Daniel's Prophecies Of The End Times Are About To Be Fulfilled

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Daniel's prophetic timeline is unfolding right before our eyes what if I told you that ancient prophecies written thousands of years ago are coming true right now not vague predictions that could mean anything but detailed specific prophecies about kingdoms Rising Global Powers shifting and events lining up in a way that no one could have guessed except for the Prophet Daniel are we witnessing the countdown to the final moments of history and if we are what does that mean for you and me by the end of this video you won't just see Daniel's timeline as some old
religious text you'll see it as a road map to what's happening right now let's rewind the year is 605 BC Babylon the most powerful Empire on Earth has just conquered Jerusalem among the captives a young Hebrew man named Daniel now Daniel wasn't just another prisoner he was given a gift from God the ability to interpret dreams and Visions Visions so accurate that even Babylonian Kings feared him fast forward over 2,500 years and here we are watching his prophecies unfold coincidence I don't think so number one the the Great Tribulation and there shall be a time
of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time could we already be standing on the edge of this prophecy without even realizing it what does the bible mean by a time of trouble that has never been seen before and why might we be on the edge of it right now it's the one prophecy that terrifies even the strongest believers because once it begins there's no turning back could this be the final warning before everything begins a time of unmatched suffering a period of chaos and destruction unlike anything the world
has ever seen Daniel called it the time of trouble Jesus called it the Great Tribulation and today we're about to find out if it's closer than we think has the countdown to the end already begun if it has then we may already be out of time Daniel 12:1 at that time Michael shall stand up the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time nations would collapse Wars would break out on an unimaginable
able scale the Earth itself would tremble and worst of all evil would rule the world but what if we've already triggered the first Domino by the time we realize the answer it might be too late this period is known as the Great Tribulation it's a 7-year countdown to the final battle between good and evil could we already be in the early days of this prophecy and its close than ever but what does that really mean and more importantly are we living in the beginning of it right now the Bible tells us that the Great Tribulation
will start with the deceptive peace agreement a peace deal that isn't peace at all but a trap has this peace agreement already been signed without the world realizing it and if it has who really benefits from it because the moment it is mind the next phase of Prophecy will begin and there's no undoing it once the Great Tribulation Begins the world will no longer be the same this is the moment of judgment a time when God's Wrath is poured out on a world that has rejected him this isn't just War this isn't just a bad
season this is the worst period in all of human history and it will last seven years in the Book of Revelation John sees a vision of a scroll sealed with Seven Seals each time a seal is opened a new judgment falls upon the Earth and what happens next will shake the world to its core and I looked and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer Revelation 6:2 the world will celebrate him until it's too late
to stop him could this figure be walking Among Us right now and if he is then the world is already under his deception and no one even sees it coming this White Horse doesn't represent peace it represents deception the Antichrist will rise offering false hope to the world how will he deceive billions into following him because by the time they wake up they'll already be under his control he will promise Unity he will promise peace but it's all a lie because what follows him is pure destruction and there went out another horse that was red
and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another Revelation 6:4 peace was an illusion and this isn't a war that can be won only survive now War breaks out across the globe not just one war all out War Nations will rise against each other violence will spread like wildfire and millions will die could this be the war the world has feared for centuries or is there something even worse lurking in the shadows but war is only the beginning what comes next will shake
the Earth itself and I Heard a Voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine Revelation 6:6 the world's economy will collapse food will become so expensive that only the rich will be able to afford it and when money loses its value what will people trade to survive what warning signs prove this is already happening because once starvation sets in desperation follows close behind the poor they will starve and the ones
who survive they will sell everything just for a small meal and I looked and behold a Pale Horse and his name that sat on him was death and Hell Followed With Him Revelation 6:8 this isn't just death this is extermination if you thought things were bad before this is where it gets worse 1/4 of the Earth's population will die through War famine plagues wild beasts is there a reason these exact four disasters were predicted thousands of years ago because history isn't repeating itself it's being fulfilled the world will become unrecognizable and when he had opened
the fifth seal I saw under the altar The Souls of them that were slain for the word of God Revelation 6 6:9 during this time those who refuse to follow the Antichrist will be hunted down and they won't be hunted like criminals but like prey how will the world turn against Believers Christians will be arrested tortured for one reason only because they believe in Jesus Christ are the laws already being put into place to make this possible and if they are then we are closer than anyone dares to admit and I beheld when he had
