10 Signs Someone Is Jealous Of You (Christian Motivation)

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Journey To God
Isn’t it ironic that we are sometimes comfortable around those who secretly wish to harm us because ...
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[Music] isn't it ironic that we are sometimes comfortable around those who secretly wish to harm us because we fail to be Discerning jealous people rarely admit they are jealous but no matter how hard they try to hide it they still give up some negative energy that shows they are unhappy about your progress these signs are what you need to discern their motives and tag them as jealous people ensure you watch this video till the end as I will reveal 10 signs that someone is jealous of you you will also learn what to do when you
detect one before we continue please subscribe to this channel if you haven't being around jealous people is like being in a danger zone you might live happily achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams but because someone is not happy about this he might begin to plot against you jealousy often originates from unha healthy comparisons when people measure your success by what they see on the surface they could get jealous because it looks good and Rosy also those who have access to your private victories because they are close to you could Harbor jealousy in their heart
if they can't handle your success unfortunately everyone has experienced jealousy at some point but how we handle that feeling is important do you act on it or discard it when it arises this is what truly matters if acted upon jealousy can grow into hatred or bitterness especially when the devil exploits it so do not take it likely if you notice even the slightest jealousy around you follow me as we explore 10 signs that someone is jealous of you and what you should do when you find out watch until the end so you don't miss out
on the eye opening points we are considering here are 10 signs that someone is jealous of you number one they are copying what you do jealous people are copycats they start admiring what you do which makes them jealous of you but they never accept it openly after this jealousy intensifies they decide to replicate what you do hoping it will make them special too this is why when you begin to make Headway with your idea they think it is the perfect time to venture in into it this desire to copy you comes from their insecurities people
who are envious of others don't love themselves or think they have something valuable instead of appreciating their strengths they focus on what others have they may view coping you as an opportunity to develop an identity and gain the same self-worth they perceive in you as they continue to mimic you they soon find themselves competing with you for example if they know you excel at something they will strive to prove they can do it better if you receive several compliments about your dress during your last Ting together they will overdress the next time you go out
they see this as a chance to prove that they can also shine they believe that when they copy you they will attract the same praise and recognition however they fail to understand that people love those who are original and authentic you excel at what comes natur natur Al and aligns with your strengths however when people copy others the effort often loses its Essence this is why they will never truly match up no matter how hard they try also living a copy life can be a lot to deal with because you constantly have to show up
as someone you are not so if you have found yourself in this position and you worry about what you could do to let them off your back here are some strategies too consider first you need to be confident focus on your work and maintain your stand do not allow people's actions to affect the quality of your output keep dishing out what is great and people will recognize your authenticity then you need to set boundaries you can start this with the kind of information you let out to them don't reveal every idea in your head because
before you know it they have already implemented it Proverbs 21:23 says Those Who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from Calamity also keep evolving continuously evolve and let your creativity shine creativity is difficult to replicate everyone has their uniqueness so keep showing them what you do and people will be able to tell the difference as you do this document your work ensure you always document your ideas and processes this way you have proof of your originality if needed lastly pray for them be generous enough to pray for them ask God to open their
eyes to see the unique gifts and talents he has deposited in them this can help them appreciate their worth remember that no matter how hard they try to be you they can never be so keep doing what God has put in your hands to do number two they try to bring you down jealous people often belittle your achievements making it seem like you don't deserve success for instance if you paint a piece of artwork and show it to someone jealous they might say it's fine but it's not that great they may also be overly critical
pointing out several flaws such as claiming the colors are too bright and might not appeal to people this is just to Brak bring your confidence down and tamper with your self-esteem however someone with your best interest at heart will commend your effort and when they want to make Corrections they will do so in a kind and supportive manner to bring you down they might also sabotage your efforts for instance if you were preparing for an exam they may give you false information about a change in date or venue they could also hide helpful materials hoping
you won't pass them or succeed isolation is another tactic they might organize an event for staff to relax and intentionally exclude you causing you to doubt your worth and abilities jealous people often gossip and spread negative news about you to others for example if the company gives you an award of the best employee of the year and you receive a promotion a jealous person could say that you got promoted because you sued up to the authorities so everything could be in your favor they could dig up your past to show you are not a saint
