here's the harsh truth if you're dealing with toxic people it's not their fault it's yours for allowing them in your life but don't worry I'll show you how to take back control and leave them powerless toxic people don't just appear out of nowhere they thrive on the cracks in your boundaries feeding off your reactions most people let them wreak havoc because they're too afraid to confront the hard reality you can't fix them but you can outsmart them in this video I'll reveal brutally honest and foolproof ways to handle toxic individuals and by the end you'll
realize that your peace was always in your hands one forgive but don't forget forgiveness is one of the most misunderstood virtues many people think forgiving someone means you're weak naive or willing to overlook the pain they caused you but true forgiveness is none of that it's not about excusing someone's Behavior or welcoming them back into your life with open arms it's about liberating yourself from the chains of resentment I learned this the hard way years ago I had a close friend let's call them Alex we were inseparable or so I thought one day I confided
in Alex about something deeply personal trusting they would keep it between us but a week later I found found out they had shared my secret with others twisting the story in a way that painted me in the worst possible light the Betrayal cut deep I was Furious not just at Alex but at myself for trusting them in the first place the anger stayed with me for months maybe even years every time I saw them or even heard their name it felt like the wound was reopening I carried that resentment everywhere and I didn't realize how
much it was weighing me down then during a particularly low moment I came across a quote resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die that hit me hard I realized that while Alex had moved on living their life I was the one trapped in a cycle of anger and hurt my resentment wasn't punishing them it was punishing me so I made the decision to forgive but not not in the way most people imagine I didn't call Alex up to reconcile nor did I invite them back into my inner circle instead I
forgave them silently in my own heart I let go of the anger not for Alex's sake but for my own peace but here's the critical part I didn't forget that betrayal taught me an invaluable lesson about trust specifically who to trust and who to keep at a safe distance forgiving Alex allowed me to move forward without bitterness but remembering the Betrayal ensured I wouldn't make the same mistake again forgiveness is often seen as weakness but in reality it's the ultimate Act of strength it takes courage to release anger when holding on to it feels Justified
it takes wisdom to understand that forgiveness doesn't mean giving someone another chance to hurt you forgetting however is a different story forgetting invites the same pain back into your life think of forgiveness like healing a scar you don't keep reopening the wound but you also don't erase the scar the scar is a reminder not of the pain but of the lesson it reminds you of what you endured and what you learned it doesn't Define you but it shapes your future decisions the stoics often emphasize the power of controlling your emotions and forgiveness is a prime
example of that by forgiving you take control of the narrative you refuse to let the toxic actions of another dictate Your Peace by not forgetting you protect yourself from falling into the same trap I'll leave you with this thought forgiveness is a gift you give yourself not the person who hurt you forgetting however is a disservice to your growth let go of the bitter hold on to the lesson and carry it with you as a shield not a burden two limit your access let me be real with you some people don't deserve a front row
seat in your life I don't care if they're family lifelong friends or colleagues you see every day if someone's toxic draining or constantly disrespecting your boundaries it's time to downgrade their access call it harsh if you want but protecting your peace isn't selfish it's survival here's the thing I used to be a people pleaser if someone wanted my time energy or attention I gave it no questions asked I'd stay on the phone for hours with a friend who only called to complain about their life completely ignoring that I had my own struggles to deal with
or I'd bend over backward for people who wouldn't even lift a finger for me in return sound familiar it hit me one day after yet another draining conversation with someone who seemed to think I was their unpaid therapist I hung up completely exhausted and thought why am I doing this what am I even getting out of this relationship that's when I realized not everyone deserves unrestricted access to you here's where it gets controversial limiting access doesn't always mean cutting someone off completely sometimes it's a about setting subtle boundaries they don't even realize you've put in
place for example that friend who always dumps their problems on you start responding with wow that sounds tough what do you think you'll do about it watch how quickly they lose interest when you stop feeding into their negativity or take that family member who always criticizes your life choices you don't have to argue or explain yourself just nod smile and keep your plans to yourself their disapproval loses power when they don't have the full story I once had a coworker who thrived on gossip and drama every time they'd Corner me in the breakroom with you
won't believe what so and so did I'd casually reply oh I'm not really into office drama and walk away it was awkward at first but guess what they stopped trying to drag me into their nonsense limiting access is about recognizing that not everyone deserves a backstage pass to your energy and emotions it's about creating layers inner circles for those who uplift you and outer rings for the energy vampires and yeah some people might call you cold or distant for doing this but ask yourself this do you want to be liked by everyone or respected by
the right people here's the jovial part think of your life like a VIP Club you're the bouncer and not everyone makes the list the toxic complainers general admission if that the drama queens they can watch from the parking lot and the people who truly value and respect you they're in the VIP lounge with you sipping the good stuff limiting access isn't about being cruel it's about being smart your time and energy are limited resources don't waste them on people who don't appreciate them because here's the truth when you start valuing yourself the right people will
