*Full Testimony* The devil tried to stop me from posting this

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Video Transcript:
hey guys I have been wanting to refill my testimony for a while now and I've gotten some time to do it I posted one a few years ago but I was still like pretty much in the beginning of my testimony and so I feel like there was just so much that I need to add in there and also just so much to update you guys on so without further Ado here is my full testimony of how I came to Christ how God freed me from depression anxiety alcoholism addictions New Age spirituality sexual morality lust oh
my goodness this is embarrassing um the list goes on but we're going to get right into it so I feel led to really just be fully transparent in this testimony and there's a lot of things that I really haven't publicly spoke on and I just feel like it's going to help someone who is maybe has gone through the same things God can't bless who you pretend to be and so I cannot hide the parts of my story because those parts that are hidden I feel are the most powerful pieces to my testimony I'm going to
just go all out today I need to pray cuz I need God to give me the strength Heavenly Father please Lord God use me as a vessel I pray that this helps someone I pray that this blesses someone help me to just decrease My Flesh and increase in your spirit in Jesus name I pray amen I'm a little nervous but let's get right into it so I'm going to take my testimony back to around 2016 I had lost my virginity for the first time of course it's for okay I lost my virginity to a guy
who I was dating at the time he got me pregnant what kind of luck do I had he was a little bit older and I had just turned 18 and so there was a little it was a little questionable on his end okay but I'm going to take full accountability as well I obviously like shouldn't have laid down with this man but at the time I really thought I was in love okay long story short I was just very young and I just didn't feel like I was ready to be a mom and I was
going to have an abortion just to be open and transparent with you guys but I felt like the Lord had led me down another option but I ended up being way too far along before making that decision and so it became too late to do it and a friend of mine mentioned to me the adoption route and I completely didn't even like think about having an adoption because a part of me was like I don't want to have a kid in this world and I'm not you know like I'm not in their life I don't
know it just s me to think about that but it was a better option than killing the child if we're being completely honest and so I did that I ended up going to Los Angeles California and I went through an adoption agency I got to choose um the family that I felt like was just perfect for this child also I feel like I just skipped through a whole portion me and the guy the guy did not have the finances to take care of a child and he had moved away out of state and I just
didn't want to be left alone with that responsibility and so I decided to take it upon myself to do the adoption and I spoke with him about that and he was a little bit you know upset because I think he wanted me to keep it but in a sense I was like you're not the one that's going to be like having to like kind of go through this mentally I also want to note that my family on my dad's side is pretty like traditional not that they're strict but I just feel like that was not
how my dad said the family like do things like my dad's side of the family is more traditional not that they were like super religious but you get married and then you have a kid and for me obviously I went down the wrong path and so I was just a little bit also like ashamed and like scared to come out with that especially like how young I was my pregnancy I'm not going to lie you guys I hit it from my parents like the whole pregnancy it wasn't until after the adoption that I ended up
telling my mom I know I know so it was a lot that I was going through at such a young age and I had to like hide this from my entire family and all of my friends and I even graduated high school as I was pregnant and no one even knew the only person I told was my best friend at the time and so she was kind of the only one that was like helping me get through this because it was a lot so after I graduate high school I ended up um going to Los
Angeles because I had already planned on moving to California after I graduated and so now it was the perfect time because I'm starting to get big bigger I'm starting to like reveal this baby and I did not want my family to notice and so I literally wasted no time I graduated and a week later I packed my stuff and I drove to California with my best friend at the time I ended up contacting an adoption agency that I was looking into online and I was letting them know that I was on the way there and
I wanted to you know obviously like pursue the adoption route I got to go through a bunch of different like families and pick out which family I felt was the one so that was the whole process for me um but I chose a family that I really do feel like had the finances they had been trying to have a baby for like 10 plus years if I can remember right and I honestly felt so like blessed to be able to like you know help a family that really I never talked about this I'm like trying
