ones covered in steel he had also been using the Scarlet scales to recover his energy so the Flames he used never ran out this was the technique he called Flame Devar or maybe not because even he thought that name was
a bit cringe the problem was that he had already used up all the snake scales he collected but with so many kills it should be enough to level up again finally Jean ping reached level seven he was thrilled his contract gem Advanced to level five as well yet thought the gem was connected to his level but unfortunately from levels four to six he hadn't gained any new abilities he was eager to find out what power he would gain this time and really hoped it would be something related but just then one of the rabbits changed
expression it took on a dark form and a purple Aura began to emanate from it John Ping was confused after all that rabbit was supposed to be dead but since it wasn't he decided to use his last flame Reserve to finish it off he laughed saying it seemed like the rabbit liked coming straight at him but when he went to stab the creature it caught his hand and dodged the attack Jean pay realized it might be a spiritual creature and wondered if it was the Avenger of the rabbits not that it mattered to him he
swung his blade commanding it to Die the creature collapsed shrivel and weak on the ground Jang Pang wondered since when these cursed rabbits had such a technique and started searching for a spiritual control pill instead he found a strange purple object but had no idea what it was he tried several analysis attempts all of which failed he kept trying until finally the analysis worked it was revealed to be another Essence which came from the testicle of a black goat once again Jean ping forced the analysis to try and see a memory of the item finally
he glimpsed the black goat fighting a horde of creatures the Beast went one on 30 and it easily started decimating all the creatures or so it seemed suddenly one of the creatures landed a bite on it and it appeared that both of them had died JN ping felt that the orb had some kind of effect but he didn't know how to activate it besides the place it came from was pretty disgusting he muttered to himself that he was an insignificant useless insect who didn't have the luxury of choice harsh on himself but he consumed the
orb anyway immediately he felt a shock screaming as he couldn't understand what was happening suddenly he remembered the moment when he hugged Jingo and how she had turned into a fox soon after she had told him that no matter what he encountered in the future he needed to survive zongping reassured her in his mind that he wouldn't die not until he killed all those damn foxes with that he gained another body which allowed him to convert the fear of others into NE energy each percentage of fear generated a manifestation that represented 10% of his current
attack power with fully recharged energy he could unleash an attack with 1,000% power it was a perfect ability both offensively and defensively the most impressive part was that his growth potential increased by three stars because of this clearly the nether body was more powerful than he had anticipated but suddenly Jang ping started crying and even he didn't understand why he couldn't tell if it was sadness Joy or regret but he swore he would avenge jino soon at that moment a group of men carrying some things approached him one of them asked if the kid was
okay but the other told him to leave Jean ping alone as it wasn't their problem John Ping slowly stood up his hour of Darkness ability active and said he was fine however the men ran off in a panic which only fueled Jean Ping's nether energy it seemed like he was going to have to cause a little Mischief in this world the most interesting interesting part was that the nether energy could form any shape he wanted curious about its strength he swam to strike toward a tree even a blade created from just one point of nether
energy sliced through the tree like paper he then slashed through the falling trunk cutting it into neat cubes like something out of Minecraft he created a small Shield that cost 10 nether energy points and easily blocked everything this was going to be his trump card against highlevel beasts suddenly sizzy appeared behind him shouting for him she approached reading an attack and asked if he'd seen the nether Beast that had been detected nearby J paying feeling awkward realized he have to explain what had happened since he asked what the deal was with him eating the nether
Essence accusing him of having a death wish for consuming something so dangerous without knowing what it was of course jpang explained that he had done it because his analysis hadn't indicated any danger he said he had been calm about it as if anything had gone wrong he could have ordered his body to vomit it out szy however questioned what he would have done if that hadn't been possible if the item had been a parasite that took control of his body startled Jean ping asked if something like that had happened before explained that nether creatures were
completely unknown entities they didn't have a specific form and usually hid inside other creatures when the hubus died they condensed into an organ and when another animal consumed it they took control the point was that nether creatures specialize in infecting those who consume them Jang ping realized he had made a stupid mistake the intense pain he had felt when he consumed the essence was likely the creature trying to take control of his body however since he felt fine maybe that meant the creature had failed said that because Jang pping had absolute control over himself the
Beast had been able to steal his body still she warned him that if he showed any signs of mutation she'd have to cut him down JN ping apologized and just then a spider descended between the two of them shouting surprise at sizy embarrassed sizy tried to swing her sword at the creature but missed and it scuttled away John pay noticed that sizzy was terrified of it and she clung to him all flustered he F to himself that she still had the same fear of insects she had when they were kids he remembered a time when
he ran over to her proudly showing her a beetle the size of her head he admitted that even he would have been scared that thing but sizzy had swatted it away making it run off and Jan ping was sad saying he had wanted to be friends with it sizzy asked why he wanted a beetle as a friend when there were so many people at the orphanage who could be his friends he replied that he knew that but eventually all those people would leave and he'd end up alone but sizzy hugged him and said that no
matter what happened they would always be friends of course she had made that promise but had abandoned him later and nearly killed him yet he forgave her what a surprise now however he found himself in an awkward position as she leaned in for a hug asking why he was squeezing her so tightly told him that he had been lucky this time but it was important for him to remember that the world was full of dangerous things from now on he couldn't rely on luck alone JN ping thought that even though seemed so cold after joining
the squad she was always concerned about him even if she didn't always show it she received a message and said understood JN pping asked what was going on she explained that his training and investigation would be paused for now because they needed to return to per City it seemed that lioo had been injured and they needed to go back to offer support Jang ping was shocked that someone as strong as Libo had been hurt and asked why they didn't call the other groups for help explained that they couldn't alert anyone to their presence and besides
things outside the wall were a mess on the way back it was explained that when the cataclysm began they erected walls to protect what little was left because of this traveling Beyond the Wall was extremely dangerous and only a few independent awakened ones had the courage to do so there were a few Villages around Pearl City that hadn't yet been taken over by creatures at C there were numerous Apex level creatures and no one had any idea what was on the other side when they arrived at the base someone explained that they had been using
the celestial curtain to monitor the foxes when suddenly many of them appeared on blacksmith street so they went there to resolve it but it turned out to be a trap jinbo had been injured and was still recovering so for the time being Suz would have to take responsibility and ensure the city's safety humbly Jean ping asked if she needed help humbly declined telling him to return to the blacksmith shop and that she'd send him a message if anything came up with that the two- parted ways and Jean ping wish them well finally he was able
to relax a little after so many days of training outside the city he was curious to see how gon's training had been going but then he noticed something strange the people in the city seemed Frozen in place someone approached and called out to him John Pay used his analysis ability which failed 66 times but eventually succeeded however he could only tell that the man was using an identity hiding ability the man commented that it seems Jang Pang could see the people and that right now he must be trying to analyze his abilities he congratulated Jang
ping saying that normally an analysis type awaken could only used their ability 10 times but here he was with no limitations John Ping was shocked at how this man could tell he was trying to analyze him and ask if he needed help with anything despite his fear the man exuded an incredibly terrifying Aura John Ping stood his ground the old man asked if he wanted to have some fun Jong ping did nothing and the man asked why he wasn't starting Jong ping responded that there was no reason to fight him but the man questioned whether
he had no reason to become stronger or if his quest for vengeance in South now was just a lie instantly Jang ping was in his face demanding he repeat himself but strangely reality seemed to shatter around him the man teleported and Jang ping thought he was behind him as he turned the man blocked his punch and said that Jang ping still had a lot to learn Jang ping replied that they find out soon enough and Unleashed a flame right at the man's face however the fire passed through causing no damage at all the man reappeared
in the distance saying that he had had his fun and now it was his turn what Jang ping had hit was just a false image and the man Unleashed a slash Jang ping was barraged with ice attacks and wondered how this lunatic had so many abilities he began using a bit of his nether Reserve to dodge and when he couldn't he pulled up his shield to defend himself all of this was just to get the man to lower his guard he sacrificed his shield and launched an attack in the man's direction as the shield blocked
the man's Vision Jang ping came from the side to land a finishing blow the old man said Jean ping was clever but he wasn't strong enough he emitted a light that pushed Jean ping back sending him crashing to the ground like a fool the old man remarked that it was impressive for someone at John Ping's level to have so much power John Ping realized he was pinned To The Ground by some kind of telekinetic pressure and couldn't move the old man said it looked like they would need to have a conversation John Ping immediately realized
this man was far above jinbo or even sizzy the only person with more power that he' ever heard of was the captain of the purging Squad Jang ping try to be clever asked how he could refer to that person the old man said Jang ping could call him whatever he wanted and question if he really didn't know who he was considering the man had information about Jing Yao JN ping guessed he must be from the purging Squad he knew the captain's name was sidu B but wondered why the captain would reveal himself to him Jang
ping asked why the man was there the old man mned him not to think too hard about it especially since he couldn't block a mind reading he explained that in the two years he had been in Pearl City he had never seen an awakened one with an unlimited type ability of course that had peaked his curiosity J ping asked if such a thing as an unlimited level truly existed as he have thought Apex was the highest level shabai explained that normal awakened individuals could only have a single ability no matter how strong they became however
