My family disowned me after my girlfriend accused me of struggle snuggling her...

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My family disowned me after my girlfriend accused me of struggle snuggling her, and now they want to...
Video Transcript:
my family disowned me after my girlfriend accused me of struggle snuggling her and now they want to reconnect my ex-girlfriend cheated on me and after I found out and confronted her about it she got scared and told nearly everybody we knew that I had struggles snuggled her to cover up her cheating I was placed in custody during the investigation however I was released as there was no evidence my parents had already disowned me and most of my friends had distanced themselves from me I wasn't even proven innocent by a jury so my parents still believed
me to be a struggle snuggler who had gotten lucky my best friend began to help me behind their backs and I ran away I had nothing to lose as nobody liked or even approached me and my college barred me from attending lessons only emailing me the work and bringing me in for exams I went as far away from that town as I could and got an apartment after working in some Community jobs for some money I managed to sort of stabilize myself I decided to change my name after a while because I came to hate
looking at it for some reason I still don't know why this helped me start a new slate and I made a few new friends when I went into University again I don't know why I did this I'm still in truckloads of dead and was incredibly poor looking back I finished my degree in teaching and moved far away to a country on the opposite side of the globe where I now live live I got a nice apartment and settled down in my new job eventually I met a girl who turned out to become my now wife
initially I couldn't trust her I would Flinch if she tried to touch me or I'd start fidgeting when she got close however after realizing how much patience she had with me I fell head over heels for her she eventually gave birth to my twin daughter and son whom I adore and will defend to the edge of the universe her family got used to me very quickly considering I was a foreigner and not very trusted they treated me well and I sort of remembered how a loving family actually is now I'm living in a nice house
with both of my children and wife and were very happy that is until last night when I was playing on our PlayStation with my son while my wife and daughter were in the garden there was a knock on the door and lo and behold my father was there he smiled weakly and began to speak but I slammed the door so hard I scared my son I took him to his room and called for my wife to take my daughter to her bed she was freaking out and so was I my father kept knocking on the
door and I just broke down in that moment my wife comforted me and then answered the door for me she asked who he was and he said he was my father I had given my wife a vague background of me and she had nothing but sorrow for me she looked understandably pissed and began to scream at my father for abandoning me and whatnot after she calmed down I told her to let him in and instructed her to go to our kids bedroom to keep them busy while I talk to my dad he explained that he
was doing my ex-girlfriend a favor by clearing some stuff on her phone while he was managing her messages he stumbled upon a conversation between her and the guys she cheated on me with expressing guilt for ruining my life and a desire to take it all back my father didn't confront her as he wasn't ready to revive a dead situation but silently began to search for me to share his belief in my innocence I don't even know how he found me but I don't care because he's here now for the part I need help with I
don't know what to do I've considered my options after wandering through random streets and I've come to some conclusions but I'm not sure what the best decision is I could turn him away telling him to go back to our country leaving me alone or I could reconcile with him and meet my mother again for the first time in forever update one I visited my father in his hotel and informed him that I wouldn't reconcile with him or anything like that he had tears in his eyes but was understanding he mentioned that he had told my
mother about her and cut my ex-girlfriend off from the family entirely I asked him why there was still contact as many of you questioned and he explained that she apparently felt too guilty to really let us go I'm not too inclined to believe it as were many of you but it's closure enough for me apparently my mother didn't take the news too well and try to get my phone number but my father didn't let in not sure what I could really trust given that I feel most of it is just a ploy to get me
back into their lives but after they threw me out onto the streets like a Rabbid dog it just makes me sick my son did end up asking who was at the door but I told him that it was a colleague I planned to tell both of them what happened to me in my past when they're older or going through tough times to let them know that I understand we're all fine it shook me up a bit but I hope I have my father's word on him keeping my new life a secret update to I recently
had an incident with my family involving them breaking a promise it angered me incredibly and after a lot of thought I decided I would face them directly I flew back to my home country and met with everybody involved my mom dad brother and even the girl who accused me I was nervous of course but I was shocked when I realized I didn't really see them as family I recognized them of course but I didn't see them the way I see my wife kids and in-laws my mother started by breaking into tears and trying to apologize
I just felt disgusted by it my father comforted my mother and my brother was the one who kept his composure and initiated the conversation he asked me how I was doing and I responded by telling him to cut any small talk and that this meeting was on my terms I told all of them that I was not looking for reconciliation and I simply wanted closure I made sure to tell them that I would call the police should they attempt to chase me I asked my parents why they were so quick to abandon me even though
the police said there was no proof they explained that they made a rash decision and seeing me in custody broke their hearts I called them out on it since they didn't try to stick up for me or anything then I asked my brother why he never contacted me he looked surprised and said that he did but I just ignored him all that time turns out he was right my brother had tried hundreds of times to contact me and give me money to get me off Rock Bottom however he questioned why I never answered and assumed
that I hated him because of what happened well as it turns out my mother had my contacts blocked on all of her phone plans as she paid for my brother's old phone plan so I couldn't even receive help when I was completely lost then the cherry on top my ex I first asked her why she actually did it she said that she was scared of what would happen and that she never stopped loving me even throughout it all she claimed that every session of therapy made her feel even more guilty as she knew it was
all fake she then told me that she hadn't dated anyone since in hopes that I would come back and she could apologize because an apology would apparently reverse time and fix it all even that turned out to be a bunch of lies because my father said that he found chat logs of three different partners she had when I was away my ex broke down crying and tried to hold my hand she had the freaking audacity to ask for another chance this just made me spiteful and I pulled out my phone and began showing all of
them hundreds of pictures of my two children's milestones and the good times my family had together our visits to cities their first day of school both of them and my wife in my arms I told her that this was what she could have had if she wasn't so stupid and my parents what they missed out on for not even hearing me out I had a moment when I thought I had gone too far but I realized that compared to what they did to me I hadn't my visit wasn't all miserable though as I met up
with my old best friend and his family they were happy to see me and I was still grateful for them taking me in when it felt like the whole world was against me I planned to return to the country one day to show my kids where half of their culture comes from I won't let them anywhere near my family though as far as I'm concerned my only family is my wife and her family and my kids I'd say it went pretty well
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