to keep it together I'm keeping it together w okay I'm good so where was I so yeah this family was um they've been married and they've been trying to have a baby for 10 plus years and the mom did Express to me that you know they have a huge family as far as like you know uncles and aunties and they were like expressing to me that the child would literally be a blessing to them and I just will never forget like the mom telling me like how much she felt like God had sent her an
angel like I was their angel that you know sent them this child and you know I have a lot of guilt about this whole thing but a lot a part of me feels a little bit of comfort in knowing that I was able to be a blessing in a time where you know like I felt like guilty and ashamed there's also a part of me that feels like I did the right thing like I did a good thing for them and so um I'm grateful that like when you think about it in that sense um
like there's people out here who want a child so badly and they just aren't in that position to have children and I wasn't in any position to be a mom I mean I probably would have made a way but at the time like you couldn't tell me nothing like I did not want to be a mom I just graduated like I thought my life was just beginning and in my head this was going to like set me back nonetheless everything happened for a reason I believe you know that God allowed me to take this route
because one I blessed a family with a child who've been wanting one and you know who have the finances and who have the stability to have and take care of this child and so that was just something that younger me just couldn't provide at the time nonetheless the family was very sweet and it just felt right you know it just felt like the right family mind you I'm alone while I'm giving birth at this Hospital in California my best friend had flew back to um Florida and I was literally giving birth by myself my parents
didn't know my family didn't know not even my sister knew and so that was tough for me after giving birth I was prescribed a lot of per cetes and just drugs to help the pain and stuff like that whole like time to me is like very like blacked out because I was just numb on top of that after I gave birth I was like I was smoking I was drinking just because of like whatever had just happened like I was trying to block it out it was a lot for me to deal with Mally started
to become depressed and I started to run to the alcohol and the the weed to help me you know cope I'm sorry if I'm not looking at you guys this is a lot anyways um so yeah I ran to alcohol I ran to the drugs and you know I was perked up at the time I really don't remember much all I did was like I would just like smoke get high take perks go to bed wake up eat and do the same thing over again like that was my life for a few months and I
also was going through postpartum so it was just a very dark time for me mentally physically um my mom had flew to California a few months later and um I ended up opening up with her about what had happened and the whole adoption process and she was very brokenhearted she was very devastated because you know she just found out she's a grandma and I was going through all of this alone you know and so I think that broke her heart you know knowing that I didn't come to her but also knowing that it was also
too late you know she was asking me like do you still like can you still go in like go in and have the kid like she wanted me to have like to bring the kid she wanted to meet her grandson by the way it was a boy she was just very like very upset with me but nonetheless I think she understood also like the position that I was in and why I did what I did um so let's fast forward I just wanted to give you guys that little backstory because I feel like that's what
really triggered me to get really heavy into the addictions and the alcoholism so I had a child and not only do I have a child but I gave up my child for adoption and so that's where I was so the Depression hit me heavy um I even felt very suicidal at times and um I almost killed myself when I was younger if I'm being honest I remember getting going into the bathroom and I grabbed a knife and I was like going to slit my wrists and I just remember thinking like I don't want to be
here like I don't want to be here um but by the grace of God I'm here today I didn't go through with it there was just something in me that just couldn't let's fast forward okay to like sustain my life so let's fast forward to 2018 I think it was 2018 I'm not going to lie my mind is foggy when it comes to all of this because I kind of just like blacked it out and like buried this deep in my subconscious but now we're bringing it up to the surface so that hopefully this will
inspire and help someone so yeah it was 20 I believe it was 2018 I had just okay La didn't work out I was getting low on funds I'm not going to lie I was running through money because La is expensive um and I could not for the life of me find an apartment because I was so young no credit and so I was renting out a bunch of airbnbs and it was getting very expensive like so I had to I had to go home I think I almost like lasted like a year in Los Angeles