unlimited you users could continuously gain new abilities as they grew stronger and there was something he was extremely curious about could his unlimited level ability called path of others copy Jang Ping's contract gem ability of course he wasn't asking for this test for free Jang ping would be rewarded even if it didn't work Jang ping wanted to know what would happen if he refused to test this shabai said that was his decision but he should take a look at the gift first it was a bracelet called golden treasure which had the storage ability that shibai
had used long ago he added that Jang ping should know what that meant Jang ping was excited a storage ability was perfect for someone like him who had abilities that consumed items the old man then told him to raise his hand and a strange blue energy began to flow shabai looked thoughtful and sighed JN ping asked if he was finished and the man replied that he was unfortunately shabai couldn't copy Jean Ping's contract gem ability nor could he copy any abilities that Jean ping had stolen which meant that the boy was truly unique despite this
outcome the item was now Jean Ping's however as soon as jeang ping took the bracelet he felt something strange his analysis revealed how the item had been created a girl with magical powers had been bound in ropes and golden liquid had been poured over her the lives of humans and awakened ones were used to create items like this JN ping asked shabai if all items like this were created in such a cruel way shabai explained that in the two centuries he lived many items have been created like this even though it was strictly prohibited he
had tried several times to destroy the item but perhaps yongping could make better use of it Jang ping then asked what the city had been like 200 years ago if lives had always been wasted in this way shuai nodded explaining that 200 years ago the Zub Beast family ruled the city and everyone was a slave to their desires men worked all day just to had something to eat beautiful women were turned into toys for the Masters those with any potential were brainwashed into becoming tools anyone who lost their usefulness was fed to the zoo family's
creatures and awakened ones with rare abilities were turned into ingredients for certain equipment after the zoo family committed so many atrocities a revolution began after years of fighting the zoo family was finally overthrown Jang ping acknowledged this history and sh I asked if he wanted to know more Jang ping asked why if Shai was so strong he didn't just go and take out the fox Leader by himself before answering shii shielded their conversation from the world he explained that it wasn't that he didn't want to it was that he couldn't JN Payne might think the
city's defenses were weak since they had been invaded by the foxes but in truth purle City's defenses were incredibly robust the patrol and investigation teams could easily detect any Beast that approached the city once the signal was given the purging Squad was always ready and dealt with any of the Beast beasts Additionally the city had an artifact called the pearl of the Sun and Moon which CT the power of any creature within the city at level 40 so even if a King level creature invaded it would only have the power of an apex level no
doubt about it shibai was the strongest Apex level being the problem was that even though they knew who the enemy was they didn't know who was pulling the strings behind everything Jang ping questioned whether shabai was suggesting that there was a traitor among them shabai explained that the city's L had gone missing and aside from him only a few people had control of the artifact there were remnants of the zoo family lurking in the shadows angry at the loss of the rain these remnants could deactivate the pearl of the Sun and Moon and had opened
the gates to allow the celestial foxes to enter it was clear that they were behind everything John Ping asked why they didn't just wipe out these fools shabai explained that they had been trying to eradicate them for over 100 years but a new seed always sprouted likely The Zo family had been entrenched in the city for so long that they had many hidden connections that the purging Squad didn't know about Jang ping realized that this was why the fox Invasion never made sense what was the true goal of the zo family was the Lord dead
or alive and why had the beasts recently started to stir more frequently that's why shabab was being so cautious because if he were to Die the city would lose its greatest weapon worse still if he were captured and controlled it would be the end of pro City C Shai then reiterated that while he couldn't copy jeang Ping's ability they still needed him he asked Jang ping if he was willing to join the purging Squad without hesitation Jang ping shook his hand and said of course I am meanwhile at the soul Iron Forge Jim asked Rose
why she's been repairing so much equipment lately she says she's just trying to make the best use of her free time then Jim asks when Jang ping is coming back since it's been a few days since he left Rose says it must be all the missing that's making her so distracted she replies that it's not that it's just that during the day she has no one to help her train and she keeps wondering how he's doing outside the wall and if he's encountered any danger Rose says that kind of talk is identical to a wife's
it seems she can't go a day without a boy she turns to the barrel and says she'll stop teasing her but youor is that she doesn't need to worry because the creature outside the wall are all marked so as long as he stays in the right regions he'll be safe Jim then questions if there are other Villages outside Pearl City capable of doing that Rose says yes there are a few but they are very backward and xenophobic most of them still worship besal gods and make sacrifices to them so if you ever come across one
is best to flee sheiman asks if they are human and if so couldn't they just communicate with them however Rose warns her to be cautious with that thought saying they are actually much more dangerous than the beasts when it comes to the outside world some of them wear ter terrifying masks and you never see them coming at that moment J asks if it's like that thing showing up behind them Rose says yes it really is quite similar to that one that's when she notices the thing is really there and our guy shows up like a
fool scaring the poor girls but Rose doesn't forgive and gives him a good kick in the groan well boy her little plan fell apart a few moments later our boy decides to pretend nothing happened and tells Miss Rose that was a bit cruel but she wants to know who he is our girl removes the mask revealing it's him the two of them want to scold this Rascal for playing around around and scaring them but then he teases her hair saying he's a rascal for going away and coming back just to give them a scare our
girl says she heard them talking about some scary Villages and decided to play along for fun she asked if he finally finished his training and he says yes and we'll stay by the walls for a while she says that's perfect because she found some clues about a certain Shan Shan she was planning to go to the city so it's good to he staying to take care of jiman and her uncle before he can say anything she tells him to go enjoy it because someone really missed him and was wondering when he'd come back immediately Jim
runs off saying she wants to return turn to her room because it's late and she wants to rest however she stops in front of the door she calls for our boy who gets a bit confused but she turns around smiling saying she's happy he returns safely for Jang ping this was the first time he felt at home since all of this began she even jumps startled when the old man asks why he has that silly grin and tells our boy to tell Miss Rose That the old man is extremely ill and that she should stop
leaving the city our boy asks if it's true and the old man smacks him on the head telling him just to follow the plan Jang ping asks why and the old old man explains that Shan xan has been missing for a long time so something cruel may have happened he knows how strong his daughter is but with her taking such risks eventually she'll encounter something bad too that's why he's playing dumb to stop her from taking so many risks aroy feels a little awkward with the old man's plans the old man tells him just to
follow the script that girl is extremely loyal and if she knows he's a bit sicker she'll stop risking so much he warns that our boy has a real talent for forging his daughter is good but she never put in much effort and never wanted to so this next week it'll be him who really teaches our boy the essence of forging even though it's not a super secret technique it's a unique skill of the Lea Family so he better pay attention excited Jean ping says he won't disappoint when suddenly he hears a voice calling his name
saying it's her it was a spirit of Jingo telling him to keep going because she was waiting for him once again he's confused about why he keeps having these hallucinations as the old man planned his daughter stayed more in the city and JN ping started learning the techniques he said he had a lung disease from smoking so much and his daughter told him to stop smoking meanwhile our boy has also been practicing with nether to create much more precise forms with energy human finally mastered the three basic styles of the beast king and that night
when he heard Su jino's voice he felt something familiar and just to be sure contacted the purging Squad he asked shibai if he's sure there are no more foxes around the blacksmith District shabai assures him that there aren't as they cleared out the entire District this made Jang ping want to understand why he occasionally heard her voice what if sujino wasn't really dead and was instead waiting for him somewhere out there maybe for revenge for answers or waiting for him to unmask the one pretending to be her the scene shifts to 3 Days Later a
man approaches a door and places a metal bar across it as soon as it opens he sees a girl sleeping he approaches to grab the poor thing saying the drug he used worked perfectly he pulls back the blanket saying the rumors that she had the best curves and Jade colored skin were indeed true and today he would finally have his way however at that moment a dark Aura approaches and calls out the name shaan the man turns around wanting to know who's there the Eerie voice starts talking saying he's so ugly that only his mother
could love him and that he's only fit to be buried Five Palms deep he's always been hated by all women which is why he's seeking revenge on them and today this Shadow was there to take the soul he never deserved at that moment the man runs knowing that his whole family should be unconscious because of what he did so what kind of cursed ghost was following him until he struck in the knee by a whip he falls to the ground like a fool and John Ping's reservoir of fear begins to fill the man starts crying
begging him to stay away in that instant the man wets himself and faints and our boy wishes he had stayed awake a bit longer so he could draw more fear from him but this marked the success of the first mission he took on it was time to bring this man back to headquarters and let them deal with him this man's skill was pharmaceutical Mastery which allowed him to create extremely potent drugs in that moment our boy has flashbacks of the things this man had done what he was up to was obviously horrific using the drugs
he created he harmed numerous women seeing this left our boy shaken and suddenly the man started waking up on the ground he turned to launch an attack but it seemed hidden aura jeang ping turns into smoke and the man wonders where that bastard went however our boy simply says today you die the man wonders why the poison he threw wasn't working in the next second he sees a small hand flying toward him and John Ping says that for every person he hurt he'll take a blow then a saw like style things were about to begin
the man began taking a flurry of attacks without being able to react he started agonizing desperate time passed and the man cried out that Jang ping was insane saying that he should already be dead and that he wasn't normal however our boy replies that with today's Technologies he would still be saved he points toward a door and says if he can make it to the door he'll let him leave alive actually alen gets excited seeing a chance to survive he's already thinking that when he recovers he'll get revenge on this boy there were still plenty
