Dismantling Islam: Session 2

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Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
Learn the correct, but politically incorrect truth about Islam.
Video Transcript:
I've got a lot of material yet to get through we have two hours so we're going to go to Muhammad now we've shut down the source material we've shut down Mecca let's see what we can do with Muhammad and as I said just follow the evidence on the ground what do they claim well they would say Muslims would say that Muhammad was the first sorry the last not the first and greatest Prophet born in Mecca in 570 died in Medina 632 he modeled his Islam received the Quran everything we need to know about him we
can find in the S of ibam as I've debunked that already and the Hadith of albari look at the dates 833 and 870 much much too late for unfortunately these references are all in the nth Century 200 years after the fact so is he referred to in the sth century in the time period he supposedly lived let's look at the coins let's look at the Rocks why because the coins and the rocks are from that time period they don't disintegrate they don't deteriorate the Muslims could not destroy them like they destroyed everything else what do
you think that 600,000 Akbar that even um uh albari was given and he retained only 2% what happened to the 98% it was destroyed that's why we don't have it today wholesale destruction of anything that did not agree with their narrative which means all the umed dynasty material has all been destroyed but you cannot destroy coins because they're metal and you cannot destroy rockins because they're Rock so let's go back to those coins and let's go back to the Rocks if we're not going to cry out the rocks are going to cry out for us
why are coins important they were invented by the lydians in the 600 BC they were used for Commerce but not just for Commerce coins created and maintain the identity of a new ruler that comes to power whenever a ruler comes to power he didn't have internet he didn't have newspapers or television like we have today the only thing he had at his disposal would be coins knowing that the coins would get in the hands of everybody there he would then use coins to introduce himself as the new ruler because that so what he would put
on the coin is very important first of all he would put his image and his name now you know that Islam does Now does not allow images right yet these coins that we're going to find look at all from the 7eventh century all have images on them and they all have the name of the ruler on them and then they would write the religion the religion that that ruler belonged to very important in those time that you were belong to a religious faction they would put the date of when they were minted and then they
would also put the mint name the name of the mint where they were created so the problem for the numismatist is this I started getting into this in 2020 looking at the coins and I noticed that a lot of the numismatists they're the experts of coins coins were putting the coins up there but they were giving and they were trying to impose an Islamic narrative onto the coins and they were having a dilemma so I contacted them and some of them contacted me Odin La Fontaine was one of the major ones from Paris he'd been
working on these for 25 years and Odin was kept on saying Jay every time I look at the coins I have them in my hand he owns these coins he's bought them they're in Arabic they from that time period and from that place but they didn't make any sense I said what didn't make any sense I says does it the Islamic narrative so I will throw out the Islamic narrative standard narrative is from the 9th and 10th Century forget that and just start from the sth century read what's on the coins tell me what you
find then let's start from there which is what every historian should do every numismatist should do so what he did was this he went back to the seventh century and he started to doing all that but unfortunately for many of the numis betist they don't have a chance to do that because if you do not use the Islamic narratives if you do not lose the Islamic Traditions you'll be ostracized and you'll be thrown out of Academia so let's see what the numus are finding and here's what they find according to Islam everything took place in
those two cities there I've finally got a pointer that works look at this isn't that great so there's Mecca there's Medina over there there's Mecca there's a gentleman here just raise your hand who has this in his truck so be careful don't let him let him catch you there you go this man right down here with the white hat thank you so much this is an industrial laser so there's Medina there's Mecca right there can you see that's where everything takes place if that's where everything takes place then the coin should be from there and
well as well right because you have Muhammad there you have Abu bakar umaran and Ali from 624 to 661 they should be making coins to announce who they are everybody announces who they are using coins but here is the problem look where the mins are Tartus hims balbec deas J I'm destroying them forget I will stop saying them you can just read them on there notice they're all in what is today Syria and Jordan and up in the north have I said that before today up in theth up in the north up in the north
what about the eastern ones that were carryover from the assassinate period well they're all in what is today what is that Iran and Iraq nothing down in Mecca Medina why are none of the mints further down south know the reason there's just no water if there's no water there's no food no food no people no people no towns no towns no towns no Commerce no Commerce no coins that's why there's nothing from down there the coins will tell you but let's look at the coins because the coins are from the 7th Century they are in
Arabic and they do talk about the rulers of that time in that place and what we notice is that when Muhammad dies there are no Islamic coins whatsoever they don't exist at all from 632 nor from 64 42 or from 650 up until 661 we don't see anything Islamic on any of these coins that's telling right there once we look at the Assassin Empire they cease to exist so therefore their coins no longer are important but what's interesting is when we look at the coins that are from the Arab area and from that time they're
all Christian notice that here's one right here do you see the cross look what the the red squares are see the cross there's a cross there's a cross and on the back side this is front this is back front back front back front back so you see crosses these were all Christian rulers up until 661 okay certainly by the time muya comes to power he is a good Muslim he starts the um kit he's there in Damascus he minced lots of coins we know lots about muya because a lot of his materials still exist today
and we can see his coins so look at this coin we're now 660 Muhammad died in 632 we're 30 years later the first caleff of the umay cipit and he minc coins when you look at his coins notice he is has crosses above his head he has a fire altar on the Eastern coins and what's interesting he has the word mahmed so here's a picture of muya this is my own coin I own it now there's a cross there see another cross another cross another cross you're looking over here cross cross cross cross front and
back look at this coin here he minced this coin in 663 that's muah he has a cross above his head he has a cross behind another cross above the m m is 40 num that means the de denomination but what is this written down below mahmed that's muhamad are you seeing that there's the crosses cross cross cross muhmed there's the name muhmed there's the name Muhammad what in the world's going on how could there be a Muhammad with a cross that's me that's me sorry don't touch that button there so how could Muhammad have a
cross obviously this is not the Muhammad of Islam right so who's an Arab speaker here do you speak Arabic God bless you you're going to be Abdul for me right now okay Abdul I don't know what your name is but you're Abdul today all right Abdul what does muhmed or Muhammad mean in Arabic AET no what's the word mean Mahammad the praised one the praised one or the anointed one the word itself is not a name it's a title if you go up on fander Films PF a n d e r f f i l
Ms I'm doing a whole series on the name muhmed right now we're putting it up there every twice I put up three videos up there they're going viral and what we're doing is we're tracing the name m Muhammad Muhammad is well known folks we have been able to trace the word Muhammad all the way back to 1400 BC so this cannot be the prophet Muhammad right he didn't live in 1400 BC we've traced it back to the time of David look at look at Song of Solomon 5:116 for he is altogether lovely he is altogether
mhmad there it is in Hebrew it's the same word in Hebrew mahmad the the altogether lovely the praised one the anointed one we're tracing it all the way up into the 4th century ad0 and we're finding out that mmed the praise is referring to Jesus himself in Arabic it refers to Jesus the praised one are you following this so by the fourth Century on the church uses it in Arabic for the name of Jesus so who do you think that is on that coin Jesus isn't this great just follow the coins now to underline that
let's just see if this mu really is a Christian or is a Muslim so here is a inscription that he writes in the DI which is at a damond Di and there he gives his name well that's off folks I don't know what happened but that got off so that means the next one's going to be off too when you look there it should be right here Mia and there you have the the servant of God right there and what is he that's really off um somehow between me putting it on this computer and taking
off the other one if you look right up here it's supposed to be tur around what do you see right up there a cross there's the cross Folk he is a Christian servant of the Believers of what Believers the Christians muya was a good Christian they were all Christians via there we don't find any reference to anybody called Muslim at all in the 7th Century we don't find any reference to a religion called Islam in the 7th Century not one they were all either Christians or zans or pagans and he's called the servant of Allah
abdah many people say well that must be Islamic Allah is the word for God in Arab it's the god it's generic so the Jews use it the Christians use it the zians use it even the pagans used it there is no Allah of Islam this early not in the 7th century and certainly we're talking about 30 years after Muhammad by this time so then we get to this coin here this is the coin of Justinian II who is the Byzantine emperor and he has a picture of hercus there and his two sons on they're holding
crosses on an orb and there's another cross on the back side so they're obviously Christians the Byzantine Christians right well Jus II demands tribute from a guy named ABD Malik there's ABD Malik here and so he introduces this coin in 691 notice he's got hercus here with his two sons but what's missing on their orbs the cross has been taken off and notice the backside the cross has been made a mockery he's mocking the cross he's mocking Justinian Christianity he's mocking the trinitarian the trinit Trinity of the byzantines what's more he introduces the Shah there
is only one God but God and the praised one is the messenger of God so who is the praise one he's talking about here hold on to that hold on to that because he introduces this coin in 691 Justinian goes to war with him he loses the battle Abdul Malik wins the battle and he introduces this coin there he is that's Abdul Malik with his sword showing that he's Victorious he has a Shah around there he has a markery of the Byzantine cross on the back this is a victory coin which rubs it in even
more against the byzantines that's in 693 then in 696 he introduces this coin I own this coin this is my coin by the way I had to pay for that we're trying to tell people buy up these coins because the Muslims now they know what we're what they're how much damaging they are they're going to buy them all and melt them down so if you have any money buy these coins this is a gold soar this year there you see the shahada there what's interesting look what's all around them it's all attacking Jesus Christ say
not three for God is is one and he has no son that's attacking the Trinity it's attacking the Divinity of Jesus and it's also attacking his sunship it's against us folks it's against the Trinity for those who are the associators who do you think the associators are the mushk we are the associators because we supposedly Elevate Jesus to the status of God we associate him with God this is attack against Christianity attack against our Lord and our savior putting on the coins now at the same time that that's been brought up I want to just
go and just review it real quickly so conclusion on these coins all early coins show a clear Christian identity on both sides of the coin on in the west and the zorin in the east from 624 to 660 early Islamic coins just do not exist why since they control so much of the land in the midst in the of Syria and Iran they should be full of Islamic references to Muhammad references to the shahada references to certainly people called Muslims and a religion called Islam nothing whatsoever on any of those coins from 640 to 660
the Arab proxy States Coins seem to be quite Christian and certainly not Islamic During the rashidun period when we get to Mah they're all using Christian symbols he was using Christian symbols up to 680 writing mhmed while holding a cross proving that this is a reference to Jesus ABD Malik then introduces Muhammad the Shah and mocks Justin in the second it's possibly some people believe is the first Islamic coin I would say it is not Islamic because Islam has yet to appear you'll see that on the inscriptions that's for not for another 40 years 693
to 696 Justinian 7 second attacks ABD Malik loses the battle who then ABD Malik wins the battle adds his own image and the Shahar either to confront or to Claim messiahship by 696 to 705 the Arab script includes the shahada with no Associates attacking us attacks Jesus Divinity attacks John 3:16 the sunship of Jesus and the Islam superiority but doesn't call himself Muslims yet nor Islam the superiority of the non- associators while Allah's name is introduced early it's Naan in Arabic for God Muhammad's is not doesn't the numismatic evidence support the archaeological and documentary evidence
also this suggests that Islam's anti-trinitarian ISM was not introduced by Muhammad but possibly by Abdul Malik he is the one that introduces the anti trinitarianism and he does so in 696 this is nothing more than aryanism which has been around since the 4th Century we've had attack and attack and attack all the way for the centuries before against Jesus Divinity why are we surprised it's showing its face again in the 7th century and by somebody who is much stronger than areas now he is the caleff who controls from Tripoli all the way to India and