until I had to like make that decision to come back home and live with my parents again once I got back home I'm in a very bad place cuz not only did I go through what I went through but now I'm low on finances y'all I was smoking it up I was drinking it up I was the housing was expensive and crazy everything in La is expensive now I'm going through the adoption um like postpartum I'm going through low finan and that like um stigma of having to move home to your family like knowing that
you failed like you know when you go to La and you're going to like you're telling yourself I'm going to make it I'm going to you know I'm going to be someone out here and then you have to kind of come back with that like embarrassment and shame like I didn't make it like nothing happened for me and so I'm in an even darker place now and at this time I was just partying I was just drinking and smoking to like numb the pain and make me feel some type of Joy get invited to this
like little they called it at the time Tellies or Gettys I know it's so ghetto it was like a little hotel party I got invited there and I met this guy covered in tattoos dude like you know what they say you attract what you are and in that moment I was absolutely at my lowest and so I did not see the red flags in this man we started dating he was not the best influence he ended up becoming very abusive I'm going to kind of like go through this story a little bit fast because I
just don't like talking about it and at the time I was so empty and so so broken that I just needed someone to like make me feel something and so yeah I ended up falling in what I thought was love with him he got me pregnant I know I know this is not even probably like a year later I got pregnant um but this became a very toxic and abusive relationship very quickly like he showed me his like red flags very early on and I chose to ignore it because I was like a young and
dumb naive girl who like thought this was love anyways I'm just trying to p in my state of mind okay I know I know I know you're going to be shaking your head this whole testimony because I just kept getting Dumber I kept getting Dumber it's like I did not learn my lesson I have a son with him and his name is Cyro and he's such a big blessing to me and I love him so dearly and um yeah he's just great blessing in my life anyways the guy gets very very aggressive with me um
and the way that we parted ways was um he would always like be like physically aggressive with me and it was hard for me to walk away because when you're in like a Dom violence relationship like you you really feel you really don't have the strength to walk away especially when you just are blinded by what you think they could be like he was a very manipulative narcissistic person and so he knew the right words to kind of like pull me back in when I would finally like walk away like he would know exactly what
to say to like bring me back to him I I can't explain it of course he was a soul tie so it's very hard to break a soul tie once you sleep with him also my son son was in the picture now and so it's just harder to walk away when you have a baby with that person but I knew that this person wasn't good for me like i' tell you we we we would fight all the time like physically and what really was the final straw for me though was we went to the movies
on a date and I also brought my best friend at the time as like a third wheel and first of all we drank wine sangria before going to the movie so sangria if you guys know like wine gets you so sleepy so I was so tired I end up falling to sleep like during the movie like I dozed off and I remember like he kept like looking at me like with these crazy like demonic eyes like so mad that I was like sleeping during the movie and I was like I'm sorry like I'm tired I
remember I kept apologizing and on the way home he was just like complaining like like you wasted my money like you fell asleep during the movie like what was the point of us going to the movies if you were going to sleep and like I just remember hearing all this and at the time I was just so tired I didn't want to hear it and so I started like I probably shouldn't did this but I kind of like triggered it I like turned up the volume of the radio I'm like all right like and I
started turning up the music and he like something just blacked out he snapped when I tell you he started I'm driving he started punching me as I'm driving I like swerve off to the side of the road he starts beating me up I'm not even fighting back I kid you not people could not believe this story because they're like what do you mean that's why he beat you up yeah he would like push me and stuff but he never like really physically basically like beat me up you know and um I pulled over to the
side of the road and I'm telling him like stop stop but I just remember like I blacked out he's just beating me up I just remember seeing blood dripping down my shirt my whole shirt covered in blood my best friend at this time he's in the passenger side of the car and she's sitting behind him and so you guys know like when you're behind someone you can like wrap your arm around them and like choke them and so she starts honestly like choking him and I remember telling her like stop stop stop I don't want