of girls he hadn't enjoyed yet all he had to do was reach that door and he'd survive but when he stretches out his hand the door isn't opening he starts banging on it demanding to know why it won't open and our boy approaches saying it seems he can't even open a door even after receiving such a great chance he messed up then bam Jang ping laugh es him on the back with the whip with that our boy levels up once more he'd always thought that killing the foxes would be enough to bring peace to Pearl
City but he realized it wouldn't be that simple there are people like this man who don't deserve salvation then he hears another voice talking about hanai Academy saying today would be a special day it was the perfect chance to capture John Ping realizes he's going to have to teach another lesson he tells the captain that he's already dealt with this scumbag but found another one on the radar the one relaying the messages is Manny who controls the subspaces our boy warns shag and asks her it's true she says there might be something strange since she
can't feel what's happening over there he then informs her that Jang ping seems to be heading to that location and tells her to report any situation that arises she tells them to be careful but reinforcements are on their way the academy was surrounded by a red barrier inside there were a few hooded figures they had been searching for their target for 15 minutes but still hadn't found her one of them says they're in trouble because someone just breached the barrier the chubby guy panicking says it looks like they've been discovered however the leader says it's
impossible because they're using the dragon statue but he warns that they're running out of time so they need to find her soon our boy arrives at the entrance of the building he starts analyzing the statue trying to figure out what it is the system explains that it's a dragon Stone it placed in Four Points it creates a barrier that nullifies the perception of anyone inside our boy start seeing a flashback of how that item was created as usual it involved the sacrifice of numerous lives which is strange as that kind of item had been banned
long ago these people didn't seem to belong to other organizations and maybe they were remnants of the zoo family the zoo family in the last two months not only brought foxes but also beasts and now they're targeting something at hanhai Academy it's still hard to understand what these guys real goal is but perhaps today at the Academy he'll begin to understand things then he sees someone approaching and decides to hide with that he activates the night walker ability from the perspective of the group there was nothing there the person who had apparently crossed the barrier
was already gone one of them says to turn off the lantern to conser its energy afterward they collect the dragon Stone and leave without leaving any Trace however our boy was there obser observing and relaying the information that these guys were levels 20 17 and 15 the lantern they were carrying concealed their presence scent and even identification details the girl they were taking was named Chu juming who had an extraordinary potential with a lot of stars moreover she had the blood of the saint which created a bond with any living creature Jang ping realizes her
ability is similar to a gem contract but much more advanced as it works even without the person having to consume anything the question remains what does the zoo family want with controlling this girl however it was obious that he wasn't going to let these guys take her away like that but suddenly they seem to disappear his analysis is interrupted and he wonders what happened amanii on the other hand tells him that they're heading outside the city says he wouldn't make it in time so our boy says he'll delay them however Shai tells him to be
careful and to consider his own safety bar our boy says he won't miss the chance to learn more about the zoo family the guys were already running outside the barrier when one of them seemed to notice something a strange e wolf came out in the bushes the guys wondered why there was a creature like that right at the city's exit our boy's Precision with form creation had improved a lot but if he was analyzed it would be risky a guy decides to do just that to assess the creature's strength but our boy notices the attempt
to analyze him and interrupts it with an attack before the guy can do anything he's already leaping he's on the guy's back ready to bite the man Dodges and tells hang to hypnotize the creature hang spreads his arms and uses a technique telling the wolf to stay still JN Ping's eyes go all zigzagged he puts on a l struck expression and the chubby guy says the ability is ready however Jang ping has infinite mental energy so so this type of attack is useless against him he decides to pretend he's under control and slowly approaches with
a dumb look on his face the chubby guy reaches out of his hand and tells him not to move but right at that moment JN ping swipes he opens his jaws and is ready to strike at the throat as the fool is being devoured he calls for help from the leader the leader tries to execute a technique telling him to get out of there and a Golden Glow throws Jang ping far away however our boy managed to level up to nine and the gem contract Rose to level six the guy was using overwhelming telekinesis and
he Jang ping within the nether Aura couldn't resist with that the poor guy is crushed he tries to move but it's impossible then the man says that the wolf's name is Jang Payne level 9 and he belongs to the soul Iron Forge and the purging Squad he wonders why a worthless human like that was pretending to be a rat but since he was one of she's slaves he wouldn't leave here alive although the guy's skills weren't great the items he had were extremely dangerous clearly the Zu family had been depending on equipment they've been accumulating
for a long time the good thing for him is that even with restricted movement he could still used the nether what he found strange was that the Gravity Guy instead of defending himself was only trying to dodge and then the guy jumps to the side and fires an electric Arrow our boy has to use a good amount of nether to create a protective shield the guy says that this type of ability our boy is using has a limited energy Supply so soon enough it would run out our boy realizes that if the guy isn't trying
to dodge maybe it's time to try the next move another shock Arrow comes and he spends 15 nether to defend himself at the same time he buries some of his energy into the ground he speds another 15 to to launch a series of attacks the other guy steps in to protect his friend but what they hav't noticed is that nether had already seeped out from under their feet our boy pulled his Shikamaru controlling both of their arms and they couldn't use their items at that moment he approaches saying that with their hands bound they're useless
he pulls out another dagger and stabs the guy in the stomach who can't move however the guy activates telekinesis on his own arm to hit John Ping's arm with that he congratulates Jang ping for the attempt but says that this is the end however in that moment our boy releases all the flame he had stored up and with that the man has to throw him far away but as he's sliding back an electric arrow is already coming and man this one hits him in the chest it looks like his clothes are fireproof and the guys
say he's got quite a few tricks up his sleeve too it was a shame but this was where it was going to end however Jang ping only replies that the time has come the guy laughs asking if he's talking about his own death but as water flows over him Jang ping says he was only buying time one of them manages to defend and Counterattack but the other is already stabbed in the chest the problem is that this time our boy won't come out unscathed however at that very moment sizzy is already beside the guy who
realizes that this cursed woman killed his friend in one move she slashes at him and he defends himself with the tip of his bow but her level is much higher and the poor guy has no chance he asks who she is but she just ignores him she keeps attacking the fool leaving him no chance to escape he already knows that in a few more seconds he'll be dead with no other choice he had to use it and pulls a ring from his hand he slips it on his finger and suddenly begins to glow with electricity
a lightning bolt starts to fall and she tells him to stop a gust of energy and Wind Rises to the sky she approaches at least relieved that John Ping was alive the man took advantage of the lightning to create distance between the two of them it was a shame that they couldn't capture anyone from the zoo family alive meanwhile our boy is on the ground completely drained then Manny tells her to hurry back and bring Jean ping sizzy asks what happened she explains that the elusory curtain had been breached man it's the dangerous louu the
fool who I think is that vice president asks why he was summoned she questions how the preparations for the beasts outside the city were going he says that just as she ordered everything was in place it's at that moment that the giant lightning bolt falls in the distance she wants to know what that sound was the vice president recognizes it as the Myriad Call of Thunder which means the guy he sent out ran into trouble it seems like he's up to something sneaky he says it was probably just a random Thunderbolt but luu questions if
he really didn't see anything unusual trembling he says no everything seemed perfectly calm she then asks why he seems so nervous he assures her she can trust him he's been tracking Thunder for a long time and knows each one she realizes the bastard is lying and the problem is that outside the wall she can't sense things clearly it was exactly like that other time when that guy was about to die but as soon as she turned the corner he completely disappeared in an instant there must be someone of high level using illusion tych techniques in
this city normally humans don't affect the foxes but this one was messing with their perception maybe the entire city was under some kind of Illusion man she casts a Jutsu and activates a domain expansion the ucer barrier begins to crumble wonders where that girl the men tried to kidnap had gone turns to Jean ping and says she doesn't know why but the barrier was disappearing our boy is lying on the ground like a fool calling out her name she points to the side and tells her to use that Lantern meanwhile luu's energy continues to sweep
through the city examining every point trying to figure out what's happening finally she senses she has found the Dan rat A man carrying the thing on his shoulder whom she had almost forgotten about in all the chaos immediately she jumps toward him and the man says she better wait now he knows there's a problem because he couldn't stall her every receives the message about one of the purging Squad agents AED Jean ping he encountered two of their agents who are now dead because of the boy they had no choice but to use the Myriad Call
of Thunder to ensure at least one of them survived besides the squad Jang ping is also linked to the soul Iron Forge at that moment one of them asks what Lu shu is doing there and suddenly someone screams the man tells Ean to explain what's going on however at that moment the old man appears and says the plan has failed zeun Who provided the information had been killed by a fox the problem is that the saint who poses the greatest threat to the foxes is now under their control luu knows she can't kill the saint
so she plans to send her back to the Lord's Mansion the man asks what they're going to do now that they won't be able to control the foxes the old man says he knows of a passage that leads directly to the outer entrance of the Mansion only he knows about that place and they can release a bunch of beasts to make the fox's lives difficult that way he could take advantage of the chaos and rescue the saint another one says it's easier said than done especially since princess Lou Caillou will be guarding that place the
man says they'll have have to use a plan to lure Jean ping since she's probably hunting him if they send an attack on the so Iron Forge Jean Pang will go to defend it and L Caillou will show up to kill him while the purging Squad and the foxes are fighting at the forge they'll take advantage of the situation to cause chaos at the Mansion one of them says this would mean breaking all ties they have with the foxes so failure isn't an option obviously no one must know they are descendants of the zoo family