from Turkey all the way to Yemen a man of that stature a man of that importance who's attacking the Trinity now it's going to stick can you then understand why we have to go to Abdul Malik and see what he's doing this the sth century coins confront the traditional 9th and 10th Century Islam narrative right at its very Traditions now let's go to the Rock inscriptions when you look at the Rock inscriptions all written in Arabic but they're all using natine Aramaic which is the Arabic from up the north again it's not the saic Arabic
which should be there in Mecca Medina so it's the wrong place it's much too far north notice where are all these inscriptions in the 7th Century they're up here in Jordan and down here in Yemen see that Jordan Yen what about here those are 8th and nth Century inscriptions all the early inscriptions are too far north or too far south Dr ilal linston has done the best work on these Rock inscriptions and he looked at the first that 100-year period between 640 ad and 740 and what he wanted to do he's looked at 30,000 of
these Rock inscriptions he wanted to find out how Islam came to be in the Rock inscriptions because you can trace the evolution of Islam just by looking at those inscriptions and he noticed that prior to 690 all of the inscriptions are just Pious formula but they're not as Islamic nothing Islamic about him so up until 690 when you get the end of the 7th Century that 60 years after Muhammad died if he did live there's nothing Islamic from 690 to 710 then you start seeing this Muhammad who is introduced on the coins he also introduced
it on the Dome of the Rock and he also introduces on the protocols all in 691 when you get to 710 this character who possibly is Jesus is now being made into a prophet of Islam but not Islam yet just the prophet of the ishmaelites or the prophet of the hegines from 710 to 720 Muslim rights begin to appear what we call Muslim rights begin to appear such as the pilgrimage the prayer and the fast it's not till 7:30 that the name Muslim and Islam are introduced so what did they call themselves before that they
call themselves ishmaelites in the line of Ishmael as Arabs they call Hagin who is the mother of Ishmael hugin they call themselves M which are the people of Hagar and they call themselves mun which means people of the hij people of The Exodus nomadic they're always moving always moving they were also called by others sasid is that me again they're also called sasid so these are the names that they are given but they don't introduce this name Islam on the IRA inscriptions until 7:30 folks that's a 100 years after Muhammad died do you see a
problem here so conclusion it was only in the 730s onward that there is evidence of a popular devotion to Muhammad as a prophet and messenger which makes the Islamic Traditions incredibly awkward furthermore there is a 100e silence prior to this that indicates that Islam did not exist as a distinct religion until long after the time of Muhammad which cast doubt on whether he had any part in starting it now before we go any further the name Muhammad does occur in Christian writings in the 7th Century so let's now look at them for let's start with
what's in a name as I said earlier Muhammad is not a name not and not in the seventh century it is a title meaning the praised one or the anointed one so almost anyone can use this title in Arabic including even when referring to Jesus Christ to understand this point let's look at the Quran itself and at the Dome of the Rock to unpack the references to Muhammad in each so when we look at the Quran notice if this is the most important man in the history of mankind if the Quran is what his Revelation
then why is it we only find four references to him four references Moses is is referred to 136 times Jesus or Isa is referred to 93 times Abraham is referred to 79 times Pharaoh who's not even that important is referred to 74 times yet Muhammad's only referred to four times what does that suggest not very important and when you look at the four references they're right there on the screen chapter 3 chapter 33 chapter 47 and chapter 48 only chapter 33 could possibly could possibly be the prophet Muhammad hold on a minute you're going to
see why that's important because we know the Quran is not from the seventh century as you're going to see in a bit all of these references that are in the Quran come from the e8th and 9th century so none of them refer to a person called Muhammad who lived in the hijaz in Arabia they most likely refer to instead to the blessed one or the praise one as we have noted that is what the word Muhammad means who could very well be Jesus conclusion if this is not the prophet for Mecca at all then Muslims
cannot use the Quran to support Muhammad The Prophet's existence in the 7th century and one of the foundational pillars of Islam begins to fall now let's go to the Dome of the Rock now remember if you go to the Dome of the Rock and you ask or ask any Muslim what's the importance of the Dome of the Rock what will they tell you it's where Muhammad went in the middle of the night woken up in Mecca was placed on the back of the winged horse called the budock and he flaps up down or flies up
to Jerusalem to where The Rock stood where is the Dome of the Rock is today and then he ascends to the seven Heavens meets Allah who tells him to pray 50 times a day comes down two Heavens meets Moses who says no it's way too many see if you can get him down so he bounces back and forth between the seventh and the fifth Heaven getting it from 50 to 45 to 30 to 15 down to five prayers once he gets it to five prayers M okay that's enough so he heads on back down to
Jerusalem gets on the back of the wing horts and flies back down to Mecca that's known as the M right that's why it's the third most holy Shrine in Islam that's why they want to keep the Dome the the Dome of the Rock they want to keep the the the holy Mount why because of that event proving that that event must have happened do you think it's that that that event did happen there how can you prove it you can't you just don't like it do you just look at the Dome of the Rock read
the inscriptions for heaven's sakes why hasn't anybody why haven't Muslims done this why is it we have to do it it just go to the Dome of the Rock and read the inscriptions and see if there's anything at all in any of those inscriptions about this event called The Mirage not one word so what is on those inscriptions again let's not look at the Dome of the Rock but what you need to do is you need to look at these two ambulatories right here see these two where the green lels are those are the two
ambulatories that's the only original part of the building that still exist today the Dome of the Rock has been destroyed and rebuilt 11 times so the only thing that's left are the original amator and that's where the inscriptions are you need to look at those inscriptions and when you look at the inscriptions they say things like this say not three for God is one he has no Associates and he has no Sons Where does that come from that's in the Quran isn't it today it's in chapter 4 verse 171 but no Associates is not there
so this is a precursor to what was then later introduced in the Quran but who is it confronting say not three God is one that's the Trinity right so it's confronting the trinity he has no Associates nor is he that's attacking us or it's attacking Jesus as the associate of God and he has no son that's attacking his sonship it's all attacking Jesus Christ am I correct and it's right there on the inner ambulatories then what's next for neither does he Beth nor is he begotten that's now found in chapter 112 of the Quran and
then you have the shahada that follows it m there is only one God but God and the praised one is nothing more than the messenger so who is that referring to well the whole all the other inscriptions are referring to Jesus right so who is the praised one Jesus of course the praised one is nothing more than a messenger he is not God he is not part of the Trinity he is does not beget nor is he the Son of God it's attacking all four of those areas which are absolutely foundational for our faith Jesus
has to be the Son of God has to be the Messiah has to also be the anointed one and has to be God we have to believe in all for that's why this is so pivotal and it's right there built on the Dome of the right on the rock where Mount Mariah is where the Jesus is going to return again as the Messiah so it's also confronting the Jews but it's built looking down on the Church of the supplier which is the pilgrimage Center for all the Christians at that time so this is not only
a political statement it's a theological pmic politically against the byzantines who are in the north and a pic pmic against all Christians that's why it was built that's why it's the biggest structure of his day he's living in Damascus his Sanctuary is in Petra why doesn't he build in those two cities because he's in a it's a plum against us now he's still not a Muslim folks he's still a Christian he's an antitrinitarian Christian so this is a sectarian argument so the crown verses in these scriptures are not the same as that which we have
in the crown today they have been evolved into what we have in the crown today and are thus possibly the precursors to The Chronic verses which were written later and then changeed to refer to the prophet conclusion if correct that then Muslims cannot use the Dome of the Rock to support Muhammad's existence in the 7th Century either and another foundational pillar of Islam begins to fall even further however what about those references to Muhammad that you find in the 7th Century let's take a look at them next because there are references to this ban there
are exactly five of them let's go through five of them all in the seventh century well no one is in the 8th Century 634 Thomas the presbyter talks about a battle between the Romans and the Tay Muhammed in Gaza now look at the word Muhammad is with a t that's the Persian spelling so you can already see this is a a Persian Muhammad a Persian means in what is today Iran and Iraq too far north right more than that he's having a battle in Gaza did Muhammad ever go up to Gaza and did he ever
come from Persia absolutely not so this is a this is not the Muhammad of Islam it's much too far north in 636 you have a fly leaf which refers to the Arabs of Muhammad who had killed many syrians in yuk ymok is way up in Syria since when when did Muhammad of Islam go all the way up to Syria and kill many syrians he didn't have any battles with syrians nowhere in any of the maazi doents you see this again way too far to the North in 660 you have seas referring to the ishmaelites an
ishmaelite not an a Muslim an ishite called Muhammad using the Persian spelling again who along with 12,000 Israelites is attacking the byzantines look historically and ask when there were ever 12,000 Israelites attacking any byzantines none exist is not even a historical it's way too far north so obviously seos either didn't know what he was talking about or he's actually someone later on introduce this at a later time and then you have 690 you have John bar Pena now thou we're starting to possibly see a man named Muhammad who would would make sense but look at
the date we're talking about the late 7th Century he refers to Muhammad who's a teacher and leader of the Arabs this is the first real good reference but again way too far north and no suggest that this man was a Muslim or that he came from Islam at all and then we get to jnah Damascus 7:30 who writes the he writes this famous book The heresy of the ishmaelites in 7:30 heresy of the ishmaelites he doesn't say the heresy of the Muslims or of Islam he calls them ishmaelites but look and see what he says
he refers to this Muhammad who has who has written these ludicrous books and he names the books he has written the book of the cow that's Surah two the book of the wom that's Surah four the book of the table that's Surah 5 the book of the camel that's Surah nothing there is no camel Surah so this is not the Quran we're looking at today there's 114 suras in this Quran this book only has four suras one of which doesn't even exist so it's obviously this is not the Muhammad who received the crown that we
know about 100 years earlier because now we're in 7:30 Muhammad's been dead for a 100 years and still they don't have the full Quran oo I love this makes my job so easy no seriously it does and you can use this so when you look at these reference to Muhammad place them where they're supposed to be place show that this is not the Muhammad of Islam too far north every reference to Muhammad in the 7th Century places him in either Gaza or Jerusalem or Damascus or inira which are situated too far north and probably referred
to another Mohammad known as the praised one so let's now conclud with these coins and these rocks there are no coins anywhere in central Arabia and the Arabic coins which do exist are all further north and are not Islamic at all but Christian or zor asrian up to and including the reign of muya up to 680 ad it is only with the coins introduced by Abdul Malik in 691 that we begin to possibly find a pre-islamic Coin yet they still could be referencing Jesus or even the caleff himself though they are distinctly anti-trinitarian The Rock
inscriptions are similar to the coins with nothing Islamic prior to 690 ad that then references to a Muhammad from 690 to 710 ad Muslim rights are then introduced the pilgrimage is then introduced prayer and fast are introduced in up to 720 and finally the names Muslim in Islam referencing a group which is which is not Christian from 720 to 7:30 the Quran and the Dome of the Rock do not refer to the Muhammad of Islam 7th Century written references to Muhammad Place him way too far north so in conclusion these all suggest that there was
an interesing clash between different sex within Christianity the trinitarians versus the antitrinitarians surprise surprise we've seen that happen since the 4th Century this happens it even happens today with the Jehovah Witness they're still confronting our view of Muhammad they're still using the AR Aryan controversy so why are we see are surprised that this doesn't raise its head in the sth century Christianity and the trinitarians versus Inter trinitarians with the later with the latter the antitrinitarians establishing its own religion at the end of the umay Dynasty in opposition to Christianity now we're talking about at the
mid s mid 8th Century which then morphed into the Islam of today during the initial 100 to 200 years of the abasa dynasty rather in the 9th to 10th Century can you see what's going on we're looking at an interesing Christian Clash that's what we're looking at so what about the Quran then okay hold on to your seats now we really get into the juicy stuff this is my favorite material this is where really things the rubber hits the road let's now look at the Quran itself and let's start with the whole problem of what
