How to Create Facebook Ads That Convert Like CRAZY

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Chase Chappell
In this video, we cover how to create Facebook ads that convert. MENTORSHIP ⭐ Apply for My 1on1 Me...
Video Transcript:
Facebook ads are an incredible way to grow your business and in today's video we're going to be covering how to structure High converting Facebook ads so that way you can get more sales with your business we're going to be jumping right into it and here we are inside of our Facebook ads manager I'm not going to be covering targeting or setting up a campaign today we're just going to be strictly covering how to create a high converting Facebook ad but if you want to see my other videos on Facebook ad targeting you can definitely check
those out here so let's go ahead and get into it here we are on the ad level and the first thing we're going to do is use an example from muddy bites this is a brand that sells a product that you can actually eat and it's little muddy bites which is the bottom of a wafer snack and so we're going to go ahead and find a creative on this store that we can leverage inside of our Facebook ads we'll go through some of these examples and see if we can find one that makes sense for
running so here's an example we have GMO free we have kosher certified and then we have people food Awards 20 23 so we're going to go ahead and actually save this image and use this as an example for our Facebook ad creative and the product Center focused we can clearly see what they're selling we're going to leverage this inside of our Facebook ad example one of the first things we're going to do is hit manual upload we'll choose single image and we can use a video Carousel or collection but we're first going to start with
our Facebook ad format that is a image based creative we're going to use this image we took directly from the site and this is good because whenever we send people to the site they're going to see this exact same image which will will let them know they're in the same place we're going to choose original or 1ex one on this creative and what we're going to do is because we want to leverage this in the stories and reals placement we're going to go to canva and actually update this creative so here we are we're placing
the creative inside of canva so that way we can use it and then we're just going to go ahead and fill in the rest of this background so it's perfect sizing and a 1080 x 1080 placement is able to fit in a lot of different places on Facebook and what we're going to do in addition to this is we're actually going to go to resize in Magic switch and we're going to do see all and we're we're going to go to Instagram and we're going to choose Instagram story and then we're going to hit continue
and we're going to copy and resize this design so now we have our Instagram story placement and what we can do is actually add in a specific call out here by leveraging this additional white space so there's space above and below the product and we can actually put in the product title here and then we can start to adjust how this will look and then we can go ahead and download this PNG and then we can also download our 1080x 1080 to adjust this as well and we'll go back to our Facebook ads manager we'll
go ahead and upload the exact size formats so that way we can fit in more placements this is really good because this will allow us to show up in the exact format necessary and is going to help us get more reach and allow us to get better conversions so we've added in the exact size requirement here we're going to go ahead and replace this one as well with our updated 9x6 format and then we can choose original on this placement and here we go we have these formats now there are a few things we can
do here with optimizations which can definitely help with your Facebook ads you have your original creative which which will just show standard but then we have relevant comments a great way to turn on and get people to the most relevant comment meaning if somebody purchases this product and then leaves a comment saying I absolutely love this it's going to show that comment first to other people who see this ad and that can increase your conversion rates and definitely provide a much better experience and drive a higher overall purchase return on ad spin then we have
music if you're just using a simple image Facebook will choose the best music to Overlay this can help on the reals placement when people are scrolling through their feeds they usually have audio turned on so whenever they get to your ad it will have some music which will help them go with the flow you know actually staying engaged on the creative whereas if the sound stops they might just swipe and you know continue on then we have our image template which will show our headline and it'll match some of the branding colors that we use
in the product we have visual touchups which can help brighten up the image if necessary text improvements are turned on so that way we can find the best variation and we don't necessarily need a 3D format here because it kind of messes up our Texs it's not necessary so we're going to leave that off and then we could add our catalog items below this is a great recommendation if you have the catalog connected and when we have expand image we don't need to because it's already pretty zoomed in in this case so we're going to
go ahead and hit done and these are things that have been proven to increase conversion rates so definitely recommended to have them then as we scroll down we can start to add in our primary text so one of the easiest ways to develop your primary text is by going to your website and just choosing some of the information that you already share and this is actually a pretty good example right here the best part of a Sunday cone now available as a bite size size snack so we can go ahead and add that as a