or they could fabricate false information to tarnish your reputation this might not be easy to detect but when you begin to hear things you didn't tell anyone apart from that person this could be a sign that someone is leaking information to destroy your image you might wonder why they would go to such lengths to bring you down this is because they believe they can drag you down to their level or even lower when doing these things what should you do in positions like this first you must evaluate Your Inner Circle those within your inner circle
are most likely to plot your downfall they know everything about you your strengths weaknesses and movements consider Jesus when someone was going to betray Jesus it came from his disciples these were people that he taught and took on almost every Mission despite this Judas betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver who would have Tau that such a thing could happen this shows that betrayal can come from those closest to you when you suspect sabotage due to jealousy don't look too far check those within ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any harmful intentions so you can
manage these relationships wisely and avoid sharing sensitive information with them also learn not to trust blindly while important remember that everyone is not a saint even if they appear to look like one it is only a spiritual eye that can see beyond the physical appearance of people so ensure that you take it to God in prayers and let him reveal the true intent of those with you Jeremiah 179 says the heart is deceitful above all things and Beyond cure who can understand it then then you need to seek God's wisdom pray for wisdom and handling
those who might be working against you forgiveness is important as holding on to unforgiveness can be harmful however making slight adjustments to how you interact with such people is also wise this might mean setting boundaries or distancing yourself to protect your well-being also ask for restoration if you have suffered a loss due to your actions God can restore what you lost instead of letting anger control you seek God's help to let go and Trust in his ability to restore and turn things around for your good number three they are happy when you fail and pretend
to be happy when you succeed not everyone who appears to celebrate your progress is genuinely happy for you jealous people often wear a mask of Happiness concealing their true feelings when you share the good news with them they may offer a congratulatory smile but deep down they wish it were theirs however when You Face setbacks they are secretly pleased they may even spread the news of your failure to others in some way this makes them feel good and gives them a sense of satisfaction they say finally there is something you didn't get right and if
possible they will do everything they can to ensure you don't rise again but how can you you discern if someone is not genuinely happy for you some signs in their body language reveal their true feelings when you share a piece of good news they may struggle to maintain eye contact they may offer a smile that seems forced or insincere or even roll their eyes while attempting to appear pleased their body language might include crossed arms and legs indicating discomfort or defensiveness there may also fidget or show signs of nervous and could attempt to change the
subject avoiding discussing your success while these physical signs are important spiritual discernment is also very key if you have an intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit he can tell you who is uncomfortable with success this enables you to handle these relationships with wisdom and caution number four they always discourage you when you develop a great idea sometimes ous people can tell when an idea is great they can discourage you from pursuing it because they fear it might make you shine for instance they could say that idea is good but it might not work in the
real world they could also focus on the potential challenges you might face they could say what if it doesn't work out well or I don't think people will bind into this Vision they say this to make you think it isn't great great they could also question your ability saying are you sure you have what it takes to do this other times they offer fake concerns they might say I'm bothered about how much you want to spend on this are you sure it's worth the risk don't fall for this trap they don't genuinely care if they
were truly concerned they would encourage you to seek investors or offer support in whatever way possible some might even dismiss your idea making it seem foolish when in reality it has potential if you find yourself in this position then you need to filter the advice you receive be Discerning about the advice you receive don't give it too much weight if you sense it comes from a negative or jealous heart instead counter their discouragement with God's promises for example if they say your idea won't work remind yourself that nothing fails when God is in charge remind
yourself that he will bless the works of your hands if they say people might not invest in it remember that God can touch the hearts of people even the hearts of Kings Proverbs 21 one says the kingk heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord he turns it wherever he will then you need to rely on God's word people may have opinions but God's word should be your guide if you've prayed and feel God is leading you to pursue your idea trust his guidance even if the path ahead seems difficult or
impossible trust that God will provide the resources and support you need to succeed lastly be prayerful stay connected to God through prayer especially when facing opposition ask for his protection and guidance trusting he will shield you from evil intentions or actions that disrupt your plans remember the plans of God for you are good and he will always be with you he will guide and support you when you pursue his purposes for your life number five they make you feel like you are doing too much have you ever had someone suggest that you slow down or
take things easy simply because they can't keep up with your pace or energy it's a common tactic that jealous people use to hold you back they may say that you dream too far and your dreams seem unrealistic they may make you feel like you should lower your Ambitions however no one should dictate the pace of your journey except for God he has created you for purpose and is in the best position to lead you into what you should do and how to do it jealous people often try to convince you that you are doing unnecessary