what they mean now what do Muslims claim well they claim a number of things number one every Muslim has to claim that the Quran is uncreated exists eternally in clay tablets in heaven that's in chapter 85 verse 22 of the Quran the Quran was sent down to Muhammad between 610 and 632 that 22-year period that the Quran was completed by utman in 652 and that the Quran has never changed in the last 14400 years so just memorize those four things uncreated sent down complete and unchange can you memorize those four hugely important we're going to
come back to it because this is what Muslims have to claim to support their Quran their primary Revelation and only so let's look at what the experts say so do the Muslims say that and yes they do let's see them here's one here this is fatah gulen out of the gulen movement out of turkey the quran's text is entirely reliable it has not been altered or edited or tampered with since it was revealed all Muslims know only one Quran perfectly preserved in its original words since the prophet's death when Revelation ended therefore there's one Quran
unaltered unedited and untappd so he's saying much the same thing right here you again suzan hanif now she's a cover to Islam she says the Holy Quran is the only divinely revealed scripture in the history of mankind which has been Pres reserved to the present time in its exact original form you getting that now she may not know what she's talking about but this man certainly does Abdullah yusf Ali very clearly says so well has it been preserved both in memory and in writing that the Arabic text we have today is identical to the text
as it was revealed to the prophet not even a single letter has yielded to corruption during the passage of the centuries this man should know why because he is the one that trans at into English in the last century he is the one whose translation we use all over the world so he should know what he's talking about here we get malvi Muhammad Ali who is one of the amedia SE one of the principal guys from there the Quran is one he said and no copy differing in even a DI critical point the dir critical
points are the dots above the line and below the line the three dots above Nat and the two below Baha those three dots he's saying not even one of those has changed there in are and always have been contending sexs but the same Quran is in the possession of one and all a manuscript with the slightest variation in the text is unknown now we get to Dr shabar Al a good friend of mine I've debated him six times and look what he says he's from Toronto though he's from India and he says categorically we have
the copy of the Quran dating from 790 look at the date late 8th Century in the British museum that's the MS 2165 metal Cod I'm going to show you a picture of it folks that's 13 00 years ago notice the date he puts there Ah that's interesting and we can compare that with what we're reading today and we find them to be exactly identical but then he decides to change his mind but what is important to notice is that throughout the ages of Muslim history the Muslims have not quirrel over what is the text of
the Quran because the text was known through memory work and through the written materials handed down right from the time of the Prophet Muhammad as I said the two copies that were made 1,400 years he's put 100 years earlier correcting himself one which is in tashen Russia folks tashen is not in Russia for example has been demonstrated by Ahmed vener in his book on alquran to be an early copy from that time and we find no difference from that copy to what we're reading today Dr yasar kadi probably the most famous Muslim cleric today on
the Quran got his doctor at Yale University in 1995 this is what he says mman standardized the copies of the Quran and from his time up until our time there has not even been two copies of the Quran that are different even one letter or one word the Quran is the most protected of all scriptures and God has protected his Quran from any kind of alteration deviation miswriting because he says he is going to protect it that's in chapter 15:9 all qurans even up to our time conform letter for letter word for word with the
with manik M that's the 652 text to this day there is no different version of the there is but one Quran are you getting the same message are you hearing it these are the scholars now let's look let's go to the pundits on the internet these are the guys these are my friends let's see what they're say are we ready this is going to be a video just listen to their claims our claim the Muslim claim has been for the last 14 centuries that the Quran is absolutely word by word preserved word by word and
frankly you know the Quran has been preserved We Believe word for word letter for letter have no doubt whatsoever that the Quran has been preserved to the letter to the dot and to the sound when we talk about this their Quran is exactly the same the Quran shall remain uncorrupted untouched and unchallenged until the day of judgment Quran that we read is exactly the one that was given to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him word for word letter by letter Surah by Surah is revealed to the prophet sallallahu alhi wasallam and preserved word by word
letter by letter half by har even the pronunciation is preserved okay I think they're all speaking from the same sheet are they not why do they make these claims they have to don't get upset with them it's the cron that makes these claims it's the Quran that says in chapter 85: 21 and 22 this is the Glorious Quran inscribed in the preserved tablets if you look at any tap preserved tablets means Eternal tablets so it's Eternal chapter 10 vers 15 bring us a Quran other than this or change it say it is not for me
to change it on my own accord chapter 18:27 and recite what has been revealed to you of the book of your lord none can change his word so it's the Quran making this claim no man can take change one word if you change one letter or one word it's no longer Eternal if you change one word or one letter then you're also confronting Allah why because Allah says very clearly verily we it is we who have sent down the Quran and surely we will guard it so Allah himself guards the Quran so that not one
word not one letter will change so don't get upset with Muslims for making this claim they have to God bless them thank God we don't have to make this claims please people we do not believe the Bible is uncreated it was created we know who wrote it we even know the men's names we know when they wrote it we know put their names to many of the books they wrote sent down not sent down inspired by God yes complete in its autographic form in its original form yes but we don't have the autographs we don't
have the original forms change yes we know where it's been changed and there's a big debate within Christianity as to which verses we're talking about 40 verses that are in doubt and that's why we would not make these claims so if you don't if you don't believe it don't make it please don't make these claims however since we don't make these four claims we don't have to defend it they do they make these four claims they have to defend it therefore our remit today what we want to do now is I want to ask any
Muslim who's watching or any Muslim who hears about this to first of all I'm I'm not going to try to critique eternality I can't critique that I can't critique even set down in the seventh century since I'm not there in the seventh century but I can krict the next two complete and unchanged so what I'm going to demand and you demand the same thing of every Muslim you meet one manuscript of the Quran that's complete that means 114 suras that is from the 7th Century not modern ones 7th Century that's exactly like the scon that
I have in my hand today that's all we're asking that should be simple cuz they're making that claim not one word not one letter has changed in 1400 years therefore it should be exactly like the Arabic that I have in my Quran today word for word letter for letter the same otherwise if there's any difference even one difference even one letter it's no longer Eternal man has changed it God is no longer uh powerful enough to defend or guard his own Quran so let's look at where we go to find out the quran's creation when
you look to that you can't go find anybody from his time period you need to go to Al bhari and we know that Al buhari is writing about this way back in 870 so the whole reference of how the crown was put together comes from albari volume 6 Hadith number 509 and Hadith number 510 those are the only two places you can go to to find out about this whole story interesting but that's 240 years after the fact suggesting that maybe albari got a few things wrong what did he do what did he say this
is what he said according to chapter 6: 509 and 510 when Muhammad died in 632 there was no Quran written down and they had a battle in yamama so immediately when they went to people went to that battle 70 of them died and with them went their memories so there was a crisis they had to write it down so he takes he goes to the Secretary of Muhammad named zabid and asks zabid to write it down and Z says I can't do what the prophet never did none said nonetheless do it anyways so he find
the acquiescence and he writes it down take taking it from memory of those who did exist he took it from Bones from stones from pieces of rock and also from bark and then he put it together and he gave it to abakar who was there with Umar Umar gives it to his daughter named haa who used to be the wife of Muhammad and she stuck it under her bed rather odd isn't it if this is the only written text of the Quran in existence why would you stick it under your bed and forget it isn't
that odd you'd want to make copies of it right away right if this is the stand this is the first written Quran why were not copies made that's the first question you need to ask your Muslim friends nonetheless because it was sitting under her bed 20 years later in comes I once want to go 20 years later comes Usman he is now in power he's the third kalef and he sends UDA up to the north to fight against the azanis they're fighting they win the battle they then go along with the Iraqis and the damascan
the syrians and they go into a mosque to then pray because they won the battle as they're praying those from Medina hear the Iraqis and the syrians reciting the different qurans and they start beating each other up and they're going to blows and then they go back down to Medina and it goes down to uthman he says we've got to do something we cannot have different qurans I've just heard different qurans being recited we must write it down so this will never happen again andman agrees so he wakes up zabid who goes and gets that
crown that sitting under the bed for 20 years of haa brings it back out and rewrites the Quran again in the G she dialect now stop and think hold on hold on you speak Arabic right okay in order and the reason why Muslims say he had to write in the quesi dialect in order to have dialectical differences in Arabic what do you need the D the KAS and the F which is means the three vowels D the sound the KAS the e sound and the F the sound there were no Damas KAS and fat in
the seven now you didn't know this this is new to you but any scholar knows this any scholar knows there were no vowels in the sth century so how could there be a dialectical difference Muslims have never answered me I've asked this for 40 years and then he says WR it in the kesi dialect that's a no a nonsecular but who is writing this down it's Al buhari who's writing this down and he is in the ninth Century redacting it back to the sth century without realizing there were no Damas C and FAS to make
sense of this there could not be any dialectical difference that early but see as Scholars we know that and that's why we're laughing all the way to the bank so that's the first problem and then he says now that you've written it down send it to five cities so this is what he does he sends a copy to these five cities Mecca Medina Basra kufa which is today Bagdad and Damascus so two are left in Arabia one two are sent to Iraq and one was sent to Syria why so that they would be the repositor
of what Abu Bakr should have done this is what he's doing 20 years later so that these would be the standards so this will never happen again there will be no other other crws right that's why they're sent there as the standard but then we look at the Traditions there are later traditions and we find hold on a minute something is happening at the end of the 7th Century a new Quran is introduced in Damascus written by U kab and it has 116 suras today's Quran only has 114 so it's two suras more than the
Quran we have today and then in ba bdad another Quran starts to appear in the late 7th Century written by IB masud and it has 110 SAS that's four less than the Quran we have today another Quran was introduced in basa there in Iraq and it has 114 suras but Dr Arthur Jeffrey who in the last century went to look at the Traditions just to find out what the differences are between these four kurad the one by UB the one by IB Mas the one by I mus and also the one by Zid who was
there in Medina and he found 15,000 differences have you heard this before 15,000 differences between these four qurans this has been known since the 1930s folks this is nothing new but Muslims haven't heard this Muslims need to hear this it gets even worse what we now know is there are at least five qurans in the 7th Century from Mecca Medina basad kufa and Damascus why can't we find even one of them now one of those crr exist today we're talking only 1400 years ago and look at those cities that they belong in Bas Bagdad Damascus
and also Mecca Medina those are Muslim cities they've always been Muslim cities for 14 00 years there have been no floods there have been no fires there have been no battles I don't recall anybody destroying any qurans in the last 1400 years why can't we find one of them Muslims need to answer that not one exists that's beginning of the problems that's just the beginning let's now go into the 8th Century because in the 8th Century something completely happens that really shuts everything down and this is known as the Kats how many know what I'm
talking about when I use the word Kat no one okay after today you're all going to know what I'm talking about and it all had to do with one girl who's only 5'2 who's on my team her name is hatun Tash this woman has destroyed the Quran because of what she found okay let's go ahead and let's unuce what we're talking about in the 7th Century the Arabic that existed only had Continental texts there were no Damas and KAS fat there was no dation there were no Dots Dots did not exist on any of the
earliest manuscripts I'll show you the pictures you'll see why there it was was basically the same conal Tech that the syak uses and the syak was the language of the Byzantine Christians syak and Arabic are from the same root so they would use the same consonantal text but they had taken off all the dots and the vowels and they had no dots and vowels so basically they only had 16 letters in the Arabic in the seventh century but when you read it you couldn't read you didn't know what you were reading cuz one little bowl