the guy with the black eye warns that the fate of The Zo family is in zon's hands szy is asking if he's awake and how he's feeling our boy gets up wondering where he is he explains that he's at the purging Squad base because they didn't have time to take him anywhere else he sees Jimbo lying there and asks if he's really that badly injured he explains that Jimbo fought L Caillou or seems to be on the move at that moment someone says he's already standing it's suji who says he fought against three people 10
levels above him and still walked away after taking one down usually someone dies instantly if they fight someone five levels higher sizzy introduces the girl saying she's the one with the solar recharge and that she took care of him our boy says was lucky it's thanks to them that he made it out alive the girl replies that it wasn't a big deal but besides that she can't maintain the elusory curtain anymore enough chitchat he needs to explain everything that happened as they need more information the girls it seems have been working double shifts to try
to understand what's going on they're all asking to be fired for a few days Manny says the cursed xia was awake so it was time for her to help but clearly she wasn't that awake she keeps getting beaten every hour to try and wake her up at that moment Shai enters the room and sees the two fighting like Mad Men he says he really needs more staff because they're being forced to work so hard then our boy walks into the room shabai explains that the zoo family and the foxes seem to be working together but
that no longer appears to be the case and the fact that they use that Drive-In shows they were already aware of the elusory curtain he knows that submission isn't the Zu family style this means they're just waiting for the right moment to deal with the foxes the Headmaster of Ry Academy known as Shan Howie died 14 years ago without any hairs but soon after a girl named Shen junting was announced as granddaughter she didn't seem to have any connection to Pearl City so she must be from a village outside it was likely the Academy's Headmaster
who wanted to keep her completely hidden because of this they have no records of her and it's impossible to know what ability she possesses however Jong ping says he knows the ability because he analyzed her earlier what she possesses is called the blood of the saint Shai wonders if she could be from the ancestral sacred Village however that would be too much of a coincidence meanwhile our boy explains her ability at that same moment in the Lord's Mansion jemping excitedly asks if her sister always lives there and why she seems so angry clearly Furious she
says it's nothing important jumping tells her to drink some tea because sweet things make you happy when you're mad however obviously luu isn't in the mood for jokes and tells her to die a terrible Aura passes over the girl but she opens her eyes and glares with a golden light shu's attack seems to have no effect and a girl pretends nothing happened she offers her a cookie asking if she's not in the mood to eat it she pops it into her mouth saying the cookie is really tasty meanwhile Shu can't understand why she can't kill
this girl who's all smiles saying it's delicious every time Shu tries to strike at the very moment she's about to hit she feels ill and cancels the attack junting spits out the tea saying it's terrible and that the person who made it is a complete idiot who just so happens to be Shu herself the girl leaves saying she'll prepare a new batch of tea and tells her to wait there meanwhile Luc wonders why she feels so ill every time she tries to kill the girl she's a princess of the celestial Fox Clan so clearly this
wasn't her own weakness there was something about this girl that she had no idea about meanwhile back at the base sizy tells our boy that her water is similar to The Nether the main difference is that she can easily recover and reuse the water however once his nether is depleted it's gone that's because he still doesn't know how to convert tangible nether into something intangible again it's like someone who knows how to turn water into a liquid then a solid then gas and back into a liquid again our boy thinks the advantage of being intangible
is that he doesn't need to walk around with armor all the time but sizzy tells him to stop thinking about that and focus on the fight take that fool always thinking about nuto now the Rascal knows how to use Nether to create a barrier that reduces the impact of attacks she sends a blizzard his way saying his luck is that it's easy for him to collect more nether since all he has to do is feel fear and the boy was there break dancing on the floor until he realizes that the ice on the ground had
turned into water he had focused too much on what was coming from above and got distracted ending up captured says the big problem however is that if the enemy doesn't fear him he'll quickly run out of nether but Jan ping says that if an attack is strong enough that's all he needs and right then the dagger flies toward her she says she wants to find out how strong this so-called attack of his is she creates a water prison as the energy accumulates but the dagger easily pierces through the barrier our boy says it looks like
he won since her barrier couldn't resist that she dissolves the barrier and says that this nether energy must come from some kind of King level beast but she warns him that if it had been a real fight he wouldn't have stood a chance suddenly her Waters begin to bubble and the boy is burned she tells him he needs to study more and understand the true nature of's ability she can transform her water into ice hot water or Steam and each of these options has the potential to change the pace of a fight he asks her
what she thinks of the giant spider he made with the fear she felt he recovered Sandy and Nether and she slaps him across the face but the crazy boy starts drinking the water she threw at him she is startled and tells him to spit it out because the water she uses is either extremely Pure or toxic our boy asks for help saying something strange is happening and he can't control his body suddenly his shorts fall down and half of his body has turned into water an arm starts to emerge from his chest and he wants
to know what's going on that's when he realizes that he may have awakened a new ability the owner for his ability allowed him to consume any substance and have a 10% chance of adopting its composition along with a pure water body which granted resistance to any physical attack clearly the level six gem was much stronger since it awakened two abilities what he's curious about is exactly how this onerous Works s he asked if he's really okay and he explains that he's beginning to control how he can maintain his form the water body and the nether
body were quite similar so he just had to use the same knowledge of form transformation out of nowhere the fool turns into a puddle on the ground he gets up like a stickman saying it worked or at least it should have worked a while later he was back to normal and she was blushing she turns around and tells him for the love of God to put some clothes on he then explains what happened he says that because he accidentally drank her water it seems he gained an ability called Pure Water body hearing this SI is
shocked by his growth potential the ability that's a dream for almost every water magic user was awakened without any effort she turns to leave and he asks if she's okay but at that moment the alarm goes off she asks what happened and they request reinforcements because the so Iron Forge is under attack she orders all units to be sent and says she's going to help our boy obviously wants to go but she tells him to wait because it's a trap he says not to worry now he can turn into a puddle of water and slip
away she responds that she doesn't have time to convince him so he better follow quickly when they arrive at the forge there are a bunch of Fallen assassins while our boy runs ahead gives orders to find the Assassins outside our boy calls for gan and everyone out of the corner Rose appears looking completely wrecked and calls out to him he runs and asks if she's okay she points to the side and says that both Gan and the old man were hurt a severed hand lies on the ground sizzy tells him to take care of her
while she checks on the other two man the poor girl lost her arm our boy is devastated that this happened to her she reassures him saying it's okay she won't die just because she's missing an arm at that moment people start coming out of the forge orders them to take everyone for treatment right away she tells our boy not to worry she was unconscious but but she'll be fine sizzy thanks him for being alive but warns him to be careful as he's made some extremely powerful enemies he tells her not to worry and just focus
on recovering then says that it looks like the forge is no longer safe so they're going to move everyone outside the city our boy recognized the Assassin's uniforms and knew it was the dam zoo family who came to take him down at that moment someone comments on an energy fluctuation and asks if the two humans are involved he recognizes the voice as L Shu she sends an attack saying she won't let any threat Escape so easily our boy manages to grab sizzy and push her aside XU says he's impressive it seems he really sensed her
attack coming replies that she's fine but finds it strange that she arrives so quickly given that this operation was a secret our boy replies that somehow she must be observing the entire city that's when Shu seems to notice something she asks if he's Jang ping he says it's been a while since they last met and starts trying to analyze her as his analysis progresses Shu says she's going to buy some time for the two of them and sends a blizzard her way Shu blocks it and realizes that her true IDE identity has been exposed she
says it looks like they figured out who's behind everything she creates a portal to send an attack to shu's back but XU raises a shield to defend herself however she was completely destroyed by a single attack she realizes that even with her identity exposed she can't sense the attack she creates if that's the case she wants to see her Dodge this she sends a flurry of attacks in all directions our boy who can see the fox's attacks starts relaying the coordinates she decides to trust him since he's the only one who can see everything with
that she begins dodging and cutting down each of the claws Shu quickly realizes that this is the one responsible she prepares a claw and sends it in his Direction but he gives himself the order to dodge as a result he starts dancing around like a fool but doesn't get hit by any attack and Shu already realizes that this bastard can see through their disguises she sends another attack toward him and S to make sure both of them die however for him it's easy since his body moves naturally and he keeps giving instructions she moves close
and raises a NE barrier to save the two of them our boy comments that Shu seems quite upset did she get rejected or something suddenly she starts screaming and says that he's truly impressive for having escaped all the tests they conducted but still today he wouldn't leave alive he was dodging three Tails but what would happen if she sent 3,000 his nether barrier starts to weaken as the pressure increases Shu says it's beautiful to watch him resist like this the barrier is almost at zero finally it breaks and our boy wonders how it's possible that
he couldn't delay her for even a second even using everything he had at that moment a projection of Shai warns him to listen carefully as he would only have one chance just just as sh was about to break the barrier a golden light descends from the sky surrounding her with clouds shabai informs him that this is the opportunity he's been given her attack dissolves against the barrier he grabs Si's hand and runs like hell does he think he's going to kill this woman he doesn't have the power for that but of course she also says
she's not going to let him Escape so easily she raises her hands and breaks the barrier that shabai had created with that she begins ordering all the foxes telling them to locate Jang ping and not let him Escape moments later they were already at the base of the purging Squad he passes all the information to Sister Rose and tells her to be careful as it's no longer safe outside he apologizes for getting them all involved in this she tells him not to worry it's just an arm besides she should be the one thanking him for