you to kill him like I remember but she was like not playing like she could not just see her friend and being like beat up you know I'm just so grateful for her in that moment because who knows what would have happened had she not been there to stop him she finally like lets go and I'm pretty sure he starts beating her up there's bystanders that like pulled over cuz they saw us like swerving and then pulling over and they hear us yelling and there's bystanders and um the bystanders were like on the phone with
the police and I'm like yo help us help us because he's like you know and they didn't come near us which I understand like you just never know like it was night time at the time and you know if he has a gun you don't know what's going on it was us two women like literally getting beat up by this guy anyways the police come they see me covered in blood immediately arrest him he was already on probation so he went to jail so yeah they take him to jail and since he was on probation
I believe he went in for like almost 2 years but he's like writing to me in jail and of course I was finally done with it but I still ended up going back to him like when he got out and that obviously quickly took a left turn that clearly didn't end right cuz that was like the main thing that really mentally checked me out of the relationship I I think I went back just to see if he changed cuz he would say hey I'm changing and I just I feel like I went and checked like
and to see if he was going to change but obviously everything was the same and I just remember I also was being cheated on because I ended up finding all screenshots in you know in multiple women like flirting with tons of women while our whole relationship and so it was just a lot of like abuse mentally physically emotionally in that relationship and so I could not stay with a man I don't care if we have a child like I could not be in that relationship anymore and I walked away a couple years later I meet
another guy covered in face TTS like it's like my ex on steroids at this point I'm just a broken girl who didn't learn her lesson it just kept getting worse guess what he gets me pregnant yeah yeah oh I'm I believe me I I know I did not learn my lesson I I'm also very extremely fertile so thanks God that's a blessing but not with the right people as I'm pregnant he's claiming that the baby's not his and so that's where that went I'm not even going to get too deep into that he swore that
this kid was not his and mind you at the time I was not sleeping with anybody so that was just it blew Minds he didn't even think it was his he swear up and down I was like that was not his kid you know that hurt me cuz I'm like bro you're like the only one I've been with like it just that type of accusation kind of like just made me just I don't even you know what I don't got time I even was going to actually have an abortion and I'm not going to lie
my friends talked me out of it um and so I kept the child and I'm so glad I did I cry about this all the time thinking about the fact that I potentially could have aborted him and that's my son that I have now he's my youngest and his name is cardier and he's literally just an angel sent from God like an angel I cannot like I can't even imagine my life without him and so I cry all the time when I just look at him he's just such a to think of my life without
him like I he saved my life like both of my kids saved my life I'm just so blessed to be their mother throughout this time now I have two kids right two different well actually now I have three kids so now I have three kids three different dads and I'm only feeling more disgusted with myself and more worse and worse and all three guys it didn't work out with I'm just going to the drugs and alcohol to just heal this pain that I'm feeling I'm feeling just so like unloved I feel unwanted I feel like
abandon I feel like I'm just not good enough for these guys like why does it not work out you know but it really was my taste than men anyways fast forward to 2020 the pandemic hit by the way I had cardier in 2019 this story is all over the place but I had my son cardier um in 2019 so now the next year is the pandemic and this is where it gets crazy so yeah all the stores closed down I was a server at the time so now I'm relying on pandemic checks and I'm just
like all this free time cuz I'm not working anymore and everything's shut down like like the friends I was hanging around all we like to do for fun was drink and smoke and party and so that's all we did for like the entire like what was it like 2 years of the pandemic one year two year I don't know the whole like year of 2020 2021 I'm just partying like my mom and dad were literally like parenting my children that's how much of a piece of crap mother I was wasn't there for my kids and
I'm going to admit this because I'm not that Mom today they was always with my children I would just I would leave I would party so I feel so bad because it's like man like I was such a piece of crap mother I really was because I was just like never really there I always wanted to just go and get drunk go and get high go and be with my friends go and party you know and that's just like I feel so disgusted with how I was as a mom and so I'm being so open