like this could be five different letters so there was a dilemma now let's just see what I'm here's the dilemma here do you see notice there's no dots and vowels this is a I'm using the wrong thing this is a 8th Century manuscript you notice no dots no vowels that's the Samar manuscript that's in usbekistan notice here the sa manuscript no dots no vows you see how do you read that you're arabic speaking can you read it no nobody any other Arab speaker nobody can read it because you don't know what you're reading you have
to have something to delineate the different letters so for instance let's just look at this here is um Arabic today this is the Modern Standard Arabic now has 28 letters but there are six letters that don't need dots the AL there the CF the lam the MIM the N ha sorry the ha and the wow those are the six letters the other 22 all need dots in order to be able to read them today today in Modern Standard Arabic back in the SE 7th Century all you had were little fa little smiley faces like this
just a little bowl now to in order to be able to read and distinguish which letter it is you had to start adding so they put one letter and became the N or the N to two letters but became the T or the T three letters but became the TH or th one letter below one dot below became the b or the B and then two Ls became the Y so you now have yeah five different letters for just one smiley face every Arabic word has three smiley faces or three letters if you look at
an Arabic dictionary they always start with three letters so if you start putting your dots and vowels where you want to just Willy Dilly then you can start to come up with all kinds of ones what's more you have to also have the three vowels this is where you get your dialectical differences there's the DH there that's the U there's the Kasa that's the E and there's the fata that's the a u a u e and a so you get those three letters now you can start putting together words if you put together words uh
with the damak fata and the DI critical marks you can come up with 19 different words just by using three letters before the seven before the 8th Century though you could only have one word now suddenly that's proliferated to 19 and some have been able to find as many as 33 words so here's the difficulty okay I'm I'm I'll just look at the slide here I'm just going to show you these people here so here you have I Nafi your name is Nafi just pretend you're a man okay your name is Nafi and you come
from Medina right and you decide to put your dots where you want to your name is uh IB C and you come from Mecca right and you decide put your dots where you want to you don't confer with each other because you don't know each other you however you come from uh Damascus your name is I Amir right and you put your dots where you want to you come from kufa and your name is awesome okay so we have now four different people with four different different qurans with their dots and their vows where they
want to but you never look at each other's qurans you don't even care because you have students under you you have students under you you have students under you and you have students under you you have many students in fact you you have 91 students right so in the 10th Century there were 700 of these qurans all of you decided to put your qurans together by the 10th Century there were 700 different qurans they needed they had a problem so a guy named IB mujah that guy you see right up there in 936 before he
died he then chose those seven those are the kirats those are the crem these are the ones that when Muhammad was praying in the mosque receiving these Revelations people were hearing him pray and they said I don't understand what you're saying because I come from Damascus or I come from kufa or I come from Cairo and so he went to gibel and he says could you could you repeat what I'm saying in seven different aru or seven different dialects which gibel did and these are the seven those are the seven that gibel gave him Gabriel
as we know it gibel then but the problem is this you will see these seven on on Wikipedia but you won't have any dates put on their names I had to put those dates on I had to find those dates for each one of them do you see a a problem with those dates did these seven know Muhammad did these seven even live at the time Muhammad Liv could were they there so Muhammad could check whether they got him right no look at the death dates 785 738 770 736 745 these are all e and
9th century none of these men knew Muhammad none of them lived in the same Century as Muhammad so how could these seven have come from gibel in the early or the mid 7th century when these are all 8th and 9th century that's what Muslims don't know you've got to tell them so that's the first problem but here's the biggest problem where is this book this is the one that everybody uses today this is called Huffs an aome awesome mean from you Huffs one of your students one of your 91 students this is the one that
is chosen for the whole world in 1985 Huffs an awesome where's this do you see it on that list you need this one there right plus we need yours see you're from Kyo and your name is worsh right just say yes you're worsh and you die in 812 you die in 796 just say yes okay so 796 late 8th Century you're into the 9th century 812 you two are the two most popular qurans we use today 93% of all Muslims memorize your Quran 3% of all Muslims all the ones in North Africa memorize your qurans
so where are they on that list they're not there you've got to get them right so in the 12th century another man named Al shatab was then commissioned to choose two of the Disciples of every one of you seven and this is what he came up with another 14 gats or another 14 qurans notice we're now in the 12th century we're 500 years after Muhammad and he chose the two that you have Shuba and Huffs from 91 others and throughout the other 89 what happened to those 89 what was wrong with them he doesn't know
cuz he never looked he never opened one page so why did he choose Shuba and Huffs you should know since you're awesome you know why you're not you're afraid to tell me it's because these guys had more students than anybody else they were chosen for popularity no textual no one looked at any text whatsoever your students were popular therefore they were chosen and you were chosen because you were popular it had nothing to do with accuracy no one opened up one page nor read one line they just chose how many students they had is that
the way you choose a text is that what we do with the Bible thank God we don't do that with the Bible but that's what you did or I should say that's what Al jat did but that's still isn't good enough you have seven over here you have 14 here now you have 21 right 21 different qurans so that's still not good enough in the uh 15th century in 1429 another guy comes along his name is Al jazar and he decides to choose another three kids and another six of his students now you have 7
plus 14 plus 3 + 9 how many 30 30 different qurans by the 15th century have any of you heard this before no two of those crons are the same but no one seemed to know that no one seemed to know that until I ask we start asking well where is this one that one is the one that was chosen in 1985 as the universal Quran how many differences would you guess between that one and the other 297 47 how about one would one hurt of course it would because God's word can't be changed right
how about two how about three how about 93,000 93,000 differences we have found between Huffs and the other 29 can you see that this is a problem now my colleague hatun Tash went to North Africa a number of years ago in 2012 she went down there to do some teaching she's from Turkey uh she doesn't know hardly any Arabic and so she wanted to get an Arabic Quan for the missionaries that she was teaching and so she went into a oh let me just F here she went into a bookstore and she asked the guy
behind the bookstore could you give me a an Arabic Quran and the man said well which one are you talking about I said what do you mean which one well I have Huffs over here I have W over here I've over here I have gon over here I have even C she said well what in the world are you talking about give them all to me they're only a few dollars I'll take them back to London show them to Jade so she brought him back to London showed them to me and I started laughing because
I had never realized that these Quran still existed see those of us who've done scholarly work on it we know about this this is well known within Islamic uh history but not by those on the street and she said well how many should I find I said well you can go up on Wikipedia there are 30 of them go up and grab them so she starts sending people to y into Jordan and Morocco to and she would just write all the different names I need KH I need hisam I need IB Ward I need R
I need even jumas and she started collecting them by 2016 she had collected uh 26 of them here they are these are her qurans no two are alike but everyone is memorized by a different person by different parties by different classes by different peoples in different places that's why they have to be used today because whole families memorized and you cannot memorize his if his is different so let me just give you some examples of what difference we're talking about and this is the only Arabic I promise this is the only Arabic I'm going to
make you read on the left you have Huffs right and you notice if you look there let's just point this out you notice here's the word I'm looking for and it's there's a f f f you see there's a a so it's katala katala means F right in the war it's the same verse you can see it's been changed to a DH KAS and a fata so two different vows are added they took two vowels off and add two more now it's ktil so in this it says and how many prophets fought with whom were
many worshippers of the Lord ctil in watch now says and how many prophets were killed with whom were many worshipers of the Lord now hold on a minute does that change the meaning it does if you're a prophet I would rather fight not be killed thank you so huge difference for the prophet here's another example over here you haveu so there you have a b that has a a f above it over here the B has been taken out the dot has been taken out from below and put above it so now it's n so
now it's becomes IND so instead of iadu becomes Inda which instead of here slaves it becomes in the presence and they make the Angels who are slaves of the beneficent females and they make the angels on this side who are in the presence of the beneficent females two problems are the Angels slaves of Allah or simply in the presence of Allah problem two is it the slaves or those in Allah's presence who will be made females if I were were an angel I would prefer being in God's presence rather than his slave and secondly if
I were an angel I would prefer if only the slaves were made females thank you because I'm a male so coming and going you've got huge problems with this theologically speaking and practically speaking now let's look at this one here you have isan there's an Al with a with a KAS below it it's now the ALF has been taken off over here and it becomes husan starting with the H so here the AL with it makes it doing good it's referring to a son of of a parents and over here it says Beauty so on
this side in in the HFF it says and we have enjoined on man doing good to his parents on the Ali it's now and we have enjoined on man Beauty to his parents listen I have three sons I don't care whether they're beautiful or not I want them to be good right so that's a whole difference in practice here's another example you have Al over on this side which means creatures in the W you have Al which means the innocent so it says in Huffs indeed they who disbelieved among the people of the scripture and
the polytheist will be in the fire of Hell abiding eternally therein those are the worst of creatures in the wat has been changed those are the worst of the Innocence it's talking about alab that's us the Christians are we the worst creatures or are we innocent and if we are innocent what in the world are we doing in hell so that's how theological and doctrinal differences for us as Christians now I've just given you four out of 93,000 just to give you a little smattering of how damaging these are that changes the text when you
change the you change the meaning when you change the meaning you change the Theology and the doctrines and in some cases you change the practices so I'm going to show you what happened when that's hatun Tash there amazing girl she's become a legend there in England she was my colleague but she decided to go and buy take all these down and then we decided to put them up and show them at speaker Corner in 2016 look what happened when we showed them for the first time for the world to see okay we ready for the
video yes there is only one Quran right of and that every Quran in the world is the same of course that's what you've been told of course you have been told a lie R okay so there are two Kuran today right than two more than two three more than three more than three fourans that approxim 26 off the 26 different k [Music] you guys get these carage get these carage and read them we're just showing you oh go ahead start going things it says they were two [Music] different the prophets fought but by the time
you got they were killed your come you must better go we're going to make it more more difficult for you okay just a review you notice what happened when we showed them up they tried to grab as we were trying to show the difference they tried to grab the papers from us fortunately we had them cellophanes so they can't tear them but notice the man that was standing there at the bottom right this man right here that's Muhammad hijab Muhammad hijab is the most popular man on the internet right now uh he has a following
of half a million he was there in the crowd he and he was there filming us and he realized this is a problem he quickly stepped out the back and he started calling all the Muslims to him what was he saying don't look at what they're showing you do not listen to what they're saying now that was in 2016 four years later he had a problem because he was going to explain it to them he couldn't so in June 8th 2020 he had a dilemma he needed to figure out what to do and so he
decided to go to do a zoom call with Dr yasar kadi you saw earlier in this in that film clip that I showed you Dr yaradi has a doctorate from yel University in 1995 on this very material therefore he's the world's leading scholar on the Kat in the on these readings these different readings so mammad decided to go and ask him a question and he's going to hold out his hand and ask which Quran are you going to put on that blank sheet of paper he wants to know because if this is the Eternal Quran