opened the Sixth Seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood Revelation 6:12 is the rise in earthquakes and eclipses a warning sign from God if it is then what coming next will be far worse the world will shake like never before volcanoes will erupt tsunamis will wipe out cities meteors will crash into the Earth and people will beg to die but this is only the beginning and when he had opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven about the space
of half an hour revelation 8:1 because when Even Heaven stops speaking the world should tremble the worst part of judgment isn't punishment it's abandonment the final seal is broken and the angel stop singing why does heaven itself go silent because what happens next is even worse the trumpet judgments the Seven Seals are only the beginning because what follows next makes everything before it seem like a warning not the main event next come the seven trumpets and then the seven bowls of Wrath what will happen to those left on earth when God's full wrath is Unleashed
will the world survive or are we heading toward the final days Jesus said there would be birth pains before the Great Tribulation are we already seeing the warning signs are we on the edge of Prophecy or has it already begun if it has then there's no stopping what comes next if the Great Tribulation is truly near then the time to choose sides is right now because when judgment comes there will be no Second Chances and by the time you realize what's happening it will already be too late number two the resurrection of the Dead Daniel
12 what if I told you that the dead will rise again but what kind of Resurrection will it be a blessing or a nightmare because depending on which side you're on this moment will either be your greatest hope or your worst fear will this be the most terrifying event in human history because if it is there's no way to stop it not as zombies not as ghosts but as living breathing people the Bible predicts a coming Resurrection a moment when every person who has ever lived will rise again some to everlasting life others to Eternal
shame but what if you don't know which Resurrection you belong to the prophecy of Daniel warns us about this moment and today we're going to dive into one of the most mysterious events in human history the final Awakening Daniel 12: 2-3 and many of those who sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt this is one of the most chilling verses in the Bible Daniel saw a time when the dead would rise from their graves some would receive eternal life others would face Eternal shame
and the biggest question is when will this happen because if it happens in our lifetime are we prepared the Bible describes two different resurrections the resurrection of the righteous when Believers in Christ receive eternal life the resurrection of the wicked when unbelievers face judgment these aren't just symbolic events they are real and the timeline it's already been revealed the Bible says there will be a day when God's patience runs out and he will judge those who haven't lived the right way could that day be closer than anyone realizes because no one expects Judgment day until
it arrives this big event is the final judgment where everyone will answer for what they've done over 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ came to save us he went through a lot of suffering and had a painful death to offer us forgiveness for our sins but the Bible says that one day Jesus will come back to earth not as our savior but as a judge this judgment will take place during an event called the Great White Throne judgment the phrase the first resurrection helps us understand an important idea about the end times there are two resurrections
the word Resurrection comes from the Greek word anastasis which is used 40 times in the New Testament it always means bringing a person's body back to life the Bible tells us that when Christians die their Spirit goes to heaven but their body stays in the grave when non-christians die their Spirit goes to a place called Hades and their body also stays in the grave but one day both Christians and non-Christian bodies will be brought back to life Christians bodies will be raised to enjoy Eternal blessings while non-christians bodies will be raised to face Eternal judgment
the second Resurrection is different from the first one while the first resurrection happens over time the second resurrection of those who did not believe happen s all at once this second Resurrection happens after Jesus has ruled for 1,000 years the reason for this Resurrection is to bring all the unbelievers back to life so they can face the final judgment we're discussing today known as the great white Throne judgment Earth and Heaven run away from this throne but they can't find anywhere to hide no one can escape this Throne or the Judgment it brings Rings not
Kings not the rich not the powerful no one at the Judgment seat of Christ everything we've done will be looked at closely the reasons behind what we did will also be judged Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 3:12 to15 he says that our work will be tested by fire before the Lord God will check the work done by all his helpers so everyone's work will be shown clearly some people use valuable materials like gold silver and precious stones to build While others use poor materials like wood hay and straw when God checks our work
it will show what kind it is just like fire burns up wood hay and straw but doesn't harm Gold Silver and precious stones some people's work will turn out to be nothing on that day the fire will test everyone's work the the amount of work isn't the main thing being judged though it does matter a bit Paul says the work will be tested to see what kind it is if someone did a lot of the wrong kind of work it will be as if they did nothing their work will be burned up and will disappear