saving everyone's lives he says she doesn't need to worry hell do his best to rebuild the forge but for now they'll have to stay hidden outside the city as it's the only safe place meanwhile sizzy thinks to herself that our boy has grown so much and she hadn't even noticed at that moment Rose mentions that the white-haired girl was waiting for him Jan ping goes outside and asks what she wants with him she asks why he called her SI when he normally calls her big sister our boy feels embarrassed he thought it was fine to
call her something more familiar after everything they've been through together but she says it's okay he can call her whatever he wants but they need to hurry his identity had been exposed and they would have to wait for further orders from the captain but for all the help he's given to the purging Squad he was about to receive a reward he asks what this golden blood is she explains that it belongs to Jimbo it provides extremely fast recovery and extends the lifespan of all veterans in this place he's supposed to consume it and try to
absorb one of the powers as he usually does with his technique additionally there's a chance it could be passed down to descendants so maybe the women will take more interest in him he says he's not sure that's a guarantee and besides he doesn't have any women so there's no reason to think that far ahead then he drinks the blood hoping the onerous ability activates he asks if she felt anything and she says that strangely it doesn't seem like anything changed until suddenly his hand starts turning red he analyzes it and sees that the owner for
ability has activated now he has the pure blood body which accelerates the recovery process he quickly realizes that the owner for Ability gives him an additional chance to gain limited powers asks what's happening with his hand her glasses are turned off he notices she has a huge scar across her face and asks what happened she says it's nothing serious but our boy knows she's hiding something she asks if he feels any other difference and he says he seems to be aware of most of the creatures around him it's as if he can blend in with
them and heal wounds she says that maybe with this ability he can help his friend undercover her arm he says that from what he's sensing as long as there's enough blood He Could reconstruct a human body with just a piece of skin a pure water body provided defense and a pure blood body provided recovery she tells him to go help his friend right away but before he leaves our boy says he'd like to have a conversation with her later as friends not as allies blushing slightly she says that's fine meanwhile in the forest outside the
city a flock of birds seems to be fleeing that's because a legion of beasts is approaching man those creatures are incredibly ugly back at the base Manny seems to be keeping an eye on what shabai is doing he's reviewing the records from the sacred Village he replies that she might not remember but they committed several terrifying acts when they were in power it was at the beginning of everything when the zoo family of Beast Tamers were still considered Heroes they helped people survive that great Calamity at that time the leader of the family xushi Yang
partnered with the bird of the Sun God he flapped his wings in the sky every day to bring light and warmth to the people of the city and he continued doing this for 10 years until he died of exhaustion after that he was buried on Sunset Mountain which is is outside Pearl City some people who idolized him began to live near the tomb and that's how the sacred Village was formed outside the city she says she understands but asks what this has to do with what's happening now he explains that every hundred years a saint
appears in that Village she has a bloodline that can protect them from any Beast attack Manny now understands and asks if he's saying that junting might be the saint Shai says yes and the Zu family's plan was probably to use this girl to control the foxes she says that makes sense but it's strange that this saint appeared at the Academy out of nowhere shabai says that sometimes these things are intentional with her in a city they can use the excuse that she's trapped there and launch an attack with the help of The Villages Manny asks
why they would do something like that he explains that 150 years ago purle city was ruled by an extremely corrupt and dangerous woman to prevented history with the zo family from repeating the purging Squad with the help of the current Lord took her down however it seems she managed to escape and became the leader of the Sacred Village maybe she never gave up on dominating Pearl City and is just waiting for the perfect moment to attack meanwhile the purging Squad built several safe houses outside the city they are extremely well camouflaged so that no one
knows where they are safe house number three for instance looks exactly like a rock as they walk through the area sizzy hears a strange noise and wonders if it's the zoo family again the problem is there are a lot of injured people and she'll have to leave Jang ping to take care of them the question is whether he can really handle something like that at that moment our boy excitedly shouts that it worked seeing the lantern she asks if that's the one that ran out of energy he says yes but he thought it would be
a waste to throw it away so he kept trying to recharge it whether with fire or pure water he even tried using blood to charge it until finally he managed to fill it with nether it's now a nether lantern that hides his scent and prevents others from checking his information our boy points out that it now seems stronger than before it was a lucky break but it's good because they're now protected with the safety of the place secured they could explore the area including the storm of beasts heading their way our boy observes and says
that there might be a bit more than he expected it looks like The Zo family is already using their Beast control at that moment Suz alerts everyone at the base saying more than 10,000 beasts are heading toward Pearl City Jang ping however comments that the beasts seem to be running away from something rather than chasing something that's when he gasps in shock he points in a direction and tells czy to take a look she's not thrilled with what she sees either she warns over the radio that a massive horde of zombies is heading toward the
city and the number is at least 50,000 at that moment shibi slams his hand down and wonders how this is possible how are they supposed to deal with 50,000 zombies 10 th beasts the foxes and the zoo family all in the same city obviously they don't have enough people to handle all of this he wonders if he'll have to intervene directly but then he has an idea he calls for the three girls and tells them to prepare to activate the celestial curtain once again they seem hesitant but he explains that yesterday he suppressed the power
of the fox leader so she's not at full strength yet they're going to have to rely on the help of everyone in the city and send out a warning about the incoming zombies once all the awakened individuals are ready they'll Infiltrate The Crowd this way they can blend in and avoid being attacked by the foxes he then orders sizzy and JN ping to buy the city as much time as possible to prepare at safe house number five the man says those of the captain's orders everyone was supposed to head to base number three and help
them survive the men are excited saying it's time for them to shine a little meanwhile the guy from the zoo family is furious because the plan to take down the forge failed he sends a message saying that Lu shu is not in the Lord's Mansion at that moment the person on the other end says they've encountered some problems a giant horde of zombies has appeared outside the City and they don't know who's behind it he tells them to stop the small talk and come up with a plan or everything will fall apart he needs to
find that Saint as soon as possible before they lose their chance at that moment he looks back the city's main Squad is passing by and he recognizes the captain has linked D the chubby guy already said that the city's Lord wasn't there and asks what the captain is doing there but the man is completely ignored and the captain heads for the door at that moment he begins to open it the chubby guy is confused by what's happening there's a serin going on and everyone is dancing romantically ch tells them to join in and have fun
with everyone link D takes a sip of the drink he regains Consciousness and wonders how he ended up there that's when he remembers the plan was to capture someone named Jean ping juming says he must be a bit lost and the man wonders if she's the one who made him appear there as soon as she gets close he feels like she's some kind of king of his species she tells him not to waste anything and immediately he kneels saying he understands the saint confused she asks why he's calling her that since she considers everyone their
a friend she tells him to join in and take part in the dance the chumby guy knows that the Saint's power only affects mutated creatures so maybe this man has been taken by the fox considering how all the guards are there there's not a single real person left in that Mansion the good thing is that junting is controlling everything and even she hasn't realized it if he could convince her to be part of the plan they could move on to the next phase he approaches her and asks how things are going she explains that she
met many new friends and didn't expect such a big party just for her she asked about her sister luu and he says she'll be back soon as she went to take care of some things he then tells her he knows of much more fun place and asks if she wants to go there man for someone trying to win her over as a friend or not playing the game right obviously she hugs him and says no first she hasn't finished playing here and second she doesn't understand how he knows her name since she never told him
suddenly everyone at the party stops and starts staring at him back at Safe House 003 sizzy is walking around with her little Powers our boy is also creating ice and distractions to slow the Beast Down they ra some giant ice Boulders with a few beasts trapped inside the problem is they're easily breaking everything he warns that he's going to try to buy a little more time he creates a full nether creature that costs 100 points that's because the Absurd number of beasts is feeding the fear he's able to generate he's constantly gaining more fear and
spending it to summon more monsters the goal is to hold off as much as possible until reinforcements arrive now the attack distribution is with the zombies in the back and the beasts in the front our boy is all stylish summoning this massive purple dragon it's easily tearing through several beasts and racking up a ton of SP our boy is excited even though it's a disaster his defin defitely leveling up a lot the beasts not being stupid start changing course to avoid the dragon but for him this was perfect since they weren't even fighting and he
was earning experience just by killing the fleeing beasts meanwhile some ice shards are piercing other creatures sizzy is taking down the creatures destroying the front line with headbutts our boy only compliments her as he wonders how many creatures he's already killed it seems like it's never ending and the problem is that eventually there were so many that he didn't even have time to hit them all until a fireball and a lightning bolt came Mana thought it hit someone else but it got him right in the forehead he turned around thinking someone had arrived but in
fact the zombies were awakened it seems like the usual stereotypes didn't work in this filthy world with his analysis he saw they were level six ancestral zombies from the village now the problem had become much bigger since these creatures were much smarter and even had powers he needed to warn everyone at the base as quickly as possible he starts flapping his wings and kicking everything away sizzy creates a water circle around him and warns him to be careful not to let those creatures get too close our boy grabs the creatures with the water hand he
says he has an idea and flies into the sky he starts raining fire on all the zombies he had captured then he makes it rain Fireballs of burning zombies the boy is racking up a ton of experience and had already gained two more points in all his stats meanwhile sizy was easily cutting off heads she activated a blade technique and slashed through a bunch more until one tried to stab her right in the forehead but our boy arrived and smashed them all with a single stomp with that they wiped out the first wave of a