that cannot be changed not one word not one letter not even one dot then which is the one that is that was eternal that was sent to Muhammad that was written by utman sent to Muhammad between 610 and 6232 and then written down by utman in 652 that's what he's asking a simple question right you would think it's a simple question Watch What Happens let's go ahead and run this it's about 7 minutes long gives me time to sit down and uh what is your position in relation to preservation of Quran is for example do
you see it as preserve from Allah subhana tala or do you not see that as what's your okay so uh first and foremost Allah says so we believe as a matter of theology as a matter of Allah subh has preserved the Quran no question about now as for the issue itself every single student of knowledge knows who studies that the most difficult topics are and the concept of and the reality of and the relationship of the and the preservation of the is it one is it three is it seven and the relationship of the to
the this is a topic that one you're the beginning beginning student of knowledge you're like what is all of this going on here when you go a little bit more you learn to Simply memorize what your teachers say and regurgitate it out and you don't fully comprehend when you do a deep dive is when things get very very awkward and difficult and this isn't new this is from the time of the this is not a joke brothers and sisters the issue of caused confusion to somebody whom the prophet said if you want to listen to
the Quran directly Listen to I mentioned the crisis that happened to me at y my first year at y it wasn't a crisis of Faith by the way I it was very clear about this people misinterpret it it was a crisis of my understanding of knowledge it was a crisis of what my teachers taught me alhamdulillah from alhamdulillah as somebody who memorized the Quran as a teenager alhamdulillah in my entire life I have never doubted that the Quran is divine you cannot doubt that any you listen to it you recite it you just cannot doubt
that it's never been an issue this was the issue that the issue of and preservation and and relationships between them these are very very difficult issues and the most advanced of our Scholars they not quite fully certain how to solve all of the unanswered questions in there these issues should only be discussed amongst people who know what the are and who understand some of these questions that are being traditional understandings of cannot answer some of these pressing questions that are now being poked by our uh people outside of by our academics not our by their
academics outside of the faith tradition you see in a Muslim environment there's always some respect that we have for the Quran we should in a Muslim environment we'll press a little bit and then we'll say okay and that's great alhamdulillah when you go to Academia they don't have that red line and they're going to just you know the the the famous story of the emperor with no clothes they're going to just point out no that doesn't make any sense well that's not true and this and that and they'll bring issues which I'm not going to
mention explicitly that you know are true because they're in your own books they're not inventing anything new and it's very clear to you and to every single very Advanced student and specialist that the standard narrative has holes in it that's what I'm going to say the standard narrative does not answer some very pressing questions you know these are now well known within the Western academy uh that they're bringing forth issues their level of now knowledge is Leaps and Bounds above what it used to be you know 100 years ago you know and by and large
our in the Eastern world are not aware by and large of what's going on in the western side of things and they're not answering those questions in a manner that it needs to be answered and this is something all of us that are in Academia fully acknowledg we actually issues of the relationship of the origins of the and all of this should only be discussed amongst those who are familiar with this science it takes a while I can't answer this question in a 20-minute interview nor Is it wise to do so which is why I
never brought this topic up myself you will not find one lecture of mine about this issue it should never be brought up in public and I don't like these idiots and they are idiots W this is not something you discuss amongst the masses it's not wise you don't understand Let It Be it's wise that's why I never did it's the Western academics the these these problems are now becoming mainstream Twitter has so many accounts of Quran experts and they're non-muslims and they're just saying things let me ask you one question to try and make this
as specific as possible I think if I were to give you a blank mus yeah and uh and tell you to write what is from Allah into that M with no human interference would you write something which corresponds it's not an easy answer it's not an easy yes or no it is enough for the Muslim to believe that I this should be an easy yes or no though yes I I have to okay very well so yeah Muhammad after we get off this phone call me and you let's have a number of discussions no problem
I'm very open with Advanced students but these issues should not look it is what is going to be written it is what would you write let's not let's you're pushing me and I'm saying it's not hikma to listen I have a condition like I said everything I say is going to be fact the Quran is the uncreated speech of Allah the Quran is preserved the Quran is known the Quran is and alhamdulillah all of the are the Quran all of the are authentic alhamdulillah leave it at that Beyond this honestly I have no problem we'll
have a discussions or take my class but is enough for the Muslim to know that the Quran is the speech of Allah that has been protected and what we recite is the cam of Allah that is enough for the Muslim if I could p back here just a little bit I know I know this is I don't want to make it uncomfortable but it's just just to make things clearer right if if if someone gave you a Quran which is empty in terms of there's no there's nothing on it and gave you a pen obviously
you're half of the Quran but the question is would what you write in that mus correspond with any anything that we have in terms of the is who's going to bring a new Quran we're going to have the Quran there but but which will it be in it'll be probably a mixture right it's not going to be necessarily yeah okay so let's leave it at that it's going to it's not going to be the exact but you would have something which you could say is fully recognizable by the average Muslim obviously so when you write
so yeah so so just to be clear if you write down it might not be a standard exactly exactly yes but what you recogniz is recognizable and you believe and you believe that everything within that is Allah subhana 100% as Allah is my witness 100% that is the okay did you see that did you catch it let me just review that was kind of hard to listen to to get everything but did you notice what he was admitting first of all he says that Muhammad put out his he put out his hand he said which
is the which one are you going to write on it and he said this is the most difficult topic for Muslim some Scholars for the last thousand years you don't tell this to converts you don't even tell this to intermediate students you only do this with Advanced students and then you do a deep dive take my class he must have said that three times in the 28 minutes I've just given you seven minutes of it Scholars for the last thousand years have not solved the problem of the Kat at all Muslims have a respect for
the Quran when he was talked about Yale we have a respect for the krown there are certain questions we just don't answer we put a red line here did you hear that but at Yale there are no red lines you can ask anything Mohammad hijob was that when you had your crisis of Faith he said no not crisis of Faith crisis of knowledge is how he put it and then he probably gave you the most explosive line you in the East your standard narrative has holes in it oo I love that I just started clapping
which narrative standard Islamic narrative s i n sin has holes in it so he coined the phrase we're running with it since 2020 Western academics he said have jumped Leaps and Bounds on this issue they look at the rest of us like an emperor with no clothes he said I've never lectured on this subject nor will I ever this is the man who did got his Doctrine on this subject and in the last 25 years he's never done a lecture on it why if he's the world leading Authority will he not do a lecture on
it you'll see why the subject should never be brought up in public don't ask me to say what should be written on the blank most s and finally he said when push is it will you recognize it as the H an he says Parts yes there will be but there will be others as well in other words a little bit of kalon a little bit of Kai get all of them and just mix them up and that's the Quran you have today I just started clapping when I saw that he had no idea what we
know he had no idea that there are 93,000 differences between these you cannot just mix them all up cuz no longer is there one standard Quran now because of that because of that within 2 weeks we were looking at their both their sites and there were hundreds hundreds of Muslims in the comment section saying because of that interview I have now left Islam I have now left Islam and they said it is you yasar kadi who has always told us not one word not one letter has been changed remember we just put that video up
of him saying that he used to always say that and now you're saying there is many words there are many letters that are changed and because of that my blood is going to be on your shoulder there were hundreds of these after two weeks they had to shut down all the comments it became so disastrous for yasar kadi and Muhammad hijab that within two months by August they deleted it off both their channels but I have it hatun has it David wood has it we keep it in every jate we go and rep put it
back up again and let the whole world see it because one girl 7 5'2 destroyed the preservation of the Quran just by asking a simple question give me a Quran in Arabic and the man said which one can you see how much damage one little girl has done she's on our team she was with us here in California now what about the qurans itself what about the earliest manuscripts now we're going to jump back now we're giving a toally different argument we're going to go back to the manuscript evidence see we have manuscript evidence do
we not for the Bible we've got the caticus from the 4th Century we've got the Alex we have the vaticanus also from the 4th Century we have the vaticanus from the fifth century the three Metropolitan codices that is two to 300 years before the Quran right and they're all complete are they not that's why we can look at it but we have over almost 235 manuscripts of the New Testament alone before the sixth Century either complete or partial if we can come up with that many manuscripts that all agree with each other from before the
6th Century all we're asking Muslims is one manuscript from the 7th Century that shouldn't be very hard and remember our manuscripts when they were first written they were written on Papyrus which are these interlocking leaves which disintegrate they're just leaves they disintegrate after 100 years so we would not expect before the 4th Century to find a complete manuscript because except for oxar rinkus where they where they've been able to find some a good number of them most of them are just fragments like the bottomer papyrus which is in Switzerland or the John ryland's manuscript which
is in Manchester in England those are just fragments from the 2 Century so we would not expect to find anything that was complete until you had somebody like Constantine who was large enough and big enough and powerful enough to then commission 50 manuscripts written on parchment parchment means animal skin the caticus took 56 different gazel to right to have that codex you have to be pretty rich to get 60 60 gazel and to be able to cure them and then to keep put them into a codex so that's why it was someone of his stature
that was able to commission that and that's why we have the cine Atticus and the alexandras and the vaticanus by the time you get to the seventh century we're talking about the Cale ofman right he was like Constantine he had all the material in the world he had all the riches and he is the one that tells where they're the ones that tells that there were five of these manuscripts all written on parchment on animal skins and they were sent to the five cities where's one of them you see they have no excuse they can't
say Well it's because they written on Papyrus and they integrated no these were written on parchments so now let's look at the six earliest manuscripts they do have all written on parchments these are all written on animal skins and let's see what we're going to find so let's go ahead and look at them these are the six that I introduced in a debate I did with Dr Shabad Al in 2014 we're talking about nine years ago I introduced them for the first time and I got them because we finally had two Muslim Scholars Dr Ty
alich and U who actually went and did study on these six manuscripts from 2002 to 2007 published their work in 2009 and we were able then to get it in English by 2014 so I immediately challenged Dr Shabad the world's leading Authority and best debator they have on these manuscripts and he will not debate me again because of what happened in 2014 all I did was show these manuscripts you're going to see them for now that's the top copy this one here the top copy one is in the top copy Museum there in Istanbul in
turkey and you notice that has no dots any vowels on it you notice that except there's a DOT there there's a DOT there there's a dot ah there's a there's a medallion there but it's not in the right place it's been introduced it's interpose after the fact that's where the beginning of a sentence and a new verse begins but you notice that that's been in a different color and it's been added at a different date so these are later additions over here well let me before I finish this this one we just have a fellow
in our team who is just finished his doctrate on this manuscript I was with him yesterday and I can't tell you what he's told me because he hasn't published yet what we're not going to tell you is this is at least from the mid 8th Century 750 so this is 100 years after Muhammad it is the best manuscript they have it's about 99% of the of the Quran except there are 2,240 manuscript variants that means words or phrases different in that manuscript than the Quran I have in my hand today so this is not perfect
nor is it early and it's not the Quran that we have today over on the right side is the suan which is in tasket ekis thought that was considered to be the greatest of all the manuscript until they started looking at it and they realize it only goes up to chapter 43 there's 14 chapters in the Quran of the 43 chapters only one chapter is complete 16 don't even exist in the 43 and the others that do are full of what we call manuscript variants there is so many grammatical errors in this Quran that has