and transparent with you guys like I just I don't know anyways I'm getting drunk I'm getting high the pandemic really like took my alcoholic addiction and my um drug addiction like my weight addiction to a whole another level I don't know you just have so much free time like waking up like early in the morning and I'm like heading to the liquor store to get a bottle of Henny every day I'm like What's the moves like what we doing like I'm always looking for the next like party to go to like that's that was the
type of time I was on so that whole year of partying goes by um and then it gets to 2021 and this is where things get real um my neighbor has a niece and she was visiting we got really close cuz we're around the same age I only met her like twice while she was there you know we would talk a lot I would kind of open up to her and I would would just you know Express like you know what I was going through she didn't know much of my story but um you know
she could tell I was just a broken girl like who literally always had to be on the go like I always was going going going like I think she saw like you know the state of mine and who like what I was in at the time she really would talk life to me like she would just listen to me and I really needed a friend like that at the time a couple months later I believe she texts me and she says hey I'm going to I'm going to fly you here God told me to send
you here and in my head I'm like huh like what like okay free vacation cool and mind you I only met this girl twice so it was just very like random like not even my like friends of years would like do something like that for me you know so it was just like such a shocker to me and I was like well heck yeah like I'm down I'm on my way I'm going to the airport I'm like in my head I'm thinking this is going to be a lit vacation like we're going to get drunk
together we're going to like smoke together I'm going to Colorado like we is legal there I'm like so excited I'm at this time I'm also taking psychedelic I started taking shrooms started to kind of get into like Witchcraft and spirituality because that's what that stuff does essentially like I had started buying crystals and I started to like you know like do like manifestation spells and I was like new I was doing New Moon rituals and I was really deep into New Age I'm not going to lie the Witchcraft was starting to become that like oh
is this going to bring me peace this this Stone says it's going to bring me money this Stone says it's going to bring an abundance of um prosper it and this one is going to bring me love and you know of course now I'm seeking like you know protection and healing and love and money and all of these things from these rocks okay I don't know I don't know I even um started to do tarot cards like I literally was into tarot readings I was watching tarot readings on YouTube I was doing um tarot on
myself and I was heavy into it like at this point I just wanted to know my future like I was just so like UPS with where my life was that I just I was starting to seek out like you know spiritual guidance from of course demonic things these things were deceiving me these things were defiling me I didn't know that I was opening up even more demonic doors to Satan I just wanted to give you guys that disclaimer like I'm deep into witchcraft at this point deep into my addictions deep into alcoholism deep into sexual
immorality like my life is completely at Rock Bottom in every aspect anyways I get to the airport and at the bar I'm not even going to lie to you guys I was at the bar taking shots of Hennessy before my flight like I'm like texting her like yo we're going to have so much fun we're going to get lit and she texts me she goes we're not going to be drinking and I was like excuse me like the Demonic Spirit In Me was so mad like when she said that like um in my head I'm
like you're not going to tell me what to do okay like if you're going to act like that I can get my own hotel room and I would drink by myself so I just remember her saying like this is going to be a spiritual trip like there's not going to be drinking it's not going to be that type of trip and I was like just remember I was like in my head absolutely not and I'm like I haven't gone a day without drinking in like over a year so you're telling me that all of a
sudden I'm going to get on this trip and I'm not going to drink when I get there you know we start catching up and she plays a sermon for me she says I feel like God wants me to put this on for you and she played a sermon and um that sermon spoke to my soul and this was the first encounter with the Holy Spirit that I'd ever experienced okay I feel like God spoke through this pastor word for word for me like everything that was being spoken I felt like it was directly from God
himself and I just remember like after the sermon was done like you know how they you know you kind of say that salvation prayer at the end of most sermons and I had at that moment like like I felt this presence that I could not I could not explain to you guys just so much love so much peace and over like I knew that there was a presence with me there and I was balling my eyes out crying for hours like I don't I don't know how to describe to you but I just remember feeling