forever Moody wisely said that we should weigh converts as well as count them it is a serious thought many people who think they are serving God but are doing it in an unworthy way or with unworthy materials will find out in eternity that they have actually done nothing for the Lord some will be saved but their lives will be wasted and they won't have a crown to give to Jesus for his glory they will be saved but barely saved with everything gone the Fire doesn't make the worker pure it tests the quality of their work
some Roman Catholics use this passage to teach about purgatory which is the belief that when we die we go to a place where we are purified by fire before going to heaven but this idea of purgatory isn't found in this passage or any other part of the Bible Purgatory is just a human-made idea that goes against the complete work of Jesus for those who believe in him at the Judgment seat of Christ we will be judged for everything we have done we will also be judged for the reasons behind what we have done but if
anyone Builds on the foundation with gold silver precious stones wood hay straw each one's work will be clearly shown for what it is for the day of judgment will disclose it because it is to be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality and character and worth of each person's work if any person's work which he has built on this Foundation that is any outcome of his effort remains and survives this test he will receive a reward but if any person's work is burned up by the test he will suffer the loss of
his reward yet he himself will be saved but only as one who has barely escaped Through Fire 1 Corinthians 3: 12 to5 we won't be punished for not doing things right it will just be burned away like it never happened we'll only be rewarded for the good things that are left unfortunately some people might reach heaven thinking they did great things for God but when they face Jesus at the Judgment seat they'll find out they did nothing and I saw the Dead the Great and the small standing Before the Throne and books were opened then
another book was opened which is The Book of Life and the dead were judged according to what they had done as written in the books that is everything done while on earth and the Sea gave up the Dead who were in it and death and Hades the realm of the Dead surrendered the Dead who were in them and they were judged and sentenced everyone according to their deeds revelation 20: 12-13 we read about standing before God this isn't a trial where we're trying to figure out the facts the facts are already known it's time for
the Judgment of someone who is already found guilty there will be no way to argue with God on that day the desperate person will see not just how good and fair God is but also will understand her own sins and how she turned away from him more clearly than ever we can only hope she realizes that the father knew her pain and sent his son to offer for her hope and salvation if people are not listed in the Book of Life each person will be judged by their actions is your name written in the book
of life because if it isn't there's no appeal process those who don't come to God with faith will be judged by their deeds and found guilty if someone's name is not in the book of life then each person is judged by what they have done on the day of judgment no one will will be spared everyone who puts their trust in Christ will have their sins forgiven and their names will be recorded in the book that records the names of the righteous they have nothing to worry about on the day of judgment since Christ has
already paid the price for their sins by bearing their punishment on the cross Judgment day will be the day of final salvation for those people who have trust in Christ because on that day they will be saved from all of the negative effects that sin has had on them number three the rise of the kings of the north and south at the time of the end the King of the South shall attack him and the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind are these nations already forming their final alliances because if
they are war is inevitable for thousands of years the this prophecy has remained a mystery who are these two great Kings and more importantly who will win could we be witnessing their rise right now and if we are War is inevitable and what does this mean for the final days of History the pieces are falling into place and soon these two powerful forces will clash and when they do it will change the world forever because this isn't just about Nations it's about Destiny itself at the time of the end the King of the South shall
attack him and the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots Horsemen and with many ships and he shall enter the countries overwhelm them and pass through this prophecy has baffled Scholars for centuries but what if we finally have the answer and yet as we speak the world is shaping itself to fulfill it Daniel 11 is one of the longest and most detailed prophecies in the Bible most of it describes events that have already happened the rise and fall of Persia Greece and Rome the persecution of Israel but something changes
in verse 40 suddenly Daniel shifts from past history to Future prophecy and that's where things get interesting this is not just a regional conflict this is a global power struggle because whoever wins this war controls the future itself and the Bible tells us exactly what will happen the King of the South will strike first the King of the North will respond with overwhelming Force the war will expand and lead to a massive Invasion this war will be a Tipping Point in the final days but before we look at who these kings are today let's break
down the battle itself the prophecy tells us that the King of the South will be the first to attack but what does that mean it means everything we thought we knew is about to be redefined it could be a direct military Invasion from a middle eastern power an economic War cutting off oil controlling global resources cyber warfare crippling systems and governments however it happens this attack will provoke a massive response and when the King of the North retaliates it will be like a whirlwind
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