things they may not directly say it instead they may gently impose there views on you until you need to slow down you are not doing too much you are just a servant going about your father's business if you have the Seal of God to see people come to know him you can't live your life casually seal has a consuming nature the scripture reveals this in Psalm 699 for Zeal for your house consumes me and the insults of those who insult you fall on me this prophecy was about Jesus and how the Zeal for God's house
controlled everything he did on Earth Jesus received a lot of backlash when he went about healing people instead of the Pharisees and Sadducees being happy that he healed them oppressed they were more concerned about the day the healing occurred but did it matter or was it just that they were jealous of his ability to do what they could not Jesus used every opportunity to preach the gospel heal the sick and deliver those under oppress but some people could see that as doing too much he wasn't doing too much he was just doing the work that
the father sent him to do so if your boss always applauds you for being effective and productive in that office don't let the negative energy rub off on you focus on giving your best to your work or whatever you do as long as you are not oppressing people with your position or privilege you are good to go number number six they give you bad advice in Disguise and mean well to you sometimes jealous people could suggest bad actions that could get you into trouble and derail you from God's plan for your life for instance they
could advise you to change a few figures when they know it can affect your appointment in that establishment if discovered they are usually the force behind pressuring you into doing bad things they'll justify their advice and claim that everyone else is doing it and that you must do the same to succeed they may even introduce you to a horrible lifestyle just so that you can join them in what they do whereas this can spoil your testimony of being a good person they can't stand your perceived flawlessness and will go to Great Lengths to bring you
down regarding your achievements and aspirations they'll try to instill fear to keep you from stepping out of your comfort zone and progressing their goal is to stand against your growth and prevent you from fulfilling God's purpose for your life in this case this is what you should do first never compromise your values just to fit in stand firm in your beliefs and principles when making decisions surround yourself with Godly counsel and seek their advice when unsure it's important to have those who are trustworthy and spiritually mature to turn to for guidance always seek God's Direction
Direction before acting on any advice pray for discernment to differentiate between helpful and harmful counsel remember not every piece of advice is for your good so make come to harm you and then avoid forming close relationships with people of questionable character keeping a distance from such people helps prevent negative influences and protects your integrity as 1 Corinthians 1533 says do not be misled Bad Company corrupts good character what other signs should you look out for number seven they always mention people who are better than you to make you feel unworthy if you share your success
with them they don't hesitate to mention others who have done what you did and even more they can say that's good but have you seen how much more successful Mr is they say this to dampen your spirit and soul doubt in your ability over time they may convince you that your success isn't worth celebrating making your achievements look like no big deal what should you do that should be the last time you share such a sensitive part of your life with them their response shows that they will never support your greatness and such a toxic
environment is not what you need to achieve your dreams as much as possible avoid them and reevaluate your friendship with them don't let them feel they have any say over your life you don't need to fight with them but limit their access to your life they don't have any good in mind for you number eight they always think you are trying to insult them when you advise them jealous people often misinterpret your genuine advice as insults they become excessively defensive and edgy around you believing you intend to belittle them rather than help them for instance
if you show them a better way to handle a task they can burst out and say do you think you are better than me this Outburst comes from a deep seated feeling of jealousy instead of being that you mean well to them they see you as a rival however you are not competing with them no matter the good you do they may not see it this reaction may cause friction in your relationship and leave it in constant tension and misunderstanding so what do you do when they burst out at you resist the Verge to respond
immediately understand that their reaction is likely coming from deeper issues conly explain that your advice was to help not to hurt if Fair defensive Behavior continues despite your efforts to talk things out it might be wise to reconsider the relationship facing such outbursts all the time can show that the environment is not healthy for you so PRI prioritize your well-being and seek interactions where they value and understand your support number nine they attribute your success to Luck instead of hard work it's easy to spot jealousy when someone downplays your achievements they do this by attributing
your success to luck rather than acknowledging your hard work for instance you might have just launched a business after months of gathering ideas brainstorming and praying for its success a jealous person might might say oh some people just get lucky with their business discarding your invested hours and effort also they might talk down on your academic success when they say you were just lucky with the exam questions when they say this they ignore that you burnt the midnight candles this can also extend to dismissing the grace of God in your life for example you might