in that moment so much like like loving conviction I felt so much conviction about everything that I had been doing the life that I had been living and I just remember in that moment like God was showing to me like how much it was hurting him to see me like living this life and I just felt so convicted it wasn't like condemnation it wasn't that God was making me feel disgusted but it was like I've been upsetting you like this is not who you created me to be it was like more of like a I
love you too much for all this like like God was literally telling me like I love you too much for you to be living like this I just needed that love in that moment from him and God just filled me with so much love this is such a hard video to film okay break but yeah God in that moment literally told me like I love you too much God in that moment it's almost like he was showing me like my life it was like flashing through my eyes like the life that I had been living
and that he's been there the whole time and it's like in that moment I felt God physically like and spiritually healing me he healed me in that moment and he had shown me things that I cannot explain to anyone like it's not it wasn't an Earthly presence it was the presence of God because when how do you know it's the presence of God when you walk out a completely different person after this encounter with God I kid you not I was not the same I had changed for the better so after I left this trip
after that encounter with God like how do you go back to your regular life after having this encounter with God I remember just being so nervous and I would vent to my friend and be like I don't know how I'm going to go back home I remember just feeling like so scared to go back home because I was like man like yeah I was able to not drink on this vacation but what happens when I go back home to the environment that had me like that got me in the position of drinking like how do
I just go back to these friendships and around my family and just around toxic environments and how do I like not drink this is all I've known to do and I was just scared a lot of me had so much fear I remember being on the plane like God please like I don't want to drink again like if I could do these last two days without drinking like like I know I can do it I just I was scared cuz I didn't want to mess up I didn't want to fail God I kid you not
you guys that was the last time I got drunk was at that airport it was over it was a wrap it was a wrap um the smoking actually took a little bit more time I feel like a couple months later I ended up fully getting rid of smoking like cold turke it and mind you at the time I'm selling weed so that was like my income that's how I was like making my income I had a whole bag of it like I'm telling you I had like a huge bag I got rid of it and
that was the last time I ever smoked so God healed me from smoking and drinking I did a social media fast for 40 days and I ended up doing a Daniel Fast this is all after I got home and I remember kind of explaining like my story and my situation to my mom and and she couldn't believe it she couldn't believe this like encounter that I had like she couldn't believe that I like completely stopped drinking like it was just crazy for her to see my entire family I'm sure they seen and they're like wait
what is happening to you like they went from seeing this version of me so depressed so broken so lost to me coming back like a whole different woman I like the only thing that I could say was this was all God like I I had an encounter with God God is real and I just remember telling my family like God is real I like I had an encounter with God we still got a lot to work on God still had to do a lot of work in me obviously but that's the thing about God is
everything might not happen at the same time but it was a continual process it was like a gradual process it was a gradual pruning and sanctification and purification that I went through so that transformation was not overnight and I just want to note that to anyone who's like you know thinking that this right when you give your life to Christ everything's just going to break in that second a couple things might I mean he has the power to break it all at once but realistically that's not normally how it goes that wasn't my story and
so everything started to happen kind of gradually I remember one night being at church this girl came up to me she saw me wearing all my crystals and she saw me I'm I'm very in the beginning of my walk with God so I still don't know the crystals and all the spirituality and the new age stuff was not of God I still thought I'm connecting to God like you know cuz my intentions were genuine when I was doing this I was diving in divination and um witchcraft I thought that because my intentions were good I'm
communicating with my angels my Spirit guides I thought that this was was good Satan masquerades as an angel of Light he comes to kill steal and destroy he is the master of deception and so I was very deceived into thinking that I can still have relationship with God and do these things okay um so she comes up to me and she says she felt led by God to just kind of explain she followed me on social media at the time and she saw me posting like you know my shroom trips and my crystals me meditating