thousand creatures so only 49,000 left he wonders how these damn zombies knew how to use abilities she explains that they were probably awakened in their previous lives she's sure it's the filthy zoo family but he explains that he analyzed the zombies and found out they're actually ancestors of the Sacred Village shabai hears this and says that from what he knows about the zoo family they wouldn't go as far as controlling zombies the curent information suggests that this incident has much more to do with the sacred Village says it seems to be the work of that
Dan woman the one who gave her the scar on her face it looks like they're dealing with another dangerous she tells our boy to hold his breath because that gas is toxic however the strange smell reminds him of something it smells like rotten eggs meaning it's hydrogen sulfide when he was part of the rescue team he had to conduct an operation like this and that's when he learned it's extremely flammable he warns her to be careful because it could explode she asks what he's planning to do our boy says there's no time to explain and
she'll have to trust him with that she igns her finger with a bit more flame and of course there a massive explosion but our boy wasn't a fool while she protected herself he was absorbing the fire his reserves were now at 263 another wave of zombies was arriving and he used his analysis ability it was an old man sitting on top of a muscular figure but strangely the analysis wasn't working the old man scratched his beard and said it was impressive they neutralized his poison unfortunately it was a highlevel creature too far away for the
analysis to work it comes up with a plan decides to analyze all the other creatures instead with that he manages to perform almost 177,000 analyses because of this his analysis ability levels up to Advanced and now he can analyze targets above level 30 that creature was called Zu shaming an awakened being at level 39 who had reached the Apex rank the old man then tells the creatures to kill the two of them because he has other matters to attend to our boy mentions that the creature is level 39 and asks what a fallen means she
explains that an awakened beings abilities evolve as they use them slowly assimilating with their power however if they aren't strong enough they are consumed by their own power that's when they become known as Fallen the problem is that despite losing their reason they are considered extremely powerful our boy is calmly slicing through zombies suddenly a green over appears next to sizzy it attacks her and she has to defend herself she's thrown back and immediately sends a message to the base warning that a group of extremely strong zombies has appeared and they no longer have the
strength to stop them additionally an apex level creature is leading the entire Legion toward the city given that it's level 39 it's a threat far beyond their reach what's left for the two of them to deal with is the level 39 green orc Jean ping then decides to test a new nether technique he surrounds the creature with a bunch of purple chains but easily breaks free at that moment a defening sound comes from within the city our boy startled wonders if the enemies have already reached the city meanwhile at the northern gate the horde of
beasts and zombies approaching several awakened beings have volunteered to help defend the gate even the master who taught our boy his first techniques said he wasn't going to let the city fall like this with just a few men there no one was getting through or at least there were more than a few men but they were only Academy apprentices at least they were enough to stop the first wave of rabbits however ever obviously this wasn't the biggest problem and the caffin himself was already locked in battle with one of the zombies with abilities man he
stopped the punch but it seemed to start corroding his hand and with that the poor guy was being overwhelmed he notices that the creature is using the same Beast fist technique he teaches this makes him wonder who the hell this monster is in front of him he Dodges another attack preparing to land a blow on its stomach but instead he goes for the classic rockle move hin in the shoulder he throws it up into the air headbutts it then slams it down to the ground causing an explosion look at him recovering HP out of pure
rage if you say the guy doesn't have Swagger you're lying he sees that something seems to have fallen from the zombie and wonders why it looks familiar then he realizes it's the token of one of the older men from the academy this person had that man's token and also knew how to use the techniques perhaps it really was brother Beni who disappeared 30 years ago he never imagined that someone like him would suffer such a cruel fate as becoming a zombie Beni keeps attacking saying only he will be able to stop him the Elder wonders
if the man he knew is truly gone he remembers when they used to practice together since Beni was a bit older he always ended up getting hit however he was always a good person and taught him much of what he knew about Beast techniques and he was always eager to continue training at that moment the zombie says he's going to wipe the smile off the Elder's face but crying the leader asks since when have your punches become so predictable and weak he throws him away saying it's a disgrace to the Beast King Academy he didn't
know who did this to his former comrade but he swore he was going to find that person and make them pay the price he then warns everyone to get out of the way or they'll be caught in the crossfire in the same moment he jumps and comes face to face with Beni man the poor guide didn't even have a chance he got hit right in the chest the impact generates a shock wave that passes right through him as he's being evaporated he thinks to himself that his younger brother really has become stronger with that the
leader steps back telling his brother to rest in peace at that moment a man with yellow teeth says it's a shame to see a masterpiece being destroyed like that but it didn't matter because that guy would be the perfect replacement the leader Furious asks if he was the one who turned his friend into a zombie the old man says yes and asks what his objections are did insect Len really think they would survive that Army the zoo family after failing their plan to kidnap the saint is now being hunted by the purging Squad the attack
on the forge was a good plan worked to leave everyone on edge and now Lu Shu and youu are running free through the city the goal of releasing mutated beasts into the Lord's Palace went wrong since a bunch of strange zombies appeared instead the plan to capture juming directly from the Mansion Center also failed and now he's here alongside the foxes with that the zoo family's plan had been completely uncovered they wanted to bring all the foxes under their control by using the sink and then retake control of the city however the current investigation shows
that these zombies are connected to the sacred Village the celestial curtain has successfully been raised Gathering all the combatants in the area the attack is mainly coming from the north as the south is surrounded by mountains at this moment the beast king Marshall Academy and other awakened ones are holding the northern position meanwhile inside the ancestral sacred Village a man meals before the cult leader and informs her that everything is ready she tells them them to go help the zombies cause chaos in the city and the moment the zashi brothers capture the saint they are
to return immediately the boy asks if that King level beast in the city won't interfere with their plans additionally if they're already declaring war why would they Retreat after the first attack the war says that the old Fox is likely just waiting for Shai to reveal himself the boy asks if that doesn't put their plan at risk she reassures him saying he needn't worry even though the saint had only just awakened not even that powerful Fox could completely ignore her effect besides the isn't their biggest concern in the city the real problem is Shai and
the purging Squad and that's why she's using the zombies to create chaos in the city first they'll use the sing as a pretext for war and launch this Invasion the purging Squad will have to activate the sky and moon Pearl but to do that shabai will have to reveal himself and that's when the fox will strike as soon as they're caught in the middle of this battle they'll kidnap the princess and kill the rest the boy says that his information indicates that the zoo family also wants the sing and asks what they'll do if they
interfere she explains that at the moment the s is completely out of control and the zuo family has no chance of accomplishing anything that's why she sent the zashi brothers who have sacred blood and can communicate directly with her moreover it seems that the great ancestors of the zuu family don't want to get involved in all of this even if they tried to take the saint by force they wouldn't be able to defeat the brothers she then says it's time for them to head out as well meanwhile our boy has his dagger ready he and
sizzy are killing as many zombies as possible the problem is there are so many that he's been fighting for a long time and doesn't seem to end suddenly he feels something passed by him he turns and tells CIA be careful as she looks a creature slams an axe into the ground knocking her down she tried to form an ice Shield but she was thrown far away the Beast was already leaping on her and our boy rushed to help the problem is that he was running low on Nether and zombies were holding him back he shouts
for sizzy to watch out for the attack but the brute smashes straight into the shield the chubby guy says that piece of metal is not just for show and sizzy recognizes him as Jang Shuan at that moment some Flying Swords come out of nowhere and start eliminating several zombies it seems reinforcements have finally arrived the incredibly dangerous woman lands a powerful kick this is none other than Chen suuji the Flying Swords continue to land in front of the massive orc forcing it to retreat chenine arrives and asks St if her swordsmanship is getting rusty he
delivers another series of strikes to the orc and tells her not to let her guard down no physical attacks seem to work on that creature our boy feeling confident says he knows how to beat it he asks the senior to keep it occupied man the guy is pretty nice he listens to the boy and charges forward with a reverse strike he's holding back the giant axe Jang Pang noticed that this guy is controlling the creatures with toxins he knows toxins are flammable and tells the brute to eat this attack he slams a hammer with scales
right into the Beast now that it was embedded the fun part began he slashes the creatures back with flames with that all the toxins inside the creature begin to combust York falls to the ground bloated zuji says these guys were really tough however our boy warns that the real tough ones are near Pearl City he explains that there are some injured people at base 003 and they're being kept hidden f thanks to an item Shin Ming says they received the situation report from the boss and that they'll take care of those people he tells him
to head back to the city because his power will be more useful there but what if he just stands there saying nothing Ming tells her to go with him as there are enough people here already with that she runs ahead telling the boys to follow at the northern gate it's absolute chaos he's right in the middle of this war the Beast Academy Master is there all fired up and buffed killing everything instructor B is in his transformed form helping on the front line when suddenly Thiago turns around it's a fireball and it's not letting this
guy leave alive however the Marshall King delivered a punch changing its path he turned to the level 39 zombie and asked if that was all he had the old man wonders why he's been encountering so many fire tych creatures lately the other one is about to throw a punch at him but he just says it looks like he's being underestimated man and oh no he took one right to the gut he still says it's not over yet the old man CS up blood and an explosion occurs as his hand pierces the poor guy and man
had rign the boy this guy was tougher than I imagined what the hell did he kill the Big Chief the problem is he noticed something unexpected even with the leader dead the zombies were still moving and obviously wasn't going to be that easy at that moment the man lands a usurpation strike on the zombie's belly the technique this old man possesses allows him to sacrifice zombies to revive himself at that moment the poor guy's heart starts beating erratically already bleeding Dark Energy he asks what the old man did the old man says the effect seems