variation so here we have our Simple Text added in a ice cream emoji and this is pretty straightforward and this is just going to be our first primary text example now we can have up to five primary text and I definitely recommend doing that because you can find the best ad copy format that is going to convert so we're going to go ahead and add an additional text option we'll go back to the website and we're going to pull in our next format and the next one's going to be a reviewbased copy because this is
coming from a customer's perspective and can definitely help with your conversions as well so let's go to the reviews and find one these are pretty simple reviews we want to find something that really highlights the flavor or calls out the main benefits here we go this one's perfect so we can go ahead and take this add copy format and I'm actually going to remove this portion here because this is going to simplify our text make it much more easy to just digest and read I usually end up eating the whole bag in one serving they're
addictive now this is actually a really smart review to have as a ad copy because then other people might end up feeling the same way and if they go through the our bag what's the next step they're going to buy more so this is going to increase our returning customer rate which is amazing then we're going to go ahead and go back to emojipedia we're going to type in Star we're going to grab our five star review and we're going to have one of our headlines as we're going to put verified review here and then
add in our five stars and then we can go ahead and add in an additional text option so we'll go back to the website and we'll just take the description very straightforward once again we're not overthinking the ad copy it makes sense it's on the website we know it converts so we're just going to use it again on our Facebook add because it just reinforces what we're selling crunchy chocolate cone filled with creamy white chocolate that will remind you of your favorite nostalgic flavor combo cookies and cream that's perfect so we're going to have that
add copy here and then we're going to go ahead and make a final variation we're going to do ways to eat muddy bites we're going to use a delicious emoji and then we're going to call out the exact steps eat them one by one put them on ice cream because now we're giving our potential customers ideas on how they can use our product and combine them in creative ways to enjoy it and even giving them an idea to share them and buy them for other people we're going to add these as bullet points to make
this simple and then we'll have a call to action which is just going to be shopped now and then just to fill in our final text we'll find one more call out so we'll probably go to the homepage and here we go we have some more call outs tastes just like when you're a kid only better this is going to be for the people who remember eating ice cream and always loving the bottom portion of the cone and we'll have another set of bullet points here and then we can add some additional emojis like the
checkbox you can see how quickly we put together this ad already we're not overthinking this we're keeping it very simple we're just taking what is already proven and what we already have adding it as ADD copy and now we can start on our headlines so one of the headlines can be 5800 plus five star reviews another headline can be the actual product name so if we go back to our product cookies and cream and we'll use muddy bites as just our brand name awardwinning flavor that's another good one and then one final call out and
we'll say bite-sized wafer and then for our description we'll say free shipping as a call out because we offer free shipping and then we're going to go ahead and choose our call to action in this case it's going to be Sho now and so you can really see how we're leveraging every potential placement possible from the creative to the headline to the actual primary text and description because we want to maximize the total number of variations to see which ad creative and copy variation is going to drive the most conversion so that way we can
use our test and learn strategy going forward to continuously optimize and get a better result for ourselves and then a lot of people miss out on the info labels it's one of the most powerful ways to increase your sales you can have additional real estate and what I mean by that is it'll make your ad bigger you can add more call outs make it much easier for people to make a buying decision a lot of their objectives are around how long it takes to ship is the shipping free do you offer multiple payment options is
there refund policy if I don't like the product what are the guarantees this is where you can add info labels so we'll say free shipping and we might already offer free shipping 100% so we don't necessarily have to say it's over a certain price but if yours is over $50 or $100 you just type that in then we can add in our shipping time frame so it might take us only 3 days to ship then we can do another info label which is our return policy and we can say are returns free yes and then
returns are accepted within 30 days then another info label which might be our payment options what do we offer as a payment option you can see exactly how many payment options that you offer on your shop by store you should have that information for your business you know you might offer shop pay PayPal Google pay these are all things that that you want to mention here we'll go ahead and say afterpay Apple pay Google pay PayPal and mention those so now we can go ahead and look at some of these additional info labels which are