me doing yoga she saw me very heavy into this stuff and she actually personally testified about how she used to also be in that stuff and that how God set her free from all of this and she also revealed to me that this was all Witchcraft and that it is an Abomination to the Lord and she even sits me down and she shows me all these scriptures and in that moment my heart was so hardened I just didn't want to hear it I just felt like you're judging me I felt it was a spirit of
Witchcraft that was operating in me that was so defensive and I was I did not want to hear it I literally was like I just remember thinking I'm never coming back to this church you're judging me you think that I don't have relationship with God or something you think that I'm demonic and I just remember feeling so offended and um I was just defensive but I know that now that wasn't me that was the spirit of Witchcraft in me that was so mad like the devil was so mad that I was that she was sharing
this truth to me because people perish for lack of knowledge and so the fact that she was sharing scriptures and she even says you know what like go home don't just take my word like actually look into this I'm going to she says I'm going to send you videos and then she asked if she could pray for me and so she prayed over me that night and I also want to credit her name like so Alpha if you're watching this you're a blessing you're an angel also to my friend who sent me to Colorado I
love you her name is Bri so I just want to credit those two limit like ladies who came into my life who God used um Bri and alha I love you guys and if you're watching this you helped me come to Jesus you were a vessel that God used and if it wasn't for you guys being obedient to God and what he was calling you to do like I wouldn't be here today so thank you Jesus so yeah she revealed that to me of course I didn't immediately say oh okay let me drop all this
stuff no I was like no she was no she judged me she doesn't know what she's talking about that was my mentality something in me I prayed about it I remember getting home and I got I said God if this girl's right like then convict me like I want conviction from you I don't want people to convict me I'm like God you show me if this isn't of you and I'll let it go that same day guess who calls me up and I'm also watching YouTube videos on and I still just don't I just don't
my heart still was hardened um but I'm still trying to learn more about why is this witchcraft why is this demonic look more into scripture and um that same day I get a call from my friend Bri by the way you guys I got my friend Bri into like new age spirituality I got her into New Age spirituality okay she calls me up that day as I'm asking God for a sign like let me know convict me if this is not from you I get a call from her that same day and she says God
is putting on my heart that we need to get rid of all of our crystals you're joking you're joking and I just remember breaking down right there I'm like shut up that was the conviction I needed I was like you're right this is the sign I needed this is the conviction I needed like God is using you right now so I bagged up all my stuff and I have this is one of the First videos I posted on my TiK ToK by the way is me throwing out all of my witchcraft stuff and so I
have a video of me literally if you scroll all the way down to the beginning you'll see me I got a black trash bag and I threw all of my stuff in there all of the Witchcraft stuff I had chakra candles you name it crystals hundreds of dollars worth of crystals you guys probably more than that all of my supplies together probably over $1,000 dollar of like stuff that I threw out um dream catchers um what else like books psychic books and spiritual books and um like incense sage like all of this stuff everything Associated
to New Age spirituality I had to throw it out and I didn't want to cuz I'm like man this was a lot of money can I sell it but no God was like no throw it out and rebuke it because this stuff still has demonic spirits attached to it and so I tied it up I rebuked the demonic spirits over the bag before I tossed it in the dumpster and um I renounced the Witchcraft I renounced it and I let it go I feel like that wraps up my testimony ever since then I've been continuing
to pursue God oh by the way God also told me to let go of the shrooms okay that is pretty much where I am today I mean fast forward to today let me testify now because I mean that was all my previous testimonies and now I want to testify where I am today me and my husband met around the same time that I was pretty much like leaving the Witchcraft and all that and we had met and I knew instantly that this was the person that God had for me which I'm going to do actual
testimony of how we met and so I'm going to skip through that I met my husband okay we started dating it felt very natural it was an instant like spiritual connection between each other and there was just no denying that this was the person God sent to me then we got married we got married last year of 2023 we've been married for over a year now and so God is good we moved in together and here we are now I recently just opened up a Christian business God has been putting on my heart to open