to have taken hold quickly he injected a little zombie Toxin and when it spreads he'll become one two too obviously the poor guy wasn't happy about that he activated an emperor body technique that raised his body temperature to over 1,000° the old man says it looks like he's trying to burn the toxin out with his own heat however that was impossible there are many types of toxins and it wasn't one that could be removed that way at that moment the great Master's friends call out to him and he turns around telling them not to worry
with that a bunch of zombies surrounds him and asks how long he can last the poor guy is getting beaten but says they'll pay the price no matter what the old man says it seems he doesn't understand the situation and since he's missing his friend he'll give him the chance to join him the Great Master starts realizing that he has to end this now he throws a punch right at the red zombie man the guy doesn't stop he sends the zombie flying the problem is his power is starting to run out the poison was spreading
too fast and what he had at that moment wasn't enough his body didn't even have the energy to maintain his final form at this rate he turned into a zombie and the entire Northern gate would fall that's when two Shadows approach the battle tells our boy that she received information that the Great Master is in bad shape they Rush past the zombies with her saying they need to rescue him first the poor guy is nearly unconscious wonder who's coming from a distance she shouts for him to hold on a little longer she unleashes some attacks
knocking the zombies off him at that moment he saw an opening and man he throws a hurricane punch sending everything flying he tells our boy to run away because he's going to turn into a zombie but John Ping tells him not to worry because he'll heal him he activates his pure blood body the master is shocked and says that method is quite unusual not only did it heal his wounds but it also Resto restored some of his energy Jang ping explains that he couldn't neutralize the poison but he managed to suppress it so it wouldn't
spread any further the Great Master says that's good enough he just asked the kid to buy him a little more time Fang laan the true Master of the Beast Marshall Academy was an apex level awaken being at level 38 the old man tells him to give up and become one of the zombies however he only raises his body temperature even higher it's already at 3,000 de man he explodes from his position and in the next second he's right in the old man's face he delivers a powerful punch straight to his arm John Payne warns that
his analysis shows this guy's body is connected to the other zombies so the only way to defeat him is to kill them all the old man grabs his arm and says he's not going to die that easily at that moment another Legion of zombies surrounds him again the temperature rises to 4,000 de and the old man starts melting in his hand with that he starts firing Flames at all the surrounding zombies however that still wasn't enough he asked Jean ping if he knows any way to increase his body temperature even more our boy says that
the fire he knows how to spin is UN fortunately pretty weak man now I understand our boy has turned into blood and is inside the great Master's body Jean ping hands over some Scarlet scales and tells him to try using them the master immediately consumes everything meanwhile another Legion of zombies starts advancing toward him at the same time a pillar of Fire Rises to the sky freezing everything around it people were saying they never thought they'd see the Great Master in that form again that was a sign that battle was about to end the flame
Emperor had returned in his Sunfire form reaching temperatures of 6,000 de with that not even the most resistant toxin could survive inside his body he warns Jean ping that the form he's taken will cause severe damage to his own body so he'll need help he tells the rest of the group to move back to avoid getting caught in the crossfire everyone obeys immediately running back toward the city the zombie reconstituting itself realizes that the toxin it planted is gone immediately calls for all units to gather forces and finish him off but the master activates a
supreme Beast technique and lets out of breath the entire Legion was charging at him and he just turned his head breathing fire on everyone with a single breath over 20,000 Zombies Return to ashes siy quickly realizes that of all the people she knows this guy is one of the three strongest just then someone reports that the masters of two otheres have betrayed everyone and let creatures through the gate lean knows who those Masters are and can't believe they've really betray the people at that moment some zombies begin to emerge from the ground the chief says
that if the city has already been invaded his objective is complete and this time the victory is his leian realizing he'll have to clean up the city can only say that next time he will kill that man he tells everyone to return and help the city while he handles whatever comes from the north he tells our boy that he has managed to clear the toxin so he can return as well in the city chaos Reigns as people flee from the beasts meanwhile a man from the zoo family is delighted to see everyone screaming this is
how the city should look without his family he then asks how the plan is going they say that at least 1,000 of the beasts that invaded are under their control the man says that's perfect and orders them to attack the Lord's Mansion they respond that it doesn't make sense since junting is there and her Divine blood would interfere with her control considering even the foxes are her servants how could they kill this girl the chief explains that at the moment Jing's mind is like that of a newborn she's unconsciously controlling the creatures around her however
if too many of them approach her ability will lose control at that point the Mansion will fall into chaos and they'll be able to capture her meanwhile sh was licking Jing's face and junting tells her to stop slowly she starts to open her eyes she sees a bunch of monsters standing in front of her and wonders where everyone went and why they all suddenly turned white she turns to shiu and says she's weird too asking who she is but it doesn't matter because everyone is so cute the chief is just observing thinking this girl is
out of her mind it also seems her powers aren't stabilized yet she walks over and wonders why there are so many white things outside a bunch of bubbles is floating before her eyes and it's too much she wants it all to stop because it's giving her a headache she collapses unable to understand what's happening meanwhile in the city a girl is running from a beast and is about to be eaten but our boy steps in and grabs it with his hands saving her just in time he holds its mouth shut and breathes fire into the
creature with that it collapses scorched and the girl's mother thanks him for saving her daughter Jang ping says that the areas ahead have more citizens so they can't let the beasts get past them she informs the purging Squad to create a defensive perimeter and for the rest to continue rescuing civilians outside of that area the biggest problem is that it will be difficult to kill these creatures without destroying the entire city our boy says they just need to buy enough time for everyone to evacuate suddenly the beasts seem to be surrounded by a red Aura
also receives a message that the beasts near her have stopped moving moving our boy wonders what's happening at that moment junting is rising and even the mayor wants to know what's going on if it's what he thinks it is everyone's in trouble suddenly she starts to open her eyes a pink Aura begins to radiate from her the energy spreads throughout the castle the zoo family instantly loses control of all the beasts they had under their command it seems the cursed saint has awakened her goddess blood she starts flying saying she sees a lot of white
balls in that direction immediately the old man runs saying they need to capture her however he senses something strange an unusual feeling that only a caning level creature could emit maybe luu had regained 100% of her powers he wonders if jumping has something to do with the fox Awakening his men ask why the chief is standing still he tells them to contact everyone and capture jump t as he has more important things to take care of given that the foxes now have someone at the King level revealing himself would be suicide for now it's better
for him to stay back and observe meanwhile the Marshall Fighters are organizing groups to continue clearing the city Bobby asks the Great Master how he's doing and he says he managed to recover after that fight hidden punch is the wall saying that those damn traitors abandon the city the Great Master tells him to calm down and remember that they need to rescue everyone from the city considering the chaos going on their focus should be on saving as many lives as possible at that moment two people on the left point out that a group of Awakened
ones is approaching from the north as they arrive they say that no one will enter the city they are immediately recognized as members of the burning Sun Marshall school and the bald man in the middle is one of the traders who open the gate the Great Master asks how the hell will ruyu had the nerve to show his face there he tells everyone from the Beast Marshall Academy to prepare because these guys are traitors he then asks why wuyu did this wuyu questions Master Fang asking if he never wanted to live a different life the
Great Master is confused by this talk of a different life wuyu tells him to take a look at Pearl City a place that seems promising but is destroyed every year by mutated beasts he says they're trapped in this small patch of land and he always wondered what it would take for Humanity to finally give rise to a King what would such a world look like if a human King appeared in the sacred Village Not only would Pearl City be safe but the ENT enire world would finally be free of the Beast threat the Great Master
says it looks like wuyu is the one spreading this idea of Supremacy under a single human King wuyu says of course and that even the Great Master could become a student however lakan asks if being a student means sacrificing an entire city wuyu says they're actually here to find the key to creating that King if it just stay put nothing will happen however Lian asks what he'll do if he doesn't obey in that moment wuyu lunges forward saying that in that case they'll have to settle this with their fists meanwhile in the northern part of
the city jumping is flying our boy is seeing all the creatures that seem to be worshiping her it appears the mutated beasts have stopped because of her she's flying saying that this bunch of white energy is so cute however Man chew jumping has so many stars and worse yet has become a fallen human sizy asks if that's true before he can respond she pulls him down saying someone had arrived it was members of the zoo family who were trying to kidnap the girl but were terrified after all she had stolen all the beasts that were
under their control and they have lost communication with the rest of their group it was impossible for the two of them to complete this Mission alone suddenly someone says it's amazing that the zoo family Finally Revealed themselves for a second apparently they were braver than the others they encountered last time the ones who appeared were the celestial tribe Brothers level 25 humans with five star potential our boy immediately relays their characteristics to sizzy who says this is the perfect chance to extract some information the brothers talk about turning the zo family members into zombies the
zoo family members realize they're behind everything that's happening in the city and tell them to result that quickly with that the idiots charge forward however man they haven't even started fighting yet and they're already being poisoned the Brothers Stand still calling them pathetic and saying they thought they'd be stronger the Zu family members bodies were paralyzed one of the brothers points his finger and tells them to stop resisting and accept defeat only now does the idiot from the zoo family realize there's poisonous gas around them one of them manages to raise a barrier but the