value you too and the wrong ones they'll either shape up or show themselves out win-win three use humor to disarm them sometimes the best way to handle a toxic person is to not take them too seriously toxic people thrive on tension they feed off drama arguments and conflict but what happens when you refuse to give them what they want instead of arguing back you crack a joke smile or play along just enough to deflate their ego it's like popping a balloon suddenly their grand performance Falls flat I remember a particularly toxic coworker who loved to
critique everyone nothing was ever good enough for this person work outfits even the way people drank their coffee one day they decided to comment on my unorganized desk in front of everyone wow your desk looks like a tornado hit it how do you even find anything in this mess they sneered instead of taking offense or defending myself I Shrugged and said you're absolutely right this is my creative chaos Albert Einstein's desk was messier than mine so clearly I'm on track for genius the group laughed and their attempt to embarrass me completely backfired after that they
never bothered me about my desk again using humor disarms toxic people for a few reasons it takes the power away from their words when you laugh at their insults or Jabs you show them that their attempts to hurt you aren't working it changes the energy of the interaction toxic people want negativity humor brings levity and unpredictability which they often can't handle it puts you in control by staying calm and witty you show that you're unshakable which can frustrate them more than any direct confrontation but here's the key your humor has to be light and clever
not aggressive or cutting if your joke comes across as sarcastic or mean it could escalate the situation the goal is to make their negativity look ridiculous without stooping to their level for instance if someone keeps interrup ing you in a meeting you could say with a smile wow I didn't realize we were playing tag team speaking today your turns over though it's mine now it's firm but funny and gets the point across without creating unnecessary conflict humor also works when toxic people try to guilt trip you if someone says oh I guess you're too busy
to care about me these days respond with you're on to me I've been auditioning for the role of terrible friend and it looks like I'm nailing it it deflates their manipulative tactic while keeping things light using humor doesn't mean you're dismissing the seriousness of their toxicity it means you're refusing to let them drag you into their negativity it's a subtle way of asserting your strength proving that you're unbothered by their attempts to control or belittle you for know when to walk away walking away from a toxic person is one of the hardest yet most liberating
decisions you'll ever make it's not just about leaving a bad situation it's about reclaiming your peace your time and your energy but here's the kicker it's not always dramatic or sudden sometimes knowing when to walk away is about quietly choosing yourself over their chaos again and again toxic people are experts at convincing you to stay they'll say I'm sorry I'll change or guilt trip you with lines like if you leave you're giving up on me and let's be honest there's always a part of you that wonders if walking away makes you the bad person but
here's the truth staying in a relationship whether it's a friendship romantic connection or family tie that drains you isn't Noble it's self-destructive I once had a close friend who was the life of every party but a nightmare in private every conversation was about their problems their needs and their drama if I ever talked about my own struggles they'd dismiss it or turn it into a competition oh you had a bad day let me tell you about mine at first I made excuses for them they're going through a lot they don't mean it but as months
turned into years I realized I was pouring everything into this relationship and getting nothing back the breaking point came during a crisis in my life when I needed them I reached out and their response was that sounds rough but I'm dealing with my own stuff right now that's when it hit me they weren't toxic because they were malicious they were toxic because they simply didn't care I finally decided to walk away and while it hurt it also felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders walking away doesn't always mean cutting someone off
completely it might look like reducing contact stop answering every call or responding to every text immediately let them Fade Into the background of your life setting boundaries I'm not available to talk about this or I don't think I can help you with that anymore are firm but respectful ways to step back emotionally detaching even if you see them or speak occasionally stop letting their opin opinions or behavior affect you the controversial part sometimes walking away means leaving someone's Society expects you to stay connected to like family the idea that you must endure toxic relatives because
their family is outdated and harmful Blood Ties don't give someone a free pass to abuse manipulate or drain you walking away doesn't mean you hate them it means you're choosing to protect yourself here's the deeper message walking away isn't an act of anger it's an act of love love for yourself your well-being and the life you want to live it's saying I deserve relationships that uplift me not ones that tear me down and when you finally walk away you'll realize something powerful you weren't just walking away from them you were walking toward a healthier happier
you walking away doesn't doesn't mean you've failed or given up it means you've succeeded in recognizing your worth toxic people often leave you feeling like you're too much not enough or somehow to blame but the moment you step away you'll start to see the truth it was never you it was always them and the best part walking away gives you the freedom to fill your life with people who see your value and treat you accordingly five surround yourself with uplifting people dealing with toxic individuals can feel like trying to swim with weights tied to your
ankles you're constantly dragged down by their negativity manipulation or drama the best antidote surrounding yourself with people who lift you up uplifting people don't just bring positivity they remind you of your worth encourage your growth and help you keep toxic energy at Bay here's a simple truth your environment shapes you if you spend most of your time with toxic people you'll inevitably absorb some of their habits attitudes or even their world view but when you're surrounded by people who genuinely want the best for you something magical happens you start to see the best in yourself