a Christian business that's going to glorify him and exalt his name um and so that's awesome God has been doing just such wonders in this business and he's been allowing it to be fruitful and it's been increasing in numbers it's just been a blessing I've been just overwhelmed by the amount of support that I've been receiving through this business and so God is so good it's been open since August 18th of last year we're going to be making a year coming up in August want to check out my shop it is um lost and found
faith. myshopify.com and let's see what else collectively all of my platforms have over 3 million people that's 3 million Souls that are potentially hearing the Gospel of Jesus GL glory to God but I was as I was going through um my new age spirituality phase or era if you want to call it like the Lord was revealing to me that he was going to give me a huge platform he gave me so many prophetic words and messages about the influence that he was going to give me like he I already knew this before I was
given this amount of like this size of a platform and I can prove it because I have so many journals written down like where God was showing me like like what he was going to do in my life and you know I stood firm on that promise um and um I believed him and I have I even have I feel like I've documented like the whole like every time that he would speak a prophetic word over me I'd write it down I would videotape it and so God willing one day we're going to share all
of the proof that I knew that this was going to happen that God was going to entrust me with this type of platform and so I don't know why he chose me I still to this day I feel undeserving of this uh platform and of everything that God has blessed me with I feel undeserving and I will always feel undeserving but you know God doesn't call the qualified he qualifies those he called and so I I'm going to wrap up now uh if someone is telling you that you're too much of a broken mess to
be used by God or if you're making yourself feel like you're incapable of being used by God because of your past I'm a living walking testimony that God can use the brok the most broken of the broken like the lowest of the low like God can use anyone and why he chose to use me with the most craziest broken past I I think because it gives him maximum glory god turned my mess around for his glory so now my mess is going to help hopefully help other people who are also going through a mess right
now this can serve as inspiration that like you're never too far gone for God I was lost and now I'm found that's the name of my company by the way lost and found and so check it out he literally found me where I was like God found me in the lowest darkest place of my life and he met me where I was and so a lot of people say like you found God God didn't find you I'm like no I wasn't looking for God when I went to Colorado I wasn't looking for God when I
was in my mess I I had no intentions on building a relationship with God but he met me where I was and so I say all that to say like don't allow the enemy to condemn you for your past okay God can use your past to bring glory to him Romans 8:28 says he works all things together for good for those who love the Lord and so God will take what the enemy meant to harm you and he will turn it around for his glory that is how our God works he uses it for his
glory he can use your pain and turn it into purpose and now I get to sit here to a platform of over 3 million people collectively and I get to testify of what God's done in my life I can I don't know what else I can say to just get you guys to grasp the the the depths of his love like God loves you it doesn't matter how much wrong you do it doesn't matter how much sin you do like God that that love will never nothing can separate us from his love no matter how
far you've gone astray like God will leave the 99 for the one God leaves the 99 for the one you're never too far gone for God to come back and welcome you back with open arms like he rejoices to see you coming home to him I just pray that this will help someone and I'm grateful that if you guys watch to the end like I'm so grateful for you guys to like stick around and listen to this because I know it's long but nonetheless it's going to help someone even if it helps just one person
like that's a job well done for me and it takes a lot of Courage right now and boldness for me to even have said all of this because I don't know I just I was waiting for God to give me that green light of to speak and open up about my past and um like I said I'm not proud of my past but I wouldn't do a thing different because this is my testimony and that's what I love is that we all have very uniquely different testimonies like not one of us can say we have
the exact same testimony we might have some similarities we might have some of the same struggles but like my testimony is my testimony everyone's going to have a different testimony and um I I don't even know how to end this but I hope that this helps someone and I love you guys and I thank you and just know that God loves you like he loves you so much he loves you too much for that for whatever it is that you've been going through whatever it is that you've been doing he loves you too much and
so I love you but God loves you more that was a lot I just unpacked a whole lot with y'all but anyways subscribe like the video share it if this touched you and blessed you and um yeah bye
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