share with a friend how you were miraculously healed from a serious illness after fervent prayers and Faith instead of acknowledging God's grace they might say it's good that you're better but it was probably just the drugs working such comments not only dismiss your hard work and Faith but can also make you doubt the supernatural experiences you've had the side effect of being around people who belittle your achievements and faith is that you might start to believe them this can lead you to doubt the reality of the Supernatural and God's hand in your life it can
also weaken your faith and discourage you from pursuing your goals with the same Zeal here is how to respond to this situation first celebrate your achievements whenever someone tries to attribute your success to luck reaffirm the hard work and faith that went into achieving it for example you might say I worked hard and prayed a lot for this result and I'm thankful for how it turned out also acknowledge God's grace if they downplay your Supernatural experiences boldly confess your belief in God's intervention for example you might say I truly believe that my healing was a
miracle from God and I'm grateful for his grace testify boldly share your testimonies with conviction don't shy away from telling others about the Miracles you've experienced stand firm in your beliefs and return the glory to God number 10 jealous people often avoid celebrating your achievements don't feel bad when that person doesn't always attend your celebration that is how jealous people behave they may not show up for your important moments of Celebration even if they do they might arrive late with flimsy excuses trying to ruin the day since they don't see the need to celebrate your
successes they look for ways to to avoid acknowledging them don't be surprised that they could even be family or friends if you notice someone who always behaves this way it's okay to stop inviting them to important events in your life this is to prevent them from spoiling your special moments now that you know these signs you need to note the following first show love to those who are jealous of you give people the benefit of the doubt before you discard them pray and see if their hearts can still be made right except on Specific Instructions
where God tells you to distance yourself from people don't just discard people they may just be vessels the devil has chosen to use against you if you pray for them God can help them and deliver them and if they persist still show them love while giving your distance the Bible encourages us to do so God will keep fighting for you as long as your heart is pure toward them Matthew 5: 4445 says but I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of your father in Heaven
he causes his son to rise on the evil and the good and sends Reign on the righteous and the unrighteous then stay humble when God lifts you James 46 reminds us that God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble humility is key to maintaining God's favor and blessings in your life nevertheless you need to be clear about one more thing are you a jealous person are you truly happy about other people's success the Bible says before you remove the log of wood in another person's eyes remove the twig in yours so are you
exhibiting the signs we've discussed if yes you need to amend your ways and stop being jealous so that God can fight for you let's pray heavenly father I praise you for the gift of your word which guides and liberates me thank you for your enduring mercy and love today your word reveals those who Harbor jealousy and ill intentions toward me I am grateful that you desire to rescue me from the snares of end's hearts and position me among those who genuinely love you and seek your will grant me discernment to recognize the true motives of
people and the wisdom to handle relationships wisely if there are any who bear jealousy and Malice towards me I pray that you would expose them and remove them from my life it doesn't matter the depth of our relationship surround me with trustworthy people and shield me from those who wish me harm open my eyes to recognize those who may Fain friendship to gain information against me grant me the discretion to withhold sensitive information from those who do not have my best interests at heart give me the wisdom to discern their intentions and guard my heart
against their schemes I request a double measure restoration of any losses incurred due to misplaced trust I want to restore the time wasted in building the wrong relationships and give myself the right relationship like that of Jonathan and David help me to discern who to trust and who to be cautious of when faced with discouraging words grant me the courage to stand firm in my convictions and against every negative statement with your truth I dismantle every plan of the envious people to undermine my efforts and declare that their schemes will not Prosper I rebuke every
attempt to tarnish my reputation through jealousy I pray for those who Harbor jealousy in their hearts so that they may recognize the unique gifts and potential you have placed within them help them find their worth in you help those who find it difficult to let go of those envious thoughts deliver them from the devil's snare we know that when the devil sees jealousy he sees it as an opportunity to strike but according to your word no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper help me also not to fall victim to being jealous towards others if by
any chance I have held jealousy towards another deliver me from it show me your mercy and help me to always guide my heart from this keep me humble Lord and exalt me in your perfect timing when jealous people try to belittle my Supernatural experiences help me stand firm and always see your hands in my life help me Holy Spirit to build a closer relationship with you for I know that if I yield to your leading I won't fall victim to the various schemes of the devil give me seeing eyes and a hearing here so I
do not turn deaf eyes to your instructions help me always to return glory to you for each of my achievements in Jesus name I pray amen if this video has impacted you kindly hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe see you in the next video
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