think about this have you ever had a friend who makes you feel lighter after spending time with them someone who listens without judgment celebrates your wins without jealousy and challenges you in a way that feels empowering rather than condescending those are the uplifting people you need to seek out for me there was a period in my life when I was stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships one day I met a new colleague who was refreshingly positive and sincere they'd say things like you're really good at this why don't you take the lead or you
handled that situation so well their encouragement was so genuine that it shocked me over time I realized I had been so used to backhanded compliments and subtle Jabs from toxic people that I didn't even know what real support felt like spending more time with them and people like them showed me what I'd been missing they didn't try to compete undermine or manipulate instead they inspired me to believe in myself and to set higher standards for the relationships I allowed in my life here's how to surround yourself with uplifting people identify your tribe look for those
who Inspire encourage and energize you these might be old friends mentors or even new acquaintances invest in Quality Connections instead of trying to maintain a large circle of surface level relationships focus on deepening bonds with a few genuinely uplifting people reciprocate positivity relationships are a two-way street be the kind of uplifting person you want in your life listen support and celebrate others authentically the controversial part this might mean cutting ties or limiting contact with people who don't uplift you even if they've been in your life for years loyalty is a beautiful trait but it's not
worth sacrificing your peace of mind for someone who consistently drains you the deeper message is this uplifting people don't just make you feel good they remind you that life is meant to be shared with those who see the best in you they help you grow into the version of yourself you're meant to be simply by believing in you and holding space for your potential here's the reality toxic people will try to convince you that everyone is just as selfish bitter or manipul ative as they are but uplifting people show you a different truth they remind
you that kindness respect and genuine connection still exist and once you experience that you'll wonder why you ever settled for anything less six refuse to engage in their games toxic people thrive on chaos they're like emotional puppeteers pulling strings to manipulate provoke or control you their games can be subtle like guilt tripping you into doing something you don't want or outright explosive like stirring up drama to make themselves the center of attention the only way to win stop playing refuse to engage in their games entirely here's the thing toxic individuals are experts at baiting you
they'll say things designed to push your buttons or create situations where you feel like you have to respond but the moment you take the bait they've won you're on their Turf playing by their Rules by refusing to engage you take away their power and leave them spinning in their own chaos I remember dealing with a particularly toxic family member who loved to stir up arguments at Gatherings they'd throw out passive aggressive comments like it must be nice to have so much free time some of us actually work hard at first I'd try to explain myself
or defend my choices but it only made things worse they twist my words escalate the argument and somehow make me the bad guy one day I decided to stop playing their game when they made another snide remark I just smiled and said you're entitled to your opinion then changed the subject they tried again but I stayed calm and disengaged you could see the frustration on their face they weren't getting the reaction they wanted over time they stopped stop targeting me because I refused to give them what they craved drama refusing to engage isn't about being
passive it's about being strategic here's how you can Master this skill recognize the bait pay attention to the patterns what triggers you and how do they try to provoke you once you spot their tactics you can prepare to respond differently stay calm toxic people want an emotional reaction keep your composure and don't let their Antics dictate your mood respond minimally or not at all sometimes silence is your best weapon other times a neutral non-committal response like that's interesting or I see is enough to shut them down set boundaries make it clear that you won't entertain
their behavior for example I'm not going to argue about this or let's talk when you're ready to have a productive conversation the controversial part refusing to engage doesn't mean being a doormat it means choosing not to fight battles that aren't worth your energy toxic people may accuse you of being cold dismissive or even cowardly but that's their way of trying to pull you back into the game remember their opinion doesn't Define you the deeper message here is about control Yours by refusing to to engage you remind yourself that you don't owe anyone your energy especially
not someone who thrives on negativity you're setting the terms for how you want to interact with the world not letting someone else dictate them life is too short to be drawn into pointless arguments or toxic mind games when you step back and refuse to engage you're not running away You're Rising above and in doing so you're choosing peace over chaos Clarity over confusion and power over manipulation that's a game worth winning every time seven stay focused on your purpose toxic people love to derail you they thrive on distraction pulling you into their chaos drama or
Petty schemes it's almost like their mission is to make their problems your problems but when you're deeply focused on your purpose your goals your values and the life you're building their noise starts to fade into the background staying focused on your purpose isn't just a defense it's a power move here's the thing about toxic people they want you to lose sight of yourself they'll criticize your Ambitions downplay your achievements or demand your attention at the worst possible times why because a focused person is a threat to their control if you're too busy growing thriving or