other gets bitten by a tiger meanwhile a snake coils around one of them and the brother says it's a shame they won't last long it would be better if they stop stop resisting and accepted becoming zombies however the kid lets out a scream with a uur telling them to Dream On the other fool tells his brother to be careful man the boy lit up like a star the snake and tiger were evaporated the brothers thank him saying they were lucky not to have been hit by that attack at that moment juming appears behind them wondering
what happened to those two white creatures wow but it looks like she's already siding with the brothers because she starts healing their beasts and them they bow at the sing and say they are here to take her back she says there's something impure in their bodies and she will purify it and in that moment strangely their powers stop working and they wonder how that's possible what she was doing was extracting the sacred blood from everyone the problem is this would turn against them both creatures begin to be purified and in the next moment junting says
now they're all clean she hugs the tiger asking if he likes it here and saying they can go watch the other animals she walks off with the creatures and the brothers realize she's already mastered the goddess of blood the problem now is that it's going to be much more difficult to take her back to the Village since she's lost her mind one brother says that for now they need to focus on returning to the city and the leader will come up with a new plan upon hearing this sizzy gets angry realizing that the leader is
already there Jang ping gets worried and asks who this leader is stizzy explains that her name is Li auxu the most dangerous criminal wanted by the purging Squad she was the one who killed the master and also left the scar on Si's face additionally she's strong enough to face shabai headon so they need to find out if this monster is really in the city even though they can't deal with jumping at least she's out of the city for now and now that she's taken those beasts this is the perfect chance to capture these guys they
were escaping when a barage of ice struck them from behind one of the brothers pushes his sibling aside saying that more people were hiding nearby he was about to make a move but Su had already landed a helium strike on his arm the man calls out to his brother unaware that John Ping is already behind him and just like that another fool is captured our boy says that if that poisonous mist is activated both of them will suffer a lot sizzy immediately demands that they reveal their purpose in the city and if Li oxu is
really here one of the brothers refuses to say anything so he takes his slash the chest our boy says that they'll keep cutting him while he helps him recover and it'll take some time but eventually they'll spill their secrets with that the men begin screaming sometime later Siz informs the captain that they have Vital Information according to what they discover from the ones they captured the ancestors of the Sacred Village are trying to use xiening who has awakened the goddess of blood additionally Le oxu is in Pearl City at this moment shabai says it seems
the worst has happened and he will have to deal with it he turns to Manny telling her to prepare the teleportation Circle she asks if they are really going to activate the purple of the Sun and Moon he knows that it's hidden in the center of the city and once activated he will be exposed plus the foxes Aren't Dead if he reveals himself now it will be too dangerous he explains that the original plan was to lure out the fox King and keep it distracted in a fight while he activated the Pearl but with the
arrival of Li auxu nothing is certain anymore he'll have to take the risk and activate the Sun and Moon before they can react there's no time to wait because it's the only chance to save Pro City a teleportation portal appears in the city's Memorial center and shabai and the rest of the team emerg from it he informs everyone of the situation in Pearl City and what they need to do he says he can handle the beasts and the zoo family but the problem is how to overcome the Unstoppable will of humans Le oxu is already
there and asks if he's really going to risk everything to activate this item Manny asks how that woman is already here and why she didn't sense her before the teleportation shag tells her to get used to plans not going well against enemies like these L oxy tells them to give up because the moment they stepped into this place in desperation her victory was sealed however Shabad tells her to give up her pursuit of the human King's path she's trying to interfere with the natural order of things and by doing so she'll only attract more King
level beasts she needs to think about what will happen if she fails in her attempt to reach the King level Le oxu simply responds that she won't fail but Shai counters by saying she already failed the moment she raised her blade against the innocent there's no way someone who uses the ends to justify the means is on the right path she doesn't walk the king's path of the path of Lies Le auxu replies that a pile of bones is necessary beneath her she is to become a queen with it's the path of cams or lies
people will only remember the victors shabai says that her plan makes no sense while trying to free Humanity she's killing everyone Le oxu says she's tired of talking and knew she wouldn't be able to convince him which is why she brought friends the truth is Le oxu doesn't want him to activate the Sun and Moon because it will attract the foxes and she doesn't yet have jumping to control them Shai then sees that yinghai is by her side and asks how the lord of the city could be involved in something like this Shanghai says that
Li oxy is right the foxes are too strong and need a human King to survive however shibai says that she's not a leader and in the end she won't win this the Lord ignores him and says maybe not but some things need to be done whether the result is good or bad he was too conservative and he knew he couldn't be persuaded so he says that he'll have to ask shabai to die in a residential area an explosion occurs in a park in the South junting asks the animals why they seem so scared sizzy senses
the fluctuation of energy they see that jumping and all the beasts she was controlling are being drawn to the city they imagine that the captain must have started the fight she notifies someone from the team to come and pick up the two brothers while they run off to help with the battle in the middle of the city everything's a mess meanwhile Li axu Dodges she's attacks and asks if that's all he's got he says buying time against her is more than enough suddenly a crystal encases her body while he begins the activation of the Sun
and Moon she realizes that his plan was to activate it while she was trapped she shouts for yuch changhai destroy it quickly but the three girls from the purging Squad block his path saying they won't allow it he raises his staff saying that in that case the three of them will die trying he slams it into the ground sending Stones flying everywhere the girls start arriving just in time sizzy raises a barrier to protect shibai as Jang ping approaches that's when she notices that Li oxu the villain herself is hovering just above them and worst
of all the saint jumping is indeed approaching with a pack of beasts lioi sees that the girl is out of control meaning the ill Brothers have failed the problem is that Jing's energy is currently in an extremely unstable state it seems the goddess of blood has fully awakened and she is in the stage of metamorphosis junting floats above merely observing she notices that whatever it is that's frightening the creatures it also gives her a strange sense of familiarity as soon as she reaches out her hand the sphere begins to Glow as sends to the sky
accumulating energy and even shatters Liu's barrier Le oxu doesn't understand why so much energy is being drawn from the sphere shuai warns that jumping is absorbing all the energy from the Sun and Moon with that jumping Rises into the sky an ideum that beasts can resist her pull our boy Jang ping starts feeling a headache and sizy collapses to the to the ground unable to do anything jumping says she feels like her mother is calling out to her she knows someone is waiting for her outside the city Le oxra is excited the energy from the
pearl of the sun has completed jumping's metamorphosis she then flies off calling the creatures to come witness it jumping knows she's responding to the call from the ancestral Village her willingly going to the village is perfect for their plan laoxu had been hiding this girl in the city for a decade all to wait for the right day to awaken her powers she informs changhai that this girl is the key to creating a human King the foxes must have awakened now that junting is gone and they have surely noticed the commotion in the middle of the
city this chaos is enough to keep Shai distracted and so far her plan is working she turns to shabai thanking him for accelerating her plan so much she thought it would be much harder to complete the Saint's metamorphosis but he did it for her while she talks about how this is truly Destiny szy approaches from behind saying she won't let her Escape jumps and attacks with energy declaring she will avenge her master but Le oxu just asks if she's being serious she stretches her arm and says the girl is getting ahead of herself she creates
an impact that sends poor sizzy flying our boy Jean ping quickly jumps in creating a pair of nether Wings to catch her midair he grabs her gently in his arms saving the Damsel in Distress like a true hero with that LE oxu bids Shai farewell saying until next time the group asks if they should follow her but shibe says it won't be possible for now because they need to focus on recovering the city our boy tells C that she only suffered a few small Cuts she's feeling down saying she's still too weak suddenly they hear
a loud crack and Manny wonders where it's coming from sh eyes says it's undoubtedly the celestial Fox King so they need to prepare for teleportation they spot the castle guards and they know that in reality they are all foxes the guards tell them to stand still and respect the law but obviously it won't listen and Manny begins setting up the teleportation our boy warns them to be cautious because Fox's attacks are usually invisible but shibai says he'll hold him off he starts flying and activates a cerebral resonance wave he immediately orders the purging Squad members
to evacuate the city but the girls are hesitant of course he's the captain and he tells them it's in order our boy Jean ping doesn't understand why the foxes aren't following junting szy explains that they must have some kind of protective barrier and says it's best they leave quickly shabai is relieved to see that everyone is escaping no one underst stood a chance against the fox Queen so it was best for everyone to flee the city once everyone has left shabai wonders why the fox Queen hasn't shown herself yet he wanted to see the power
that the fox Queen possessed a voice emerges saying so this is the most powerful of humans but it's good for him to know that with his current strength he has no chance of winning Shai tries to activate his analysis he sees that she has the abilities of cognitive distortion and inversion of principles she attacks and he says there's only one way to find out if he's strong enough he'll hit her with his most powerful strike he activates the vacuum collapse which starts creating multiple holes in the ruins shabai realizes that the fox Queen is being
attacked and the vacuum collapse starts opening holes in her body he plans to keep heating her body until he creates a vacuum making her explode from the inside out the creature says it's a strong attack but useless against her he wonders if it's an illusion or cognitive distortion what's strange is that he had blocked his senses before the fight started moreover it's not a clone like his that disappears when killed the fox tells him to stop thinking he can fool her with these ridiculous tricks the moment he's trapped he realizes that this inversion of principal
ability seems to affect the very laws of reality the laws of temperature gravity or physics don't apply to the creature's body and man our boy is already down for the count with the fox staring him down shabai says it's a shame her powers only affect her own body it doesn't work on him and he starts destroying her hand he raises a barrier and she notices it's a temporal prison and he says here's a little gift for you like in this videos that helps Memorial make more juicy content for his viewers activate the cheeky little bell
and I'm out
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