become an embarrassment for Muslim Scholars they're no longer using it this is dated to the mid 8th Century then we get to this one here that is the m manuscript script which is the one that is in London it's called the 2165 it also only has goes up to chapter 43 there's 114 chapters you notice it has a slanted script so that's a much earlier script yet it is full of manuscript variants much like this one over here on the right so that's the one in London this is the one in Paris that's called the
petropolitan manuscript it also doesn't have any Dawson vowels none of these have Dawson vowels this before Dawson vs were invented but it is the late 8 sorry that is the late 8th Century this is the early 8th Century about 72 7:30 it has only only has 23% of the Quran and there are 93 variants manuscript variants that means words or phrases different in that text from the Quran we have today then we get to the hosi manuscript this is the Manu this is called a Monumental text it's there in uh in Egypt in Cairo it
is a 9th century manuscript not an 8th century and if you can look you notice there are coverings coverings coverings can you see coverings hundreds of cover coverings we're going to get to that proving that it has been changed and manipulated over the centuries now we find the most exciting manuscript this is the Sana manuscript that was found in Yemen there in the sa um mosque when they were cleaning the Dome they came across a trap door they opened the trap door and thousands of manuscripts fell to the ground not surprising because when manuscripts start
to deteriorate they don't burn them they don't destroy them they put them and they store them up in mosques the problem is when they came to this one it had no Dawson vows so this is a very old manuscript and they couldn't read it so they brought they flew down three Germans Dr Von bolmer Dr OLG and Dr Garrett Pinn in 1981 to look at this manuscript they took pictures of these are their pictures this is not the original manuscript these are their pictures and notice here is chapter 19 right at that yellow mark it
jumps as chapter 22 what happened to chapter 20 21 20 begins over on this side but can you see there are two different scripts there's 60 years between these two pages that's dated to 705 this is dated to about 765 to 770 so there's 60 years difference between these Pages what's more interesting see every time you see an orange Mark every time you see an orange Mark that's a manuscript variant that means words and phrases in that script that are different from the Quran we have today thousand of these that they've been able to find
Dr G Pin and his wife Dr Elizabeth pin so no what do we know none of these six manuscript the earliest manuscripts we can find are from the seven Cent none of them are complete none of them completely agree with each other none of them completely agree with the current 1924 Huff STS all of them have hundreds and even thousands of subsequent manuscript variants so when was there a complete Quran well before we get into that question let's go back to the SAA manuscript and let's ask another question because as they were looking at this
manuscript they noticed that it had a subtext can you see there's a writing underneath and there's a writing above when you write on animal skin you if you decide to change your mind you can wash it off and then right over top of it and when it's washed off you've pretty well washed all the ink off that's okay when immediately happens the problem is hundreds of years later the ink starts to bleed through so when they looked at it they saw they could see an under Tex underneath so when they put it under ultraviolet light
you could see a complete text so the Dr gar Pinn and Elizabeth Pinn decided to separate the two Dr Asma hilali also did the same thing and what they found is the under text the topper text remember is dated 705 so it's the earliest manuscript we can find anywhere in the world the under text however is only made up of 63 verses yet by comparing the under text with the upper text there were 70 variants just between the two texts under text would have been written about 690 so that's a 7th Century this is the
first 7th Century chronic script we can find comparing it to an 8th Century upper text there are 70 variants where there are verbs and nouns 25 times that are missing articles participles conjunctions that are missing prepositions isolated letters 29 times don't agree and expressions entire sentences 16 times entire sentences don't agree this is not a school Tech like Asma hilali gling claiming that these were just pck this lower text was nothing more than students writing with their own pens they didn't know what they were writing so they just washed off and wrote the real text
above no you don't waste parchment on students cuz that's animal skin that caus those are hugely expensive so obviously this was a nent Dr Elizabeth Quin got it right this is a nent Quran with corrections then washed off and Rewritten over the in 705 this is the time of ABD Malik remember ABD Malik is the same one that builds the Dome of the Rock that introduces the coins he is also the one that is looking for an identity for himself when you're looking for identity for the ishmaelites what do you do you need a text
looks like this is the beginning of that text we're now seeing it the evolution just on this one manuscript now talking about carbon dating we need to be careful with that because when when they went to the SAA manuscript they decided to send four fragments of the same page to four different Laboratories there in Europe they went to Leon in France Keel in Germany Zurich in Switzerland and Oxford and this is what they found the one that was there in Leon they dated that script from 393 up to around 550 the one in Keel dated
from about 405 up to 460 the one in zich dated it from around 460 up to 550 and the one in the Oxford in England dated the exact same fragment from 500 to 550 you notice they didn't agree with each other that's the first problem what's more notice they were all dated between 390 and 550 note when the life of Muhammad I've just put up there there's the life of muhammmad 570 to 632 that's 80 to 200 years too early these all predate Islam by a good 80 to 220 years notice when the Quran was
written right up there where I've just circled these texts therefore are 100 to 260 years too early so you cannot say that these were written at the time of Muhammad they are pre-islamic Prem Muhammad and of course pre text now we get to the Birmingham folios which you all heard about in 2015 this was all over the news they have finally found the Quran that Muhammad probably read Dr David Thomas said the writer of this manuscript could well have known the prophet Muhammad he would probably have seen him probably he would maybe have heard heard
him preach he may have known him personally and that really is quite a thought to conjure here's the manuscript we're looking about what do you notice about it it's only two pages front and back is that entire manuscript of the Quran absolutely not and you need to read what's written on those two pages it's easy you can read it in Arabic though there's no knots and vowels on it you can see pretty well where they come to really those two those two pages front and back two folios are really only 33 verses taken from Surah
18 Surah 19 and Surah 20 today but in those three suras you have 343 verses so this is only 10% of those suras and they do not follow in sequence that you find in the Quran today what's more take a look at the content Surah 18 17-31 is about the seven sleepers of Ephesus that's a pagan story that comes from 512 ad this is pre-islamic is it not chapter 19 9891 is comes from Proto evangelium of James that's from the 2 Century a and then Surah 420 I 1 to 40 is a story of Moses
excuse me which comes from the Bible itself what is that tell you looks like if you're putting together a Quran you need a borrow where do you borrow from Pagan sources Christian sectarian writings and Jewish writings right you have to have what's already there if you're borrowing they have to pre-exist right and of course they wrote in Arabic because there were Jews who were Arab there were also Christians who were Arab and there were pagans who were Arab so what you're looking at is basically the very do material the very documents which the Quran was
was finally created but notice they're not in sequence so these are just bits and pieces thrown together which then finally made the Quran in probably the 8th Century now we get to Dan Brew Baker and we get to this book and this is a book I want you all bias in the back table this is his book Dr Daniel Brewbaker did his doctrinal thesis on looking at the manuscripts he was the first in the world to actually go to all the manuscripts get invited into the different museums and the different schools and to film them
to photograph them he was only interested in the RM in the Continental text those manuscripts that I showed so this has nothing to do with the dots and vowels that we talked about earlier this is not Kat the 8th 9th and 10th Century he's looking at the earliest manuscripts which have no dots and vowels and he wanted to film them and what did he find when he filmed them he found that there were lots of them have insertions above the line see that word there there's another word above the line here's another one so insertions
are been added that means their Texs is changing then he found hundreds of erasers see there's an eraser there's an eraser there's an eraser there's an eraser these erasers are censoring the text when he looked at the insertions and he found what was left over every one of those insertions then made and standardized the text to the hfan ofum text to this book here every time you see an insertion it and now standardized it and censored it so that it equaled this book here when he looked at the erasers what was left behind Now supported
this text here the hsan awam he also found hundreds of erasers overwritten so they erase they over right over top there's a whole word with just three letters overwritten here they even changed a different color here you have a whole word that's just re that's just of written the CF the and the HFF and the lamb just three letters in every case here you find overriding with erasers there's the overriding then the erasers you see see the raes underneath in two complete lines that were written over top in a much later ink in every case
when this was done this is called censorship standardizing the text so it now paralleled this text the hsan aome your text sorry it was your text you're awesome aren't you it almost sounds like a w s o m NY didn't mean that but you can take it if you want it and then many times especially in the husi script manuscript he found these cover see covering there on with paper see your covering look at this one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight coverings what's left over just looks like chicken scratches doesn't it the
one in the middle this one over here look at the covering there's a covering there's a covering there's a covering there's a covering there's a all these covering wholesale coverings why are they covering it to censor it so that what's left over now supports this text here the hsan awam text in every case it censors it here you can see selective covering overwritten there they just rote over top of it they didn't even bother to show that this is they were censoring it then you get to these tapings when Dr breaker looked at this he
thought maybe that was for damage but when you looked at the backside there was no damage there that's censorship they were covering in a whole section so that it fit the the the Huff Tex now we decide to take this down to Speaker's Corner and to introduce it in 2019 you're going to see me and Hut and huton up on the ladder while we were there the man who is responsible for all of the manuscript worldwide on the Islamic awareness website his name is mansur ahed you've already seen him in some of the clips before
he comes and puts his lad next to mine to confront me and he decides to go one step further watch and see what he does he's going to make a claim in this where he's going to claim that we don't have to worry about these manuscripts we can trace the Quran all the way back to utman all the way back to 652 I'm going to hang him on that by asking three questions you're going to see me ask is can you Prov provide a manuscript from the time of wman complete 114 suras he can't can
you provide one from the sth century he can't can you provide from even the first century of Islam which goes from 622 to 719 I gave him two extra years I gave it 721 look and see what happens our Quran that we read today has a continuous textual tradition in our Manus tradition so now what we establish is this the Quran when we in the manuscript Traditions by those isolated errors trial errors we have a orally in my written form that the Quran we read today is the Quran that has been transmitted by our generations
of Muslims from day one from the prophet Sall Ali wasallam quickly very quickly before you leave how far does that tradition go back to that is why how far does that Trad go back to absolute certainty of our textual and oral trans of the Quran because not did you see he's saying textual and oral also do you have a textual condition that goes back to 652 look do you have a textual tradition that goes back to 652 yes or no any text does you have a text all the way back to any text of the
Quran that you examine any text so when we examine the Quran in the manuscript traditions we have almost quarter of a million manuscript of the Quran across the world in libraries you're not answering the question do they go back to do they go back to 652 you are interrupting when I'm speaking well answer the question so we have from our textual tradition alone more than 99% of the quranic text from the first Islamic Century okay tell explain when the first Islamic Century goes to it goes from 662 to 22 up to 721 so we're talking
about the 8th Century am I correct if you go to islamica awareness.org in which we have tabulated and shown quranic manuscripts all around the world with references which ones are cated which ones are polygraphically dated you will see the amount of first century within Islam first cury Islam the quranic that we have you have Z of them are okay here we go have you heard the claim he has made do you have 114 suras of the Quran in one manuscript that is from the mid sth century yes or no no do you have a complete
Quran from the time of bman 114 suras in our hands today that we can look at do you want an answer or do you want him to Waffle on no you don't we have at the moment you must be a Christian right question do you want an answer to this okay let's continue on his answer is no they do not have that do you have a complete Kuran from the Century at all do you have a complete Quran that's 114 SS from the same Century that Muhammad lived yes or no as I said from the