chasing your dreams you won't have the time or the patience for their nonsense I once worked with a colleague who was the textbook definition of toxic they'd gossip about everyone create unnecessary drama and constantly try to drag others into their mess at first I got caught up in it I'd waste hours listening to their complaints or defending myself against their Petty Jabs but then I realized some something every minute I spent on their nonsense was a minute I wasn't spending on my work my goals or my piece of mind so I made a decision I
would focus on what truly mattered to me and let their chaos play out without me I started setting firm boundaries I'm really busy right now I can't get into this I avoided unnecessary conversations and poured my energy into excelling at my tasks the more I stayed focused the less power they had over me and the best part my focus inspired others to do the same leaving them with fewer people to manipulate here's how you can stay focused on your purpose even when surrounded by toxicity clarify your goals write down what you're working toward and remind
yourself why it matters keeping your purpose front and center will make toxic distractions seem less significant create a mental Shield treat toxic people like background noise acknowledge their presence if you must but don't let their negativity penetrate your focus say no unapologetically if their demands don't align with your goals don't hesitate to decline your time is valuable spend it wisely find your motivators surround yourself with people books your habits that remind you of your purpose and fuel your determination the controversial part staying focused on your purpose might mean prioritizing yourself over relationships that don't serve
you even if those relationships are with close friends or family some might accuse you of being selfish but here's the truth focusing on your purpose isn't selfish it's essential you can't pour from an empty cup and you can't achieve your dreams if you're constantly bogged down by someone else's negativity the deeper message staying focused on your purpose isn't just about ignoring toxic people it's about honoring yourself it's a declaration that your time energy and aspirations are too valuable to be wasted on someone else's drama toxic people may try to distract you but your purpose is
your anchor when you're clear on what you're working toward their negativity can't shake you and as you continue to pursue your goals something incredible happens you build a life so fulfilling and grounded that their toxicity becomes irrelevant at that point you're not just surviving their chaos you're thriving despite it and that's the ultimate win eight avoid gossiping about them gossiping about toxic people might feel satisfying in the Moment Like a harmless way to vent your frustration or even the score but let's be real gossip never ends well it keeps their toxicity alive in your life
turns you into the very thing you're trying to escape and worst of all gives them free rent in your head if you want to deal with toxic people effectively resist the urge to talk behind their backs here's the reality toxic people are often fueled by attention even negative attention gossip only feeds the drama they crave making you an unintentional participant in their game worse it creates a toxic cycle where their behavior starts dictating your actions that's the opposite of taking control I learned this the hard way at one point I had a coworker who was
notoriously toxic always stirring up conflict and dragging others down a few of us would vent about them during lunch sharing stories about their latest Antics at first it felt like camaraderie but over time I realized something unsettling every conversation about them left me feeling drained and bitter worse they somehow found out about our gossip and used it to paint themselves as the victim from that moment I decided to stop engaging in Gossip instead I focused on maintaining my professionalism and addressing issues directly when necessary it wasn't always easy there were times I really wanted to
vent but I noticed a shift by stepping out of the gossip loop I reclaimed my energy and my Integrity here's how you can avoid gossiping about toxic people while staying sane vent productively if you need to release your frustration do it with someone you trust who won't fuel the fire like a mentor or therapist stick to facts not insults redirect the conversation when others start gossiping about the toxic person steer the discussion toward more constructive topics for example let's focus on how we can handle this situation better focus on Solutions instead of dwelling on their
behavior Channel your energy into finding ways to protect your peace and move forward practice empathy one while you don't have to excuse their behavior recognizing that toxic people often act out of their own pain can help you rise above the temptation to gossip the controversial part avoiding gossip might make you feel isolated in a world where venting about others seems like the norm people might even accuse you of being too nice or passive but here's the truth avoiding gossip isn't about being nice it's about being smart go gossip chains you to the very toxicity you're
trying to escape letting it go sets you free the deeper message is this by refusing to gossip you're choosing to break the cycle of negativity you're proving to yourself and others that you won't let someone else's bad behavior drag you down to their level toxic people thrive on chaos and gossip is just another form of it by stepping away from the chatter you starve the of the attention they seek and protect your own peace of mind and in doing so you demonstrate one of the most powerful forms of self-respect the ability to rise above even
when it's tempting not to dealing with toxic people isn't about changing them it's about protecting yourself you can't control their behavior but you can control how you respond the truth is toxic people will always exist but when when you master the art of setting boundaries staying focused and refusing to play their games they lose their power over you remember your energy is precious you have dreams to chase goals to crush and a life to build don't let anyone's negativity distract you from that stand your ground choose your peace and keep moving forward if this video
helped you take a fresh perspective leave a comment below and share your own strategies for dealing with toxic people and don't forget to like And subscribe for more insights to help you live a stronger more purposeful life you've got this now go claim your power see you in the next one [Music]