business information now if you joined Instagram a long time ago this could be a relevant one to show and could give more validation that your business has been around for a while so you might keep that option if you don't have a store location then you need to uncheck this box because it doesn't make sense to be shown on your ad store price range if you don't have a store don't show it location don't show it if you don't have it social cues if you have a lot of Instagram followers and what I mean by
that is over 10,000 definitely make sure to have this box checked because it gives more social proof when somebody sees your Facebook ad it says over 150,000 people follow this page or like this page that is going to tell other people that you know people are interested in what you're offering so it can definitely help page check-ins once again no location page follows great page likes message response time if you have automations or if you respond to every message if you're fast with it if your team is on this and keep it on page ratings
if you have multiple festar reviews leave it if not uncheck it and so we'll go ahead and use these options here because these info labels make the most sense for us and as you can see it'll actually show these on your ad and then we'll hit done and then if we have a promo code this is a great way to highlight your promo code automatically Source codes from your website if you have a 10% firsttime offer or a free ship coupon Facebook will go ahead and find it on your site and automatically offer it to
somebody where they can claim that coupon code that way they don't have to type it in when they check out or you can manually add the code where it's first 10 which means first 10% off and this will show on your ad this is a great way to incen iies new customers especially if you know you have a high returning customer rate you can get more people to buy your product then we're going to go ahead and send people directly to our page so we'll click on the exact flavor that we were just doing which
was the cookies and cream we'll copy this link paste it here because it's going to dynamically show that for us next we can go ahead and add in our URL parameters from surge if you haven't signed up for surge you can get a free 21-day trial you'll get add recommendations email recommendations Shopify AI recommendations and everything you need to essentially optimize your storage is beyond your ads and it also provides you a way to track your analytics and return an ad spin from your performance dashboard so we simply just go to settings inside of Surge
and grab our tracking script so that way we can measure additional purchases that Facebook may or may not miss we'll go to manual and we'll go ahead and access utss we'll copy this and we'll place it in our URL parameter section so now that we have this we have our ad built out we've leveraged not only different headlines different copy different placements but we have a full ad built out and typically I recommend choosing one of your primary text and just adding in in as the ad name so that way you have it here and
can use this to know and identify which ad format this is and so we have our first ad variation and we can go ahead and look at Advanced preview and see how this shows up you'll start to notice that it's pretty Dynamic it shows a lot of different angles here we have you know this first one which is our Facebook feed ad we have one where it shows the 500 plus five star reviews we have our Instagram placement we have movement on this Instagram feed video we have our actual Instagram story and then as we
go down you can see all the other placements and how will show up the text fits perfectly on the reals placement we're really just scanning to look if we missed anything and making sure everything looks perfect for our ad formats once again it does and we have all of our optimizations turned on that we're going to leverage and so now we can go ahead and publish this format The Next Step would be duplicating this and adding in additional variations I always recommend up to five formats because you can get a lot of testing done you
can do a carousel of all your different flavors or different products you can do a collection which shows your product and then the actual catalog below you can do an actual video which is great especially with Instagram reals being a heavy placement that people are visiting and on Instagram stories and Facebook Stories you can show up in that placement more frequently with a 9 x16 video so definitely make sure to leverage that and then if you have a partnership where you have another Creator post for you you can activate this and use their page to
run ads from that's another great way to leverage Facebook ads so I would go ahead and build out the five ad creative formats build out your primary text your headlines and description and enable all the information that makes the most sense for your business because it's going to help you get more conversions and if you're interested in learning more strategies like this I highly recommend to subscribe to my YouTube channel Chase Chapel so that way you can see more videos every Friday when we release them covering Facebook Tik Tok email organic strategies to get more
sales for your business and if you want to take it to the next step and generate an additional 100K per month then I highly recommend checking out our one-on-one ads mastery mentorship we've completely revamped it and are releasing new modules every week into this curriculum where we can help you go through the exact process of how to take your store to multiple six figures per month covering everything you need around your ads in a one-on-one environment where we're directly working with you and coaching you through the process so go ahead and book a call if
that sounds like something that makes sense for you once again it's your favorite digital marketer here at Chase Chapel cheers and bye all
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