first century of Islam the first century goes up to 721 that's the 8 Century so your answer is 8th Century are you do you have a complete Kuran by the 721 L yes or no yes or no yes or no the guy who is demanding a complete Quran from you know the answering the question is yes or no let me respond to you in time right if you examine the manuscript traditions of Jewish scripture we're not talking about Jewish scripture now and we're not talking about Jewish scripture we're talking about quranic scripture because we don't
make this claim only the Muslims make this claim it is the Muslim that just now said that we can go back to the first Century of Islam that's ah which goes from 622 to 721 and that we can find a complete manuscript tell me where give me the name did I not say of course you did not listen to what I'm saying that's why you need to oh you're going to change it now so you don't have a manuscript do you have a complete manuscript in the first century of Islam chicken not say you come
on we have more than 90 7 not complete of the text of the Quran which is not that's all I need to hear now did you notice he cannot claim a complete manuscript he cannot claim because there is no complete manuscript he wants to take it back to the first century ah what he's not telling you is that almost every one of these manuscripts are from the eth and 9th century what we're looking at today are the earliest manuscripts there is nothing early than the pist there is nothing earlier than the top copy there is
nothing earlier than the SAA manuscript when you look at those manuscripts how many variants do we have go ahead Manson give us the number that Dan has found we've been asking now for 1 half hour and listen you can do the same thing when Muslims make these claims just shut them down and just say all right you are the ones that claim man that 652 you can't come up with a manuscript let's try the 7th Century they can't come up with the manip let's try the first century ah which goes up to 719 I gave
him two extra years he could not find any man but look what he said at the very end we have 96% of the Quran what is he talking about to understand you need to go up to the Islamic awareness website and that's what he's talking about this is what he's put up there that's the 96% not one manuscript but 63 fragments that they've grabbed and pulled together to make 96% of the Quran assuming that all of these fragments are earlier than 719 so we decided to do some work on this and we went through every
one of those manuscripts and most of them down here if you look down here they're only a few one one one or two verses this one up here is half the Quran that's the M manuscript 2165 that's the biggest one they have so we wanted to date them we wanted to find the datings if he was correct that these are before 719 and this is what we found of the 63 fragments 20 that you see going up right now are tentatively dated with disagreements between Scholars and yet therefore no one's come to any conclusion on
them so why did he use those 20 because he needed them to fill up this 70 the 96% nine of them including the M the most important one the one that gives them half the Quran right there is after 719 it's dated to 790 The Late 8th Cent uh the late 8th century and the other 34 no one has done any work on so none of them they should have used because no one's come to any agreement on them since no work's been done on them they just grabbed them because they needed them so they
could fill up their 96% knowing that in hoping that no one would ever check them out we've checked them all out which means in other words that none of them are really valid since all of them are either late or tentatively dated or have no supporting evidence therefore you need to make sure Muslims don't pull the hwi on you this is the best they've got and they can't even come up with one manuscript within 100 Years of Muhammad can you see a problem for them that's why they're no longer making these claims because we've shut
this down so how in the world did this Quran come into being why was this one chosen you'd like to know the story don't you well let's go back and ask that question to understand that you need to go back to Cairo you go need to go back to 1924 in 1924 the students high school students were coming and they were having standardized tests there in Cairo and they were answering with 30 different answers because if you have 30 different qurans seven of the Kat 14 of their disciples another three kid out and six of
their disciples but coming from all over Egypt and other parts of the Muslim world you're going to have 30 different answers you can't have standardized tests so they decided to go to Muhammad Al hus alhad who is a claric well-known scholar in alazard University there in Cairo and they asked they decided to ask him which is the Quran that we can use for standard tests and he gave him this one here this is it right here this is the ham this is your students H your Huffs right or you are you w your sorry your
Huffs so this is your Quran right here they chose this one here as it why do you think they chose his Quran and no one else's not popularity this time it had to do with the Ottomans the Ottomans had chosen it it was the Ottomans who back in 1299 when they started putting finding all these different qurans and also by the time the 15th century 1429 when they saw there were now 30 different krons decided to choose this one as their official one mainly because Huffs you live very close to them and also you are
the easiest to memorize so between the 1300s up until 1924 that 700e period they started standardizing all the manuscripts now can you see why those manuscripts are standardized why because they controlled all the manuscripts for 700 years they controlled the manuscripts that's why they were putting insertions and erasing and rising over top and didn't really think anybody would check them out they were standardizing the text for 700 years so that 1924 alhusen had no other choice but to use this one cuz all the other manuscripts fit this one with all the corrections you can see
they're they're easy to see you all saw them with your on eyes didn't you the insertions above the erasers the rubbing out or the coverings hundreds and hundreds of covering so what did they do with the other 29 they took the other 29 and they threw him into the Nile thinking that would get rid of them not very smart smart is it what they didn't what they didn't realize is about hatun haton that and in 2012 almost 80 years later decided to ask one simple question could you give me a Quran and now we've been
able to find all of them we've been able to find all 30 of them you can buy nine of them on the internet right now these different ones I want to show these two right here because these are the your two yours is this one written in 796 yours is this one watch written in 82 12 this is yours is from Cairo yours is from kufa which is today bdad how many differences between these two books would you guess 1 2 3 four more 5,000 differences between these two books that's why you have to continue
reading it if you're a Huffs family and in North Africa you have to keep memorizing this because you cannot change youve it's been passed down from family to family no wonder then no wonder these are so damaging completely damaging and doesn't matter whether you throw them into the Nile you don't get rid of them because you have to figure that hatun Tash will find them in a few years now that was was so successful in Cairo that in Egypt in 1936 they decided to make the hsan AUM the official text for the entire country and
they call it the Faruk Edition named after King faruko who came to power that year that was so successful in Egypt that the Saudi Arabian government in 1985 decided to make the Huff an AUM your text the official text for the whole world to stop this problem how many people are sitting in this room tonight who are were alive in 1985 just raise your hands oo look at all of you every one of you are older than the canonized text of the Quran doesn't that make you feel old so here's the thing where did the
Quran come from let's go ahead now you want the big question where did they put this material from to do that we need to start with this man here and this is the man that opened up a whole can of worms back in the 1970s Dr gun Luling he's a German historian Theologian philologist arabist and ayric Scholar he was a theologian in 1970 doing his doctoral thesis and when he was doing his doctoral thesis he was looking at these beautiful poetry that's in the Quan which about a third of the Quan is beautiful poetry no
doubt about it you've been told that haven't you and of course it is beautiful to you as an arabist and this is what muslim's claim is the reason why this had to come from God cuz how could Muhammad who could not read or write write such beautiful poetry you're going to hear this claim all the time well he said hold on a minute I've seen that before so he decided to look at these text these poetry and then he started to lift out the dots the five dots and lift out the three vowels and replace
it with syak dots and syc vowels and found that all of this beautiful poetry could be traced back to St Ephraim and other Christian hymns written in the fourth fifth and sixth Century all written in syak showing that this was nothing new Under the world the Poetry is beautiful but don't give credit to Muhammad for it give credit to the Christians that wrote it it all came from us a few year because of that he was thrown out of the university in Germany thrown Into Obscurity by 1972 he was on welfare not permitted to go
remember if you get Xmen Opus in Germany the highest grade you can get you were given a professorship in any University he was was not given any professorship because of what he found it was so damaging I went to see him in the late 1990s and uh I wanted to I was visiting another scholar there at that time and I asked him if I could look at his doctrate and I saw the I don't speak German but I could see the first sentence was 400 words long I wasn't about to even try to get that
translated but I said I would like to get this translated into English would you mind so I took it back with me back to England and we translated it with German Scholars there and then we handed it back to him he sent it over to needed to get it published and because of that it went into the English speaking world so that everybody could read it and he was resurrected brought back into Academia so that by the time he died in 2014 he was a happy man all because we got it written in English there's
his book called a challenge to Islam for reformation because of what that book did this man named Christo luberg I can't show you his picture because he's there is a death threat on him decided to go one step further when you look at the Quran about a quarter of the Quan just makes no sense the scholars don't know what to do with it they can't understand it so you got to do something with it how can you find out what it is well Dr kristofh luberg decided to do what gther Luling did earlier and he
went through seven different processes uh he first looked at alab 10th century and couldn't find any help he went to the Lan Al which is the dictionary from manur in 1290 couldn't find any help he tried to look for homonyms and synonyms roots in Aramaic and suddenly he started finding help so therefore he said well if these are syc like what gther Ling found let's try to lift off the diacritics and put Aramaic diacritics went to Aramaic roots and different diacritical marks then retranslated the Arabic words into Aramaic with semantics of s Aramaic words went
to the uh the 10th Century SRA Aramaic lexicon by the time he went to the seventh process he was able to reproduce all 25% of the dark passages and guess what he found every one of these passages are Christian lectionaries Christian homones and Christian hymns all about Jesus Christ everything was about Jesus it's not what he found it was who he found he found Jesus all through these texts these dark passages conclusion when you look at the four periods of textual Evolution if you look at the cran you'll notice in the sth century you had
the Aramaic text from those who were outside of the Cities they were the ones who were the Israelites they did not belong to the cities they were not part of the seminaries they did not speak syc therefore they were not part of the discussion the theological discussions happening in the cities but they were AR they were Arabs and so when they then lifted these writings in the 7th century when Abdul Malik came to power and was the their greatest champion they then took these Aramaic writings and they took throw off the vs and put their
own writings on their own dots their own vowels in the 8th Century to create their own text that was done in the 8th and 9th century by the time the kots and the afus were then added up to the 10th Century you then had 700 different crons which then had a Whittle down to 30 qurans which then in the 2 uh uh the 19th century last sorry the 20th century last century then had to be rid down to one Quran so you can see there basically are four different canonic canons of the Quran that we
can trace through that period finally before I go on remember I told you to memorize those four words that most Muslims claim for their Quran I said the Quran they claim is eternal right that it was sent down right and that it was complete at one time and that it has never changed since that time those are the four claims that Muslims make well I think today we pretty well refuted all of that it was not Eternal there's no way you can say he's Eternal because it's been changed manipulated and heed and deleted and corrupted
all the way through the last 1400 years uh excuse me 13300 years so we cannot say that that's their word of God anymore and we cannot say the same thing about our Bible Well we will not make those claims for our word of God but remember our Bible is not the only word of God we have we have another word of God a greater word of God the logos who took on flesh and dwelt Among Us in John 1 wasn't he also the word of God yes so let's apply these four criteria to him and
let's see if they work is Jesus Eternal yes was Jesus sent down yes is Jesus complete compl yes has Jesus ever changed no the four things Muslims need for their holy their greatest revelation we have in Jesus Christ folks the four criteria Muslims are looking for in their Quran their primary revelation we already have in Jesus Christ Our primary Revelation therefore we need to bring them home to a much greater and better Revelation his name is Jesus now let's conclude with what we've seen today these are the conclusion when all is said and done I
looked at four areas I looked at the source problem I looked at the problem with Mecca I looked at the problem with Muhammed and I looked at the problem with the Quran let's look at the conclusions our remit my remit today was to investigate both Mecca Muhammad and the Quran to do that we need to look at the sources where we get them information from and we found that all the sources for the book The Man the place are based on Traditions standard Islamic narrative which are 2 to 300 years too late and hundreds of
miles too far to the North Mecca proves was by far the biggest problem for a Muslim because it still exists today the standard Islamic narrative refers to a place with much vegetation existing since Adam and Eve and with 300 prophets buried yet it's not referred to until 741 the mid 8th century and none of the early Maps show Mecca at all butar Crona debunked watt's land-based trade rout theory in her book published in 1987 called mecc and trade in the rise of Islam we debunked the Red Sea trade rout via Arabia proving it was all
via Africa not for Arabia because Arabia did not have water whereas Africa did all of the 7th Century Kias were facing Petra up until 706 and not Mecca until 7:15 none of the surrounding Empires ever heard of Mecca and all of the stages of the HUD were simply borrowed from other places mostly from Jerusalem continuing on Muhammad when we looked at the Muhammad the coins proved that the area under Islam was either Christian or zeran up until 692 The Rock inscriptions Pro that Islam as we know it did not appear until 7:30 all of the
sth century references for Muhammad are way too far north or refer to someone else who is the praised one the Quran the six earliest manuscripts proved that men created six different qurans between the 7th and 9th century the Birmingham folos Pro that Muslims Bal stories created long before the Quran the 30 Kats which proliferated from the 8th to 10th centuries proved that the Quran was evolving everywhere holding up the 26 kots in 2016 at Speaker's Corner opened up a whole can of worms for Muslim Scholars the interview between Muhammad hijab and yasak kadi on June
8 2020 created a platform for us to go public with the Kat narrative the 29 Gat variants dumped into the Nile in 1924 proved that when Muslims find problems with their Quran they either burn them washed them erased them cover them or sink them to destroy the evidence the 4,000 conal variants prove that Muslims have accreted deleted and corrupted their text before standardizing it in the last century the 63 fragments employed to just to find just 96% of the cran proves they still cannot find a complete cran for over 100 years as the fragments are
tentative or have no sources the Aramaic Proto Quran proves that when we go back to the original text we will find Jesus so possible overview the sth to 8th Century Arabs in order to create their own distinct identity needed a book they needed a place they needed a man they have to to be able to compete with us who already have a book a place in a man our book The Bible the man Jesus the place Jerusalem they needed therefore the Quran Muhammad and Mecca but it did not take 22 years like Muslims like to
believe or the standard Islamic narrative tells us but centuries proving that Islam is as man-made as any other religion unlike Christianity now we can use this material today to disprove the preservation of the Quran and muhammmad and Mecca it is Islam and not us who are arguing from Silence remember the debate I had he was saying I argued from Silence we have flip that on its head now we have the evidence we have the stones we have the coins we have the manuscripts we have the buildings we have the Kias what does Islam have everything
they're going to reply to you every time they're going to answer you they have to go to the nth and 10th Century that means they are now arguing from Silence we no longer are which makes my job so easy these arguments hit at the very foundations of Islam yet they are neutral and politically correct that means anybody can use it why is the historical criti so popular why is this so popular I've just come back from being in Italy sh using this in Italy I used it in Switzerland uh in September I then went down
to Nigeria I went to Lagos I went to Abuja I went to Jos which is surrounded by boo Haram when I introduced what I just introduced you tonight they were dancing in the aisles because they need this material they absolutely need it more than you need it they need it because Islam is blowing down just blowing up and taking over not only the political structure they're taking over land this material is visual notice everything I've showed you has been on the screen how many people just raise your hand how many people understood what I've said
tonight wow that's about 90% of you understood what I've said tonight how many of those who have understood it could do it on your own using this PowerPoint in about another month or two that's amazing do you see how easy this is how many of you are are actually happy you don't have to learn Arabic to use this material the biggest problem we're having whenever we go on and we get people to go out into the Muslim world is number one fear they are fearful of confronting Islam the second biggest problem is they have to
learn Arabic this is visual everything I've shown you its coins rocks buildings Maps timelines and manuscript all you need to do is show your Muslim friends these timelines these Maps these coins these manuscripts that's all you need to do and let them come to their own conclusion you don't have to know any Arabic at all well I did show you some Kat and you did follow me and most of you could see what I was talking about but that's about all you need to know you didn't really have to know Arabic you just have to
know what the slashes look like and why that they were difference be between the two texts notice that everything we've knew tonight is foundational to everything Muslims believe it features one book one man in one place yet without any any one of these three Islam Falls to Pieces they need all three we take out even one and Islam Falls it is historically neutral and therefore not islamophobic or hate speech have I used any hate speech tonight have I used any islamophobic speech I've been putting this up on my YouTube site fander films back in 2020
I had 20,000 subscribers in the last three years I've gone up to 93 2,000 subscribers about ready to go over 100,000 all because of this material I have not got one strike in the last three years cuz how can you strike me with this material this is neutral I'm not using any hate speech I'm not attacking Muhammad I'm not attacking Muslims I'm not talking about his sexual proclivity I'm not talking about his violence I'm just asking a much deeper question is it true prove to me that there was a man named Muhammad in the 7th
Century that there was a Quran in the 7th Century that there was a place called Mecca in the 7 Century that's all I'm asking that's all you need to ask it is as neutral as you can get but here's the problem I don't want anybody but you to use it I'll tell you why when I left Speaker's Corner back in 2017 my last day there I'd been there for 25 years from 1992 to 2017 every Sunday taking on Muslims hundreds at a time sometimes when I left the last man to see me good say goodbye
was a an atheist named named Steven who had been a thorn in my side for years and he said Jay please don't go and I said what do you mean don't go you've been a thorn in my side I'm the probably the first room you want to leave he says no no no he says you're the first Christian we've met that hasn't spend their time telling us their testimony what God has done for them for me as a atheist is I don't care about what God has done for them because he hasn't done that to
me but you you're the first one that's actually looked at manuscripts has looked and asked the historical question has tried to prove that Jesus did exist at that time doing these things at that place and now you flipped that and now asking the same questions that you have supported for Jesus you're asking of Muhammad and this is what we want we're asking Christians could you please be it more simple tell us that it's true prove that Jesus lived then that he did these things that that happened at that place at that time with that man
and now you're doing the same thing with Islam and I love this material and I turned to him and I said hold on a minute Steve I don't want you to use this material you're an atheist your interest is just to destroy Islam you want to destroy the the book of The Man in the place you want to destroy Allah you want to destroy the Quran you want to destroy Muhammad you want to destroy Mecca but what are you going to replace it with you have nothing to replace it with you don't love these people
but I do of course I love them I've spent 40 years with them how could I hurt and Destroy what they believe they believe in God I don't want to destroy that I just want to take them from that God and bring him home take him from Allah bring him back to Yahweh they believe in Revelation these are the best people in the world cuz they're halfway there they've just got the wrong book and we need to bring them back to this book because I see what that book's doing to them I see what it
does to families I see what it does to women I see what it does to children I see what it does to communities we need to bring them home to this book they've got the wrong Jesus Isa is not the right Jesus I want to bring him back to Yeshua and they've got the wrong Prophet look and see what he did to those who stood against him I want to take him from Muhammad and bring him back to Jesus but you can't Stephen you can't do any of this you just want to make them nilus
please don't use this we have to use this folks this is our material this is our debate this really is our apologetic not just a pmic we're not interested in just a pmic we want to bring them home to Jesus don't you we want to bring them home because they have been gone too long let's pray our heavenly father what a God you are Lord I want to thank you that you are the one that came down to earth and you lived with us and you walked and talked with us for 33 years but you
don't leave us destitute you then died in Ros again and only you can do that only you did that and that's why we need to bring people to know who you are we need to bring them home to you we need to bring them away from Allah back to Yahweh away from Muhammad back to Jesus away from the Quran back to the Bible and away from from Mecca back to Jerusalem Lord that's our job and you've you've equipped us now you've given us this material I know that you had it put it in the ground
so that we could look at it you put those coins there you put those inscriptions there you even put those manuscripts there so that we could use them today knowing that this would be the debate in the 21st century so Lord we ask those of us who are here and those of us who are going to watch it on YouTube Lord we ask that you really equip us not to just confront Muslims but to love them love them home to you may that be our volition may that be on our minds and our thoughts May
everything we do represent you and may the most important thing of bringing of confronting their book their man and their place is to bring them back to a better book a better man and a better place and that's you Lord in Christ's name we pray amen amen all right well uh Dr J where can they find all of your materials and if they want to do some deeper study you go up on fander Films it's PF n d r films f i l Ms I should have written it up there um I can probably still
do that but fander films is a YouTube site where we're uniquely confronting the historical critique and we've been doing it since 2006 remember YouTube only existed in 2005 so almost as long as YouTube for 28 years we've been confronting this material go up there I try to put up a new video every 2 to 3 days at least once a week so that we you can keep a breast of all that's happening right now we're now following back Muhammad's name looking and find the antecedence to this also you can go up on ala s International
c i a which is alfar site we work together he and I hand and foot so both s International and on fander Films starting with a p that's great so you guys know where to find his stuff also as you guys exit through these back doors you're going to get a bag that looks like this um Pastor George saig has created enough bags for everyone in this room to have one they're totally free and what we what we want you to do with this bag is to take it and give it to a Muslim friend
give it to a Muslim neighbor somebody that you know um Jesus told us about the three men who each receive talents two of them invested their talents and the one that was given one Talent buried it in the sand let's be the ones that invested our talents cuz I don't know if you guys caught it the heart behind this whole thing is the love of Jesus Christ um before you guys go would you join me in praying for Dr J father God we come before you this afternoon Lord and we just thank you Lord for
what we've just learned father we lift up Dr J and the work and the research that he's been doing and God we just pray Lord God For Your Glory sake Lord God and and that this would continue Lord Lord God that you would keep Dr J safe from the the threats that he receives on a regular basis Lord God that you would keep his family safe Lord God we pray that you would continue Lord to reveal more and more to him Lord God that he might be able to get this information Lord God as as
he shared Lord that this information is causing a rift in the Islamic world and Muslims are coming to Christ Lord we pray for dreams and Visions Lord God in in the lives of Muslims Lord God we pray Lord that by your Holy Spirit Lord God we know that we can give them all the evidence in the world and that will break down some of these intellectual strongholds but Lord It's Your holy spirit that needs to enter into their heart and their mind Lord it needs to be your love love Lord God that captures their hearts
Lord it needs to be a Christian that they see in their life who's not afraid to tell them the truth but is also not afraid to welcome them into their lives bring them to their table and show them what the love of Christ looks like in action Lord God that we might provoke the Muslims to jealousy Lord as they see the love of Christ lived out in the people sitting in this room Lord God we pray for the Muslims Lord who are living in this city Lord in the SoCal area Lord we know that there
are literally millions of Muslims living in the SoCal area those from Somalia those from Afghanistan one of the most unreached countries in the world from Pakistan Lord from all over the world you've brought them here right into our own backyard Lord God would you use us Lord God like I like we prayed in the beginning Lord God would this mour Lord be like a ripple effect out into the Muslim World Lord as Christians obey your command to make disciples of all Nations Lord we thank you for the time that you've given us we pray that
you would be glorified as we go out these doors Lord as we enter the mission field father we pray in Jesus name amen amen right God bless you
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